Learning On A Curve (Namjoon...

By Erotically_Yours

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*Pure Unadulterated Smut* When you want to learn a few things other than maths. 😏😉 More

P. 1 {Studies}
P. 2 {Party}
P. 3 {Manz}
P. 4 {Random}
P. 5 {It Begins}
P. 6 {Seduction}
P. 7 {Touch}
P. 8 {Report}
P. 9 {Lapdog}
P. 10 {Kissing}
P. 11 {Bestfriend}
P. 12 {Mom}
P. 13 {Curve}
P. 15 {Girl Talk}
P. 16 {Flirt}
P. 17 {Daddy}
P. 18 {Hands}
P. 19 {Mouth}
P. 20 {Trouble}
P. 21 {Date}
P. 22 {Tease}
P. 23 {Sneaky Link}
P. 24 {Crush}
P. 25 {Cornered}
P. 26 {Bitten}
P. 27 {Confessions}
P. 28 {Advice}
P. 29 {Two Weeks}
P. 30 {Manz 2.0}
P. 31 {Into The Unknown}
P. 32 { Boyfriend Things}
P. 33 {My Time}
P. 34 {Seeing Stars}
P. 36 {Outsiders}
P. 37 {YOW}

P. 35 {Appetizer}

1K 57 6
By Erotically_Yours

"You're going to love this," Sow leaned over and whispered in my ear as the elevator doors closed in front of us, her squeezing my hand in excitement.

Yoongi, on the other side of her, pulled a card from his wallet and swiped it across an electronic reader, the elevator beeping and beginning to ascend.

I watched as the numbers displayed above began to rise, my eyes getting wider and wider and they did.

19...20...21...28...32...44...and finally 50.

50 stories high? My God, why am I always being dragged to the sky when I'm with these three? This was not a trend I wanted to become habit.

Namjoon, standing behind me with his arms wrapped around my waist watched the panic come across my face and chuckled.

"We're inside a building, Babygirl."

"And buildings crumble," I retorted.

The elevator doors opened and I glance at Yoongi and Sow. She was right. I love this.

Stepping out of the elevator, I'm first intrigued by the fact it's not a hallway but a room we are in. The floors are a brilliant black marble and the sun is shining ever so brightly from ceiling to floor windows that overlook the city. There is a kitchen to our immediate right, complete with stove, refrigerator, dishwasher, and an island. It's a collage of silver, black, and gold. To our left is a full living area, with a crushed velvet black sofa, matching loveseat, and recliner. Pillows thrown around accent the black with splotches of gold and white. The television on the back wall had to be every bit of 95 inches and the other to the side was just as big. The floor was carpeted with a white fur rug, a black marble table sitting upon it with a centerpiece of the three colors combined.

Behind the couch was a full pool table, the trim made up of a white colored wood, maybe white oak, the usually green felt was also black and the balls placed neatly in their triangle holder were of a bright neon colored variety. Next to the pool table was a bar, fully stocked with brown and clear liquors, glasses that looked to be crystal, and black and silver stools that were in the shapes of different musical instruments.

Outside the window, I could see an enclosed patio, complete with another bar, a Jacuzzi, and a pool.

With wide eyes I stepped further into the room. Obviously, this was the penthouse but I had never seen anything this extravagant in my almost eighteen years of living. The place smelled of lavender and citrus as if to immediately make you feel right at home.

"Come on," Sow yanked my hand and pulled me further in. We walked down a well decorated hallway, black being the dominant color here, but the pictures and knickknacks hanging about were only accented by it.

"This is the bathroom," Sow opened a door and my mouth dropped to the floor. Inside was a sink big enough to put two of mine inside, a full bathtub, and a shower that was probably only meant for God's. It spanned the width of the room and was encased in glass, no curtain. The wide spray nozzle hung from the center of the ceiling and more nozzles were decorated along the walls. I immediately felt like taking a long hot shower.

The toilet was covered in the same black fur that laid on the floor the bathtub had the nerve to be an ivory bearclaw.

