First impressions

Por LouieChewi666

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My first MHA x Reader Fanfiction, constructive criticism welcome, please be kind. thank you. This ongoing, so... Más

First Impressions
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
chapter 5
Qualify or Fail
Part 7: Memories to Music Madness
Chapter 8: A Little Love
CHAPTER 9: Tears and Reunions
Quick notes
Birthday Bullets
Chapter 11: Blades and Bloodshed
Chapter 12: Unbreakable
Chapter 13
Chapter 14: Eri, The Lost Princess
Chapter 15: Music To Sooth the Aching Sole
Bonus Chapter: Smash or Pass Game
Chapter 17: Christmas Part 2
Chapter 20
Chapter 21: Comedy of Laundry Errors
Mineta Drama, Chapter 22
Character Update Part 23
Nabu Island Part 2

Chapter 2

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Por LouieChewi666

Chapter 2: - Music, Romance and Kidnapping

After the sports festival, quite a lot happened to the students in U.A, Offers were coming in from hero agencies from all over Japan. Shoto Todoroki and Katsuki, Bakugo, stole most of the offers along with only handful of the other class. Mr Aizawa addressed the class, telling them about was to happen next. They were also joined by the Pro Hero Midnight, who helped explain about the name that would cement them as a hero. At the back of the class, Louie raised her hand to ask a question to the Pro Hero. Midnight saw her hand and let her ask away.

Louie: "Is it possible to get military training, whilst being a hero in training?"

Midnight replied diplomatically, yet encouragingly.

Midnight: "It is possible, depending who you have as your mentor, and what you need to consider; Do you want to go down the military route? Or do you want to use it to help you boost your quirks? Also consider where your quirks fit into this. Does that answer your question Chewie?"

Louie wrote down what Midnight said and it was clear to her what she wanted.

Louie: "Actually it does, thankyou Midnight Sensei." Louie smiled, inspired.

Questions out of the way, time to choose hero names. Many had come up with their names already, but some needed a bit more editing, aka Bakugo. He was getting nowhere with the suggestions he came up so far. Some took a little longer to come up with a name; Tenya Ida, Midoria and Louie.

Tenya Ida had finally come up with his hero's name for now, his own like Shoto Todoroki. Plucking up the courage, Midoria came up to front with his, Deku. Last for now was Louie. Holding the card tightly in her hands she turned it over to reveal her name; 'The Rose Hero, Vamilier'.

Midnight: "Ooo sounds magical!" She declared. "Explain, please."

Louie: "It's a combination of my Fairy and Vampyre quirks together, a play on words, and to add my black rose into the mix as well."

The class applauded her efforts, and everything carried on the regular hum drum of normality.

Friday, the last day in the week of working hard as a student then enjoying the spoils of the weekend. The bell chimed for the end of the day; happy chatter filled the corridors of students talking about their weekend plans. Tokoyami picked up his bag, and saw Louie hang back for a moment. Kirishima, Kaminari and few others were talking about going to karaoke place in one the districts, and called at him to join them. He politely declined, and made an excuse not to attend. When they left, he stopped beside Louie, who looked a little lost in thought.

Tokoyami: "Hey Louie, are you ok?" He asked in his melodic low voice.

Louie looked up from her desk, confuddled. She pushed her thoughts aside, and answered him, with small smile.

Louie: "Fumikage, I'm fine, thank you for asking. Was there something you needed?"

Fumikagi loved the sound of her voice when she said his name. He wanted to ask her out, but he didn't want to wait any longer, he was going to confess to Louie, he liked her.

Fumikage: "Louie, are you free tomorrow?"

Louie tucked her chair in and cocked her head to one side, making Fumikage's heart flutter.

Louie: "Yes, why would you like to go on a date with me? Is that what your asking?"

Fumikagi gulped, how did she know? ................. The heart reading, how could he forget?!

Fumikagi: "Yes please, I'll pick you up at eight. Is that alright?" He asked, nervously.

Louie gave his cheek a small kiss, a peck.

Louie: "I look forward to it, My Shadow King." She replied flirtatiously with a wink and left him standing there open mouthed, frozen to the spot.

At Louie's home, her father had come home early, and had just prepared an early dinner for them, when the phone rang. He only heard Louie's side of the conversation.

Louie: "Hello?........ Yes, this is the Chewie residence............ Certainly, I will let him know, thank you sir, goodbye."

Danju Chewie: "So who was that?" he questioned slinging a Tea towel onto his shoulder, whilst leaning against the hallway door frame.

Louie: "It was your precinct, they have some news in regarding your enquiries, and said for you to come and pick them up at you earliest convenience."

Danju Chewie: "Ok. We'll have dinner first, then when I get back, you can fill me in on your school day, deal?" He shrugged casually.

Louie: "Deal." She chuckled.

A few hours later, he returned rather worst for wear, but alive none the less. Louie tended to his small cuts in his hands and arms, whilst he readied the bandages for some of the more intermate areas he could take care of himself in the privacy of the bathroom.

