
By ss9slb

908 101 10

(Sequel to Deadlock) Being a companion is tougher than Osgood had suspected. Concerned about the morally ques... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 2

49 4 0
By ss9slb

Chapter Text


"So what exactly are we looking for and what makes you think we will find it...here?" The doubt in Osgood's tone was audible and even the most emotionally illiterate person would have picked up on the nervousness in her voice. Yet Osgood was beginning to suspect that Missy wasn't illiterate she simply didn't think it mattered that her companion was uncomfortable.

In fact Osgood was starting to think Seb had the right idea when he gleefully abandoned them at the first sight of a gentleman's tailors and Osgood loathed shopping. Naively Osgood had thought that accompanying Missy to whatever alien hardware store the time lady had in mind would be far more interesting. The opportunity to pick and poke through alien tech after weeks with nothing more technical to operate than the kettle had obvious appeal to the UNIT scientist.

At first Osgood had simply been too caught up trying to look at everything to realise they were consistently heading down.

They had long since left the wide well lit streets of the city behind, descending down narrow and crowded service elevators until even these conveniences gave out and they were left navigating a winding metal staircase that seemed to burrow down into the bowels of the earth; occasional tunnels branching off leading to poorly lit streets along which people rushed with their heads down, no talking or eye contact. It reminded Osgood of the winding tunnels of the underground, only dirtier if that were possible and populated by aliens.

"Missy?" Osgood prompted drawing closer to her guide afraid that they might be separated as they turned off of the staircase into a particularly busy tunnel. "How do you even know you are going in the right direction?"

"Because I do." Missy chastised her companion her blue eyes darting about as she assessed potential threats.

Their presence here was drawing attention, not overt but Missy could still feel interested eyes looking them over and lingering. They stuck out, two lone females, clean, well fed and at least in her case well dressed...there was only so much that could be done with Skip's wardrobe. The Mistress had forgotten what it was to seem harmless, for so long her outward appearance had looked sinister if not visibly threatening and people avoided her. It was almost amusing to have other people mistake her for prey.

Already there was someone following them, a street rat, not a threat in itself but these begging children made their living by reporting to the people who were and Missy was not looking for a confrontation; she was quite attached to this form with its high cheekbones and elegant posture. If she had realised the advantages of being female The Mistress would have made the change regenerations ago, even if it was simply just to enjoy making The Doctor squirm.

He was attracted to her but his pride simply wouldn't allow him to admit it...by The Other it was going to be delightful stripping him of all his illusions and defences.

The thought of The Doctor brought a smirk to Missy's lips, the poor lamb was probably already trying to track her down, he was so adorably predictable that way. She really should take the time to put some effort into laying down some false trails for him, send him off to visit some interesting planets...maybe the Siocians who with their standard greeting of hugging all new acquaintances spontaneously upon introduction The Doctor was bound to have a delightful time on that planet.

Sniggering to herself as Missy visualised The Doctors reaction, this version of him was so delightfully prickly, such a relief after the practically gigolo behaviour displayed by his last two regenerations. After all The Mistress had her own projects to attend to, she couldn't be wasting time fending off the excessive females that seemed to fling themselves at The Doctor's pretty young bodies. It was a relief that his mongrel of a wife had removed herself from the picture otherwise Missy would have been forced to eliminate her herself and she doubted that would make her task in winning The Doctor to her side any easier...a dead spouse tended to upset some people...

"Ah we're here!" Missy announced for Skip's benefit, her pet was usually quiet for her and although Missy didn't exactly enjoy her prattling on the sudden absence of it was surprisingly unpleasant.

Here it turned out was some sort of junk shop and Osgood had to resist the urge to hold her nose as they stepped into the cave that doubled as a shop. Immediately as they stepped inside the proprietor was oozing over to them...literally oozing...and Osgood suddenly had a good idea where the smell was coming from. Even watching where she stepped it was impossible to avoid the slime trails the little green slug like creature had left over the floor, the merchandise was stacked high and the passageways in between were narrow.

"Greetings and the blessings of Aquila." The salesmen gushed, dark eyes glinting as he took in the wealthy appearance of his new patrons. "I am Ril and I cannot begin to express my good fortune, such visions of feminine beauty in my humble little ...."

"An oscillator not Sontaran, Vochi should do or something similar, it needs to be able to handle twenty terajoules per second." Missy rattled off taking the moment to check on the finish of her manicure, frowning slightly at the slight chip on her thumb nail.

"Something that can handle that sort of power isn't easy to come by or cheap..."Ril began slyly only to be cut off by Missy.

