SkyLin discovers the Skyverse

By SkyLin_4Ever

767 51 3

A normal girl with a normal life who ended up having a radical change in her life when trying to conquer her... More

Chapter 1: One more day
Capitulo 1: Un Dia Mas
Capitulo 2: Mal día
Chapter 3: Misunderstood
Capitulo 3: Malentendido
Chapter 4: Shock
Capitulo 4: Choque
Chapter 5: Into the Skyverse
Capitulo 5: En el Skyverse
Chapter 6: A Smol Problem
Capitulo 6: Un Pequeño Problema
Chapter 7: Fake Cousin
Capitulo 7: Prima Falsa
Important Announcement/Anuncio importante
Chapter 8: Sinister Smiles
Capítulo 8: Sonrisas siniestras

Chapter 2: Bad Day

67 3 0
By SkyLin_4Ever

-Our protagonist finally arrived at the place where her beloved BF was, a short boy with blue hair who always had a red cap with him that was a gift that Madeline gave him. They got along very well, they were best friends and they always went out together. group with Pico and GF but Madeline has always had feelings for him and had tried to express it to him for a long time but all her attempts have been in vain since he is too clueless to notice it

-Madeline stood in front of the boy while he was listening to music in his headphones, but when he noticed the girl's presence he became very happy to see her.

BF: Beep! What a surprise, I thought I was still on your course with Pico, how are you doing girl, what were you doing here?

Madeline: Hi BF, I'm pretty good...I just got out of my course, I left earlier to come here just to hang out with you.

BF: that's very sweet of you Lin, although GF hasn't arrived, usually she always arrives with you, by the way, nice hairpin you have on today

Madeline: oh, thank you very much BF, what happens is that I- umm...

-Madeline got a little nervous when talking to him and she only thought about inviting him out to eat or even do anything else but not in the same way as always but as more than friends, however, the boy realized that Madeline was acting a little strange and he looked at her slightly worried.

BF: Lin, are you okay? You're turning a little you need water or something?

Madeline: No no, I'm fine BF don't worry about me hehe, it's just the heat, the sun is killing me

BF: oh! You would have said it before, come sit here with me, the tree is making a shadow down here.

-The boy kindly invited Madeline to sit next to him to take a break from the sun in the shade without knowing that this was not what Madeline really needed.

-On the other hand, Madeline accepted BF's invitation and sat next to him. The girl blushed slightly as she watched the boy and just thought and tried not to stutter or get nervous to tell him what she has to say.

BF: do you feel better?

Madeline: yes, I'm much better...thanks BF

BF: Damn Madeline, that's what friends are for...hey, what about that cupcake you have in your hand?

Madeline: Oh! this? just a cupcake they gave me in the course... do you want it?

BF: of course, I needed to eat a sweet, thank you Lin, you are the best

-Madeline gave the cupcake to BF and the latter ate it very happily while Madeline watched him eat it until BF finished and looked at the girl again to ask her a question.

BF: Hey Lin, did you want to tell me something when you arrived?

Madeline: huh- me? well...yes I wanted to ask you something but you know the sun distracted me a little

BF: Well in that case tell me what is that you were trying to ask me?

-BF smiled at Madeline as he watched and listened carefully to know what his friend wanted, but the atmosphere began to feel more tense for the girl, she was getting nervous, her heart was racing, she was sweating and she was starting to stutter a little. until finally, she did, she gained the courage and control of herself to finally ask her beloved the question.

Madeline: BF...I want to ask you out with me!

BF: You mean going out together with the boys?

Madeline: no BF, I want you to go out with me, you and me alone, in-in... you know a date

BF: Are you really saying that, Madeline?

Madeline: Yes BF, I'm telling you seriously, we could go to lunch today or even tomorrow or-

-She was interrupted by the boy who had a somewhat sad expression on his face since he had to tell Madeline something that was probably going to hurt her but could cause more harm if he hid it.

BF: Madeline I am very flattered that you want to go out with me and I would like to go too but today I will be very busy helping my parents at home

Madeline: well it's not a problem, we could go tomorrow, yesterday they opened a new restaurant and we could go

BF: Lin... I already have plans with GF tomorrow, I... I'm really sorry but I don't think it's going to be possible

-At that moment, when Madeline heard her beloved BF reject her invitation, her heart broke into a thousand pieces, she had managed to invite BF but it was in vain, her friend GF had been faster than her and had taken the first step, Madeline She felt very sad and broken inside but she couldn't get angry with her friend since she didn't know that Madeline liked BF.

-The girl tried to hide all her sadness by smiling and making people believe with her expression that everything was fine even though inside she felt great pain when she saw that her effort was in vain.

