The younger Grimborn (sequel)

By Wolfysstories

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Sequel to "The youngest Grimborn" In which Thyra continues her adventure in a world of dragons and Vikings. ... More

Chapter 1: The man at the Northern Market
Chapter 2: The Island
Chapter 3: Viggo
Chapter 4: Dawn of destruction
Chapter 5: Wings of war (part 1 & 2)
Chapter 6: No dragon left behind
Chapter 7: Snuffnut
Chapter 8: Searching for Chicken
Chapter 9: Sins of the past
Chapter 11: No bark all bite
Chapter 12: Chain of command
Chapter 13: Loyal order of Ingerman
Chapter 14: Mi amore wing
Comfort Chicken; Nugget
Chapter 15: Ruff transition
Chapter 16: Triple cross

Chapter 10: In plain sight

56 4 2
By Wolfysstories


Ahhhrrrg, finally! The chapter of betrayal is here! Be ready for it. I've literally been waiting to write this since I decided to make Thyra work with Krogan in order to keep everyone safe. I'm really gonna try my best for this, I hope you're going to like it as much as I do. 

Be ready, this is gonna be a loooooong chapter!

'Ah! This cannot be!' Johann looks at the... well, there's nothing, actually. It's just a blank map. there are some symbols at the sides, but the center is empty. 'Where is my King of Dragons?'

'Perhaps the stories were wrong. We should consider the possibility that no King of Dragons exists.' Krogan says. 


Viggo literally just told him that the lens he's holding is very unique and old, it obviously represented one of the dragon classes. All we have to do is find the other lenses that represent dragon classes, combine them, and tadaaaa, done.

'Can both of you seriously not see what is plainly in front of you?' Viggo sighs. 'Your King of Dragons is right here. Or at least he will be.' He points at the center of the, now still-empty, map.

'Care to elaborate?' Johann says, a tad snappy. 

I smirk and dramatically push him aside, taking the lens from the Dragon Eye. Time for some magic. 'These lenses represent the five dragon classes.' I smirk and hide the lens behind my hand, balancing it on my wrist. To Johan and Krogan, it must look like it disappeared. 'Alone, they mean nothing.' I then flick my hand and the lens rolls between my fingers. 'But together, they may reveal the answer you seek.'

Viggo sighs and shakes his head at my flair for drama. 

'I will dispatch my Dragon Flyers immediately. We will scour every island for these lenses.' Krogan makes some grand movements with his hands, as if to demonstrate just how far he will look.

'Efficient as always, Krogan.' Viggo says, looking pretty bored.

'You have a better idea?' They both walk closer to each other with scowls on their faces. I lean back. Are they going to fight? I hope Krogan strikes first, and then Viggo strikes back and then accidentally kills him. 

Wait, I don't need it to be an accident at all, actually. 

Johann suddenly stops their little quarrel by throwing daggers in front of them and into the wall behind them. Oh, he has good aim.

'Krogan, send your Flyers. I see no harm in a quick reconnaissance mission.' Krogan gets an evil smirk and slyly looks at Viggo. 

'And, Viggo, you suggest a different path?'

He smirks. 'A more prudent path.' Viggo looks over his shoulder at me. 'Do we not know a certain individual with an entire stockpile of lenses he's not presently using?'

I tense and move forward, standing tall instead of leaning against the table. Johann smirks evilly. I don't think I like this version of him very much.

'Yes. We do. And I believe there is a way to persuade our old friend Hiccup to deliver them to us straight away.' He also looks at me. 'And you're going to help me.'

You know what, I take it back. I don't just "don't like him very much". I'm pretty sure I despise him now. Oh Thor, please stand me by.

When I finally get back at the edge, I immediately fly to the clubhouse, where I know everyone will be. Not because I want to, but because Johann wants to. And he's currently sharpening his knives behind my back.

What I did not expect, was to hear Dagur's voice beaming through the clubhouse.

'I, for one, think Hiccup should be applauded for his ingenuity.' He says, then adds a lot softer; 'It works, right, brother?'

Johann I walk into the clubhouse to see Hiccup holding... a second Dragon Eye? Yeah, cause why not?

