Potter Sibling Trilogy Plus O...

By BellaxMars

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Triplets Harry, Hollie and Bella embark on many adventures as they head toward their destiny to destroy the o... More

Chapter 1 - Birthday
Chapter 2 - Hagrid
Chapter 3 - Diagon Alley
Chapter 4 - Hogwarts
Chapter 5 - Emberlee
Chapter 6 - Bella
Chapter 7 - Settling In
Chapter 8 - The Dog and the Troll
Chapter 9 - Quidditch
Chapter 10 - Christmas Vacation
Chapter 11 - The Forest
Chapter 12 - Trap Door
Chapter 13 - Going Home
Chapter 14 - Dobby
Chapter 15 - Buying Supplies
Chapter 16 - Back to Hogwarts
Chapter 17 - Chamber of Secrets
Chapter 18 - Polyjuice
Chapter 19 - Getting Answers
Chapter 20 - Spiders
Chapter 21 - Inside the Chamber
Chapter 22 - Expulsion
Chapter 23 - Finding the Truth
Chapter 24 - Baseball is a Dangerous Game
Chapter 25 - Decision
Chapter 26 - Running Away
Chapter 27 - Gone
Chapter 28 - On the Way to Hogwarts
Chapter 29 - Bella's Back
Chapter 31 - He was their Friend
Chapter 32 - Peter Pettigrew
Chapter 33 - Spring Break
Chapter 34 - Rescuing Edward
Chapter 35 - Condition
Chapter 36 - Revelations
Chapter 37 - Seeing Double
Chapter 38 - Institution of Marriage
Chapter 39 - Bam
Chapter 40 - They're Coming Here
Chapter 41 - Quidditch World Cup Match
Chapter 42 - Edward Tells All
Chapter 43 - Goblet of Fire
Chapter 44 - Tournament Preparations
Chapter 45 - Dragons
Chapter 46 - Ball
Chapter 47 - Preparations
Chapter 48 - Newborn Army
Chapter 49 - Underwater Task
Chapter 50 - Secrets, Lies, Dreams and Memories
Chapter 51 - Maze Task
Chapter 52 - Crouch Exposed

Chapter 30 - Wolves

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By BellaxMars

It's been nearly three months since he left.  I can't bear to say his name without crying and feeling hurt.  They left... all of them.  I've never felt so alone in my life.  I can't sleep without having nightmares, screaming, and Dad having to wake me up.  I don't leave my room at all.  I didn't leave for Hogwarts - I couldn't looking and feeling like this.  The only person who I can talk to is Jacob and he hasn't talked to me for weeks.

The last time I saw him I went to his house and he'd changed.  He'd cut his hair and had a tattoo probably because he was hanging around Sam and his friends.  I open up my computer and start to write an email.


You disappeared.  Without you I've never felt more alone.  When you left you took everything with you.  I have no one to talk to.  It's like a hole has been punched through my chest and now I'm empty.  I keep trying to think as if you weren't real that you never existed... but you were... all of you were.'

I click send and like all the other messages it doesn't send.  I stare at the screen in disgust and just move from it.  I get up and just figure I'll go over to Jacob's without a second thought.  I slip on my sneakers and head down stairs.  Dad is outside talking to a neighbor as I go over to my bike, sadness on my face.

"Alright, that's it," he sighs.

"What?" I ask.

"You're going to Phoenix to live with your mother," he says.

I look at him - he looks guilty and hurt.

"I'm not leaving Forks," I state.

"Bella, he's not coming back," he says.

My mouth then dries and I feel the tears starting to form in my eyes.

"Just go and make some new friends," he suggests.

"I like my old friends," I say.

"They're at Hogwarts and you haven't seen Jacob or Angela."

"I'm going to Jacob's right now."

He studies my face and nods.  I get on my bike and start to ride to the reservation.  Once I get to his house I storm to the door and knock on it.  Billy answers the door.

"Hey Bella," he greets.

"I need to see him," I say.

He tilts his head.  "He's not in."

I stare at him.

"I'm sorry, I just really need to see him," I say as I barge in.

"Bella!" he calls.

