Oleh -laurelwreaths

81.7K 5.4K 6.4K

SERENDIPITY | "She wasn't expecting serendipity. Especially, not in her life or with her enemy." โ”€the effect... Lebih Banyak

Act 1
i ~ Toilet Troubles
ii ~ Capture the Flag
iii ~ Quest of Death
iv ~ Bus Goes Boom
v ~ Killing a Snake Lady
vi ~ A Positively Precious Pink Poodle
vii ~ Kelphead Basically Dies . . . Again
viii ~ Check Fugitive Friend Off The List
ix ~ Lunch with Father Dearest
x ~ What's Black and White and Free in Vegas
xi ~ A Free Crusty Dusty Height Adjustment
xii ~ Three Heads Is Better Than One
xiii ~ We've Been Fooled, What a Surprise
xiv ~ Warpath's Dad Gets a Shower
xv ~ Frenemies Isn't the Worst
xvi ~ Betrayal By a Friend, The Worst Kind
Act 2
i ~ Bullriding At Its Finest
iii ~ Yay, Monstrous Man-eating Birds
iv ~ Lava is Great Dish Soap
v ~ Trespassing on the Princess Andromeda
vi ~ Well, Luke's a Bitch
vii ~ Hey Sis... Long Time No See
viii ~ Cassie and Clarisse are an Explosive Duo
ix ~ An Island of Pretty Ladies? Sign Cassie Up!
x ~ Brainiac Gets Serenaded But Not By Cass
xi ~ Trying to Avoid the Belly of the Beast
xii ~ A Cocky Cyclops Gets Caught in a Chasm
xiii ~ A Brutal Battle Between Three Brothers
xiv ~ Guess What! Luke is Back, Back Again
xv ~ Cassie Gets Yeeted and Percy's Almost Defeated
xvi ~ Lacking Letters and Chariot Racing Take Two
xvii ~ Another Pawn Comes Into Play
Act 3
i ~ Doubtful Yet Delightful Dancing
ii ~ Brainiac Falls Off A Cliff
iii ~ Pitching Camp and Troublesome Decisions
iv ~ Lesson Learned, Thalia Can't Drive
v ~ Angering the Wine Dude and Nasty Nightmares
vi ~ The Oracle Comes To Visit
vii ~ The Crew's All Together
viii ~ The Nemean Lion Gets a Nauseating Snack
ix ~ A Friendly Chat with the Fabulous 'Fred'
x ~ Saddling up the Erymanthian Boar
xi ~ Gossiping with the Goddess of Love
xii ~ Deadly Disaster in the Desert

ii ~ There is... Some Family Resemblance

1.7K 115 73
Oleh -laurelwreaths

┌────── •✧• ──────┐

chapter two ˏˋ°•*⁀➷
002. There is... Some Family Resemblance

└────── •✧• ──────┘

Camp had changed, but not visually.

Everything looked the same. The Big House, the cabins, the training arena, everything. It was just how it was when Percy and Annabeth left.

But the mood was different. Everyone was more alert like a monster could jump out at any moment. And they could.

Annabeth stared at Cassie who was walking casually beside her. The daughter of Ares looked different. Her face had matured, lost the baby-ish look.

She was pretty now, no longer cute. But Annabeth wasn't going to admit that aloud.

No doubt Cassie had cut her own uneven hair. Once Annabeth had offered to do it over the summer. Cassie immediately denied, insisting to do it on her own.

Silena Beauregard helped with the red hair dye after constantly pestering Cassie. It turned out really well but this was the first time Annabeth had actually seen it in person.

It suited Cassie.

The daughter of Ares had grown, much to Annabeth's dismay. She was a few inches taller and stronger. She still had her leanness unlike Clarisse's bulky strength.

Cassie held her sword, lazily swinging with her arms. She had an expression on her face.

It wasn't sad. Cassie was rarely, if ever sad. Annabeth only ever saw her sad when it came to her parents.

She seemed tired, the many monster fights did that to people. Her excitement for battle was wearing away no doubt but Cassie still held a smile.

She was happy her friends were back. Camp was getting boring.

Annabeth looked away with a soft smile. Percy saw the action and nudged Annabeth.