'Well, not quite yet. You see this dial here?' Hiccup turns the Dragon Eye. Now that I have a better look at it, it looks surprisingly much like a night fury. 'You turn it to slide in different color gems for the light to filter through. I still need those gems.' 

'Perhaps my humble, yet vast and varied trading skills might be of some minor assistance in their procurement, Master Hiccup?' Johann announces our presence. He's carrying a crate with stuff to keep up his act of losing the lens by accident and feeling guilty about it.

Snotlout laughs. 'Johann, what are you doing here?' He asks bluntly, making it very much clear that he did not forgive Johann for his "failure" at the Northern Markets, and rather sees him leaving again.

'I come bearing a gift for Miss Heather.' Johann places the crate down at the table. 'A mea culpa, if you will, for her ghastly experience at the Northern Markets.' He shudders, suddenly being back in his act of a stupid, weak, scared, merchant. 

'Save it, Johann. She's not here.' Snotlout interrupts. Clearly pointing at the fact that Johann can now leave again.

'Oh, pity.' Johann glares at Snotlout as he places something back in the crate. Hiccup then walks towards him, distracting him from Snotlout's rude, but very welcomed behavior.

'Uh, but back up, Johann, to the part where you help find the jewels to finish the Dragon Eye Two.'

Johann turns to him with a smile again. 'I have no doubt I can obtain these baubles for you, Master Hiccup. I shall personally deliver them to your door in three to four moons.'

Hiccup tenses up, a flash of panic crossing his face. 'No. No, no. We can't wait that long, Johann.'

Johann fakes surprise and then seems to think about it. 'There is a slight possibility to obtain them at the Northern Markets. But I think we all know the dangers that place possesses.' 

'Well, we'll just have to risk it.' Hiccup says determined. Fishlegs quickly shakes his head. 'Hiccup, there has to be another way. The Northern Markets has just gotten too unpredictable.

Johann dramatically casts his eyes on the ceiling. 'Shame, really. It truly is a virtual cornucopia of gemstones.' He then fakes a sad expression and turns away from Hiccup. As soon as he opens his mouth, Johann's sad expression turns into a smirk.

'Toothless and I can protect you, Johann. I have to finish the Dragon Eye Two right away.'

Johann shudders. 'All right, then. But perhaps Miss Thyra and Midnight can come too? then I shall rely on you and the mighty Toothless as well, to ensure my safe return. One small question, do you know the exact sizes of the gems you need?'

I hate how believable he is. I hate how Hiccup is fully trusting him, practically thanking him for his help and input. If I could, I would strange Johann until he leaves Hiccup alone.

Hiccup smiles. 'Thyra can come.' He turns to me. 'I've seen you sparring with Astrid, you notice a lot of small details don't you?' He then turns back to Johann. 'And for the size... Not exactly, but I could bring the Dragon Eye along to measure.'

No Hiccup...

Don't do that too!

It's exactly what he wants! 

'Capital idea! And perhaps the lenses as well, so that we can immediately elucidate the efficacy of each stone, hmm?' 

Hiccup smiles, genuinely thankful for Johann's ideas. I clench my fists. I wish I would be brave enough to stand up against him... But I can't risk it.

'Will do.' Hiccup nods at Johann, then turns to the rest of the gang. 'Everyone else, go with Dagur to try and get his lens back.'

They all nod and walk away, except the twins. They walk towards us.

'Not so fast.' Tuff holds his finger in the air to stop us from leaving.

'We're coming with you.' His sister adds.

'While I do appreciate the offer of assistance, perhaps a smaller party is a smarter party.' Johann offers. To me, it's now obvious that he's trying not to act annoyed, to others, he probably looks scared. It's the illusion he's carefully painted in their minds. They won't see him as anything but scared and weak.

Luckily, Tuffnut is even worse with social cues than I am. He just laughs at Johann, ignoring his "fear" of getting caught. 

'Ha. When has that ever worked? Besides, we have to watch our peerless leader's back. And we might have to pick up a gift for Chicken's birthday. You know how hard she is to shop for.'

