Ninjago: The Path Of Destiny

By miraclequeen45

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After the defeat of lady bone demon, young jing(or bei he) sets off on an adventure of her own in the city of... More



117 9 2
By miraclequeen45

Bai he brimstone was twisting and turning as she spelt in bed. She was mumbling, clearly having a disturbing dream about something. Some creature lurking around, a clash of two swords, and lastly a ticking clock.

Finally the purple ninja woke up in a cold sweat with a gasp. The final battle was close. She could feel it.


Jing rubbed the rest of the sleep out of her eye as she made her way towards the bridge where she found the ninja, misako, Sensei Wu and Mr Julian. The garmadon women was the first to noticed her arrival and smiled.

"Oh, good. You are here, Jing". She said as the purple ninja walked over while yawning.

"Yeah. Sorry if I overslept. I could use a good rest after all the excitement yesterday". She said before noticing the map on the table in front of them and decided to change the topic. "Isn't that the scroll about the temple of light?".

"Indeed, it is". Misako confirmed with a nod before looking down at the scroll. "The scroll says there is a hidden temple on the island. If you find it, it will give the next ninja pure elemental powers. Powers that can destroy the indestructible army".

"So you're saying we get to fight?". Cole asked with a excited grin, obviously tired from not getting to fight since they arrived on the dark island. "Whoo-hoo! I've got happy feet".

"Slow your horses, happy feet". Jing said with a smirk before misako looked at her and Lloyd.

"And as for you two. Here, it is written for once the green and purple ninja find the instrument of peace, they will strike it together as one and know the power of the ultimate spinjitzu master. Two hearts fighting together as one".

"Ultimate spinjitzu master?". They chorused in awe, one in excitement and the other with curiosity.

"It means you will be able to invoke the power of the golden dragon, an ancient fighting style only practiced by the first spinjitzu master".

"Woah!". Was all Jing could say after all what she's heard, while Lloyd laughed and looked at the awestruck ninja with their jaws dropped.


Now that snapped them out of it before Kai spoke up. "Wait a minute. This all sounds to good to be true. What's the catch?".

"The catch is the temple could be anywhere on the island". Sensei Wu exclaimed as they looked at him before he pulls out a midalion. "And all we have is this".

"A midallion?". Mr Julian said in awe as he collect the artifact from the older man while adjusting his glasses to study it better. "It's like a compass. When the three holes match up, the medallion will reveal where the temple is hidden".

"Uh, how'd you know that?". Jay asked, considering the fact that he's been impresioned on a small island for years.

"Oh, I did a lot of ready in my spear time". The old man giggled while giving the medallion to his son. "Adventure stories were my favorite".

Zane smiled and turned to his brothers. "Then what are we waiting for?".

Jing and Lloyd stood up as they were about to join the older ninja, only for them to be stopped by Sensei Wu.

"Not you two". He said, much to their dismay.

"Ah, seriously?".

"Are we still doing this?".

"Wu is right, kids". Misako said, her expression the same as the older man she placed her hand on his shoulder. "If you were to come across lord garmadon, it could prematurely start the final battle. We need to be at full strength before we take any risk".

"Jealous?". Jing just gave the older ninja a unamused glare and a groan while lloyd just glared with his hands on his hips.

"Well, I could use some help around the shop. We should get working on vehicles that might help give us a fighting chance". Mr Julian said, to which Jing sighed before giving a weak smile.

"Why not". She shrugged as Sensei Wu turned to his older pupils.

"Remember, garmadon doesn't know we're on the island. It is imperative that you stay out of sight".

The lightning ninja scoffed with a professional expression. "Of course, Sensei. Don't worry. Have you ever known us to veer from a plan? Huh?".

That just earned him four deapeaned looks from Bai he, Lloyd, misako and sensei Wu.


Both Sensei Wu and Bai he quickly shushed the ninja with glares.

"Not so loud".

"Yeah, are you guys trying to get us caught?".

The ninja looked at them for a moment before whispering. "GO", then made their way out of the bounty.

"Well let's get to work then". Mr Julian said to the two youngest members, to which Lloyd groaned with a frown. The sight Jing found her amusing while misako just placed a hand on his shoulder, giving him a reassuring smile.

