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By havennoelle

69.8K 2.2K 1K

πŸ“– He walked closer to me, causing me to back into the elevator wall. ❝You do things to me, Desire,❞ he purrs... More

1: Meeting Rooms & Hallways
2: I Wanna Touch You
3: Filthy Tips & Crazy Tension
4: I Know You Feel It Too
5: Another Woman & Crazy Demands
7: Ramen & Showers
8: My Sexy New Assistant
9: Working Hard & Getting Rewarded
10: All Of His Other Girls
11: Not So Soon & What Am I Doing?
12: I Want You, All Of You
13: Savor & Fuck
14: Edging At The Office
15: Getting Mad & Making Up
16: Friday Feels
17: Over The Desk & On The Couch
18: Tell Me How You Really Feel
19: Loving You & Ruining You
20: Worth The Celebration

6: I Knew It Was You

2.7K 110 55
By havennoelle

"Surprise..." I murmur sarcastically, then try to get off of him.

He pulled me back down harshly, making me take a sharp breath in. Silence. He just stared at me, then down at my body before shaking his head. I grabbed his hands and removed them from my waist, but stayed on his lap.

"Jimin," I whisper, not being able to keep eye contact.

"Y/N," he mutters, pressing a loose strand of hair behind my ear.

I looked back up to see a mix of emotions on his face; calmness, betrayal, anger, disappointment.

"I didn't know all of this was gonna-" I start, but he buds in as he pours himself another glass of champagne.

"Why?" he asks shakily before downing the sparkling liquid.

"Why, what?" I question quietly, tucking in my bottom lip.

I felt so humiliated and embarrassed. Was it a good thing that he caught me...or bad?

"Why are you doing this, baby, hm? You work at the firm..." he wonders, shaking his head.

I scoffed and got off of him, but he didn't grab me back this time. I shyly stood near him as he leaned back manspread, laying his arms up on top of the couch. He readjusted his hips a bit to hide his bulge, but it was a bit too noticeable. I rolled my eyes from looking at his crotch to looking away, taking a deep breath.

"First off, I'm not your 'baby.' Secondly, I need to pay rent and pay off student debt...I thought taking this job with all of the tips, would be worth it," I mutter, still refusing to look at him.

"But, here? I'm surprised out of all the places, you would-"

"What? Are you judging me? Because you already know that I haven't done a thing with other men besides take their drink orders. One cute guy gave me his business card...I may just take advantage of that," I sass, holding my head high as I give him a smug look.

He slowly stood up, chuckling sinisterly while looking down at his designer shoes. I gulped and stepped back as he kept walking forward towards me...until I hit the red velvet padded wall. I gasped, looking to the side to see there was nowhere to go. 

He smirked and licked his lips as he slammed a hand above my head, dipping his chin down to look at me. "...Go ahead. You, yourself, just told me you weren't my 'baby,' right?" he teases, lifting my chin with his pointer finger and biting his lip.

My stomach was swarming with butterflies and my breathing hitched. His cologne surrounded the area, intoxicating me. It's like he knew I would never text some random guy, and he was acting so cocky about it.

"Enough, Jimin," I hiss, smacking his hand away from my face.

He still had his other hand planted on the wall above my head, chuckling sarcastically. "You're just so...innocent, kitten. The fact that you actually listened to me...that's impressive," he whispers, licking his lips again.

"It's not because of you...I just have morals," I shrug, trying to prove my point.

"Morals?... But not with me, you don't," he smirks, taking his hand off the wall and taking a step back.

I blushed immediately. What was he trying to say?

"That's different...you're different," I admit, looking down at the ground to hide my blush.

I was thankful the lights were a bit dim, but I knew he could still see it.

"I am? So now you're contradicting yourself, sweetheart. You like me one second, but the next, you don't...feisty, I like it," he teases, staring me up and down.

I shook my head and tried to ignore his flirty comment, but I ended up blushing even more. "I-I'm sorry, Jimin. I didn't mean to play a double life with you. We were in the moment last Friday night, and I gave in. It was hard to pretend at work that-"

"Doll...stop. I knew it was you all along. I'm not mad, but I am a little disappointed," he admits, making me gasp.

"Wait...you knew I was Desire? Since, when?" I frantically ask, subconsciously fixing my bodysuit.