I walk into Jacob's room but he's fast asleep.  Before I try to wake him, I hear what sounds like a bird call.  I look out the window and see Sam and his friends Embry, Paul, and Jared.  I look from them to Jacob before I leave the house and stomp towards them.

"What did you do!?!" I shout.  "What did you?" I ask again pushing Sam.

Paul growls at me but I ignore him.

"Easy," Sam says to Paul.

"What did we do? What did he tell you?" Paul sneers.

"Calm down both of you," Sam commands.

I ignore him.  "Nothing.  He tells me nothing 'cause he's scared of you," I say.

Paul starts laughing in my face which sets me off and I slap him hard round the face.  He stares at me and starts panting very hard.

"Paul calm down, Bella get back," Sam orders so I back up.

Then Paul changes into a huge grey wolf.  He growls at me and I immediately run from him.

I see Jacob run out his house.  "Bella!" he calls.

"RUN!" I yell but he continues to run towards me.  "Jake run!" I say.

As he runs, he jumps into the air and turns into a reddish-brown wolf.  I stare – my mind racing.  Jake growls at Paul and then the next thing I know they're fighting.  Biting, scratching, and growling.  Then they disappear into the woods.

I instantly get up and run to my bike and race home.  I can't stay here - I'm too broken here.  I go inside and into the living room where Dad is sitting.

"I'm leaving," I state.

"What do you mean you're leaving, Bella? What happened?"

"I can't explain it but I can't stay here.  I'm going back to Hogwarts."

"Okay, at least let me drive you."

"Fine, I'll be in the car."

~Emberlee's POV~

"I hate this," I say as me and Draco hold one another.

We're at the station with Uncle Lucius and Aunt Narcissa, seeing Draco on the train back to Hogwarts.

"I know," he says.  "We haven't been apart since you came to live with us."

"I'm gonna miss you."

He pulls away and kisses me with great intensity.

"Okay, okay," Uncle Lucius says.  "Come, Ember.  The sooner we head to the Ministry, the sooner you can be together again at Hogwarts."

Draco pulls away.

"I love you, Ember," he says before he climbs onto the train.

"I love you too," I say with tears in my eyes.

Uncle Lucius doesn't allow me to see the train leave before he apparates us to the Ministry.

"The Minister is out of town," we are told when we arrive.

"When will he return?" Uncle Lucius asks.

"He is away until early October."

"But that's a month away.  My niece needs to be back at Hogwarts today so she doesn't fall behind."

"I'm sorry but there is nothing we can do today."

Uncle Lucius huffs before he turns on his heels and storms out.  I follow.

"What are we going to do, Uncle Lucius? I can't be away from Draco for a whole month."

"And I can't have you under my feet for a whole month, I need to work and we have important things to do."

"So what are you going to do?"

He stops and looks at me.

"You'll have to go and stay with my father until I can get all this sorted out."

"But he's nasty and hates me because I'm half-blood."

"I assure you, you will be safer there than you are here."

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"With Sirius Black out to get you and your siblings, being here isn't safe for you."

What? Sirius would never hurt me.  He's my Godfather and loved me to pieces.  He often came over and took me out before the triplets came along and also often came camping with us.  Mom and Dad trusted him with my life so why would he want to hurt me?

"I'll make the arrangements this afternoon and you'll be there by this evening.

"Whatever you say, Uncle Lucius," I say, still confused by what he said about Sirius.

I hate it at Abraxas' house and am delighted when Uncle Lucius returns a month later and says he has an audience with the Minister.

"How can I help you?" Fudge asks when we walk in.

"I would like my charge to be allowed back into Hogwarts."

"I am aware of the incident involving your sister's owl and I would like to know what you have to say for yourself."

"She attacked me."

"Ahhh, but I have it on good authority that you have been vicious towards your siblings since they arrived in at Hogwarts."

"They are not my siblings," I say under my breath and Uncle Lucius gives me a dirty look.

"Miss Potter, I am also aware of your hatred toward your siblings and though I cannot imagine how hard it was for a two year old to lose her loving parents first to younger siblings, and then to death, I will warn you now.  If you continue this hatred toward them, or any other in Hogwarts, not only will you be expelled permanently but you will also be stripped of your magic."

