Wandanat/ Scarletwidow onesho...

By Lesbinsanity

19.6K 378 253

This ship is fucking amazing. I will defend it to my last breath. If you disagree I will fight you. More

Long night Part 1
Wake Me When It's Over
Truth Serum
Truth serum part 2 ( Smut )
Show Them ( Wandanat and Stony )
I Don't Know Why I Can't Kill You (Part 1)
I Don't Know Why I Can't Kill You (Part 2)
I Don't Know Why I Can't Kill You ( Part 3 )
I Don't Know Why I Can't Kill You ( Part 4 )
Mine ( Smut )
Lamplight ( stars part 2 )
Pistols And Revolvers
Fire and Dreams ( Pistols And Revolvers part 2 )
writers block
It's Okay Now
It's Okay Now ( Part 2 ) ( Smut )
Truth serum ( Part 3 )
Its Ok Now part 4 ( smut )
It's Ok Now ( Part 5 ) [Smut]

It's Ok Now ( Part 3 )

444 11 1
By Lesbinsanity


This chapter contains lots of: girls kissing, cute lesbians, girls cuddling, girls in love, soft lesbians, and mind melting fluff.
If you are sensitive or triggered by any of these topics please skip this chapter.
And for those proceeding please read with cation.

You have been warned

Wanda awoke consumed by softness and tenderness.
Especially her face.
It was buried into the softest, best smelling moving pillow-
Oh shit

Wanda slowly lifted her face from Natasha's right breast.

Just as Natasha had promised it seemed her arms had'nt left the Sokovian's body for a second, still wrapped around her.
Dawn painted the sky a bright salmon, tinting the room in it's soft colour.
Wanda turned her gaze to the woman wrapped around her, scanning her sleeplaced features in the early morning.

A soft sigh left her lips as a smile spread across her face.
She gently leaned over, brushing her lips softly against Natasha's.
The Russian's eyes snapped open, before realizing where she was.
She smiled and pressed their lips together.
The kiss was gentle but filled to the brim with love.

" Good morning." Wanda whispered against Natasha's lips, causing them to curl up in a cute smile.
" Good morning." Natasha replied, staring lovingly into her eyes.

" How are you feeling?" Natasha asked softly, moving one of her arms to gently caress her girlfriend's cheek.
" I can't remember the last time I was this happy." Wanda replied, nuzzling into the touch.

" How do you feel about what happened last night?" Natasha asked softly.
A light blush dusted Wanda's cheeks as memories came back.

" I... I think I liked it." Wanda said softly, blush darkening.
Natasha smiled." I'm so glad. "

" I'd like to return the favor." Natasha softly whispered.
" I don't think I feel comfortable... being on the receiving end yet." Wanda averted her gaze, frowning slightly.

" It does'nt have to be sexual. I can take you out, we could have a nice meal, we could see a movie, whatever you want."
Natasha stroked Wanda's face lovingly.
The Sokovian beamed.
" Can we just cuddle all day? Maybe put a show on?" Wanda asked with gleaming eyes.

Wanda was so adorable Natasha nearly screamed.
" Of course! That sounds wonderful!" Natasha grinned widely before proceeding to pepper Wanda's face with kisses.
The Sokovian squealed and giggled, eyes squeezed shut against the onslaught.

Eventually Natasha stopped, pulling back and smiling.
This was when Wanda noticed something.
Her cheeks reddened as she spoke.
" Um, Nat... you're still..." Wanda let her gaze drift down to the Russian's exposed breasts.

Natasha followed Wanda's line of sight.
" Oh."
" While they are litterally amazing and perfect in every way imaginable, perhaps we could get some sort of clothes on?" Wanda proposed nervously.
" Of course, whatever you're comfortable with." Natasha replied softly.