Madeline: Well, no problem, BF, everything is fine.

BF: Are you sure Lin? I don't think that's how you really feel.

Madeline: no no, calm down BF I'm happy, I'm fine, everything is very good! I just eh- I have to go, I forgot that I promised my grandmother to help her clean her room and....bye BF I have to go

BF:....bye Lin....

-The girl quickly ran from the place with tears in her eyes heading towards her house, the boy she had worried so much about had rejected her for having to go out with her own best friend.

-Madeline arrived home and quickly locked herself in her room while crying and lamenting; She felt pathetic, she felt like a fool for thinking she had any chance of being with him without GF getting in the way, tears ran down her cheeks and fell to the ground for hours while she was still in the fetal position.

-Her mother knocked on the door to call her for dinner but Madeline rejected her mother's call telling her that she was not hungry, she did not want to leave there, her sadness made her want to isolate herself from everyone, even her own family, then she began to talk to herself.

Madeline: you are so pathetic, so slow and stupid....she was faster than you and you lost your chance, I feel sorry for you....

-She continued crying in the same position and place for a few more minutes....until the clouds in the sky began to move and reveal the full moon, Madeline looked up and then began to try to escape the moonlight. But it was already late, the light had reached her and the worst part of her day began.

-Her sweater tore and her skin began to turn purple while her hair changed from pastel blue to a gray tone as did her clothes which turned dark tones, her bracelets became a dark mass that covered her hands and turned them into horrible black claws, his fangs became sharp and finally the blue color of his eyes completely consumed them, turning them into completely bright and watery blue eyes that caused Madeline pain for every tear she released.

-She had a curse, she had been cursed years ago and she has never been able to get a cure and she has to hide this side of her from everyone around her so that they don't have to see her turned into that horrible monster that causes sadness and depression to everyone around her, so she opened the window of her room and manifested wings that came out of her back and she jumped from there to start flying away from everything, until she reached the top of a building where she sat down to continue her crying and pain.

-Her crying stopped for a moment to contemplate the moon, still feeling deep sadness while he wondered why me? Having bad luck in romantic relationships and having to deal with being an abominable monster during all the nights of the full moon.

-Suddenly her phone started ringing, she didn't want to answer because her voice became distorted and she screamed involuntarily, but she ended up answering when she saw that it was her friend Pico.

Pico: Hello? Lin, are you okay?

Madeline: ...I'm not.

: Lin...I just saw you flying over the streets, come down from there and come with me, I had already seen you in previous days, I know you are having a problem, let me help you

Madeline: No Pico! You shouldn't be near me, I'm just going to hurt you, I'M A HORRIBLE MONSTER.

Pico: you're not,'re the kindest and kindest person I know, you have a big heart and you've helped me every time I need you...let me do it for you now.

-The girl remained silent after listening to her friend and hung up the call and then began to let out screams and a heartbreaking cry. She jumped from the building and opened her wings to fly again until she managed to see the place where Pico was and landed right there.

-Pico looked at his friend in the state she was in, he did not back away and he did not feel afraid, he saw that she needed his help so he simply approached her and hugged her.

-Madeline continued crying and responded to the boy's hug while trying not to hurt him with her claws. Madeline's negative aura was beginning to affect Pico, but the latter remained firm while he gave his friend that hug and his support began to counteract that. aura until finally; she returned to normal

-The girl seemed weak and tired so Pico picked her up and took her to her house where her worried family was waiting for her arrival. Her mother was the first to run and see her daughter who seemed to be hurt, her father and her grandmother. They rushed to see her and take her to her bed and take care of her while they began to question Pico


Mery: What happened to her? Did you do something to her?!

Pico: Hey, hey, sir and madam, I didn't do anything to your daughter, I just brought her here, she wasn't feeling well and she was very depressed.

John: You only tell LIES!


Martha: Stop yelling! You're going to make me feel bad...John it's obvious that this boy didn't do anything wrong to the girl, if it hadn't been like that he wouldn't have brought her back.

Mery: is right, I'm sorry Pico I shouldn't have doubted you

John: Well, I still don't believe a single word of him.

Pico: Don't worry, gentlemen, I'm leaving here, I don't want to cause any more problems, have a good night.

-Pico left the place somewhat angry at having been accused of having hurt his best friend. Despite having received an apology, he was still angry with John, who only saw him as a criminal and not what he really was; a hero who saved the lives of the survivors of that school but many took him as just another criminal just because of the way he defended everyone.

-On the other hand, Madeline's family was in charge of taking care of her throughout the night until they let her rest until the next morning...

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