Chapter 7: The Real Explanation

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After finishing their morning tea, Wei Wuxian decided to follow Lan Lian. After all, this all still seemed too suspicious. With all the power and wealth that came with becoming the cultivation partner of a sect leader, was she really just aiming to be with the one she loved? Or was she aiming to take advantage of his brother. Wei Ying was not about to let that happen.

She walked around the cloud recesses, doing what you'd expect from a future bride preparing for a wedding. Flicking from place to place, giving out orders never staying in place for long. At the end of the day Wei Wuxian was exhausted from just following her around, he couldn't imagine how she managed.

When time was nearing nine, she headed back to her lodging. There had been nothing suspicious all day but just to be certain he waited for another couple of minutes. Still nothing. As he turned to leave he heard a light set of footsteps leaving the building. It was Lan Lian, but instead of being dressed in the Lan white, she was dressed in all black not too dissimilar from his own clothes.

Finally something interesting was happening and all tiredness left Wei Wuxian as if it was never there to begin with. He made sure to stay far enough away to not be detected as they rushed though the forest. Eventually Lan Lian and her secret shadow arrived outside Nie headquarters.

"You have everything?" she whispered. Wei Wuxian decided that now would be a good time to reveal himself.

"May I join in, what's the plan?" Wei Wuxian said with a smile. But the person Lan Lian was talking to was not who he had expected. "Jiang Cheng? Since when did the Jiangs' pride drop so low that even the sect leader would start to steal" he nodded towards the fancy fan in Jiang Cheng's hands.

Annoyed, Jiang Cheng sighed

"I didn't steal anything."

"So you just happened to start collecting fans... out in the woods... at night..."

"What is keeping you so long? I can't distract the guards forever" a woman's voice called out. Why would they need to distract the guards if they had already made it out with the spoils?

"We're handing it back" Jiang Cheng clarified.

"Why didn't you say so. Then I certainly want in." Wei Ying picked up the fan from his brother's hands and opened it, lightly fanning himself. "I'll take care of this. But in exchange I want an explanation."

Jiang Cheng reluctantly agreed, but when he opened his mouth Wei Ying stopped him.

"Not now, I'm tired. Come meet me at ten tomorrow" Wei Wuxian yawned and turned back, satisfied to have solved one of the mysteries. The next morning Wei Wuxian returned the fan to Nie Huaisang who cried tears of joy at the sight of his beloved fan. He bullshitted a story of how he found it lying around in one of the Lans' many meeting halls. Nie Huaisang didn't seem to question it, but less so because he believed it and more because it didn't matter. As long as his fan was back unharmed and no one would come for it again, that was all that mattered.

Returning to Jingshi Wei Wuxian poured himself a cup of tea and waited for his brother to arrive. Right on time he heard a knock.

"Come in"

A less than happy Jiang Cheng walked in and sat down. But if the choice was between being outed as a criminal or talking to his brother then he would reluctantly choose the latter. It wasn't much better, but better none the less.

"Where's your shadow?" Jiang Cheng asked, looking around expecting to see Lan Wangji.

"Busy, someone decided to have an impromptu wedding and as a result my husband's workload has increased significantly" Wei Wuxian sounded annoyed. "So, let's get to it. Lan Lian said that you were being forced into marriage is this true?"

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