With a cup of coffee in one hand, Louie knocked on her father's room door, to find him sitting on a small sofa, with a packet of pocky. Louie held that image in her head, thinking he must be preoccupied with something she couldn't put her finger on. Breaking the silence, she cleared her throat.

Louie: "Dad, I brought some coffee. You said you wanted to talk?"

Danju Chewie: "Yeah, I wanted to know how you are doing at school in general, as I have been rather busy as of late. Tell me what's been going on." He said, as he took the hot drink grateful for its timing.

Louie pulled her sleaves down over hands from the hoodie she was wearing, a nervous habit she really should break. She bit her lip.

Louie: "Well I've chosen my hero's name...." Louie Started.

This peaked her father's interests. Louie continued.

Louie: "The Rose Hero, Vamilier. And I've decided to train with your friend Agent Fauna, and join the Hawks agency...."

Danju Chewie: "Anything else?" He teased his daughter, who only stuck her tongue out at him in response.

Louie: "Yes, I have a date with Fumikage Tokoyami tomorrow at eight. Can I go please dad?" She pleaded.

Her dad pulled out a gothic new wallet for her with her own black card inside, and handed it to her. The surprise looks on her face, he found was priceless. It was a gift from her Grandparents to spend how she wished. The generous Grandparents on her dad's side, were a wealthy family. Louie kissed her dad on the cheek before racing upstairs to plan her outfit for her date.

As the morning sun kissed the city lovingly with its warm glow, the inhabitants arouse with sleepy eyes to go about their daily routine.

In the Tokoyami household, Fumikage was up early with his father Raven, and groaned at another attempt at teasing him for his date that morning.

Tokoyami: "Must you torment me with your comments father?" He groaned for the umpteenth time.

His father laughed at him, playfully giving a nudge in the ribs and ruffling his hair. The struggle between father and son was a comical affair, but Fumikage was eventually released from his father's grasp, reluctantly.

Raven: "I'm sorry, at least let me help you get ready for your date, Little Fumi." He apologised and held his hands up, a peace offering.

Fumikage: "Very well."

Heading upstairs to his room with his father in tow, the two men looked through his wardrobe, piecing items together with ease. They went for a modern look; Plain smart black jeans, white shirt and black waistcoat. On his wrist a couple of short leather cuffs. His neck, hung a gear and cross chain, with a claw chain. Around his waist, his favourite black metal belt, with two sets of chins of different lengths dangling from his belt hole on his jeans. Lastly, for his footwear, to tie it all together, a pair of heavy duty combat styled lace up boots. His father told him to hurry to get ready as it was quarter to seven, and that he would wait downstairs for him with his mother.

A couple streets away, in the Chewie household Louie was just coming out of the shower and applying her light make-up. Her eyes painted lightly with a soft grey tint, with a black eyeliner stroke, into a cat eyes style. On her lips, a bold layer of black lipstick with a slight tint of deep purple to it. Her hair, she styled to be simple plait down her back, but adding a black rose hair clip to the top of it. Onto the clothing; A black pleated leather knee length skirt, with a black mesh long sleaved top, under her black satin corset pulled as tight as she could get it without being out of breath. Her fish-net tights, with a pair of black and white pinstriped knee-high socks, added a fun element to her outfit. The leather choker and cuffs around her wrists, she always wore, to control some of her quirks. Louie accessorised with a coffin shaped bag, placing her new wallet inside, with a couple of other items she needed for the day.

At quarter to eight she waited on the porch swing, swinging gently with her zip up platform boots. She couldn't help but feel the butterflies in her stomach, and go through a few what ifs in her mind, about what they would do on their date. Contemplating, her thoughts, Fumikage was on his way out the door to his home. His father given him some extra money to enjoy himself, and not to worry about what time they got back, he had also given him some of his mother's black roses, she had grown in the garden, to give to Louie. Wishing him luck, he went on his way. To say he was a little apprehensive was an understatement, but he was looking forward to seeing her, being in her presence, holding her close and other thoughts that would have to press down for another time. Carrying the bunch of roses to her house, he made his way up the garden path, to be faced with his queen of darkness, Louie. She greeted him warmly, putting him at ease.

Louie: "Hello, Fumikage. Right on time." She said as she rose out of the seat.

Fumikage: "Hello my queen~" His voice dropped a little, as he came closer up the few steps. "These are for you, black roses from my mother's garden. A rare beautiful gem, who outshines in the eternal darkness. Only befitting such a queen as yourself."

Taking them from him, blushing a tiny bit, she popped inside for a moment to put them in water. When she returned, she had a present for Fumikagi.

Louie: "Just a little gift for you, you don't have to wear it if you don't want to..." Her voice trailed off at the end.

Fumikage looked at the keychain, and chuckled at how cute it was. A handmade resin, mini–Dark Shadow with an apple in his hand. He attached it to his belt hook.

Fumikage: "I love it, thank you. Shall we get going then?" He replied, holding out his hand for her to take.

She nodded. They headed towards the bus station and onto the shopping mall. The same one they took Louie to on her birthday, to the cinema. Louie recognised the place straight away, however had no clue as to what they wanted to do.

