
By Kawaii_Lumine

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This is an Oshi no Ko x COTE ( Classroom of the eElite ) crossover fanfiction. I can't think of a good synop... More

𝑅𝑒𝒢𝒹 𝓅𝓁𝓏~
0. Revenge.
1. Dreams
2. Cafe Strawberyl!
3. An old friend?
4. A name that is quite familiar...
5. I'll go with Sweet Today...
6. .....and with Sweet Tomorrow
7. The School of Her Dreams
7.5. Loveless.
8. Recognition.
9. LoveNow, or Love later?
10. Siblings.
10.5. The Hoshino Bonus!
12. The Meaning of Freedom
13. A Clash between Students
14. A Rotten Desire
14.5. Thoughts.
15. Will for change.
16. For Two
17. Partners
18. Break ( 1 )

11. The End of the White Room.

4.2K 266 235
By Kawaii_Lumine

"𝘐 𝘢𝘮 𝘯𝘰 𝘣𝘪𝘳𝘥; 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘯𝘰 𝘯𝘦𝘵 𝘦𝘯𝘴𝘯𝘢𝘳𝘦𝘴 𝘮𝘦; 𝘐 𝘢𝘮 𝘢 𝘧𝘳𝘦𝘦 𝘩𝘶𝘮𝘢𝘯 𝘣𝘦𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘢𝘯 𝘪𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘱𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭."

- Charlotte Bronte, Jane Eyre


The eyes of a white room student were easily identifiable.

Calculating, aware, and observing....

This person's emerald orbs portrayed those three elements found in the average white room student without need for doubt. But these particular set of eyes seemed to hold something else behind them....a deep anger, resentment, and something Beryl could likely define as hatred.

" Are you okay?" The person had asked with faux worry in his tone.

Beryl wondered how this can escalate based on his response. Would it turn violent, and if so, could he win? There's something strange about this person. He doesn't feel like the average white room student....he feels more akin to that of a fourth generation product. But that wouldn't make sense. If he really did come from the fourth generation, Beryl should easily recognize him. Sharp green eyes and brown hair mostly covered by the shelter of his hoodie, he looked to be around the same age as Yuki, potentially speaking.

It irked him to know that he failed to sense his approaching presence. Beryl had never once let that happen before, was it because he let his guard down this time around? No, that can't be it. Something was off about this individual, despite clearly being a white room student, Beryl can't discern the man's intentions. But the dormant anger is evident from his eyes.

He should back away.

" ...Ah, maybe you're mad that we reached for the same thing." The man came to a strange epiphany, a smile dressing his lips as he lends the pudding package to my direction. " In that case, I don't mind if you take this."

It might be a bait. Beryl can't be too trusting here. He needs to get out of his way.

" No, it's fine. You can--" But before Beryl could politely reject the offer, a loud voice called from behind him.

" Beryl! What's taking you so long!" The tone of his obnoxious ' older ' triplet sister had cut him off.

Damn it, Ruby.

This isn't the time, Beryl mentally cursed as he snapped his head towards her approaching figure. Upon seeing that she caught his attention, she quickly jogged over to where he was, with a pout on her face and her arms crossed.

" Aqua's nearing the register. Did you get the pudding I asked?" She asked, impatient.

" Ruby--"

" Oh, do you mean this pudding?" The voice of a kind gentleman interjected. Ruby seemed confused, while Beryl visibly tensed up. 

The young girl peeked to the side of Beryl's tall body, and then spotted the man wearing a dark colored hoodie and a face mask, his eyes and portions of his hair being the only thing visible from his face.

" Oh," Ruby widened her eyes before shooting Beryl a grin. " Is this one of your pals from school?" She jabbed.

" He's way too old to be my ' pal '. " Beryl jabbed back.

" I'm right here, ya know..." The stranger reminded, though a chuckle of amusement escaped him. He didn't seem offended at all, at least from Ruby's point of view.

Beryl was still rather on edge.

" Sorry, um....so....do you know my brother or something?" Ruby steps in front, causing alarm to blare within Beryl's body as his eyes snapped to her instantly.

" No, I don't." The person shook his head. " We actually grabbed the same package by coincidence, and I asked if he'd like to take it instead. I wouldn't have minded. He's still a youngster after all." He kindly clarified the situation to Ruby.

" Also, I overheard from your short conversation. Did you send him on an errand for the pudding? Would you like to take it then, miss...?" He offered again, this time to Ruby.

Ruby smiled, the guy seemed nice and he was offering to give her the pudding package she liked so much. She would be a fool to refuse, no?

" Sure! Thank you very--"

" No, there's no need." A sharp voice interrupted her, and so did the strong grip that latched onto her wrist and pulled her back.

Huh? Ruby blinked in suprise. She looked down to her wrist where it was being gripped by Beryl's hand, she looked up to him ready to complain but froze immediately upon seeing the dark look on his face.

" Are you sure?" The stranger raised a brow. 

" Yes, we don't mind. We can get other brands." Beryl curtly answered.

A cold silence slowly fell upon them, mostly due to Beryl's insistence. Ruby feels her throat turning into dry ice from this coldness from Beryl, she wondered why he was acting this way, and to this stranger no less. He didn't seem like a bad person, did he?

" I see..." The man nods in understanding, " In that case, I'll get out of your hair now, kid."

He waved the two goodbye before turning around and walking away with the pudding package in hand. Beryl didn't train his eyes away from the person's back, still suspicious of what he might pull. But it's not likely he'd do anything drastic now that Ruby is here to act as witness, it'd be too risky for him to have tried anything but.... it was still entirely possible that he might've done something regardless of Ruby's presence or not. She was in danger just now, and she didn't know any better.

He must've been sent to act as a spy, Beryl surmises. It's plausible. 

But why would they send a student in place of a professional? 


The better question to ask himself should be the fact he couldn't sense that student's approach. Has the White Room since then produced more efficient results after his passing? Or was it just the limits of this new body. It's not conditioned the way his past life used to be, so it could answer the question....though not completely.

Again, he could feel it. That stare which bore holes behind the back of his head. A stare he could never shake off no matter how much he wanted to--

" H-Hey, Beryl, could you let go now?" The voice beside him halted further thoughts. " You're kinda hurting me-- ow!"

Beryl blinked once before letting go of her wrist, he slowly turned his head to Ruby. A look of concern spreads across his face almost immediately upon seeing the way Ruby tried to relieve the strain he placed on her wrist.

"....Ruby--" Before he could apologize, she used her good hand and put a stop to anything he was going to say. " I'm fine!" She insists, but a look of worry accompanied her as she asked. " Are you fine?" She prodded.

" .... " Truthfully, he wasn't. Not at all. That person from earlier, he ticked Beryl off. He's certain they come from the same place.....but his identity is not recognizable at all to Beryl. He's certainly not someone from the Fourth Generation, but somehow he feels like one. Did his father really kickstart a new batch with the same curriculum like he initially theorized? 

Seeing Beryl's complicated look made Ruby worried, so she tugged his sleeve to try and snap him out of that trance-like state, and it worked. He blinked again in realization before answering her previous question with a small nod. But that alone didn't satisfy her curiosity.

" Beryl do you...recognize that person?" She asked him with a glint in her eyes.

It was a normal question to ask, of course. Seeing someone close to you so rattled by what seemed to be a stranger's presence is something that would call for her concern, it's normal to ask that, he knows that but.....he also knows that this isn't just some ordinary question. She's trying to pry further into his past, because she's well aware of its exposition that'd been revealed by Yuki on live television. But Beryl can't sense any ill intentions from her end, she was asking from both curiosity and her concern, he guesses....she wants to understand him more. 

" No," But he doesn't intend to share more than she needs to know. Leaving the past life behind and keeping the past away from his current one was his priority. Keeping Ruby safe is his promise. " He just had a bad vibe to him, that's all. " 

Lying outright wouldn't help his situation, so he just kept it vague.

" Oh...I see..." Ruby nodded, and took his response as his way of brushing her off. But she couldn't seriously deny his words either, Beryl has always had this strange sense of identifying a dangerous presence. Ruby's had her fair share of creepy guys acting nice to try and get closer to her, but Beryl was always there to step in between and scare them off. But then again.... he does the same thing to people she genuinely thinks is nice. ( ? )

" Sorry we couldn't get the brand you wanted, but...." Ruby realizes then that Beryl had presented her another brand of pudding cups she really liked. " Will this do?" He asked.

Looking to the pudding cups in his arms, and then to his calm face. She thought this was his poor attempt of trying to dissuade her, she wondered if this is all he's going to do. Live in denial. And then she wondered, if she were in his place, would she have done the same thing too? Most likely.

So she tries to smile, she's great at smiling! 

" Alright, good enough." She said. She was a bit disappointed though, it really didn't seem like Beryl was intent on opening himself up to her or Aqua with how he reacted to that person and then to her question a moment ago. She thought everything was going to be okay but....

No, don't think so negatively now, Ruby. Everything is going to be okay. I've just gotta try harder! She assures herself. She's determined to figure it out within herself, to decide, just who does she see when she thinks of this person in front of her. Beryl or Kiyotaka.

Beryl nods before his eyes trail itself to her wrist again. She picks up on that and smiles gently, she's certain that at this moment though-- this is Beryl, her brother.

" I'm okay. So stop wearing that gloomy look on your face, little brother." She assures him.

It took a moment for her words to sink in, before he responded.

" I wasn't worried about your wrist, just so you know." A familiar upturn of his lips presented itself on his face. " I'm more worried about all this pudding you made me get. You're going to get diabetes by the time you turn 30, Ruby. And that's if you're lucky it doesn't get you anytime below that."

Oh this little--

" Like you're one to talk! You'd be perfectly content if you had ice cream everyday for all three meals, I'm suprised you're even still alive!" She barked back.

Beryl seemed amused before turning around and getting in the last word, " Start jogging one of these days, you're going to be too fat for an idol after all this fatty pudding."


And so, the siblings' antics resume.....





