๐„๐ฏ๐ž๐ซ๐ ๐ซ๐ž๐ž๐ง || Bobby B...

By katieglover181

13.3K 274 17

In which... Priscilla Duncan is chased by the boy she was best friends with in the past, causing her to rekin... More

Chapter 1. Always on My Mind
Chapter 2. Cruel Summer
Chapter 3. 'Til A Tear Becomes a Rose
Chapter 5. An Invitation
Chapter 6. Reunions
Chapter 7. Feel the Night
Chapter 8. Waiting for a Girl Like You
Chapter 9. Halloween
Chapter 10. Love Me Tender
Chapter 11. Waiting for a Girl Like You Pt. II
Chapter 12. Something in Red
Chapter 13. Young Hearts
Chapter 14. All Valley Karate Tournament
Chapter 15. All Valley Karate Tournament Final Part
Chapter 16. Old Time Christmas
Chapter 17. Happy New Year
Chapter 18. Head Over Heels
Chapter 19. Crazy For You
Chapter 20. Golden Ring
Chapter 21. Prom 1985
Chapter 22. Happy Birthday, Priscilla Duncan
Chapter 23. The Vows Go Unbroken
Chapter 24. Happy News and a New Home
Chapter 25. Little Green
Chapter 26. Blues Run the Game
Chapter 27. Where No One Stands Alone
Chapter 28. Baby Love
Chapter 29. Little Green Pt. II
Chapter 30. A Special Gift
Chapter 31. My Little Girl
๐„๐•๐„๐‘๐†๐‘๐„๐„๐ ๐๐“. ๐ˆ๐ˆ
Chapter 32. Heaven is a Place on Earth
Chapter 33. Just Like Old Times
Chapter 34. I Just Died in Your Arms Tonight
Chapter 35. Some Things Change, Some Don't
Chapter 36. An Invitation
Chapter 37. The Look of Love
Chapter 38. In My Arms, You'll Be Alright

Chapter 4. Getting to Know You

574 15 2
By katieglover181

Priscilla woke up to the ringing of her 6:30 am alarm. Groaning, she rolled over on her back, and turned it off. After running her hand through her beautiful brunette hair, she sat up in the bed, stretched and yawned. Getting out of bed, she walked to the record player and turned it on as Elton John's Levon began to play. As the music continued to play, she walked to the closet to the closet to choose her outfit, and decided on jeans, converse shoes, a blouse.

For her hair, she brushed out her brunette curls, and added a headband, and kept her makeup natural, which consisted of mascara, blush, and light brown eye shadow. After she was dressed for the day, she spritzed on perfume, turned off her record player, then walked out of her room.

In the livingroom, she set her backpack on the couch, then walked to the kitchen, where she found Freya and Elijah sitting at the table drinking coffee.

"Morning sweetheart, would you like some breakfast?" Freya smiled as she sipped her coffee

"Oh, no thank you." Priscilla smiled as she walked to the fridge and served herself a glass of orange juice. "Besides, Bobby will be here soon."

"I'm assuming the talk you two had went well?" Elijah asked as he set the newspaper down and took a sip of coffee

"It went better than I thought it would." Priscilla said. "I still don't trust him completely. I told him I would forgive, but I can't forget."

"Sometimes it's best to err on the side of caution." Elijah said.

Priscilla softly sighed as she set her glass down, then looked at her aunt and uncle. "Can I ask you guys something?", they nodded as they set their coffee cups down. "You guys think I'm doing the right thing by forgiving him? Do you think he's taking advantage of me and just telling me bullshit I want to hear because I'm grieving?"

Freya and Elijah glanced at one another, then at their niece, before the blonde woman spoke. "Priscilla, from what I saw yesterday, Bobby's intentions were true. I don't know what was said, and it's none of our buisness, because that's between the two of you, but I don't think he's telling you what you want to hear, especially since he's been trying to speak with you all summer, even long before."

Elijah softly sighed as he set his coffee cup down as he interjected. "Priscilla, as much as I hate to, I have to agree with your aunt Freya. Now he lost his parents at a young age, correct?" he asked and Priscilla nodded as she sipped her orange juice again. "If anything, the boy understands what you're going through, the feeling of unbearable loss."

