Full Moon Rises

By Nynx13

2.7K 108 8

Meet Rosalina, who goes to the prestigious Fayville Academy. Located in Fayville, North Dakota. Her mother di... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 1

462 12 0
By Nynx13

It's been three months, three months I've been in this godforsaken town. It's alright here, I guess. It's definitely not my home though. Well, I'll introduce myself now. I'm Rosalina Mae Gonzalez but you can call me Rose. I'm 20 years old. 5'5 a bit on the short side but I'm pretty feisty. I'm not skinny and have some nice curves in all the right places. I have long, wavy black hair that goes down to my elbows. As you've probably guessed, I'm Latina. My lips are pretty plump and my teeth are very straight and white. I keep my eyebrows clean and trim. My eyes are bright and blue like sky. I have a brother named Miguel who's 3 years older. Our parents are Katherine Gonzalez, and Antonio Gonzalez. My mother passed away a few years ago, she was murdered. Ever since then my father hasn't been the same.

He lost a part of himself that day and became cold and withdrawn. He was even stricter and barely allowed us to leave the house at all. 3 months ago he decided it would be best to send Miguel and I away to a different town. We used to live in Santa Fe, New Mexico. He sent us all the way to some small town in North Dakota named Fayville. I'd never even heard of it, yet here we are. This place was like every other yet... It was sort of odd. On full moons, about half of the people in town just disappear. The following day after the full moon our classes are pretty empty as well. We go to Fayville academy now, it's some preppy College. It was almost like high school though, the way everything was set up. I wasn't sure what I wanted to choose as my major yet so I was just doing regular requirements. There were dorms right on campus where Miguel and I had been staying. There were roommates, which would've been annoying but I loved my roommate.

Her name was Tiffany, but I always called her Tiffy. We were complete opposites, which is why we were such good friends. I'm a very private person, who can have an attitude at times. She's a hyper daddy's girl who is like a perfect angel. Everyone likes her, and she's nice to everyone. Well, now that we're acquainted it's time to start the story of my life.


The sound of the door shutting snapped me out of my thoughts. Turning in my chair to face the door, I was met with Tiffy's excited grin.

"Rose, guess what just happened!"

"Hmmm.. Did you finally get Mr. Johnson to notice you?" Mr. Johnson was one of the professors, and Tiffany thought he was cute.

Tiffy hit my arm. "No, silly! We just got invited to... The party of the year!"

"Oh? Who's party would that be then?"

"Well... You know that guy I've been talking to? He's really good friends with the popular people. They're throwing a welcome home party this Friday."

"Who's the welcome home party for? Is it anyone we know?" I couldn't think of anyone I've met that had left town recently.

"No, not that we've met. He told me that this guy left town half a year ago on business. They talked very highly of him, he sounds super important to them."

"Oh, I see. What's his name?"

"Uh... I can't remember.... I think it starts with a T? Trevor... Tyler... No I don't think it's any of those. Oh well I'm sure we'll find out when we go to the party."

"I never said I was going Tiffy, you're getting a little ahead of yourself here."

Tiffy pouted dramatically. "Rosiieeee! Don't be a party pooper. We were invited to a huge party, it would damage our social standing forever if we didn't go!"

I winced at her calling me Rosie. She knew it bothered me, so she used it sometimes to push my buttons. "I'm not big on going to parties Tiff..."

She whined softly, giving me the puppy dog eyes. "Pleaseee... I'll owe you one. I can't go by myself, I'd just look sad and lonely."

I scoffed. "Oh please, you have a ton of friends you could go with."

"None of them are my best friends though. You're my number one!"

Her words made me smile. When I first got here, I felt lonely. The second she saw me, she smiled at me and gave me a huge hug. Telling me that we were going to be the best of friends. I thought she was crazy at the time, but we quickly became the best of friends. "All right... I guess I could go. Just for you though, and you owe me!"

She squealed loudly, giving me a huge hug. "Yay, thank you! We have three days to choose what we're going to wear, so let's get started."

"It's fine, I have some old clothes in my closet I can wear."

Tiffy stared with wide eyes. "I don't think so. This is the biggest event of the year, we need to wear something fresh." Before I could even protest, she grabbed my arm and drug me out of the room.

We had been shopping for the past 3 hours, I was bored out of my mind. The store we were at was tiny, and yet she made it like we were at a mall. She ran around this way and that, trying on everything. I had already decided on what I was going to wear. It was in a small box I was holding on my lap. Tiffany walked out of the changing room in a stunning short red dress. It went well with her long blonde hair, making it almost glow.