" I'm going to kill them both..." Aqua muttered under his breath as he was literally about to put the items on the conveyer belt. The older Hoshino triplet twitching his eye as he prayed for the person before him to slow down on his checkout until his younger siblings get their asses back here--


After a short filling brunch, the three rushed to take the subway to get back home as soon as possible to drop off the groceries, before Aqua and Beryl are supposed to go off to their afternoon set. 


Soft snores filled the silent train ride. It was full of people, but as per Tokyo's natural etiquette, conversations didn't typically happen in the train or at the very least were kept discreet as to not bother other passengers.


Whilst hugging the lightest grocery bag to her chest, it was Ruby who had fallen asleep and was making all these soft snores. Aqua and Beryl obviously took initiative in handling the heavier ones, though Beryl did think it'd be funny to have Ruby carry all this by herself while he and Aqua head off to the set..... but Miyako would certainly give his ear a good nagging if that were to happen...

The train suddenly bumped a bit, causing Ruby's head to fall neatly on Beryl's shoulder. Still asleep. Beryl doesn't move for a moment, instead he glances at her, and then decides to shift his position just a teeny bit so she wouldn't strain her neck. He wasn't doing this because he cared for how she'll ache when she wakes up.... it was simply because....admittedly, he felt a little guilty still from earlier....

Speaking of which, what happened ' earlier ', still bothered him...

More specifically, that person..... 

Just who is he...?

" Seems like you and Ruby have gotten closer again."

The silent contemplation was shattered by none other than his older brother, Aqua, who seemed to eye both Ruby and Beryl with a discerning expression.

"...I guess so." Beryl answers, softly. " Thought I'd have to wait a few more weeks. Maybe even months." Years, possibly. He refrained from saying.

" It's Ruby." Aqua says, as if he just gave an incredibly simple answer to a complicated equation. But he didn't need to elaborate further, since Beryl of all people would understand what he meant. And he did.

Ruby was far too impatient to keep up a cold shoulder. They both knew.

Even if she didn't get to have that talk with Aqua a while back in order to clear up her feelings once and for all. Eventually, she would have made the first move to reach Beryl on her own. Just like she did before. She's just that type of person, so pure, so kind, so....innocent in heart. Honest to a fault.

But in the triplets dynamic, she was the strongest glue in there keeping them together.


And the girl in question slept, unaware, of all this.


" What about you?" Beryl decided to ask.

"....What about me?" Aqua asked back, but Beryl knew this was just him being avoidant.

" How do you feel about all of this? After finally knowing my identity." Beryl was straight to the point this time. Feeling a bit more confident to break the ice himself after Ruby's intiative.


Aqua no longer faced him. Instead his eyes found interest in the grocery bag he clutched tighter to his chest the longer he kept the silence.

"....I don't know, Kiyotaka."


Beryl didn't push the question further. And so, the rest of the ride remained in silence.



" I.....want to quit LoveNow..."

" What?!" 

Sumi Yuki's words shocked all the other candidates, it took a few seconds for them to process-- to believe that she really just said that. In that span of a few seconds they may have even considered it to be a horrible joke from her part...but....they ended up believing her tears, which drizzled down from her eyes. That, she in fact, was not lying.

Or so it seemed. Beryl thought.

" A-Are you serious...? In the middle of the season too!" Morimoto exclaimed in suprise.

" Why would you say such a thing, Yuki...?" Noboyuki asked, his tone easing its way to heartbreak. After all, it was he who had the closest relationship to the girl.

Sumi sighs, turning around to face the window with tense shoulders. A few seconds passed before she finally begun her explanation, " Well...the boys at school have been teasing me, lately. Saying things like, " Ah, so you like that kind of guy " and then talking behind my back..." She said, sadly.

This immediately garnered sympathy from the others, knowing exactly where this was going.

" Nothing's scarier than showing your own romantic feelings in front of the whole world..." Sumi said, breathily. Clutching her own arms, as if the room just got colder. But more so, her nerves. " I didn't understand that fear until starting on the show....but now I get it. And it's....a horrible feeling. Having all people's eyes on you isn't just full of roses."

" I...understand you. I make a fool of myself back in my channel, so I get what you mean." Mem-Cho says with a downcast look.

Sumi was like a new born deerling when it comes to understanding what that fear means. But Mem-Cho, who has a youtube channel, with hundreds and thousands of followers all keeping track of her every move. She of all people would be used to that feeling the most.

" Y-You're really going to quit?" Kurokawa began to interject with gentle concern spread across her features.

" I'm always willing to lend an ear, okay! If you leave, then I'll leave too!" Noboyuki suddenly proclaimed, his passion would surely radiate on the screen.

Beryl panned the camera at a better angle, because right now, the best scene to capture are the expressions of both Sumi and Nobu. Nobody else.

" Nobu-kun..." Sumi was suprised, gently wiping away her tears as Noboyuki continued. " Don't say that stuff anymore. Let's stick with it. I'll be with you the rest of the way, Yuki-chan."


She stared at him for a moment, her lips trembling, and her resolve hanging by the edge...

" I...."

This would certainly have the audience nearly falling off their seats. The drama was too good.

But Beryl knows that in this type of format, this is also when the episode would eventually...

....Be left on a cliffhanger.


" Wow, how's it gonna turn out? "

" She'll probably really quit, right? After all, Yuki seems like a sensitive person..."

" But what would happen with Nobu-kun, then? On another note, gosh, isn't he so loyal? Such a green flag!"

" Uggghhh, I can't wait for the next episode! "


" Look, look! There's now an article about it!" Sumi excitedly jumped with her phone in hand, showcasing the said article to her fellow colleagues. " Think I helped in drawing more viewers?" She asked them.

" Yeah, probably." Aqua blandly answered after checking the article for himself. He admits it was a fine move on her part. That earned a collective nod from the majority.

Everyone can admit that it was a fine move on her part. However...

" So, you're going to quit the show, Sumi-san?" Kurokawa meekly asked, her expression still worried.

It seems Kurokawa Akane took that as genuine.... Aqua notices immediately.

" She can't exactly do that, Kurokawa." Beryl answers just as Sumi was about to utter her response. All eyes turn to him as he continued to add, " She likely has a contract in place from her agency that prevents that. Unless there's an important reason to pull her out of the project, she stays." 

" Heh, you got that right." Sumi smiles, nodding. " It's as he said. I couldn't just decide on my own if I want to leave or not. And what I did earlier was nothing but--"

" An act?" Kurokawa blurted out.

Sumi immediately raises her hands in defense, hastily correcting her. " W-Well, er-- I can't exactly call that acting! I'm no actress like you are, Kurokawa-san. I can't even act! You see, I was just...hm....playing my feelings, is all!" Her smile slightly lowers. " It is true that I really did feel sad after being teased at school, though. And at some point I really have thought about quitting but.....contracts are contracts." 

And then a yawn escapes her. " Plus, don't we got to film early tomorrow? I'm pretty tuckered out after pulling a stunt like that...." She said.

Mem-Cho chuckles. " Ah, I see. So you were just exaggerating what you were actually feeling."

Kurokawa blinks for a moment, registering Sumi's explanation, before deciding to immediately begin jotting this new information on her notepad. " Exaggeration, huh..." She muttered to herself.

Aqua looks at Kurokawa for a moment as she began writing down notes and humming to herself nonchalantly. After spending so much time with the crew on set, he's finally begun to have an understanding of what goes around in this show. The reality show's version of a movie format's " three actors " method that'd been taught to him by the director, long ago when he was still a child.

There are characters like Sumi and Mem-Cho, who're skillfull with their public image and status. Knowing what acts to do, what words to say, and how to look when doing or saying it.

Then there are characters like Noboyuki. Not exactly special in most aspects, and usually completely genuine with himself. But perhaps that's what gives him that ' distinct ' persona that attracts people's attention nonetheless. Aqua's more or less confident he's under this category too.

And moving on to the very latter of the three..... characters like Kurokawa's and Morimoto. Characters that don't come across well on TV. He's seen the comments regarding their presence so far, and most of the criticism was directed towards their lack of initiative and bland-ish personality.

Morimoto doesn't seem to mind......but Kurokawa....she's.... Aqua narrows his eyes in concern. Despite being one of the more bland characters on TV, she's still the one clearly putting in the best effort she can among the other cast members including himself. Always taking down notes, speaking with the director, and then slowly incorporating what she's learned through the set scenes. But it's just blatantly clear that the format of Reality TV doesn't suit the actress at all. And so she struggles, and it's likely she's going to continue to struggle.

And then he glances to Beryl, who glances back at him. Once again, without the need to actually talk, they've both reached the same conclusion on the matter. But things were slightly different now after that.....revelation. Aqua truly doesn't know what to feel about Beryl.....at least, that's what he believes.


" Hey, Akkun!" Aqua felt an arm being slung across his shoulders, the added weight causing him to look slightly irritated but he pretends just enough to not let it show. He turns his head to the culprit, Noboyuki.

" How about we go grab something to eat after we're done?" The dancer suggested, catching everyone else's attention. Gleaming interest in their eyes as well. But Aqua sighs and answers, " Nah, I'm good. I've got food at home."

" Oh come on, don't be boring~" Noboyuki huffs in disappointment from Aqua's answer.

Just wait till' you kids become actual adults..... you'll soon discover the true meaning of what it's like to choose ' food at home ' above everything else.... Aqua still maintained the conservative mindset his past adult incarnation cursed him with.

" Yes, how about you reconsider! Let's take this as a chance to get to know each other better without being stalked by cameras all day." Sumi nudges. " Everyone should go, no?"

Morimoto quietly nods with a smile in agreement. Kurokawa didn't seem against it either.

" If that's the case then I'm expecting Noboyuki to be the one treating everyone to Yakiniku then?" Aqua sends him a pointed glance. The receiver of that glance immediately backing away.

" Ah...well--"

" I elect Mem-Cho to be given that honor." Beryl loudly spoke up, raising his hand.

" Eh?!" Mem-Cho choked on her saliva upon hearing that. " Excuse me, but why me?!" Her cutesy voice cracked for a second.

Beryl smirks.

Aqua immediately recognized what that smirk meant, and mentally sighs. 

Mem-Cho, what did you do.... He wondered for her sake.