Cassie had told Percy she liked girls over the summer. He was her biggest supporter though he had already assumed that when they met.

He teased her about it and Cassie hit him many times. The son of Poseidon made stupid jokes like: 'Where do lesbians stay on vacation? A lesbi-INN.'

Cassie just stared back unamused until she couldn't hold back her laughter.

༻ ─── •✧💢✧• ─── ༺

Percy frowned as they wandered through Camp. It felt wrong.

No more volleyball games. Only gathering weapons incase anything attacked. All were armed and gazing around timidly.

Percy wasn't happy. Camp was his favorite place and now somebody had ruined it.

Nobody welcomed them back as they passed by. They just kept on doing their own thing and only turned their heads to Tyson.

The cyclops didn't seem to mind and kept staring at everything amazed.

Anything Tyson saw, he found intriguing.

"Whasthat!" He pointed.

"The stables for pegasi. The winged horses." Percy replied.


"Um . . . those are the toilets."


"The cabins for the campers. If they don't know who your Olympian parent is, they put you in the Hermes cabin-that brown one over there until you're determined. Then, once they know, they put you in your dad or mom's group."

"You . . . have a cabin?" Tyson was fascinated.

"Number three." Percy gestured to his cabin.

"You live with friends in the cabin?"

"No. No, just me."

Percy didn't clarify any further. It was kind of embarrassing to tell someone that you weren't meant to be born.

The whole World War II was a fight between the 'Big Three's - Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades' - children.

So the three decided not to do any more shenanigans with mortals.

It would prevent any unpredictable children who are more powerful than they could control.

Obviously two of the three hadn't kept their promise. Zeus broke his vow as did Poseidon. Apparently Hades was the only honorable one.

Thalia, daughter of Zeus, had gotten turned into a pine tree. Percy always wondered what he would get transformed into.

He had nightmares about what would happen if he ever died. Cassie had got the idea of turning into a pile of kelp stuck in his head.

༻ ─── •✧💢✧• ─── ༺

Soon, they arrived at the Big House, where Chiron was packing whilst listening to his old timey music.

He was in his centaur form instead of his human one. Percy always found it interesting that this was his ex-latin teacher.

When Tyson saw Chiron, he could stop the "Pony!" that slipped from his lips.

Chiron scrunched his face, offended.

"I beg your pardon!"

Annabeth didn't hesitate to embrace the older man.

"Chiron, what's happening? You're not . . . leaving?" She was struggling not to cry.

The centaur was a second father to her. To most of the demigods at the camp no matter how much they didn't want to admit it.

Chiron messed with her hair and offered a smile.

"Hello, child. And Percy, my goodness. You've grown over the year!"

Percy gazed back wearily. "Cass said you were . . . you were . . ."

"Fired. Ah, well, someone had to take the blame. Lord Zeus was most upset. The tree he'd created from the spirit of his daughter, poisoned! Mr. D had to punish someone." The centaur explained.

"Besides himself, you mean," Percy quipped. He was not happy with Mr. D.

"But this is crazy! Chiron, you couldn't have had anything to do with poisoning Thalia's tree!" Annabeth protested.

"Nevertheless, some in Olympus do not trust me now, under the circumstances."

"What circumstances?" Percy questioned.

Chiron's mood visibly dropped. He shoved a book into his bags and ignored the question.

Tyson kept staring in admiration. He could sense the sadness.


"My dear young Cyclops! I am a centaur." Chiron corrected.

"Chiron, what about the tree? What happened?" Percy asked.

"The poison used on Thalia's pine is something from the Underworld, Percy. Some venom even I have never seen. It must have come from a monster quite deep in the pits of Tartarus."

"Then we know who's responsible. Kro-"

"Do not invoke the titan lord's name, Percy. Especially not here, not now."

"But last summer he tried to cause a civil war in
Olympus! This has to be his idea. He'd get Luke to do it, that traitor."

"Perhaps, but I fear I am being held responsible because I did not prevent it and I cannot cure it
The tree has only a few weeks of life left unless . . ." Chiron trailed off.

"Unless what?" Cassie spoke up reminding everyone of her presence.

