Ninjago: The Path Of Destiny

miraclequeen45 tarafından

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After the defeat of lady bone demon, young jing(or bei he) sets off on an adventure of her own in the city of... Daha Fazla



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miraclequeen45 tarafından

A/N: Before reading this chapter please know that I am a 16 year old in college, and have seen and been through a lot of shit in my life. Also, i wasn't satisfied with a few passed chapters and decided to change somethings that will affect this chapter and future ones.

Please enjoy the book


After the events of what happened in Ninjago city, the ninja crew had no choice but to evacuate the city. It took them a while before they finally found a place to land in the outskirts of town. So as the citizens got off and tried to make theirsevles comfortable, most of the ninja crew were busy trying to fix the thrusters on the bounty.

"Useless pile of junk". Jay groaned in frustration after oil splashed on his face.

"Oh, it's worst than I fear. The rotors on the starboard boosters are completely destroyed. The port boosters are shot from the strain". Nys exclaimed with a worried look before looking at the rest of the ninja. "Sorry, guys. She's not getting airborne any time soon".

"So if the stone army attacks again we're sitting ducks". Cole said.

"Uh, ducks can fly, Cole. Weren't you listening?". Jay rasied a brow at him.

"We just got our tails handed to us and we couldn't even stop one of them". Kai said, recalling the past events of yesterday before he sighed. "I hate feeling helpless".

"We can't lose hope, Kai. We have to stay strong. At least for their sake". Jing exclaimed while gesturing to the people of Ninjago.

"Bai he is right". The crew looked down to see Sensei Wu and Zane walking over with the old man strocking on his long white beard. "We mustn't give up hope".

"But the stone army is indestructible. You saw it. At best, all mine and bai he's powers could do was slow them down. Even with them combined". Lloyd said while gesturing to himself and Jing who frowned slightly at the reminder of her powers being useless.

"That's not entirely true". Bai he looked down to see misako approaching with a scroll in hand. "There is a way to defeat them, and it is told within the scrolls".

The teenagers shared looks amongst themselves before jumping down. Everyone enterd the the bounty and gathered in the bridge around a table where misako placed the scroll in front of them. It showed the green and purple ninja in meditating positions. Behind them where a dragon and a tiger, while below them were the other four ninja powering them up.

"The prophecy reveals that the power to defeat the stone army lies within the green and purple ninja-". Misako was cut off by her son.

"But we already tried. I gave them all I had". He said, to which Bai he looked down at her hands and couldn't help but agree with him. "He's right. Even with our powers combined we still weren't able to defeat them".

"That may be so, but you are both stronger than you think. Look". Misako drawed their attention back on the scroll. "The true power of the green and purple ninja can only be unlocked when their four protectors find their own pure elemental powers".

"Are we the protectors?". Cole asked with a hopeful smile, to which jay scoffed with a laugh.

"Silly question. Of course we are". He laughed afterwards before looking at Misako with a hopeful look. "Right?".

"If we are the protectors then we're doomed". Zane suddenly said as the attention was on him now. "Our elemental golden weapons no longer exist. We can not tap into our elemental powers without them".

"But then what about us?". Bai he questioned while gesturing to herself and Lloyd as they shared a look. "We didn't need golden weapons to find our powers. And I'm pretty sure that even if we weren't the green and purple ninja, we would still have these powers. So if we do, then maybe it's the same for you guys as well".

"You are right, Jing". Misako said, smiling at the girl before meeting the gazes of the curious ninja to know what she was talking about. "The power does exist within each one of you, and there is a way to unlock your powers on your own. We must go to the temple of light".

"Temple of light?". Nya and Bai he chorused in shock before the samurai asked, "What's that?".

"The gold in the golden weapons was from the golden peak". Misako explained as she showed another scroll. "They were forged in the temple of light. A powerful place I thought only existed in legends".

"It's on the dark island". Sensei Wu exclaimed.

"I think our only choice is to find out".

"Do we get our powers back? Oh right!". Cole cheers in excitement, carrying Bai he in his arms and spun her around.

"But there's still one big problem. The bounty can't fly". Nya pointed out, to which misako smirked.