"Don't worry, son. We'll help too". She said while gesturing to herself and Sensei Wu. Lloyd sighed again before giving his mother a small smile before following the others out of the bounty.

The four of them began working on a vehicle for the Ninja and it took them hours to do so. But it was nothing a little elbow grease and teamwork couldn't handle.

Bai he was on top of a drill on their most recent vehicle they were putting together. She mumbled to an old song as she used a wrench to tighten the bolts. Misako smiled to her singing before looking at her son.

"Does she always sing when she works?".

"Nah. That's actually new". Lloyd replied, smiling as he looked back at his supposed best friend. Misako smiled, recordnizing her son's gaze towards the brimstone girl.

"Thank you". Mr Julian said to Sensei Wu. "If you could fetch some more creek water, that should pretty much do it".

Sensei Wu nodded as he was about to go, but stop to look at Misako. The woman met his gaze as they smiled at each other. Bai he saw this and smiled while mentally cooing, but that was until she noticed the uncomfortable look Lloyd was giving his mother and uncle. Sensei Wu then walked away with two buckets in hand before Lloyd jumped off his spot of the vehicle and landed next to his mother.

"So how did you meet him?".

"Who? Sensei Wu?". Misako asked while smiling at the direction the old man had gone to, too which Lloyd frowned.

"No. My father".

Misako's smile dropped as he looked at her frowning son. Jing worked on the vehicle while uncontrollably made sure to listen to their conversation. So much for curiosity kills the cat. Misako sighed as she took her son's hands into hers.

"You know, he wasn't always like the way he is today. It took years for his poisoned heart to turn him evil. But there was a time when I loved him very much, and he was very proud".

"When was that?". Lloyd asked with a confused frown, to which she smiled sweetly.

"When we had you".

The green ninja smiled at her words before they shared a hug.

"Aww!". Bai he teared up a bit at their family moment while also feeling jealous at the same time, wishing she could once again know the feeling of motherly love.

Lloyd finally pulled away from the hug before frowning. "And now it all comes down to me and jing fighting him".

Bai he's smiled slowly dropped watching them pull away as Lloyd frowns. She frowns upon realizing that he was right, that they were going to have to fight his father. She had to change this sower mood.

"Ahem!". The purple ninja parented to clear her throat to get their attention, which she did. She smiled at them. "Uh, sorry to interrupt, but I gotta ask. What did you mean earlier when you said two hearts fighting together as one?".

"The prophecy says that the ninja of green and purple ninja are like the dragon and tiger. Both so unique and different, but when united are one. They are stronger together". Misako explained, to which Jing rasied up a finger like a student wanting to say something to the teacher.

"Yeah, I know about all that already. But there's gotta be more to that, right? Like from a scale of 1 to 20, I'd go with-". A sudden gasp escaping her lips cut her off after her eyes flashed purple and she drops the wrench she was holding.

"What is it, Jing?". Lloyd asked, sounding worried after hearing her randomly gasp like that.

Bai he placed a hand on her head, looking fazed for a moment. "I-i don't know, but I . . . Sensei's in trouble!".

Now that concern the two family members as jing jumped off the vehicle and landed next to them.

"Julian, we'll be back as soon as we can". Misako said to the scientist who nodded in understanding before she ran away to catch up with the green and purple ninja.

Bai he could hear noises up ahead as they were getting closer before her eyes glowed purple, somehow enhancing her vision again as she saw Sensei Wu trying to fight off some stone worriers. The purple ninja glared before running faster that the speed of light using her elemental power, then sent a kick to a stone worrier's gut before he could attack the old man. The impact from her foot was so strong that it sent the enemy flying a few paces back.

Sensei Wu looked at his student in shock to see her here. "Jing?".

The purple ninja looked at him with her eyes turning back to normal, unaware of the stone worrier coming for her from behind. Sensei Wu saw this and was about to do something, only to be beaten by the stone worrier's bamboos getting hit by fire. Bai he felt the heat before turning around to see the confused stone worrier looking at the burning bamboo, then follow the trail where it came from and saw Lloyd.

