Genesis | Colby Brock

By skywakkie

612 36 21

genesis (noun) [ gen·​e·​sis ] • the origin or coming into being of something. --- "You're the reason I staye... More



219 8 4
By skywakkie

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" You muttered to yourself as you rushed over to the place you worked at, your eyes barely staying open from how tired you were and looked even. Thank god for makeup. You pushed the door open and stumbled inside just in time for your boss to show up from behind the counter, scoffing when he saw you. "Look who showed up! You're 15 minutes late." He said, making you gulp nervously.

You looked at some of your coworkers and sighed, your face turning a bit red as their eyes were on you. Some showed a sorry look, others showed a pleased look. "I'm sorry, my alarm didn't ring and the bus came later than expected-" The boss cut you off by lifting his hand up and then lowering it. "As always, this is your last warning. One more time, and you're out." The boss said, clapping his hands twice which made everyone go back to work.

With a heavy sigh, you headed to the back and placed your stuff in your locker, putting your apron on before you closed it and leaned your forehead on the locker. "Hey, don't feel too bad. You know he just likes showing his power." A woman's voice said from beside you, one of your coworkers. "Yeah, that's easy to say when it's not you he's giving the warning to." You replied, looking back at her.

A small giggle left her lips as she nodded, "Yeah, you're right." She said, offering her hand to you after. "I'm Katrina. Katrina Stuart." She said, smiling when you took her hand after a bit and shook it. "Y/n. I'm Y/n Y/l." You replied while returning the smile.




You groaned as you turned the alarm off, turning the other way only to be met with a back, making you open your eyes and furrow them in confusion. After recognizing the black, messy, and long hair in front of you, you chuckled to yourself. "Kat, you're in my bed again." You said softly, a soft groan coming from her as she stretched and rubbed her face as you did the same. "Shut up, my head is killing me." She whispered, looking around the room before covering her face with the blanket.

"You have been getting drunk everyday since you broke up with Sam. It isn't healthy." You said while sitting up, brushing your hair with your fingers. "It's my way of coping. Of coping with a broken heart." She replied, sitting up after and leaning her head on your shoulder, leaning your head on hers after. "I know. But it isn't good to do it everyday. At least take me with you next time." You chuckled, kissing her forehead and giving her a quick hug before getting up.

"I would but you're the one who always decides to stay home and watch a movie or play videogames because they don't like parties or don't drink alcohol." She said, getting up and following you into the kitchen. You began to prepare some coffee for the two of you, rolling your eyes at her comment. "Well, I'd love to go out someday, even if I don't drink or go to a party." You replied, pouring some milk on both cups.

"I've been so focused on my channel ever since before I moved here. I barely worked back in my home country, finally got a job offer here in LA, flew all the way here to try it out, then I met you, and I am still doing the same thing I did before with my life. Nothing." You explained, handing her one of the cups once the coffee was ready.

"I've never experienced having a boyfriend, going to a party, going to a road trip with friends, trying extreme stuff like riding a rollercoaster-" You cut yourself off which made Katrina look at you with a lifted eyebrow. "What?" She asked as you stared at the counter in thought. "God, I'm a nun." You said in realization. "That's it, I'm devoting the rest of my life to our lord, Jesus Christ." You said in a small accent as you put your hands together, Katrina's laugh echoing throughout the entire apartment.

"Okay, okay. I got it. I'll force you off your ass next time I go out with Stas." She said, quickly getting an idea when she looked at you. "Actually- I just got the best idea. Remember when I told you I'd introduce you to Sam and Colby once things with Sam get a bit better and all?" She said, making you furrow your eyebrows. "Yes? That was your way you 50% got me to agree to move in with you, manipulating me with my love for them." You joked, making her chuckle.

"They are planning to celebrate BIG when they reach 10 million subscribers for their channel." She began. "I'm obviously invited and I could bring you with me. Sam already knows mostly about you, he knows since before we broke up." She said, making you widen your eyes. "Wait, are you serious?" You asked in disbelief.

Meeting THE Sam Goldbach and THE Colby Brock?!

"Yeah, I am serious. You literally saved me from living under a bridge by becoming my roommate. The least I can do is keep my promise." You didn't know how to react, feeling bad at first since it felt as if you were using her connection to Sam and Colby only to meet them and feed your fantasy of getting to talk to them and meet them. "But I feel bad. It's a personal thing between you guys, friends and family-" She cut you off by glaring.

"You're a youtuber, right?" She asked. "Yes." You replied with a nod. "You got inspired by them, right?" "Yes." "Sam knows about you because I told him, right?" "Yes, he does." "Then period. Sam knows, and if Sam knows, Colby knows. All youtubers are family and friends. You have 900k subs, nearly at 1 million. So trust me, they've heard of you." She said, making you feel a bit reassured but still a bit off by it.

"But, are you sure?" You asked, making her groan in slight annoyance. "Do you want me to call Sam and make him reassure you instead?" She said as she got up and began heading to your room where her phone was. "No, no! Kat!" You exclaimed as you followed after her in a hurry, your eyes wide. But she wasn't stopping.

She took her phone and began to go around the room as you followed her, trying to stop her. "Kat! Stop! Don't!" You exclaimed again, climbing your bed to try and reach her faster. But as you tried to lunge forward to grab her waist, she dodged you. Sneaky girl. You heard the dialing tone which made your heart skip a beat and your blood run cold, "Kat!" You exclaimed one last time, before Sam's voice echoed through the speaker. "Hey, Kat! What's up?" He said excitedly.

"Hey, Sam. Sorry for bothering you but Y/n is really getting on my nerves right now." She said, earning a chuckle from Sam as if he understood what exactly she was talking about. "Are you coming to the party next week?" He asked, hope clear in his voice that seemed like only you noticed it, Kat coming out unfaced by it.

"Yeah, actually, I was going to ask you about it. You wouldn't mind if I bring Y/n, right? She wants to go out and stuff, and she really wants to meet you guys." Kat asked, a chuckle coming from Sam while you hid your face in the mattress of your bed. "Of course, man! We'd love to meet her!" Sam said, another, deeper, voice sounding from the back.

"Who's that?"

Your head flied up to look at Kat the moment you recognized the voice. Colby motherfucking Brock. Kat grinned knowingly at your reaction. "It's Kat. She's asking if Y/n can come next week to the party with her." Sam whispered to Colby. You motioned her to cut the call already but she only grinned, noticing the genuine terror in your eyes.

"Hey, Kat. How are you?"

Kat smiled, "I'm good, Colby." She said, smirking knowingly at you. "Y/n is right here with me, the phone is on speaker so, could you reassure Y/n that it's totally fine for her to join the party?" She said.

Your eyes widened and you gasped, sitting up on the bed. "Hey, Y/n! She's listening, right?" Sam asked, receiving a 'Yes' from Kat. You bit your lips together as Colby began to speak instead.

"Hey, Y/n. Kat has told us a lot about you ever since she met you and we wanted to thank you as well for saving her lease when you agreed to move in with her. We'd love to have you at the party and meet you face to face, finally."

You blushed heavily at his voice, the deep voice definitely making you swoon which Kat noticed. "She's having a heartattack, Colby. Give me a sec." Kat announced. "Shut up!" You finally exclaimed, making Sam and Colby laugh at your reaction that they definitely heard.

"Okay, guys! We'll see you next week. I'll come pick you both up, okay?" Sam said. Kat and him spoke for a bit more while you were too busy laying on your bed, staring at the ceiling in disbelief.

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