"It's a ship, Right? Can't it sail?".

Jay laughed again. "Silly question. Of course it can. Right?".

The others just laughed at the lightning ninja.


Later, the gang were able to get the bounty into the ocean. The ninja crew were on the dock receiving their farewells from the cheering citizens.

"Papa!". Bai he gasp excitedly, running towards Lou and his band as the father heard the familiar voice before turning around to find his daughter running up to him.

He gasp. "Bai he!". He smiled with opened arms, his daughter jumping into them which almost made them both fall over. "My little star. How I've missed you so much. And the rumors are true, you really have grown beautiful just like your mother".  He said as they pulled away from the hug but they held each other's hands. The brimstone father sniffed, finding it hard to control his emotions. "If only she could see you now".

"Thanks, papa". Bai he smiled with red on her cheeks before he let go of her hand to wipe a tear that escaped his eye.

"What about your brother?".

"I'm right here, dad". The two family members turned to see the grinning black ninja approaching, this, making them engage in another family hug.

"With all that's happened, and my little girl suddenly growing up I . . . I just don't know what to say". Lou said, speechless on the fact that his children were about to sail off to an unknown Island, especially his daughter who was now a teenager.

"You don't have to say anything". Cole said while sharing a look with his sister who nodded.

"You're right". Lou pulled away from the hug and smiled at his children. "I don't have to say anything, but I so have to sing". He gestured to tgr rest of his quartet in black suits as they began to sing.

🎶~Who's gonna save ninjago hide? Who's gonna make a dad swell with pride? Jing and Cole are,They are, Jing and Cole, cole and Jing, My kids~🎶

Everyone cheered for their little performers while the brimstone siblings smiled with pride at their father as one blushed and the other sniffed before they shared another family group hug.

"That's the sweetest thing I've ever heard, pop".

"Make that two of us. We love you, papa".

"I love you kids too". Lou smiled as they pulled away from the hug before he looked at his oldest son. "And Cole, make sure to look out for your sister, she's your responsibility".

"Papa, I can take care of myself". Bai he whines, smiling as she crossed her arms.

"Oh, I know you can, darling. But I'm also going to be needing your brother to make sure you stay away from any trouble, . . . and boys".

Jing blushed in embarrassment, and groaned. "Dad!".

"Trust me, dad, way ahead of you". Cole said, smirking as he punched his fist into the palm of his hand. His sister glared before she sighing, knowing the next few days were just getting started.

"Bai he?". The purple heard a familiar voice before turning around to see Madison walking towards her. Once she was in front of her, Madison looked up at the purple with a worried frown. "Please be careful out there. And make sure to come back safe, okay?".

The purple ninja smiled down at the little girl and patted her head. "Sure thing, Maddy. And when I get back, you and me are gonna go ice skating. Because when Bai he brimstone makes a promise, she keeps it. Boop".

The little girl giggled when Jing poked her nose before they shared a hug. They broke apart upon hearing dareth cheering.

"Did you hear that? I'm officially the brown ninja!". He announced, to which the crowd Cheers while Jing just rolled her eyes with amusement. She waved goodbye to Madison running off to her mom before making her way towards her friends as dareth turns to them. "What's my elemental power?".

"Uh, hot air?". Nya said, to which his eyes lit up as he looked back at the crowd.

"So I command the wind? Cool!".

"Actually that title's kinda already taken-". Jing try to said but was cut of by the ultra dragon roaring. She then looks up to see Lloyd was the one riding him. She gasp in delight before running towards them as Lloyd got off the dragon and patted flame's snout.

"Whose my big four-headed baby?!". Bai he giggled as whisp, rocky and shard nuzzled their snouts against her. Flame let out a roar, pulling away from Lloyd to joined his shard heads in tickling the girl.

"Hey, no fair! He's our dragon and he likes you more". Lloyd pouted, his tone clearly written with jealousy as he glared at the girl who looked at him smiling.

"Aww, don't feel bad, garmadon. You're still my sweet potato". Bai he had a small blushed on her face, her hands clasps together as she leans her side against to green ninja, whose face had gone red with a smile plastered on his lips.

