Potter Sibling Trilogy Plus O...

By BellaxMars

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Triplets Harry, Hollie and Bella embark on many adventures as they head toward their destiny to destroy the o... More

Chapter 1 - Birthday
Chapter 2 - Hagrid
Chapter 3 - Diagon Alley
Chapter 4 - Hogwarts
Chapter 5 - Emberlee
Chapter 6 - Bella
Chapter 7 - Settling In
Chapter 8 - The Dog and the Troll
Chapter 9 - Quidditch
Chapter 10 - Christmas Vacation
Chapter 11 - The Forest
Chapter 12 - Trap Door
Chapter 13 - Going Home
Chapter 14 - Dobby
Chapter 16 - Back to Hogwarts
Chapter 17 - Chamber of Secrets
Chapter 18 - Polyjuice
Chapter 19 - Getting Answers
Chapter 20 - Spiders
Chapter 21 - Inside the Chamber
Chapter 22 - Expulsion
Chapter 23 - Finding the Truth
Chapter 24 - Baseball is a Dangerous Game
Chapter 25 - Decision
Chapter 26 - Running Away
Chapter 27 - Gone
Chapter 28 - On the Way to Hogwarts
Chapter 29 - Bella's Back
Chapter 30 - Wolves
Chapter 31 - He was their Friend
Chapter 32 - Peter Pettigrew
Chapter 33 - Spring Break
Chapter 34 - Rescuing Edward
Chapter 35 - Condition
Chapter 36 - Revelations
Chapter 37 - Seeing Double
Chapter 38 - Institution of Marriage
Chapter 39 - Bam
Chapter 40 - They're Coming Here
Chapter 41 - Quidditch World Cup Match
Chapter 42 - Edward Tells All
Chapter 43 - Goblet of Fire
Chapter 44 - Tournament Preparations
Chapter 45 - Dragons
Chapter 46 - Ball
Chapter 47 - Preparations
Chapter 48 - Newborn Army
Chapter 49 - Underwater Task
Chapter 50 - Secrets, Lies, Dreams and Memories
Chapter 51 - Maze Task
Chapter 52 - Crouch Exposed

Chapter 15 - Buying Supplies

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By BellaxMars

~Bella's POV~

It's my thirteenth birthday, and though I wish Harry and Hollie were here, it's nice that my parents hired a minivan and have taken me and my friends to Six Flags theme park.

When we arrive, Emmett doesn't hesitate to drag me to the giant roller coaster but when I look at it, fear suddenly washes over me.

I've never been on a roller coaster this big before.

"I dunno Emmett, it's awfully big."

"Hey baby, I'll look after you."

"Maybe not as the first ride of the day. I need to get my adrenalin going."

"You go on this and nothing will scare you ever again."

"I went up against Voldemort, I don't think anything can be worse than that."

"Exactly, so come on with me."

"I'll come on as well," Jasper says and a wave of calm washes over me as I look at Edward.

"I'll be right there next to you, I swear."

"Okay," I say before we queue up.

When we reach the front, I know I don't really want to do this but that strange calm is still holding back the fear so Edward takes my hand and we climb on with Emmett and Jasper right behind us.

"Are you okay?" Edward asks, still holding my hand.

"Don't let go," I plead.

"I will never let go."

I smile, knowing what he really means.

As the coaster flies round the track, Edward keeps hold of my hand and smiles when I squeeze it.

At the end the coaster, Edward let's go of my hand to climb off and then takes it again to help me off.

I decide there and then I'm not letting go either so he smiles at me before we begin walking hand-in-hand.

After that coaster, I start dragging Emmett, Edward, Jake and Angela on the other rides until we've done all the rides three times.

On the way home, I sit next to Edward and when I rest my head on his shoulder, he puts his arm round me and I must have fallen asleep because I am woken by Edward and see that we're home.

We go into the house where there are banners, balloons and presents.

"How? When?"

"Carlisle and Esme set it up," Dad smiles.