But as Natasha moved to get up, Wanda stopped her.
" Wait, I have an idea." The Sokovian spoke.
Her eyes turned red, crimson smoke leaking into the air, surrounding the Russian.
It congealed around her body, leaving it adorned in impossibly soft fabric.
The red mist faded from Wanda's eyes, the whisps in the air disolving into nothing.

Natasha looked down at herself.
A t shirt adorned her torso, a pitch black with Wanda's symbol in gleaming red in the center.
A matching pitch pair of incredibly soft panties concealed her most vunerable spot.
The Russian grinned.
" Can I keep the shirt?" She asked.
" Of course." Wanda grinned.

" Wait! It's missing something." Wanda said, furrowing her brows.
Slowly she leaned in, leaving a soft kiss on Natasha's cheek.
The Sokovian smiled at the crimson lipstick mark on her lover's cheek.
" Perfect!"

Wanda then snapped her fingers, eyes flashing red.
Suddenly she was clad in a red t shirt, Natasha's emblem in black adorning the center.
Though she kept the rest of her outfit from last night, wiggling her eyebrows suggustively at her girlfriend.

" Oh my god I should have known you'd be a fuckin tease." Natasha rolled her eyes playfully.
" You love it." Wanda smirked, her accent lacing her words in a way Wanda knew made Natasha weak.
" I do." Natasha smiled, leaning in for a soft kiss.
Wanda brought them both back down, wrapping her arms around her as she swiped her tounge against her bottom lip.
Natasha opened her mouth allowing their tounges to frolic and play together.
Natasha moaned softly into the kiss, wrapping her arms and legs around Wanda, trying to get as physically close to this woman as possible.

The women melted into eachother, each savoring the other's lips.

Eventually Wanda pulled away, gasping for breath, leaving Natasha pouting playfully.
Wanda leaned in, giving her a soft kiss on the nose.
Natasha grinned goofily, overwhelmed with the love she had for this woman.
Natasha then returned the action, leaving a black lipstick mark on Wanda's adorably scrunched nose.
" Wait, I did'nt..." Natasha raised her fingers to her lips, watching as they came away black.
" Magic!" Wanda smiled, summoning whisps of red magic to prove her point.

" I love you so much." Natasha's smile was soft but filled to the brim with love and adoration.
Wanda let out a small squeal at her words, wrapping her in a giant hug.
" I love you so so so much!" Wanda exclaimed.
Both girls giggled enjoying the warmth of the other.
Viseral love filled the air like an invisible smoke.
As if their feelings for eachother were too much for their bodies, and leaked out.

" You're adorable." Natasha grinned.
" You're more adorable!" Wanda replied.
Natasha gasped in fake indignation.
" You take that back right now!"
" No!" Wanda giggled.
Wanda let out a squeal as Natasha started tickling her.
Wanda started laughing, squirming at Natasha's touch.
" Take that back!" Natasha said between laughs.
" Never!" Wanda cried between giggles.

Eventually Natasha stopped, causing Wanda to smile in victory.

" Oh don't worry, this is'nt over yet." Natasha assured her.
" Does'nt matter, your still the most adorable thing in the world." Wanda grinned, pressing their lips together in a soft kiss.

Natasha seemed to relent at the action, deciding they could continue this at a later date.

Many long minutes filled with soft kisses and warm cuddles later,the girls were inturrupted by a soft sound.
Wanda blushed as her stomach grumbled.
" Are you hungry love?" Natasha grinned.
" A little." Wanda admitted with a shy smile.
" How about we go get something to eat then, yea?" Natasha rose her eyebrows, still smiling.
" But I want cuddles!" Wanda pouted.
Natasha chuckled.
" Well, lets eat something, then we can do whatever you want." Natasha promised as she gently carresed Wanda's cheek with her thumb.
Wanda's lips upturned into a grin, pressing a kiss onto Natasha's nose before pulling the covers back.

" Oh, right." Wanda was greeted by the sight of her legs, still clad in last night's outfit.
She quickly conjoures up some comfortable shorts to replace the fishnets, as well as Natasha, each in their respective colours.

