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Galing kay theGr33dy

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550 25 0
Galing kay theGr33dy

Elio was in the kitchen with Jenna, sitting there quietly reading a book when suddenly Elena rushed down the stairs and entering she began talking immediately.

"Are you two aware of what's going on upstairs?"

"Uh-huh" smiled Jenna looking at Elena while Elio just wiggled his eyebrows.

"And you have no objection?"

"He could be craftier about it, at least try to sneak her in and out. Oh, and just so you know, I won't be home for dinner."

"It looks like she is actually going to do it" commented Elio glancing up at Elena than looked at their aunt. "You're gonna go out with Logan."

"I'm going to show up and torture him, yes" smiled Jenna but then turned to Elena. "And have you heard from Stefan?"

"Not since he left that very vague message three days ago. "Hi, um, Elena, I, um, have something I have to do. I'll, uh, explain in a few days." "

"Haven't you called him?" asked Jenna but Elena was quick to respond.

"Nope. Not going to either."

"And you're ok with everything?"

"No, I'm not ok with any of it. But I'm not gonna cry about it, either. You know, I was going to write in my diary this morning and then I thought, what am I going to write? Honestly, I'm not gonna be one of those pathetic girls whose world stops spinning because of some guy."

Jenna looked at Elio and the two of them just exchanged a significant look, but then she looked back at her niece and let out a sigh.

"Ok, then."

"I'll be fine" reassured Elena, but both Elio and Jenna could see that she was far from being fine.

"I have to go, I need to check on Caroline. I'll see you at school Elena. Good luck Jenna."

Elio drove to Caroline's house and he noticed that Bonnie's car was there as well. Getting out of his vehicle walked to the house and without knocking marched in.

"Hi Elio" came the voice of Liz who went past into one of the room.

"Morning Liz" smiled Elio and went straight for Caroline's room.

This occurrence was normal for Liz, the amount of times Elio just walked in without a warning became a common thing. Walking into her room found Bonnie on the bed looking at a candle hazily while Caroline was getting ready.

"Elio!" exclaimed the blonde and rushing over hugged the boy. "Thank you for coming."

"Anytime" smiled the boy and sitting down on the bed next to Bonnie looked at the pendant but then back at Caroline. "So... don't want to pry but... What happened?"

"I remember the party. Damon came up behind me, and he was kissing my neck, or biting my neck. I passed out. It's like there are holes in my memory lately. It's just weird. Maybe I let him bite me."

"Why would you do that?" asked Bonnie confused but Caroline looked uncomfortable and turning around gave a small but painful smile.

"Can we just not talk about it, ok? Don't want to talk about Damon. I don't want to talk about any of it. Just want to go back to normal. What are you doing with that candle?"

"Um... nothing. What's this?" asked Bonnie looking at the crystal hanging from the window.

"Damon gave it to me. Or he was going to give it to me. All I know is, it's mine now."

"It's ugly" grimaced Bonnie to which Caroline swiftly snatched the pendant from her.

"Well, get your grubby hands off it."

"Alright, let's go girls. Caroline are you coming with me?"

"Yes just one second."

"I'll meet you two at school" smiled Bonnie and walking out of there left the house.

Caroline span around and with a smile on her face her energy changed completely. Elio watched it with great interest how she became like her usual self. The blonde continued to chat away like nothing bothered her.

Walking in the school she was handing out pamphlets and plans for the upcoming charity work she organised at the school which made Elio walk away from her and join Elena and Bonnie. The trio kept their eyes on the blonde and watched in astonishment.

"The sexy suds car wash is tomorrow. The football team and the band have committed. Well, not all the band. Just the ones who could pull off the bikini. I want, in your face, sexy. I mean, it's a fund raiser, for god's sake."

"Unbelievable. It's like nothing happened."

"She's in denial" added Bonnie to which Elio nodded but did not take his eyes off of her, until a familiar voice interrupted them.


"Hey. You know, I gotta go. Be somewhere right now" excused herself Bonnie and walked off, but before Elio could have walked anywhere Elena grabbed onto his wrist keeping him there.

"I'm so sorry I haven't called" apologiesed Stefan however Elena became quite dismissive.

"No worries. I'll live."

"I was dealing with Damon" tried again Stefan to which Elio leaned out from behind Elena and looked at Stefan.