" Well, if I recall correctly, didn't you receive an increase in your subscriber count lately? You've been riding high, especially when you split the profits 50-50 with your agency. " Beryl recounts, and watches eagerly as Mem-Cho stares at him in horror.

And suddenly, she remembered his words...

" Let me call you Goldy! " There was once a girl, oh so foolish, and oh so young, when she had decided to confront a monster.

" Just know I'll get you back for this. Seven-fold, that is." He promised with a cold air around him. His gaze piercing right through her. But she only smiled in response, unknowing of the consequences that waited for her.

" Goldy it is then~!" She oh so foolishly said without another care in the world.

" You split 50-50 with your agency?" Kurokawa perked up in astonishment. " I only get 80-20 from mine...." She muttered.

Gah! An arrow was shot through Mem-Cho's heart from that remark. Kurokawa was unintentionally guilt tripping her! Damn it, that pure girl!

 With Kurokawa's unintentional guilt tripping and Beryl's knowing evil grin, as well as everyone's expectant gazes falling upon her....


[ Mem-Cho concedes. ]


" Alright! Another top-grade assorted platter comin' up!" Mem-Cho exclaimed as she began typing it down on the ordering tablet with vigor.

" Eat your fill, damn brats!" She yelled.

" Wohoo!" Everyone cheered.




" Was this really necessary?" Aqua asked his younger brother, incredulously.

Beryl nods as he takes in another tender piece of meat into his mouth. Aqua sighs, shaking his head.

" I don't know what Mem-Cho did to deserve your wrath earlier, nor am I willing to wanna know at all. But I do have to ask..." Aqua narrows his eyes. " Couldn't we have just went home? There's food in the fridge, we literally just bought the groceries today." He said.

Beryl gives Aqua a blank look.

" It's Ruby's turn to cook this Sunday." He simply said.

Aqua's eyes widened a bit, before coughing into his sleeve awkwardly in defeat. " Ah....point taken then." He simply replied. Not much needed to be said after that statement, it was a well-known fact between the two that Ruby is completely hopeless in the kitchen. ( No matter how much the girl insists otherwise. )

Even if every Sunday the three of them agreed to get together and eat at the dining table, with a rotation schedule for the person who'll be cooking that night. And since it landed on Ruby.......then Aqua supposes tonight's decision to eat out with the others, is a lot more justified now. Neither Beryl nor Aqua have no plan on reliving the past trauma of eating whatever horrible frankenstein-eldritch creation Ruby makes as ' food '.

" Aqua-san, this flap meat is done grilling." A gentle voice, coming from the blue haired girl sitting across him, interrupted his thoughts and brought him back to real-time. He watches as she places the perfectly grilled piece of meat onto his bowl.

He sighs at her actions. " Kurokawa-san, I can grill my own meat. You don't really have to do it for me, besides, have you eaten yet? I've yet to see you take a single bite." He asked her.

" Well, actually--"

Before Kurokawa was able to give him a reply, Beryl interjects with a muffled mouthful of food. " Kurokawa-san mwind gwrilling mwe swome of thwat twoo?" He asked.

" Beryl..." Aqua sends his brother a glare, to which the latter blatantly ignores. He can't just ask Kurokawa to do something like that so rudely--

" Hehe, alright then, Beryl-san. A fresh batch of grilled flap meat coming right up!" she said, sweetly, before proceeding to grill a couple new pieces.

" I apologize on his behalf," Aqua frowns. " Really, you don't have to grill it for him. He can do it himself--"

" Oh, really, i don't mind." Kurokawa smiles kindly. " And to answer your question earlier; I'm actually a vegetarian. And when it comes to places like these, it's been my policy to never give up the serving role, you know." She said, gripping the metal tongs proudly in her hand.

Aqua raises a brow in slight interest.

She then flips the meat.

" At first,  I often got yelled at because I'd burned the meat. But overtime I'd gotten pretty good at grilling now." She said. Aqua hums in response before finally taking a piece of the perfectly grilled flap meat she'd given him a while ago.

She's earnest, Aqua thinks.


5 minutes later...


" So you see, people these days want to see something more extreme." Mem-Cho randomly yaps, " Well, your options typically depend on how much of a risk you're willing to handle!"

Kurokawa is visibly nodding as she began taking down notes again.

Aqua blankly stares at her.

She's too earnest, he thinks.





" Ohh, Yakiniku, huh? Pretty lavish, isn't it? I bet gazing at all those cuties made the meat extra delicious for you two, huh!"

Ruby gave both her two brothers the stink-eye as soon as they entered the front door.

" Er, I was just socializing." Aqua reasoned. Though, secretly he was happy due to the fact he could eat all those meats and fats without his stomach getting upset now...

" Yeah, the food was amazing." Beryl nods. This affirmation only infuriated the girl.

" I wanna beat the two of you up...." 


" It's been a rule that we all eat together on Sundays..." Ruby muttered with crossed arms.

Aqua was currently washing dishes that Ruby clearly didn't do out of spite. Meanwhile Beryl leaned against the counter and gave Ruby a look.

" With the exception of Sundays where you'd be cooking." He points out.

Ruby glares in offense. " Hey! I'm--"

" ' Not that bad of a cook! ', the girl says before she nearly exploded the stove somehow by just trying to cook an egg. " Beryl said, mimicking her voice.

" Oh come on, that was my first time, Beryl!" She reasoned.

" The egg turned black, Ruby. " Beryl narrows. " I don't know how you did it, but you are so bad that it turned blacker than charcoal."

Ruby blushes in embarrassment.

" Maybe if you just stopped recording me and laughing to yourself like a damn witch, you could've HELPED me for god's sake!" She yells back, flustered.

" Alright, alright you two calm down." Aqua, once again, stops the fight. He had just finished washing the dishes and setting them up to dry on the rack. He was currently wiping his hands with a clean towel as he says, " Let's not get into a screaming session in the evening. Miyako-san's going to receive complaints from our neighbours.....again. And you know how she gets."

Ruby huffs, indignant, but obedient. Beryl just shrugs silently.

Aqua realizes in this moment....that he was acting like he used to. Back then, before all the news, here he is acting as their mediator. As if everything was still normal. He felt his heart shrink back for some reason upon realizing just how easy it is to slip back, but he wonders if he should. Honestly, he couldn't determine anything wrong with returning to the same old antics with Ruby and Beryl, even with the latter's background that'd been shown that night. It just felt strange. Confusing. He doesn't how to describe it, but there's certainly a distance that'd never been there before.

" Hey, I was wondering..... the concept of the show is that you guys get together after school, right?" Ruby begins to ask something she'd been curious about since the airing of LoveNow. " But you always film on weekends. Isn't that staged fakery?" 

" Can't you let a small detail like that slide? " Aqua proceeds to answer, " Besides, everyone on the show is still a minor in education. I think it's great that they are prioritizing our schoolwork as well. "

" Also, about everything being ' staged '. Suprisingly enough, not all of it was...."

Beryl leaves the two of them to continue their conversation. 


He sits on the couch, staring at the TV remote resting on the table. It should be around this time, isn't it? From what he managed to read online, the fourth session of trial was set to be delayed into the evening. Which is....right about now.

Beryl grabs the remote, but doesn't turn on the TV just yet. He sat there, silently contemplating on the events of today especially during the morning. That encounter. And now this new update on the court session regarding the case of the White Room. Was this coincidence? It has to be, right? For someone from the White Room to get up close and personal with him, he can't fathom the reason why, besides going into a quick altercation. But in the bigger scheme of things the move still doesn't make sense.

They should be walking on thin ice. Ever since the trial began, Beryl expected the White Room's advancement to slow down. Acting hasty will only increase the risks. And when he thinks about it a little more, there's not much reason for them to still be keeping a close eye on his moves. Beryl's been acting normal for quite a while now, and they'd got nothing to gain from him as far as he was concerned. So either they dialed the surveillance back, or ended it entirely. Moving the focus to Tamako, or just retreating from her too.

And yet....

Something....something doesn't feel right. Beryl thought things were getting better today, but it was the other way around. Things felt off. Come to think of it, ever since they left the supermarket, he hasn't felt any of those gazes that'd been surrounding him for weeks. Which meant nobody, absolutely nobody, was following him. Besides that one person.

Why is that...?

Ding Dong!


The sound of the doorbell snapped Beryl from his thoughts, which was then followed by Ruby's voice and rushing footsteps. " I'll get it! " He heard her say.

Beryl turned his head to Ruby's approaching figure towards the door, and then time slowed down as his eyes widened in horrific realization. As the world closes in on him, his vision recreates that familiar scene once more, the moment in which the color of blonde flashes into a midnight purple.

' A beat. '

" H-Hey--!"  Ruby was forcefully stopped when she felt a tight grip on her arm, pulling her back suddenly. 

" Don't." Was all he said. Ruby looks at him in confusion but before she could try and ask him what's wrong, he pulls her behind him even further. Overwhelmed by his strength, she could do nothing but obey to his will. She rubbed her arm in pain, once again, his tight grip hurt her but she didn't dare show it.

She was too distracted....by the cold air surrounding her brother once more.

Beryl...? Ruby was worried. What's with him? Why is he...

Before she could finish that thought, Beryl gripped the knob and twisted. He opens the door and winds his fist back--

" Finally, you opened the-- huh? Beryl? " A woman's figure is what greeted him at the door. 

"....Miyako-san?" Beryl paused. He slowly let his arm fall to his side. 

Miyako stood there confused, while Ruby immediately pulls Beryl back. Snapping out of her trance just in time and greeting their surrogate mother, " M-Miyako-san! Welcome home! How was work?" She smoothly blurted out within a second.

" ...." Miyako stares at Beryl with concern, before turning to Ruby and nodding. " I'm alright. Did the three of you eat?"

Ruby huffs, bitterly. " Oh we did. Except these two went out and ate Yakiniku without me." She rolled her ruby colored eyes, feigning annoyance.

" Is that so?" Miyako chuckles. Poor Ruby, she thought. " Where is Aqua? "

" Right here." Aqua finally walks in the entrance hallway. His expression, the usual. 

His brilliant blue eyes lingers towards Beryl for a few seconds, before returning focus back to Miyako. " Do you need me for anything?"

