
By ss9slb

908 101 10

(Sequel to Deadlock) Being a companion is tougher than Osgood had suspected. Concerned about the morally ques... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 3

40 5 0
By ss9slb

Chapter Text


"I cannot believe you just did that."

Slipping around the corner and out of sight of the junk shop Osgood finally allowed herself to breathe a sigh of relief. There had been no wail of sirens nor any cries of "thief thief" so clearly Missy had probably gotten away with it but that didn't change the principle of the thing.

It was a crime, Missy, The Mistress was a criminal and Osgood was an accessory to that crime. If they were back on earth Osgood could almost picture their mugshots or some grainy CCTV footage appearing on CrimeWatch. Osgood didn't need to try hard to imagine her old boss's reaction to just how low Osgood had fallen after mere weeks in the renegade timelady's company. Kate Lethbridge-Stewart would be disgusted with her, she was a disgrace to UNIT and the high standards her family had always set.

"I'm a criminal." Osgood muttered under her breath under able to hide her sweaty and slightly green expression from Missy who merely rolled her eyes and tutted, striding along the complex tunnel system whilst Osgood remained hidden in her little nook mere moments away from a panic attack.

"I'm going to end up in some alien cell."

"Perhaps but you stand an even better chance of being abandoned in an alien tunnel system." The Mistress countered having realised after a few feet that her pet was being stupid and not following her. Reaching out The Mistress hooked the handle of her umbrella over the top of Skip's buttoned jacket, and proceeded to tow the hyperventilating human after her.

After several turns into an empty tunnel and a trip up a rickety flight of stairs Osgood finally had recovered enough to dig her heels in and demand the answers. Her abrupt stop almost unbalanced The Mistress who paused long enough to glare back over her shoulder.

"Yes Pet? Was there something that really cannot wait?"

"Yes there is!" Osgood insisted stepping up bravely to meet the timelady's bright blue gaze, the one that was both mocking and amused. "Why did you do that? He was prepared to trade..."

"Because I felt like it. Because I wanted to. Because he didn't deserve to have the diamond. Because I don't have to explain myself to you." Missy mocked rolling her eyes. "Look on the bright side Skip at least I didn't kill him!"

"You as good as did." Osgood spluttered. "What was in that drink you gave him?"

"Nothing..." Missy replied innocently fluttering her eyelashes. "Just a little hypervodka...With a wee dash of cybermite..."

"You've turned him into a cyberman? What were you thinking? With all these people down here they don't stand a chance! We have to tell the authorities we have to get people ou..." Osgood all but screeched only for the iron grip of the timelady to reach out and clamp over her mouth and pushed her back roughly into the stairwell railings.

"That would sort of undermine the point Skip. Stop being such a goody two shoes." Missy sighed unable to contain her disappointment, she had honestly thought they were making progress, what good was a companion if they didn't follow the rules you gave them and ignored those issued by others.

"Besides I didn't turn him into a cyberman, those mites have been customised merely too incapacitate the nervous system and remove any memory of yours truly...of course I have never tested them on a Mentor before so that might account for the funny discharge and screaming..."

Pressing Osgood back against and over the stairwell railing, Missy felt the usual thrill of excitement as the human's pulse suddenly jumped. Her single heart now pounding wildly in her chest almost made a familiar sound to the timelady's ears...almost but the rhythm was still a little too off to be normal.

Balancing precariously on the railing edge Osgood could feel her hands flapping desperately in open air. The firm weight of Missy's body against her stomach and the timelady's hand over her mouth were the only things keeping her grounded and there was something distinctly unsettling about the wide eyes and growing smile as Missy pressed against her that made Osgood swallow uncomfortably.

"Skip I am prepared to be lenient." Missy hissed warningly drinking in the expression and scent of fear from her human that was like a fine wine to a connessieur. "What with this being your first trip and all but you have to remember I am a timelord I don't answer to anyone. I do what I want and the galaxy just has to make room."

Unable to speak Osgood had to settle for glaring her outrage and trying regain control of her fear...she wasn't going to fall...she wasn't going to...Missy wasn't going to push her...she just got off on frightening people.

"Now Pet." Missy cooed savouring the lingering tang of fear and the greater warmth of the human body. "Are you going to be a good girl for Mummy, can I take my hand away?"

Nodding once sharply Osgood took a deep breath the moment Missy removed her hand, even the stuffy barely filtered air that was down in these caves was preferably to having to struggle to breathe through a hand gagging you. Now able to lean back up Osgood grabbed the metal railing, her fingers tightening on it until her knuckles turned white. She didn't dare turn and look back down at the drop, after her experience on the Nethersphere even if it hadn't been a real fall Osgood still couldn't stand even the thought of heights.

"See you can make sensible decisions." Missy gloated tracing her fingernails in a light rasp across Osgood's cheek and then teasingly over her nude parted lips. Savouring the colour that rose to the girls cheeks at the suggestive touch and the way Osgood suddenly couldn't meet her gaze Missy waited before rapping her pet firmly on the nose. "Don't do it again."

"I am not going to stand idle and silent when I see you doing something wrong." Osgood replied softly and stubbornly, not caring when Missy scowled and dug her fingernails into the soft flesh of her cheek.

"My conscience is still my own Mistress and I won't let you hurt innocent people..."