"I told you not to call me that". Lloyd mumbled, shifting his head to look down at her.

The ultra dragon roared, making Bai he shift away from Lloyd as the two of them looked up at him.

"Take care of the City for us, will ya?". Bai he said, the smile still kept on her face. The dragon huffed, smoke coming out of shard's snout as he's expression looked like he was trying to tell them something.

"Don't worry, boy, I'll take care of her". Lloyd said with a ditermind smile, knowing what their shared dragon was saying.

"Not if I take care of you first, garmadon". Bai he said, sending a knowing wink his way. The boy's cheeks went a little warm as he smirks at her. "Says the girl who's who screamed alot when I was trying to save her in the city of ouroboros".

"Don't joke with that". Bai he blushed in embarrassment while wacking the laughing boy on the arm. She then turned away from him crossing her arms, doing so while pouting her cheeks sadly and muttering to herself. "You have no idea how much I'd do to keep you safe".

Their attention was then drawn to Sensei Wu and Zane on the bounty as the wise old man spoke up.

"Pupils, it's time we set sail!".

The ninja nodded and began saying there goodbyes to their fans and families as they went aboard the destiny's bounty. They hosted the anchors and opened the sails before meeting at the deck to wave their final goodbyes to the people.

Jing groaned a little in annoyance upon seeing dareth acting as if he was using wind elemental to move the ship for them.

"You see that? It's working".

"You're not the-"

"Don't it really matter? You know we have the same powers as the ninja too". Lloyd asked while smiling in amusement at his frustrated friend who sighed in defeat.


You have most of their powers, but whatever.

The purple ninja then began laughing when she heard Edna yelling out to her son to pack clean underwear, The latter whining to his mother in response.


The destiny's bounty sailed for a while until the sky turned orange. Bai he was with the ninja on the deck as they looked ahead at the the dark island slowly coming into view. Just the sight of it was enough to sent shivers down her spine. She then heard footsteps and turned to see Zane approaching them with a downhearted expression. Obviously because his falcon hadn't returned for a while.

"Still no word from your falcon, Zane?". She asked him knowingly.

The ninjroid shook his head as he joined his ninja brothers and sister. "Not yet".

They frowned seeing him like this until Kai decided to change the subject as he looked back at the sea with wonder and curiosity. "I wonder what's on the island".

"An entirely new ecosystem?".

"Never before seen creatures?".

"Oh, vegetables that taste like dessert?".

"New friends just waiting be discovered?".

That earned the purple ninja looks from the others, to which she chuckled.

"What? You never know".

"Well, I hope the stone army is there. They may have gotten the best of us once, but never again". Kai exclaimed with ditermination, which earned smiles of approval from his friends.

"You said it".

"Here. Here!".

"I wonder if this is the end of our destiny". Everyone looked at lloyd who had said that with a frown. Jing let out a small smile before grabbing his hand into hers. Good thing she was standing next to him.

"If it is, there isn't anyone else I would rather want by my side than you. All of you". She smiled bashfully at the people she consider her brothers. (A/N: At this point, that also concludes Lloyd)

"Here. Here!".

"You said it, baby sis".

Just then Zane's eyes glowed blue, meaning that he was using falcon vision. "My falcon had arrived at the dark island". He said, before everyone rushed to the bridge and connected the Ninjroid with the computer so everyone could see what the falcon was seeing. "There. Now we can all see".

Bai he looked at the island which pretty much looked like a normal island so far. But then again, her eyes flashed purple like it wanted her to fine something. The purple ninja narrowed her eyes at the screen before she saw something rustle in the bushes. She wasn't able to make it out but it almost looked like . . . a Tail?

Unfortunately the scream was suddenly hit, inttruping the falcon vision as everyone gasp when Zane was randomly sent flying back.

"Zane, are you okay?". Nya asked as she and Cole rushed over to help him. But the white ninja looked pale like he had just seen a ghost.

"He's . . . He's gone".

"We don't know that". Sensei Wu tried to reason while getting up with the help of Lloyd and Kai while Jing and jay held misako up.

"Oh, Zane. I am so sorry". Nya said while she and Cole helped him to his feet.