" Here," Miyako pushes a plastic bag to his hands with a savory aroma coming from it. " Brought home some snacks. Thought the three of you would like it, as a reward for doing the groceries." she smirks.

Aqua gives a nod in response before heading back to the kitchen and setting it down on a plate.

" Oh...that smelled good." Ruby mumbled. " Don't you think so too, Beryl?" She asked.

"....Mm." he hummed as a response, " Welcome home by the way, Miyako-san." He releases a sigh of relief. His shoulders turn lax again. And Ruby noticed the cold air around him immediately dispersing, to which she was relief of too.

But it did still concern her. It was as if Beryl expected someone else from the other side of that door....

Moving hastily like that....had it truly been another person, he would've actually landed that hit.

Miyako nods before reaching out to pat Beryl's head, though she had to extend her arm a lil' bit more than usual because of how tall he is. 

Feeling the contact of her hand, Beryl stares at her silently.

" You seem tired, Beryl. Are you sure you're alright?" She probed.


Just now....he thought he was going to relive it again. This time, by his own ghosts. 

" I'm alright." He lies. " Just a long boring day of operating a camera, is all."

" I see. Well,  just do your best to relax now, okay?" Miyako says before walking past them and making her way to the kitchen. " And maybe eat what I brought! It could help."

" Yeah....thanks." Beryl mutters as Miyako soon exits their vicinity.



Now, Ruby and Beryl stood there in awkward silence.

" So....you...uh....did it again." Ruby breaks the ice, chuckling nervously.

" Sorry, I--" He turned to apologize but was met with Ruby shaking her head.

 " It didn't really hurt or anything," She lies. " But....are you really okay? You know...you can tell me what's been bothering you, right?" She takes this as an opportunity to try and grab an answer from him again. She wants to understand.

 Beryl sees through the pitiful attempt, and appreciates her gesture but...

" I guess I've just been lacking a lot of sleep lately. I'm not acting like my normal self, right?" He reasons his behaviour on the lack of sleep. He wants Ruby to believe that reason.

" Beryl, please--"

" Ruby, I'm not lying to you. It really is my reason."

" Why won't you--"

" I'll go back to the couch."

" Beryl, you're not--!"

Listening! Ruby couldn't get to the finish as Beryl already began brushing past her. She looks at his back with frustration, any attempt of trying to understand him, trying to reach out to him and close the distance his past has brought to them-- he's pushing her away in all of it! Why is he...

"...Making it so damn difficult..." Ruby heaves a sigh as she muttered that to herself.

Despite how frustrating this is, she could very well at least guess as to why he can't open up about it. Maybe he just really doesn't wanna talk about it because he hates it. Like she does about hers. Whenever she looks back into that life, all she sees is a pitiful version of herself. Maybe...that's similar to what he's feeling too.

But this is Beryl we're talking about. She could definitely be missing the mark here, and it's something a lot more serious. Still, it doesn't give him the right to just ignore all her attempts like this. So she'll just have to try harder. Wait for the perfect opportunity....and then strike!




Meanwhile, as Beryl sat back on his lonesome. He began to think all sorts of things, or rather concerns regarding his own behaviour just now. He's being driven by shock and desperation, by emotions. Now that isn't necessarily a bad thing, rather it's a welcome effect, it's a sign that he's truly mostly departed from his old self but......right now, whether he likes to admit it or not, emotions are being a detriment.

It's clouding his judgement. Pairing emotional tendencies to paranoia is a recipe for disaster. He should've thought things through and realized that it was likely Miyako....but everything felt too horribly familiar. The last time he let his guard down, it costed him dearly. He didn't want to let that happen again.

The White Room is still alive. And the possibility of himself, by fate's whim, of getting involved somehow is still there. When that happens he needs to focus. He can't risk committing mistakes. 


He grabs the remote and finally turns on the TV. He switches to the channel where the trial was going to be shown. He needed to see what cards Yuki has brought to the table this time. And then decide on his next moves based on how the proceedings go tonight.


Yuki wore a stoic expression throughout the 30 minute mark of the trial. She and her adversaries have exchanged evidence, objections, testimonies, and whatnot. Her amethyst eyes watched as the opposing lawyer, operating on Naoe's side, confidently finds contradictions from her statements and evidence that she placed on purpose to simply prolong the anxious party.

But tonight, she's decided to finally stop the games. Her trump card is only going to be available for so long, she'd rather not withhold it any further than this. 


When that lawyer was finished with his counter arguments, the judge narrowed his eyes towards Yuki's position. The woman smiled for the first time since the trial began as she slowly stood up from her seat and politely raised her hand.

" Your honor, if you'll allow me to, I'd like to bring in a vital witness to support my argument in this case. " She formally requests.

The judge gestures with his hand in affirmation. " Go on, Sagami-san. "

As she turns around to face the crowd sitting behind her, she managed to capture eye contact with Ayanokouji Atsuomi for a split-second. His eyes glared at her, trying to pierce itself through her soul like he did so to countless others, but Yuki was simply amused. Excited, even. For what's to come.

" I'd like to call in my wonderful witness! Mika-san, please proceed to the stand." Yuki calls to the entire court.

Atsuomi's eyes widened at the name in panic. No, it couldn't be. Did she really--?!

A figure rose from the benches. A woman with dark hair and lifeless brown doe eyes slowly makes her walk to the stand. Atsuomi's lips parting in shock for a moment, but then returned to his stoic expression upon locking eyes with the woman he'd thought he'd never see again after their previous contact. He wondered just what the hell was she doing here. Didn't she escape off the country with a man in tow? Why is she in Japan. Why is she here.

Silence shrouded the court as the woman finally got on the stand. A stare down shared to her so called ' ex-husband '. Everyone present in the room could sense the awful tension radiating from both figures, wondering just what is the connection with this woman.

" May you introduce yourself proper to the court?" Yuki asks.

" I am Ayanokouji Atsuomi's former wife, Mika. And...." The woman pauses hearing the gasps of everyone in the room with the exception of Atsuomi and Yuki, watching  Atsuomi's face slowly turn downcast. Upon seeing that, she takes a breath. Feeling awfully.....satisfied, after years of feeling numb. Her mind wondered why that is, but the remains of her heart already knew.

" And...?"  Yuki asks her to complete.

"....Right....I am also the birth mother of Ayanokouji Kiyotaka. "

The judge and the jury looked visibly suprised this time around. They were trained to remain stoic and neutral until proper verdict, but this case was so globally severe that it was hard to maintain that usual countenance, especially when two imposing figures-- the director of the white room and the revered Detective Yuki were practically at war with each other. But it seems like the tides were turning towards Yuki's favor, completely. With the appearance of this woman who claims to be the boy's mother.

" To formally disclose everything. I can  indeed confirm without a doubt that Ms. Mika's connection to Ayanokouji Atsoumi as his former wife is indeed a legitimate connection." Yuki walks up to the stand guard, handing the older officer an envelope containing all the files related to her argument. " Will you please give this to the judge? It contains everything I want to say today. The first being, the legitimate previously established marital relationship of these two."

The guard hands over the envelope to the judge, and subsequently the judge proceeds to open it and gazes his eyes upon the first thing he saw; A marriage certificate. Signed by both parties, and witnessed by an official.

The judge nods in understanding. " You may proceed with your point, Ms. Sagami." 

Yuki nods and faces Mika again. After she made Mika pledge not to tell any lies and answer only the truth in front of the jury, she was finally set to begin.

"Ms. Mika. When did you last get in contact with Mr. Atsuomi?" Yuki starts.

" Years ago. A decade or so. After we divorced, we never got in contact again." Mika answers, naturally.

The judge raises a brow as he took out the next file in the envelope, a divorce certificate. Signed. And legitimate like the last.

Yuki nods. " I believe a closer inspection towards you and Atsuomi's past will benefit the court greatly, and so I ask; What was your relationship with him like, exactly?"

Mika hums for a moment, any other day and she would've played with her answer, whimsical like she'd been known to be. But....this was important. After all, why else would she be here taking the young woman's side in this nasty conflict.

" My past relationship with him could be summed up as a contract. A literal one." She says.

" Could you please elaborate further on that?" 

" Of course."

Atsuomi grits his teeth as clenches his fists. His eyes not tearing away from the woman as she spoke of their connection with solemnity, all the while continuing to fathom why she stands before him-- against him.

" Our first contact was during..." And there she goes. She recounted their first ever meeting, the night at that hostess establishment, when their eyes had first locked. A sense of familiarity being shared between them that night as the both of them held a certain ambition for something, this is what initially piqued Atsuomi's interest in her.

And from thereon, he got to know of her true colors. How greedy and manipulative she can be, but also sentimental. How realistic and diligent she is, while being delusional. She had scammed several men until she met him-- the first man she felt she couldn't ever pierce through the mentality of.

" A brief recount of what you just told the court; You met Atsuomi at a previous job of yours as a hostess, where you thrived off of scamming many political figures for your own gain. You attempted to do the same to Ayanokoji Atsuomi, but he wasn't one to relent. He saw through you. And it was then that the line of contracts first sparked between you two, and from there he began assigning many tasks private only to you." Yuki recites.

" That is correct," Mika nods.

Atsuomi's breath hitches. He just doesn't understand. But what he does understand is that the Mika standing against him now, isn't the same Mika he once knew. She was here for a reason he can't pinpoint.

" Ms. Mika. What about the White Room, do you know anything of it? Has....Atsuomi ever spoken about it." Yuki was intricate in her words and tone, sending a side-eye glance to the opposing figures and watched as both Jinnosuke and his rich snobby lawyer practically sweated in place.

" I only recall him ever mentioning that....it was a project he valued with his life." Mika sends a glance to the man in question only for a split moment before returning focus back to Yuki. " And he needed my help to be sure it was realized."

" In what way?" Yuki asks, and everyone in the room watched with horrified expressions-- all too knowing of the answer. But if they were to hear it from her....then they'll see just how dark the tunnel really goes, without any more denial.

" He asked me to bear him his child."

As soon as the words left her lips, the entire room felt a cold undercurrent. But Yuki didn't dare to let the feeling simmer, as she continued her questioning.