"Look at this," Sow grabbed at my attention before pulling the mirror above the sink out showing me how you could literally face it towards the shower.

"You freaks," I giggled to her and she smiled wide and nodded in understanding before pulling me out of the bathroom completely. Down the hall further she opened another door.

"This is Yoongi's closet."

I walked inside the ROOM and looked around at all the hanging suits, in order of color, and the many pairs of expensive shoes that lay in cubicles across the opposite wall. The far wall looked to be nothing but dresser drawers and more cubicles that held jewelry, watches, hats, and sunglasses. This room as well was painted in blacks, golds, silvers, and whites, the white fur rug at our feet looking soft enough to sleep on.

"He's gotta lotta shit, I see"

"Right? Come on. Let me show you his room.

"Are you sure about that?, I asked my best friend.

"Yeah," she said as she was already dragging me to it.

We passed a door that I had not been in and I asked about it.

"Now, that one is a big no-no. That's his studio. Even I can't go into that one."

I giggled and let her continue pulling me. Inside his room was just as spectacular as outside his room. The same color scheme was very well present with his California King bed covered in a black blanket with white and black pillows stacked neatly on top. There was no dresser but why would there be when he had a whole room for all his belongings. There was a chair off to the side that looked to be black leather, a black loveseat on the far wall, and white night tables with silver lamps. There was a TV hanging off the wall in front of the bed, just as big as the others, and a mirror on the ceiling. The floor was covered in that same black marble and on the walls behind me were rows upon rows of cubicles filled with records, cassette tapes, and CD's. Stuff that dated back to the 70's at least.

Yoongi was really into his music.

"Are you enjoying the tour?," Yoongi's deep baritone penetrating the space.

"Are you missing us?," Sow said back and shimmied into his arms.

He chuckled and rolled his eyes. "Maybe Namjoon is but I'm good."

Sow pulled from his arms with a pout he kissed away, and I slid behind them to go find my future boyfriend.

I walked up behind him as he stood at the patio railing taking in the sites. Wrapping my arms around his waist, I curled into the warmth of his back. He hummed in response and clasped my hands with his.

"This should be fun," he said before turning in my arms and wrapping his around me.

"Trust me. It will be," Yoongi confirmed as he and Sow walked up beside us.

It was hot in Seoul, today, and everything we could think of to do seemed too much for this heat. It was then Yoongi offered to spend the day at his place.

"It's got central air, food, and entertainment. Maybe we can watch a movie or play some games."

"You had me at food," Sow had said.

"You had me at central air," Namjoon joined in.

And that is how we ended up sitting at Yoongi's kitchen island, the two men preparing popcorn on the stove and mixing up drinks for Sow and I. A big bowl of mixed fruit sat in front of me and I hadn't eaten anything all day. Asking Yoongi if it was okay to take one, I contemplated which to choose.

As Sow chatted my ear off about her first impression of this place, my mind wandered watching Namjoon's back as he shuffled the kernels in the pan. We were still in the moderate phase of our relationship but I missed the days of trying new things and feeling his touch everywhere.

My eyes landed on the banana and I had a flash of him laughing as he told me I had to work on my gag reflex. Sow, realizing I wasn't paying attention, decided to go over to her man and be nosy.

'Perfect,' I thought as I grabbed the long, slender fruit. No one was looking my way as I slowly peeled away the skin, my mouth already watering for the distinct taste of the banana and the taste of Namjoon. I took great care to keep the banana whole as I got the skin all the way to the bottom. Then took a quick glance to see everyone still turned opposite of me.

I placed the fruit on my tongue, letting the texture tell me how soft it was as I didn't want it to break on me. Slowly, I pushed the banana into my mouth, eventually having it so far back, I had no choice but to wrap my lips around it.

It grazed the back of my throat and I stopped, already having the urge to puke.

"You can do this," I coaxed myself forward.

Taking a deep breath, I pushed a little further, simeoultaneously sticking my tongue out and around the fruit. Exhaling onto it, I slid it a bit further down, surprised that I had got it in this far. Beginning to slightly rock the fruit back and forth, I controlled my breathing as it touched the pendulum hanging there.