"Well, he was our friend too, so we're not gonna let him go in vain. If the stone army wants a fight, they've got one". Kai said.

"He's right. The falcon didn't just lead us to our new home, but together as a family. And just like how he found us, we will find him". Bai he exclaimed diterminly.

"Well, that's going to have to wait". Misako exclaimed before thunder was heard, making everyone to look out the window and saw the bounty was heading for a thunderstorm. "Because right now we're sailing straight for a storm. All hands on deck".

Immediately everyone got into position with nya going behind the wheel while the ninja went to the deck to take care of the sails once they entered the storm. The clapping sea rocked the bounty into twists and turns as everyone tried to hold up.

"Pull the line!". Cole yelled through the thick heavy wind.

"The winds are two strong!". Jing yelled while struggling to use her wind elemental to help guide the boat. Behind her, the ice ninja turned to jay standing by the entrance to below deck.

"We need everyone's help, jay!".

"But I don't wanna get wet!". He said while holding unto the doorframe to stay steady. "I only have one pair of underwear!".

"Do you really think this is the time to be making jokes, jay?! I'm not even wearing a bra and you don't see me complaining. Now get your sorry socked butt over here!".

"You're what?". LLOYD questioned his supposed best friend threw the heavy storm, but he was ignored for various reasons. But he still couldn't control that blush that washed over his face at what she said. Couldn't blame him though, just the work of normal teenage hormones.

"You think I'm trying to be funny?". Jay said before random laughter filled the air, much to his dismay. "Okay, laugh all you want but we'll see who laughs when I have to go comando".

"No one is laughing at you!". Bai he exclaimed as the strange laughter got louder, sending a bad gut feeling.

"Uh, guys? Why is the sea laughing at us?". Kai asked.

"And why do I have a feeling we don't get the joke?". The motormouth added before some strange orange Starfish jumped on board, much to their surprise.

"Hey, what's that?". Cole asked while looking at the strange creatures funny. But no one had time to answer him as the storm got strong, to which jay finally lended a hand in helping to pull the ropes for the sail. Only to drenched from head to toe by salt water in the end, much to his dismay.


Bai he paid no mind to him as she heard chewing and gasp to see the starfish were trying to eat their way in the ship.

"It looks like some sort of, uh, fish". Jing heard her brother say and turn to see him picking up one of the strange creatures which reveal to have mouths.

"Wait!". Everyone looked to see misako running towards the balcony above. "We mustn't let the starteeth on board. They devourer ships and they won't stop until we sink".

Immediately after she said that, Cole cried in pain upon the starteeth bitting his hand,to which he shook it off.

"He bit me!".

Surprisingly, the starteeth bounce across the deck until they jumped into the rope the ninja were trying to pull, making them gasp before the rope snapped.

Looks like it was all up to Jing now as the ship went bouncing on the tough seas. And on a side note, more starteeth jumped aboard. One of them landed on jing's foot and bit her, making her cry in pain.

"Ow!". She glared, shaking her leg to get rid of it before turing to the ninja. "Get these things off the ship while I try to steer us to safety".

The nodded and got to work, but more of them just kept coming.

~Time skip because of lazy uninspired author~

The destiny's bounty was now floating on calm waters under the clear sky, but unfortunately the ship wasn't going anywhere. That's because the starteeth had managed to create a big hold on the side in the bridge, so everyone was trying to play their part by using buckets to get rid of the water that flooded the room. It was just above their ankles, so nothing too serious.

"This is hopeless". Kai said as each ninja past the bucket of water before tossing into the ocean. The fire ninja frown as he looked at his old Sensei. "We have no rudder, we've been drifting aimlessly, and we'll never get to the dark island".

"We only know what is foretold will happen, not when it will happen". Misako exclaimed while holding her scrolls close to her.

Suddenly someone dropped the bucket, making everyone look at Zane who then walks towards the hole.

"What is it, zane?". Sensei Wu asked him as the ninjroid looked out the hole. Bai he walked up next to him to look at well.

"I Sense something". Said the white ninja.

"Is it the falcon?". Cole asked.

"Is he alright?". Jay added.