" The child being Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, correct? " 

" Correct."

" The same child he sent off to be raised and trained in the White Room," Yuki turns to meet Atsuomi's fierce look. " Among other children he sent off to be trained in that facility as well..."

" O-Objection!" Naoe's lawyer stood up, suprising everyone out of their stupor. To think that this frail guilty looking man who clearly lost the battle would even propose to object the evidence was pitiable.

" Y-Your honor, if I may ask, how can we really trust this woman's words!" He tried to sound composed, but it came as a desperate statement. " For this woman to just suddenly come back to testify against my client of such a horrid crime committed, further convincing everyone that this-- that this hoax is even real. And condemning not just my client but several other people to a dangerous sentence! Is it not suspicious that after all these years...she finally decided to open up?!" His voice boomed through the court.

" That woman.....she doesn't even look like she cares for her own child! Should you really trust the look of a mother who doesn't even care for her own son to come up here in court and make a statement like this? " He continued to reason.

" Are you suggesting that my witness is trying for her ex-husband's defamation?" Yuki raised a brow.

The lawyer glares, seething. Deciding to summon some guts for once as he points at her, " Precisely, Ms. Sagami. The lady you just decided to bring into court today must have a secret motive.....or that you forcefully coerced her into fighting against her ex-husband. Maybe inciting some bitter feelings that don't even relate to the case, and making up this entire backstory to supplement--"

" Then why is it that Atsuomi himself never brought up his wife, not once in these court sessions!" Yuki interrupts brazenly. " if he really was innocent, then shouldn't the testimony of someone previously close to him be of use to prove that innocence--?! "

" Order, order!" The judge smacks his gavel against the table, the loud slamming of wood against wood, silencing both parties. As they both turned to face the Judge with apologetic looks. It was silent for a few moments, though both parties clearly have more to say against the other--

But then the voice of the woman in question, broke the silence first.

"....You are right."

The tone being emitted from Mika was cold and ruthless. Yuki turns to her, and so did the lawyer. Everyone stayed silent, waiting for her to continue.

" I.....never felt love for my son. Let alone consider myself as his mother." Mika admits.

The opposing lawyer's eyes widen, he was close to speak up again, attempting to seize the chance but Mika was quicker.

" It was a deal, your honor." Mika's gaze lands on the conductor of this entire mess of a session. " One last deal that was offered to me by Atsuomi. One last deal before we eventually broke off connections."

" Your honor--" The lawyer tries to speak, but the judge raised his hand.

" Silence." He uttered as he stared the woman down coldly. For him, the case was just downright awful to its core. The more he hears from either side, the more tempting it was to just leave the room. He'd been a judge for a long time now, and he's met with his fair share of horrible crimes. But crimes against children always broke his heart.

He was a father himself.

And to see this woman and that man show no signs of remorse. It disgusted him.

" Continue." Still, he told her. To provide justice, he must endure it. This woman must prove it.

" One last contract was signed. In it was the promise of me bearing him his child and to act as his wife during that short period. In turn, once the child was born, I would relinquish custody and hand it to him. And I would be rewarded....with 50 million yen."

It was an astonishing confession coming from the mouth of a woman who explained it so inexplicably calm. Everyone watching the spectacle wondered just how tragic the boy's life really was, to be practically sold off to your own father. Abandoned by your mother. And then be subjected into a hellish program under the guise of nurturing talented individuals....

Although Yuki remained stoic about this, her heart certainly ached. Even though she's heard Mika admit it once before. Hearing it again still disturbs her. It reminds her just how heartless a woman she is.....it's comparable to Atsuomi himself. Secretly, she wanted to condemn Mika for her crimes in this as well....but....without her, this wouldn't be possible to do in such a short amount of time.

" Your honor, in the envelope is the original final contract signed by Atsuomi and Mika. The agreement reflecting Mika's confession just now." Yuki announced. " Along with all the other agreements the both of them signed as well.

The end is approaching.

Silently, the judge reveals the final item in the envelope. And there it was; a clean white folder with a thick density in its inner. The judge opens it, revealing several contracts signed by Atsuomi and Mika as Yuki just said, each contract matching up with all of Mika's confessions today.....

But more importantly, the final one. The one that really mattered above everything else.



Date: October X, XXXX

From this day, henceforth, Tatsumi Mika shall agree to the terms set by Ayanokouji Atsuomi, to partake in a false marriage for the minimum of a year and to bear the latter's child within that span of time. Once the child is born, and once the sufficient amount of time in marriage has been surpassed and deemed accepted, then Tasumi Mika is free to divorce whilst leaving with the reward of 50 million yen provided by Atsuomi as compensation for her efforts.

Signed, Tatsumi Mika

Signed, Ayanokouji Atsuomi.  ' 

When the contract was read out by the judge completely, everyone in the room began to murmur and aim dark glances towards the Naoe company's way. Moreso specifically, the very man who conducted this, Atsuomi. 

" T...That....can't be..." The defending lawyer was seemingly speechless. He could of course try to refute the evidence as forgery, but.....this is going too far. If this becomes true, then this paves the way for other preceding evidence to be true as well. 

Mika.... Atsuomi glares at her like he wanted nothing more than to cease her existence while his superior next to him, Naoe, is trying to snap him out of his stupor. Asking him, ' What can we do now? ' with such a fear expression. And Atsuomi knew better than to lie, he knew better to just suck it up already, as he clenched his fists till his nails dug into his skin or bit his lip till it sprouted that disgusting red, he knew....

".....This is an urgent manner, so I apologize to inform everyone, but this court session must be abruptly put to an end." The judge spoke after a few moments with a solemn tone. " With the evidence presented today by both parties.....I am in the belief that processing everything will require a considerate amount of time. To determine the truth once and for all. The Jury is in agreement as well." His gaze shifts to the people on the jury, to which everyone nodded their heads slowly. Still shocked by the final contract. They knew what this could entail.


" If the remaining evidence is proven to be true, then at best, tomorrow will be the last and final session. I will see both parties until then. Court adjourned."

And the screen cuts to commercials.


Ruby lets go of a breath she didn't know she was holding, as her head turned to Beryl with a worried expression. His blank look facing the screen, unchanging, even after the program just ended. 

" Poor child..." Miyako murmured with a frown towards the screen and releasing a sigh. 

" ...Kiyo--" 

Almost immediately, Ruby caught herself and slapped her hands to her mouth. She almost uttered his name in front of Miyako. It would've caused confusion, and a conversation that might potentially be brought about. Damn it, how could she let that nearly slip!

Luckily....nobody seemed to notice, The blonde girl noted in relief.

Well, Aqua obviously did. His eyes were focused solely on Beryl's expression as well, he wondered just how his little brother felt-- just how Kiyotaka is feeling at the moment. To realize that his real mother from his past life allowed him to be thrown into that hell, without a single fight, she let him be sold to his own father. In a way, Aqua could even deeply sympathize, as he didn't... have the greatest parents either, or more like, there was a lack thereof. He had relatives that raised him but.....he didn't find much to feel until Ai in his new life came along as his mother.

Both siblings think their little brother was in a hidden emotional turmoil at the revelation.


But they couldn't have been more wrong with the assumption.

Admittedly, Beryl was shocked and suprised at this moment, that's for certain. However, it was not of the reasons neither Aqua nor Ruby were thinking, rather, he was simply wondering if the White Room really was just going to shut down after this. He didn't think Yuki would pull this out of her sleeve, something so incriminating that would certainly end it all for that man. The mother? He couldn't have cared less. As far as Beryl was concerned he didn't know that woman until now. Maybe the past Kiyotaka would've showed a more interesting curiosity in the mother that abandoned him....

But not Beryl. As far as he was concerned, his mother has and always will be Ai. 

It won't end like this. Beryl thinks, as he can't give chance to be complacent. That man is going to pull something from his sleeve to try and counter, proving Yuki's war isn't over yet. 

" ....Ah, almost forgot," Miyako turns to Aqua. " Did you warm the food?"

Aqua responds with a nod. " Yeah. The table is ready too."

Miyako does a small smile as she gets up, deciding that the mood in the room needs to be changed. She wasn't too fond of everyone's silence, especially when it comes to the context of...... maybe it's better not to think about it too much. Yes. 

" Ruby, Beryl. Let's eat what I brought, okay? It's not going to taste good tomorrow, I can tell you that." She suggests.

Beryl silently gets up, nodding, but his mind still clearly elsewhere. Whilst Ruby responds in typical Ruby fashion with bright starry eyes and salivation....but her thoughts remain crossed on Beryl. Wondering just what he might be feeling.

But of course....food takes the priority for the Hoshino siblings!




After an hour of going about each other's day while eating on the tasty meals Miyako brought home, it was time to clean up. The task was decided to be left to Beryl and Ruby's care, however, Miyako thought it strange that Ruby volunteered herself so enthusiastically instead of pointing the fingers to Aqua or Beryl ( then again she did also require Beryl's help in the end )...... hm, maybe she's finally maturing, she thinks as a smile formed on her face from the thought before retiring to her room. Aqua gave Ruby a look, implying that he can guess what she's trying to do, and Ruby responds with a look of her own confirming his suspicions. Satisfied with the wordless answer to his thoughts, he leaves it to them and retires to his bedroom as well, having a lot of thoughts to reorganize himself too.

But when Aqua left the two youngsters alone, Ruby slowly realized how hard it is to actually bring up the matter to Beryl. She planned to use this time to talk to him without him having the option to run away this time.....but the words are getting caught up in her throat. Many opportunities have already presented themselves to her whilst they were cleaning up and yet--!

She completely underestimated how absolutely awkward it is to go about and ask him something like ' So, Beryl, how do you feel after hearing your previous mom just sold you to your dad??? ' --- BY THE GODS HOW CAN SHE ASK SOMETHING LIKE THAT WITHOUT SOUNDING LIKE A TOTAL DINGUS?!

Time was running out, as dishes were already sliding in the racks for it to dry. This was her shot, she just has to--!

" Looks like we're just about done here." Rattling Ruby in her thoughts, Beryl spoke. " I'll entrust the few remaining dishes left to you." He said, drying his hands already.