"Wow... Tiff. That looks absolutely beautiful on you."

She smiled softly. "Really? You're not messing with me?"

I shook my head. "Of course not. Definitely get that dress. You look like a goddess!"

Tiffany and I walked out of the store, arm in arm.
"Where to now, Rose?"

Thinking for a moment, a grin broke out on my face. "How about we go bother my big brother?"

A grin spread across her face. "That sounds amazing! I haven't seen Miguel in like, forever."

Even though we went to the same school, we didn't cross paths very often. He had a part time job at a little diner in town as a waiter. I'm pretty sure Tiffany had a crush on him as well, which was cute.

We walked to his dorm room, and knocked on the door.

"Come in." His muffled voice came from within.

We opened the door and walked in. He was sitting on his laptop. Miguel turned to face us and frowned, standing up.

"Ugh, if it isn't my dorky little sister and her crazy friend."

Tiffany squealed loudly. "Crazy?! I'll show you crazy." She cried as she jokingly charged at him. I quickly realized though that she lost her balance, and crashed right into him. They both toppled onto the floor, with her landing on top of him. Quickly, she stood up faster than I've ever seen anyone move.

"I'm so sorry.. Oh no.." Her face was bright red and without another word she sprinted out of the room, leaving the door open behind her.

Miguel had a confused look on his face as he watched her leave. "Well, that was interesting. What's with her?"

"Don't tell her I said anything, but she has the hugest crush on you."

His jaw dropped when I said that. "Really?"

I rolled my eyes at him. Miguel wasn't very good with people sending him signals. "Of course, you sure do need to start paying attention more."

"Well, that's good to know..." Miguel trailed, deep in thought

"Anyways, do you wanna hear the news? I came over here to let you know."

"Oh? What's the news, did you hear from dad?"

Since we'd been here, our dad hadn't contacted us at all. I was worried about him, but there wasn't much I could really do from far away.

"No, I wish. Tiffany's friend invited us to a huge party this Friday. It's some sort of welcome home party for someone. I think Tiffany said his name started with a.. T?"

Miguel's face hardened. "I know who you're talking about. His name is Tanner. I respect the guy but... You should probably stay away from him."

"What, why? I don't even know him"

"Good, it's probably better that you didn't know him. Please don't go to the party sis."

I didn't really understand why he was getting so upset about this. "Why? What's wrong with him?"

Miguel seemed at a loss for words. "I wouldn't say there's anything... Wrong with him. Think of him as a leader. He's the kind of the guy everyone looks up to and trusts with their lives. He's a good, strong guy. All that pressure though kind of makes him... Intimidating. He's feared by many for being heartless and cruel. Not many get to see his good side."

"I'll be fine, Miguel. I promised Tiffany I was going to go, there's no way I'm backing out on her."

Miguel didn't seem happy with my words, but he knew he couldn't change my mind. "Just be careful, alright? You don't want to get on his bad side."

I nodded at him, understandingly. "I promise I'll be careful, you need to stop worrying about me so much. Well anyways I'm gonna head back to the room, it's getting dark out. I'll see you later."

I headed back to the dorm, the sun was starting to go down. The cool crisp air felt nice. It's currently autumn, my favorite season. As I walked leaves softly crunched under my feet. The campus was pretty empty, everyone was in their rooms or hanging out. Suddenly, a hand landed on my shoulder making me jump.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." A deep voice said from behind me.

I turned around, coming face to face with a bulky looking guy. "Oh, hi. Yeah you did give me quite a scare." I sort of recognized him from some of my classes, though we had never talked.

"I've seen you in classes before, let me formally introduce myself." He held out his large hand to me, shaking my hand. "I'm Rick."

"Rosalina, but you can just call me Rose."

"That's a pretty name. So I heard you're going to Tanner's homecoming party this Friday."

I nodded at him. "Yeah I am, how did you know?"

He gave me a smile. "I'm actually the one who invited your friend to go, I'd been wanting to meet you."

"Really? You're the guy Tiffy's been talking to? Well it's nice to finally meet you."

"Likewise. It'll be nice to see you there. When you get there, come and find me. Okay?"

"Alright, that sounds good to me. See you there."

We went separate ways, me heading to the dorm. When I walked into the room I saw it was empty. Tiffany still wasn't back. I felt pretty tired so the second I laid on the bed, I immediately passed out.

I was awoken to the sound of my alarm blaring. Beep beep beep. I grumbled loudly, hitting the off button. Sitting up, I yawned loudly while stretching. I noticed that Tiffany wasn't in the room, but her bed was freshly made. Letting me know that she came home last night.

