Mafia's Taken Sister

By Kayla_craxy

144K 2.4K 323

When Isabella's mother took her away at a young age she grows up in an abusive and controlling household. She... More

1- My life
2- Pain is the answer
3- Yeah, No
4- Flight
5- Mhm
6- WOW
7- dinner and rules
8- now you know
9- Broken arm running
10- Questions
11- Accident
12- Hospital
13-It's a date!
14- Shopping time
15- Over stressed
16- Workout/Allergy accident
17- Hospital visit
18- Family
19- Runaway part 1
20- Runway Part 2
21- Fake ass Barbie
22- Party
23- Deep convo
25- Hair and trouble
26- Emotions
28- dress troubles
29-Shopping Mayhem
30-Deep Ball shit
31- Double D
32- I can't
33- The Last chapter

27- Backstabber

1.6K 36 4
By Kayla_craxy

Iza's POV

We finished planning the ball and went to the dining room. We spoke about random things and I looked next to me at Bella. She looked pale the moment the food came out. She looked like she would vomit at any moment.
"Excuse me" Bella mumbled before rushing to the bathroom. I really hope she is okay. I don't think I have seen her eat for a couple days. The conversations stopped when Uncle filippo got a call from the base. The rest of our family had to leave before dinner thanks to that call. Mafia is very busy whether you are retired or not, the call was about the African Mafia planning something. Anyways, we all walk them to the front door. I waved goodbye and went to go find Bella. I went to the bathroom and heard her coughing and vomiting.

"Isabella, it's me Iza" I say through the door hoping she would let me in.

Isabella's POV

I got up and cleaned myself. I went to the door and opened it, Iza stood there surprised when I opened it.
"Yes Iza?" I said moving aside so he could come in. He came in and closed the door.
"Are you okay?" He asked.
"Yeah just not feeling to well" I said trusting him more then the others. I was still mad at them and building my walls up more for them.
"Alright, lets get you showered and in bed. Tomorrow you can stay home from school"
"Thanks. I was planning on it"
"I am so sorry about Dante leaving" He said while looking at my neck. I had completely forgotten I had put the necklace on.
"It was going to happen either way"
"Well go shower then get in bed, tomorrow if you are feeling better you can invite your friends over" He said before leaving the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror. I had my bruises still showing but no one questioned then probably because they know about my anger issues, fighting and school. I left the bathroom and went up to my room, I grabbed some pajamas and showered. I felt gross and still nauseous. I finished showering, got changed and got in bed. I was so focused on not vomiting I hadn't realized Ace had been following me around. I pulled out my phone and texted the girls.

'Hey guys, I am not coming to school tomorrow as I'm not feeling so good and I am dealing with a lot right now but if you would like to come over in the afternoon, my brother's would be happy to have you' After I sent it I turned it off and got up. I needed to get some thing to drink so I left my room with Ace trailing behind me. We got downstairs and went to the kitchen, I opened the fridge and grabbed out a Powerade. I still wasn't hungry and honestly I don't know why. I opened the freezer and still wasn't hungry even for choc-chip ice-cream. I closed the fridge and freezer then started heading back to my room when I walked by the music room. I haven't been in there for a few days. I went in and sat down at the guitar, I wanted to play something. Only something small though as I was still exhausted and it was nearly midnight.

I started strumming and playing Blackbird by the Beatles. When I had finished I got up and went back to my room with Ace of course. I walked in my room and found Iza sitting at my desk.
"So, before your friends come over tomorrow Marketti said to take you to the doctors at our base. I know you are still pissed as fuck at him but please can you do it for me" He asked hopefully.
"Fine, I will do it. Not for anyone but myself" I said. Iza got up, thanked me then left. I jumped back into bed, Ace went to the corner and laid in her bed. I let the night take me as I fell asleep.


I rolled out of bed before the sun had even rose. I'm not sure why but today I was just up super early. I got dressed then looked at the time 4am. Great, I had to wake up Iza. I patted Ace and gave her some food before going to Iza. I opened his door and saw he was asleep half hanging off the bed. I opened his mini fridge and pulled out some water. It was cold water as it was in the fridge so surely it would wake him up. I was about to take the lid off and pour it over him but I suddenly got really dizzy and faint making me fall over. That woke Iza up. He sat straight up and looked around until he spotted me.

