Marooned - Fred Weasley

Oleh writersfeather

102K 2.4K 1.1K

"Whatever memories and moments define who you are or who you want to be, this one was among his." _ The secon... Lebih Banyak

Author's note and characters
Chapter 1: The Burrow
Chapter 2: Memories
Chapter 3: Trip down Diagon Alley
Chapter 4: Confiscated and highly dangerous
Chapter 5: A Bond
Chapter 6: Getaway Car
Chapter 7: Knock On Wood
Chapter 8: Heart of Stone
Chapter 9: The Missing
Chapter 10: Egypt's got to your head, hasn't it?
Chapter 11 : The Green Light
Chapter 12: Smoke
Chapter 13: The Hawk
Chapter 14: Stomping on ruins
Chapter 15: Fearless
Chapter 16: Terms
Chapter 17: A Send Off
Chapter 18: The Traitor
Chapter 19: Lycathropy, is that a candy?
Chapter 20: Summer at the Burrow
Chapter 21: A Future
Chapter 22: The Quidditch World Cup
Chapter 23: Back to Hogwarts
Chapter 24: The Curse
Chapter 25: The Champions
Chapter 26: Found Family
Chapter 27: Steps
Chapter 28: The Yule Ball
Chapter 29: The Second Task
Chapter 30: Foe
Chapter 31: An Ally
Chapter 32: Head-Quarters
Chapter 33: Almost
Chapter 34: Pink
Chapter 35: Lies
Chapter 36: Tyranny
Chapter 37: The Hog's Head
Chapter 38: The Match
Chapter 39: The Room of Requirement
Chapter 40: The Fever Dream
Chapter 41: The Antidote
Chapter 42: Details
Chapter 43: The Patronus
Chapter 44: Transitionary
Chapter 45: The Grand Exit
Chapter 46: The Ministry
Chapter 47: Answers
Chapter 48: Reality Check
Chapter 49: Job Description
Chapter 50: Always Almost
Chapter 50bis: Always Almost
Chapter 51: Risks and Gambles
Chapter 52: So it Goes...
Chapter 53: Afterglow
Chapter 54: Glitch
Chapter 55: Families
Chapter 56: Labyrinth
Chapter 57: 25th
Chapter 58: Firewall
Chapter 59: Sweet Nothing
Chapter 60: Farewell
Chapter 61: By Seven
Chapitre 63: Captured
Chapter 64: Deathwish
Chapter 65: Fallen From Grace
Chapter 66: Hold My Girl
Chapter 67: Come Back
Chapter 68: Plotting
Chapter 69: MI7
Chapter 70: Lost in the Woods
Chapter 71: The Locket
Chapter 72: Venom
Chapter 73: Godric's Hollow
Chapter 74: Forest of Dean
Chapter 75: What Dreams Are Made Of
Chapter 76: A Centuries Old Story
Chapter 77: Malfoy Manor
Chapter 78: Counting Battalions
Chapter 79: Security Breach
Chapter 80: Courtyard Apocalypse
Chapter 81: Whatever it Takes
Chapter 82: In Between
Chapter 83: The Great War
Chapter 84: Aftermath
Chapter 85: Daylight
To my readers

Chapter 62: Guns and roses

652 16 12
Oleh writersfeather


This is a longer chapter, folks. Sorry in advance.

Lots of love!


That night, while everyone slept, Harry grabbed a backpack, threw the necessities for simple survival in it and moved as quietly and slowly as he could out of the room he was sharing with Ron. The Burrow was almost reconstructed, but a lot of people had fallen asleep in the living room, he panicked every time he heard something shift in their sleep because he knew that if someone caught him right now, they'll stop him.

When he closed the door, there was a split second where he reconsidered, thought of going back, but cared too much about every single one to let them risk their lives again.

"Going somewhere?" he heard Ron's voice behind him and he almost started running, instead he stopped walking. He breathed in deeply and turned to face his friend.

"Nobody else is going to die," blurted Harry, "Not for me." He turned to walk away when Ron's voice stopped him once again. Like he was hearing a small voice at the back of Harry's mind that was crying out 'I don't want to do this!'