Chicken flaps her wings and squeaks, seemingly offended. Hiccup sighs and motions for them to come. 

'I've been going up and down the markets. She doesn't want a quilt. She doesn't want a hay blanket...' Tuff continues to share his obvious "misery" with us.

I groan and pull my hood tightly over my ears. For the past morning, merchants have been shouting from everywhere at us to buy their goods. Hiccup chuckles and pats my back. 'Don't worry Thyra, we already found two. Five to go.'

'Five!?' I look up at the sky. 'Odin stand me by.' I mumble defeatedly. 

I reluctantly follow Hiccup and Johann to a boot while I must leave Toothless and Midnight behind in the bushes. 

 The merchant takes out a box of gems and shows them to us, mainly Hiccup and Johan. The twins and I aren't really looking at them.

'Behold. The Finest.' He declares.

'Excuse me, kind sir.' Tuffnut suddenly pushes Johan and Hiccup out of the way to come face-to-face with a startled merchant. 'Where would we find your chicken-sized necklaces for our perusal?'

Johann clears his throat. 'I know just the store for you two. Best selection of avian adornments and poultry paraphernalia this side of Constantinople. It's on the far side of the market. The far, far side.'

Tuffnut gasps happily. Ruffnut pushes him down and starts running ahead, Tuff quickly picks himself up and joins his sister in running to the other side of the market. 

'Thank you, Johann.' Hiccup sighs relieved. 

'While they are gone, might I suggest we expeditiously seek a different establishment of which they are not aware?' 

Johann leads Hiccup to a tunnel, Toothless, Midnight, and I follow suit. As soon as we're inside, dragon hunters appear on both ends, locking us in.

'Master Hiccup, my worst fears confirmed! Dragon Hunters!

The hunter smiles menacingly. 'If that dragon even opens its mouth to sneeze, shoot the peg-leg where he stands.'

I raise my eyebrows. 'Really? That's the best insult you could come up with? Peg-leg?'

'Oh, dear...' Johann mumbles. 

The dragon hunter looks taken aback and now points his crossbow at me. This gives Hiccup the time to make a small gesture with his finger, causing Toothless to take out the Hunters behind him by swinging his tail. although I have no doubt he could have done it just as well without my accidental help.

The Hunters quickly change target to Toothless and fire their crossbows in retaliation.

'Look out!' Hiccup yells as he runs to Toothless, takes out the fire sword, and skillfully blocks the arrows. Meanwhile, Midnight fires at the hunters and they get blasted back. 

'That's enough of that.' We quickly turn around to see that a hunter has taken Johann hostage. 'Give me the Dragon Eye lenses!' He orders. 

'Don't do it, Master Hiccup!' Johann stays in his act. 

'Shut it!'

Hiccup turns off Inferno and holds out his satchel as more Hunters show up. I reluctantly put my own swords back on my back and tell Midnight to stand down. 

'I'm not sure we have much of a choice, Johann.' I grit my teeth and glare at him while Hiccup takes the lenses. 

Right then, the twins show up and come to our rescue. Barf and Belch simply land on the hunter who's holding Johann, knocking him out. 

'Hey, Johann!' tuff says, smiling. I guess he found what he was looking for then...

Toothless takes out the some Hunters with his wing as Midnight quickly fires at them again. As soon as the remaining hunters notice that they are losing, they flee. Cowards.

'What was their problem?' Ruffnut asks, looking confused.

'Dragon Hunters. Ambush. You just saved us.' Hiccup says, also a bit shocked.

'You don't say. An ambush, huh?' Ruffnut places a finger against her chin, as if she's deep in thought of something. Tuffnut looks at his sister, and then completely ignores her.

'Wow. Sounds exciting. Anyway Johann, you were so right about that store. Ah! Voilà!' Tuffnut takes out the necklace he bought. It's... definitely unique. 'Look at this beauty I pecked out.'

I turn to Ruffnut, who is still thinking. 'Gold coin for your thoughts.' I flip a coin in the air, which she quickly catches. People should just make this a figure of speaking already, I'll have nothing left if it goes on like this.