"You can't do that."

"I am the Minister, Miss Potter.  I assure you, I have the power."

Anger begins bubbling up inside me but I know it's no good saying anything.

"I understand sir."

"So does that mean she can return to Hogwarts?"

"I suggest you pack your bags, Miss Potter."

A smile appears on my face when I realise I'm going to see Draco again soon.

~Bella's POV~

When I arrive back at Hogwarts, I am led upstairs to Dumbledore's office by Filch and am surprised to find Emberlee there as well.

"I thought you were expelled."

"Uncle Lucius can be very persuasive."

"In other words blackmail."

"How dare you....?"

"Now, now girls," Dumbledore says as he approaches his desk.  "Welcome back."

"Hello sir!"

"Now, you two have both either gotta get on or stay away from each other.  We are a zero tolerance school and will not tolerate bullying or violence, physical or magical.  Miss Potter, we are all aware of your feelings toward your siblings, and Miss Swan, we are aware you were simply retaliating but it stops as soon as you leave this room or you will both be expelled and it will be reported to the Minister, whom I have received a letter stating I have that authority and he will back me 100%."

"Yes sir," we both say together.

"Now run along, it's breakfast time."

We both leave the office and for the first time since I started Hogwarts, we manage to walk along the corridor together without saying a word or glaring at each other.

When we reach the hall, I carry on back to the dorms because I don't want to face everyone just yet.

I lay on the bed for five minutes before Elie comes in through the open window with a letter.

'Dear Bella,

I am so sorry you had to find out our secret like that.  I promise you that we're not dangerous and only hunt vampires... but not the Cullens because we have a pact with them... they stay off our land and don't bite a human – even to turn them – and we stay away from them.  I care about you alot Bella, you are my best friend,

Lots of love,


I hold the letter to my chest and start crying before I take out my own pen and paper.

'Dear Jake,

I got your letter but you have to give me time.  The love of my life left me, and then I find out my best friend is a, what, werewolf? I will see you at Christmas,


I put it into the envelope, seal it and hand it to Elie before she flies out the window.

Two days after the lesson with Lupin and the Boggart, it's the day of the trip to Hogsmeade.

"Remember," McGonagall says.  "These visits to Hogsmeade village are a privilege.  Should your behaviour reflect poorly on the school in any way, that privilege shall not be extended again."

Harry hurries over to her.

"No permission form signed, no visiting the village.  That's the rule, Potter."

"All those with permission, follow me," Filch says.  "Those without, stay put," he says glaring at Harry.

"But Professor, I thought if you signed it, then I could..."

"I can't.  Only a parent or a guardian can sign.  Since I am neither, it would be inappropriate."

She walks away from him but stops and turns back so the rest of us watch.

"I'm sorry, Harry.  That's my final word."

"Forget about it, guys.  See you later."

He turns to go back inside.

"Professor McGonagall," I say and she turns to me.  "I'm not coming."

I look toward Harry who has stopped and turned to me.

"What do you mean Miss Swan?"

"I'm staying here to keep Harry company."

"You don't have to do that, Bella," he says.

"I don't really feel like going anyway," I say.

"Suit yourself, Miss Swan."

Me and Harry walk through the castle until we find Lupin.

"Professor, can I ask you something?" Harry says.

"You want to know why I stopped you facing the Boggart, yes? I thought it'd be obvious.  I assumed it would take the shape of Lord Voldemort."

"I did think of Voldemort at first.  But then I remembered that night on the train and the Dementor."

"I'm very impressed.  That suggests what you fear the most is fear itself.  This is very wise."

"Before I fainted I heard something.  A woman... screaming."

"Dementors force us to relive our very worst memories.  Our pain becomes their power."

"I think it was our mother," he says as he looks at me.  "The night she was murdered."

"You know, the very first time I saw you four, I recognized you all immediately.  Not by your scars, by your eyes.  You all look exactly the same as your parents... one way or another."

"You knew our parents?" I ask.