"Thank you," I say as I put my arms round them.

"And we have another surprise," Mom says.

The kitchen door opens and all my friends from Hogwarts come out.

"Wow, really?"

I give them all a group hug.

"Time for presents," Mom says so I sit down next to Edward on the sofa. "No, no, Harry and Hollie sit next to you."

We look at each other with confusion but do as we're told.

Mom hands me, Hollie and Harry a present each so I realise why we had to sit together.

Amongst the presents, Harry gets a Wii with some games, a remote control car, a race track and a new mobile. Me and Hollie also get new mobiles as well as a Tamagotchi each, a Furby each and a china doll each. Mom and Dad also got me a new bike.

After the presents, Mom and Dad go out for the evening, leaving us to enjoy my party without adult supervision.

At around ten o'clock, Edward takes me outside.

"I wanted to give you something special but not in front of everyone else."

He pulls out a long velvet case and holds it out to me.

"What's this?"

"Open it."

I open it to reveal a gold locket on a gold chain.

"Wow, Edward, it's beautiful."

I take it out and open it to find a tiny key on a small chain on one side and on the other it reads 'Key to my Heart.'

"I love it Edward, thank you."

"Allow me."

He takes it and goes behind me, putting it round my neck and doing it up.

"It just adds to your beauty."

I smile, and then suddenly feel nervous as he places his hand on my cheek and leans in to kiss me. I don't move until our lips meet but it's just a peck.

"Wow, I didn't expect that," I smile.

"Listen, Bella, I love you and want to spend the rest of our lives together but you're thirteen and I'm sixteen so I will not rush you."

"Thank you Edward, I love you too."

He gives me a cuddle before we go back inside.

A couple of weeks later, Mom and Dad take me to Diagon Alley to buy supplies for my second year at Hogwarts.

Within minutes, I see the Weasley's and Hollie.

"Where's Harry?"

"We don't know," Hollie says. "He said the name wrong and we don't know where he ended up."

"We have to find him."

"We don't know where to look," Mrs Weasley says. "I'm sure he'll turn up. Now, Gilderoy Lockhart will be doing a book signing at Flourish and Blotts so let's go."

Great, I think to myself. Gilderoy Lockhart is the worst kind of wizard - one who loves himself and goes around telling everyone how brave he is and how many great adventures he's been on even though he's done none of them.

Mom, Dad and me follow my sister and the Weasley's to the bookstore where we are met by Hermione.

I give her a friendly hug before we go into the bookstore.

Five minutes later, I am by the window when I see Harry outside with Hagrid so I go out.

"Harry," I say before I throw my arms round him. "I missed you."

When I move back, I see Hermione has come out as well and is standing next to me.

"Hi Hagrid!" she says.

"Hello girls!" Hagrid replies.

"Oh it's so good to see you," Hermione says.

"It's great to see you both, too."

"What did you do to your glasses?" I ask.

Harry just grins.

"Oculus reparo," Hermione says.

"I definitely need to remember that one."

"You'll be alright then now Harry?" Hagrid asks. "I'll leave you to it then."

"Thank you, bye!"

Hagrid walks away.

"Come on, everyone's been so worried," I say before he follows us into the bookshop.

"Oh Harry, thank goodness," Mrs Weasley says.

"Mr Gilderoy Lockhart," the store manager announces and Mrs Weasley swoons as a man in mostly blue with blonde hair appears and everyone claps.

"Mom fancies him," Ron tells us.

A photographer takes a picture of him.

Lockhart looks at us in surprise.

"It can't be the Potter children."

Everyone gasps before the photographer grabs Harry and Hollie and pulls them forward.

He pushes them toward Lockhart before doing the same to me and taking a picture.

"Ladies and gentleman, what an extraordinary moment this is," Lockhart says. "When these children stepped into Flourish and Blotts this morning to purchase my autobiography: Magical Me."