'Ambushes require preparation. Preparation implies pre-knowledge. Pre-knowledge implies -' Ruffnut's eyes widen mid-explanation. 'Aha! There's only one explanation for what happened here. The Hunters knew we were coming. And if the Hunters knew we were coming - then there is a mole among us!'

Tuffnut gasps. 'A spy in our group?'

'A traitor in our troupe!'

I tense. On one side, I want them to find out, to make sure they'll be safe. On the other side, I fear their reaction once they find out that I'm with Viggo. And if they suspect Johann, he will most definitely tell them about me too. Or he'll just say I'm the traitor and fake innocence. No, they can't find out. I'll have to keep them safe on my own.

'Guys, that's ridiculous.' Hiccup luckily laughs about it, not taking much thought into it.

'Oh, my Thor. I was so blinded by my pursuit of chicken finery that I couldn't see the feathers for the spy. Now it's clear. There's a fox in our henhouse, and he's been a very naughty little fox.' Tuffnut dramatically declares.

'The Hunters just saw us and decided to take their shot. There is no spy. Look, we need to pick up our pace, find these jewels and fly out of here.' 

I nod in agreement. 'Hiccup is right, don't dwell on it. Just help find the jewels.'

And so that's exactly what we do. Not much later, Hiccup is counting his newly acquired gemstones. Though the twins haven't dropped it yet, they are still debating the spy subject while Hiccup names which stones he already has.

'Turquoise, sunstone, amethyst and emerald. Four down, three to go.'

'Excellent.' Johann claps his hands. 

I look over my shoulder at the twins. Tuffnut is once again speculating who the traitor might be.

'What about Snotlout? He's a bit shifty, right? Untrustworthy. Oblong body. Spy material, no question.' 

'Way too obvious. Hmm. What about Astrid? Why else would she be with Hiccup?'

'Because she loves him.'  I intervene. They look at me like I'm crazy. 

'It must be to spy on him! Agh! It could really be anybody. I mean, except us, of course.' 

'Of course.' Ruffnut agrees. They look at each other for a while, and then take out daggers on each other.

'Make your move, turncoat.' Tuffnut yells.

'Just what a provocateur would say.' Ruffnut glares at him. 

They then take out maces on each other. I widen my eyes and stare at them, too shocked to do anything.

'Provocateur. Good word. Well-used.' Tuffnut compliments his sister in the middle of their fight. Ruffnut smirks and takes out a sword from another nearby boot, while Tuffnut grabs the first thing he can get his hands on. In this case an Ice Tail Pike. 

I suddenly remember landing in a village once. There was this really scary woman, all dressed in purple, surprisingly agile for her age. Her weapon was an Ice Tail Pike and she definitely kicked my ass. I shudder at the thought. Thor, she was scary. Good choice I decided to go live on an island with only dragons as my companions. (If you know who I'm talking about you're even more awesome than usual ;)

'My Thor. That descended into the absurd rather quickly.' Johann mumbles as the twins continue to fight.

'Actually, it took longer than expected. Look, we need rubies. Any ideas?'

We ignore the twins and walk to the next stall. 'Perhaps you should leave this one up to me, he's not the most... friendly guy...' Johann says. 

Johann walks up to the man and then starts to bargain about buying rubies while Hiccup and I watch from a distance. Suddenly Johann gasps, shocked.

'Three gold pieces for that? Trader Johann does not pay list price!' Johann crosses his arms and looks away.

'Johann! We're not here to get a good deal.' Hiccup shouts. 

'Apologies. Ha. Old habits die hard.' Johann chuckles awkwardly and then pays the merchant. She looks very pleased with the outcome and waves at us while we walk away.

'Hiccup, those Hunters must have called for backup. I would show you the worried look on my face if it wasn't for the fact that I'm afraid to turn my back on my treasonous sister.' Tuffnut explains while glaring at Ruffnut. She also keeps looking at Tuffnut, like they are having some staring contest.

'My backstabbing brother is correct. And now they have air support.'