"Now, here's the million dollar question, what do you feel in your heart, honey?" Freya asked

Priscilla wiped a tear that she didn't even realize had fallen. "I mean, I want to be friends with him again, I really do, but I don't want it to blow up in my face again. If it does, I honestly don't think I could handle it. He wants me to officially meet his friends."

"Sweetheart, do you remember what your mother always said?" Freya asked

Priscilla smiled and nodded. "Our whole lives are decided by fate, but it doesn't have to be." she smiled.

Before anything else could be said, Priscilla heard the revving of Bobby's motorbike, as he pulled into the driveway. "Well, there's my ride." she smiled as she stood up and kissed Elijah and Freya's cheeks. "I love you both. Thank you for listening."

"Of course sweetheart, that's what we're here for." Elijah smiled. "Love you honey. Have a great day at school."

"Love you too, gorgeous. Have the best day at school." Freya smiled. "And remember, have an open mind when meeting Bobby's friends."

"I will." Priscilla smiled as she opened the door. "Bye!" she smiled as she closed it behind her

Priscilla walked down the steps and to the driveway, where Bobby stood next to his motorcycle, holding an extra helmet for her. "Good morning." he smiled

"Morning." Priscilla softly smiled. "How's your morning?"

"So far, so good." Bobby smiled. "How are your aunts and uncles?"

"Good, how's Nettie?" Priscilla asked as she clutched the strap of her backpack

"She's good." Bobby smiled as he gave her a spare helmet.

Priscilla smiled as she accepted the helmet. "Thank you."

"You ready?" Bobby asked as he got on his motorcycle

Priscilla nodded as she got on the back of his motorcycle, and wrapped her arms around his waist. Bobby couldn't help the red tint that rose to his cheeks, but quickly recovered.

"Hold on tight, beautiful." Bobby smiled as he turned on the motorcycle, and drove towards the high school.

Priscilla too, was fighting the fire in her cheeks. No, Priscilla, stop it. You're erring on the side of caution. He hurt you, and you just forgave him. But he smells so good, and having him close feels so nice.

・ ⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・

Bobby pulled into the parking lot and parked his bike next to Johnny's. After getting off the motorcycle, he helped Priscilla off the bike, and she gave him the spare helmet.

"Thanks for the ride to school, Bobby." Priscilla smiled as she fixed her hair

"No problem, beautiful." Bobby smiled then blushed, and Priscilla looked away and blushed as well, but the two quickly recovered. "So are you still up to meeting my friends?"

"Sure." Priscilla smiled as they walked towards the courtyard together. "I would introduce you to mine, but you already know them." she laughed

"Yeah." Bobby laughed

"Remember if your friends don't like me, it's on you." Priscilla teased

"Nah, I have a feeling they're gonna love you." Bobby smiled as they reached the courtyard.

"How can you be so sure?" Priscilla asked

Bobby ran a hand through his hair, then looked down at her. He didn't know if he should tell her or not, but he's going to anyway. "Maybe because I've told them a little bit about you."

"Oh really?" Priscilla chuckled

"Hey man!" Johnny called as he waved Bobby over to the table. "Over here."

Priscilla clutched the straps of her backpack and walked with Bobby to the table where his friends sat. "Hey guys, how was the morning ride?" he asked

"It was great, however, Dutch cut me off on the freeway." Tommy said as he sat on the table.

Dutch rolled his eyes in annoyance. "I did not! Even if I did, you were driving slow."

Tommy rolled his eyes in annoyance. "Whatever man, did you not see that highway patrolman? I can't get another ticket, or else, I'm grounded for the rest of the year, and my parents are locking up my bike."

Bobby rolled his eyes at his two bickering friends, then stood next to Priscilla, the beautiful and wonderful girl the guys had heard so much about. She really didn't need an introduction, but Bobby was going to introduce her anyway, and just hoped Dutch wouldn't embarrass him.

"Guys, this is Priscilla." Bobby smiled as he stood protectively next to the beautiful brunette

Priscilla smiled shyly and waved. The boys stood up from the table and walked over to her, and Johnny was the first to extend his hand for a handshake.

"Hey, I'm Johnny." Johnny said, as he extended his hand for a handshake, "But you might know me as the asshole or the dick." he added the last part with a chuckle, and Priscilla smiled warmly as she shook his hand

"Yeah, about that, I'm just really protective of my friends, especially Ali, as she's practically my sister. Please don't hold that against me." Priscilla said

"Nah, don't worry about it." Johnny said. "It's all good. I get it."