She had been so quiet which was unlike the daughter of Ares.

"No. A foolish thought. The whole valley is feeling the shock of the poison. The magical borders are deteriorating. The camp itself is dying. Only one source of magic would be strong enough to reverse the poison, and it was lost centuries ago." Chiron denied.

"What is it? We'll go find it!" Percy said.

Chiron just shut off his music as he had finished packing. He turned to place a hand on Percy's shoulder.

"Percy, you must promise me that you will not act rashly. I told your mother I did not want you to come here at all this summer. It's much too dangerous. But now that you are here, stay here. Train hard. Learn to fight. But do not leave." Chiron warned.

"Why? I want to do something! I can't just let the borders fail. The whole camp will be-"

"Overrun by monsters. Yes, I fear so. But you must not let yourself be baited into hasty action! This could be a trap of the titan lord. Remember last summer!
He almost took your life." Chiron reasoned.

Percy knew what he said was true but he still wanted to do something. Anything to help.

Kronos was growing down in Tartarus planning to get back at Olympus. But he couldn't do it alone.

The titan had resorted to getting demigods and even gods on his side by putting false thought in their heads.

Cassie's father, Ares was a victim to this.

They all knew the poisoning had to be Kronos' fault. No one else could stoop so low and harm the symbol of Thalia, who had sacrificed herself for her friends.

Annabeth was still on the verge of tears as Chiron swiped a single droplet off her cheek.

"Stay with Percy, child," The centaur told her. "And look after Cassie. Keep them safe. The prophecy-remember it!"

"I-I will?" Annabeth said but it was more like a question.

"Um . . . Would this be the super-dangerous prophecy that has me in it, but the gods have forbidden you to tell me about?"

Percy didn't get a reply.

"Right. Just checking." He quipped at the silence.

"Chiron . . You told me the gods made you immortal only so long as you were needed to train heroes. If they dismiss you from camp-" Annabeth was cut off.

"Swear you will do your best to keep Percy from danger. Swear upon the River Styx." Chiron urged her.

"I-I swear it upon the River Styx," Annabeth promised.

"Cassandra?" Chiron gave her that fatherly look.

Cassie grimaced. "I swear on the River Styx that I'll try my best to keep Percy alive."

Chiron made a face at her wording but relaxed a bit.

"Very well. Perhaps my name will be cleared and I shall return. Until then, I go to visit my wild kinsmen in the Everglades. It's possible they know of some cure for the poisoned tree that I have forgotten. In any event, I will stay in exile until this matter is resolved . . . one way or another."

Cassie smiled sadly. "That sounds fun."

Chiron shook his head at her sarcasm.

Annabeth sniffled and Chiron pat her shoulder. Cassie would feel weird if she were in his position so she didn't blame the centaur for being awkward.

"There, now, child. I must entrust your safety to Mr. D and the new activities director-"

"Welp, we're dead." Cassie interrupted throwing her hands in the air.

Chiron looked at her unamused.

"We must hope . . . well, perhaps they won't destroy the camp quite as quickly as I fear."

"Who is this Tantalus guy, anyway? Where does he get off taking your job?" Percy inquired.

A conch horn sounded just after he spoke. They all noticed it was dinner time.

"Go. You will meet him at the pavilion. I will contact your mother, Percy, and let her know you're safe. No doubt she'll be worried by now. Just remember my warning! You are in grave danger. Do not think for a moment that the titan lord has forgotten you!" Chiron informed as he turned.

He left, galloping away and Cassie watched him leave with a sad grimace.

"Pony! Don't go!" Tyson pleaded.

Percy hadn't told Chiron his dream about Grover yet. He also needed to tell Cassie. But it was too late to tell the centaur.

Annabeth let the tears fall willingly as she sobbed into Cassie's shoulder.

If Percy wasn't sad himself, he would've laughed as the brunette froze and stood stiff, not knowing what to do.

Tyson joined Annabeth and cried as well. Percy tried to reassure them but even he didn't trust his words.

༻ ─── •✧💢✧• ─── ༺

Cassie left to join her cabin. She had to lead them to dinner.