I look up to see the Dragon Flyers searching for us from the skies. A little away, hunters are asking merchants about us. The merchant denies seeing us and they continue to look. I quickly pull my hood on.

'Look, we got to go now, or we'll never get out of here.' Hiccup decides quickly. I nod and prepare to call for Midnight, but of course, Johann has to interrupt.

'Master Hiccup, we still require one topaz and a single sapphire as well, which, in my experience, are not found lying on the ground.'

'You're right, Johann. They're not. But what about underground?'

We're on a beach. With... sand... there is literally nothing else here but sand.

'Toothless and I can find the gems and be out before it even knows we were there. Now, the key is finding the back way we used to'- Johann suddenly opens a  hatch, where did that come from? - 'uh -' Hiccup seems just as shocked.

'What? You don't expect a seasoned trader like myself to pass up such a convenient cache of valuable goods, do you?'

'Johann, you are full of surprises.' Hiccup laughs about it. If only he knew...

'We haven't even begun to scratch the surface.' Johann smirks, giving me a side glance while Hiccup turns towards the twins. I glare at Johann, but then focus on the twins as well.

'Uh, guys? I'm thinking you should take this discussion underground.' Ruffnut points at the approaching flyers in the sky.

'Okay. Ruff, Tuff, you lead these guys away while we go for the gems.'

'No way. I'm not going anywhere with this traitor.' Tuffnut exclaims, looking quite offended that Hiccup would ask such an outrageous thing.

'Says the double agent.' His sister says, just as suspicious.

Hiccup groans annoyed. 'NOW!' He yells. The twins roll their eyes. 


Then they take off and start to lead the flyers away.

We enter the cave through the secret hatch. Hiccup shortly explains that this is the "Sandbuster cave". Home to a dragon who can't handle the light. Everywhere around me, there is some weird glass-like stone. Apparently, that's the hardened fire from the Sandbuster. Like the Death Song.

'Perhaps it would be prudent to have your dragon stand guard, in case we need to make a hasty exit.' Johann says nervously. Hiccup nods and makes a gesture, at which Toothless jumps away.

'Eureka! A perfect topaz!' Johann picks it up and tosses it to Hiccup. Hiccup smiles brightly.

'Nice! That just leaves the -'

'Sapphire. Right behind you.' Johann smiles deviously as Hiccup turns around to pick up the stone. I feel my heart hammer against my chest as he takes out a hidden dagger. Will he kill Hiccup now? I know that his aim is good enough to do so...

'I'll take that bag of lenses, boy.' Johann says, sounding calm and scary. He's no longer hiding who he really is. 

Hiccup sighs and turns around. His eyes widen and he audibly gasps when he sees the dagger in Johann's hand. 'Look, whatever Krogan and Viggo are paying you -'

Johann glares at him, angry that he still doesn't recognize that he's a powerful enemy, and not just a worthless trader. 'Paying me? Those two? I pay them, to serve at my feet.'

Hiccup's eyes widen again. He quickly glances at me, but I don't even act on it. I just look at him, my eyes probably reflecting how utterly empty I feel inside. I'm sorry Hiccup.

'Why do you even want these? And why now?' Hiccup looks back at Johann with a glare.

'Because they're the next step in finding the King of Dragons and the key to yours truly becoming the richest man on Earth.' Seriously? That's why? That's stupid!

A look of realization crosses Hiccup's face as he's figuring it out. 'Heather's lens!'

Johann laughs and slowly claps a few times. 'Well done, Hiccup.' He raises his eyebrow on Hiccup's betrayed look. 'Don't be so morose. How do you think it's been for me? Pretending all these years to actually care about you and your little friends. The number of times I wanted to just scream at the top of my '- 

He suddenly stops and looks at Hiccup with the slightest hint of curiosity, as Hiccup begins to laugh. 'And yet, I'm wondering, why aren't you more surprised? And what do you find humorous?'

Hiccup now even smirks and then shakes his head, sighing whilst smiling. 'The twins and their rants. You know, I-I ignore most of them, but this spy thing got me thinking. Maybe, maybe it was coincidence those Hunters ambushed us, but how did they know to ask for the Dragon Eye lenses? At first, I thought about Thyra, but she wouldn't. She cares for dragons as much as we do. Then I realized I only brought the lenses because you asked me to? Well, then things started to add up. You were there when Heather lost her lens.'