"For you?" said Ron indignantly, "You think Mad-Eye died for you? You think George took that curse for you?"

Harry shook his head at him, started walking away again and Ron played the card he knew would make him stop, "You think Sarah has that scar for shits and giggles? Do you know it means she risks her life anytime she steps outside? You think she does that for you?"

By the look of Harry's face, that plunged the knife and twisted it, making him stay in place.

"She didn't choose this, you didn't choose this. None of us did. But we're here. And we bloody need to stick together," said Ron earnestly, "You may be the chosen one, mate. But this is a whole lot bigger than that."

"Come with me," said Harry desperately.

"And leave Hermione? You mad? We wouldn't last two days without her-" he blurted then fidgeted, "Don't...tell her I said that."

"I need to do something, Ron, the longer I stay here, the stronger he gets."

Ron shook his head, "Tonight's not the night mate. You'll only be doing him a favour."

With a deep sigh, Harry dropped his shoulders in defeat and followed Ron back inside. He was right, tonight wasn't the night.


Sarah, Ginny and Hermione had woken up early on the 30th to bake Harry's favorite kind of cake for his seventeenth birthday. He'd woken up late and everyone hid behind the walls when he came down and they all jumped up at once making him stumble down on the ground and then he started beaming.

Ginny walked in holding the cake with the candles on top, and since it was such a beautiful day, they settled outside for the rest of the day, enjoying snippets of peace while they still can.

Before he came down, Sarah and Molly pulled aside everyone and strictly forbade them to mention how this meant his protection was lifted and he was once again vulnerable and at risk, insisted particularly on avoiding jokes about it, looking directly at Fred and George and although he laughed at first, Fred nodded when Sarah's face remained unfazed. Harry needed a day where he was celebrated for being alive and being with them. They all needed it.

And they abided.

It was late the next afternoon when someone knocked on their door, everyone stiffened but quickly realized it was the Ministry of Magic, Scrimgeour. After brief salutations, he explained he had come here to execute Dumbledore's will, and he sat down with Hermione, Ron and Harry, but looked up, "Oh, and miss McCauley, could you join us also, please?"

Sarah was surprised to be called, too, "Dumbledore left something for me?"

The Minister nodded and gestured for her to sit down, so she joined Hermione's side and sat on an arm couch.

"Here and in set forth, the last will and testament of Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore first to Ronald Bilius Weasley, I leave my Deluminator, a device of my own making, in the hopes that when things seem most dark, it will show him the light." Scrimgeour handed Ron a device shaped like a pencil that he inspected.

"Brilliant," wondered Ron, lifted it carefully and pressed on a button. As soon as he did the small lamp lit next to them had its light ripped away and disappear into the Deluminator. When Ron pressed the button again, the light came back. Curious.

"To Hermione Jean Granger, I leave my copy of the Tales of Beedle Bard, in the hope that she'd find it entertaining and instructive." He proceeded to give a small book to Hermione that Sarah fondly recalled.

"Mum used to read me those," said Ron, exchanging a look with Sarah who remembered it as well.

"Babbity rabbity was your favorite, wasn't it?" said Sarah with a small smile that Ron returned. Hermione and Harry had no clue what it was.

"To Harry James Potter, I leave the Snitch he caught at his first Quidditch match at Hogwarts as a reminder of the rewards of perseverance and skill." Scrimgeour got out a handkerchief and unfolded it, revealing the Snitch and gave it to Harry.

Sarah held her breath, confused and almost like she thought something will happen, that Dumbledore had given the last piece of a puzzle but nothing did.

"And finally," said Scrimgeour, "To Sarah Lilian McCauley, I leave the long searched original manuscript of A Centuries-old Story in the hope it will provide knowledge of the past and an escape if needed at any time."

He reached inside his bag and pulled out a stock of parchment bound together, looked like a book without a cover and inside every word was written with a quill, by hand. She heard of this story. It had been taken off the market decades ago.

"There is a last item I wish to leave with Harry James Potter," continued Scrimgeour, "The sword of Godric Gryffindor. Alas, the sword wasn't Dumbledore's to give away. As an important historical artefact, it belongs to-"

"Harry," Hermione interrupted, "It belongs to Harry. It came to him in the Chamber of Secrets."

