Jiang Cheng's Rushed Marriage...

By XichengLoverXX

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The Lan's are holding a week-long conference in the cloud recesses. Wei Wuxian intended to spend this week "g... More

Chapter 1: An Interesting Meeting
Chapter 2: Investigation at the Nie Sect
Chapter 3: Brother Bonding Time
Chapter 4: Confession Practice
Chapter 5: A Sudden Announcement
Chapter 7: The Real Explanation
Chapter 8: It's So Soft
Chapter 9: The Three Bows

Chapter 6: The Explanation

789 33 1
By XichengLoverXX

Despite his attempts the day passed without Wei Wuxian being able to talk to his brother. He wasn't even able to talk to Lan Zhan. Due to Lan Xichen's current state and the commotion caused by the earlier announcement the Lans had a lot of work to do, most of which fell on Lan Wangji's shoulders. And so Wei Wuxian was left to his own devices. It wasn't like Lan Qiren would allow him to help his husband out, not that he would've needed permission. But Lan Wangji had work to do and Wei Ying didn't wish to disturb him. Instead he sat around and tried to figure out the crimes.

So far what had been stolen was two sets of clothes from a minor sect, a Lan headband, a valuable fan, and a couple days worth of supplies. Wei Wuxian sighed. This didn't sound like some kind of mastermind criminal. In fact it sounded like someone who had fallen on hard times. But if that were the case, why were there so many victims? Why not take everything from a single sect on a single night. It would be far less risky since the chances of getting caught would be lower. And it's not like the problem was the amount. Even a single person would have, with some difficulty been able to carry all the stolen goods in one go. And with two or more people it would be no trouble whatsoever.

Just then the door slammed open.

"Brother! how I have missed you. But why didn't you bring your lovely fiancé I was looking forward to seeing her. Not that your presence isn't good enough"

"Hand it back" Jiang Cheng shouted at Wei Wuxian. Had there been another crime? Why would his brother accuse him of all people, was the item stolen something scandalous?

"What, lost your diary? Don't tell me it is actually filled with lewd words." If so it would certainly be a great motivator for him to catch the thief. But his angry brother was having none of it.

"My sword, hand it back"

"Ohhh, right... the sword..." Wei Wuxian smiled as the cogs in his mind started to turn "But from what I remember, you would only get it back after talking to me for thirty minutes... And a certain someone stormed out. You still have another ten minutes to go" This was the perfect time to get the scoop on what the deal was with Lan Lian. Jiang Cheng huffed, but decided to play ball and sat down next to him.

"Why are you marrying Lan Lian?"

"Love" Jiang Cheng responded without a second thought. But there was no emotion there, nothing hinting at the answer being anything more than a rehearsed response, Wei Wuxian was surprised that so many of the officials had been convinced by such a pitiful act.

"phaa, bullshit. The Sandu Shengshou in love? Besides had you even met her before this week?"


"So how can you claim to marry out of love, you clearly don't love her. Where did Jiang Cheng, the person who refused a loveless marriage go?"

"Fine" Jiang Cheng let out a defeated sigh. "I accidentally got hold of her headband"

"So you're marrying her out of obligation?"

"Mmm" Jiang Cheng fiddled with Zidian, but Wei Ying didn't need such a tell. The lie was obvious regardless.

"I still don't buy it, my brother is not the kind of person who would risk his future happiness in order to protect the honor of a fair maiden. That's my thing."

"Wei Ying" Jiang Cheng sighed heavily "If only one of you could live a happy life, who would you choose: yourself or Lan Wangji?"

"Lan Zhan" Wei Wuxian answered earnestly. The answer was as clear as day.

"So if Lan Wangji was forced to marry you without being in love with you what would you do?"

"I'd seduce him" Wei Wuxian said with a wink "I have some secret skills up my sleeves". Jiang Cheng ignored this response and continued.

"And what if he loved someone else?" To this Wei Ying didn't know what to answer. He had never though about it, had never needed to. Lan Zhan had always loved him, always would. And he felt the same way. They were practically soulmates, destined to be together. But what mattered here was not his answer but his brothers. "So you will marry out of convenience to protect the one you love?"

Jiang Cheng glared at him as if the thought was not only ridiculous but also far beneath him.