Tommy smiled as he extended his hand for a handshake. "Hey, I'm Tommy." he smiled, and Priscilla warmly smiled and shook his hand

Dutch smiled enthusiastically, as he extended his hand for a handshake. "Hi, I'm Dutch. It's great to finally meet the most beautiful and wonderful girl Bobby talks nonstop about, and it only took what, five years fellas?"

Bobby blushed as Priscilla laughed as she shook the bleach blonde's hand. "Hi Dutch, it's nice meeting you." she warmly smiled. "Hey, aren't you the one who threw milk duds at Ali and I?"

"Guilty." Dutch said as he finished his orange juice, and Priscilla shook her head and chuckled

Speaking a little quieter than the rest, and with a warm and kind expression on his face, Jimmy spoke. "Hi, I'm Jimmy. It's nice to officially meet you, Priscilla. We've heard so much about you, that we feel we already know you." he smiled, as Priscilla smiled and warmly shook his hand. "We never got to tell you, as you and Bobby weren't exactly on speaking terms, but we wanted to offer our condolences about your parents. Just from everything we've heard, they sounded like they were great."

"Hi Jimmy, it's a pleasure meeting you, and thank you." Priscilla smiled. "In fact, it's nice meeting all of you."

"What class do you have first period?" Dutch asked as he gathered up his books

"English." Priscilla smiled as she walked towards her locker and the guys walked with her. "What about you guys?"

"We all have English together." Jimmy smiled, "Dutch usually falls asleep in that class."

"Is that who's always snoring?" Priscilla laughed as Bobby took her backpack and carried it himself

Dutch rolled his eyes as the group reached Priscilla's locker, and he turned to Jimmy. "It's not my fault she's boring."

Priscilla shook her head and chuckled as Bobby gave her backpack to her, and she put her things in her locker, then grabbed her book and notebook for English class as well as a couple of pens and pencils.

"Well, you wanna sit with us?" Johnny offered

"Oh, well, I have that class with Ali as well, and I usually sit with her, but we do have second period class together, so we can all sit together then, sound good?" Priscilla suggested, and the boys nodded

Priscilla and the boys walked into English class, and smiled and waved to her as she took her seat next to Ali, and they took their seats in the back. "Okay, someone's in a good mood." the blonde smirked

"What the hell are you talking about?" Priscilla asked as she opened her notebook and began taking notes

Ali laughed then spoke. "Priscilla you know what I'm talking about. You and Bobby walked into class together, and you didn't give him a go to hell look. What happened?" she asked as she opened her notebook and began taking notes

"Well, yesterday afternoon, he came by and we talked about everything, which was well overdue. I told him that Susan and Barbara told me that he was at mom and dad's funeral. Ali, that changes everything." Priscilla said as she erased what she was writing

"So where does this leave the two of you? You're friends again, right?" Ali asked

Priscilla sighed as she stopped writing notes, then ran a hand through her brunette hair. "I'm erring on the side of caution like uncle Elijah suggested. I don't want this to blow up in my face. I can't handle that."

Ali sighed as she set her pencil down and turned around in her seat to face her best friend. "Priscilla, when I was still dating Johnny, Bobby talked about you non stop. It was always Priscilla this and Priscilla that. Or he would even ask how you were doing. He cares about you, it's obvious, and he feels horrible for what he did. The only advice I can give you is this, trust your instincts."

Priscilla smiled at her best friend then resumed taking notes. "They asked me to sit by them, but I said no I always sit with you."

"Priscilla, anytime a boy ask you to sit by him, you accept the invitation. Sit by him at lunch. The girls and I will be fine, just this once." Ali smiled

Priscilla was about to say something else when they heard Dutch snoring in the back. Both girls turned around and saw Dutch, face down, sleeping. They turned around and chuckled to themselves, as they continued taking notes

・ ⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・

After morning classes were over, Priscilla stood in line waiting to get her food, but she didn't have much, just a carton of milk, and a sandwich.

"Hey Priscilla." Bobby smiled as he and the Cobras stood beside her

"Oh, hi guys." Priscilla smiled as she moved down the line. "How's your day?"

"Eh, I got detention." Dutch said as he grabbed a milk carton and placed it on his tray.

Jimmy interjected, "Man, I told you to stop throwing paper balls in Mrs. Blanchard's class.

