man-machine Gaia gear; the al...

By charcaradon

1.8K 40 34

Alchemist; a secret group of men and women who dabble into the mystic arts for the better or for worse, with... More

CH# 1
CH# 4


300 4 1
By charcaradon

after the sudden appearance of a new machine that is under the classification of mobile suits, dubbed the gaia gear, as anser dubbed and coined the name, with a certain dark-skinned blond now watching from the lounge...

???: oh ...why if this is a sudden turn of events...

...he took a good look at the "Gaia gear" that anser had built in his spare time back on earth, as a boy with a tablet and a haro unit is intrigued by the sheer sight of it... 

felsi: What the hell is that!?

...she sees the machine, all white, with a single horn with an LED light on the base of the horn, as it was built in the visage of the Gundams, but nobody knows that yet...

anser: i am here for the rematch, the tallgeese is just a diversion!

...chuchu who was watching with her friends watching the screens carefully at the sight of the new machine that anser proclaimed to be the one that would surpass even the gundams...and in the dueling committee lounge the dark-skinned man now is shocked to see the machine dubbed the gaia gear make an appearance, and the boy who is accompanied by a haro is doing everything he could to analyze the machine...

???: so~? what can you find about this thing?...right rouji?

...the girl with white hair now is looking at the big screen at the machine, while the boy is trying to ignore her as he comes to a conclusion to his analysis...

rouji: no...there's nothing about this machine, with an unknown operating system...

????: oh in that case, i was just asking...

...they both looked at the i wonder if someone could actually be building a new type of machine without anyone noticing...and after their little reaction had ended the man now looked at the arena and continued as usual...

???: now this is a new gear in the machine, i really want to meet him up close and personal and talk about it, but I'm getting ahead of myself, oh now recite the oath! the two opponents both recited the oath for everyone to hear and after that was done, he opened the gates of battle...

???: fixed release! the two mobile suits are now are free to fight, with felsi taking the first move...

felsi: i will not lose to you another time!

anser: wanna bet!

...he dodged a couple of beams coming from the Dilanza's beam pistol that were aimed right at the gaia gear alpha, making anser to reveal the mobile suit's first weapon, a custom-made beam rifle...

anser: not so fast! remembering the tallgeese, she dodged to the side as she kept on her endeavor of closing the distance...

anser; hey you know something...i can do a better job too!

...he pushed both of the joysticks forward, making the machine run forwards with the beam rifle in hand, hoping to slow her down to some extent, with that failing his initial strategy...

anser: ok, time for plan B!

...he hit a switch, as he now resorts to his other option to assist in getting in range, and the arena being just large enough with the space for a single or at least a couple of mobile suits to fly around in...

anser: now engaging in fighter mode-

felsi: not so fast!

anser; what? a heartbeat, the internal mechanisms of the mobile suit now shifted and changed...all while felsi is making her counterattack against Anser's custom beam rifle targeting her Dilanza while making her charge in the rematch against the new mobile suit...where a dust cloud kicked up after she returned fire...

felsi: ha! even though you wanted to go around to use a mobile suit that nobody has seen before, you still are this easy to beat in a duel!

...she is then all of a sudden proven wrong, with the sound of something breaking the sound barrier breaking up the dust cloud flying towards her in a white blur...

...with everyone now seeing a white fighter jet blasting off against the dust cloud made by felsi's beam rifle kicking up dust...very sight of the transformation is mostly unheard of in the entire academy, and even the people watching from the campus, as the boy with the haro, rouji is shocked to see it doing it...

???: so what did it do this time?

rouji: secelia, the mobile transformed!

secelia; hm~! i guess we might have a run for our money if that thing goes on to defeat more students'e suits through more duels ...

...they observed the strange new machine, as where chuchu and the rest of the earth house, as the blue-haired one now is making her own observations on the match...

chuchu: oh...a transforming mobile suit, Now we're gonna beat those space rats! right nika? 

nika: y-yeah! i don't see anyone who could build a mobile suit like this one...i want to see what it is like when...when i know more... 

chuchu: yeah!  With that kind of power, the Earthians are gonna push back those space rats!

...they all see the white jet closing in the distance between anser and felsi in their rematch, seeing that the transformed mobile suit now is able to break the distance gap and is ready to attack...

anser; and now for my next trick...I'll fly up like this!