"And did you... deal with Damon? I mean hope we won't have to worry about him anymore."

"Yes. Yeah" reassured Stefan but Elena questioned again, her voice laced with disapproval.

"For four days?"

"You have every right to be upset with me. But can I explain it all to you? Please."

"Sure. When?"

"I gotta be home after school, but The Grill, around four o'clock?"

"Sounds good" chimed in Elio and putting his free arm around Elena squeezed her reassuringly knowing full well the girl was grateful for his presence.

"Thanks" Stefan gave a small smile however their conversation was interrupted when suddenly Caroline appeared and began to interrogate the new student.

"Stefan, where is Damon? He has some serious apologizing to do."

"He's gone, Caroline."

"When is he coming back?"

"He's not coming back. I'm sorry."

"This is a good thing, Caroline" reassured Elena, but then Elio moved and giving her a side hug looked at his best friend.

"As much as it would be ideal to give him a piece of our mind... it's for the best Care."

"I know that" mumbled Caroline slightly defeated, however a second later she shook herself and turning to Elio smiled at him. "And so you know, just because you quit the football team doesn't mean you're exempt from the car wash. Hope you kept in shape."

She strutted away with that leaving Elio whose jaw was on the floor and turning to Elena with a disbelieving look the brunette shrugged with a sympathetic smile on her face.

"I did not see that one coming" admitted Elio. "Right, we better get going as well Elena. I'll see you later Stef."

Elena insisted to take Elio to the Grill with her, in case things did not turn out the way she hoped. Both of them looked around for Stefan, but as they exchanged a look, the twins shook their head and approached Matt who was at the pool table by himself.

"Hey, Matt, um, have you seen Stefan?"

"Nope. If you want to kill some time, um, you can rack. Come on. We haven't played in forever. I'll let you break."

Elena smiled and looked at Elio who just nodded and walked to the bar to get them some snacks and refreshments. As he stood there waiting someone stopped next to him and looking at the blonde, his face looked slightly red and nervous.

"I never thought I'd see you nervously blushing, Dan" teased Elio and smiled at the other boy.

"Well things have been weird to say the least so I'm not sure what to do. My direct approach seemed to push you away."

"So now you'll trying the coy card" smiled Elio but then turned to the barista. "Hey, can I get two cokes and some chilli fries please? Thanks."

"What brings you here?" asked Dan suddenly which made Elio turn to him again.

"Elena came to meet with Stefan... I'm what you call the suffering third. Or is it collateral? Who knows."

"Trouble in paradise?"

"Well, you know Elena. She is far too nosey and if there is something she doesn't know that's all she focuses on. Especially if your new boyfriend is shy and not very... open about himself."

"I see what you mean" nodded Dan. "Elena is like a dog with a bone. If Stefan won't open up she will just... you know."

"That I do" chuckled Elio. "And what brings you here? Just hanging out?"

"Yeah, nothing to do so I thought I'll see who's out and about."

"Well you can join us" offered Elio indicating towards the pool table. "Not sure how long we have to wait for Stefan but at least there is company."

"You don't mind?"

"Of course not" reassured Elio with a smile. "If we want to be friends like we used to, it's probably a good start."

A big smile appeared on Dan's face and once all their orders arrived the two boys approached the pool table. Matt and Elena looked up and seeing the two talk Elena spoke gently.

"I'm glad things are working out."

"Yeah, maybe Dan can finally focus on football again" chuckled Matt, which put a smile on Elena's face as well.

They were taking turns playing and Elena continued talking to Matt, but as the subject of Jeremy came up she decided to tell Matt the morning's surprise.

"And there's Vicki, all nonchalant in the bathroom like it's no big deal that they're hooking up."

"Yeah, I'm not gonna lie. Your brother and my sister, that's weird."

"Yeah" sighed Elena but as her phone pinged she looked at it and Dan asked with a sympathetic smile while playing against Elio.

"How late is he?"

"Hitting the hour mark. Nothing's wrong though" reassured Elena and seeing Matt's face she immediately continued. "Which means I'm not talking boy problems with you."

"Good. I mean, it's not like we were ever best friends or anything."

Dan and Elio just exchanged a look and smiled, but remined silent. Elena looked at Elio but then turned to Matt again.

"Ok. Here goes-- What do you think of Stefan? Is he a good guy?"

"Why? What's he done?"