"The sword can present itself to any worthy Gryffindor, miss Granger that does not make it that wizard's property. And in any event, the current whereabouts of the sword are unknown."

"Excuse me?" breathed out Harry.

"The sword is missing," he explained. "I do not know what you're up to, Mr Potter, but I do feel the need to tell you, Mr Potter," spoke Scrimgeour grimly, "You cannot take on this war on your own. He is too strong."

Silence befell the room, the four of them looked at each other and Harry clenched his jaw, looked down bitterly at his Snitch.

"Well," mumbled Sarah numbly, "Thank you for that, Minister."

Ron snorted softly, exchanged an amused look with Hermione and Sarah who'd diffused the tension a bit with that. The Minister made his goodbyes to each one of them, to Arthur as well and headed off to whatever it is he would do.


Sarah settled down and read the story. She knew there had to be some kind of meaning to it beside letting her mind escape if reality got boring, especially since nowadays it was anything but that.

It was a strange story, the writing seemed old English from around the eighteenth century, but other words were more recent. The protagonist seals a deal with an evil spirit, it was considered as a darker alternative version of the Tale of the Three Brothers, but that was already dark enough on its own and everything about it was speculation, no one from this century had read it.

It was about a young witch becoming orphaned and was visited by some death omen in her greatest sorrow. It offered the life of her mother's in exchange for her own in ten years' time. She accepted, it had seemed a fair bargain at the time. As time passed by and the end of those ten years were slowly catching up to her, she and her younger sister decided to plot against it. That's where a war burst, there were rumors their scheming led to the chaos, the torment and the lives lost. The two sisters fled after every person in their village turned against them, never to be seen again, although one thing was apparent, they had succeeded.

It was mystical. Even for a Wizarding book.

She eventually had to set it down, she couldn't deal with deciphering whatever that was, if it was something. And she went out to help with the wedding preparations.

The few days left of the month of July were spent preparing for Bill and Fleur's wedding. Fleur was still immensely grateful to Sarah for how she'd helped her sister, and how she also talked to Bill when he didn't know how go about proposing to her. Which is why Fleur had asked Sarah to be her maid of honor and she happily agreed, Fleur's mother immediately started drowning her in duties.

"Always the maid of honor, never the bride," joked George next to her.

"I'll kick you," she threatened.

"What?" he leaned closer, pretended theatrically that he hadn't heard a thing.

"I will kick you," she said again clearer but George still pretended not to hear.

"I'm so sorry, I missed to 'ear, because I'm missing an ear, you see," he pointed at his injured ear cheekily.

Sarah nodded and whispered, "How hilarious." He was about to throw another ear pun at her but she did in fact kick his shin and he doubled over, groaning in pain.

She dabbed his head and heard Fleur's mother called for her, she started running just as soon.

"She kicked me," whined George to Fred behind him.

"You deserved that one, Georgie," he lent out a hand for him to stand up, "'Never the bride'. How dare you? I could have kicked you," chided Fred and slapped George's back before going outside to set out the tent.

Sarah ran to Fleur and her mother, saw that the actual emergency was a feather broke off her dress. But it was nothing a little spell couldn't fix, she showed Mrs Delacour outside and breathed out in relief.

"My mozer can be a little difficult, I am aware of zat," said Fleur a bit embarrassed.

"Oh, don't you worry," said Sarah sincerely, "Her daughter's getting married, she ought to have everything be perfect. Besides, someone once told me I thrive under duress." She smiled to herself when she remembered.

"Ze truz is zat any ozer friend of mine would have already ran away," Fleur laughed wholeheartedly, Sarah chuckled as well and while Fleur rambled about a childhood souvenir of her ballet dance lessons, she'd managed to fix her dress.

"There you go," she said, gesturing at the black feathers perfectly pressed against the white dress.

"Zat is absolutely perfect! Zank you!" Fleur jumped up and wrapped her arms around Sarah's neck.

"Are you nervous about tomorrow?" she asked as they pulled apart.