So was I though...

'Your "distress call" got most of us off the Edge right when the Dragon Hunters decided to invade... You sent us after Dagur, assuring us he'd be alone... And your ship was conveniently docked at Outcast Island right as he broke out of prison.'

Johann groans. 'The most difficult part was letting him think he actually stole my ship.'

Hiccup looks betrayed, almost sad. 'You've been behind all of this.'

'Since as far back as Breakneck Bog, I've been doing everything humanly possible to rid the archipelago of you and your Dragon Riders. But you have a most annoying habit of not dying when you're supposed to. Even after I made you trust Thyra, you still managed to survive.'

I wince at that. Here we go. 

Hiccup freezes and slowly turns around. 'Wait... what?'

I try to avoid eye contact and slowly walk to Johann, who just can't stop smirking. I point my sword at Hiccup, now being forced to look him in the eyes. 

I wish I hadn't looked. 

I have never seen Hiccup looking so utterly broken and betrayed, completely out of idea. 'What? No...' 

His words are merely a faint whisper.

I tilt my head down ever so slightly, trying to ignore the turmoil of emotions. Just stuff them in a box, lock them away, and throw them to the bottom of the ocean.

'Look, whatever they are telling you, we can help you. If he's threatening you-'

'I'm sorry Hiccup, but Viggo is my brother.' I take a deep breath and calmly look up. 'Did you really expect me to choose you over him?'

Hiccup takes a step back, as if I physically hit him. Johann is watching with gleeful eyes. 'May that pesky habit of yours now finally come to an end. Prepare to die, Hiccup Haddock, by the hands of your beloved friend.

My eyes slightly and I look at Johann in shock. That wasn't the deal!

Hiccup's eyes darken as he looks at Johann with a scowl. 'You have your own pesky habit. You never stop talking. You give away pretty much everything, especially when you think you have the upper hand. You see, when I did this little move-'

He repeats the move he showed Toothless- 'to Toothless to leave, leaving was actually the last thing I told him to do.'

Toothless suddenly shows up behind me and Johann, growling. 

Johann, however, smiles deviously. 'The Sandbuster will surely hear if a plasma blast is fired.'

'Probably. But I just don't see him needing a plasma blast for this.' Hiccup crosses his arms and nods at Toothless, who growls. 

I don't think that I've ever felt this relieved in my life. It is as if I watch Toothless jump at Johan in slow motion. Ready to pounce. Ready to end this. 

Then my newfound hope collapses. Johann dodges, Toothless lands, and within seconds, he's pulled up in the net.

'Toothless!' Hiccup yells.

Right... That's right...


'Well just kill his Night Fury.' Krogan says. I shake my head. 'Just trap him, that way we'll be able to sell him for more. Not everything is about killing, Krogan.'


'I'm sorry, it was that or dragon-root arrows, which would have surely killed him.' I shamefully avert my eyes while Hiccup looks at me in shock.

Johann chuckles. 'Now I believe we are all caught up. The lenses, please, now.'

Hiccup glares at him and then throws him the satchel. Johann only has eye for that. Meanwhile Hiccup slowly backs away. I stare at him, he looks back, yet I don't make a move to stop him. So he runs. While Johann is still looking at the lenses.


Or... Maybe not really the lenses...

He takes Tuff's necklace out of the bag, and then angrily tosses it away. 'No!' 

My attention gets drawn away from him when Midnight roars in distress. I quickly look back and notice that there are bolas around her head. I widen my eyes in shock, Hiccup has those? Where did he keep them? Did he find them lying around?

Johann also notices that Hiccup is gone and glares at me. I quickly run to Midnight while he starts to walk around, noticing that I won't be of much help since I'm very busy getting Midnight free. 

'Oh, Hiccup, why make this any more complicated than it needs to be? Perhaps, for old times' sake, I should regale you with tales of alligator races with the Sultan of Zanzibar or some such fictional account of my travels. That's right, Hiccup. The tales I sold you and your gullible father I plundered from real merchants before I sunk them and their ships.'