"Actually, Mr Lockhart, sir," I say. "We're not in the least bit interested in your book. You're nothing but a big fraud."

There's silence.

"Children say the funniest things," Lockhart says and everyone laughs. "That is why I am giving the three of you my entire book collection."

He shoves a pile of books into Harry's hands.

"I said we're not interested," I say with malice before I grab the books, shove them back into his hands and pull my siblings toward the door.

"Bet you loved that, didn't you," Emberlee says as she and Draco intercept us. "The famous Potter triplets... nobody gives a hoot about the other daughter, the one they had for two whole years before you came along."

"Leave them alone!" Ginny warns.

"Oh look, Harry's got himself a girlfriend," Draco smirks.

"Do you want another beating?" I ask.

"Now, now, children, play nicely," Mr Malfoy says as he approaches.

"That's Draco's father," I whisper.

"Harry, Hollie and Isabella... Lucius Malfoy," he says as he holds out his hand. "We meet at last."

Harry shakes his hand.

"Forgive me..."

He pulls Harry closer and moves his hair to look at the scar before looking at me.

"And you have one on your shoulder do you not?"

"That's none of your business."

There's no way I'm being treated like a freak show, and I need to boost my brother's confidence so he stops allowing others to treat him like one.

"Your scars are legend... as is the wizard who gave them to you."

"Voldemort killed our parents. He was nothing more than a murderer," I say.

"They may have given birth to you but they were my parents," Emberlee scoffs.

"Emberlee," Mr Malfoy warns before he turns to Harry. "Hmmm, you must be very brave, to mention his name. Or very foolish."

"Fear in the name only increases fear in the thing itself," Hermione says.

He looks at Hermione.

"And you must be Miss Granger?" he asks, looking at his children who nod. "Yes, Draco's told me all about you... and your parents."

She looks toward her parents who are talking to Mr Weasley.

"Muggles... aren't they?"

She glares at him and I notice Emberlee and Draco smirking.

"Let me see," Mr Malfoy continues as he looks around. "Red hair... vacant expression... tatty second hand book..." he says as he takes Ginny's book from her cauldron.

"You must be the Weasleys."

"Children, it's mad in here," Mr Weasley says, appearing behind Ginny. "Let's go outside."

"Well, well, well, Weasley Senior."


"Busy time at the Ministry Arthur? All those extra raids. I do hope they are paying you overtime. But judging by the state of this, I'd say not. What's the use of being a disgrace to the name of wizard if they don't even pay you well for it?"


"We have a very different idea of what disgraces the name wizard, Malfoy."

"Clearly. Associating with Muggles."

He puts Ginny's book back in her cauldron.

"And I thought your family could sink no lower."

There's a few seconds silence.

"I'll see you at work," he says before he goes for the door.

"See you at school," Emberlee says before she and Draco go after Mr Malfoy.

~Hollie's POV~

When we sneak in through the back door of the Weasley's house, me and Harry look around at all the magical things. They are all very fascinating.

"It's not much," Ron says. "But it's home."

"I think it's brilliant," I smile.

Mrs Weasley appears.

"Where have you been?" she asks her sons, who all quickly hide the donuts they'd been eating behind their backs. "Harry, Hollie, how very wonderful to see you dears."

She turns back to her sons.

"Beds empty, no note, car gone... you could have died... you could have been seen..."

She turns to us.

"Of course I don't blame you my dears."

"They were starving him Mom, there were bars on their window."

"Well you best hope I don't put bars on your window Ronald Weasley. Come on you two, time for a spot of breakfast."

The six of us sit at the table and Mrs Weasley dishes up some food.

"Here we are, now tuck in."

Ron's younger sister runs into the room wearing her dressing gown.

"Um, Mommy, have you seen my jumper?"

"Yes dear, it was on the cat."

Ginny sees the rest of us and her eyes widen.

"Hello," I say and Harry smiles at her but her eyes widen even more before she backs away and runs upstairs.

"What's wrong with her?" Harry asks.