Lloyd then sent a earth storm at the stone worrier before it could attack, freezing it in place as a random seagle landed on top of it and pooped on it's head.

Unfortunately the battle wasn't over yet as Jing turned to the side to see another stone worrier Sensei Wu had taken down earlier was getting up. The stone worrier looked at the two of them and growled before picking up bamboo to attack them. Bai he glared and got in front of her Sensei protectively.

"Watch out!". Yelled the voice of misako as Bai he saw her sliding down bamboo before she easily uses it to take the stone worrier down, Pinning it to the ground with her feet.

She then smirks at Bai he and Wu as one looked at her in awe and the other in daze. Bai he snapped out of it when she saw he was about to grab misako's legs.

"Misako!". She quickly pulled the woman away before the stone worrier was strucked by lightning from Lloyd.

He then caught sight of another stone worrier about to attack with a catapult, to which he freezes the whole thing. While he did that, Bai he saw another stone worrier trying to get away. She glared before going after it. She grabbed bamboo on her way before throwing it forward.

The stone worrier stopped in it's trail when the bamboo was stabbed right in front of him. Soon more bamboo followed, surrounding him until he was tangled up with no where to run.

The ninja smirked at the sight before Lloyd landed next to her.

"Not bad".


The two shared a fist bump before Jing ran off using her wind elemental. She came back three seconds later with a rope before they used it to tie up the stone worriers.

"That was close. Our presence on the island cannot be hidden for much longer". Bai he heard her Sensei say while Lloyd gave her the other end of the ropes. She then yanked on the two ends to tighten the rope before ending it with a bow knot, then turned to see Sensei Wu and misako walking over. "I just hope the ninja have located the temple".

"Don't worry, Sensei. Knowing them, I sure they've probably already found it by now". Bai he reassured with a positive smile under her hood.

"How did you know that I was in trouble?". The old man asked, looking at Misako who smiled.

"We didn't. It was all because of Jing".

Bai he froze when she said that, especially once all the attention was on her. She chuckled nervously. "Honestly, I'm not even sure how I knew that. Maybe strange feelings of vibrations from the earth? I don't know. Hehe".

Lloyd looked at her with a confused smile. This wasn't the first time she hadn't warned them about something that was about to happen.


The gang made it back to the base and helped Mr Julian out with rest of the work. But turns out the dude was really fast for his age, which wasn't surprising considering the fact that you've already seen three oldies fight. And 19 minutes later, the ninja arrived.

"Hey, they found the falcon". Mr Julian exclaimed, seeing his son carrying his long lost falcon friend.

"His alive!". Bai he gasp with delight, giggling as the falcon flew of Zane's arm towards her and l land on her head.

"Why are they running?". Lloyd asked before they ran towards the table.

The ninjroid met their curious gazes with his worried one. "Prepare for battle. We've got company". He said, surprising them.

"You were spotted? By what? Two?". Sensei Wu questions with a rasied brow.

"How about all of them?". Kai replied with a small chuckle.

"You what?". Jing said, her brown eyes widened in shock, practically shaking the falcon off her head and he lands on Mr Julian's arm.

"Did you locate the temple of light?". Misako asked them.

"It's at the top of the mountain. I hope those vehicles are ready because we could sure use them now".

"Right this way". Mr Julian said before leading then towards the only vehicle they were able to create. "Guess you're gonna have to figure this baby out on the fly".

"It's called the Earth Driller. Like it? I came up with it just now actually". Bai he stated proudly, before getting into the vehicle and got in the passenger seat, while Mr Julian handed the keys over to the earth ninja who then looks at her, grinning at the name and the keys, but mostly the keys.


"We've also packed another surprise in the back". Bai he heard Nya said before looking to see her talking to jay before she kisses him on the cheek. "Perhaps it can be of use".

The walker boy smiled excitedly at his girlfriend(?). "Another Nya surprise!".

Bai he giggled at them, happy that they were together. Unaware the certain blond boy was watching her before he turned his attention to his mother walking towards him.

"You'll have to go too. Be safe. Both of you".

"We will". Lloyd smiled at his mother before joining his fellow ninja inside the vehicle.