"Oh, yes.  I knew them," he says as he turns away.  "Your parents were there for me when no one else was.  Not only was your mother a singularly gifted witch, she was also an uncommonly kind woman.  She had a way of seeing the beauty in others even, and most especially, when that person could not see it in themselves.  And your father, James, on the other hand... he had a certain, shall we say, talent for trouble.  A talent, rumor has it, he passed on to you four."

He comes back over to us.

"You're more like them than you know, all of you.  In time, you'll all come to see just how much."

~Hollie's POV~

It's the evening, after we've returned from Hogsmeade and we're heading back to the dorms.

"What's going on?" Ryan asks as we see the crowd of people by our dorm door.

"Probably Neville forgot the password again," Ron smirks.

"Hey, I'm right here."

"Oh, sorry Neville."

The stairs stop moving by our dorm door.

"Let me through, please," Percy orders as he moves through the crowd.  "Excuse me! I'm Head boy!"

He reaches the door.

"Get back, all of you," Percy orders.  "No one is to enter this dormitory until it's been searched."

"The Fat Lady! She's gone," Ginny says, all upset.

The others move to one side and we see that not only has the Fat Lady left her picture but the painting has been ripped in several places.

"Keep calm, everyone," Percy says.  "Break into fours.  Back to your common room."

All the pictures are upset and whispering.

"Be quiet, make way, the headmaster's coming."

Dumbledore and Filch approach the door.

"Mr Filch? Round up the ghosts.  Tell them to search every painting in the castle to find the Fat Lady," Dumbledore orders.

"There's no need for ghosts, Professor," Filch says.  "The Fat Lady's there."

He points and we all look to where he's pointing.

We all hurry to the painting where she's hiding.

"Dear lady," Dumbledore says.  "Who did this to you?"

"Eyes like the devil, he's got, and a soul as dark as his name.  It's him, headmaster.  The one they all talk about.  He's here, somewhere in the castle! Sirius Black!"

She cowers behind the hippo in the painting.

"Secure the castle, Mr Filch.  The rest of you, to the Great Hall."

We all hurry to the Great Hall where the Head Boys begin setting up sleeping bags which we soon settle down into.

"I've searched the Astronomy Tower and the Owlery.  There's nothing there," Filch says as he walks in later that night.

I lay there listening, unsure if anyone else is awake and pretending to be asleep.

"Thank you."

"The third floor's clear too, sir," Flitwick says.

"Very good."

"I've done the dungeons," Snape says.  "No sign of Black, nor anywhere else in the castle."

"I didn't really expect him to linger."

"Remarkable feat, don't you think?" Snape says.  "To enter Hogwarts castle on one's own completely undetected?"

"Quite remarkable, yes."

"Any theories on how he managed it?" Snape asks.

"Many.  Each as unlikely as the next."

"You may recall prior to the start of term I expressed concerns about your appointment of Professor..."

"Not a single professor inside this castle would help Sirius Black enter it.  I'm quite convinced the castle is safe and I'm more than willing to send the students back to their houses."

"What about the Potter children? Should they be warned?"

"Perhaps.  But for now, let them sleep.  For in dreams, we enter a world that's entirely our own.  Let them swim in the deepest ocean or glide over the highest cloud."

~Bella's POV~

As Autumn gives way to Winter, it begins to get colder – I think the coldest it's been since we started here.

It's breakfast time and I'm joining the others in the dining room for the first time since I returned last month.

They have all been very understanding, giving me space or love and comfort when I need it – Bam especially has been there for me.

"So, how are you feeling?" Bam asks as he leans in and talks quietly.

"Yeah, I think I'm fine."

There's squawking and the owls appear so we look up.  I get three letters which I presume are from Jacob, my Mom and my Dad.  Hollie gets her usual letter from our horrid aunt; and Harry is surprised to also receive a letter.

"That's strange," he says.  "It's postmarked Little Whinging."

"Open it," Hollie urges so he does.

"It's just a signed permission slip," he says before he looks at McGonagall, who smiles.

"At least you can come to Hogsmeade with us next time, Harry," Hollie smiles.

Our first lesson is with Lupin but Snape walks in, using his wand to close the shutters before making a screen appear from the ceiling.

"Turn to page 394."

We all do as he says as he wanders round the desks.