I sat up in bed, looking down at my wrinkled clothes. Sighing deeply, I stood up and walked to the closet getting a fresh change of clothes. I walked out the room into the shower area and stripped down, stepping into the warm shower.

I let the warm water run down my back. I rubbed the shampoo into my hair, massaging my scalp. About a half hour later I walked out of the bathroom. I was all ready for the long day of classes ahead. I looked at my phone, checking the time. It was 8:50 I had 10 more minutes to get to class. Stopping by my room to drop off the dirty clothes I grabbed my books and ran to class.

With a minute to spare, I slid into my seat right next to Tiffany. I put my books out on the desk and looked around the room. The professor still wasn't in class, which wasn't quite normal. Usually he got there 10 minutes early.

"Hey Tiff, where's Mr. Johnson?"

"Dunno, he hasn't showed up in the classroom yet or anything."

"Where were you last night? I knew you came back since your bed was made."

"Oh, right. Yeah after the little... Miguel thing I kind of freaked out. I was way too embarrassed to come back so I walked around for awhile."

Before I could respond, Mr. Johnson walked into the room, shutting and locking the door behind him. His policy is if you were late, you got locked out. He didn't tolerate tardiness in his classroom.

"Sorry everyone, the Dean wanted to see me. Well anyways let's get started on today's lesson, shall we? Everyone open your books to page 395."

I zoned out for the rest of class, lost in thought. I was actually pretty excited for the party Friday. I wanted to meet Tanner and see what he was like. A shoulder nudged me, and I saw Tiffany gesturing for me to get up. I hadn't noticed that class was already basically empty. I stood up with her to leave, but a voice stopped me.

"Miss Gonzalez if you would so kindly stay after and grace me with your presence." Mr. Johnson's sarcastic voice called.

I slowly turned to face the him, sighing. "I guess so." I nodded at Tiffany to leave and she walked out the door.

"I can see that you weren't exactly paying attention today, well anymore then you usually do. Is everything all right?"

"Oh, yeah everything's fine. I'm just excited for a party this Friday."

"Oh, a party hm? Oh how simple youth was. Enjoy yourself, but make sure it doesn't affect your studies. Alright? You're a bright student, I know you can do a lot of good."

"Thanks, I will." Came my simple reply.

I grabbed my things and left the room, seeing that Tiff was gone. I figured she would be, since we didn't have the same class next. I headed to my next class, and then the next and next...

The day went by pretty slowly, all classes were pretty much the same thing. I didn't pay any attention to them, but no other professors said anything. At the end of the day I walked to my dorm room and plopped down on my bed. After setting my books aside, I reached under my bed and pulled out the box my dress was in. Pulling off the lid I let my hand touch the soft, silky material. I wasn't big on dressing up, but once I saw this dress I knew it was the one.

The dress itself went to about my knees, which was nice since I was reserved. It was a pretty blue color that made my eyes really pop. From the waist down it has little soft dark blue Ruffles. From the waist up it was very smooth silk. Thin blue straps held it up on my shoulders. I couldn't wait for the week to be over so we could go to the party.

Friday, 6:00 PM

It was finally time! I was so excited. The last few days went by really slowly. The party was going to start in about an hour, so I had to get ready.

"Rose!! Are you ready to go to the party of the year?"
Tiffany hugged me tightly.

"Hell yeah I am! Let's get ready."

We spent the next 40 minutes getting changed, and doing our hair and makeup. I never had to do my hair though, it was naturally wavy and always looked perfect. When we were ready we hooked arms and walked out of the room together. Laughing and talking the whole way to the party.

The house was huge, it was probably five stories and had over 100 rooms in it. I didn't even know how anyone could afford a house like this. It was deep in the woods which is why I never saw it around before. The whole house was glowing blue and green as the lights changed color. Letting you know there was a party raging inside.

There were quite a few people hanging around outside. They had red plastic cups in hand, undoubtedly filled with alcohol. Making our way inside, it was loud but not too bad. The mood was very energetic as bodies swayed this way and that to the beat of the music. Tiffany and I made our way to the kegs, getting ourself some beer. The legal drinking age here was 20, which was perfect.

"Mmmm, this is good."Tiffany sighed happily, sucking down more beer.

We stayed there for awhile, and I started to feel lightheaded and giggly.

"Let's go dance." Tiffany giggled, as she pulled me onto the dance floor. We danced the night away. After a few hours I got tired and even more lightheaded. I left Tiffany on the dance floor and went to a quieter part of the house, sitting down.

I closed my eyes, feeling sort of tired. I was vaguely aware of someone walking up to me, and they touched my shoulder. I was met with a familiar face when I opened my eyes, it was Rick.