"No. It's. . ." The ninja were able to make out a lot of pointing rocks inside the thick fog, along with a building on a small rocky island behind them. "Something else".

"Brace yourself!". Jing yelled as they came closer to the rocks. But no one had time to react but panic when the bounty made contact with the rocks.

Luckily it was all over sooner than expected as the ship washed up on the small island before everyone got out to take a look.

"Who would build a lighthouse way out here?". Lloyd questioned with a rasied brow, to which Jing shook her head.

"I don't think that's a lighthouse, garmadon".

"It's not. It's a prison". Zane confirmed as they made their way up the hundreds of stairs.

Bai he could've sworn she heard something coming from the water and looked at it. The ocean was splashing and kinda glittery in a uneasy feeling way.

"Oh, I should've brought an extra pair of underwear". Jing heard jay say as they all looked at the ocean.

"Mysterious". Sensei Wu commented before looking back at the crew. "We better keep going".

They turned back to continue their trail until the made it to the top where they were greeted by a security camera.

"Uh, should we smile?". Jay asked, unsure of what to do as the camera looked at each of them before landing on Zane. Seconds later the door handle turned before the door opened to reveal a man a little older than Jay's parents.

His eyes lit up at the sight of the ninjroid among them. "Zane! Is it really you? You found me?".

The ninja crew watched in surprise and confusion as the man hug the white ninja.

"Uh, do you know him?". Lloyd asked, speaking up from clearly everyone as the man looked at them all.

"Of course I know him. I built him for heaven's sake". He said, to which Bai he gasp in shock. This was Zane's father.

"But my memory tells me that you have past". Zane said, still finding this hard to believe.

"Ah! You found your memories switch".

Just then, Bai he's ears peeked up soon hearing the same noise coming from the water again. "Okay, now I know that I'm not hearing things".

Zane's father's expression instantly changed to one of panic and worry. "Hurry! It can't know that you're here or else we'll be dues to pay".

Jay gulped. "It?".

"I'll explain everything inside". Mr Julian said before turning back to his son and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Including why it is that you thought i was dead".

"Well, looks like the bounty sailing days are over". Nya sighed sadly as they entered the building before Sensei Wu closed the door.

The man, who had introduced himself as Mr Julian, then led everyone down the stairs to the bottom where he quickly locks the doors once they were all in, and sets his security camera up.

"This way". Mr Julian smiled while wrapping an arm around his son as he lead everyone up the really old wooden stairs until they made it to the room in the top, which actually looked much more better than expected. "Please, please, have a seat. You must be thirsty. Seat".

"Um, where?". Jing asked, seeing as there weren't any seats for anyone to seat on.

Mr Julian just smiled before pulling a lever on the wall, which automatically replaced the big light in the middle with a dinning table. How convenient. "Here, of course".

"That's pretty smart". Nya commented as everyone took a seat around the table.

"A technical wizard".

"Brilliant". Jing smiled while taking a seat next to misako and across from her brother as they looked at Mr Julian standing next to his son.

Jing watched as he pushed a button that made a little robot roll towards them with a stack of tea cups. It then jumps on the table in-between the brimstone siblings and began setting cups down for each person on opposite sides. Once that was done, the robot took the tea pot from Mr Julian before pouring each person a cup of tea.

Jay decided to have a little fun and mess around with it as he moved his cup around, but that ended up with hot tea getting spilled on his lap, to which him jumps off his seat and hops around while screaming in pain. Everyone laughed at this as the robot poured the last cups of tea for the others before rolling away.

"Never mess with a robot, jay". Jing giggled before she noticed Zane looking at a blueprint, then turned to his father.

"Father, I don't understand. I saw you pass". Zane said as that caught everyone's attention.

Mr Julian just kept his smile. "Yes, you did. And believe me when I tell you I thought I was kaput. But as you know in Ninjago, the past is the past-".

"And the future-".

"Is the future".

Bai he smiled at the sight of misako and Sensei Wu smiling lovingly at each other while holding hands. She then felt eyes on her before she looked at lloyd who seemed to panic once she caught him staring. Jing just smiled at him, finding his behavior cute before looking back at the reunited family.