Just like Annabeth, Cassie had been at camp the longest compared to her siblings so she was counselor.

But responsibilities and Cassie don't go hand in hand. Don't get her wrong, the daughter of Ares loved being counselor but she made Clarisse co-counselor for a reason.

Cassie did most of the counselor duties and Clarisse did whatever was left. Sometimes, lots was left for Clarisse.

The brunette led her cabin to the pavilion where she had previously been and they walked to their table.

Cassie sat down and realized the paper on Clarisse's back. She stifled a laugh at the 'YOU MOO, GIRL!' written on the paper.

She glanced to the Stolls who were smiling mischievously, obviously responsible for the prank. They caught her eye and winked in unison.

Cassie shook her head with a laugh.Then, her gaze moved to Annabeth who's eyes weren't puffy and red anymore.

The daughter of Athena sat with her siblings who had entered before Cassie's cabin.

Cassie sent Annabeth a small smile before turning to the Hephaestus cabin that had just come into the pavilion.

Charles Beckendorf was leading the group of six boys. Everyone at camp liked Charlie. He seemed unapproachable at first but when you get to know him he's pretty nice.

Silena would always rant to Cassie about him and his 'rugged handsomeness'. The daughter of Ares didn't complain because she enjoyed Silena's company.

Sitting with her head on her arm listening to the daughter of Aphrodite talk was always a good way to pass time.

Speaking of Aphrodite, Silena and her cabin had entered the pavilion along with Apollo, Demeter, and Dionysus.

Naiads, dryads, and satyrs came from the forest and trees. Cassie thought of Grover every time the satyrs entered.

Their job was hard. Leading half-bloods to camp without dying in the process. They deserved something for that.

The Hermes cabin came in last minus Connor and Travis who had somehow slipped in way earlier. They were supposed to lead the cabin in but you can see how that went.

There was a saddened atmosphere over Cabin 11. Cassie noticed it after it had been revealed that Luke was working for Kronos.

The brunette didn't have any strong opinions about Luke's treachery. She never really liked the guy.

Yes, they were companions from staying year round together many times, but other than that ehh . . .

Cassie felt there was something off about the guy. And the fact that Annabeth was friends/obsessed with him was an immediate 'stay away' sign.

Percy came in last as he ushered Tyson to follow. Everyone's eyes landed on the cyclops and the room fell silent.

"Who invited that?" Someone spoke up.

Percy couldn't tell who said it and didn't have to time to find out when a certain Olympian came to him.

"Well, well, if it isn't Peter Johnson. My millennium is complete."

"Percy Jackson . . . sir." Percy corrected.

"Yes. Well, as you young people say these days: Whatever."

Mr. D sipped his Diet Coke as he was handed grapes by a satyr.

Cassie felt bad for the god. Stuck watching over the camp because Zeus caught him chasing an off-limits wood nymph.

But the guy next to Dionysus aggravated her beyond belief.

Percy inspected the thin man beside the god of wine. He looked like he had come from prison with his dirty nails, eye bags, and ratty hair.

"This boy, you need to watch. Poseidon's child, you know." Mr. D warned.

"Ah! That one." The skinny dude nodded in confirmation.

Apparently they had talked about Percy and probably every camper. Cassie saw them gossiping together a few times.

"I am Tantalus. On special assignment here until, well, until my Lord Dionysus decides otherwise. And you, Perseus Jackson, I do expect you to refrain from causing any more trouble."

"No one asked!" Came a voice from Ares cabin.

Percy knew who it was but he tried to draw the attention away from Cassie.


Dionysus snapped and a newspaper appeared. Percy's yearbook photo was on the cover and the article was about the gym incident.

"Yes, trouble. You caused plenty of it last summer, I understand." Tantalus smiled coldly.

Percy didn't answer. He was full of rage but knew speaking would get him in more 'trouble'.

A satyr hesitantly placed a plate of barbecue down for Tantalus.

The prisoner almost drooled when he saw the food. Cassie was accustomed to what was about to happen.

Tantalus asked his cup for beer and it obliged. The man reached out for it slowly.

"Go on, then, old fellow. Perhaps now it will work." Dionysus urged.

