Double Trouble

Autorstwa oXMoonBeamXo

52.9K 1.8K 290

Awakening in the world she thought she knew, Naruko quickly finds that everyone she knew was different and ev... Więcej

Waking up
A crowd
Getting used to it
The trip
One hell of a walk
Its a secret?!
Quite the saunter
I am here
Getting it done
Strong arms
Trial # 2
on our way
Down the rabbit hole
Suprise its a girl
Taking me
Kiss me not
Yet again
For you
A small moment
A moment of silence
A great father
A lesson of sorts
Auther's note
Here we go
The reason we love
Authers note
Planet naruko
The last
A Special; Mizuki Hatake

All grown up

2.2K 79 25
Autorstwa oXMoonBeamXo

I huffed, losing my last nerve. I clenched my fist and bopped Naruto on the head, "Naruto!!! We haven't even been in town for 5 seconds! And you already won't shut up about ramen!?" I snapped. He had not shut up the last whole day of traveling. I mean I was hungry also, not to mention just straight up excited to be home! But man gives us like a couple of minutes to enjoy it.

"Naruko! You know you want some too!" He cried out clenching his head.

I folded my arms and turned away, "uhhh.... so? I just want to enjoy being home ..." I mumbled it, blushing. "I can't think, not with all this screaming about Ramen."

Naruto grinned and chuckled, "lets goo...." He whispered trying to tempt me.

"Your back?! Oh man, is that really you Naruko?! Dang!!" It was Kiba with maru.

I gasped rushing over to him wrapping my arms around him, we toppled over and I laughed. " Kiba!" It was so nice to see someone I knew besides Naruto and Jiraiya.

"She has filled out nicely hasn't she? Voluptuous, busty and even smart." Jiraiya said it with a grin.

Kiba blushed as I pressed my face against his, " I miss people so much, I think if I have to hear his dirty talk another day... I will kill him." I said it emotionally. I really meant it, I loved them both but I needed a break. I felt subconscious and got off Kiba, " Sorry about that..." I laughed a little. I pet Maru as he jumped at my feet wanting attention.

Kiba got up brushing off some dust then smirked, " Although I is a dirty old man, I have to agree. You are quite the looker and you have such a cute laugh." He said it with a sigh. He gazed at me and we both knew nothing would ever happen between us.

I blushed, "Oh Kiba, shut up." I laughed a little trying to joke. Then I noticed our height difference. I sighed tilting my head in annoyance. I pouted, "will I always be this short?" I asked.

Kiba chuckled, "You're just the right size, what are you talking about?" He told me with a smirk. He rested his arm around my shoulder in a joking manner then let go after a few seconds.

Naruto stepped between me and Kiba. "Hey, don't be hitting on my sister!" He snapped glaring at him.

Kiba snorted, "and what will you do if I do? You're a weakling." He glanced at me with apologizing eyes, then glared back at Naruto.

I smirked, did he forget we have been away for three years training with one of the most powerful ninjas? I shrugged, grabbing my brother's arm, "let's go Oniisan..." He glared at Kiba as I pretty much dragged him away. I looked back smiling at Kiba, he waved with a sweet look on his face.

"We need to head to the Hokage's building." Jiraiya said it while walking behind us. He looked amused and enjoyed the drama.

We raced to the Hokage's building taking the roof tops, people stared. Well everyone is probably thinking about how we are back, and it's been a long time. We reached Lady Hokage's in no time. We knocked on the door, "Enter!" We walked in behind Jiraiya.

"My my aren't you looking lovely." Jiraiya said it trying to pull a move on her. He was badly out of practice with her.

I fought a smile at the sight of her face ready to punch him, I was far past annoyed with him myself. Could just have two seconds of peace.

Lady Hokage groaned, "Jiraiya... I see you are back... haven't you two grown." Her eyes rested on me and naruto. Then they went full on me, "I hope Jiraiya had no influence on your outfit Naruko..." She only seemed a little disapproving.

My eyes widened a bit, "What?" It was only partly a lie, I really did like this outfit. But he had urged me to show more skin. I was wearing an orange tube top that ended a few inches above my belly button, Black shorts and matching thigh high sandal leggings. My jacket was a black short half jacket with orange trimming to it. I was showing a bit of skin, but it wasn't that unsavory. Plus I didn't always dress like this, this was just my mission outfit, I could move so freely in this. I shrugged her comments off a bit, trying to not feel insecure.