"Whatever you do, do not stop until you get to the temple of light". Sensei Wu exclaimed to his students as they looked at him. "Our survival depends on it".

"Don't worry, Sensei. This time we'll stick to the plan". Kai added with a smirk before closing the windshield and they drove off.

"Good luck, ninja". Was all the old man muttered watching as the teenagers disappeared out of sight.

Apperantly there was a change of plans as stone worriers came out of there hiding places in vehicles of their own to chase after the ninja. The crew saw this before Cole hit the pedals to go faster, but the stone worriers were right on their tail.

"You do know how to start this thing, don't you?". Jay yelled to their driver in front who glared as he focused on the road.

"Holy cow. He can't!". Bai he squeak a little pressing her lips together, while quickly putting her seatbelts on and held onto the bottom of her seat. She forgot her brother was a bad driver, because the Tread Assault was mostly in autopilot.

Somehow the stone worriers managed to overtake the earth driller and tried blocking its path, but Cole was able to doge them, making donuts that sent dust in their eyes with a "whoo-hoo!" before making the ninja vehicle go up a ramp. It was like everything went slow-mo as the ninja were heading for the last stone worriers that were coming at them. Bai he's eyes landed on the lever Infront of her before she quickly pulled it, which activated the drill in front before it suddenly digs them into a whole. The earth driller came out a few seconds later and was in another part of the island with a volcano up ahead.

"Quick thinking, sis". Cole said to his sister with a relief laugh before parking the earth driller; his sister let out a quit reliefed sigh after that. "But that's about as far as this baby will go. We'll have to do the rest on our own".

"But we'll never make it up the mountain before they arrived". Lloyd exclaimed as they opened the shield.

"Then let's see what my sister packed". Kai got out of the ride and went to the back of the ride before pushing a button. A secret compartment shot out of the vehicle before it transforms into a mech. The sight making kai's eyes lit up like a excited child. "Oh! I love my sis!".

"Now he says it". Jing rolled her eyes as she and the others got out of the vehicle.

"Leave this to me". The ninja watched Kai get into the mech to take down the stone worriers heading their way. He did good but they were just to much.

"These guys just don't stop". Jay glared as the five of them got into fighting stance seeing as the stone worriers were coming. But luckily Kai came first.

"Climb on!". He said, lowering the mech for the ninja to jump aboard. He took one last glance at the approaching enemies before running up the mountain with the ninja hanging on tightly. Unfortunately the stone worriers vehicles could also climb up the mountain.

As they got higher where they entered a fog, Bai he glance down and saw the stone worriers were still chasing them with her enhanced vision. She groaned.

"They're still coming!". She yelled while sending wind towards the the blockheads. It wasn't enough to send them away, but it did slow them down for a bit.

Cole looked at the fire ninja with a frustrated glared, saying "One of these days we're gonna have to fight".

"We're not climbing fast enough!". Zane exclaimed, seeing as the stone worriers were getting closer.

Bai he saw a stone worrier jumping off his vehicle before grabbing unto the mech's foot. And be the looks of it, he was obviously the general.

"Oh no, you don't!". Jing crawled her way towards the foot where the general growled at her. She just glares in return with her eyes glowing blue, her fist covering up with demon ice before smacking the kozu on the face. The stone general screams in pain as he lets go and falls down the mountain, disappearing into the mist below. The purple ninja then sent icey wind, giving the mech an extra boost to the top.

"Activate hook!". The fire ninja then pressed a button that shot a grabbling hook to the top, helping the youngest ninja as the mech finally makes it to the top.

Bai he glanced down at the stone worrier way behind before jumping off the mech, the others following.

"We made it to the top!". Jay exclaimed excitedly while Jing rasied a brow at where they are.

"Yeah, but where's the temple of light? Are you guys sure you used the medallion right?". She asked the older teens, to which the blue one groaned.

"Of course I used it right! It said it should be right here".

"Wait, jay used it? Well there's the problem".


"Well, until we find it I've got to slow them down". Kai said, combining the mech's hands together before making it bang the ground to create quakes that prevents the stone worriers from coming up. When that didn't work, he fire a missile at a nearby boulder, creating an avalanche that washed the stone army off the mountain.