I had yet to gag so I was feeling a bit more cocky than I should have. Pushing the curved fruit back a bit farther, I felt my breaths shallow and had a small panic attack.

Don't chicken out now.

I had about three quarters in my throat at this point and I knew it was all about my breathing. I just needed to get this last bit.

It was just at that moment, Namjoon swung around.

"Popcorns almost do-. What the hell?"

I choked. Immediately flying into a fit of coughs and gags as I literally bit off more than I could possibly chew.

Namjoon came flying around the island to pat my back, Sow and Yoongi looking on in concern. It took a few moments to chew, swallow, and catch my breath, embarrassing the hell out of me as everyone watched as I did so.

"You okay?," Sow finally asked as I started to calm down. I could only nod while Yoongi handed me a glass of water that I happily chugged down.

Namjoon, standing by my side the whole time, waited until the other two went back to what they were doing to quietly ask me, "What the hell were you doing? You don't know how to eat a banana?"

I smirked up at him, leaning closer so only he could hear. "Not yet but I've been practicing."

It took him about two point three seconds to register my meaning and then he was standing up straight and walking to the bar stool beside me. Tucking himself in, he leaned over to reply, "You're a very evil future girlfriend."

I stuck my tongue out at him and he raised a brow.

Leaning over again he took my breath away. "Don't tempt me too much. I'll give you the real deal to practice on right here."


Drinks in hand and a big bowl of slightly burned popcorn on the table in front of us, Yoongi searched and called out movies for us to vote on. We settled on "The Reading."

By the time it was over, Yoongi and Sow had moved to the loveseat as he had stretched out and was lying on her lap and Namjoon and I were in the same position on the sofa, except I was lying on him.

"That was crazy," Sow had uttered and Yoongi and she began going over their favorite parts.

I listened quietly as they went back back and forth only to feel something slowly rising under my head. In shock, I looked up to Namjoon who seemed to be lost in his thoughts.

"Um, Joon?," I broke him out of it to which he looked down at me and hummed in question. Pushing my head down a bit, he jumped, wide eyes looking back down at me, before he chuckled.

"Don't act like this is my fault."

I smiled with pride to which he shook his head and bent to kiss me. "Freak"

"Anybody up for pool?," Yoongi looked over and asked.

"Namjoon is up for anything," I playfully teased the poor man.

"Cool," Yoongi said before jumping up and heading in the direction of the pool table, Sow following behind.

I stood as well, Namjoon slapping me on the ass and stating, "Not anything. Just you."

As we played a round of pool, Sow began asking random questions.

"Cats or dogs?"


"Definitely cats."



Everyone broke out in laughter.

"Joon, what?"

"Hey, I'm not good with high maintenance. A fish I could take care of."

"Sun or rain?," the next question came.

"Sun, all day."

"Yeah, I'd rather it be sunny."

"I don't mind the rain"

"I'm a rain girl. It's something calming and cleansing about a nice storm."

"And sexy too."

"Babygirl, what is so sexy about rain?"

I looked at Joonie and smiled. "The air is thick and hot and wet, the wind blowing a cool breeze caressing my body, the sound it makes, all of that," I belted out.

"Ok. I guess I can see that."

"Favorite color."





"You and that damn pink."

"You and this damn black."

"Alright, alright. Favorite ice cream?"


"Mint chocolate chip"

"Ummm, too many to choose from."

"Peaches and cream."

"Still, Joon. I thought you had moved on to something like butter pecan or something."

"It was pralines and cream but I've since found a new appreciation for my old fav."

I looked over to Joonie and he gave me a look. I hurriedly looked down in embarrassment.

"What was that?", Sow burst out and said.

"What?," both Namjoon and I looked on wide eyed.

"That look between you two?"

"Lee Sowan, for once, mind your business."

"Yes, Lee Sowan," I cosigned with Yoongi. Mind your business."

"Alright, you freaks."

"You can't say a thing."

"And why not, Mr. Min."