"Yes". Mr Julian nodded at the his fellow elders before turning back to his son. "But after I turned off your memory switch, what you didn't see is bonehead samukai reviving me with a special elixir. He wanted me to create state-of-the-art war machines for their army. He said if I did then I would be able to see my son again. And to make sure I didn't escape, he chained a leviathan to keep guard".

"A leviathan?". Lloyd repeated with a curious brow.

"You don't think that's what we heard in the ocean?". Jing added with a worried look.

"Yes". Mr Julian confirmed with a frown before looking back at his son. "When samukai didn't return, I thought I would never see you again. But as so much time has pass I started to question it if you ever wanted to see me again. I was afraid if you found out what horrible things I'd created you would think I was . . . A monster".

Jing's eyes widened at what he just said. He had so much courage and bravery to confess what he had done. Unlike her . . .

"We will get you out of here, father". Zane exclaimed diterminly while placing a hand on his father's shoulder. "Now that we are together perhaps we can invent a way off this this rock".

"Could you repair the rocket boosters on our ship?". Jay asked as everyone sees him looking out the window at the destiny's bounty below.

Mr Julian got beside him to have a look at it. His eyes lit up with excitement. "That sailing ship has rocket boosters?!".

"Well, the rotors and gears are shot-". Nya said walking over, but the excited Mr Julian cut her off.

"Ah. Pish, posh. No matter! I'll have your ship air worthy by dawn".

Suddenly the seas starts to rumble as the ground beneath them shook due to the loud noise coming from the sea.

"It's an earthquake!". Kai exclaimed as everyone held into something to stand still.

"No. It's much worst".Jing looked at Mr Julian still looking at the window with a look of fear and recordnision upon seeing something. He then turns to everyone in panic. "It's here. Everyone hide!".

No one wasted anytime to do as they were told, all running around until they found somewhere to hide. Panicking, Bai he looked around for any place to hide until her brown eyes landed on a nearby closet. Hurrying, she rushed towards it, but ended up having a tight squeeze because someone had the same idea of hiding in there as well. Once they both managed to enter the closet before closing the door, they both let out sighs of relief despite being slightly squashed together.

"That was close".

"Yeah . . ."

It took a second for Bai he's eyes to widened upon hearing the familiar voice, before both of them turned to face each other at the same time.

"Lloyd/Jing?!". Immediately, both of them slapped a hand over the other's mouth to shut the other up.

But it was mostly because of a splash, followed by a loud growling that was coming from the outside. Bai he slightly tilted her, her eyes going wide once again seeing through the small spaces revealing light into the closet. She was able to make out a giant tentacle with eyes almost all over it that were looking inside the building through the window. Her lips whimpered with her heart racing fast. She was definitely terrified, mostly about the fact that she was feeling her gloved hands getting Cold. Hopefully, Lloyd won't noticed.

Who was she kidding? Of course he noticed!

Lloyd slowly lowered her hand from his mouth while doing the same with his other hand, before he quickly shushed her, knowing she would've gasp like she always does.

As he did that, Bai he's brown orbs found their way to the green ones looking down at her. It was a really good thing that the place was dark right now because both of them were a blushing mess. But then again, the heat from all of this, from Lloyd's hand holding hers made it warm. And Bai he would be lying if she said wasn't enjoying it.

"Well, it's good that we were able to hide but . . .". The green ninja started, his warm breath from the hot tea sending shivers down her neck. "Th-This is really cramped for two people".

"It . . . It is". Bai he agreed, only now realizing how close they were as her jaw was against the crock of his neck while still looking up that his face that was about two to three inches away from hers.

"By the way . . . Sorry if I smell sweaty or anything-".

"It's okay". The purple ninja reassured, a small and soft smile making it's way to her lips in the process. "Since it's you . . . I don't mind".

But that statement seemed to leave a mark on lloyd as he looked like he'd seen a ghost. He couldn't help but wonder what she meant by that.

But his little panicking state, also made him accidentally move his head back, only to hit a holder above his head. The impact also caused a box on top of it to almost fall down. Luckily Bai he saw it in time, going on her tippy toes while stretching her arms up just in time to catch the box from falling. The slightest mistake could be the end of them.