He chuckled at my flustered state and shoved his hands in his pockets, getting ready for his whole explanation. "The first night I kissed you...I knew that perfume, those lips, that neck...I had just kissed all over it earlier that day. But I'm not gonna lie, I thought it was the alcohol getting to me. But then when I saw you in the hall on Monday, and saw those hickies all over your neck...I knew for a fact that it was you. Because I remember down to the exact millimeter of where I marked you," he passionately explains, his breathing getting heavier.

The air got thicker and I bit my lip subconsciously.

"Why didn't say anything, then?" I wonder, holding my hands in front of my body shyly.

"I don't know...I just wanted to see how long you would keep it going. How you blush and stutter all the time, I can't imagine how nervous you felt hiding all of that," he chuckles, biting the inside of his cheek.

"But why did you come to find me and ask me to come to a room with you? You knew it was me when you saw me at the bar?" I ask, just trying to get everything out of him.

"That part...I guess that was just fate and destiny...maybe, God?" he murmurs, shrugging his shoulders.

My breathing hitched at his words...Was it fate?

"Well...now you-"

"I still wanna know, though. Your parents can't help you out with your student debt? Why did you come to Seoul when you could've just found a job in America?" he questions, making my heart plummet.

I swallowed as tears started to form in my eyes, shaking my head and looking down at my feet.

"Baby, what's wrong?" he frantically asks, grabbing my upper arms in worry.

"My parents died in fucking car crash in my senior year of college, Jimin. That's why I came to fucking Seoul...to start a new life, and get away from the hell of a life that I had!" I outburst with emotion, throwing his hands off of me.

I shook in rage, shaking my head as tears streamed down my face. He just stood there in absolute shock, but how was he supposed to know? It's not like we were dating. 

After he didn't say anything, probably shocked at my outburst, I walked over and grabbed for the door handle to leave. I wasn't in the right headspace...especially with everything that's happened tonight.

Suddenly, he grabbed my wrist, stopping me from opening the door. "Y/N...I had no idea. I'm sorry, that sounds horrific, I-"

"Just drop it, it's fine. I'm trying to cope, but I'll figure it out. So if you're wondering why I have multiple jobs...I'm just trying to pay the bills, that's all," I mutter, shaking out of his grip.

Silence. He didn't say a word back; he walked back to sit down on the couches. After I didn't feel his presence, I slowly turned around to see him sitting manspread with his face in his hands as he rested his elbows on his thighs.

I slowly walked over, standing next to him.

"What?" I quietly ask, wondering why he was sitting like that.

He slowly looked up with a distraught look on his face. It's almost like I had struck a nerve...struck a memory or something.

"My mom...she was involved in a car accident, too," he whispers, swallowing the knot in the back of his throat.

I instantly softened and gently sat next to him on the couch. "W-What do you mean, Jimin? I-Is she okay? Is she-" I start, but he answers for me.

"She's died, Y/N. But when I was much younger than you...when I was seven. A drunk driver hit her on her morning bike ride she would do every morning. Killed her at impact when he ran a red light. Fucked-up part about it all was that it was a hit-and-run. They never caught him, who fucking knows where he is, now," he sighs and continues, "They checked the cameras and interviewed bystanders, but nothing. He probably switched cars or something, out of guilt." he explains softly, but refuses to cry.

I wanted him to cry, though; I wanted him to let it all out. I sniffled, repeatedly wiping the tears off of my cheeks. It's like in that moment, I wanted to cherish him; wanted to hug him, and tell him it was gonna be okay. 

That we had this thing in common...that we shared the same heartbreak. Maybe that's why he always wanted to work hard and never let his dad down...because that's all he had left. 

I softly rubbed his shoulder in comfort, making him look at my hand, then me. He gave me a soft smile before it dropped quickly.

"I'm sorry, Jimin...Cry if you need to, I'll wipe your tears," I whisper, making him look over at me with glassy eyes.

"I haven't cried since her funeral...Maybe that's why I've become sorta cold...or dominant. I'm a nice guy, I just-" he starts, but I grab his toned bicep.

"I know you're a nice guy...because you haven't forced me to do anything, like I know some of these slimy guys would," I coo softly. "And you haven't cried since you were seven?! I look an absolute baby sitting next to you," I giggle, just trying to lighten the mood.