Yoongi gave her a look and I don't know if it was because he knew that she knew or if the way she called his name intrigued him but Sow immediately backed down.

"Okay, fine. I'll shut up."


As night fell we decided it was cool enough for a walk and the four of us took a lap around a local park. Yoongi and Sow walked beside us, hands clasped together, as Namjoon had his arm thrown over my shoulder as I leaned into him.

The night felt serene and welcoming as we strolled into the playground. Hopping on a swing, I yelled to Namjoon, "Push me, Joonie."

"Sure babygirl," he laughed as he positioned himself behind me. Yoongi and Sow wandered off towards a bench as Namjoon and I had the swing set all to ourselves.

"You know you're playing with fire, right?," Namjoon spoke in my ear as he pulled me back only to let me go flying.

"Yeah, I do," I happily admitted with a smile.

"Do you want me to fuck you up? At this rate, I won't be able to control myself."

"Yes you will."

Laughing to himself, he asked, "And how do you know that?"

"Because you've taken great strides in letting me know I'm in control."

"That doesn't mean you get to abuse your power."

"I'm not abusing it. I'm simply testing the waters. I know you'll be gentle with me. But I still want you to ravish me. Think of this as foreplay. Just an appetizer," I joked with him.

He stopped the swing mid-air and came around to face me, stepping in between my legs and wrapping his long arms around my waist.

"What do you call what we've been doing, then?"

"Taste testing." I said with a cocky air.

"Ummm," he licked his lips. "You are such a tease. I don't know how long you think I'm gonna last but you are dangerously close to finding out."

"What's wrong, Daddy? You need a lil taste right now?" It was too easy to get under his skin. Made evident by his reaction anytime I used that word.

"Actually, don't mind if I do."

Pulling my arms up and around his neck, I thought he would kiss me. I was surprised when instead he picked me up by my ass and carried me over to the activity set and sat me on a platform. Parting my legs he stepped inside and began kissing my neck. The shits felt good and I wrapped myself completely around him, feeling his cock graze my center.

Pulling me forward he ground into me making me moan before I caught myself, looking around for any bystanders and Yoongi and Sow.

"Noone can hear you but me, babygirl," Namjoon whispered down to me. "Are you feeling good?"

"Yes, Daddy."

"Want me to make you feel real good?"

"Moderate touching" did cross my mind but we had already gone so far and I still wanted more.

"Namjoon?" I sat back and looked him in the eyes.


"I think I might be ready to do this."

He stood tall, all haze leaving his eyes.

"Babygirl, if you THINK you MIGHT be ready, I don't think you are. I told you, your virginity is something you can't take back. You've got to be sure. I won't touch you until you are. Absolutely."

"Well, you're a buzzkill," I sneered at him even though I was grateful for his care of me.

"And you're a damn vixen in disguise." Chuckling, he continued. "I'm actually scared you might turn me out."

"I might. As much as I want you now, I wouldn't doubt it."

"Umm," he groaned above me. "See. Shit like that will be my undoing."

"What? That I want you?", I leaned in and kissed his lips.

"Wanting me? No. What you want me to do? Yes. Because you want me to slide my long, curved, dick into that tight, wet pussy, and pummel it until you are cumming all over both of us. You want my tongue and fingers in places that will have you screaming out my name. And your little vixen mouth wants my cock and all my cum to taste and swallow."

I turned away from him, my face too hot to keep eye contact. He pulled my chin to face him again.

"I know what you mean when you say you want me, babygirl. You're not fooling anybody. And trust me, I have never wanted to be with someone so bad in my life. But I need you to be sure. Okay?"

Begrudgingly, I nodded my head.

"Okay. Okay. I get it. But can we scrap the moderate touching shit?"

Again, he chuckled above me. "Gladly. What do you want me to touch, babygirl?"


"Hmm," he thought on it. "Can I make you cum?"

"What? Here?"

"Yes, here."

I looked around again. It was dark. Noone could see us. But I wasn't about to expose myself anyway so what the hell was he thinking?

