Chapter 6: The Explanation

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Despite his attempts the day passed without Wei Wuxian being able to talk to his brother. He wasn't even able to talk to Lan Zhan. Due to Lan Xichen's current state and the commotion caused by the earlier announcement the Lans had a lot of work to do, most of which fell on Lan Wangji's shoulders. And so Wei Wuxian was left to his own devices. It wasn't like Lan Qiren would allow him to help his husband out, not that he would've needed permission. But Lan Wangji had work to do and Wei Ying didn't wish to disturb him. Instead he sat around and tried to figure out the crimes.

So far what had been stolen was two sets of clothes from a minor sect, a Lan headband, a valuable fan, and a couple days worth of supplies. Wei Wuxian sighed. This didn't sound like some kind of mastermind criminal. In fact it sounded like someone who had fallen on hard times. But if that were the case, why were there so many victims? Why not take everything from a single sect on a single night. It would be far less risky since the chances of getting caught would be lower. And it's not like the problem was the amount. Even a single person would have, with some difficulty been able to carry all the stolen goods in one go. And with two or more people it would be no trouble whatsoever.

Just then the door slammed open.

"Brother! how I have missed you. But why didn't you bring your lovely fiancé I was looking forward to seeing her. Not that your presence isn't good enough"

"Hand it back" Jiang Cheng shouted at Wei Wuxian. Had there been another crime? Why would his brother accuse him of all people, was the item stolen something scandalous?

"What, lost your diary? Don't tell me it is actually filled with lewd words." If so it would certainly be a great motivator for him to catch the thief. But his angry brother was having none of it.

"My sword, hand it back"

"Ohhh, right... the sword..." Wei Wuxian smiled as the cogs in his mind started to turn "But from what I remember, you would only get it back after talking to me for thirty minutes... And a certain someone stormed out. You still have another ten minutes to go" This was the perfect time to get the scoop on what the deal was with Lan Lian. Jiang Cheng huffed, but decided to play ball and sat down next to him.

"Why are you marrying Lan Lian?"

"Love" Jiang Cheng responded without a second thought. But there was no emotion there, nothing hinting at the answer being anything more than a rehearsed response, Wei Wuxian was surprised that so many of the officials had been convinced by such a pitiful act.

"phaa, bullshit. The Sandu Shengshou in love? Besides had you even met her before this week?"


"So how can you claim to marry out of love, you clearly don't love her. Where did Jiang Cheng, the person who refused a loveless marriage go?"

"Fine" Jiang Cheng let out a defeated sigh. "I accidentally got hold of her headband"

"So you're marrying her out of obligation?"

"Mmm" Jiang Cheng fiddled with Zidian, but Wei Ying didn't need such a tell. The lie was obvious regardless.

"I still don't buy it, my brother is not the kind of person who would risk his future happiness in order to protect the honor of a fair maiden. That's my thing."

"Wei Ying" Jiang Cheng sighed heavily "If only one of you could live a happy life, who would you choose: yourself or Lan Wangji?"

"Lan Zhan" Wei Wuxian answered earnestly. The answer was as clear as day.

"So if Lan Wangji was forced to marry you without being in love with you what would you do?"

"I'd seduce him" Wei Wuxian said with a wink "I have some secret skills up my sleeves". Jiang Cheng ignored this response and continued.

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