We spent the rest of the time filling Lady Hokage in on as many details as we could in a few hours time, filling in paperwork and updating things. We left out unimportant things to keep it short, we didn't want to be there all day. We could save it for another time. I was relieved that it was finally done once we had finished. I was tired and wanted to settle things.

"Are you coming, Naruko?" Naruto asked me.

I looked up from where I sat crossed legged. I had been thinking of something..." I'll meet you at the ramen stand ok?" They nodded heading out. got up and walked over to her desk.

"I have a feeling I know what this is about..." she said smiling.

"Do you? It's about living arrangements..." I said it with a raised brow. If so this would be maybe easier than I had thought.

She nodded giving me a knowing look. "Can't handle Naruto?" She guessed.

I giggled, "It's not that, it's just I'm turning 19 soon and I'm a woman... Just seems like a smart idea." I explained. "Well I just really need my own space." I added with a sigh.

She nodded, "for a second I had been worried that Jiraiya had corrupted you." She said it, giving me a worried look. "It had slipped my mind that maybe it wasn't the best to send such a young girl with him." She said it thinking back.

I laughed lightly," Well I turned out okay enough, you're lucky I didn't kill them both on the road." I joked then cleared my throat. "But going on, are there any available? Near my team would be nice."

She nodded and started to look through papers, "I had an apartment set aside for you... I think you will like it." She found what she was looking for, "you know how it works... you work you have a place... here's the key." She held the keys out to me then smiled. "I thought about it a while back."

I smiled, taking the keys then bowed to her. I was about to leave when she called my name. "Naruko!" I stopped at the door. "Yes?" I asked, turning back.

She rested her head on her hand, and she wrote stuff down. "Be careful with the men... like you said you're a woman now...being around Jiraiya should have taught you plenty of how disturbing men can be..." She warned me.

I smiled nodding and then finally took off. I would go to my new place after ramen. I went by roof toward the ramen stand and jumped down grabbing the railing and swung in plopping down on the seat. I scared everyone but Jiraiya and Naruto. They are used to my swinging into places. "One shrimp miso soup!" I sang it, oh how I missed this ramen. Nothing beats homemade ramen!

"Long time since I've seen you three, back from a trip?" Teuchi said it with a welcoming aged face.

We nodded, and Naruto told him the story while I opened up my book and read.

"Gosh Naruko you're starting to remind me of Kakashi." Naruto said, bored.

I rolled my eyes at Naruto, "Simply because I'm reading?" I asked in an audacious voice.

He stuck his tongue out at me and went back to reading. Kakashi... my face flushed... I had had him on my mind during the trip but... it's been a while since I've actually thought of him. He suddenly was a real person I could run into.

"here you go." Teuchi placed a bowl down in front of me.

I was snapped from my thoughts, I looked down mmm my soup. I closed my book and put it in my side pouch. I dug in, last time I was here was with Kakashi and he was reading... "make out tactics..." I said it out loud and Jiraiya looked at me.

"What?" He asked, confused.

I hadn't meant to... "I was just remembering the last time I was here... say you wrote them didn't you?" I asked. I took another bite, " The books I mean."

He nodded, "why yes! Did you want to read them?!" He looked so excited. It was so different from last time.

I laughed a little, " actually yes...."

Naruto spit his food out, "you're a pervert...." He looked at me like I had six heads.

I rolled my eyes, " Your just immature Naruto..." We glared at each other after a while we sighed, then laughed a little.

"I would know that laugh anywhere." We turned to the curtain being lifted, it was Sakura!!!

I jumped up hugging her, ino was with her too.

I hugged ino, "so you three are back..." Sakura finally looked at me and she looked gloomy, I tilted my head.

"What's wrong with sakura?" I asked as she turned away,

"Nothing..." Sakura said, looking empty.

Ino laughed, "she seems to be the only small chested woman in this village!" She teased.

I laughed nervously, Sakura turned toward Ino angry. She chased her away. "Okay..." I mumbled and paid for my soup. "I shall be heading home then... I got my own place... I shall be taking the day off tomorrow." I said it in a rush to Naruto. The girls started to argue louder.

Naruto looked sad for a second, "oh... alright... " I knew he would miss me...

I frowned and hugged him, "Oniisan, I still love you!"I told him before letting him finish his food and left. I looked at the address....seems familiar.