"Innocent people?" Missy scoffed. "There is no such thing, take you pathetic species, I suppose you think you have the moral right to judge my behaviour? Yet your species has been guilty of some of the worst atrocities in the known universe and all for far more whimsical reasons than I have given."

"I know but that still doesn't give you the right to kill. Not when you don't have to."

"Oh enough of the lectures Skip I can get those from The Doctor if I wanted to listen to them and if he hasn't found one that holds any weight over the thousands of years we have known each other then I doubt you will miraculously stumble across one."

"I wouldn't expect you to change because of anything I could say but I won't change either, I won't lose myself because of you and I won't stand by at let you hurt people." Osgood added swallowing nervously as The Mistress smirked and leant closer so that Osgood could smell the minty tang of her breath.

"You arrogant little ape you do not let me do anything!" Missy hissed venomously. "You should be grovelling at my feet in gratitude for even bringing such a primitive little primate out into the big wide universe. I could have left you wallowing on that mud-hole you call a planet."

"I won't grovel, I won't change and you cannot make me Mistress and I may be a primitive primate but at least I know the difference between right and wrong."

"Believe me Pet if I wanted to I could change you, I could make you lose that mind you value you so highly, on a mere whim I could unmake you and remake you in whatever image I fancied. I could strip away every little thing that makes you you and laugh whilst you screamed and then I could make you love me for it." Missy cooed her eyes half lidded as she stroked Osgood's brown hair back from her heart shaped face, running the strands through her fingers gently before twisting her fingers and tugging harshly on the girl's silky locks yanking her head and exposing the long line of her throat as she pressed Osgood roughly back into the balustrade.

"I could make you beg for me to hurt you." Missy added savouring Skip's whimpers and the glassy sheen in those deep brown eyes that looked up at her with such confusion, betrayal and a sliver of something else.

Those verdant red lips were dripping sin and poison and Osgood could only watch mesmerised, shocked by own her own reaction...she didn't...she hadn't liked girls...not like that, no matter how many times Stacie had accused her of being a dyke over the years Osgood had ignored her sister's petty insults. Not that there was anything wrong in liking girls like that but she had always been secure in her own sexuality, she liked boys it was just unfortunate that most of them didn't seem to like her. Yet The Mistress fell into a category all by herself it seemed...

"Would you like that Skip? Is that why you chose me over The Doctor? Because you knew with him you could never reach a fraction of your potential. He takes your pathetic species and fashions them into weapons, you see them as heroes but all they really are are the tools for doing his dirty work. I don't need a tool, I enjoy doing my own dirty work, but I could teach you and train you to be so much more than that Pet."

Shivering as those words slipped seductively into her mind Osgood tried to shake off the spell Missy was weaving. For a moment it almost seemed like her words seemed to echo, like she was hearing them both inside and outside her head.

"I could teach you how to become a god amongst mortals." Missy added savouring the moment of her victory, it was almost too easy, these humans corrupted so easily that it was almost a hollow victory. And she had honestly thought this Osgood was built of sterner stuff...it seemed she was better at picking companions for The Doctor than he was capable of picking himself.

Oh well at least she hadn't wasted too much time or effort on this one and the lovely drop behind them gave her an easy means of disposing of the detritus when she broke her.

Already she could feel the girl's surface thoughts bending to her will, and The Mistress gave them an encouraging push as she delved deeper placing compulsions at strategic points. Pausing for a moment as she skirted a red haze that Osgood's subconscious was desperately trying to hide even now...pausing long enough to unpick it Missy preened slightly at Skip's reluctant attraction. It almost made her worth saving, yet The Mistress had no interest in a thrall in her bed no matter how pretty.

"All you have to do is give yourself over to me, let me teach you, let me mould you..."

The press of the timelady's body against her own, the soft caress of her breath on her face and her fingers in her hair, gently stroking one minute and roughly tugging the next, was too much. It was like slowly drowning and staring up at the sky refracted through the water, knowing that you had to swim up or die and yet struggling to find the energy or the will. It just sounded so good...her Mistress wanted her to let go...and Osgood wanted please her Mistress...wait no that wasn't right...

"Relax...Just let go Pet." Missy's voice was low and seductive against her ear and Osgood couldn't suppress the shiver that ran through her as Missy released her hair and encouraged her to lean back...caressing her shoulders lightly, running her hands down over her sides, indulging the girl's unspoken plea with a light pass over her breasts before dropping to Osgood's hands.

Stroking her fingers gently Missy prised them loose one by one, resisting the urge to sing that little earth rhyme about the piggy's and the market, before pushing back on her shoulders.

"Trust me." Missy's voice echoed sounding suddenly distant and Osgood felt herself frowning, her mind suddenly breaking the surface of the water allowing her to draw in a deep breath just as The Mistress stepped back and Osgood could feel the cold flow of air against the nape of her neck.

"No." Osgood realised the moment before, her hands reaching out and grasping for a handhold the moment she felt herself begin to fall.

Her nails dug into velvet. Her legs locked around a synched waist and yet that merely delayed the inevitable, the scream was ripped from her throat as the darkness of the cave loomed up at her. Her high pitch squeal joined by the throaty growl of the timelady who she had dragged over the railing with her. One thought ridiculously prominent in her thoughts, that if by some miracle they survived this Missy was going to kill her.


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