Then for the hundredth time this summer, Tantalus tried to grab his glass but it moved before he could.

Some drops spilled and the prisoner tried to get them but they too rolled away.

He grumbled and went to stab the brisket but the plate flew away into the coals of the brazier.

"Blast!" Tantalus cursed.

"Ah, well. Perhaps a few more days. Believe me, old chap, working at this camp will be torture enough. I'm sure your old curse will fade eventually." Dionysus spoke in what Percy could tell was fake sympathy.

"Eventually. Do you have any idea how dry one's throat gets after three thousand years?"

"You're that spirit from the Fields of Punishment. The one who stands in the lake with the fruit tree hanging over you, but you can't eat or drink." Percy realized.

"A real scholar, aren't you, boy?" Tantalus snarled.

"You must've done something really horrible when you were alive. What was it?" Percy questioned.

Cassie couldn't tell if he was being genuine or trying to get on Tantalus' nerves.

The satyrs behind the prisoner were shaking their head in warning.

"I'lI be watching you, Percy Jackson. I don't want any problems at my camp."

"Your camp has problems already . . . sir."

"Oh, go sit down, Johnson. I believe that table over there is yours the one where no one else ever wants to sit." Mr. D ordered.

Percy learned not to talk back. Even if this pudgy man in front of him was a jerk. He was an powerful immortal jerk.

"Come on, Tyson." Percy beckoned the cyclops.

"Oh, no. The monster stays here. We must decide what to do with it." Tantalus denied.

"Him. His name is Tyson." Percy quipped back, getting increasingly more annoyed.

Tantalus raised an eyebrow, a face Cassie was used to seeing whenever she talked back to him.

"Tyson saved the camp. He pounded those bronze bulls. Otherwise they would've burned down this whole place." Percy told.

"Yes, and what a pity that would've been."

Their distaste for being stuck at Camp Half-Blood was another reason Mr. D and Tantalus had bonded.

"Leave us, while we decide this creature's fate." Tantalus waved Percy off.

Tyson's eye filled with fear, but Percy couldn't blatantly go against an order.

"I'll be right over here, big guy. Don't worry. We'll find you a good place to sleep tonight!" Percy reassured.

Tyson seemed to lose his fear. "I believe you. You are my friend."

Percy's stomach filled with guilt as he dragged himself to the Poseidon table. He plopped himself onto a bench and a nymph brought him pizza.

The son of the Sea God didn't feel like eating. He was almost killed twice in one day. New record of the year.

He ended the school year terribly and couldn't do anything to help Camp.

Percy scraped some of his dinner into the flames though he didn't feel grateful.

"Poseidon, accept my offering."

He prayed for help in his head. Please.

The smell of burning pizza changed to a fragrance of clean sea breeze and wildflowers.

Maybe that was a sign from Poseidon that he was listening.

Percy sat back down and Tantalus got one of the satyrs to blow the conch horn.

Everyone turned their attention to the new activities director as he made the announcements.

"Yes, well. Another fine meal! Or so I am told." Tantalus tried to make a grab for his plate but it inched away.

"And here on my first day of authority. I'd like to say what a pleasant form of punishment it is to be here. Over the course of the summer, I hope to torture, er, interact with each and every one of you children. You all look good enough to eat."

"You just being here tortures us enough." Cassie scoffed under her breath.

She knew Tantalus was weird and a brat but she didn't expect 'cannibal' to be added to the list.

'You all look good enough to eat.' What kind of weirdo says that.

Dionysus clapped and some satyrs followed his example, clapping. Tyson kept shifting away from the light at his place near the head table.

Tantalus would pull him back every time.

"And now some changes! We are reinstituting the chariot races!" The activities director stated.

Cassie perked up and so did many around her. This might be the only good thing Tantalus would ever do for them.

The chariot races were the best except for the injuries and deaths.

"Now I know, that these races were discontinued some years ago due to, ah, technical problems." Tantalus put it lightly.

"Three deaths and twenty-six mutilations." Lee Fletcher yelled from the Apollo table.

Cassie shot him a grin of approval.