"Not any one thing. He's just so secretive all the time. I think there's something that he doesn't want me to know, which makes me want to know all the more."

"Like what? Like that he's a serial killer and he keeps a clown suit in his trunk?" asked Dan suddenly earning a chuckle from Matt and Elio.

"No, of course not. But what do we know about him, really?"

"He's great at football" began Matt and crossing his arms continued. "A little bit of a loner. And as much as I hate saying it, he might be a nice guy."

"So you think I'm just being paranoid?"

"I think you should talk to him" advised Matt but just on cue Stefan arrived.

"Talk to who? I'm so sorry that I'm late."

"What happened?" asked Elena immediately but it was clear she wasn't happy.

"I got held up."

"Is everything ok?"

"There was this thing with my uncle."

"And you couldn't call and tell me that you were going to be an hour late?" questioned Elena more upset than she was the moment Stefan arrived, this was the point where Matt realised it's best if he leaves.

"Ok. You two have fun" he turned to look at Dan see if he wanted to leave as well but the blonde avoided all eye contact and pretended to focus on the game with Elio.

Matt knew immediately that Dan wanted to hear the exchange and see how it went down. Bit of drama for his own enjoyment.

"I'm really sorry. It was unavoidable."

"What was unavoidable?" asked the girl but seeing how Stefan remained silent and just looked away for a moment Elio squinted and exchanged a look with Dan, both boys knowing full well that was a mistake. "Ok."

Elena began to leave when Stefan reached after the girl to stop her.

"Oh, uh, Elena, please..."

"No, Stefan, don't you get it? Every question gets a vague non-answer. What is so awful that you're afraid to tell me?"

Stefan was about to respond when an old man approached them and looking at Stefan he seemed like he saw a ghost. Dan gave a significant look to Elio and indicating toward them the oldest Gilbert turned around and watched the interaction.

"I know you. My God."

"I'm sorry?" asked Stefan confused, but the old man continued.

"I know you. How can it be?"

"I think you have the wrong person, sir."

"You haven't aged a day."

"I'm sorry. Excuse me" tried Stefan politely and turned to Elena. "Hey, can we... can I take you home and we can talk about it? Is that ok?"

Stefan started pushing Elena gently towards the door hoping to get away from the old man, but the girl suddenly stopped.

"Wait, what was that?"

"I--I don't know" tried Stefan not convincing Elena at all. "Uh, nothing."

"Right, nothing. Ok, um... I gotta go, Stefan. Excuse me."

Elena left immediately not even waiting for Stefan to say anything else. Elio looked at Dan and shook his head.

"I swear to god I'm going to regret this. I'll see you later?"

Dan just nodded but as Elio approached Stefan Matt returned to play with him. Arriving to Stefan Elio could see how he was conflicted and worried but noticing Elio he wanted to say something only to be beaten to it by the eldest Gilbert.

"There is only so many times I can help you out" admitted the boy. "But I still have one more favour in the bag for you."

"Thank you..."

"Don't thank me yet" smirked the boy slightly. "I remember you mentioned you can cook."

"That's right."

"Well luckily for you the only person who ever cooks in that kitchen is me, so you'll go there, Jeremy will let you in and you can cook something. Perhaps Chicken Parmesan ?" offered Elio with a smile. "If you are willing to open up to her a little, that's the time. She is not asking for much, Stefan. Remember that."

"I owe you one" sighed Stefan with a smile and hugging Elio the boy looked surprised but gently hugged him back, only for Stefan to let go and rush out of there.

Once he left Elio looked at the old man who approached Elena and Stefan before and walking to his table his curiosity peaked, when Jenna suddenly appeared next to him interrupting his thoughts.

"Jenna, what are you doing here?"

"Meeting with someone... what are you doing here alone?"

"I was just..." started the boy and glanced towards the old man however seeing he had company, most likely family members, he hesitated. "Never mind. This is where you're meeting Logan?"

"We can discuss that later" smiled Jenna but as she looked to the side she noticed Dan glancing at them which made her smile then look at Elio. "Anything you'd like to share?"

At the bar Logan approached the Sheriff with a smile, sitting down next to her addressed the woman.

"Evening, Sheriff. Anything?"

"We went over the entire west side of the lake. All the caverns by the falls were clean, no signs of habitat."

"Then they're staying in town."

"We canvassed all abandoned buildings and warehouses."