"Strangely, no. You know when somezing is right, and Bill is right," said Fleur with an enchanted smile.

"It's beautiful," said Sarah fondly, "The feeling, the dress, the preparations, the whole thing."

"-Ave you ever zought about it?"


"Zis," she gestured around the room where all the makeup and hair products were disposed and the dress.

"No. Well, not until recently," she answered thoughtfully, "Not until Fred, actually."

Sarah let out a laugh, "I used to joke with Selena that she would get married to George and I will wind up with four dogs or cats or something, be the fun and crazy aunt their kids will love and then go home to an empty flat. And I was perfectly fine with that."

She let out a soft chuckle, hope poking at her heart once again, all the while her mind has always distanced them both, for basic self-preservation, but in this moment she couldn't help it, although she knew it'll hurt that much more, "But now the flat isn't empty anymore, the flat turned into a lovely little house and when I walk in, the light is on and it smells like caramels and fireworks."

She cleared her throat suddenly and blinked back her tears at the thought of all that, "Sorry, I don't do that. I don't get emotional and serious and mopey," she shook her head, "Let's just go over what we need for tomorrow one more time."

Fleur gently took her hand in hers, "I understand wiz all zat is going on it is scary to dream, but zis future is somezing you can fight for. It is beautiful. And it is okay, you know, to get emotional, serious and mayp-" she stopped then, not quite sure how to pronounce it.

"Mopey," said Sarah brightly and Fleur nodded, "Mopey."

Sarah chuckled softly, "Well thank you. Now, we have a wedding to prepare," she pulled out a small list of necessities for the next day, "Tell me if I forgot something."

She and Fleur spent about an hour going over that list to make sure everything was set.


The next day was the important day, Sarah woke up early to avoid Fleur's mother having an anxiety attack and assured her everything was set.

Fred woke up to the other side of the bed empty and cold, the sun seemed to have nearly rose which meant it was really early. He made his way downstairs, saw Sarah drinking coffee with her eyes closed, leaning against the kitchen counter.

He chuckled and walked to her, took her cup from her and that made her eyes shot open, he quickly pulled her into his arms, pressed soft kisses on her head, "Come back to bed, love. It's cold and lonely and it needs you."

She smiled and snuggled into his hold, let out a small sigh of relief. And before that Fred was left defenseless. "Okay I lied, I'm the one who needs you, come on," he said softly.

"Mrs Delacour is going to drop dead from tachycardia," she murmured, wrapping both hands around him and walking up along with him.

"What's that?"

"Your heart beats too fast and it just stops."

"Don't worry, she'll live, she's a tough lady," said Fred and picked her up, jumped back into bed, "It's six in the morning, I'm keeping you here until ten."

Fred laid down with her over him, ran his fingers through her hair, kissed her face gently until she fell asleep, contemplated her for a while before he drifted off with a smile on his face, his cheek resting against her forehead.


Around ten as promised he woke her up with a soft whisper against her ear and she breathed in deeply, found herself still atop his chest and straddled him, pressed loving kisses all over his face and down his jaw, clearly well rested and cheerful, made Fred's heart feel light as a feather.

Her kisses became more and more lingering and seductive, they were so caught up in everything ever since the preparations of the plan to take Harry out of Privet Drive and her injuries, this morning was finally a moment of quiet they could enjoy. Fred wrapped his arms around her back and rolled around. "Good morning," he smiled and leaned in to kiss her neck.

"Good morning," she wrapped her arms around his shoulders, took in a sharp breath, led him to grin knowingly.

"I love when you do that," he continued doing what it was he was doing before but his lips seemed to be conflicted between a kiss and a smile, it was adorable.

He hadn't let any weight onto her, worried she was still hurt which is why it made it much more easier to slowly lift her top, his fingers brushing over her stomach, closed his hand around her waist, delicately traveled up.

There was a knock on the door, his hand stopped, his lips stopped, he let out a frustrated groan against her skin. He waited for a second, maybe whoever it was left, and he started kissing up her neck again when they knocked again.

"Go away," spat Fred at the door.

"We could use an extra hand for lifting the tent," said George on the other side.