"Hey there. Having a good time so far?"

I giggled, poking his shoulder. "Yeah, it's been amazing. I'm having a really good time."

"That's good, hey did you maybe want to dance with me?"

Before I could respond, I could feel two eyes piercing a hole into my head. I felt uncomfortable under the harsh gaze, and searched for the source. I saw a tall man, probably around 6'4. He was analyzing me from the side, studying me.

He was very muscular. They were easily noticeable from under his shirt. He had short, brown ruffled hair. His eyes were a piercing green. His face had short stubble. I noticed that his arms were crossed as he stared at me.

"Who's that?" I whispered to Rick, feeling my heart beat faster. There was something about him that just... Drew me in.

"Oh, him? That's the guy the party is for. Tanner Blackwood."

Tanner Blackwood... Such a good name for a handsome man. Sure, he's intimidating... But in a good way.

"Why is he staring like that?" My voice was soft, and muffled almost.

He didn't seem to know the answer to that question himself. "Not really sure.. He isn't the kind of person to act like that. Although, you are beautiful. I can easily see why."

We were kind of far away, and it was a quite loud but I swear he heard. His face turned into a snarl, and it was like he.. Growled. It had to have been the loud house, people don't growl... Do they? This seemed to get Rick's attention, like he heard it too. Tanner then proceeded to hastily exit the room. Rick staring after him.

"Did he just growl?"

"No... Don't be silly, people don't growl. Anyways... I have to go, I'll see you later." Without another word, he walked quickly off. Exiting in the direction that Tanner disappeared to.

I suddenly didn't feel very lightheaded anymore, almost like I completely sobered up. I stood up, in search of Tiffany. When I found her, she was giggling and sitting on a guys lap.

"C'mon Tiff, can we leave now?"

She pouted pathetically at me. "Whhhyyyyy? I'm having fun! You're no fun."

"Seriously Tiffy, I think we should leave now. I don't feel so good."

Drunk or not, this got her attention and she nodded at me. She always cared if I wasn't feeling well. "Alright, let's go."

Tanner's PoV

I was happy to finally be home. It sucked having to leave my pack for so long. I was away for half a year to visit other packs. I had to do this every so often to keep our ties strong. We needed to have as many allies as we could.

Of course I couldn't leave the pack leaderless for that long. My beta Aaron looked after the pack. While I was away, he informed me that we had some new people in town. He didn't really give me many details, just their names and ages. One of them was human, it was unusual for humans to move to town. We had only about 20 humans in town. We don't allow anymore non werewolf family humans to move here. It's like a gated community.

Almost all of the humans were relatives of other werewolves. They were allowed in on our secret, but the rest were not. I thought humans were... Below us. A wolf and a human mating was not acceptable in my eyes. We had to keep our bloodlines strong, inter-species mating cannot happen. Of course, if it did happen I wouldn't be over the top and rude about it. It's happened before, I simply pulled the wolf aside. Letting them know how it wasn't very wise. Sometimes they wised up, sometimes they didn't. If they didn't though, I just gave them my well wishes and left it at that.

A wolf being actually mated to a human was unheard of. Its only happened once in the history of our kind, and it caused a Great War. The other wolves I am referring to chose a human as their mate. Usually if that wolfs mate had died or rejected them.

Usually when I'm gone I come back and everything is normal. This time though, Aaron told me a party was being thrown. I was flattered, but it was completely unnecessary. I prefer to just go back to my Alpha duties immediately. Since new wolves came to the pack and I was gone longer then usual, Aaron was hoping that maybe my mate was finally there. I was skeptical, but let him believe what he wanted. I had yet to see my mate at neighboring packs. Though I knew she was still out there.

With the mate bond, even if we hadn't met yet I could feel her heart beating. If she died, it would be excruciatingly painful. Every second of the day I worried the pain would hit me. Even not knowing her, it would be horrible. It was like your heart was being ripped in two, as I was told. My delta's mate was killed by a rogue three years ago. He hasn't been the same ever since. He put all his anger and sorrow into his duties, becoming exceptional at them.

"Welcome home, Alpha." Pack members greeted, giving me respectful bows.

Pretty quickly, I smelled the most amazing thing in the world. It was like flowers and cinnamon mixed together. I turned and saw my beta watching me.

"Alpha." He bowed slightly, smiling at me.

"Do you smell that Aaron? What is that?"

He frowned, looking confused. "I don't smell anything. All I can smell is sweat and alcohol."