"There has to be a private residence."

"And that much harder to locate, if not impossible. These creatures are smart. They know how to go undetected."

"Well, someone who only comes out at night should eventually become obvious."

"What about the watch?"

"I'm working on it."

"I knew the Gilberts. That watch is passed down to the men in the family. I'd start with Jeremy."

"Why not Elio?" questioned Logan surprised. "He's the oldest."

"And also cares about his little brother. So I'd wager he gave it to Jeremy to help him with their loss."

"Hey, Logan" came the voice of Jenna which made Logan smile and nod at the sheriff but then walked to her.

"I can't believe you really came."

"You have an hour. Make it count."

Elio was really hoping that Stefan would turn up. He was in Elena's room reading a book with one hand while gently petting Elena's head. The brunette insisted that her twin stayed there, she needed the moral support, and his presence made her feel less miserable. As they were in there Jeremy walked into the room and after sending a subtle wink towards Elio the eldest Gilbert smiled.

"You ok?" asked Jeremy, to which Elena just let out a little sigh.

"Is Vicki in there?"

"Don't answer a question with another question. Maybe. What's wrong with you?"

"I'm miserable."

"Well, you should go get something to eat" offered Jeremy which made Elena think and began to get up.

"I probably should... You want anything Elio?"

"I'm good for now, but thanks" smiled the boy and after she left he turned to Jeremy. "Thank you Jer."

"Don't worry about it."

Elena went down to the kitchen but as she got closer she heard noises coming from there, which surprised her. Looking up she knew her brothers were there, so that left only one person.

"Jenna? Jenna?" arriving to the entrance she was shocked seeing Stefan in the kitchen. "Stefan? What are you doing here?"

"Dinner. Elio hinted that Chicken Parmesan is one of your favourites, and I happen to be a good cook. The Italian roots demand it. I can even make my own homemade mozzarella. Only tonight, it is unfortunately store bought. Sorry."

"I don't know what you're trying to accomplish" began the girl suspiciously and glanced upstairs, but Stefan was quick to continue.

"You want to know me, right? Well, I figure if you're going to dump me, you should at least, um, know who you're dumping. So let's start with Katherine."


"She was... the most beautiful girl that I had ever met. She had this perfect olive skin. And she had this laugh. It was ridiculous" Elena smiled and walking closer sat down, listening to Stefan. "I mean, her laugh made you laugh. And she was fun. She knew how to have a good time. But Katherine was also very impatient and entitled and selfish, and, um, impulsive. Enter Damon. He claims that he was with her first. I don't know. I do know that I did some things that...I'm not proud of."

"And what about... Sebastian?" asked Elena carefully, which made Stefan stop for a moment but then a small smile appeared on his face.

"He was...absolutely captivating. His smile, his presence, the way he talked... he could walk into a room with the most awkward atmosphere and turn it into the best day ever. But he also had a dark side... very commanding, ruthless at times. He had no love lost for people who disappointed him or attempted to cross him. We uhm... yeah we loved him. I couldn't tell you what kind of love it was but it was certain we were all going to be together. And my biggest regret... is not being able to make it right before they both died. I miss them deeply, but... I'm no longer crippled by their loss."

Hearing all of that Elena smiled and it seemed the night turned for the better. She sat there her eyes on Stefan, clinging on every word that left his mouth. All the new information, everything he learned about him.

"I'm an avid reader, a huge Fitzgerald fan, "The Great Gatsby", his masterpiece. But I'm no snob. I love some good Grisham. I think "Seinfeld" is the best American television show for the past 50 years, but "I Love Lucy" is all-time. "The loving cup" episode was the best, I think. Huge Scorsese fan. I can watch "Taxi Driver" over and over again."

"Here, let me" offered Elena and walking to Stefan took up the job of chopping the garlic, while Stefan continued to talk.

"As far as music, it's pretty much across the board. Um, Dylan, Hendrix, Patsy, Willie. A little Kanye. You know what? I even like that one Miley song" looking up he noticed Elena's smirk to which he playfully nudged the girl. "Easy."

"I didn't say anything. Hey, this is for the garlic bread, right? Because I'm not eating garlic unless you agree to it, too."

"Are you kidding? I love garlic" smiled Stefan, but his smile faltered when suddenly Elena hissed.