"Yes, yes! But I know that you will all join me in welcoming the return of this camp tradition.
Golden laurels will go to the winning charioteers each month. Teams may register in the morning! The first race will be held in three days time. We will release you from most of your regular activities to prepare your chariots and choose your horses. Oh, and did I mention, the victorious team's cabin will have no chores for the month in which they win?"

Okay, now Tantalus was an ass and all, but he really knew how to excite a bunch of campers.

Cassie was getting that no chores duty. Her siblings were not doubt wanting it too.

That's why she was surprised when Clarisse objected.

"But, sir!" Clarisse protested, standing to speak.

Percy watched as Cassie whacked some of her siblings to stop them from laughing about the YOU MOO, GIRL! sign still plastered on Clarisse's back.

"What about patrol duty? I mean, if we drop everything to ready our chariots-"

"Ah, the hero of the day. Brave Clarisse, who single-handedly bested the bronze bulls!" Tantalus claimed.

Clarisse flushed red and Cassie's face scrunched. She loved Clarisse and all but she felt like others deserved some credit.

"Um, I didn't-" Clarisse was cut off by the prisoner.

"And modest, too. Not to worry, my dear! This is a summer camp. We are here to enjoy ourselves, yes?"

"But the tree-"

"And now, before we proceed to the campfire and sing-along, one slight housekeeping issue." Tantalus said.

Cassie's siblings pulled Clarisse back to her seat. Cassie placed her head on her hand staring, bored towards the front.

"Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase have seen fit, for some reason, to bring this here. And I have no doubt that Cassandra Carter helped them." Tantalus gestured to Tyson.

Cassie scowled. This stupid idiot found any possible way to blame her.

Whispers broke out amongst the campers and they glanced at Percy, Annabeth, and Cassie.

The daughter of Ares sent them glares back and the campers stopped staring at her.

"Now, of course, cyclopes have a reputation for being bloodthirsty monsters with a very small brain capacity. Under normal circumstances, I would release this beast into the woods and have you hunt it down with torches and pointed sticks. But who knows? Perhaps this Cyclops is not as horrible as most of its brethren.
Until it proves worthy of destruction, we need a place to keep it! I've thought about the stables, but that will make the horses nervous. Hermes' cabin, possibly?"

Cassie observed the Stolls start fiddling with the tablecloth, avoiding all eye contact.

There wasn't enough room in Hermes cabin for many more campers. Especially not for a giant cyclops.

"Come now. The monster may be able to do some menial chores. Any suggestions as to where such a beast should be kenneled?" Tantalus tried to persuade.

Then, it happened. Everyone gasped in shock and Tantalus distanced himself from Tyson.

A sea green light shone above Tyson's head and Percy's stomach dropped.

He realized what Annabeth had been telling him about Cyclopes.

They are the children of a god and nature spirits. And that particular god just happened to be . . .


The same symbol: the trident, that appeared when Percy was claimed was above Tyson's head.

When Poseidon claimed Percy, no one spoke. Some were jealous. That was the moment campers waited for, for possibly their entire lives.

But for Tyson, everyone laughed. No one kneeled, nothing special.

"Well! I think we know where to put the beast now. By the gods, I can see the family resemblance!" Tantalus insulted.

Cassie grimaced, sympathetic for Percy and Tyson. Her, Annabeth, and a few other campers refrained from laughing.

Tyson didn't care. He was trying to get the trident to go away.

The cyclops didn't understand he was being made fun of.

But Percy knew. And he also knew that he had a new cabin mate. A new monstrous half-brother.


ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ author's note

Guys, i posted this on my mb but ik most of y'all don't follow me so i'll say it here too.

There's a cite, '' that's stealing out books. Sadly, Serendipity is up there and i don't think i can do anything to remove it.

If you're reading this on teenfic it's from wattpad and all rights are reserved on wattpad so you are supporting an illegal website!

(That also means ppl can copy and paste my work as their own lmk if you see Serendipity anywhere else).

I don't appreciate this and i'm sure other writers don't either!!!

If you'd like to help out pls sign this petition to shut down teenfic. We can use all the signs we can get!

thank you @carlottarinouli for alerting everyone abt this.

—Just Another Overthinker

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