Fred didn't answer, he slid his hand under her and turned around to set her over him again, cupped her face to kiss her.

"I'm coming in to drag you out-"

"No!" said Fred and Sarah at the same time, turned to each other and chuckled, he stroked her hair and kissed her forehead.

"I can stall for ten minutes at the most, but if you're not out by then, Remus is coming instead."

Fred's eyes widened and looked at her in defeat, "I told you, I need to stay in his good graces."

He grinned at her and got out of bed, headed towards the bathroom but scurried back to kiss her lips, kept circling around the room to get dressed then come back to kiss her, mostly because it made her smile and it was fun, too.


While they set up the tent outside, Sarah helped out with Fleur's makeup and hair, it wasn't complicated, Fleur had asked them for a simple routine, the girls ended up in soft bathrobes and drinking champagne from flutes and chuckling.

Eventually Sarah went up to get ready as well, got into a long and flowy pale green dress with all sorts of flowers on it, slid into her heels and quickly got back to Fleur with Selena. Her dress was midnight blue, beautiful as well. They did their makeup there, Hermione and Ginny joined them but eventually the girls left Fleur with her mother.

Sarah passed George in the kitchen who was drinking coffee and holding a toothbrush into his bandages.

"You look nice. And Harry and Ginny kissed," he said with a cheeky grin.

Her jaw dropped, "Really?" she beamed at him and turned to look at the door she'd just closed with Ginny on the other side. "What's with the toothbrush?"

"Practical," he stated plainly.

"Okay, checks out," she grinned at him.

"Fred's in your room getting ready."

Sarah nodded, that being the exact reason she was passing through the living room, "And Selena is also dressed and in that room with Ginny," she pointed behind her and George ran at full speed.

She walked into the room she shared with Fred at the Burrow, saw he was standing in the mirror trying to decide between two ties. Her gaze swept over him with a wide smile, "Don't you look handsome?"

She saw in the mirror he waggled his eyebrows, tossed a tie on the bed and turned to her, letting the other drop on the ground.

"Blimey," he picked it up and tossed it on the bed too, walked to her with wonder in his eyes, "You are trying to kill me, woman."

She let her jaw drop dramatically, "I would never."

"You're absolutely stunning. I love when you wear heels, your face is so much closer," he smiled, brought both hands up to cup her face and bring it close to his, "But it's also the cutest, loveliest thing when you reach up."

She tilted her head up with a small smile, it was much easier she had to admit, and slid her hands over his chest. She kissed him for a long time, Fred slowly deepened the kiss, backed her against the wall and she chuckled softly, "It's almost time, Fred-"

"That's twice the wedding has interrupted us," he said disappointed.

"I know, but it'll end at some point, won't it?" she winked at him and walked towards the bed to take the tie he'd chosen, handed it to him.

"Could you?" he asked coyly.

"All right," she stepped closer and started lifting his collar to set it right and he linked his hands around her.

"So, tell me something."

She hummed, looked up for a split second then returned her focus on the tie.

"You really thought you'd end up with four animals?" he asked.

Her eyes shot up to see he was grinning widely and she was speechless.

"It was an accident, I swear," he assured her.

"We just keep on overhearing conversations, don't we?" she said with a shy smile, now.

"I wanted to check in after what George had said. You are aware at some point of our lives I'll propose to you, right?"

Sarah looked at him for a second then smiled down at his tie to center it, hearing that loud voice again that keeps track of everything she loses and reminds her every day.

"Love," Fred twisted his arms and brought her against his chest, getting her to lift her gaze. "I know," he said softly, wrapping his fingers around her marked forearm, "It's all right."

He captured her lips gently, rested his forehead against hers, "You'll get the little house, and the caramel smell, the little dog running around, and me greeting you with a kiss every evening. I'll make sure of it. I love you, especially when you're emotional, serious and mopey."

Sarah laughed, two warm tears falling down her cheeks and she wrapped her arms around his neck, kissed his jaw, just held him for a while. Retreating in her safe place between his arms.


The wedding was beautiful, the exchange of vows between Fleur and Bill had been incredibly touching, Sarah couldn't contain her tears, Bill had wrote the last parts in French, and although not a lot of people understood what he said, but Fleur did understand, it was all that mattered and they both cried.