"Do I look like the sort of woman who likes anything cheap?" Missy hissed dangerously. Finally lifting her gaze from her lacquered finish to glare down at the little slug; blue eyes glinting she set the sharp pointy tip of her umbrella down against the floor and leaned over it as she stared down at him.

"No of course..." Ril backpedalled sharply. "I merely meant that such things would be difficult for most traders to come across, but then Ril is not most traders."

"So can you help us or not?" Missy demanded eyes narrowing as she pictured shish-kebabing the little mollosk and introducing him to a salt bath, savouring his imagined screams as all the water was slowly drained out of his odious little body.

"Well that depends." Ril replied his dark eyes narrowing. "Are we talking trade or credit?"

Surprised by the question Missy actually paused to consider, she was after all a fugitive on all worlds under the jurisdiction of the Shadow Proclamation, although they were probably still looking for her face from three regenerations back. Even so it paid to be careful.

"What sort of items would you accept in trade?"

"Oh precious jewels, rare technology..." Ril paused his gaze flicking to Osgood who felt violated as his gaze seemed to linger for too long, she almost felt like a piece of livestock being assessed. "Or other tradable goods."

"You mean slaves." Missy tutted bluntly her eyes flickering up the recording device that was focused intently on them and had been since the moment they entered when she had felt it try to scan her telepathically, a futile attempt against her mental shields but by now it had probably taken whatever it could from Osgood's unprotected mind.

"But that's barbaric." Osgood exclaimed in horror turning to Missy as if expecting the time lady to agree with her, but Missy merely shrugged.

"What else can you expect from a lower species?" Missy muttered dismissively.

"But surely it's illegal?" Osgood continued desperately clinging to some notion that the galaxy couldn't be this corrupt and cruel.

"Slavery of humanoid lifeforms is not illegal on planets owned by the Galatron Mining Coorporation." Ril retorted sharply, eyeing Osgood with an expression of barely restrained interest.

"Mentors do not consider themselves humanoid." Missy explained as this were a mere academic point and not Osgood's freedom they were discussing.

"Healthy young fertile females are especially prized." Ril continued before turning back to Missy.

"Yes and as such they are worth more than a spare part."

"I would be happy to allow you to take a look around the store...anything you like...well within reason of course."

"I don't care how prized." Osgood spat. "I am not a slave." She added turning to The Mistress. "You cannot use me as currency."

"Honestly Skip have I even intimated that I would?" Missy replied lightly her tone teasing as she took in her human's delightfully flushed cheeks and flashing eyes, Skip really was adorable when she got herself all righteously riled up like this. She was almost beginning to see what The Doctor saw in them, it was a simple pleasure, but humans were so delightfully uncomplicated and yet somehow still full of surprises.

Biting her tongue Osgood was forced to concede that was true yet that didn't stop her curiosity. "So just what are you planning on trading?"

That was a good question and Missy could only rummage around in her pockets, no not her device even unfinished it was timelord technology, handing it over to Skip she continued to rummage pulling out odds and ends that she had picked up over the years and kept as souvenirs...a little cog from the clockwork man, half a bottle of hyper vodka the eye socket of a Dalek, a jar of cybermites...Each of these she handed over to an increasingly bemused Skip who had to jiggle them around to keep hold of everything.

Finally her fingers closed on something that might do and yet The Mistress hesitated, it was priceless thing of beauty and yet it was also the symbol of her greatest pain; Rassilon's white point star diamond, the last Gallifrayan diamond in this universe.

Pulling out her hand she slowly unclenched her fist exposing the flawless diamond to the light and even in the dim light of this little underground shop it sparkled.

"Well now...." Even Ril it seemed was impressed and Missy had to resist the urge to clench her fist as the odious little mollosk drew nearer.

"It is worth considerably more than what I am trading for." Missy retorted keeping the diamond deliberately out of his reach.

"I am sure we can come to some arrangement." Ril was practically drooling and with his species that meant a rather noxious odour was beginning to circulate. "

Pausing as a wicked idea came to mind Missy cast her gaze up to the recording device set into the ceiling, her fingers delicately caressing the diamond. After all she was The Mistress the rules were for other people. Turning back to Skip Missy favoured her human companion with a playful wink, reaching out her long fingers closed around the innocent little jar of cybermites and then snagged the bottle of vodka.

Turning back to Ril Missy feigned her most innocent expression, her smile unnaturally warm as she slunk towards him with an exaggerated sway of her hips, diamond held out in front like a lure as she watched Ril's eyes glaze over with greed. "Oh I am sure we can...now perhaps we can discuss this somewhere a little more comfortable? Over a drink perhaps and whilst we discuss terms you can tell me exactly where about in this marvellous store is my oscillator?"


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