Potter Sibling Trilogy Plus O...

By BellaxMars

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Triplets Harry, Hollie and Bella embark on many adventures as they head toward their destiny to destroy the o... More

Chapter 1 - Birthday
Chapter 2 - Hagrid
Chapter 3 - Diagon Alley
Chapter 4 - Hogwarts
Chapter 5 - Emberlee
Chapter 6 - Bella
Chapter 7 - Settling In
Chapter 8 - The Dog and the Troll
Chapter 9 - Quidditch
Chapter 10 - Christmas Vacation
Chapter 11 - The Forest
Chapter 12 - Trap Door
Chapter 13 - Going Home
Chapter 14 - Dobby
Chapter 15 - Buying Supplies
Chapter 16 - Back to Hogwarts
Chapter 17 - Chamber of Secrets
Chapter 18 - Polyjuice
Chapter 19 - Getting Answers
Chapter 20 - Spiders
Chapter 21 - Inside the Chamber
Chapter 22 - Expulsion
Chapter 23 - Finding the Truth
Chapter 24 - Baseball is a Dangerous Game
Chapter 25 - Decision
Chapter 26 - Running Away
Chapter 27 - Gone
Chapter 28 - On the Way to Hogwarts
Chapter 29 - Bella's Back
Chapter 30 - Wolves
Chapter 31 - He was their Friend
Chapter 32 - Peter Pettigrew
Chapter 33 - Spring Break
Chapter 34 - Rescuing Edward
Chapter 35 - Condition
Chapter 36 - Revelations
Chapter 37 - Seeing Double
Chapter 38 - Institution of Marriage
Chapter 39 - Bam
Chapter 40 - They're Coming Here
Chapter 41 - Quidditch World Cup Match
Chapter 42 - Edward Tells All
Chapter 43 - Goblet of Fire
Chapter 44 - Tournament Preparations
Chapter 46 - Ball
Chapter 47 - Preparations
Chapter 48 - Newborn Army
Chapter 49 - Underwater Task
Chapter 50 - Secrets, Lies, Dreams and Memories
Chapter 51 - Maze Task
Chapter 52 - Crouch Exposed

Chapter 45 - Dragons

40 2 0
By BellaxMars

I'm sitting in the Tent of Champions while Harry wanders around nervously and the others are getting ready.

'Your attention, please,' Dumbledore says in the background.  'This is a great day for all of us.'

A dragon roars.

'Each of the three tasks involves very considerable danger.  Please keep your seats at all times.'

"Pssst," somebody hisses outside the tent.  "Harry? Is that you?" Hollie asks.


"How are you feeling? Okay?"

Harry says nothing.

"The key is to..."

"Concentrate, I know.  I've already been through this with Bella."

She whimpers a little before she comes into the tent and throws her arms round me.

Just then, a camera flashes and Rita appears at the main entrance to the tent with her photographer.

"Young love."

"Ewww, no," Harry says.  "She's my sister."

"Wow, so all three of the Potter children in one place.  That'll make a great story... Potter child left alone when her siblings are tragically killed in the Triwizard Tournament."

"You are one evil, stirring little bitch," Hollie screams at the reporter.  "Harry and Bella are going to ace this Tournament and come out triumphant.  Mark my works."

"Hollie Potter clings to hope where there is none, great headline."

"You have no business here," Krum says.  "This tent is for champions and friends."

"No matter.  We've got what we wanted."

She begins to leave but stops by the entrance as Dumbledore and the others come in.

"Good day, champions," Dumbledore says.  "Gather round, please.  Now, you've waited, you've wondered, and at last the moment has arrived.  A moment only the five of you can fully appreciate."

He spots Hollie.

"What are you doing here, Miss Potter?"

"Wishing them good luck.  Sorry, I'll just go."

Hollie leaves.

"Barty, the bag," Dumbledore requests.

"Champions, in a circle around me," he says.

He places us where he wants us and then gets Fleur to put her hand in the bag.  She does so reluctantly and pulls out a tiny dragon.

"The Welsh Green," Crouch says.  "Mr Krum."

Krum puts his hand into the bag and pulls out a different dragon.

"The Chinese Fireball," Crouch says before holding the bag in front of Cedric who puts his hand in.

"The Swedish Short-Snout."