As the girls left Wanda's room and approached the elevator, a soft pink dusted Wanda's cheeks.
The Sokovian turns her head away from her girlfriend before shyly reaching out and grazing her hand against the Russian's.
Softly she inturntwines their fingers, turning to give the Russian a aoft, nervous smile.

Natasha grinned, still mystified of how anyone could be this adorable.
She stopped to give Wanda a soft kiss that they both smiled into.

When their lips parted, the air tasted sweeter and their hearts felt lighter.
They paused there for a moment, sharing eachother's breaths.
The moment was inturrupted by another growl from Wanda's stomach, the warm ache of hunger making it's presence known.
Natasha just smiled, giving their still intertwined hands a squeeze before leading Wanda down to the kitchen.

As they entered the smell of pancakes made it'self known.
Steve was wearing an apron, holding a spatula over sizziling pans.
" Ah, there the two lovebirds are!" Tony grinned.
Wanda smiled shyly as she squeezed Natasha's hand, she had always been shy, but she was getting more comfortable around the others.

Steve turned at Tony's remark, smiling broadly.
" Oh my god they have matching outfits." Steve squeaked.

Before Steve could fanboy any more, Wanda's stomach growled again, causing her to blush and turn her gaze downwards.
" Ah, little red is hungry, I see."
It took every bit of Tony's strenth not to make a sexual joke out of that, knowing how sensitive the topic was for his teammate.
" Well, pancakes will be ready soon." Steve grinned, turning back to the stove.

Wanda walked towards the table where Tony was sitting, eyes shifting back to Natasha.

Natasha took a seat oposite Tony, before patting her lap.
Wanda grinned, settling herself down on top of Natasha.
The Russian wrapped her arms around her girlfriend, drawing a light giggle from the Sokovian's lips.
Wanda leaned back and nuzzled her head into Natasha's neck, letting out a satisfied hum.

" Pancakes are ready! " Steve announced, placing a plate of the steaming pastries in the middle of the table.
Places had already been set and syrup already laid out, leaving Wanda to float 5 pancakes onto her plate and dose them in syrup.

She began cutting them up and stuffing peices into her mouth.
These were one of the best things she had ever eaten, well aside from her... feast last night.
Her thoughts were inturrupted by a soft whine in her ear.
Wanda turned to the pouting Russian.
" Don't I get any?" Natasha asked, making puppy dog eyes at her.

Wanda grinned, taking a peice of pancake already impaled on her fork and sliding it into the Russian's mouth.
Natasha kept direct eye contact with her girlfriend as she chewed the pastry slowly and sensually, raising her eyebrows suggustivly.

" Oh my god, Nat." Wanda rolled her eyes playfully frowning.
Natasha swallowed the peice of pancake, smirking.
" what? Do you want a taste detka?" Natasha teased, licking her lips suggustivly.
Wanda mumbled something under her breath but before natasha could ask her to repeat it her lips her on hers.
Natasha did'nt waste a second, opening her mouth to let Wanda's tounge inside.
The kiss was warm and tasted of maple syrup.
Wanda spun round, now facing Natasha.

" Oh come on, really? I'm trying to eat here!" Tony scowled.
Natasha simply flipped him off, pulling Wanda closer.
Tony groaned loudly, causing Wanda to pull away.
" Come on, lets continue this somewhere else." Wanda whispered against the Russian's lips.
" Continue what?" Natasha smirked.
" Keep playing dumb and I'll stick my tounge so far down your throught you'll lose the ability to speak." Wanda threatened, breaking out her accent to ensure a greater effect.
" Yes ma'am." Natasha replied, losing every bit if resolve she had left.

Wanda hopped off of her lap and walked off to the nearest closet, Natasha trailing behind her like a desperate puppy.
A red mist surrounded the remaining pancakes and maple syrup, bringing them along with them.