I stared at my door and sighed, my own place.... I looked down the hall to the next door and steps.... It was so dark I could really make anything out. I wonder who my nab- I panicked when I heard someone coming up the steps! Ahh! I unlocked my door fast and pretty much dove in. I wasn't ready to meet whoever it was yet! I turned to my dim apartment... It was dusty and pretty simple. It was just like Kakashi's actually. Sept flipped, I went into the bedroom and shook out the blanket and pillow. I yawned stripping down and slipping on my pj's which was a half tank top and panda shorts. I curled up in bed and dozed off in no time.

......Next day....
I got in the shower once I had woken up, it felt nice since I had been taking baths at a spa or in the rivers. I didn't have to worry about Jiraiya sneaking a peak either. I let a breath go as I let the water run over my dirty skin. I washed and got out. I brushed through my long blonde hair, it went past my butt. I blow dried it and put it into my normal pig tails. I pulled on an outfit I hadn't gotten to wear yet. It was a light green ruffle tank top and a ruffle blue jean skirt. I pulled on my sandals that went half way up my calf. It was one of the few outfits I felt cute in.

I walked around my apartment making a list of what I needed for it, I sneezed. I really need to dust, ugh... I went to the window. "oh wow!" What lovely flowers then I noticed someone.... I gasped, Kakashi!!?? I noticed... that... this is around where his house was.. I turned to see his place was next to mine. Had LAdy Hokage known this? I let out a breath. Kakashi was sitting cross-legged outside below.

"Hi kakashi!" I called out excited to finally see him.

Without looking back he raised his hand while still reading.

That kinda annoyed me, I felt my eyebrow twitch in annoyance. I jumped down from the balcony and grabbed the hose that was behind him. My temper was flaring, that's no way to greet me! Not after this long, I turn the hose on and let it spray down on him like rain. I only did it for a short moment then turned it off. He became rigid and quiet, ya like he was making sound before. I felt a dark presence growing from him, it just made me smile. haha! He turned around and the next thing I knew Kakashi had me pinned to the ground.

I blushed glaring up at him silently.

He narrowed his eyes at me then slowly recognition flooded over his face. "Naruko?!?!" He jumped off of me.

I got up brushing off the dirt. I frowned at the wet spots on my outfit. ehh... can't be helped. It was my own fault really. I looked at Kakashi and put my hands on my hips.

"Why the hell did you spray me with a hose?!" He snapped. He was angry, that's for sure.

"Why!? Because that is not the way you greet someone who has been gone for 3 years!!" I yelled back, then quieted down. I suddenly felt stupid, I had acted childish... my temper had gotten the better of me. "Look, I'm sorry. My temper got the better of me. "I mumbled slowly.

He looked at me, water dripping from him, "I didn't realize it was you... you sound different...older... you even look older." His gaze studied me then he looked at my face, " but you don't seem to act older." He grumbled.

I felt his eyes move down my body, I fought the urge to turn away blushing. well lost to it... A blush spread across my face as I spun around. "Ya... well... so what... you should pay more attention Mr. copy cat ninja." I mumbled it because of the irony.

"Ya... you're not getting away with spraying me with a hose."He said it darkly, I felt wet arms go around me.

I gasped, "ah!" I tried to get free but let's face it I wasn't beating Kakashi unless I went all out which I wasn't ready to do. "Kakashi!" I yelled in a panic. I knew my whole back half was soaked. Looks like my plan backfired!

Kakashi leaned down, "gotcha back!" He said it in an evil voice. Seems I had paid his toll for being a bit of a brat.

I pouted and he let me go, I turned to him. "I just put this on!" I glared at him and he just gave me a close eyed smile. I let out a sigh and laughed, "I missed you kakashi..." I smiled up at him hopeful.

He opened his eyes to look at me. "I may have missed you, or not." He shrugged, I rolled my eyes and turned to the apartment. "So why are you here?" Kakashi asked right before I jumped up onto my balcony.

I jumped up and landed on the edge, "apparently we are neighbors.... I just figured it out myself." I told him shrugging a bit.

He looked shocked, "what?!" He asked, thrown off guard. His silver hair shook as he stepped back.

I giggled, "say why don't we go for a walk or something? Meet me out here in 15 minutes?" Before he could reply I walked inside, I let a breath out. Man..I shivered,I placed my hands on the side of my face blushing.

I should get ready! I jumped up running to get ready.

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