I hear the sound of glass break and quickly turn around to catch a glimpse of Hiccup running away. Then I quickly continue in getting the bolas off Midnight. 

Once I'm done, I look back at Hiccup. By now, he keeps dodging Johann's constant knives flying at him. He's trying to reach his sword. He can't keep this up. Screw Johann!

'Go for it girl.' I look at Toothless, and Midnight quickly jumps towards him while I walk behind Johann to keep my cover. He looks at me for a moment, then continues to throw daggers. By now, Hiccup managed to get his sword and skillfully block them.

The next dagger gets shot out of the air by a, now-free, Toothless. Johann glares at me and I quickly look at Midnight. 'Oops, I guess she forgot that we're no longer on Hiccup's side.' I shrug. Johann takes a threatening step forward, but then something bursts through the sand with a deafening roar. 

I've never seen a dragon like this before. The eyes are the same light blue color as the glass-like stone everywhere while the scales are camouflaged with the sand, perhaps a tad greener. 

Midnight immediately growls and fires at the Sandbuster. Then Toothless takes over. 

I run to Midnight and mount her while Hiccup gets saved by Toothless, who relentlessly starts to fire at the Sandbuster to chase it away. 

'That way.' Johann points from behind my back. Midnight takes off in the direction he pointed, and then we're gone. By the time Hiccup is done with the Sandbuster, we'll be long gone. 

I look down and gently pat Midnight's head. I can't say that I'm sorry, Johann will hear me. But she knows that I am.

Hiccup's POV

I look at everyone gathered in the clubhouse. Even Heather and Dagur are here. I silently place the gems in the Dragon Eye Two while Heather places a comforting hand on Astrid's shoulder.

'So Thyra is with Viggo, and Johann has been playing us all for years. And the twins are the reason you figured it out?' She looks up at me. I can see she's proud of me, but also hurt. It pains me to see her hurt like that.

'Yeah, although I still have my doubts about Thyra. She didn't seem very willing, and she saved Toothless, who then saved me. But Johann definitely betrayed us.' 

I wonder if it's bad to give them hope like this. There is a very good possibility that Thyra indeed betrayed us. Perhaps not because she was with Johann, or because she wanted to. But she still chose Viggo over us, and she might do that again. If that's really what happened. Perhaps she's just spying on them. I don't think she'd be able to hunt dragons with Viggo.

'And you're sure my lens will help us find this King of Dragons?' Dagur asks confusedly as he gives me his lens. 

'I hope so.' I say.

Dagur walks away. 'So do I, brother. So do I.'

I place the lens inside and then take the Dragon Eye Two to the wall. We placed two knives crossed down in a barrel so the Dragon Eye can lie on that.

'Okay. Hit it, bud.'

The suspense is killing me as I watch the Dragon Eye light up, slowly. Johann wanted the lenses, so I must need them for something too, right?

And indeed, the map shown on the wall is empty in the middle.

'Five different classes.' Fishlegs mumbles.

'And we have lenses for three.' I say. I hold the other two lenses in front of the Dragon Eye Two, more images show up. A part of the middle is now visible.

'First person to find all five lenses -' Astrid begins.

'-Reveals the King of Dragons.' Fishlegs finishes. They then all look at me. Waiting for our next move. I swallow the doubt away. I can't act on my feelings right now, they need me. We have to play, and we have to win.

'Game on.'


Man, I was working so long on this, I really hope y'all liked it :)

Do let me know your thoughts.

Also, I just realized something. To me, it doesn't seem too long ago that I updated because I'm working on this every weekend... But to you guys, it's been an almost month or something... a long time... 😅

Sorry about that, by now I think I'm just gonna give up on an update schedule because I never manage to actually follow it. 

Anyway, remember to vote, comment, and love yourself.

Have a nice day/night!

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18.7K 737 14
*This is a sequel. Sadly however, Wattpad has decided to take down the first one ( which is a reaction fanfic) because of copyright... And only decid...