"Don't worry, babygirl. I'll be discreet. I just need a yes or a no."

Steeling my nerves and setting my cowardice aside, I did one more check and said "Yes, please."

"That's my girl," Namjoon goated me on before slipping both hands under my shirt behind me before bringing them forward to pull my bra up over my breast.

"You do have to be quiet for me, though. Okay, babygirl? We are alone but we won't be if you get as vocal as you do in your living room."

Ashamed, I faceplanted into his chest. I wasn't loud, was I?

As if reading my mind, Namjoon chuckled and nodded his head. He then leaned in to kiss me.

"Wrap your arms and legs around me," he coached as he began to play with my nipples, already causing a tingle in my nether regions. I did as I was told and continued kissing him, spreading my legs wider as he pulled me onto him further.

"I can feel how hot you are down there. Are you already soaked for me, babygirl?"

I could only nod in pleasure as he had began grinding against me, never letting up on his fingers at my breast. He knew exactly what he was doing to me.

Leaning in to whisper in my ear, he spoke in a tone draped in want.

"I can't wait to bury myself in you. To finally feel you wrapped around me. To feel you take me whole, squeezing me and clutching onto me as you cum. I'm gonna kiss and lick your pussy till you cum in my mouth like last time and savor every drop of you. But this time I won't let you run. You're gonna have to take all of me."

I shuddered beneath him as his words spread through me like wildfire. He was pressing against me and kneading and flicking my breast. I watched as he checked our surroundings before bending down to swipe his tongue across each nipple once. With my shirt back down, he continued in my ear.

"I know you want to taste me too, babygirl. I can't wait to see what you have learned. Your tongue swirling around my cock. I could cum right now from just the thought of watching you take me all in out of pure pleasure to please me."

"I want, I want, I want," I whined beneath him as he continued to torture me both physically and mentally.

"I know, babygirl. And Daddy is gonna give you everything you ask for and so much more. There are things you don't even know you're body can do yet. But I'm gonna introduce you to them one by one."

My breath quickened as the twinge in my privates turned into butterflies in my stomach and then into a searing heat that traveled down to my toes. I felt myself get even wetter and mentally prepared to keep my lips sealed.

"Don't bite your lips, babygirl. Just put your face in my neck. I want to hear you," he whispered while guiding me to do so.

"Joonie..." I whimpered against him, not sure if this was such a good idea.

"Shhh, just relax and enjoy. I got you."

I felt the current slicing into my resolve. He had me exactly where he wanted me. Completely stimulated and high off of his touch. It would only take a bit more.

"Are you ready to be my girlfriend? Can I finally claim what is mine?"

"Umm, yours," I nodded in my delirium.

"Good. I'm glad you know."

Still high off the feel of him, I pulled away and asked, "Know?"

"Now you know who you belong to. Not Taehyung. Not Jimin. Not any other fuckboy out there. You're my girlfriend. Mine. And I don't like to share."

I giggled at the thought of his jealousy over Taehyung. He had to know, it has always been him.

"It's always been you, Joonie," I exhaled a breath pretty sure that with the next, I would be cumming.

"Damn, right. Now, let Joonie see his babygirl, his girlfriend cum all over herself for him. Do it. Now."

And with that he ground so deep into me, my ass scooted back some and I reburied my face in his neck and came, hard. My moans sounded so loud against his skin but I knew no one could hear as I clutched onto him and let it all go. He held onto the back of my head, continuing his movements, working my body till the end.

I shook beneath him and he pulled me up to kiss me breathless just as Yoongi and Sow were walking up.

"We're going back to my place and your not invited. Goodnight," was all Yoongi said as he dragged Sowan behind him, who turned and waved before blowing me a kiss with a wink.

I was too exhausted to even respond. Namjoon laughed at me as he pulled me back down to the ground, holding on to make sure I could stand on my own two legs before letting me go.

"Come on, babygirl. Let's go home and get some rest. Tomorrow, I'm taking my girlfriend to the fair."

Not quite edited but 🤷🏾‍♀️

Enjoy!!! 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

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