The inside of the tent was perfectly set up, they'd all worked on setting up the dark purple decorations, small spheres harboring small purple butterflies and levitating candles all over. It was perfect.

Fleur and Bill started their first dance on a slow song, everyone watching them fondly and swaying. Sarah rested her head against Fred's chest, and while everyone looked at Bill and Fleur, his gaze fell onto her. So many thoughts coursing through his mind that he smiles at every single one, brought her against him gently and kissed her cheek repeatedly.

She turned to look at him with a sweet smile, "Something the matter?" she whispered, and he barely heard from the music, mostly guessed the words from the movement of her lips.

He shook his head, pressed a couple more kisses on her head, "Just lucky," he whispered in her ear and just as soon the music picked up the pace, Bill and Fleur started skipping and people gathered round them to clap along the rhythm.

Harry spent the evening talking with Luna Lovegood and her father, also sending Ginny longing glances that she pretended she didn't notice but Sarah, who was with her, Fred, George and Selena for the night definitely saw Ginny look at him whenever he turned away.

Sarah also noticed a wistful glance from Ron when Hermione walked in, she shook her head fondly. Here they were in the middle of a war, and still found some place for romance.

Just as she thought that, Fred held out the palm of his hand before her and she smiled and took it, he twirled her around and brought her against him, just as 'I Have Nothing' by Whitney Houston started playing and couples paired up.

She gasped and looked at Fred, "Did you set this up?"

"No, McCauley, it was Zeal. He just came by, requested it, then left," he said sarcastically.

"Oh, well, I guess I'm not thanking you," she looked up and around the room.

Fred grinned and pulled on her hand so she'd face him again, "Okay, I take it back, you can thank me."

She smiled, reached up to press a soft kiss on his lips, "Thank you. It's perfect. You're perfect."

With that she rested her head against his shoulder and Fred smiled, actually blushed and squeezed her tighter when it happened because only she could do that to him.

"I know we're in the middle of a war and heartfelt and cutesy moments like these are kind of difficult to enjoy, but-" Fred smiled to himself and kissed her neck gently.

"You make it easy," she finished his thought, speaking for herself as well.

He nodded, resting his head against hers, "I'm so in love with you, I can't even joke about it."

She cupped the nape of his neck and captured his lips gently, "I love you so much." After a second she squinted at him playfully, "Admit to me right now that you stay awake at night to think of things like that."

Fred smiled and shook his head, "Nah. You just inspire me. And I don't even say half the things that pop into my mind, and some things even rhyme, I'm not kidding," he ended with a laugh, made her join him, holding his face lovingly.

Fred hugged her, pressed a kiss on her neck and they stayed in each other's arms, swaying until the slow music was over as was the heartfelt moment although it will be everlasting in their hearts and they continued to enjoy the night with their friends and family.


They were still dancing, drinking, eating, when a great ball of light entered the tent and made the music stop, the lights fade and everyone stood quiet and looked at it.

The Ministry has fallen. The minister of magic is dead. They are coming, they are coming

Everyone exchanged terrified looks as it faded away and the lights came back on, only everyone kept quiet until they heard screeches nearby and they knew they were outside the tent, and when they reacted, it was too late, they were already inside.

Panic stroke the entire tent, people started Disapparating from there, running away and screaming, Sarah was spotted by a couple of Death Eaters and they both started running towards her, their wands drawn, Fred arrived next to her and each took one down.

He pressed a fierce kiss on her head, "Careful, I'm begging you."

She nodded firmly, "You, too."

They split up again, Sarah needed to find Harry, he was running towards Ginny and she stopped him, "You need to leave! I'll help her! Leave!" She pushed him towards Hermione and Ron, "You! You-"

"I'll manage," she told him firmly and as soon as he reached Hermione the three of them Disapparated.

Sarah ran to Ginny and stunned one of the Death Eaters she was dueling. She turned around, and blocked another Curse, Stunned the caster, along with Ginny ran over to help out Charlie who was surrounded.