...he ascended upwards in the jet, as felsi has gone trigger-happy to take him down...

felsi: Get back here you coward!

...she kept on firing at the get but missing her shots, knowing that he might get shot by at least some of them...

anser: And now!...this is just the play i needed to win this rematch!

...he then grabbed onto the controls and quickly shifted his man-machine back to its humanoid form, then gaia gear alpha now reached for its back and pulled out a rifle that is exceedingly long as the man-machine is tall, if not even longer...

anser:...alright hyper mega launcher is now ready...

...he aimed the long particle cannon carefully, as he is now reaching his prime peak in the rematch...

anser: oh...what was i thinking!?[i can't obliterate her on the spot, I'll be in jail!]

...but somehow he couldn't give himself in to pull the trigger, instead, he discarded it placed it back on his back, and continued his plan b his own other way...

anser; alright...initiating, beam gun, and Vulcans! a way to void using his strongest weapon to end this quickly, and instead, he decides to make a show out of his new man-machine...while making his strong descent downwards with a volley consisting of his own beam guns and Vulcans...

chuchu: he's...he's closing in!?

nika: At that speed...he won't survive... felsi's cockpit she is trying to deal with the mobile suit's descent...

felsi: don't you dare try to take me down!

anser: i won't...

...his barrage corralled her to the one place that anser wanted her to be locked in place, as he is falling since he needed to save up on his propellant to use his thrusters...this is a little thing he learned when using the tallgeese...

felsi: Then in that case, i also have you where i want you!

...she then held up a beam gun that was fixed and targeted straight for his new mobile suit, and she opened fire...only for that to go in vain, as the rounds were being blocked by some kind of shield generator blocking off her own beam attacks...

felsi: what-

...then it is the moment of truth, the man-machine is now in striking range, and the machine reared its body and miraculously kicked it not once, but twice in a row...that disarmed her away from her weapon...

felsi: what was that!?

anser: The psycommu system!... i tell the machine what to do, making piloting easier, but i can still make the common piloting mistakes here and there!

felsi: And in that case...

...she revealed her beam sword, it glowed green as per the normal standard issue beam weapons that the school uses... the man-machine then landed on it's feet...

anser: beam weapons huh?...i think I'll play by the book then...

...he produced a magenta beam saber that appeared from the back of gaia gear alpha, where they both charged into combat, where they both exchanged their blows...

chuchu: yeah! beat up that smelly old space rat!

nika: it's can transform, and is loaded with all kinds of weapons hidden all over it's body...

chuchu: who cares where it came from!...he's kicking her ass! the dueling committee, the dark-skinned blond now is starting to be intrigued by the tricks that the gaia gear is showing off in battle...

secelia: shaddiq, don't you think it's just like a gundam like the one that the witch was using?

shaddiq: i don't know that...i admit that this is the case, but not uncommon for people to build their mobile suits from scratch...but this one's different...

rouji: ...s-sir... there are no official records of this mobile suit being in production...

shaddiq: this is interesting...anything else?

rouji: when it is being registered, it isn't called under the title of...Gaia Gear Alpha...

shaddiq: gaia gear? this is what does he call it...any nicknames, just asking...

rouji: just one...he calls it...nibiru... but he rarely says it when registering it...

shaddiq: i wonder how he managed to get it in his possession...

...the trio who are in charge of the duels kept their eyes fixed on the duel, mostly on anser with his gaia gear alpha, which appeared for the first battle of its run time after being built...

shaddiq: we might learn about what could...this isn't what we expected though...

...he looked at the screen to focus his attention on all of them seeing that the machine dubbed the gaia gear, was wielding a single beam saber accumulating multiple hits against felsi rollo's borrowed dilanza mobile suit to pilot...

felsi: Do you even get tired!?

anser; nope! ...

...he managed to literally disarm the dlanza, clean off the shoulder, leaving her without a means of defending herself against the gaia gear in its first duel in battle...

felsi: no!...this can't be real!

anser; by regulations of the asticassia dueling committee rules, when the head section of a mobile suit is destroyed, the opponent loses right there on the spot! 

...he puts his beam saber to have the fight take place fairly with anser wanting to fight fairly as he could work with, with the adrenaline of the pumping action as he focused his concentration into synchronising to fuel the psycommu and as well the psycho-fram in the form of an attack...


...he quickly grabbed the head of the mobile suit, as Felsi could only struggle with the other arm that wasn't cut off clean by anser's gaia gear's beam saber...

anser; ...finger!