"That should buy use a little time". Cole exclaimed as they turned around to face the rest of the mountain.

Bai he watched the boys began climbing up the mountain, making her scoff while placing a hand on her hip and smirking under her hood.

Zane was the first to notice that she was not climbing with them and looked down at her. "Jing? Why aren't you climbing?".

"Because I can do this". Bai he cracked her knuckles before taking a leap. Obliviously she was using her wind power as she landed on top of the ninja and looked down at them. "Try to keep up, boys".

"No fair. You have wind powers!". Kai whined, to which she laughed before jumping her way up the mountain. She jumped from peek to peek before feeling her faces getting hit with something warm. She looked up to see a bright light comping from above before following it.

Once she landed at the top she gasp, awestruck by the sight of the temple they had been looking for.

Bai he closed her jaw dropped mouth, looking back when she heard panting before Lloyd arrived. He then gasp seeing temple as Bai he walked towards him and gave him a hand up.

"The temple of light".


Once the rest of the crew arrived they approached the temple. The huge doors automatically opened on their own and the ninja enter, immediately engaging in looking around the inside in awe. It was bigger than how it looked from the outside, with wide opened spaces and glowing crystals in the ceiling.

Bai he saw paintings on the wall and walked over to have a closer look. "You guys gotta check this out". She said, to which they walked over to see them.

"It's us". Jay exclaimed in shock looking at all the pictures of them and their past events.

"Impossible. It's everything we've ever done". Kai exclaimed, everyone scattering to look at more pictures on the walls.

"Finding the bounty, facing the devourer. Even right now". Cole listed, looking at said painting showing the six of them right now.

Jing's eyes widened as a scary thought came into mind. She then turned around to look for certain pictures that could reveal what she doesn't want to.

"How could it all be here?". She heard Zane ask before her heart skipped a beat upon what Lloyd replied with.

"Destiny". Bai he looked at him in shock before looking at what he was looking at. A painting of the green and purple ninja standing in the center of a circle the other ninja were around in. "I think I Know what we need to do".

Bai he looked at him and watched as he made it to the center of the room before wiping the dust off the ground, revealing the picture of a dragon symbol.

"Look". He said, to which Jing walked over to him. She then wiped some dirt off and saw a tiger symbol. It was inside a small circle with the dragon symbol.

The other four ninja followed their example, going to all four concerns to clean the dirt off the ground, which reveal four other different animals that matched the back of their respective gis. A lion for Kai, Octopus for jay, gorilla for Cole, and a for wolf Zane.

Bai he glared thoughtful at the ground before sending a gust of wind. Good thing the others were quick to cover their eyes as the wind clears the dust off the the ground, revealing the circle from the painting.

"Okay, now what?". She asked, looking at Lloyd considering he said he knew what to do. But he just shrugged in response, to which she gave him a deapeaned look.

Suddenly their heard the roats of the angry stone worriers coming from the doors.

Cole groaned at this. "Why does everything have to be so hard".

No one ever said the life of a ninja was easy, Cole

Jing thought while looking back at the animal symbols on the ground thoughtfully. She was so confused on what to do right now. But that was until she remembered misako's words from earlier as she closed her eyes.

"For once the green and purple ninja find the instrument of peace, they will strike it together as one and know the power of the ultimate spinjitzu master. Two hearts fighting together as one". Bai he mimicked the old woman's voice, opening her eyes to glance at Lloyd.

The green ninja seemed to have a the same idea as he met her gaze before they looked up and saw a giant bell hanging from the ceiling.

"That's it!". The chorused in realization as the others looks at the bell as well.

"That's the instruments". Bai he clarified as Lloyd looked at the others. "You guys ready for this?".

"Being it!". Cole smirked under his hood, his brothers nodding in agreement.

Lloyd and Bai shared one more look and nodded. They then took off running on opposite directions, then took a boost jumping off the pillers and met in mid-air, both ringing the giant bell with a kick. It rang louder than the roar of the devourer as it echoed all over the room and beyond.