Dutch rolled his eyes and retorted, "She's boring, why wouldn't I throw paper balls?"

Bobby and Priscilla looked at each other and chuckled then blushed as their hands touched, while the two boys bickered. "So, would you like to sit with me?" Bobby asked

"Yeah, we would love to have you join us." Dutch said as he grabbed a ham and cheese sandwich for himself.

"Well, I ususally sit with Ali, but I guess this once won't hurt." Priscilla smiled as she got to the register

"That will be 2.50 sweetheart." the lunch lady said

"I got it." Bobby smiled as he stood close to her and paid for her lunch. "For both?"

"3.75." The lunch lady smiled

Bobby smiled as he gave her the money, and the two of them walked into the lunch room. Looking at her table, she saw Ali, who gave her a thumbs up.

Priscilla and Bobby sat down, while Jimmy sat down on the other side of her, and Johnny, Tommy, and Dutch sat across from them, and they began eating their food.

"Well, Priscilla, we've heard a lot about you from Bobby, but now we would like to hear about you from you." Johnny said as he opened his milk carton. "Tell us about yourself."

Priscilla smiled as she set her milk carton down. "Well, I'm originally from Sandringham, England, but I moved here when I was eight years old, as my parents wanted to be closer to my mother's siblings, Freya and Elijah, whom I live with now, my dad's sister and her husband live down the road from us and are at our place all the time. My mother was originally from here, and she met my father when was an exchange student in the fifties. I'm named after Priscilla Presley, as my mother was a huge Elvis fan."

After wiping her hands on her napkin, the brunette continued. "I'm fluent in French, as it was one of the first languages I learned how to speak, thanks to my mother. I love to read, and could read just about all day if aunt Freya and uncle Elijah would let me."

They sat there staring at her, urging her to continue, to go on. "I guess you're wondering what music I love to listen to, well, of course I'm going to say Elvis Presley, as he will always be a first choice, but I also love Elton John, Ratt, Scorpions, you name it."

"No kidding? I love Ratt." Johnny smiled.

Priscilla chuckled. "Yeah, they're great. I have their single, Round and Round. Uncle Elijah hates it, but aunt Freya doesn't mind it." she laughed. "Sports wise, I love cheerleading, volleyball, soccer, basketball, anything sports related."

"Well, Priscilla, Bobby was certainly right about you," Jimmy said as he finished his lunch. "You really are some kind of wonderful."

Priscilla turned her attention to Bobby. "You said that?" Bobby smiled at her, and took her small hand in his larger one. "Yeah." he blushed

"We would love to have you as part of our friend group." Dutch said. "Only if you want to be."

Priscilla smiled as she set her fork down, and picked up her milk. "I mean, just a few days ago, I hated the ground all of you walked on, because I thought you turned my friend here into some emotionless prick. Now please don't jump down my throat when I say this because this is only my opinion, but that godforsaken place turned him into something he wasn't, or so I thought. But to answer your question, yes, I'll be your friend."

"Hey, that's enough for us." Dutch smiled. "You can think of me as big brother Dutch."

"We're glad to have you as our friend, and listen we'll do anything for you, if you need anything, all you have to do is just ask." Johnny said

Priscilla chuckled as she finished her food. "Thank you, I'll remember that. We'll, I guess I better be getting back to my friends now, but thanks for letting me sit with you guys. If you want, we can hang out sometime. I absolutely love going to the record shops to find new music. So maybe one day after school, we can all meet up, grab a soda and head to the record store?"

"Oh, you're on! Just wait for the most badass mixtape I make for you." Dutch laughed

"Should I be scared?" Priscilla laughed as she gathered her trash and stood up. "Anyway, I'll see you boys later. Bye Bobby." she smiled and winked

"Bye." Bobby smiled as he watched the brunette throw her trash away and join Ali and the girls at the table, who greeted her with an embrace.

"Damn, you are weak man." Johnny said

Bobby rolled his eyes as he finished his lunch. "What the fuck are you talking about?"

"You don't think we saw the way you were looking at her?" Dutch asked as he finished his lunch. "You've been moping around for months, and now that she's around, you're much happier. When you two stare at each other, you both have this stupid look on your faces."

"There's only one way to find out if she feels the same." Tommy said

"Oh yeah, and what's that?" Bobby asked as he crossed his arms

"You gotta strike first."

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