Locker room nightmare

By wedgiesub

23.5K 54 16

Lucas is no stranger when it comes to being bullied. He's been at the receiving end of countless wedgies, swi... More

Gym class troubles
Anti Jock-locked

Bullys in the bathroom

11.5K 23 3
By wedgiesub

My names Lucas, I'm probably exactly what you would think of if you thought of a nerd. Everyday I wear my button up shirt and a pair of khakis or jeans, and of course my white briefs. I used to wear the stereotypical tighty whiteys but time after time I was at the receiving end of some ass destroying wedgies and ruined underwear. Until I found a brand that stays tight to me, fits great, but can stretch like crazy without ripping. I thought they would save me from the bullies and save me from having my underwear ripped off everyday, but I guess I was only half right about that. The bullies made it there daily mission to rip my undies or at the least give me an ass flossing to remember. I was so happy when i made it to my senior year in high school, 1 more year away from leaving this hell hole. I thought I could easily handle 1 more year of the bullies, but boy was I wrong.

It was a Tuesday morning, I did my usual routine. Got dressed, ate breakfast, and headed out of the house for my walk to school. It wasn't a far walk by any means, if anything it took around 15-20 minutes to walk everyday. On this day in particular I noticed the fall leaves starting to drop. The slight breeze in the air gave me that nice autumn feeling. I thought it was a sign I was going to have a great day!
As I walk into the school I see the usual people, the cheerleaders, fellow nerds, the popular jocks and football team, but then I catch a glimpse of Caleb. He's tall, brown hair, very muscular and defined body and just the perfect amount of face stubble. He's the perfect guy. Unfortunately to my knowledge he is not gay and in fact he is one of my main bullies in school. He is also the quarterback of the football team.
I was probably looking at him like I was in a trance for 15 seconds and he must have noticed me staring at him because out of nowhere I here "ayy what are you staring at fag", Caleb said amongst his football buddies. I didn't say anything, I turned and tried to speed walk away from them and head to my first period class.
I didn't hear anyone approaching but out of nowhere I feel a big sweaty hand clamp over my face covering my mouth and a hand reach down my pants and pull up hard with force. I turn my head a little to see it's Caleb along with two of his buddies, Jake and Kyle. The each grabbed a leg while Caleb held onto my head and briefs and the carried me to the nearest men's bathroom. They drop me to the floor but Caleb keeps a firm grip on my undies, I manage to squeak out "isn't it a little early for a swirly guys, please just let me go to class". That's when Caleb pulls up on my underwear and said "who said anything about a swirly? Me and the boys here worked up a sweat at football practice this morning and we forgot our deodorant". My heart sank as I realized what was about to happen. Before I could protest I felt my underwear shoot up so high it felt like I was being sawed in half, he took me to a nearby stall and hung me up by my underwear on the stall door. I hung there motionless. You'd think I'd be used to hanging wedgies by now but unfortunately I was not. "Haha nice man, perfect pit cleaning height" Jake said. With that the 3 boys took off there shirts and approached me. Caleb stepped up and lifted his arm. His armpit was filled with brown hair clearly slicked with sweat. The smell hit me first and he was still a good 2 ft away from me. "Open your mouth fag and get licking" says Caleb. I shut my mouth tight refusing. That's when Kyle comes up and pulls my pants down and off my body, throwing them in the trash. I'm left hanging in my underwear now practically naked except for the giant wedgie and shirt. "Next is gonna be a punch to that tiny thing you call a cock if you don't stick out your tongue" says Caleb. With that I slowly open my mouth and stick it out, Caleb wastes no time grabbing the back of my head and smearing my face all over his sweat slicked and smelly armpit. My tongue stayed out and I was forced to lick up ever drop of sweat he had. The smell was nauseating but somehow I almost felt a little turned on. Knowing Caleb held so much power over me and something about his manly aroma made my cock twitch underneath my giant hanging wedgie. He held me in his pit for at least 10 minutes before switching to the next one. Once he was done he spit on my face and put his shirt back on. This process continued with Jake and Kyle as well. I couldn't tell you who smelt worse because after 20 minutes my taste buds outweighed the smell. I do know Kyle's was the sweatiest and he took his time rubbing my face around and making sure I lick every hair. I thought once they were done they would let me down. Instead Caleb reaches into his bag and takes out one of his damp football socks and a roll of duct tape. Before I could say anything he shoved the disgusting sock in my mouth and wrapped around 10 layers of tape around my head, wrists, and ankles. He made me chew on the foul sock, the sweat was literally running down my throat and it made me feel genuinely sick to my stomach. "Enjoy my sock snack fag, don't worry we won't leave you hanging alone here for long, class will be ending soon so I'm sure you're gonna get some visitors" with that, the 3 muscular jocks left the bathroom laughing and I was left hanging by my white briefs off a stall door, pants gone, my wrists and feet are taped, and I have a football players disgusting sweat soaked sock lodged in my mouth.. not how I was hoping my day was going to start.

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