...the gaia gear crushed the mobile suit's head and then anser let it go, leaving the mobile suit mostly intact and still standing...

anser: Now this is my answer!...i am going to become the strongest mobile suit duelist in this school!

...he exit's the cockpit to climb on top of the shoulder of his gaia gear, triumphantly in defiance...

anser: yeah! i am gonna be the king of the man-machines! the earth house the crew of that ramshackle, rusty old warehouse, with chuchu and co. cheering at the fight of the very first victory that anser has won inside of his one true mobile suit...

chuchu: you see that guy!?...he was this powerful inside of a mobile suit to begin with!!

nika: ...yeah...right...but, i am more interested in what is making his mobile suit work like it does ...

chuchu: yeah! no kidding, he's pretty strong in that thing though...he said he built it in his spare time?

 nika: that's so amazing!...i really hope that i get the chance to inspect it one day...

...they looked at the screens to see that anser was still victorious, as not too long after the duel has concluded, anser is now surrounded by the campus security mobile suits, after defeating Felsi Rollo fair and square within the power levels...

campus security: Anser juno avion! are hereby charged with the ownership of a Gundam! specifically Gundam Gaia gear! out of confusion, Anser is mostly annoyed with the triple Gs instead of the double Gs...

anser: Hey you better drop that! cuz' which Gundam?!

...the boy is now taken in for interrogation, after all, he needs to distinguish his invention from the Gundams that have infamously killed the pilots who wished to pilot them, where anser finds himself inside a small cramped room, with an interrogator wanting to squeeze the information out of anser...

Interrogator: i should have you know that you have somehow built a Gundam under our noses, what do you have to say about that?

...instead of the answer to what she wanted Anser just gave a confused look, all regarding his gaia gear...

anser; you mean my Gaia gear?

interrogator: Yes gundam gaia gear...i want you to talk about you owning one of them...

Anser: are you talking about the Gundams that kill their pilots,..or my gaia gear that will surpass the Gundams?

...the interrogator is confused beyond belief, as she now gives out a chart for him to see...

interrogator: this is the chart about the permat scores and the legal limitations, it appears that you have exceeded that of the legal limitations...

anser: so you're saying here is that i can't use my brain at all when I'm piloting?

anterrogator: what!? and don't change the topic!

...then it dawned on Anser, as he then revealed the secret behind his Gaia gear's power...

anser; oh, you mean my psycommu and psycho-frame systems that are installed inside of my gaia gear!

interrogator: psychoframe?...psycommu? her head is spinning out of control, but she still held firm to the belief that the Gaia gear is a gundam...

interrogator: so please elaborate on the mobile suit's identity, as to where the gund format is involved...

anser: No...there's no gund format inside it...

interrogator: Impossible...then these sets of recorded data currents are-

anser: that's just normal pyscho-frame and psycommu system patterns...they're safe unless you decide to crank it up to max, and then it'll kill you, but it's safe to use nonetheless

interrogator: so that really's technically a gundam, but it's somehow safe to use...i guess i might have something to report after all then...

anser: see? that's what i'm trying to tell you! gaia gear alpha is not a gundam, it's too distinct for that!

interrogator: then...i should ask you this...what is a gundam...

anser; simple! a mobile suit that uses a gundam frame!

interrogator: what? you got to be joking, i said what is a gundam...

anser: a mobile suit with a gundam frame, not the software, and exceedingly stronger than the normal run of the mill mobile suits!

interrogator: Oh sure...let's just go with that one...and by the way, what is this machine that you have called a gaia gear?

anser: oh that! well let's put it this way, my gaia gear was built with the data of my favorite mobile suits and mobile armors around, and not to mention i made the psycho-frame and the psycommu in mind!

interrogator: Then tell me what those two systems...

anser: of course...the psycho-frame is the data processing unit made to analyze human brainwaves and convert those into in other words it makes piloting a bit easier...

Interrogator: ok, then what is psychommu?