They entered the closet, Wanda placing the pancakes and syrup a little off to the side as Natasha sat down against the far wall.
Wanda almost tackled her, strattling her lap and immediatly sticking her tounge inside her mouth.

God, your mouth tastes so sweet shchenok

Wanda pushed the message into her lover's brain, smirking slightly into the kiss when her words were met with a soft moan.

Wanda started using her tounge to play with the Russian's drawing a cute hum from her.

The Sokovian then started sucking Natasha's tounge, drawing a series of adorable little noises from her.

Wands, I'm hungry

Natasha projected the thought into her girlfriend's head.

Natasha was already so unbeliveably turned on, she thought any more might kill her.

Wanda finally pulled away, reaching for more pancake, however instead of slipping it into the Russian's mouth she slipped it into her own, and before Natasha could process what was happening, Wanda's lips were on her's again, her tounge pushing the chewed up pastry into Natasha's mouth.

Are you fuckin mama birding me?!

Do you want me to stop?


This process continued, each of them sharing peices of pancake till they were all gone.

Wanda broke from the kiss gasping heavily.

" Why did I waste all this time not eating like that?" Natasha asked as soon as she caught her breath.
Wanda simply chuckled and nuzzled into her neck.
" How can you go from being the sexiest thing in the world to the most adorable?" Natasha asked with fake exasperation in her voice.
" I think you're forgetting something Nat."
" What?"
" You're the most adorable thing in the world." Wanda smirked.
" No! You a-" Natasha was cut off.
" Listen, do you want to argue, or do you want to cuddle and watch cartoons?"

If she was being honest, with Wanda nuzzled against her like this, the smell of her perfume wafting off her, and her lips brushing lightly against her neck,
Natasha was powerless.

The Russian sighed.
" Let's watch some cartoons."
Wanda hummed happily, surrounding them in red mist and teleporting them to her bedroom.

Pulling the covers around them, Wanda let out another happy hum, pushing her face deeper into Natasha's neck and breathing in her perfume.
The Sokovian drapped an arm across the Russian's midrift, lifting the other one to play with her girlfriend's red locks.
She pressed soft kisses on her neck, making Natasha tingle with electricity and love.

Natasha sighed happily, heart fluttering as a grin spread across her face.

" what do you want to watch?" The Russian asked as suddenly the tv remote appeared in her hand.
" Mmm, you choose." Wanda spoke against Natasha's neck.

" Ok, how about... Shera?" Natasha proposed.
" Mmm, sounds great love, put it on."
Natasha turned the tv on, entering netflix and selecting Shera, while Wanda continued her soft assault on her neck.
" You gonna wash those lipstick marks off later? " Natasha asked playfully.

" Mmm, no. Was'nt planning to." Wanda mumbled before continuing.

" Mmm k." Natasha smiled as the cold opening started.

" They look really good on you too." Wanda husked.
" Mm they do?" Natasha teased.

" So good." Wanda mumbled.

" Mm ok then." Natasha replied, using her left hand to lovingly scractch at the Sokovian's scalp.
Wanda purred lovingly against Natasha's neck at the action, melting the Russian's heart into a puddle of goo.

" I love you so much Tasha." Wanda mumbled against her, softly nuzlzing her nose deeper into the crook of her neck.

" I love you too Wands, so so so much." Natasha grinned, pressing a soft kiss on the top of Wanda's head.
Wanda hummed happily, her heart joining the same state of gooey puddle as Natasha's.

Love radiated out from their room, it could be felt throughout the compound.
Love, safety, and warmth seemed to wrap around the hearts of all the inhabitants like a soft blanket.

And Wanda and Natasha had never been happier.

Author note:
Alright! Part 3.

Im havin a gender crisis, and i think i might be nonbinary.
So thats the label im using now.

Also if anyone wants to talk to me, feel free to message me.
I think talking to people is doing me a lot of good right now.

Thanks so much for reading this.

Seeya maties.

- gay peice of shit

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