He places the back in front of Harry and he puts his hand in.

"The Norwegian Ridgeback.  Which leaves..."

"The Horntail," Harry says.

"What's that boy?"


I put my hand into the bag and pull out the last dragon.

"The Hungarian Horntail.  These represent five very real dragons, each of which have been given a golden egg to protect.  Your objective is simple: collect the egg.  This you must do, for each egg contains a clue without which you cannot hope to proceed to the next task.  Any questions?"

We all stay silent.

"Very well," Dumbledore says.  "Good luck, champions.  Mr Diggory, at the sound of the cannon, you may..."

The cannon goes off, shaking the tent, and the crowds begin to cheer.

Dumbledore points Cedric towards the door as the crowds begin chanting his name.

Me and Harry sit together like frightened little children as one by one the others go to complete the first task.

"Why are we so scared?" I ask.  "We faced Voldemort, twice."

"Voldemort, I guess, was more predictable than any dragon."

'Three of our champions have now faced their dragons and so each one of them will proceed to the next task,' Dumbledore announces from the arena.  'And now our fourth contestant, Harry Potter.'

"Good luck," I say.

"You too.  See you at the end."

~Harry's POV~

The crowds start chanting my name as I make my way outside.  The egg is within sight so I stop and look around for the dragon.

I can't see it so I start toward the egg but then there's a roar from above so I look up and watch in fear as the dragon flies in front of me but it tilts its head and stares at me like it recognises me and then something occurs to me...


The dragon seems to smile before it puts its head down and nudges me so I smile and stroke him on the top of the head.

"Well, this is new," Dumbledore says.

"It's Norbert," Ryan shouts.

I simply walk across the rocks, pick up the egg and hold it up.  That was easier than I thought.

"Harry, Harry," everyone begins to chant.

I join the other champions and I look to the tent, waiting for Bella to make an appearance.

'Now for the fifth and final contestant,' Dumbledore announces.

Bella appears at the cave entrance as everyone cheers her name.

Like me, she looks around for the dragon but cannot see it's above her and none of us are allowed to shout out to help her.

As she goes for the egg, the dragon's tail comes down and nearly hits her, making us all gasp.

It tries hitting her again but misses so breathes fire at her.  I can't watch so I turn away – but only briefly.

The dragon continues to attack my sister as she tries to get away and so far she's avoided every hit.

The dragon manages to throw Bella before firing at her again but Bella manages to avoid it.

"Your wand, Bella," Hollie shouts, breaking the rules.  "Your wand!"

"Accio Firebolt!" she shouts but nothing happens so Bella makes another run for it.

Suddenly her broom appears and she jumps onto it, barely avoiding another fire breath.

We all cheer.

Bella flies at the egg but misses when another fire breath comes at her.

The dragon tries going after her and snaps its chain.

Bella flies into the audience, making many of us scream as the dragon follows her.

We lose sight of both of them and I am shaking with fear until Bella returns and grabs the egg, ending the task.

~Bella's POV~

When my broom passes me, I jump on it and ride round, avoiding the dragon as I figure out a way of getting the egg without meeting my fate with this ghastly dragon.

Suddenly I realise the dragon has broken it's chain so I do the only thing I can do, and that's to fly away from the arena.

I keep going, the dragon right on my tail and almost crash into one of the castle towers.

I fly around Hogwarts with the dragon still chasing me, wondering what to do when the dragon appears in front of me and makes me fall off my broom.

I slide down the roof of one of the towers and manage to grab one of the window arches.  The dragon lands on the roof and begins to edge its way towards me.

My broom is on the window arch below me and as I hang there, trying to figure out how to get to it, the dragon edges even closer.

I fall to the window below and climb up as the dragon draws nearer.  I manage to grab my broom but it's stuck.

The dragon snaps at me, breaking the arch of the window and making me and my broom fall.  Luckily I had hold of it so I mount it and fly away from the dragon as it continues chasing me.

I fly back up and around the castle, trying to outrun it as it keeps breathing fire at me.

I dodge the two bridges but it's still behind me.

Thankfully I lose it on the third bridge and as I come into sight, everyone begins to cheer.

I steer the broom towards the egg, grabbing it as I pass and the whole arena roars.

At the victory party in the common room, me and Harry hold up the eggs as the others cheer and clap.