" Eh?" Ruby turns to him in suprise, only to see him turn his back to her and walking off to the direction of the stairs. 

" I'll see you in the morning, Ruby."

" Huh? No! Wait, I--!" Without intending to, the words flew out of her mouth louder than it was supposed to. 

But nonetheless, when she saw him stop to look back at her with a questioning expression, she decided that it still left the same effect. And that now is the time to finally ask.

" I have....something to ask you." she slowly starts.

" What is it?"  Already from the sound of her tone, Beryl already had an idea, but chose to let her speak first.

".....The woman from the TV..."

" What of her?"

" She's your mother..." God, she thought she sounded stupid just echoing what he already knows. He's heard it! But that isn't what she's trying to say, actually, she's not trying to be literal-- words are hard to articulate for Ruby.

Luckily, Beryl seems to understand what she's really trying to say.

" She is Ayanokoji Kiyotaka's mother. Not mine." He answered, causing the girl to tilt her head in confusion. When you put it like that, it sounds like you're trying desperately to disconnect those two personas...

" My mother has and always will be Ai." Beryl says.

" But....still....don't you feel disturbed about all of this? Don't you feel anything about this at all?" This, could imply everything, from the way Ruby said it. From his still relatively blank past in the White Room to the revelation that he'd been sold to his own father as a mere trust fund for his investors. Everything.

" There is nothing to feel about any of this."

Shocked by his bland countenance this time of all times, Ruby's lips parted in shock. She gets his personality, she knows him, but acting like himself at a situation like this is just too much. Should be too much.

" I never knew that woman, so why should I care?" He asked her.

The realization of his words turned her meek. She lowers her head down in embarrassment. " A-Ah....you're right about that. I guess....it wouldn't be strange for you to feel nothing for something like that, huh..." 

Especially when you consider the more pressing things that the boy had been through. Though neither have voiced that out.

" Is that all?" Just like that, the conversation went cold. Ruby had nothing else to say despite initially thinking she had a thousand things she wanted answers to, but after voicing out just a few words to her little brother, he effortlessly shuts her down.

" Yes it is....I'm sorry, if I bothered you." Ruby instead apologizes sincerely, bowing her head down in shame. She shouldn't have tried it at all. It was such a difficult topic to walk on, and still she tried to seek his reaction.

Unbeknownst to her, Beryl had furrowed his brows after seeing her downtrodden expression. He wanted to say something, maybe he admit that he appreciated her vain efforts in trying to understand him-- but his brain tells him not to. It's better this way. Until the storm will finally subside, he has to keep her distanced from his troubles. No matter how hard she'll try to bridge their current gap, he'll shatter it again and again. Even if it hurts her.

Even when he doesn't want to.

But....he does have something he'd like to ask her. Just to be certain, before he goes.

" Ruby, did anyone knock on the door while you were alone?" He asked.

She looks up at him, she felt something strange from his question. It feels related to his reaction earlier when he..... no, she shouldn't think too much of it now. She's bothered him enough, just answer.

" No. I haven't heard any knocking as far as I remember...." She said.

"....I see." He nods.

That's good.

Beryl will have to be more vigilant this time. What happened today still bothers him so, and tonight's session of the trial is not easing his nerves one bit. And that....dreadful memory. 

It's been a while since he recalled that himself. Everything in him just....moved on its own.


No matter. He'll have to put that aside for now. Starting tomorrow, he'll have to keep a watchful eye on himself and those he cares about. The White Room will not end here.

The White Room could never end.

That was the belief instilled into him by that man.





Beryl spent the next day keeping an eye on everything. His surroundings, those he passes by, and those he talks to. He acts normal, as he should. So far there were no instances of him sensing a dreadful presence keeping an eye on him or his companions, which was only natural since the White Room is busy trying to fend off Yuki's efforts. But soon they'll probably come back. And he oughta be prepared when they do.

Like he thought earlier....

The White Room could never end.

" The Jury has found the entire party of Naoe, along with his main accomplice Ayanokouji Atsuomi, guilty. "


" The facts have been confirmed, about the White Room's true purpose; The unethical acts of isolating groups of children, to then training them under harsh conditions. This violates several human rights, and so does it call the violation of child endangerment. Among other things, the court has also determined that they are hereby guilty of acts going beyond the White Room itself, political corruption has been confirmed within their branches and will be dealt with accordingly."


"  Everything is still going under processing. I am aware that this particular case has made everyone anxious, but rest easy now. As the judge heading this session, and all the preceding ones, I can safely say without a doubt; That this is the end of the White Room.

Court adjourned, get home safe, everyone. Though I can't say the same for these wicked and evil men, along with their group. Everyone involved in this heinous crime will receive a lifetime sentence, without parole nor appeal. "


When the channel ended, a smile appeared on both Miyako and Ruby's faces. The look of utter relief shared between the two of them. Miyako was relieved that no more children would be put through that facility again, while Ruby is excited at the prospect of seeing Beryl's reaction to this. She has an idea that the news about the White Room, a huge reminder of his past life, to an extent she doesn't truly know about-- ending just like this. She imagines a small smile of relief from his face, but first she turns to Aqua to get his reaction too.

But Aqua's eyes weren't focused on the screen at all. Just like last time...

Her gaze followed his, expecting and hoping for a relieved expression on Beryl's face. But all she was met with was look of sheer disbelief. She cocked a brow, maybe it was just the shock that everything is finally over?

" Hey, Beryl." She calls him, and pokes his arm to grab his attention.

But the boy didn't respond, his eyes remained glued to the screen. His expression, still. As his thoughts repeated,

' The White Room.....ended...?'


Mika watched as the guards arrived to take away Naoe and his accomplices, to escort them to their deserved sentences. Each of their faces, distraught, and in disbelief, that they had lost. Some of which weren't even aware of the White Room in the first place but still doomed to suffer by affiliation with its head. Some may call that unfair, but Mika had not the energy to argue with the court's decisions, it was better than nothing at all. What they do now is entirely up to them from this point on.

As for the sentencing.....everyone was condemned to a life sentence. Most would probably think that to be a controversial decision, which is why it wasn't disclosed on TV as to what the fate of these men would be, all that's left is the promise that they would certainly pay. That is, by rotting away under the Japanese system. Well, Mika figures Yuki must've played a hand in this decision somehow as well, because the death penalty should've been the most likely end for these men....but it wasn't. She must've organized that with the jury and judge.

 Yuki looked calm as she watched these men get escorted too. Her expression was still, but Mika could spot the secret-- almost sadistic --joy in seeing her plan come to fruition at last.  It is to be expected after spending an entire decade of laying down the foundations necessary to take down an entire facility built with a single man's pure ambition.......

Speaking of which....

" Why did you come here, Mika."

Neither would've fathomed that they'd cross paths again. His cold voice interrogates her very being as he was being handcuffed by the guards. Yuki signals for the men to give these two.... ' exes ' a moment, and so they stood on stand-by as the conversation between former husband and wife took place.

" Working against me...." He scoffs. " I'd assumed you were smarter than that."

Before she could get a word in, he speaks again. " Did you think by doing this you could redeem yourself? Is that it? Couldn't handle the crime anymore? " A frown. " i didn't think you'd let guilt of all things finally get to you."

".....I'm not doing this for any of that." Mika answers, clenching her fists before letting it all go with a sigh and a shake of her head. " I ran out of money, that's all." Finally, her expression changes to a smile. it did its job in frustrating Atsuomi even more. " She came to me with a handsome amount, even more than what you gave me in the past. I would be stupid not to agree to these terms, no?" She whispered only to him. " I love money, you see."

" You already know what type of person I am, don't you, Atsuomi?" These words cause Atsuomi to release a huff, and for a moment, he would've believed her. After all that was all he ever truly got to know about the Mika he used to work with......the Mika before she gave life to his offspring, that is.

" You're not fooling anyone. Something changed with you." he narrows his eyes at her. " And you're going to regret it." 

" How so, if I may ask?" Another voice steps into their conversation. The both of them turned their heads to meet amethyst eyes belonging none other to the victor of this entire trial. And a failed subject of the White Room's experiment. 

A huff. " You...." Atsuomi's figure shifts to face the young woman's direction, disdain evident on his face. " To think a failure of the White Room would be the one to shut it down, is admittedly, something I haven't once considered. Especially as someone as lackluster as you were. It's a miracle I even managed to remember you-- but I couldn't help but to."

" It is clear to me that both of you have your reasons as to why we stand before here today. But I think your reason is clearest; This is simply....petty revenge, isn't it? Because I killed your little ' crush'? " His words were said with clear intent to try and aggravate Yuki, but she was controlled enough to see that this was all but a last ditch attempt to stoop her down to his level.

".....It is." But she admits. " What you did to your own son is unforgivable. And i want nothing more than for you to rot in that empty room as he has." She said, her anger flickering in her tone. " It's your turn to live out this little dream of yours, Atsuomi. Enjoy that White Hell yourself."

A pause.

And the man dared to chuckle.

" Don't be so conceited." Was what he said before the guards decided to tug him and forcefully move him. But still, his head was craned towards them as he spat his final words. " Yuki, even you know this, don't you? The White Room could never end. "

Indeed, Yuki has heard those words before. But she decided to dismiss it as nothing more than a worn-down, defeated, sulking old man's word of one last attempt of trying to get into her head. It doesn't work.

The two watched as the remaining members of Naoe's party leave the room to their decided fates...


The cold wind of the night envelops them as they stand outside at the park, gazing at the dark and somewhat lit center lake. 

" You actually won, Yuki." The older woman spoke in a softer tone than Yuki anticipated. " To think that it was possible.....to think that you'd achieve it is....quite the feat."

" Without your assistance, it's fair for me to say that it would've taken longer than expected." Yuki turns to her. " So I'll have to thank you for your cooperation as well."

Mika smiles. " Aw, that's the nicest thing you said to me yet, dear." The term of endearment receives a scoff from the younger woman, clearly feeling uncomfortable from it as she mutters a gruff response that sounded along the lines of ' Don't call me that, you hag. '

" So....I suppose you owe me a favor now, don't you?" Mika suggests.