"Ow! Ahh" looking at the cut on her finger she put the knife down and turned around to stop the bleeding.

"You ok?" asked Stefan worried but also looked worried looking at the blood.

"Yeah. Think so" offered Elena and she went to the sink to wash off her hand.

She looked up but in the window saw Stefan's face transforming. Dark veins under the eyes, her eyes changing colour.

"Your face..." exclaimed Elena and turned around, but so did Stefan, to hide his face and fangs coming out.

"I—I, uh, I think I got something in my eye."

"Stefan. Hey" tried Elena hoping to see his face but each time Stefan turned to the other direction, blocking her view, but also trying to breath of focus to calm his instincts. "Stefan!"

Elena looked worried but as Stefan turned around his face was just before, which made Elena let out a sigh and smile awkwardly.

"I think that my paranoia has turned into full-blown hallucinations."

"Part of your charm."

They were looking at each other and it seemed Stefan hesitated to kiss Elena, but the girl smiled and taking control kissed Stefan immediately.

"No friend discounts. No freebies. No pay you laters. We are not running a charity here."

"No we are not" smiled Elena but the girls were interrupted when Stefan arrived.


"Hey!" smiled Elena but Caroline looked at them both and seeing how Stefan wore a hoodie on a t-shirt she decided to leave them with a comment:

"The event is called sexy suds, you know... I'm glad someone else paid attention."

Walking away from them with a judgy look she walked towards Elio who approached them; however he only wore his swimming trunks a white breezy shirt and he had it open, which meant his lean, toned body was visible to everyone. Both Elena and Stefan looked at Elio for a moment but as they saw Caroline and Elio hug they turned back to each other, and Stefan was the first to speak.

"Did we just get scolded?"

"And judged, yeah. I'm sorry, but I guess you're going to have to take that off."

"I think you have to go first."

"Ok" agreed Elena with a s mile and attempted to pull her shirt off, but she got a little stuck and had trouble taking it off. Stefan stepped closer and helped her get it off.

"Ok, um—sorry, So not sexy. Ugh."

"I disagree" smiled Stefan and moving away her now messy her cupped Elena's face and kissed her.

"Uh-uh, no. None of that tortured pining stuff" spoke up Bonnie seeing how Matt looked at Elena and Stefan.

"I'm just observing."

"Sure you are" commented Elio arriving next to them.

"Hi Elio... Oh. Tiki, this one's yours."

"Why do I always get the homely ones? Just to be clear, your car's a P.O.S. I mean, we can wash it, but it's still a P.O.S."

"Come on Tik" warned Elio. "Manners are free, it's a charity event so lose the attitude. You're being rude."

"Rude is uglying up the road with that junk" countered the girl however as she leaned down to fill the bucket with water it suddenly splashed up and became uncontrollable until Matt got there and helped her stop it. "Whoa! What the hell?"

"Wet and wild, Tik."

Elio glanced at Bonnie and seeing her expression the boy became curious. The things that have been happening... it was becoming a thought he long pushed aside.

"I'm gonna get some towels" offered the boy and after earning a nod from Bonnie he walked to the table searching for Caroline only to find Elena sitting there.

"What are you doing here? Where is Caroline?"

"I needed some towels and those shimmy things so she went to get some."

"I see... mind if I wait here with you?"

"Not at all... actually there is something I wanted to talk to you about."

Elio nodded and pulling a chair next to Elena sat down and it seemed Elena was conflicted but taking a deep breath turned to Elio.

"I know it sounds crazy but... I cannot stop this thought in my head about Stefan."

"Why? What happened?" asked Elio worried.

"Nothing, I mean... " Elena looked around for a moment but then she began talking again.

She told him everything what happened at dinner, what she saw in the reflection of the window, and everything that bothered her. Elio was listening patiently and taking it all in he began to think as well. Their discussion was interrupted when someone arrived there.

"That'll be $20" spoke Elena but as she looked up at the man, the Gilbert twins recognised him immediately. "I saw you last night. You were talking to a friend of mine. At the Grill?"

"Well, I... I thought it was somebody I knew."

"Stefan Salvatore."

"Nah, it can't be. It's just my mind playing tricks on me."

"Where do you think you'd seen him before?" asked Elio curiously.

"When I first moved here, I stayed at the Salvatore boarding house. Stefan was just passing through to visit his uncle. I mean, none of us knew he was even here until the attack."