"And I never will. I know how you are, baby," he smiles. "And, nope. I made my seven-year-old self a promise that I would never cry again...well, maybe when my Appa passes, but, I don't know, I just..." he chuckles, but doesn't finish.

I took a deep breath and curled up in a ball on the couch. Might as well make it a confession-session, since he was brave enough to share all of that with me. My heels hung off the couch as I pursed my lips like a little kid.

"Mine got killed by a drunk driver, too. They were driving home from a Christmas party and got killed at impact," I whisper, nodding slowly.

"...I'm sorry, angel," he mutters, making me look up from my curled-up ball to give him doe eyes.

"You really like to call me that, and other names," I murmur, giving him a shy smirk.

"Because ever since I accidentally ran into you and dropped my phone, I haven't been able to stop thinking about you," he breathes, making me take a sharp breath in for the nth time tonight.

"But I'm a nobody, I'm-"

"You're mine, that's who you are. And now that we have something special in common, I just keep falling. I want you to quit this job," he hisses, making me uncurl my legs and sit up straight to look at him.

"Jimin, I can't just-"

"You can. I'll hire you as my assistant so you can quit being a janitor, too. You deserve so much more, baby. You have a college degree in Business. I can teach you the ins and outs of the stock market, and you can help me with paperwork, meetings, all of it," he exclaims, making my eyes light up.

He would do that for me? 

Why was he so obsessed with me? Don't get me wrong, I'm beyond grateful for the offer, but I wouldn't expect someone to do all of that for me.

"...Y-You would do that for me? We barely know each other, Jimin. I don't expect you-"

"Of course. You'll be making upwards to six figures, plus some stocks, and more that you can invest in, yourself...and I think we know each other pretty well, baby doll," he smirks, suddenly laying his ring-covered hand on my thigh.

I gasped, looking down at his hand, subconsciously biting my lip. Upwards to six figures? That would be plenty of money to pay my rent and pay off my debt.

"I-I'll think about it, thanks," I stutter, only answering his offer.

"You're so cute when you blush, babe," he whispers, grinning at me.

"Stoppp. I'm sure you have a girlfriend...no need to lead me on," I murmur, just trying to get him going.

"You think so?" he teases, leaning into my neck and rubbing his nose back and forth cutely.

I blushed even harder...loving this soft side of him. I suddenly wanted to get to know everything about his life, his past, his likes and dislikes...I wanted him to be mine.

"I don't know. A lot of guys come here with their sugar babies that they have on the side or come here to get some from a bottle girl...because they're not getting it at home, or are just straight-up cheaters," I shrug, trying to think about it myself.

Suddenly, he grabbed the side of my cheek and pulled my face towards him. I gasped lightly, tucking in my bottom lip shyly.

"Baby...why would I flirt with you at work, kiss your neck multiple times, then come to the club with my buddies and make out with you passionately? Do you honestly think I'm some sort of douchebag?" he chuckles, shaking his head.

"No...I guess I just have trust issues. That's why I never dated in college...or gave my body away to anyone else," I murmur, looking away from him.

"I may have fucked around in college, but I'm way too busy being the damn VP of my father's company to be stringing along multiple girls," he chuckles a bit. "And it kills me that someone would ever break your heart. When you told me that in my office, I wanted to strangle that guy," he explains, making me give him innocent eyes.

Why did everything coming out of his mouth sound so good? His dreamy glistening eyes didn't help the situation. Who knows how long we had been in here talking for? 

And suddenly, I thought about his past...his body count. He knew mine, but I didn't wanna be nosy. Why did I feel like I was just going into this blind, hoping, just hoping he was different than other guys?

"It was in high school, Jimin, I'm over it. Who knows where he is, now? But can we stop talking about sad things?" I giggle lightly, standing up from the couch.

When I got nervous, I moved around a lot. I felt like I'd gotten to know so much about him tonight, making me crush even harder. I wasn't planning on falling in love when I moved to Seoul, but for some reason, he was pulling me in. 

His eyes, his smile, that dominant look he always gave me...his cute laugh, the way he ran his hand through his hair. He was alluring, and I felt myself slowly falling.

"Why don't we get out of here and go make some ramen at my place?" he grits playfully, reaching out and pulling me in by my waist.

I squealed at his sudden movement and sat my hands on his shoulders, brushing some hair out of his face. "You're not gonna get me that easy, lover-boy...I know what that means," I frown playfully, smacking his shoulder.