" A favor? You should be lucky I didn't allow you to be judged with the life sentence as well, or even gone through the death penalty." She crosses her arms. " Lest, I would have killed you myself a long time ago."

Mika chuckles. " Harsh, still? After me coming all the way here with good intentions?"

" Is it more money that you want?" Yuki decisively questioned.

Up until this point, Yuki reserved her suspicions on Mika's strange behaviour recently but set it aside in favor of pushing through with this trial. But now that it was over, she could finally dissect Mika's intentions of coming here in the first place and volunteering her testimony against someone she had several private affairs with in the past. Coming here, despite stating previously that she had no faith in Yuki's plan at all.

" You know enough that that isn't what I want." Mika said.

" Right," Now it made Yuki wonder. " If not money, then what were you here for?"

" Just a small favor, is all I ask." The woman replied, her eyes tearing away from Yuki and staring back into the lake. " After that, I'll be out of your way. You'll never see me again."

Yuki observed the expression on her face. It was one she'd never seen before. She had to blink a couple of times, wondering if she was mistaking it, but no she didn't. She's seen that look, and worn that same look many times. It's all too identifiable.

And the dots connect, without Mika ever having to say another word.

" I think I know now." Yuki murmurs before uncrossing her arms. A deep breath. " Very well, how about we meet again in a few days from now? We can....get to terms with this ' favor ' of yours by then. There are still things for me to process after the trial so I'll need that amount of time to sweep up the mess that he left behind. Will that be okay with you?" She said, reverting to a more somber speech in tone. The voice she only uses when it's in regards to that.

She was answered with a nod. Yuki planned to visit him alone like always, but it looks like he'll be receiving another visitor this time around, huh.

The night passes after they parted ways for now, still due to see each other one final time in a few days' pass.


A couple days later.....

Ruby thought things would finally go back to normal after the trial officially ended. That she would have her brother back, before all this talk about the White Room appeared, before..... she got to learn of his past identity as Ayanokoji Kiyotaka, the revered product of that place.

For the most part, it actually did. Beryl looks a lot calmer these days, and he's becoming more vocal again. Teasing her, teasing Aqua, teasing anyone that comes his way with his sarcasm and cheeky jokes she thought were absolutely horrible-- ahem. Yes, things were looking to be as it was before the entire situation, as if it never even happened. And anyone would just leave it like this as if nothing needs to be meddled with anymore.

But as his sister, she could notice that a new bother was occupying his thoughts this time around. And she doesn't get it. Again. He won't talk to her about his feelings or....anything. 


" I don't get it. Everything's over now, right? " Ruby sighs into her palms as she ranted to Aqua. " Something is still bothering him, and yet he still won't say a word of it!"

" It's likely not that simple. Even if the White Room is gone, perhaps something about it still lies with him. Like a scar. They fade after a while but.... the wounds still run deep, never to heal." Aqua speaks his consideration. " Maybe he still doesn't know how to truly process such a feeling. Despite being free, some part of him still feels trapped. Chained. To those memories." And more.

".....Can we really do nothing about it, Aqua?" Ruby's face looked downcast. " He looks....happier these days, but that's only for looks. I feel like....it's as you said, he's confused. I don't want to meddle unnecessarily and I know rushing the process isn't a good idea but I'm just scared that he'll still return to the way he was before."

Aqua didn't know how Beryl was really feeling about this either. He doesn't seem to exhibit any sort of trauma that suggests any fear was instilled to him, but it was something else. It's disbelief, but why? Did he really believe that he could never truly be free from his chains like this? Or is it because he knew something they didn't.

" I'm sure you'll figure something out. If he was ever going to listen to anyone, it'd likely be you, Ruby." Aqua suddenly says. " After all, in the past few weeks, you made more progress in getting him to open up than I could in years. There's....something special between you two, from what I can tell."

It was an outspoken point that could be understood and seen by just about anybody. Ever since young, those two were always at each other throats ( Though Ruby was typically the instigator for most of their conflicts ) and it's a wonder how in other times these two get along really well. But what really sells the fact is that when one of the two gets into a bad time, the other is there right by his or her side, ready to listen to their cries. Again, usually from Ruby. But Beryl had put it in his fair of effort too that can't go unnoticed, he'd put a stop to all of Aqua's attempts to make sure Ruby stayed far away from the idol world......much to Aqua's continued displeasure of the fact to this day.

But it does prove how close of a bond they really have. And Aqua believes his own words to be true; If there was anyone in the world who could break down Beryl's walls, it was Ruby.

".....I know." Ruby smiles, suprising Aqua. " I'll break through that dummy's skull before I'd ever let him get distant again, that's for sure." She confidently states as she put her hands on her hips. " After all, I entrusted him with the position as my future secretary when I get big and famous. And I'll see to it that his promise is kept!" 

After that sudden declaration, Ruby turned on her heel and left Aqua alone by the gym. The older triplet was bewildered by her switch of emotions, but he can't help but smile a bit too from what she said.

 Yeah, looks like there was nothing to worry about after all.




What am i supposed to do now?

Beryl thought the natural move would be to just move on and continue living. That's what anyone would've done in his place. And so he did......or tried to. Certainly,  a burden had been lifted from his shoulders and he had the ticket to just live as he did before the White Room began appearing on the news. But he still couldn't shake off the shock.

To finally be free of it all, was something he could never imagine. Even if the White Room had no direct connection him as Hoshino Beryl, all the memories and concerns of it making contact with him in this life had haunted him for a month or so. And now to see that Yuki managed to shut it down, and imprison all those affiliated with the facility......it's remarkable.

He should be relieved. Happy. And content.

And yet....something within him is stopping him from relishing it. It annoys him because he can't pinpoint exactly what that is yet. It's been a few days, and it's all he'd been thinking about all the while maintaining normalcy again.

Suddenly, a voice spoke.

" Eating alone?"

He turns his head to see who that was, and none to his suprise it was Shiranui Frill. Again.

He says ' again ' because the girl had started the habit of finding him and eating lunch with him whenever he wasn't with his friends. Which had been happening for  a while now. He preferred to be left with his thoughts alone during the break, but she insists otherwise, proving it with how she already sat down next to him without him even having to put in a word.

" Thank you for the meal." She muttered before chowing down her lunch in a graceful manner befitting the multitalented girl revered by the entire school.

" You've been getting far too comfortable accompanying me like this, Shiranui-san." Beryl calls her out as she was eating, and while chewing she turns to him with her lime greens staring directly at him. " If I didn't know any better, I might think that you're infatuated with me or something."

A few moments were spent in silence just staring at each other after that poor conversation starter.

" Hm," Frill's eyes depart from his figure, deciding to gaze elsewhere as she responded, " An interesting assumption. What would you say if it were true?"

"Sorry, but I'd reject you immediately." He blandly answers.

He notices that upon him saying that, a ghost of a smirk plays on her lips. As if doubting the validity of his words.

" You are....so interesting, Hoshino-kun." Frill comments with a glint in her pupil, " A box full of unexpected suprises."

" As a fan, I would've liked nothing more than to have you on the set. Your skills with the camera would certainly enhance my performance." She similarly states like last time.

A mixture of both confidence and ego.... Beryl thinks.

" Unfortunately for you--- again -- I don't plan to do more than I have to. This isn't even really a gig, but more of a favor my brother asked of me to do. That's all." Beryl shrugs.

" Yes....it's a shame. But I will honor my promise of respecting your choice, so let's change topic shall we?" She finishes eating and closes the lid of her container. " I see that the dark look on your face has been lightening up for the past few days."

" Do you really not have the necessary conversation skills to actually switch to a more pleasant topic, you weirdo?"

Frill disregards the title at the end and continues, " Still, despite the improvement making you even more so desirable lately from the girls' side--" Beryl notes that was an unnecessary sentence, " --you still look as if something is hounding you mentally. Like....you can't truly relax, or embrace the present."

"....." Beryl had no flashy remark nor witty comeback to that, silence was all he could offer in that moment. Because she was right on the bullseye with that assumption.


" Though, who am I to be so sure of such a thing, huh?" Frill seemingly retracts upon sensing his silent confirmation. " I'm being super nosy, aren't I? My apologies if I made you uncomfortable."

" Too late. I'm scarred by you already, Miss Stalker." Beryl quips back at her almost instantaneously, catching her by suprise. " You being nosy has caused me to severely feel my anxiety overflow. For this, I might just have to sue you."

" Oh?" Frill was now amused by how quickly he jumped in to change their atmosphere. " Sue me? Don't start a battle you can't win, Hoshino-kun. But if you insist...... then I'll happily do my best in retaliation."

" Though, if by the chance I win the case; Then you are going to be bound to me for an....unsure amount of time." She winks suggestively while keeping her blank face.

To any other man, this display would've looked attractive, sultry, and oh-so-tempting. But to Beryl, he found it utterly goofy, completely evident from the way he immediately pointed it out and made fun of her.

" You look dumb right now, Shiranui Frill." He remarks, a low chuckle escaping his breath.

" Do I now..." Frill responds, secretly observing the rather....nice look on his face this time around.

Ah, I was right. That look does suit you better. Frill thinks after seeing a glimpse of him forgetting his worries at last, even if it was for a moment.

It was a suprising turn of events, but Beryl had to admit it. He found her presence worthwhile this time around. Though temporary, this complete stranger provided him some gentle respite. But Beryl knew that wouldn't last long, once break ends, he'll be alone with his thoughts once more.

He'll have to endure this unknown feeling again.


The sounds of an engine stopping and parking at the forest opening scares away all the nearby birds and scatters them. Two women step out of the vehicle, taking in the clean air that could only be found outside of the busy city. Along with the beautiful scenery before them of mother nature.

But unfortunately, these two shan't enjoy the view much longer. They were here for more important business, after all.

" This is as far as the car can go. The place is a kilometer uphill climb." Yuki addresses, formally. " But be careful, some parts may be slippery, so take care in following behind. Got that?" She said, eyeing for Mika's reaction.

The older woman slowly nodded, her heart beating slightly faster than anticipated.

Just up ahead.... Mika tells herself after realizing she  made this choice, and yet it was oh so tempting to run away from it. Truthfully, she dreaded today, despite coming all the way to Tokyo to ask for this one favor from Yuki.