"Bella? Are you okay?" He asked.
"I don't know, I just got really dizzy" I say leaving out the whole faint feeling. It was probably from not eating the past few days. At least not eating was helping me lose weight as much as it made me weak.
"Come on, sit up on my bed while I get changed then we are off to the doctors. The others are most likely still asleep so this is perfect timing" He said while helping me up to his bed. I sat down but felt faint again so I laid back. He looked at me worried but hurried off to his bathroom. A few minutes later he came back out and carried me bridal style downstairs. He took me to the lounge room. Iza grabbed a piece of paper and a pen and made a note to the others.

'We went to the doctors, be back soon- Iza, Isabella' I quickly took the pen and paper off him and added my personal note to them.

'Oi, I am still fucking pissed at you lot but will keep you shitheads updated-Isabella'

Iza giggled after reading my part, he placed it on the bench then came over to me and picked me back up. We went to the garage and got in a random car. I think it was Levi's car to be honest but Iza didn't care and neither did I. We drove for about 10 minutes before pulling in front of their base. He helped me out of the car but I told him I could walk now that the faint and dizzy feeling had sided. We went in and went directly to the medical wing which I was seen straight away.

About an hour later we had finished all the tests and then the doctor came back with results.

"Alright Miss Roccia, the results have all came back and it appears you have an iron deficiency. We have also discovered you are no longer suffering from OCD and PTSD. You stil have your trauma however, it is no longer considered PTSD." The doctor said with mixed emotions. I took a moment to process before losing it.
"It appears this is a new condition to your body. Have you been eating over the past couple of days?" The doctor, Clara, asked.
"Umm, No I have been too nauseous even by just looking at food" I said while not looking at Iza who was staring at me. After the rest of the appointment Iza and I headed back to the car. I had some new pills I needed to take in the morning and in the afternoon. I also had another pill for if I feel faint after exercising. We went back home and went inside where the rest of my brothers were all situated at the dining table. Iza and I sat down next to each other.

"Isabella, How was the appointment?" Asked Marketti.
"It was fine." I lied.
"Actually Bella has an iron deficiency and has some new medicines. She also is cleared from OCD and PTSD" Iza added smirking at me. I rolled my eyes and looked at Marketti.
"Mhm, We will make sure to keep on top of them" Marketti said calmly which surprised me.
"When do you need your meds?" Asked Levi.
"I need one in the morning, one in the afternoon then I have different pills for if I feel faint when exercising so I don't pass out" I mumbled loud enough for everyone to hear. We spoke some more about it and about the ball before the door bell interrupted us. I looked at my phone and saw it was already 3:30pm meaning it would be Emilia and Luna. I got up to answer the door and sure enough it was them.

"Hey guys. How are you?" I asked while letting them in. They walked in and took their shoes off. I never took mine off unless I am sleeping oddly.
"I am okay, missing Dante abit" Luna replied tearfully. I went against my brains wishes and gave her a comforting hug. I released her and turned to see Emilia crying as well. I couldn't break. I put my emotionless look on and built my walls higher. I went over to Emilia and gave her a hug which Luna ended up joining in. We let go and turned to see all my brothers looking at us weirdly. I death glared them before I noticed Victor blushing and looking at Emilia. I groaned and pulled my friends to my room. I shut the door and we started talking and watching movies.

"You know how when I met you I made some boundaries..." I paused making sure they were listening. They both nodded and I continued. "I said not to get involved in my work life and something else I can't remember now but thank you guys for listening to them." I looked at Luna knowing she already knew about the fighting as she did it too. Luna nodded and relaxed into a laugh. Emilia looked like she was thinking about something and not listening.

"I need the bathroom, I will be back" Emilia said.
"You can just use mine" I say.
"No, No it's okay I need some water as well anyways" She said while leaving and closing the door. I looked over at luna an she just shrugged before patting Ace. I dismissed myself and followed Emilia. She went to the bathroom then went to Victor's room. She went in and closed the door. I waited 5 minutes before pushing open the door with force that it make a loud thud against the wall. There stood Emilia and Victor, mid make out. I remember what that other boundary was. Not to date my brothers.

"ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS?! Emilia, this was a boundary. VICTOR YOU KNOW SO MUCH FUCKING BETTER" I shouted at them. I walked over to Emilia and pulled her downstairs. By now all my brothers and Luna were watching either from the stairs or from the loungeroom doorway. Iza gave me a curious look but I ignored it.

"Emilia. You can have any fucking guy thanks to your beauty an popularity but you choose to ruin my trust and make out with my brother in my own house!" I snarl at her.

"So what?! You have so many guys! Noah has been wanting to see you but I paid Luna to not say anything! You had Dante wrapped around your finger yet you want to be a complete asshole and stop me from having love!" She commented nearly yelling.

"So that's why I haven't heard from Noah. I am not being an asshole for not wanting my only so called friends to be into my brothers!" I said with anger laced in my voice.

"HAHA, You actually thought I would be a friend with such a whore like yourself. I needed you to get to your brothers!" She laughed. I looked around. Victor looked mad but not at me. Luna looked guilty, Marketti looked furious and Iza looked like he would jump in at any second. My other brothers looked pissed too.

"I CAN'T BELIEVE I TRUSTED YOU AND LUNA WITH MY LIFE" I yelled. I had my hands in knuckles and my nails digging into my palms.

"Well, a bit of acting goes a long way. Lola was right about you. You are just a worthless slut and a practice girl for the guys" She snarled while giggling. I looked down before pouncing on her. Iza moved forward and tried to get me off but stopped when I punched Emilia hard. She now had a busted lip. Marketti pulled me off and Rondo pulled Emilia back.

"GET YOUR FUCKING SHIT AND YOU AND LUNA NEED TO LEAVE" I yelled while spitting at her. I can't believe I had put my trust and secrets into them. I went back to my room and slammed the door. I got changed and went downstairs again. I heard my name being called as I grabbed my Bike keys, helmet and phone. I went to my bike got on and headed to Noah's house. I knew Luna was his sister but I couldn't care less. If luna didn't want me with him I wouldn't but Luna was fine with it. Anyways, I sped to their house and pulled up outside. I got off and went to the front door. I took one deep breath before knocking. Seconds later Noah opened the door.

"Bella, Finally. I thought I would never hear from you again" He said while pulling me into a hug. I hugged him back and enjoyed the warm embrace. We let go eventually.
"Is Luna home?" I asked curiously.
"Oh right, Yeah she came home crying. I think she is in her room. What happened?" Noah asked.
"Luna was getting paid by Emilia to not tell me you wanted to see me" I said emotionlessly.
"WHAT?" He said loudly. I nodded before going past him and up to Luna's room. I knocked them went in. She was sat on her bed wrapped in blankets, crying.
"Luna" I said, She looked up at me and started crying more.
"I am so sorry Bella" She said between sobs.
"It's okay, forgive you I just want to know why?"
"We needed money and Emilia was paying me a lot." Wow I wasn't expecting that. I went to her side and hugged her. I started crying a little but quickly wiped them away. I pulled Luna out of bed and we went downstairs. She had calmed down and I don't even look like I had been crying which was good.

"I am so sorry Noah" Luna said guilty. He got up from the couch and hugged her.
"I know" He said. They stopped hugging and Noah came over to me. I looked over at Luna.
"It's okay, I don't mind, I always thought you guys were made for each other" She said. I smiled then looked back at Noah. I went on my toes and kissed him on the cheek. After finally knowing why, forgiving Luna and sharing a moment with Noah I rode back home, music blasting. I went inside and to the kitchen. After all that riding and running around I know felt faint. I tried getting to my meds but fell down exhausted. Victor ran in and looked at me. He ran over to my meds and pulled out both packets unsure of which one. I smiled and took one of the after exercise ones. I sat frozen on the floor for awhile with Victor next to me.
"I am so sorry Bella, I didn't know she was using you and that you had boundaries" He said finally clearly the silence.
"I forgive you, but you still are a shithead" I said looking over at him and laughing. He put his hand to his chest and looked offended making me laugh more. We sat there for a little longer before we went to bed. I had my Ball in 2 days. Meaning tomorrow was Friday. Meaning school and dress trying. Marketti bought me a dress I have heard but I also ordered another one just in case I don't like his idea. Anyways, I went to bed and fell asleep very quickly.

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