He winced and laughed cutely. "I didn't mean it like that, sorry...I meant you're probably hungry, and-"

"But I don't have any clothes or toiletries with me...Y-You want me to sleepover, or?" I ask shyly, making him rub my waist up and down.

It felt like we were dating; what the hell was happening?

"Just wear mine, and I have extra stuff. We can make ramen, watch a K-Drama, whatever. I just want you out of this place," he claims, pinching me lightly.

I giggled and kept running my hands through his soft blonde locks. "You better be a good boy...I'm not like that. But I won't turn down that offer. I'll clock out and meet you outside at the front?" I suggest, shrugging my shoulders.

"Sounds good, cutie. And I'll wait as long as I have to for you, especially since I'm the only one who has...and will, be seeing you in this skimpy lingerie," he purrs, reaching around to squeeze my ass.

I let out a seductive breath at his words, loving the feeling of his cold rings on my bare skin. He was a fallen angel, the good and the bad.

"...I have many more sets," I murmur under my breath, looking down at my feet shyly.

Oh, no. I shouldn't have said that.

Suddenly, he pulled me onto his lap, making me straddle him. I gasped, still holding onto his shoulders. He pressed my hips down, pulling us flush together. I got wetter by just that, I couldn't imagine if we did more.

"More sets? More sets for...Daddy?" he teases, resting his hands on my ass like it was his to hold.

I blushed and playfully rolled my eyes, playing with the buttons on his shirt. "I'll text my manager tonight and quit. But you're gonna have to email Ms. Song for everything you wanna do," I groan playfully, pouting towards him.

"You didn't answer meee," he sings, poking my nose.

"Fine, yes. Since I'm quitting, I'll put all my lingerie to use, with you," I grin, poking his nose back.

"But I thought you said you weren't ready to have sex with me?" he purrs, biting his lip as he lightly holds onto my waist.

I softly gasped; his words sending me into a trance. It's not that I wouldn't want to, but I was scared. It's been so long, and I wanted to build up some trust with him.

But why did it feel like we could fuck, right now? Why did I trust him with my body, already? Why did it feel so tense and sensual between us, almost like this insane sexual chemistry or something...kinda like magic?

"Jimin," I whisper, licking my lips as I stare at his.

Suddenly, he leaned into my neck, kissing my skin harshly. "I'm gonna fuck so good, baby girl. Have you begging for this thick cock," he hisses in my ear, making me gasp as shivers ran down my spine.

"You're crazy," I breathe, leaning my head back as he assaulted my neck.

"Am I? Because I know you're so damn wet right now," he growls, grabbing my ass and pressing me more into his bulge.

He was so hard, making me slowly grind on him. He backed away from my neck and slammed his lips onto mine, making me grab his face and shove my tongue into his mouth. We kissed rough and sloppy, exchanging our salvia as lust filled the air.

"Let's get out of here before I fuck you on this couch...now that I can tell that you like it rough," he grits, spanking my ass hard, his chest heaving up and down.

I gasped, smacking his toned chest. 

Wow, how this whole night has changed. We went from kissing to arguing, to confessing to kissing, again. 

What was this boy doing to me?

"You don't know what I like," I sass, crossing my arms while still straddling him.

"Trust me, I know what you like...rough, passionate, kinky. You're such a submissive, baby, don't deny it. I can teach you a few things...and have your toes curling every damn night," he purrs, brushing some hair out of my face that had fallen during our mouth-sucking fest.

"Let's just gooo. Stop making me blush over and over," I pout, still crossing my arms.

He just chuckled and uncrossed my arms, interlocking our hands together.

"As long as I get to cuddle you in my arms allll night," he teases, leaning in and giving me a quick peck.

"Deal," I mutter like a little kid, giving him doll eyes.


A/N: UMM, WTF?! Are they in love or am I crazy for writing this chapter?! Like so much went on, my brain is everywhere, lol. What did you guys think? How about Jimin's mom? 🥺 And now she's gonna be Jimin's assistant...Oh, y'all, this story is gonna get so damn spicy!! Thanks so much for reading, and make sure to add this story to your current reading lists, comment as much as you want, vote for this chapter, and share this story with your Jimin bias and/or ARMY friends! 🫶🏼

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