Fumikage: "I believe they have an arcade, and claw machine games, in this mall somewhere near the cinema. We could start there if you like Louie?" He suggested, as they looked at the mall's map.

Louie: "Oh? Well, that sounds fun! Lead the way, my handsome Fumikage." Answering with a giggle.

They found it after a few wrong turns, and a bathroom break on Louie's behalf. None the less, he followed her into the arcade happily knowing he had found another wonderful quality about Louie. She loved to have fun, and had a softer side. Dark Shadow raised his head at him gleefully, as Louie walked slightly ahead of them looking at the claw machines.

Dark Shadow: "SOooooo~ How's it going lovebirds? Are you gonna kiss her yet?" He teased, as Dark Shadow rested on one of his shoulders discreetly.

Fumikage gave his quirk a light scolding playfully warning him about his behaviour.

Fumikage: "Dark Shadow kindly cease this rudeness. As far as your concerned, it's going well, but nothing major is happening yet."

Dark Shadow got the hint in Fumikage's voice, and retreated back into him with a smirk.

Dark Shadow: "Only a matter of time, I am your wing man after all."

After few tries on the claw machines, and losing a friendly round to each other in the arcade games, they decided to head to one of the bookstores nearby. His hand briefly brushed Louie's knuckles, only to be pulled away in embarrassment by him. He wasn't ashamed of Louie, but himself acting this way with her. His heart grew restless around her making him want her in his arms. He wanted to hold those small tender hands if hers. Taking a small determined breath, he took hold of her hand. Louie gasped at his forwardness, turning to one of tenderness. Louie loved the feel of him close to her too. She had done since the whole wedding kerfuffle, a few weeks earlier. Her love for him grew since then, and when he placed his hand in hers, it only made the love for him grow stronger, and solidifying it. She was head over heals in love with her best friend Fumikage Tokoyami. As was he to her.

Some time later hunger struck the two love birds, and they got some chicken nuggets and taking a seat on one of the benches. They finished their meals and ended there shopping trip with the last few stores on their list. Hot topic was one of the last stops, Fumikage took Louie in. She'd confessed she'd only been in there once with her father, before she started U.A.

Fumikage: "So my queen, as I have been patient as to what you wanted to do, I hope you don't mind helping me?" He teased subtly towards Louie.

Louie: "Ok. What did you have in mind?" She replied, equally flirtatiously.

Fumikage: "Would you.... Help me find some clothes to wear for our future dates....?"

Louie jumped in excitement, and yanked his hand tugging him behind her, laughing at his blushing. Pulling a few black shirts from one rail that had unique styles, that she thought would fit his broad shoulders and aesthetic. She wasn't done yet, with a couple of hoodies in Black, deep purple and one in dark navy blue.

Louie looked at Fumikage's face to check his wellbeing, he smiled secretly loving seeing her smile and be so happy, it melted his heart.

Fumikage: "Louie I hope you're not spoiling me my queen, as I will only be able to afford only some of your lovely picks for me." He admitted, honestly.

Louie: "No don't worry about it! The truth is, you paid for my books, lunch and our fun in the arcade, this was the least I could do for you, for me to say thank you for a wonderful day. Not to mention, you giving me those beautiful roses from your mum's garden. I have no words..."

Fumikage: "Then there is only one thing to say for your generosity, thank you. But I have a surprise, something for you later, to say my true thanks."

Louie: "Now hurry up, you got to try on the ones you want for me, then we can go to your surprise...." She ordered playfully pushing him towards the changing rooms.

Outfits tried on and some discarded, He finally settled on what he wanted. While Louie was waiting for Fumikage to get changed back into his date outfit, she picked out a few items for herself. Finally, items paid they left for his surprise; it was a small picnic near their homes, in the nearby park, under a weeping willow tree. His father, had got it prepped for them for on the way back, secretly texting his father whilst Louie was in the ladies' bathroom. Fumikage, informed his father what time they would be back in the area, and set it up for them both. They'd arrived, and Louie was stunned into silence.

Fumikage: "I hope this makes the end of our date, a little more special for you. My father, gave me the idea for us." Fumikage explained, rubbing the back of his neck, and looking away for a moment.

Louie: "Fumikage, I love it! You know me so well; I hope there is more dates like this. You really are a romantic at heart aren't you." Louie answered taking back hold of his hand.

Fumikage: "Then allow me now to take your hand and lead you to my romantic picnic for two my queen."

They ate, and talked about their favourite music, foods, etc and even some poetic verses to each other. Manly coming from Fumikage whilst Louie listened to his soulful, deep voice captivating her into some kind of trance of comfort and pure adulterated love for this man. The sun started to set on the horizon, and the couple held each other in its diminishing glow. Holding hands on the way back, Louie looped her arm through his and laid her head on his shoulder, as they walked. Leading her through her gate, they paused for a brief moment. Both either too shy to ask or just too nervous to do it.

Louie placed a kiss on Fumikage's cheek, only for him to turn suddenly and it be his beak.