"The attack?" chorused the twins surprised.

"His uncle got killed. Mauled by an animal in the woods."

"His uncle?" asked Elena confused and looked at Elio as neither of them heard anything about Zach being attacked or dying. If anything, Elio would have known given that he visited the man quite often. "Zach?"

"No. Joseph."

"I'm sorry, sir. I don't think we're familiar with the story."

"Oh, how could you? I mean, this happened years ago."

"Grandpa, you gotta go" came the voice of Tikki leading the man away from there. "Mom wants you home. Ok?"

"Ah. Yeah I will."

"He wasn't bugging you, was he? He's a little alzy-heimer."

"No, he was sweet" reassured Elio and the twins got up giving Tikki space to take over the money, but that also gave them the opportunity to talk to the old man.

"Hey, sir, I'm sorry. Um, are you sure that the man that you saw, that you knew, his name was Stefan Salvatore?" asked Elena and the twins were looking at him eagerly.

"Yes. I remember his ring and his brother—"

"Damon?" asked Elio curiously.

"Yeah. Stefan and Damon Salvatore."

Hearing that the twins' eyes widened and looking at each other with a little panic Elio squeezed her hand and looked back at the old man.

"When was this?"

"It was early June, 1953. Yeah. June, 1953."

The two of them were speechless. It all sounded impossible and once the man left they kept looking at each other until Elio shook himself and spoke gently.

"I need you to do me a favour."

"What is it?"

"Logan, he works at the news station. I need you to find out if he has access or they all have access to past stories."

"You want the information about the attack?"

"There is a possibility of a video report. During that time they already had video recordings of big events. Please try and find a way to get him to show you that footage if it exist. I'll follow another lead and we will see what's going on."

"Okay... I'll do that. Can you hold the fort for a bit? If we both go missing they will notice."

"Got it" reassured Elio and after a quick hug Elena left while Elio walked back to the cars and continued to clean them.

Elena walked away and noticing Logan approached him, but to her luck their aunt Jenna was sitting at a bench looking at Logan as well.

"Your car was done an hour ago."

"You're saying that out loud why?" asked Jenna with a pulled face, however Logan approached them before anything else could have been said.

"Hi. Elena, right? I think I met you and your twin brother once when you were 9."

"Your emotional maturity level when we were together" commented Jenna which made Logan dramatically gasp while Elena tried to hide a smile.

"Ouch. Here I thought we were making progress."

"Is he enough in your good graces that I can ask him for a favour?" asked Elena suddenly looking at Jenna, which made Logan turn to her as well.

Logan: If I do her a favour, will I get back in your good graces?"

"Uh, a very reluctant maybe to both."

"Done. Wait. One condition. Dinner, tonight, your house."

"Fine. But you're eating leftovers."

"Ooh" teased Logan with a s mile but then turned to Elena. "What do you need?"

"Do you have access to old news stories, say, fifties?"

"Yeah, at the station. Between the archives and the Internet, we pretty much have everything."

"I have this report way past due. It'd be a life saver."

"Heading there now. Let's go."

"If anyone asks, you don't know where I went. I don't want Caroline to know that I left."

The car wash event was coming to an end, Elio only hoped that Elena found everything that they needed. He was leaning against a car with Bonnie, looking around observing the remains of the event when Tiki approached them.

"Sweeper duty" commented the girl and handed the brush to Bonnie.

"What?" chorused the duo surprised to which she just shrugged.

"We have to clean the pavement."

"It's a car wash. By definition, the pavement's clean" responded Bonnie with a very 'duh' tone.

"But not dry."

"And I'm doing this why?"

"Caroline bailed, so that leaves me in charge. Fabulous."

Tikki walked away with a pleased smile on her face which made Elio squint his eyes and commented to Bonnie.

"Don't you worry I'll have Caroline put her to sweeping duty for the decade dances... Bonnie?"

Elio looked at Bonnie and saw that she was in a form of trance, not hearing a word he said, but suddenly the water near them lit up and the fire began to spread. Elio watched in astonishment as the fire spread until it hit Tiki's car and it began t burn.

"Bonnie! Bonnie! Hey" Elio shook the girl until finally Bonnie looked at him in the eye and the fire stopped.

Turning to the side they both noticed the remaining smoke which made Bonnie turn back in worry.

"What just happened?"