Immediately when the duo landed, a light shined from the bell upon them, which was both exciting and scary. At least to Jing it was. Lloyd's was more of fear and surprise.


"What's happening?!".

"No one move!". Zane yelled as Jing looked at him.

The purple ninja felt time move slowly as she glaced around the room at all of her friends before her eyes landed in Lloyd who looked at her as well. It was like he found ditermination and was ready for anything as he held out his hand to her. Bai he looked at it for a moment, then looked him back in the eye before accepting his hand.

The two of them closed their eyes, ready as they'll be as they raised their heads up to embrace the light. It reflects on their amor then on all the crystals around the room. It firstly hits the piller next to Kai, who glowed as a light flashed through his body, changing his ninja gi and giving him a sword handle. The same thing happens to the other three ninja after the light touches the pillers next to them.

Lastly it was all left to Bai he and Lloyd. Lloyd tighten his hold on bai's hand as they were being levitated into the air under the light. Bai he quickly grabbed his other hand as they began spinning. Bai he felt a wave of familiar power flowing through her, But unlike the last one it felt warmer and comforting, having that warm motherly embrace tide with it.

The ninja watched in shock as their sword handles reveal it's blades in their respective elemental aura.

"Guys, send them your power!". Kai said to his brothers, to which they pointed their new weapons to the youngest members and sent them the elemental powers.

Their bodies glowed once it made contact with them as the light formed the two jade bodies, both letting out powerful roars before they died down. Bai he felt different, but in a good way. She gasp as the tiger spirit flew into her while the dragon went into Lloyd, changing their gis to look like the other's but in their respective colours. Finally the light around them slowly disappeared before the two of them fell to the ground. Somehow still holding hands through the whole process.

"Bai he! Lloyd!". Bai he heard Kai before hearing familler groaning, making her gasp before looking out the door at the stone army getting closer to the temple.

"Let them have it!". Lloyd glared from beside jing before helping her up.

"Now we get to fight!". Cole said, holding his new sword tight as the stone worriers came running in before a fight broke out.

Kai clashed his sword with a stone worrier, much to his delight and the enemy's surprise, it didn't brack. He smirked under his hood. "Cool!". The fire ninja stabbed his sword on the ground before dragging it as he ran around a bunch of stone worriers, trapping them inside fire circle with no where to run. "Whoo-hoo!". The fire ninja easily runs into the fire and swiftly took all of them down.

Next, jay took a breath before glaring at the stone worriers charging at him. Once they were close, he jumped over them before landing on their weapons that stabbed the piller behind him. His sword lit up with electricity as he jumped off their spears and struck them, sending bolts that electricuted everyone of the stone worriers until they collasp.

Bai he saw this before she turn to Zane next. The ice ninja glared at the stone worriers coming his way and jumps onto a piller to avoid a strick from a stone worrier. He then looks down at them climbing on top of each other to get to him. But before the last one could attack him, Zane jumps on his head before landing on the ground, then froze the stone worriers up in ice and kicked them, to which it bracks into pieces, along with the stone worriers.

Lastly Cole was up against his set of stone worriers. The earth ninja just stabbs his earth blade on the ground, the impact creating a huge crack under the stone worriers before they were trapped in a sand peak. The black ninja laughs at this before doing the moonwalk over to them, then hops on each of their heads to pishe them further inti the sand.

Bai he chuckled at her brother before turning to the rest of the stone worriers entering the temple and coming at them.

"Our turn". She shared a look with Lloyd who nodded before looking back at the the enemy. With the ninja approaching behind them, the purple ninja got Infront of the green one. Lloyd pushed his head over her shoulder and his hands around her body as both stretched forth their arms, Bai he's hands turned side ways and Lloyd's were up and down.

Instead of their normal green and purple balls of energy, they were creating balls of golden energies. As they got bigger, they combined into one before creating the two golden jade beings. The golden tiger and golden dragon both let out one powerful roar that actually scared the the stone worriers, to which they turned around and ran out the exit. The golden jade beings were do big that as they roared, they also sent balls of the four elemental powers flying everywhere like fireworks. Even the crew back at the bounty could see it. That, and also the bad guys deep within the island.

Today was definitely a good day.

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