Louie: "I.... I...... oh, I wanted to say thank you again... f...for today, and ......" Louie stammered.

Fumikage regained his confidence first, and calmed a now ruby red Louie and pulled her into his arms. Lowering his head to rest onto hers, he whispered ever so quietly in her left ear.

Fumikage: "Louie do you how long today I have waited for you to do that?"

Louie: "You wanted to kiss me?" She replied bashfully.

Fumikage: "Yes. You are the rare rose that blooms in my darkness that is the most beautiful, kind, generous and the most......" He confessed, stopping before he revealed anymore of his truths that he loved about her.

Louie pulled away carefully as to not ruin the moment, to look into his red eyes. She wanted to know what else he was going to say, but decided it could wait for now.

Louie: "And you, Fumikage, are the most amazing poetic, gentle dark soul who fills my heart with wonder and kindness. You are, handsome, sweet caring guy who has actually filled me with hope. I love a lot of things about you Fumikage, don't ever change for anyone, And Dark Shadow is a little cutie, but don't tell him, he'll never let me live that down."

With the confessions spoken out loud, Fumikage held Louie in a lover's embrace, until need for air tormented them both. Leading her to her door, they kissed briefly once more, reluctant to let each other go, but agreeing to see each other on Monday morning at her gate to go to school together.

Monday morning, students chatted happily about each of their weekends in their classroom. Kirishima threw a rolled-up piece of paper at Fumikage, and that got his attention.

Kirishima: "Tokoyami, how was your weekend? We didn't see you at the karaoke club, so what did you do?" He asked pressing him for an answer.

Tokoyami huffed, a little annoyed at his fellow class mate, he was about to answer when Louie entered the classroom and headed in his direction to her desk.

Louie: "Fumikage, are you ok?" She asked as she bent down to pick up her pencil that fell on the floor.

Fumikage, looked at her butt by accident and fluffed up. Making a small cough, he turned away as to not give their friends ideas as to what they really did.

Kirishima: "Hey Tokoyami bro? Sorry about that, you good?"

Tokoyami: "To answer your question, my weekend was eventful. I hung out with Louie for the day, didn't we? My queen?" He answered, then turned towards Louie's direction.

She nodded and replied simply, with a hint of cheek in her tone.

Louie: "Yes, the perfect gentleman." She winked at him.

Mr Aizawa entered the room, and silence instantly took over for him to announce when the class would start their hero training/ internships with the agencies. He told the class they would start training next week. Each of the top students got to pick out of the recommended agencies, whereas the others had to choose between a list Mr Aizawa had suggested.

Mr Aizawa: "Chewie, or Vamilier, there will be no need for you to look at the paper as you have already been picked to train with a colleague of your father. An Agent Miss Fauna Sandra, one of the Military agents at the Hawks agency. I believe you and Tsukuyomi, will be the right candidates for this." He called over to Louie and Tokoyami, out clearly so they could understand.

Louie: "Understood Sir!" They replied at the same time.


Lunch bell rang out its usual dull tone, and the students talked about what they wanted to do. Some chose to go with what they were good at their strengths; others chose to go with improving on what skills they had to make themselves even stronger. The class had the usual training straight after lunch, so that gave Louie an opportunity to come up with a strategy on what she wanted from her mentor Agent Fauna.

One week later, the internships.......

Each hero in training was given an address, their hero suit, and their own bag carrying their personal belongings. Fumikage and Louie headed to their respected platform to got to the Hawks hero agency. Some time later they had arrived at the stop. Louie was about to go, when Fumikage pulled her to him for a private moment.

Tsukuyomi: "I'll see you at the agency later this week when we update each other. I love you Vamilier, don't forget that." He confessed, giving her a small kiss on her cheek.

Vamilier: "I love you too. I look forward to meeting up at the end and catching up with each other. Train hard my Shadow king." She replied giving him a kiss on his beak.

Louie was greeted by her mentor, on a Kawasaki Ninja 650, as she pulled up to meet her. Her medium height showed strength and power; Her hair a golden chestnut brown, peeking out from her helmet. She must have been a foot taller than Louie, but with tight curves. She could pass for one of those glamour models.

Agent Fauna: "The Black Rose Hero, Vamilier?"

Louie aka Vamilier, Took the step forward and bowed and introduced herself to her mentor.

Vamilier: "Hello, That's me. Nice to meet you."

Agent Fauna returned the bow shortly, after she got off, lifting the visor of her helmet, she instructed Louie to hand over hero suit, so she could strap it to the luggage rack on the back of her bike. They were off, and ended up in a remote part of the countryside, a log cabin sat awaiting her master. After a few days, every hero, including Louie was getting put through their paces by their mentors.

Louie: "Again!" Louie huffed, as she was in her combat training.