You were in some kind of a trance."

"Did I do this?" asked Bonnie worried and for a moment Elio hesitated but the nodded.

"I think so, yeah."

"Nobody else saw, did they? Don't tell anybody. Please."

"I promise Bonnie, this is between us."

"Thank you Elio... really."

Bonnie rushed away from there and Elio was in shock. Slowly turning to the side looked at Stefan and he quickly realised that Stefan saw everything. But what really surprised him is to see how Stefan wasn't shocked or in panic for what happened. He seemed quite comfortable with it.

The moment Stefan noticed Elio he took a step forward, but the boy decided to run for it.

It was far too much.

Rushing to his own car he got in and drove back home without looking back. He did not care for anyone, all he wanted to be at home and find answers.

He heard stories from his dad when he was little, but he thought they were nothing but fairy tails.

Arriving back home he took off his shoes off and walking up the stairs a sense of dread suffocated him, he did not enter that door for months.

Reaching his parents' old room he slowly opened it and entering there nostalgia and memories hit him like a storm. Tears were flowing from his eyes, but he kept walking to the closet. Putting his hand on it Elio hesitated for a moment.

They were never allowed to open it, but now he began to think there was a reason for it.

Opening it he turned the light on inside and looked at everything and it overwhelmed him for a moment. Dropping on his knees he let out a sob, but catching himself covered his mouth and keeping it all in tried his best to remain quiet. Once he managed to keep his emotions in check he slowly reached in and pulling out a box began looking through it only to find the thing he was looking for: the journal of their ancestor: Jonathan Gilbert.

His dad told him stories about Jonathan Gilbert, their ancestor who was one of the founders of the town. Opening it slowly he leaned against the wall and slowly closing the door continued to read through it. The more he read the more he felt afraid yet things began to make sense for him. The signs, the warnings, Bonnie's predictions and the weird things she has done.

Going through the diary he began to read about the darkness Jonathan Gilbert battled, his inventions and how he confident with a witch.

Seeing that word somehow he immediately thought of Bonnie and knowing it was Emily Bennett, Elio leaned back and looking up tried to make sense of everything.

All the stories he heard as a child, all the signs which have been surrounding them, the suspicious deaths...

"June, 1953" came the voice of the old man in his mind.

"Never gets hurt..." thought Elio and remembered of the events of the football pitch and Elena fussing over him: "Oh, my god, your hand! Is it deep? How bad is it?"

"People bitten..." commented Elio out loud thinking back of everything that happened to Vicki and Caroline. "Bodies drained of blood..."

But then he remembered something he brushed off before. His conversation with Matt:

"Did she say what kind of animal it was?"

"She said it was a vampire."

"Elio!" came the panicked voice of Elena which made Elio close the diary and shutting the door of the closet rushed out of the room.

"Elena?" called out Elio only to suddenly see her rush up the stairs. "What happened?"

"I did as you asked and I—I found this tape and he was there—"

"Alright Elena, slow down" comforted Elio and holding onto her hands they made eye contact. "Tell me everything."

"The incident the old man told us about. I found the tape for that and I know it was bad but I swear it was Stefan..." blurted out Elena but noticing Elio's face she stopped and realised something. "you don't seem surprised."

Elio wanted to speak but wasn't sure what to say, instead he looked down on the journal and Elena followed his eyes.

"What's that?"

"This journal belongs to someone who lived here in the 19th century. He erm... left some notes. Anyway... what do you want to do?"

"I want him to admit it... I mean... he cannot be what I think he is."

"Elena, what if he is? He could hurt you!" argued Elio.

"What choice do we have?"

"Well for starters do not march to the house of a vampire and accuse them of being one?" sassed Elio immediately. "Please just try to sleep on it. Okay?"

"Fine" sighed Elena and turned around, slowly walked to her room but kept her ears open waiting for Elio to close his bedroom door.

The moment he did that she rushed down the stairs as quietly as she could and taking the key rushed outside.

Driving to the Salvatore Boarding house Elio's voice kept ringing in her ears, the closer she got to the house the more unsure she felt about this plan. She parked the car a bit away from the door and walking there stopped in front of it, she wanted to knock but then she took a step back and turned away only for the door to suddenly flung open.

Coming face to face with Stefan he looked shocked seeing the girl, Elena did not hesitate she was quick to confront him.

"What are you?"

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