The best fucking story ever t...

By Introverted_Killer

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This is bakudeku obviously. This book was originally a one shot but I made it into 15 parts because it was wa... More

Parent teacher conference
How was school?
whats the Problem?
What the fuck
Dont ask
what will we do
Daddys so mean
a resilent deku
a long Smut
more story telling
Do tell
I'm sorry
ME (short smut)
The end (with a bit of a smut..i think)


810 9 6
By Introverted_Killer

Once his tears were dried and he was happily licking on a scoop of chocolate ice cream with rainbow sprinkles in a cup with a cupcake cone on top so Shinji and their table at the ice cream parlour stayed as clean as possible, Deku deemed it safe to broach the subject again.

“What happened today, pup?” He asks, voice calm and scent exuding the most calming omega pheromones. They were so strong that even Katsuki felt himself relaxing into his seat next to his mate, his body unable to resist the calming effects of the omega’s scent.

Shinji lightly puts his spoon down and pouts, his little lip jutting out, but he thankfully refrains from bursting into tears again, but it does take him a moment to answer.

When he finally does, Shinji dejectedly tells his parents about the mean boy who pushed him down on the playground and laughed about how the kid of the top two heroes in the nation was such a little baby.

Shinji whimpers through the retelling, little tears falling down his cheeks. He’d known his parents were heroes at the time, but he didn’t understand the whole ranking system and he definitely didn’t understand why he was being pushed around because of it.

And god, Katsuki felt… He felt so fucking guilty at the time. In his mind, he’d felt this was some sick form of karma getting back at him for the ways he treated Deku when they were kids, like the universe was openly mocking him by making his son go through the exact same shit he’d put his mate through. Not even Deku’s pheromones are enough to calm Katsuki down after that. In fact, Katsuki becomes so overwhelmed by his guilt that he’s just about to storm off from the table when Deku starts talking, weaving a story of how the greatest thing to ever happen to them came to be. And Deku really has such a way with words. He starts from the beginnnig, telling Shinji that once he knew the truth about how he’d come into their lives, he wouldn’t care about what some dumb old bully had to say.

“See, your Daddy and I have known each other for a long, long time, Shinji. It all started when I was just about your age.”

Katsuki scoffs at that, they had most definitely met when they were seven, much older than Shinji is.

 Deku rolls his eyes but continues nonetheless. “We were neighbors,” he explains.


“Kacchan!” calls a much younger Izuku with chubby cheeks and a tuft of green hair that seems to defy the very nature of gravity because it sticks every which way. He’s a small little thing, and he’s got bandaids on both of his knees from little tumbles he’s taken from slipping on a rock at the creek behind his house. 

Izuku runs through his backyard and out to the aforementioned creek with his most prized possession clutched against his chest: his All Might second edition comic. He can’t really read all the words without asking his mom for help just yet, but he can read the majority of them and plus the pictures are so cool and All Might is so heroic and strong that Izuku can’t help but admire him and so obviously he has to watch all of the All Might cartoons too because All Might is so cool and he saves everyone with a loud, “I Am Here!” Izuku hopes he becomes as big and strong as All Might one day, but to do that, he’s gotta know everything about All Might, and to do that, he’s gotta watch every single episode of All Might Adventures that airs on TV, and to do that he has to get Kacchan from the creek!

“KACCCCHAAAN!” Izuku wails from the top of the embankment, hugging his comic closely to his chest and staring down at his best friend in the entire world, Kacchan as he skips rocks across the water.

Kacchan is Izuku’s best friend. In the entire world! His real name is Bakugo Katsuki but Izuku thinks that Kacchan rolls off the tongue so so so much better!

“Hold your horses Deku!!” Kacchan screams back, which, what does that even mean? 

“KACCHAN I DON’T HAVE ANY HORSES!” Izuku yells back, he begins tapping his foot in frustration, if they don’t hurry up they’re gonna be late!

“Yea, yea, yea, whatever, it’s a metaphor, dumb Deku.” 

“What’s a metaphor, Kacchan?!”

“Quit yer yappin’ and I’ll come up there and tell ya!”

Izuku smirks knowing he’d successfully tricked his best friend into hurrying up. Of course Izuku already knew what a metaphor was, he wasn’t as stupid as Kacchan thought he was but sometimes he just likes to play dumb because sometimes when he does he can get Kacchan to do what he wants, like now!

Once Kacchan’s climbed up to meet Izuku he starts droning on and on about metaphors and Izuku nods and hums along at the right moments all while walking them back to his house where he finally bursts through the door, throws himself onto the couch in front of the TV and hurriedly grabs the remote to turn the TV on and type in the channel number that he knows by heart.

“Basically you use a metaphor when --”

“Shhhh! It’s starting!!!”

Kacchan shuts up quickly after that. Despite his usual air of indifference, he’s just as big an All Might fan as Izuku. That’s what makes them such good friends!

The room falls silent besides the epic sounds of the TV as the boys get swept up into the current episode of All Might Adventures. 

For a full twenty minutes, the two are silent, practically in a trance as they watch All Might save the city. The only time the silence is broken is when they hop off the couch and declare, “I AM HERE!” Like their favorite hero.

When the credits start rolling, it’s like they’re zapped back into reality and fidgety boy bodies that need to be running around the house or they’ll spontaneously combust or something.

“Wanna play All Might saves the city?” Izuku asks.

“Only if I getta be All Might,” Kacchan declares, arms crossing over his chest and chin held high.

“But you gotta be All Might last time Kacchan!” Izuku tries, knowing his effort is futile. Kacchan always gets to be All Might because he’s bigger than Izuku and how will Izuku save the city if he’s so small? Izuku likes to think that he could figure it out if Kacchan would just let him try but -- 

“You’re too small to be All Might, Deku!” Kacchan says.


Izuku sighs. He resigns himself to being Nighteye for another day.
Word count: 1129

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