"She's been talking about you all summer," Ron says. "Dead annoying really!"

"Ah bless her," I say.

"What?" Harry asks.

"You are so naive... she fancies you."

"What?" Harry asks again, in a different tone.

"I think it's sweet," I laugh.

"Morning Weasley's," Mr Weasley says as he enters.

"Morning Dad!" the boys all say together.

"What a night. Nine raids, nine!"

"Raids?" I ask Ron.

"Dad works in the Ministry of Magic - in the misuse of Muggle artefacts office. Dad loves Muggles, thinks they're fascinating."

"Well now," Mr Weasley says as he sits down and looks at us. "And who are you?"

"Oh, sorry, sir, I'm Harry, Harry Potter, and this is my sister Hollie."

"Goodness gracious me, are you really? Well, Ron's told us all about you of course. When did they get here?"

"This morning!" Mrs Weasley says. "Your sons drove that enchanted car of yours to Surrey and back last night."

"Did you really? How did it go?"

Mrs Weasley smacks him on the top of the arm.

"I mean... that was very wrong indeed boys, very wrong of you."

Me, Harry and Ron looks at each other and smirk.

"Now," Mr Weasley says. "Harry, Hollie, you must know all about Muggles. Tell me, what exactly is the function of a rubber duck."

Before either of us can answer, there's squawking outside.

"That'll be Errol with the post," Mrs Weasley says.

Outside, an owl approaches with a letter in its beak but instead of flying through the open window, it flies straight into the closed one before falling to the ground outside.

"Fetch it would you Percy."

Percy goes to the window just as Errol hops up and Percy takes the letters.

"He's always doing that," Ron says.

Percy opens one of the letters.

"Oh look, it's our Hogwarts letter."

He returns to the table.

"They sent us Harry and Hollie's as well."

"Dumbledore must know you're here. Doesn't miss a trick that man," Mr Weasley says.

Percy hands out the letters.

"This lot won't come cheap Mom," Fred says. "The spell books alone are very expensive."

"We'll manage."

"Oh no," Hollie says.

"What's the matter?" Harry asks.

"I have to see Dumbledore as soon as I arrive for improper use of magic."

"Let me see, dear," Mrs Weasley says as she takes the letter. "Oh don't worry dear, he'll just give you a warning this time."

I breathe a sigh of relief.

"There's only one place we're going to get all of these supplies," Mrs Weasley says. "Diagon Alley."

~Harry's POV~

We all get ready to leave and then we all gather round the fireplace.

"Right," Mrs Weasley says as she picks up a cup from beside the fireplace. "Here you are Harry, you go first."

"But neither of them have ever travelled by flume powder before Mom," Ron says.

"Flume powder?" I ask.

"Okay, you go first Ron to show them how it's done."

Ron stands in the fireplace and takes a handful of flume power.

"Diagon Alley," he says before throwing the powder to the floor and disappearing in a flash of green flames.

I don't know about Hollie but my eyes widen.

"You see, it's quite easy dears, don't be afraid, come on."

I am literally forced into the fireplace.

"That's right, now take your flume powder."

I take a handful.

"Make sure you speak very, very clearly."

"Diagonally," I say as I throw the powder down.

I suddenly find myself on my back on a wooden floor, and I'm covered in soot so I roll over, stand up and look around.

Wherever I am is dark, gloomy and pretty spooky so I find the door and come out into a dark alley where there are many undesirables wandering and lurking so I begin to walk, hoping to find the main street.

A group of men and women begin to surround me, sending fear through my whole body.

"Come with us," one of the witches say. "We'll help you find your way back."

"No, please...."

"Harry?" I hear a familiar voice and look up to see Hagrid.

The others move aside.


"What do you think you're doing down here? Come on!"

I hurry over to him and he leads me to the main street.

"Harry," I hear another familiar voice and Bella comes over before she throws her arms round me. "I missed you."

She moves back and I see Hermione standing next to her now.