...she is taking notes of a more condensed and abridged version of what is the boy is saying to her...

anser: psycommu is-...oh this gonna be a really long day how about a shorter version of it?

interrogator: of course...tell me what is that operating system is...

anser: well it's just like how an octopus have eight arms...

interrogator: so how is that revelant to the-

anser: ...oh i finally got it! allows the human brain to control the remote control funnels, just like the psycho-frame, but that thing for people with a strong head instead of an AI... 

interrogator: fine, that seems to sound a bit interesting...i think that your gundam-

anser;'s called, not a gundam, gaia gear!

interrogator: fine! gaia gear...i will report my findings to the higher-ups about your home project...but as for now, you will stay inside a holding cell with the witch from mercury... until then, the engineers sent from the mobile suit development council, or the MSDC, for short, are able to analyze and identify your mobile suit...

anser: alright, i'll play along for the ride then...

...after they moved on their seperate ways the interrogator left anser to be escorted by a man who is  is charged with the task of taking anser to be temporarily locked up in a holding cell for the time being, until the true identity of the man-machine or mobile suit can be determined by them...

anser: i guess that makes one of us...

...the confused interrogator now looked at the data, all of which is considered normal for the unique system for the gaia gear ... and why anser insists why he insists on calling his "mobile suit" to be called Gaia gear Alpha Anser, where they left left the room...


a crew of engineers hired by the mobile suit development council, to inspect Gaia gear Alpha, after there suspisions of it being a gundam has passed away...

msdc engineer: alright the tops wanted to see what is the fuss with gundam gaia gear alpha...

msdc engineer: i think i heard rumors that the brat was using his head- i mean he was litearally using his head to pilot it...

msdc engineer: but if i wonder what it means on why that brat says he's not even calling a gundam-

???: it's not a gundam! it's a gaia what are we going to think about it's name huh?

...they are now meeting up to see the one who has called them there, as an elite student is standing in the middle of the hangar bay...

anser pov, holding cell:

...where Anser now is being held in the same holding cell with the witch from mercury who has won from using a gundam named aerial...where he is locked up in a holding cell with a girl with red hair and is curled up...

anser: oh hey, you got in trouble too?

...the red-haired girl looked up to look at the boy with an annoyed look at his face, trying to lift the gloomy mood of the dimly-lit room to hold the both of them...

???: so what happened to you?

...she is feeling a little bit too timid about what happened until anser came inside the same room that she is in...

anser: i got aught because everyone thought that Gaia gear alpha is a gundam of all stupid is that...seriously, who comes up with that kind of ideas though?!

???: gaia gear alpha? 

anser: yeah! i worked my back to work on it, so what's your story?

???: my mobile suit, aerial, everyone thinks it's a gundam...but it's not!

anser: why is that so?

???: because they said that it has the gund-format...sorry, i just feel that aerial is just like family to me...

anser: you know what? i feel the the same way as you, since i literally built my man -machine totally distinct from a gundam, the gaia gear!

???: oh, that's just like aerial. right?

anser: yep, but the thing uses the psycho-frame controls the man-machine and the psycommu controls the funnels and eaxtra limbs in a fight...

....the true story of the gaia gear, and the boy's claim to become the strongest man-machine pilot out there...

anser: oh sorry...i didn't get the chance to get your name is anser juno avion, but please call me anser for short, and you?

sulleta: i'm suletta mercury, it's very nice to meet you!

anser: i guess we might start slacking off while we still have the time in here...

...they both spent their free time on exchanging information based on the topic of mobile suits and man-machines...

suletta: built yourself a mobile suit-

anser: no, a's too distinct from a mobile suit to be called a mobile no offense, but i have a point here...

suletta: well you see...i'm in a similiar case here....

...the girl who says that she pilots the illegal gundam that goes by the name of aerial, that is in a similiar condition to the gaia gear , albit the circumstances for being held in custody with one being a gundam, and the other being a complete anomaly based on the builder's claims...

anser: i'm still going to be the king of the man machines, even with them dissamtling and scrapping nabiru! i'll still make a new gaia gear, with an eaven stronger and even bette psycommu and psychoframe! they'll not know what hit them!

...he is high and full of so much adreneline that suletta is trying to hold back her embarrassment  at the sight of him proclaiming his personal dream, as the red-haired girl is now more than startled by more than one-fouths of the sentences...

suletta: a-anser?...are you ok ?

anser: oh sorry...i just got too carried away with you said that aerial is a gundam?

suletta: But aerial is not a gundam... it can't be like that...right?

anser: but...why does your aerial... use a pretty obvious gundam frame... then?