Fred and George lift Harry up while Emmett and Edward lift me up.

"Yes!" Fred says.

"Knew you wouldn't die," George says.  "Lose a leg."

"Or an arm," Fred says.

"Pack it in altogether?" George says.

"Never!" they say in sync.

The others pass around the eggs until they reach Bam and Jess.

"Shush!" Jess says.  "Go on guys, what are the clues?"

They pass us up the eggs and we both open them together.

The twins drop Harry and we all cover our ears as a horrible screeching comes from the eggs.

We both close them quickly and everyone composes themselves.

"What the bloody hell was that?" Ron asks.

We all look at him as he stands there looking solemn.

"Alright everyone," Fred says.  "Go back to your knitting."

"This is going to uncomfortable enough without all you nosy sods listening in," George says.

Ron approaches Harry as the others begin to disperse.

"I reckon you have to be barking mad to put your own name in the Goblet of Fire," Ron says.

"Caught on, have you? Took you long enough."

"I wasn't the only one who thought you'd done it.  Everyone was saying it behind your back."

"Brilliant.  That makes me feel loads better."

"Least I warned you about the dragons."

"Hagrid warned me about the dragons."

"No, no, no, I did.  No, don't you remember? I told Hermione to tell you that Bam told me that Parvati told Dean that Hagrid was looking for you.  Bam never actually told me anything, so it was really me all along.  I thought we'd be alright, you know after you'd figured that out."

"Who...? Who could possibly figure that out? That's completely mental."

"Yeah.  Isn't it? I suppose I was a bit distraught."

"Boys," I say, shaking my head.

~Hollie's POV~

At breakfast the next morning, Draco comes over to us with Crabbe and Goyle.

"If you've come to make fun again, you can jog on," Bella says.

"Actually, I've come to apologise."

Ron and Ryan both spit out their drinks.

"You what?" Ryan asks.

"I heard back from Emberlee and though she won't tell me where she is, she's sent me pictures of the babies and has asked me to make up with you."

Hermione clears her throat.

"And I'm really sorry for what I called you, Hermione.  It's just how I was raised but I see now that my father is a vile wizard but I need to stay and spy on him.  I cannot allow him to know I am aware of his plans for Emberlee's sake."

"You really love her don't you?" I ask.

"I love her and the babies with all that I am; I would do anything for them."

"What about your cronies?" I ask.

"I've told them to lay off you but I must warn you, I can't have my father suspicious and I may not be so nice when he's around."

"From what we know, that's completely understandable," Harry smiles.  "And if you need our help with anything, just let us know."

"I will," he says before they walk off.

Parvati and Padma walk by.

"Hi, Harry!" they say together without stopping.

As Harry watches them leave, his gaze stops and I notice who he's looking at.

"Cho, Harry's looking at you," her friend says and they look round.

Cho smiles at my brother but when he smiles back, his drink comes out of his mouth.  Her friends and me laugh.

"Shush," Cho scolds before turning back to Harry, smiling.  I go back to looking at the paper until I spot something.

"Look at this!" I scoff.  "I can't believe it! She's done it again.  'Is there more than a brother-sister relationship between Harry Potter and his sister? Could being separated as babies mean they don't have that sibling bond?' She's just sick."

"And she never gets her facts right," Bella says.

Nigel comes over with a large parcel.

"Parcel for you, Mr Weasley."

Ron takes it.

"Thank you Nigel."

Ron looks at the parcel until he realises the young boy is still standing there.

"Not now, Nigel.  Later," Ron tells him.  "Go on!"

The 1st year walks away looking upset and Hermione gives Ron a look.

"I told him I'd get him Harry and Bella's autographs."

He opens the parcel.

"Oh, look, Mum's sent me something."

He takes out the clothing and stands up.

"Mum sent me a dress."

"Well, it does match your eyes," Ben smirks.  "Is there a bonnet?"

Harry looks in the box and pulls out what looks like a bonnet.

"Ah ha."

"Put those down, Harry," Ron says.  "Ginny, these must be for you."

"I'm not wearing that, it's ghastly."

The others laugh and I look at them with confusion.

"What are you on about?" Ron asks.

"They're not for Ginny," Bella giggles.  "They're for you."

"Dress robes," Hermione laughs.

"Dress robes? For what?"

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