"Hi Hagrid!" Hermione says.

"Hello girls!" Hagrid replies.

"Oh it's so good to see you," Hermione says.

"It's great to see you both, too."

"What did you do to your glasses?" Bella asks.

I just grin.

"Oculus reparo," Hermione says.

"I definitely need to remember that one."

"You'll be alright then now Harry?" Hagrid asks. "I'll leave you to it then."

"Thank you, bye!"

Hagrid walks away.

"Come on, everyone's been so worried," Bella says before they lead me into the bookshop.

"Oh Harry, thank goodness," Mrs Weasley says.

"Mr Gilderoy Lockhart," the store manager announces and Mrs Weasley swoons as a man in mostly blue with blonde hair appears and everyone claps.

"Mom fancies him," Ron tells us.

A photographer takes a picture of the man who is obviously a celebrity among the wizard world.

Lockhart looks at me in surprise.

"It can't be the Potter children."

Everyone gasps before the photographer grabs me and Hollie and pulls us forward.

He pushes us toward this celebrity before doing the same to Bella and taking a picture.

"Ladies and gentleman, what an extraordinary moment this is," Lockhart says. "When these children stepped into Flourish and Blotts this morning to purchase my autobiography: Magical Me."

"Actually, Mr Lockhart, sir," Bella says. "We're not in the least bit interested in your book. You're nothing but a big fraud."

There's silence.

"Children say the funniest things," Lockhart says and everyone laughs. "That is why I am giving the three of you my entire book collection."

He shoves a pile of books into my hands.

"I said we're not interested," Bella says before she grabs the books, shoves them back into his hands and pulls the two of us toward the door.

"Bet you loved that, didn't you," Emberlee says as she and Draco intercept us. "The famous Potter triplets... nobody gives a hoot about the other daughter, the one they had for two whole years before you came along."

"Leave them alone!" Ginny warns.

"Oh look, Harry's got himself a girlfriend," Draco smirks.

"Do you want another beating?" Bella asks.

"Now, now, children, play nicely," a man says as he approaches.

"That's Draco's father," Bella whispers.

"Harry, Hollie and Isabella... Lucius Malfoy," he says as he holds out his hand. "We meet at last."

I shake his hand.

"Forgive me..."

He pulls me closer and moves my hair to look at the scar before looking at Bella.

"And you have one on your shoulder do you not?"

"That's none of your business."

"Your scars are legend... as is the wizard who gave them to you."

"Voldemort killed our parents. He was nothing more than a murderer," Bella says.

"They may have given birth to you but they were my parents," Emberlee scoffs.

"Emberlee," Mr Malfoy warns before he turns to me. "Hmmm, you must be very brave, to mention his name. Or very foolish."

"Fear in the name only increases fear in the thing itself," Hermione says.

He looks at Hermione.

"And you must be Miss Granger?" he asks, looking at his children who nod. "Yes, Draco's told me all about you... and your parents."

She looks toward her parents who are talking to Mr Weasley.

"Muggles... aren't they?"

She glares at him and I see Emberlee and Draco smirking.

"Let me see," Mr Malfoy continues as he looks around. "Red hair... vacant expression... tatty second hand book..." he says as he takes Ginny's book from her cauldron.

"You must be the Weasleys."

"Children, it's mad in here," Mr Weasley says, appearing behind Ginny. "Let's go outside."

"Well, well, well, Weasley senior."


"Busy time at the Ministry Arthur? All those extra raids. I do hope they are paying you overtime. But judging by the state of this, I'd say not. What's the use of being a disgrace to the name of wizard if they don't even pay you well for it?"

"We have a very different idea of what disgraces the name wizard, Malfoy."

"Clearly. Associating with Muggles."

He puts Ginny's book back in her cauldron.

"And I thought your family could sink no lower."

There's a few seconds silence.

"I'll see you at work," he says before he goes for the door.

"See you at school," Emberlee says before she and Draco go after Mr Malfoy.

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