...the question asked by the boy now grabs the girl's attention for a bit, as he know that- to him something is up with her not knowing what a gundam is in detail exactly ...

suletta: did you know that my mobile suit is a gundam?

anser: do i have to repeat myself then? ok...the gundams use the gund format and must use the body frame that is perfectly humanoid and is able to adapt in many kinds of situations...but when i plan to make the man-machines...

suletta: but what are man-machines exactly?

anser: exactly! that's what it should tell you...i explained it to a girl who goes by the name of chuchu...but okay dokie! Man machines are a lot like mobile suits, but they're more advanced and more powerful, so making them is my dream! by starting with Gaia gear!

...he smiled knowing that the very thing that he is so passionate about, but suletta was getting curious about his motivations and the cause of his inspiration behind making man-machines in the first place, with anser telling his sulleta floated there in zero gravity in confusion...

suletta: But, can I know how come you want to build uhhh...

anser: gaia gears to replace gundams and man machines to replace mobile suits!

suletta: so are you going to tell me?

anser: yeah!...let's see if i can all started when i met two girls in an abandoned city after i had gotten into a fight with terrorists attacking refugees by accident, and that is where and when i saw two gundams, can't remember the names of the pilots though...

...suletta listened to his story to help kill some time until either one of them got released...

flashback, anser pov:

back all the way in Earth anser is testing out the tallgeese that he is testing out for the first time aside from fighting test dummies in the simulations...

anser: vernier thrusters, check!, Armaments, check! pre-recorded safe flight path,... all good, tallgeese#1 take off!

...he cranked the tallgeese's thrusters to the highest settings even against the wishes of the engineers who were scared of the outcome if the boy actually dared to pilot the monster of a the white machine with its equipment attached to it, where it blasted off so fast that it is gone in a heaheart beat...

engineer: hurry! we have to monitor where anser is going with the tallgeese!

...the crew went to the hangar to track down the tallgeese if it is still going in the set flight path., where they see the little red dot on the map seeing that to their horror is not only the tallgeese with a younger anser  inside, he is going to a site that is ridden with mobile suit extremists ..

all engineers: eeeeegghhhh!?!?!?!?

they all are scared to see that the tallgeese is flying in a straight line heading towards a place that has an active battlefield taking place in...


[A/N; im making the events of vanadis heart take place couple years closer to the main story, and take place simultaneoulsy!]

After suffering the long trip with him being unable to slow down the tallgeese's beasts of vernier thrusters, with him being able to get back in control to switch off the tallgeese's thrusters...

anser: Oh finally!

...he is out of one hell, and he is entering inside of another kind of hell; a literal battlefield between a gathering of completely militaristic mobile suits.. they are seemingly chasing something big, and of all things had to interrupt their pursuit of what they are after...all until something crashed right in front of them...

ms pilot: What the hell is that thing!?

ms pilot: what the-

...then see what has crashed down to the ground still intact somehow, standing there, with both sides stopping what they are doing...that's when they see the tallgeese standing there ...

ms pilot: unknown pilot, identify yourself! response since the tallgeese is a couple of centuries old, and the soldiers all open fire, as anser moved out of the way of whateverfactions albeit not named, this forced him to fight both sides to stay alive, with anser getting ahold of the tallgeese's heat lance and halberd to fight back and to defend himself...

ms pilot: they're too good for us, Now what?

...they are getting desperate in trying to land a hit on the mobile suit whose thrusters ensure high speeds rivaling a fighter jet...

ms pilot: What are we gonna do with something like that running around!?

...they are forced to get reinforcements at the sight of the tallgeese skating around taking out as many mobile suits, with one side getting desperate...

ms pilot: They're not relenting to any hails, call for backup!

...more of those mobile suits are now diverting to try to take down the fossil of the tallgeese, with the tallgeese and anser's love for leaning to piloting a mobile suit and acing the simulations, as well as being stranded in somewhere trying to fight off acouple of mobile suits  trying also not to kill anyone...

???: hey! nice suit you got there mister!

...the tall geese heard the voice of a young boy inside of a strange-looking mobile suit being way too skinny than it needs to be, that is weilding an equally akward giant fidler gauntlet...and this is the part where anser learns of the loudspeaker....

...and anser now anser now has met something that should be feared so much...a gundam...a type of mobile suit  feared for killing it's pilots...

???: hey~! you need a hand...well no pun intended! that certain mobile suit that anser is now recognising as a gundam is reaching out with it's non offensive left arm...confusing anser...


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