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Her head hurt...

That was the first thought Osgood was consciously aware of.

The second was the smell...antiseptic and....boot polish.

Only one place on earth conjured both of those smells and Osgood groaned...UNIT...she had been caught...but how...the last thing she remembered...Missy...Kissing Missy or more to the point Missy kissing her and she...she had liked it.

Oh god and now Osgood groaned from a combination of pain and embarrassment...Missy had kissed her and Osgood had kissed her back and then...then nothing...

"Shush Osgood it's alright you're safe now." A familiar voice calmed her gently.


Blinking Osgood winced when the bright hospital bay lights hurt her eyes and she cried out as she closed them again. Yet one glimpse was enough, this was UNIT and it was Kate Lethbridge-Stewart, her former boss sitting at her bedside.

"You have a nasty concussion but you are going to be alright now." Kate explained in a low soft voice that didn't cause Osgood's head to ache any worse than it already was.

Well that explained the pain but it didn't explain the why? And where was Missy, did UNIT have her too? Was she hurt too? Osgood felt genuine fear at the thought, her feelings for the Time Lady were a puzzle even to her but Osgood at least knew for certain that the idea of Missy hurt and imprisoned by UNIT was one that filled her with fear and dread.

"When? How did I get here?" Osgood croaked her voice dry and unnatural sounding even to her own ears.

"Shush don't try to speak." Kate reassured her gently and Osgood could only marvel at how kind her former boss was being, especially after their last parting. "Here take some water...just small sips now you are still quite dehydrated. You've only been here a couple of hours."

Now that didn't make any sense and Kate must have seen her forehead crease in confusion as she continued on her explanation before Osgood could speak again and make herself feel worse.

"None of the details matter right now Osgood, the important thing is that you are safe here and that everything is going to be alright."

"But how?" Osgood persisted refusing to allow herself to be side tracked. "Where is Missy?"

"That Monster will never be able to touch you again I promise." Kate replied hotly, her blue eyes flashing in outright anger. "It's a miracle you lasted so long, if The Doctor hadn't found you when he did..." Now it was Kate's voice that croaked with what sounded suspiciously like emotion, unusual for her normally stoic superior. "I'm just so sorry...I should have realised you would never willingly betray us...I should never have doubted you."

"I don't understand." Osgood muttered forcing her eyes open despite the pain it caused to try and search for the answers to her questions on her boss's face and yet even as she looked at Kate it was the figure standing in the background as if trying to make himself inconspicuous that drew her gaze. "Doctor?"

"Perhaps you should give us a moment Kate?" The Doctor suggested and yet it wasn't really a suggestion and the UNIT Chief Scientist huffed in annoyance, a tinge of red appearing on the high points of her cheeks at being dismissed from her own sickbay. Still she did as The Doctor asked, with one final pat to Osgood's arm she stepped back and left them alone.

"Where's Missy?" Osgood demanded the moment they were alone; surprised when The Doctor raised a hand to his lips gesturing for her to be quiet as he raised his sonic and fiddled with the settings. A high pitch buzzing caused Osgood's teeth to set on edge but fortunately a few seconds of the sonic was all that was needed.

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