Agent Fauna battled her, and showed her the techniques in combat and weapons training. Louie had fallen numerous times on her rear, but held firm at getting back up again. She called time when Louie was about to collapse, handing her a bottle of water and walked back up to the cabin. When they weren't training, they cooked meals on an old log cooker, and talked about the battles, training, backgrounds and any ways for Louie to improve on some of her doubts. Sometimes when it was quiet, just before Louie would go to bed, a satellite phone would go off, it was the agency checking in with both for updates. There was one that scared her in particular, a hero killer known as Stain, was in Honsu City, and a few of her friends and one pro hero had got really badly hurt. After what seemed like an eternity, News travelled to say the heroes and pro-hero were now in hospital, being taken care of.

On the last days of training, Agent Fauna insisted on teaching Louie how to shoot a gun, at the shooting range. She was addiment that if her quirks stopped working, and need to use a gun or a knife, as a last resort, Agent Fauna wanted to make sure Louie could defend herself and others safely.

The last meal, they talked about how Louie got into U.A, and the recommendation letter.

Louie: "Wait, wait wait, you were the one who gave my school the recommendations letter?" She loudly spoke with a tone of shear unease.

Agent Fauna: "Yes, I was. I saw how at the age of twelve onwards, you showed determination on wanting to be a hero, so I've been protecting you and showing little exercises to build you up to these moments. I also know you went out on date last week, with one of your class mates."

Louie: "Let me guess, my dad?" Louie replied sarcastically.

Agent Fauna: "Yeah. The Jet Black Hero, Tsukuyomi. Aka Fumikage Tokoyami. I've followed quite few heroes in my time, his parents, they were very underestimated, as they have such unique quirks. Have you met them?"

Louie, nodded her head, as her mentor smirked at her. She continued asking questions until it was time for Louie to go and pack up her items, then get ready for bed.

Louie bowed and said goodbye to her mentor at the train station and was met by a familiar face, Tsukuyomi. Her mentor had just left, so the couple just made for their train home. On the train, they discussed everything about their mentors, and what they got up to.

Fumikagi: "I missed you Louie~" he said, bringing her right hand to his beak, and placing a kiss on her knuckles.

Louie swatted him on his shoulder lightly, and kissed his cheek.

Louie: "I did too, My Dark Shadow. I wanted to apologise when I got your texts. They only appeared after we came back to city limits, I had no signal all week."

Fumikage: "It's fine My Queen. I know your safe now, and we are on the way home. I do have a favour to ask you though, if you don't mind?" He said, adjusting himself in his seat to face her.

Louie motioned for him to ask away with slight gesture of her left hand.

Fumikage: "Can I sleep over at yours tonight, as my parents are away at a relative's house for the week. And they forgot to give me my key back before they left."

Louie: "Of course you can, I don't mind. Does that mean we are official now? Boyfriend and girlfriend?"

Fumikage: "Yes. I would love you to be my girlfriend, only if you would have me?"

Louie: "After what we've been through so far together, I'd say it took you long enough." She gave small laugh, as she teased him.

Fumikage: "Is that so, My Queen?....... I do hope you sleep with one eye open tonight; I just might have to punish you for your cheekiness."

Louie: "Ok. Remember, I have already seen you without a shirt on and, accidently caught you in the shower. So, I'm completely innocent in all this."

He looked away for a moment, turning back with a smile of his own, with a plan in mind.

Fumikage: "As it is my birthday soon, I would like to take you out on an evening date. I also have seen you partially naked, that dress you wore for the wedding, you looked hot in it. I couldn't keep my eyes of you in it."

Louie: "I'll bear that in mind when we want to take our relationship to next level sometime down the road, if you want to?"

Fumikagi: "I await your decision when you are ready for that time." *cough* "please change the subject, as I am a little uncomfortable talking about that particular subject."

Louie: "Thank you. Now, as you know........."

Louie went onto explain about what type of training she received, in more detail, as he did ask her before they both got sidetracked.

When they got to Louie's home, Mr Chewie welcomed him warmly into their home. They talked whilst ate dinner, and when it came to sleeping arrangements, he wasn't at all bothered by Fumikage sleeping in the same room as his daughter. He trusted him to be the perfect gentleman. He was, Louie had made up her futon sofa for him, next to her bed. She added a few dimmed lights to act as a calming motion for Dark Shadow, with some snacks on the side if they got hungry. In the morning they said goodbye to each other, as he headed back to his home, having now found a spare key under the plant pot near the front door. Everything went on like clockwork and normal.

It was one week later, and class were getting ready for training in their hero gear; some were chatting happily and having a laugh with each other; some were just gearing up to the training, mentally preparing themselves. Louie was the last to leave the girls locker room, as her suit had to be slightly modified again to compensate her leg holsters. Her hero costume looked more like a sexy ninja, than Selene from underworld. The bodysuit still remained, as did the cuffs and choker, but the changes were more in the actual body of the suit. Each side had some black mesh down each side, her tight leather leggings had been cropped at the top and replaced by leather buckles and straps, holding them in place on her thighs. She still wore the fish net tights under them, as Louie hated her bare legs. Lastly her thigh high boots were replaced with a pair of knee length boots, but with more heavy duty.

Louie looked at herself in the mirror before joining the others on the training field and being late. When she'd arrived, Louie joined Momo and Tsu, and casually talked about exercises.