The Death Eaters were getting more scarce, but something was going on outside and she started running, her heart sinking when she recognized the struggling voice.

Outside the tent were three Death Eaters, Arthur, Molly, George and Selena were standing wands drawn at them, and it would not have been a problem if one of them wasn't holding Fred by the neck, his wand pointing at his head.

"Let him go!" shouted George.

"Cannot do that," he hissed, tightened his grip on Fred's neck. "You see, the beautiful irony is I don't have trouble killing him then quickly disappearing. You on the other hand, can't do either." His voice was mocking and evil, enjoying the psychological toll this had on everyone.

"You sure about that?" said Sarah loudly, her wand drawn and blood boiling. The three of them turned to her and her stomach dropped, understanding they were expecting her to show.

"McCauley, no-" Fred's voice was cut off, the arm around his throat kept him from breathing.

"I guarantee I don't have any problem with killing the three of you. Let. Him. Go." she stepped closer to them and they didn't back away because that was exactly what this was meant to do.

"She's come to your rescue, how romantic," he hissed in Fred's ear. He would have spat something but he could barely breathe.

"It's me you want, isn't it?" she looked at the three of them, slowly lowered her wand, "Let him go, and I drop the wand and comply."

"You think I'm stupid?" he growled, "Drop the wand first, then I let him go, sweetheart."

She winced at what he called her and glared at him, "Not a chance. I'm not stupid either."

"I get you, man, now that I see her, I really do," The Death Eater snickered sickly to Fred, "This'll be fun. I bet she is, too."

"You piece of sh-" Fred groaned, felt his air supply being cut off aggressively, made him cough when he breathed again.

Sarah's heart broke, she couldn't think of another way to get them to not hurt Fred. She had to do whatever she could to get him out of this. The danger he was in because of her.

"I say we compromise. We do it at the same time."

Sarah nodded slowly, aware Selena and George were watching her warily right now, wands drawn ready to attack and they had no idea what the outcome of this will be, they hoped for the best, prayed the worst won't happen.

One of the Death Eaters behind Fred Apparated behind her, yanked her head back by pulling on her hair, Selena's wand turned to them and Sarah shook her head, urging her to stay put.

He turned her to face him. She didn't recognize him, his face was grey, eyes pale. He eyed her wand, getting awfully close to her, nudged her chin up and he smiled sickly as he spoke, she did her best not to show any sign of fear, only mere disgust, "Drop it."

"STAY AW-" Fred struggled again, he didn't manage to finish that, his hands were jinxed behind his back and he couldn't breathe, his eyes were teary and his mind was getting dizzy from the lack of air.

She let her wand drop on the ground and the Death Eater tied her hands behind her back. She couldn't think of a way to get out of this, not while Fred was threatened. She would have bluffed, taken the risk, but there wasn't any guarantee they wouldn't kill him even now.

Just as soon Fred was thrown onto the ground, his hands freed and coughing and struggling to breathe. He turned around and saw Sarah being dragged across the lawn, one by one they Disapparated, the one holding her went last.

I love you, she mouthed from afar.

"No!" cried Fred in a croaky voice, he got up and ran towards them, "No!" he screamed with everything he had, he'd never mustered this kind of hurt and desperation to his voice before. It was the kind of hurt where everything you loved most was ripped away from you, when meaning left your body, when happiness got blocked out completely and the idea of it became unfathomable. It was a heartbroken wail, a howl you let out once you feel yourself being torn apart. It was a sound that perforated every single soul who was around him in that moment, one they would all remember for the rest of their lives whenever they think of the one time they heard true pain.

Fred had leapt forward but landed on the ground and he fell on his knees, stared at the last place he'd seen her, started ripping the grass and hitting the ground, George ran over to him and locked his arms on either side of him so he doesn't hurt himself. Fred almost managed to get out of his grasp but George held him with everything he had.

Eventually Fred stopped fighting his brother, and he let his head fall into his hands, stared in complete shock ahead of him, his worst fear had just happened.

She was gone.


I'm so sorry :((

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Hanging over George's back, you grunted, "Seriously, put me down, Weasley." He shook his head and laughed gleefully while he carried you downstairs...