Chapter 8

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So this was fear. If he was being honest Seb could have skipped this particular part of gaining a flesh shell.

In some ways it was fascinating to catalogue...the acceleration in his breathing and the way his heart now seemed to pound, the constriction of the peripheral blood vessels leading to the burning in his cheeks and down across his neck and chest. The increase in muscle tension causing the muscles attached to each hair follicle to contract and initiating Seb to the unpleasant sensation of "goose bumps". Then of course there was the sweating which was going to ruin his newly tailored suit. The increasing levels of blood glucose and serum calcium now pumping around his system, causing this almost hyper state of alertness and dyspepsia, otherwise known as the swooping swirling storm of butterflies currently fluttering away like mad in his stomach.

He supposed being tied to an examination table whilst being prodded poked and scanned would do that to anyone.

"Not a bad specimen...His reactions are within normal limits...But why a human? They aren't anything special, no interesting traits or features and their lifespan..." His examiner scoffed at a private joke as he folded away the examination tool he had been using to prod parts of Seb with.

Biting down on his tongue Seb decided that now probably wasn't the time to voice his opinion that the odious little slug creature in front of him had a nerve criticising him. At least his flesh shell didn't ooze like that or emit that unpleasant smell.

"You know how I like to try new things and he is so delightfully tall." The Tailor replied returning to Seb's field of vision to stand beside the Overseer.

"Yes well your tastes have always been peculiar brother." The Overseer sighed before waving forward his slaves to come and pick up his chair. "I should be able to fit you in for the procedure later today...I have some pressing business with the head of the below ground business guild first, it seems one of their more influential of their number traders has been found...well mutilated is probably the most accurate description. It is always so tedious having to sort out these little problems."

"Excuse me what procedure are we talking about exactly?" Seb couldn't contain his question nor the way the butterflies in his stomach seemed intent on fluttering around like they were trying to escape out of his throat.

"Did that creature just speak to me?" The Overseer seemed to balk in disgust.

"I'm afraid so." The Tailor replied. "He has an annoying propensity to do that, honestly I thought he was never going to shut up. You know how some clients can be, on and on about everything like I care to hear about their problems. Still it had some unexpected benefits..."

"He is legally yours though? I don't want any repercussions like on Solus Prime..."

"Signed and sealed." The Tailor insisted producing the tablet that Seb had pressed his thumb to. "See the idiot signed himself over and all to pay for a suit."

"You lied to me!" Seb exclaimed hotly, dark eyes boring into the Tailor's smug gaze. "You told me I could work for you to pay for it."

"You should have read the small print it's all there in Black and White, I gain property of you until you have paid off your debt to me. Of course there it will be a little difficult to pay off anything when you are transferred and sent to the mines on Kessick, I doubt you will last the trip there let alone live long enough to pay off the debt." The Tailor joked. "Then of course all remaining assets will belong to me in payment for your outstanding debt, including that young body of yours."

" can't do that!" Seb protested tugging against his restraints. "I only just got this body you can't have it!"

That got their attention as the Overseer now returned to peer at him, suddenly vastly more interested. "What do you mean? Were you whom...who has stolen my research?"

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