Guys POV: 'Did Louie change her hero outfit?'

'Louie looks hot!'


Nearly most of the guys looked at Louie with passion and lust in their eyes, even Fumikage had fluffed up at Louie's presence near him. Shoji, his best friend had noticed it straight away and whispered he'd have a private word with him after training. Fumikage agreed.

Mr Aizawa interrupted the males' lude thought process and told the class to follow him to the water area. He also revealed which teams they would be in of four or five, look at the board and make their way to the area. The rest followed him to a monitoring room. All teams competed, last up was Todoroki's team; Tenya Ida, Louie Chewie, Eijiro Kirishima and Katsuki Bakugo.

They battled mechs left and right, Explosions going off in one direction, Bakugo. Todoroki had ended up crushing two mechs with his ice knocking them into a building. Louie had melted one of the mechs with her fire before she was about to be crushed, she escaped. The team tried to use their quirks, until their quirks stopped working. The team remained calm, and called in to their team over the comms ear pieces.

Kirishima: "I'm trapped, and I can't use my quirk. Where are you?" He asked looking around the building he had landed nearby.

Todoroki: "Same. Everyone alright? Ida? Bakugo? Louie? Kirishima?" Replied, looking at the street level he landed on.

Bakugo: "Fine! Just Let ME OUT OF HERE! ........ LOUIE EXTRA, COME IN!" He yelled over the comms link, as he was blocked by a storm drain, also hinting at concerned over Louie.

Louie ended up getting trapped with Ida, he got up and stretched his legs and checked for damage to them. He was ok for now, but they were stuck near a storm drain further north of the other team mates' locations.

Ida: "I'm good. Fellow class men?" He spoke confidently into the ear piece.

Kirishima: "Fine class rep, all good. Anyone seen Louie?"

Todoroki: "I'm fine too. I have not seen Louie though."

Ida turned around after some more of the dust cleared to see Louie dusting herself off, and wincing slightly at her wings being bruised. Her quirk was active? But the other quirks weren't working at all. Ida showed concern at her injuries.

Ida: "Louie are you alright? ............... Louie is here with me."

Louie hadn't noticed her class rep standing there until he spoke to her. Pressing the comms, she let the others know her status.

Louie: "Hey team, I'm ok. Someone's quirk is in use for all of us, we need to find a way out any ideas?" She winced slightly, before just letting the pain subside.

The team came up to a storm drain, and entered the darkness. Louie made a joke about if there was a flashlight in the suit? This caused some chuckles over the comms, putting Ida in a compromising position. Louie apologised and made their way down into a tunnel system. Walking for seamed like miles, they finally met up.

Kirishima: "No way out that way. Todoroki bro?"

Todoroki shook his head annoyed. Bakugo just tsked at the idea. Louie spoke up to the group, as her wings vanished back into her rather painfully.

Louie: "Does everyone hear that? ........ If we follow the flow of the current in the water it'll lead us all out. Come on!"

Sure enough, following the flow of the water it led them to a large entrance and a steep drop.

In the control room, the rest of the students watched in earnest on the monitors.

Momo: "Mr Aizawa sir, this is going to be tough challenge for Louie......" She said with worry in her tone of voice.

Her sensei looked at her and instantly knew something felt off.

Mr Aizawa: "How so?" He questioned only looking at her for a brief moment, concluding what he feared.

Momo: "Louie Can't Swim!"

The rest of the class was stunned by this revelation, and worried for her safety.

Mr Aizawa alerted Recovery girl, and thanked Momo for the knowledge.


They each took a steady step towards the drop, peeking over the edge. No ladder in sight, but a long drop below, with a lot of water. They would have to swim towards the exit. Each of the guys had a look of determination, but when they looked back hoping to see the same look on Louie's face, the were surprised. Louie backed away from the ledge in sheer terror.

Louie: "no no no no no no......" She whispered, as she panicked, falling to her knees against the coldness of the wall behind her.

Todoroki and Kirishima caught on quickly, Ida needed a little confirmation, however Bakugo had no patience for the drama that was unfolding.

Bakugo: "GET UP EXTRA! We haven't got time for this! Now jump and swim to the exit!" He shouted aggressively loudly at her, making her tremble in fear of him.

Ida, who remained calm, crouched down to Louie's level, and spoke soft and clearly to her.

Ida: "Louie you can't swim, can you?"

Louie: "That's true. I can't. I'm terrified! You see, I've had too many close calls where I've nearly and almost drowned. Some hero who can't swim." Louie replied defeatedly.

Todoroki and Kirishima had come up with a plan, and placed a hand on her shoulder forcing her to look at them all as Louie stood shakily to her feet.

Todoroki: "Louie, you re going to jump on the count of three with us, I'll hold your hand as we jump, including Kirishima. When we are in the water you need to take a large breath, and hold it for as long as you can. Ida, you will take hold of Louie, don't let go of her, get her out as fast as you can. Ok, Everyone ready?!"