"Sorry, Bai he . . ."

The girl locked eyes back with his again while smiling brightly. "It's okay, we're safe, since I was able to catch-". She trailed off feeling something wasn't right, especially at the way how Lloyd wasn't exactly looking at her face, more particularly below her.

Curious, she followed his gaze only to realize the worst situation of her life seeing her chest was against Lloyd's. Immediately a deeper shape of red took over her cheeks the sight. Boy, did she wish she wore a bra at that moment.

"I'm sorry".

"It's okay".


"It's okay".


"It's okay".


"It's okay".

Luckily and kinda embarrassing for her, daylight came hitting them hard once the door got opened. It revealed the oldest ninja of the team who did not look too happy with what he was seeing.

"What are you two doing in here?!".  Cole asked, more of demanded, glaring at the two who let out screams in surprise.

"N-Nothing, I swear! We were Just hiding". Bai he explained, her sentence coming out in a rather fast pace.

"Just hiding, right". Cole muttered, glaring at Lloyd while pulling Bai he out into the room where everyone else were already out of their hiding spots.

"If we're gonna make something to get out of here, we're gonna have to hurry". Kai exclaimed before glaring down at the sea. "Before "it" comes back".

With that, everyone got to work in fixing the bounty. It took a while, but it was worth it in the end. As the others fixed the hole on the ship, Jing was with her brother and Lloyd as they sew the patches up in the sail. The green and purple ninja then turned to the brown ninja who was whistling before he noticed their stares.

"What? It's catchy".

Jing just smiled at him as she went back to work. "You do you, bro".


The purple Ninja's heart jumped at the sudden yell before turning her head to find Lloyd holding up his finger and it was bleeding.

"Stupid needles". He groaned, glaring at his injury.

"Oh my gosh! Lloyd, you should've been more careful". Bai he said while taking his injured hand into hers and studied the wound.

Lloyd looked at her surprised at how worried she was for him. He was already used to the slightest bits of pain. "I-it's not that much of a big deal".

"Of course it is, don't you dare say that".

Bai he, without another word, took his finger into her mouth and bagan sucking on it. This surprised the ninja, even Bai he herself as she knew she wasn't thinking before doing this. But there was no time to run inside to get the first aid kit and the leviathan could come out any moment.

"What are you doing . . .?". The green ninja asked, his cheeks flushed with red as he was clearly flustered, feeling her wet tongue licking all over his finger, getting a good taste of every bit of it.

Bai he paused for a moment, taking the finger out of her mouth to speak clearly. "My body temperature is high, so it'll disinfectant it". She placed the finger back into her mouth and resumed on the sucking it. But it was clear to see that she was obviously blushing as she did so.

Lloyd could only do nothing but stare at her in shock, but his muscles calmed down a little as he felt something that made his stomach turn in a good way at how good it felt. And he couldn't help but wonder how it would feel like if she did that to-

"Everyone on board, it's coming!". Dr Julian yelled, intterupting the green ninja from his thoughts as the old man scientist and his son came running out of the lighthouse and down the stairs.

The younger teenagers saw this, to which Bai he instantly removes Lloyd's finger from her mouth. This somehow dismayed lloyd that he lost the feeling of her warm tongue against his skin. But unaware to them both, a faint blue glow died down from the cut on his finger revealing it to be healed.

Turing towards the sea, Bai he heard the same roaring sound coming from it before the giant tentacle slowly roise up.

But this time, it wasn't alone.

"It's here!". Kai cried, pointing at all the giant eyed coated tentacles raising to the air.

"Get us out of here, Nya!". Jay said to the samurai, who only nodded before running into the bounty, the others following.

Once everyone was on the deck they joined Sensei Wu, Lloyd and Bai he in looking at the leviathan about to attack them.

Immediately once Nya started the ship, which then inflated the blimp they had installed to take the Destiny's bounty into the air. It was having a hard time taking off considering all the rushing waved being splashed at them by the leviathan. Either way, Nya managed to lift the bounty above the water, activating the boosters to speed away. But unfortunately, the sea monster grabbed unto the giant balloon that levitated the house boat, making everyone slide towards the lowered end that luckily wasn't the front of the ship.

