Dead Man's Wish

By samsamlee202021

4.2K 166 16

Severus Snape wished for one thing before he died on the floor of the Shrieking Shack. His wish? To change ev... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 4

542 25 3
By samsamlee202021

Remus returned to the classroom and found that the commotion has still not died down. Slughorn was trying to get Lily to calm down since she was adamant on going to the hospital wing to check on her best friend while Pettigrew was curled up on the floor, crying because James and Sirius were threatening to gut him, every student were out of their seats.

Remus hesitantly went into the classroom and all eyes turned to him, Lily rushed to him and frantically asked, 'Is he okay?'

'Lily, he is fine, the nurse there is taking care of him and she put some kind of potion on him and the boils disappeared, he decided not to tell the girl about his other injuries, not so publicly at least.

Sirius and James gave a sigh of relief and put their wands back in their holsters and left the trembling Peter alone. Even if they only met the previous day, they still thought of Severus like one of their own so the boys felt the need to warn anyone who dared mess with him.

'Alright, every one, settle down. We will continue our class.'

Remus tried to concentrate, he really did, but his mind was full of thoughts about Severus.

Remus: What the hell were those scars? Did he hurt himself or something? No, an accident would never cause such injuries. Was someone bullying him? 

At the end of the class, Slughorn told the class that Severus and Remus' potion was the best he has ever seen made by a student here in Hogwarts, shockingly surpassing his seventh years and awarded fifty points to Gryffindor.

Remus: I've got to tell Severus this when he recovers. I couldn't have done it without him. He's literally a genius.

After the class, the students began talking about the potion exploding incident.

'Hey, mate, is Severus really okay? You came back looking like you saw something horrible.'

'Yeah, James, he is cared for already. What's the next class?' he said changing the subject.

'Charms, one of my favorite. Can we go check up on Severus first?'

'Aren't you worried you'll be late to our first Charms class?'

'Remus, Professor Slughorn let us off early, we have plenty of time to go.' Sirius answered.

The trio ventured to the wing. They entered and saw the raven haired boy sitting on a bed and rushed over.

'Hey, Severus.' James said, 'When can you leave?'

'Actually, Madame Pomfrey just told me I can leave.'

'That's great news, you don't have to miss the first Charms class.' Remus beamed.

Together, they went to the Charms classroom and found some seats on the front row, Lily spotted the foursome and immediately started fussing over Severus, 'Sev! You're okay! Oh, your face is far too red, are you ill? Do you have a fever?' she pressed her hand to his forehead.

'Lily, I'm perfectly fine, thank you for asking.'

'And his face is red because you're acting like his bloody mother. Stop babying him, it's disgusting.' Sirius added.

'Do us a favor and shut your trap.' she didn't exactly take a liking to the Black for he was loud and obnoxious and too rude for her liking. Potter was also loud and proud but at least he had the decency to know when he was supposed to zip it.

Sirius wasn't give the chance to retaliate as Flitwick walked in and said, 'My name is Professor Flitwick and I am your Charms professor.

'Today, we are going to do a simple spell. It is a levitating charm. Follow after me, wingardium leviosa. Wand movement is swish and flick. We are going to levitate a feather.'

Severus forgot he was supposed to be a first year and accidentally did it without saying anything. His eyes widened at the realization.

Severus: Dumbass. Are you crazy? You just did a non-verbal charm as a first year! First years aren't able to do that, Dunderhead.

Flitwick gapped at the levitated feather and stared at Severus.

'Wow, Sev, how did you do that.' asked Lily curiously.

The other students looked at him with amazement.

'This is truly fantastic work, Mr. ...?'

'Snape, sir.'

Was it your mother, Mr. Snape, who taught you?'


'Your father is a wonderful teacher.'

'My father did not teach me non-verbal charms.'

'Then how did you learn it, Mr. Snape? I have never once in history seen a first year be able to accomplish that.' 

'I read.'

'You read?'

'Yes, I read lots of books.'

'Well, you should know, you are a very smart boy.'

'Thank you, sir.' 

His friends were all smiling at him, seeming to be proud. 'Class, get back to your practise now.'

Severus: Why did you have to do that, stupid. You just attracted so much attention. 

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