1......2......3...... They jumped, pulling Louie up to the surface, she choaked a little, thrashing slightly. Bakugo swam over to her and helped her gain some calm before they set off. Ida was still holding her as well, treading water, Shoto made a small underwater platform for her to balance on for a moment.

Bakugo: "Louie, trust us now, take a breath."

She took a breath holding on for as long as she could as they pulled her halfway through the long tunnel to the exit. It was ok, but her vision started to wane, and her chest felt tight. A knock to her head, as they got to near the exit, caused her to black out. Louie didn't move, which alerted the guys to go faster. They made it to the exit, pulling a knocked out, Louie out of the water with Shoto's ice platform, Bakugo and Kirishima's strength, and Ida's speed they got to work. Instantly putting her on her back, Ida stated compressions for CPR. After what seemed like long time, Louie coughed bringing up the water, spluttering, gasping for air. They turned her over to her side and gently helped her to a seating position against the wall nearby.

Louie: "thank you...... but what.......?" She began to ask before she went limp, her chin resting on her chest.

Bakugo noticed the bump on her head, and picked her up bridal style, he saw her bleeding. They had to hurry. Finally making it out of the training facility, towards Recovery girl's makeshift tent, they placed her in her care, until it went took a serious turn. Louie was weak, and rushed to the nearby hospital, she was in their hands to heal now. A quick rush to the theatre and Louie was finally placed into a side room to recover. Her father's precinct was contacted, only to find he'd was kidnapped, with a civilian by the villains. Mr Chewie had received an anonymous letter to bring his daughter to trade for the civilian. He rang the school telling her principle it was urgent, but found his daughter to be in hospital, resting after getting really badly hurt during a training exercise. Making his mind up, he went to the drop off point with a plan in place, but got taken down and blacked out. He was in serious trouble along with the civilian, who turned out to be his cousin from America, Charley Charmers.

In an abandoned warehouse, in the south, near the Takoba Municipal Beach Plaza, Mr Chewie and the captured civilian were tied to two metal fold up chairs. They were placed in a medium sized room, that was once used as the office. They stirred taking in their surroundings and getting their bearings. The woman coughed a little before, struggling with the wrist restraints. She knew she was here with a male, behind her. In all the outfits she could've picked for exploring the city she had to wear and office style outfit with, a tight figure-hugging pencil skirt with a small slit at the side revealing a stocking and garter belt underneath. She sighed solemnly at the situation.

Mr Chewie: "Miss?" He whispered, quietly.

The woman looked up and realised, who she was being spoken to, she equally replied softly as to not alert any guards nearby.

Woman: "Dan? Is that you?"

Danju: "Yes, Charley, I need you to stay calm, can you do that for me?"

Charley: "Ok, what do you need me to do?"

Danju: "On your side can you see, or smell anything that would help us get out of here?"

Charley looked around the best she could, but nothing stood out. What was that smell? Sewage? No. It was the restaurant they met at, whilst Louie was at her internship. A restaurant, known for its best vegetable curry. They weren't wrong, it was delicious!

Charley: "I know where we are, remember that restaurant you took me to? I swear It was next to this."

Danju: "You're right...... I just need to get to my watch...... nnngh" He replied as he struggled with his bonds.

Charley: "what's the watch got to do with anything?!" She hissed, with a slight panic in her voice.

Danju: "Trust me."

Twisting a certain dial on the watch, he activated his location to his precinct and the Pro-Heroes. They were on the way. Mr Chewie and Charley were lucky, they weren't tortured for information. They were only captured and to be held for a ransom after twenty-four hours. Luck was definitely on their side for the moment.

At the hospital, Louie was unaware of what had happened to her father or her cousin Charley Charmers.

Louie lay in the hospital bed, fearful that her team of classmates, had all got hurt because of her. The nurse noted her rouse, and reassured her to rest whilst she got one of the doctors to look at her wound. Louie nodded, before the nurse left, she asked if she may use a phone. The nurse made a note of the request and left to find a doctor.

At the school, Mr Aizawa was updating the class on what had happened, when he was interrupted by a request from Principle Nezu to come to his office immediately, with the class rep of class 1A Tenya Ida, Fumikagi Tokoyami, Momo Yaoyorozu, Bakugo and Todoroki. The rest of the class were told to go home, and await the news of their fellow class mate in the morning.

In his office the principle filled the group in on the details he was given about the situation with Louie's Father. He gave them the address, and told them to wear the hero suits, and only to back up Eraser Head. If the moment came where they had to defend themselves, they had permission to do so from Eraser Head's orders. The students agreed, got ready and headed towards the location given.

Meanwhile Louie had sneaked out of her room, had found a clean black hoodie and some tracksuit trousers, and went to the front desk. She explained she wanted to discharge herself they asked for details and let her. After she signed her name on the bottom of the form, she asked if there was any quick way to U.A. school from here. The nurse at the desk gave her the instructions on a small piece of paper, and handed it to her, Louie thanked them and left. It didn't take long to get there, as she soon found it was only a few students left and a handful of teachers on campus. Heading towards the lockers she found hers and changed into her hero suit, that had been cleaned and placed back into its case for its next use.