"Lloyd, Bai he, use your elemental powers". Sensei Wu said to his youngest students.

"As you wish, Sensei". Lloyd replied, his partner nodding with a huff before the two of them managed to stand up straight.

"Release us, you monster!". Lloyd yelled, sending a ball of green energy towards the testicles holding them back.

Jing acted fast by sending gust of winds, each time hitting the testicles about to grab them until Nya was able to steer the bounty out of the monster's reach.

"Well done, pupils". The old man praised his students. But unfortunately, the bounty didn't get too far as the blimp hovering the bounty up was yanked before more testicles grabbed the ship again.

Zane caught himself from falling back before he looked over the rail he leaned on to find the bounty's anchor was still in the water.

"It's cained!". The ninjroid cried, before doing something risking by climbing the rail.

"Zane, what are you doing?!". Dr Julian yelled, watching his robotic son who turned to meet his worried gaze for a moment before looking back the sea.

"The leviathan won't let us leave, I think I know a way I can help".

"But you can't jump in". The scientist said, running down the stairs until he reached his son. "These oceans are filled with starteeth!".

"I know". With one last glance at his father, Zane jumped off the rail and into the water.

"Zane! No!". The old man cried, watching helplessly as his son got deeper and deeper before he finally made a splash into the water.

"Don't worry, he'll be save". Bai he reassured, walking over until she joined the scientist in looking over the edge while also remembering how he was able to stay under water for10 minutes during a training section a while back. "I know he will".

Immediately, various screams filled the air as the bounty was being dragged into the water, once again making everyone slide down into the deeper side. Bai he saw that they were getting dangerously close to the edge and couldn't help but gulp, her heart racing in both fear and panic recalling a passed memory of how she almost got drowned in a community pool.

She couldn't take it anymore.


As if on cue, the leviathan suddenly released the bounty, letting it go flying into the air.

"He let us go?". Kai said, his widened eyes looking between the black and blue ninja next to him while finding what just happened hard to believe.

"Am I dead?". Bai he had her eyes shut closed and her teeth gritted asking that question.

"And you're still not wearing a bra? Then I don't think so".

The purple ninja snapped her eyes opened with a small gasp escaping her mouth, before she looking up at green eyes crouching down next to her, along with an amused smile on his face. Her cheeks flushed pink at what he said while accepting the hand he held out to her.

"What happened?". Dr Julian asked while also being given a hand up by Kai.

"Zane released the leviathan and now it's letting us go". Lloyd explained, as the scientist turned to him clearly worried about the one who had just saved them.

"But where is my son?".

On cue, Bai he's eyes flashed purple before she heard wet squishing sounds, making her look over the edge and saw a hand grabbing the rail. The hand revealing to be long to none other than the hero of the day.


Everything looked at where the grinning girl was pointing at and smiled in relief to see the white ninja of ice.

"I'm here, father!". Zane said having heard his worried father as he jumped unto the deck.

"Zane!". Dr Julian ran towards his son, bringing him into a reliefed and proud hug as the ice ninja did the same. "Zane".

"How did you know if you freed it from captivity it would let us go?". Sensei Wu asked, still marveled and surprise by his student's actions.

The father-son duo pulled away from their hug, looking at the wise old man with a smile as the white ninja replied. "Because no one deserves to be held captive. Not even a monster".

Bai he smiled watching Zane and his father looking over the edge at one of the testicles raised into the surface. It's eyes flickered in a way of saying thank before it went back into the water.

"Farewell, creature of the sea". Zane said, waving goodbye as he watched the leviathan swim away. "Enjoy your freedom".

"It may not have been on the island, but at least we made a new friend". Bai he noted, a smile on her face and her hands on her hips looking at the direction the leviathan had swam off too as if nothing had just happened.

"You say that as if it didn't just try to sink our ship a few seconds ago". Lloyd exclaimed from his place next her as he was also looking off at the sea.

"Everyone can change, garmadon". Bai he's smile only turned sweeter as she finally draw her gaze away from the sea to look at lloyd, the blond boy also doing the sane to her. "And you're living proof".

Okumaya devam et

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