I followed the scent, leading to one of the emptier rooms off to the side. When I walked in, I saw one of the members of the pack named Rick. He was sitting near a girl I didn't recognize, she was looking at him. As if she sensed my presence, she looking right at me.

"Mate." My wolf Ryder whimpered in my head.

When our eyes met, it was like my whole world changed. She was gorgeous, immediately taking my breath away. I was so focused on her, her whispers went unnoticed by me. When I finally tuned back in, all I heard was,  "Although, you are beautiful. I can easily see why." This made a loud growl escape my throat, filling the room. Rick's face immediately changed to one of fear. It was then, that I realized she was.. Human. She didn't smell like a wolf or anything of the sort.

"Come with me and answer some questions." I mind linked to him, stalking out of the room.

"Yes Alpha." He linked back, quickly following behind me.

We quickly walked to an empty, quiet room in the house. In a fit of anger, I had him up against the wall by his neck in a second. Tightening my grip, I glared at him.

"What... Were you doing with her?" I demanded, trying to keep my wolf under control. He was clawing to break free.

He struggled to breathe, struggling to break my grip. "A.. Alpha..."

I let him go, and he fell to the floor. He let out loud coughs and gags. "I'm.. Sorry Alpha... Is she your mate or something?"

"Me? Mated to a human? No, of course not. It looked like you were flirting with her, you know how I feel about that. Especially since you haven't even found your mate yet. You should be waiting for that, not wasting your time on a human." I scoffed, trying to hide my emotions.

He looked kind of confused, but shook it off. "I know how you feel about it, but I don't see it as a problem. Once I meet my mate I can easily just drop her."

His words angered me. Human or not, no one should treat someone like that. Just drop them as soon as they want? I don't think so.

"Watch yourself when it comes to her. Anyways, I want you to tell me about her. What do you know?"

"I don't know that much Alpha, you should ask Aaron. He would know a lot more than me."

I nodded at him, telling him he could leave now. He quickly left, bowing before he exited. I headed up to my office on the top floor. My office was the only thing on this floor, and large windows gave me a nice view of the surrounding forest. They were all bulletproof, of course.

"Aaron, can I see you? Meet me in my office."

"Yes Alpha, I'll be there in a moment. "

After a few minutes he walked in, bowing. "What can I help you with Alpha?"

"You know all the information on the new people in town. Can you tell me about the new humans?"

"Well, we only have one new human in town. She's been here for probably three months now. Her father, a member of another pack sent her here. She came with her brother named Miguel. They have been officially transferred here. I have all the documents and everything."

"Alright, can I see them please?"

"Of course Alpha, allow me to go get them."

After awhile he came back in, handing me the documents on all of our new additions.

"Thank you Aaron, you are dismissed. Tell your mate that I said hello."

"I will Alpha, thank you." He softly shut the door, leaving.

I turned my attention to the papers in my hands, putting hers right on my desk. After skimming the other ones, I filed them away in a filing cabinet. Finally picking hers up, I began to read.

Rosalina Mae Gonzalez, born September 3rd 1995. Older brother named Miguel Gonzalez. Born to parents Katherine and Antonio Gonzalez. Does not know about the existence of werewolves. Human.

Usually files had quite a bit of information on them, but hers was practically empty. It was odd that little else was known about her. I hmmed, rubbing my temples while sighing deeply. It was extremely rare that a human was born to two werewolf parents.Maybe 1 in 100,000. Humans were only really born if a wolf and human mated, which was not correct in her case. It was also odd how her family could hide the fact from her that they were werewolves. It's hard to hide us changing every full moon.

If a human was unaware of our existence, we tried to keep it that way. It's the reason why there were only 2 unaware humans in town. If a human ever discovered our secret, we were forced to find a witch in order to wipe their memory. Only those with no ties to werewolves were kept in the dark. Everyone in town just knows full moons as a night we all take off of work to spend with our family and friends. I knew eventually we would tell her. Her family are werewolves, after all. Soon enough it would be time she knew the truth.

I felt tired, my wolf was angry with me. There was no way I would be mated to a human. My wolf didn't care whether she was human or not. Ryder was already in love with her. It was extremely hard to fight the mate bond, almost like trying to stop breathing. I had to do it though, for my pack and the future bloodlines. No matter how I felt about her.

I wasn't very sure how to go about this. I had to ignore her existence, and tell no one what she is to me. One thing was for sure though, I was in for a rough time ahead.


Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the first chapter.

If you read my other story Secrets of the Kingdom, you'll see that I changed my writing style in this story. I like the way this looks, and flows a lot better.

If you enjoyed the chapter, please throw it a vote (: Thank you.

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