"Excuse me sir," Hollie says as Snape reaches her.  "Where's Professor Lupin?"

"That's not really your concern, is it, Miss Potter? Suffice it to say your professor finds himself incapable of teaching at the present time.  Turn to page 394."

He reaches the back of the class where he starts up the projector.

"Werewolves?" Ryan asks.

"But sir," Hermione objects.  "We just begun learning about red caps and hinkypunks.  We're not meant to start nocturnal beasts for weeks."


"When did she come in?" Ron asks.  "Did you see her come in?"

"Now," Snape says.  "Which one of you can tell me the difference between an Animagus and a werewolf?"

Me and Hermione's hands shoot up.

"Anyone other than Miss Granger or Miss Swan?"

We look at one another, trying to reach higher.

"No one? How disappointing."

"Please sir," Hermione pleads.

"Miss Swan."

I smirk at Hermione.

Despite being the brains of year three, and very competitive when it comes to lessons, we are best of friends outside of lessons.

"An Animagus is a wizard who elects to turn into an animal," I explain.  "A werewolf has no choice.  With each full moon, when he transforms, he no longer remembers who he is.  He'd kill his best friend if he crossed his path.  Furthermore, the werewolf only responds to the call of its own kind."

"Thank you, Miss Swan."

Again I smirk at Hermione before we both laugh.

It's the Quidditch match against Hufflepuff and its treacherous out here.

"Go, Harry, go!" we begin chanting.

Angelina's broomstick gets struck by lightning and she's out of the game as Harry races after the Snitch, up into the clouds.

The others continue trying to score when suddenly we see somebody falling.

"HARRY!" Hollie screams.


He hits the floor hard and we all run down to him.

"Harry, Harry, can you hear me?" Hollie cries, tears running down her face along with rain drops.

"Move aside, move aside," Madam Pomfrey orders so we move to one side.

She uses smelling salts to wake him and he wakes with a gasp.

Hollie grabs our brother, being closer to him than I am and pulls him into a hug.

"Get him to the medical wing," Dumbledore orders.

~Harry's POV~

"He looks a bit peaky," Ron says before I've even opened my eyes.

"Peaky?" Fred asks.

"What do you expect?" George asks.  "He fell over 100 feet."

"Come on, Ron," Fred says.  "Let's drop you off the Astronomy tower – see how hot you look."

"Probably a right sight better than he normally does," I moan as I open my eyes to see them all staring at me.

I sit up.

"How are you feeling?" Hollie asks.

"Oh, brilliant."

"You gave us a right good scare," Fred says.

"What happened?"

"Well, you fell off your broom," Bella says.

"Really? I meant the match.  Who won?"

"Um, no one blames you, Harry," Hermione says with caution.  "Dementors aren't supposed to be on the grounds.  Dumbledore's furious.  After he saved you, he sent them off."

"There's, uh, something else you should know too," Ben says, holding something in his arms that's wrapped in a blanket.  "When you fell, your broom sort of blew into the Whomping Willow, and..."

He reveals my broken broom.

Later that day, I am walking with Lupin.

"I'm sorry to hear about your broomstick.  Is there no chance of fixing it?"

"No.  Professor, why do the Dementors affect me so? I mean, more than everyone else?"

"Listen," he says as he stops me.  "Dementors are the foulest creatures to walk this Earth.  They feed on every good feeling, every happy memory..."

He continues walking so I walk after him.

"Until a person is left with absolutely nothing but his worst experiences.  You are not weak, Harry."

He stops and turns to me.

"The Dementors affect you most because there are true horrors in your past.  Horrors only you, Hollie and Bella can scarcely imagine.  You have nothing to be ashamed of."

He walks again.

"I'm scared, Professor."

"I'd consider you a fool if you weren't."

"Why do they go after me, and not my sisters?"

"I cannot answer that, Harry, I'm sorry."

"I need to know how to fight them.  You could teach me.  You made the one on the train go away."

"There was only one that night."

"But you made it go away."

"I don't pretend to be an expert, Harry," he says as she stops and looks over the lake.  "But as the Dementors seem to have developed an interest in you, perhaps I should teach you.  But after the holidays."

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