"Lan Lian was being forced to marry a Nie Huaisang, but the one she loves is from Yunmeng. We are planning to get married quickly so that she can go back and reunite with her lover as soon as possible." Nie Huaisang was planning on getting married? Why hadn't heard of this, sure Huaisang himself had been in no state to tell him last time they met but it was strange that rumors hadn't gone around about it yet. But perhaps it was for the best considering the stunt she and Jiang Cheng had pulled.

"So?" Wei Wuxian asked, this still didn't seem like something his brother would do.

"I am a Jiang and am influential enough that people can't complain" Jiang Cheng extended his chest, clearly proud of the influence he had gained through years of hard work. But this wasn't about whether he could steal another sect leader's fiancé but about why he would do such a thing.

"That's not what I'm asking. Why are you being so charitable all of a sudden? It's not like you."

"I'm at fault. I am the reason she lost her headband. And by doing this that disgusting headband grabber wont get his way. She wont be forced to marry someone just because of those stupid headband rules." Jiang Cheng looked genuinely hurt to the point that he left a dent in the floor from hitting it. Clearly this weighed heavy on Jiang Cheng's mind, and so Wei Ying decided to come clean.

"Yeah, that's not how the headbands work" Wei Wuxian said nonchalantly.

"WHAT!?" Jiang Cheng's eyes sparked with anger. Zidian lit up, shooting small flashes of purple lightning as it transformed.

"I only said those things to make a point about how much Lan Wangji is my one true love" Jiang Cheng was clearly ready to strangle his brother dead. But before he could do anything their attention was directed towards the door.

"A'Cheng!" the woman at the door shouted. At first Lan Lian seemed worried about the sight of her fiancé with his whip out ready to kill her future brother-in-law. But seeing the upset look on his face made her expressions grow soft as to not upset him further. Walking up to him she grabbed his hand, making small circular motions on it to calm him down.

"A'Cheng, Jin Ling is in need of your assistance. Are you all done here?" she asked her voice soft as she offered him a way out of the situation.

"Mmm, soon" Jiang Cheng, who had calmed down significantly, turned towards his brother "sword". Wei Wuxian was amazed at this sight. Lan Lian sure had to be a woman worthy of respect. After all Wei Ying had yet to meet a person, other than his late sister, capable of calming down his anger-prone brother this quickly. To think that they had only met recently, with abilities such as this you'd think she'd known him for far longer than a week.

Once he got Sandu back Jiang Cheng turned, ready to leave, not wanting to hear another word from his brother. But he had not been fast enough, and Wei Ying had made his way over to Lan Lian.

"Sister, since we didn't have time for proper introductions last time, how about you stay for tea. Shouldn't I get to properly meet my future sister-in-law before the wedding?" Wei Wuxian gestured for her to sit down. Lan Lian looked over at her fiancé for permission, but Jiang Cheng payed her no mind. Only staring straight at the door, ready to leave.

"Sure brother Wei, I would love to converse with you over tea. A'Cheng you go ahead, I'll meet up with you later." Jiang Cheng gave her a nod and then left to go find his nephew.

Wei Wuxian sat down and gestured for the Lan to do the same.

"Congratulations on your marriage. I hope it will be filled with as much love and happiness as my own. Although I believe my brother might make that rather impossible."

"Wei Wuxian, you don't seem very sincere. Are you doubting our love?" Getting no response she continued "It wouldn't be surprising considering we're marrying out of convenience, not out of love. However you have to keep this between us. A'Cheng isn't very fond of others finding out" she said with a smile.

"So it's a marriage of convenience, but from what I heard from my brother it sounds like you're the only one benefitting from it" Wei Wuxian was basically accusing her of advantage of the Jiang sect leader. But even despite this she was still smiling gently, she sure had the composure of a Lan.

"I don't know what Jiang Cheng have told you but he was the one who proposed to me first."

"That doesn't sound right, why would he do that?" Wei Wuxian said doubting her previous statement. Jiang Cheng had seemed rather upset about the wedding.

"He didn't say much but from what I could gather he was in a similar position to me, about to be forced to marry someone against his will." But Jiang Cheng was the sect leader of the Jiangs who would be able to force him to marry? Not only that but how could Wei Wuxian not be informed of this. First Nie Huaisang and now his brother? Had his skills of gathering information worsened that much?

Wei Ying asked a couple more questions but it quicklybecame apparent that she really didn't know anything more. If he wanted thetruth he would need to get it from the source himself. Not wanting to lose theopportunity to talk he leaned back and enjoyed having a nice conversation. Shepolitely asked questions as he spoke of his lover and then he extended the samecourtesy to her in return.

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