Ready to leave hadn't counted on bumping into her principle, who stared at her with a cup of tea in his hand, as he spoke.

Principle Nezu: "Louie here are the coordinates for your father and cousin, I suggest you fly as you may be able to rescue him on time with the others. Good luck."

Louie thanked him, then looked at her phone. She knew where to go. Outside, she took to the sky, and found the location straight away. There were a number of villains nearby, she had to be careful, she was till healing after all. The bump on her head, now a bruising, pulsating headache, she could manage. Landing over a flat part of the roof, she used her training listening to the heartbeats, locating her father and cousin. They were just below her, Louie had to get into the building first, the airducts. She was small enough to fit through. Once in, she shuffled along the vents as quietly as she could, until one caught her off guard. It was a villain talking on his phone, he'd been given orders to kill both of them, in two hours' time. Outside, was a different story, the heroes chosen for this mission, were outnumbered and needing some back up. Securing her mask in place, covering every part of her face except the eyes, it also distorted her voice a little, as to not arouse suspicion. she made her way to heroes first, to assist them. She landed behind Momo and next to Todoroki, who instantly went on guard.

Louie: "Please, I mean you heroes no harm, there are two civilians, on the third floor, an office space tied up to chairs. There is a hit on them in two hours' time. I came to help you fight the villains." Louie pleaded, looking directly at her sensei, who she gave a bow to.

Eraser Head was unsure until he saw a familiar hand sign and nodded in acknowledgement. It was a military signal for friend. Also, he knew her eyes.

Eraser Head: "Thank you, who sent you?" He questioned, as he looked around their secluded hiding place, away from the enemy, they had escaped from.

Louie waited until the group had stopped wanting to hurt her, before she spoke clear and honestly.

Louie: "Nezu sir."

The students gasped, before it dawned on them who they were talking to. Fumikage stepped forward and reached out his hand, and gently touched the mask on Louie's face. He looked into her eyes, and nodded unsure, she returned the gesture of a nod. Making it clear who he thought she was. They made a plan and got into the building, managing to knock out a large portion of the enemy, either one at a time, or as a group. Blasts coming from one side of the building indicated Bakugo's fight had escalated and started to weaken the structure of the foundations. Eraser Head had found the now unconscious Mr Chewie and Miss Charley Charmers, and ordered Ida and Tokoyami to get them to safety along with the others. The roof started to creak and groan under the strain.

Eraser Head: "GET OUT NOW!" He urgently yelled to his students.

Ida grabbed hold of the captured victims, and left the building with the others. Tokoyami was covering the rear with Eraser Head and Louie, before a villain came out of nowhere and launched a beam at his leg, breaking it. He fell, to be saved by his quirk Dark Shadow. They were pinned in, by a beam of concrete, and flashing bright light. Dark shadow was too weak to lift it. Eraser head had made it outside but noticed the roof collapsing as he counted his students. Louie reached Tokoyami, and lifted the beam off of them, she instructed Dark Shadow to use the alleyway behind the warehouse, as it will be dark enough for him to get them both out of there safely, also, it led to Eraser Head directly. Dark Shadow agreed, reluctant to let her go, as he had become quite fond of Louie with his friend Fumikage. Dark Shadow left, just as the last of the roof was collapsing in on itself. Louie covers herself with her wings and one of her fairy magic quirk abilities just in time. Sunflower Chastifel.

Eraser Head: "No, Shit!" He cursed loudly, mentally hating himself for not double checking for any more enemies nearby. A blinding glow of light luminated over the whole building, a large sunflower appeared in the middle of the rubble, he quickly made his way over to the location with Todoroki and Ida.

The petals of the sunflower remained closed until Eraser head reached out his hand to touch one of them. It uncurled slowly, and revealed a well-protected Louie Passed out from exhaustion. She was safe, but needed medical attention to the cuts on her legs and arms. They brought in Recovery Girl to look after the two wounded U.A Students.

Mr Aizawa sat nearby to the students, who were now in the same room, but with a divider in between. He watched over them both worried in case there was a mass frenzy of reporters wanting to question his students. Or for the fact that, the LOV had another idea to kidnap in the hospital, whilst they were at their weakest. He heard Fumikage gasp, and try to sit upright.

Mr Aizawa: "Easy Tokoyami, you're safe."

Tokoyami: "Mr Aizawa sir? Where's Louie, is she safe?" He asked his sensei worried at the answer.

His teacher looked at him kindly and pointed to the bed next to him.

Mr Aizawa: "She's safe, just in the bed next to you. Don't move so much, or Recovery Girl will not be pleased. You broke your left leg for crying out loud. I'm sorry you got hurt."

Tokoyami: "Thank you for saving me Sir." He replied as he lay his head back down, he felt a little dizzy.

Mr Aizawa: "It wasn't me who saved you, it was Louie and Dark Shadow. Rest up, then you two can go home."

True to his word, after the two students both woke up after a couple hours rest, Recovery Girl's treatments, and some pain medication they were given an escort to their homes, which they were both grateful for.

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