But when Yuki marched towards the dirt path leading up along the way, Mika followed without another word. She won't allow herself to get cold feet after coming all the way here.


" Hey, I've been meaning to ask you." Yuki spoke calmly as they hike up the hill.

" Haah.....m-meaning to ask......hah...! W-what?" Mika pants as she replied with very shaky breaths. She begins to regret spending most of her years confined to her own home and living by with a bottle in hand every single day. Her stamina and endurance wasn't doing so well, and she's astonished for a moment how Yuki seems unfazed by it all, but quickly dismisses the thought as she remembered the girl was a previous White Room student once.

" That bag you brought with you and left at the car. You never told me what was in it." 

" Haah.....you never....asked..."

" Well, that's because I thought it was something you brought for the trip. But seeing that you left it there suggests it's for something else entirely. So I'd like to know now." Yuki pauses, turning back to see if Mika was still trailing after her.

Yuki smirked in amusement when she saw the sweaty red-faced panting older woman who seemed ready to pass out any moment now. It was incredibly tempting to laugh, but that would equate to showing vulnerability to this woman, which is something she'd rather die than ever show. 

When Mika was finally within vicinity again, Yuki was merciful enough to hand her a water bottle. To which Mika hastily drank to the last drop, a flood of relief cools her body down and calms her mind from being distracted by the heat and the numbness of her legs.

Finally, after rehydrating, she answers. "  You'll see later...... after we finish our business here." 

Yuki clicks her tongue at that before moving along again. 

" Well we should move with haste. We should be done here before it starts to get dark."

Mika nods, preparing herself with a few deep breaths, before moving after her as well.


" This is it..." 

Yuki's solemn tone tore through the serenity of the view, as they both stood there a good few meters away from the lone grave standing in the opening. 

"....." Mika didn't know what to say. To think that....after all these years....some part of her fooled herself into thinking that he was doing okay. And hiding behind her nonchalant attitude to prevent herself from feeling.

Her hands shook with each step as she went to the grave. Yuki didn't move an inch from her spot, opting to let Mika have her moment with the son she gave away. As Mika got closer, she noticed just how exactly they treated his grave; rough, hasty, and the engraving poorly written. she couldn't dare call this a burial, as it feels as though it were more of a disposal than a proper send-off.




She stands before it, in a cold unforgiving silence.


She recalls that conversation from not so long ago.

"..... How was he buried? " She had asked, quietly.

" Buried on an obscure hill, a lone grave, and his name written with haste. That's all."

It was indeed as Yuki said.

.......How fitting. For a child that couldn't live up his father's standards.

But to Mika....

" He was my son, yes. And I am his biological mother, there's no denying that. But all that aside, he was just work to me."

.....Right, that's what she said. That's....what she truly feels, no?

She was a mother who didn't love him. Hell, she never considered herself a mother in any sense. The whole world goes against her in that aspect, and she's fine with that. 


That small voice in her heart whispers...

" I would've.....loved to have you in better circumstances...."

To have you, if I had been a better person. Her heart ached.

Everything inside hurt. It hurt so much. So much to the point she believed not even the numbing effects of alcohol could nullify.

Still, she wouldn't dare cry in front of him.

She is a mother.....who never loved her child, after all.


Yuki looked to the sky. It's been a while since she visited this place, she could hardly remember the last time, really. She had to put aside almost all thoughts of him to prevent from getting a rise out of her emotions, yet ironically enough, she'd work her entire existence all for him. To avenge him. And now she's succeeded.

She can recall the first few times she visited here, the wounds still fresh after the first time when her father brought her here. Her mind would be flooded with memories, past dreams, desires, and regrets. So she felt hesitant to visit here until after the deed was done.......but even then, coming here after it was all over, it didn't make things feel any easier within her heart.

She stands beside Mika who seemed to look the other way. But Yuki had eyes focused on him. Like it'd always been.

Like the day they met.

" Long time no see, Kiyotaka." Yuki's voice was gentle, with a hint of mourning. She kneeled on the ground, not caring if the stray rocks were piercing through her pants and roughing up her legs. Trivial things like that could never hurt her more than speaking to the boy she lost. " I planned to visit you once things were over......and hey, guess what? I did it."

" The White Room....is over. It's not going to hurt anyone anymore. I know that you might not care, but at the very least, you can rest assured that your pain wasn't for nothing." She sighs. " I wish you were here to see that, though." A sad smile. " If you were still alive, both you and I would be free to do as we pleased."

Travelling to other continents, going to so many different countries, trying the food, and learning the culture. To enjoy the outside world that'd been boarded away from them when they were children by all monsters in that White Space. A life they could've explored together.

".....Anyway," Yuki shakes her head apologetically. " as I said, I planned to come here alone.....but I guess you can see that I'm not in fact alone." Her eyes flicker to the woman beside her, who finally returned her gaze. " This woman.....she's actually your--"

" I'll be heading down now." Mika interrupts.

" Hm?" Yuki raises a brow, now that was sudden.

" I came here because I wanted to see this grave. It was as you said. A very poor burial. I regret coming here, as it feels like a waste of my time now." Mika muttered, arrogantly, before turning around and walking away as Yuki frowned. " I'm a patient woman, so go ahead and rant to your lover with as much time as you want. I'll be waiting by the car." She hummed before setting off.

Yuki sighs, shaking her head. She had her fists clenched, tempted to beat Mika up for speaking like that without consideration, but she wasn't suprised. She already knew how horrible of a human Mika really is, despite being one of the sole reasons they won the case...... it didn't mean Yuki had to like her.

It was a good thing Yuki had the keys, else Mika would've possibly driven off and left her here--


Her thoughts halt as her eyes spot something particular on the ground where Mika once stood. Droplets of water had mixed in with the dirt.


".....Seems like you were capable of feeling love, after all, Mika." Yuki whispers before chuckling and then facing Kiyotaka's grave again. " Did you see that? Seems like your mother is a crybaby, isn't she?"

She didn't have much of a right to say that out loud,

Especially when Yuki was on the verge of tears too.


When Yuki returned to the car where Mika waited. She chose not to comment on the tears that the older woman left behind. If she did, then she would've probably tried to deny it with some stupid excuse.

Besides, there was a more important thing to pay attention to at the moment.

" Take it."

Were Mika's words, as she offered the bag she had brought without stating its purpose.

"...." Yuki was feeling suspicious about the suddenness, but maybe it was because of the previous atmosphere that she loosened herself up just a bit, to take it and check it out herself.

" Huh?" Yuki's eyes widened in suprise. " Money...? Wait, isn't this the money I--"

" I decided to give it back to you. Not a single yen was spent, I assure you." Mika said.

"....Why?" Yuki had to only ask. This was strange of Mika to do.

" ......I have no need of it." Mika answered, promptly. " What use is there when I plan to turn myself in, no?"

" Huh?" Again, Yuki showed visible suprise. Another curveball had been thrown at her without warning-- just how many does this woman have in ammunition?

" Is it that suprising?" Mika smiled, amused.

" Why?" Again, the same question, but to a different context.

" Maybe it's old age catching up to me, or maybe....it's the regrets for the choice I'd made." Mika answered. " There's no use to me in living like I always did. Spending days rotting away in my own mansion should be no different than a lifetime behind bars. "

Yuki, for once, could sense the sincerity in Mika's tone. No hidden meanings. No sly remarks, No deception. She was speaking from her desire, without selfish motives.

" And I know there's no redeeming someone like me. I am just as much of a monster as Atsuomi." Mika sighs. " It's unfair to let myself walk free and act like I did nothing wrong. So that's that."

" Oh, and one more thing." Mika looks deep into Yuki's eyes. " You may keep the money and spend it as you wish. It was never mine, it was always yours. But......if I could you ask one last favor....."

A small pause.

" Please use a portion of the money to give that brat a proper burial." Mika smiles again, but the pain was no longer hiding. " I have no intention of letting my own flesh and blood be buried at such a tacky destination, as well as having a poorly made grave. It won't do well under my name."


" Well, that's all." Mika hums as she reaches for the car door. " Let's get out of here. The last task you have is to just escort me into the hands of the authority and as promised you will never see me again--"

" No."

Mika pauses.

" Hm?" Mika turns back to look at her, " No?" she repeated, confused.

After a considerable amount of silence and contemplation, Yuki lays her verdict.

"  I'm not letting you get out of this easy." Yuki says as she narrows her eyes. " Do you really think I'd let you simply rot away in a place no different from your mansion? That would be too easy of a punishment on you."

" So what then?" Mika chuckles darkly. " Well, if you're implying what I think you're implying. Then I suppose being put to death is suitable--"

" That's not what I mean either." Yuki interrupts her. 

Yuki stares right into Mika's brown hollow orbs.

" You've changed, Mika." She states, almost sounding in disbelief, even.


" .....I didn't believe you had the capacity to. But you did." Yuki directs her attention to the bag. " You say that you know you aren't going to be redeemed so easily-- if at all. But I know redemption is also what you want.....am I right?"

".....You White Room brats are really something else." Mika sighs, exasperation clear in her voice. But after a few moments, she nods. Affirming Yuki's suspicions.

" Redemption is a hard thing to come by. Not all sins can be forgiven in this world, that includes yours, especially." Yuki bluntly says, " Nobody will ever forgive you, Mika."

"......I know."

Mika didn't expect Yuki's words to be so piercing. But she wasn't anything other than right at the moment. It's not like Mika was expecting a happy ending for herself either, which was why she wanted to make one last choice in at least making things right, before she would decide to rot away like the world wanted her to. She assumed that, but it doesn't seem like Yuki agreed with the idea, judging by the complicated look she wore.

".....I want you....to suffer." She said before continuing. " And in order to suffer properly, you must live."

" Live with your mistakes. Live with your regrets eating away at you. Every single waking moment you'll remember each and every horrible thing you've done and let it overwhelm you." Mika thought that was that, because Yuki was describing a hell she never thought she'd fear. She hung her head low, accepting her wishes. But....

 " And while going through that, I want you to live chasing after redemption."

Those words were out of place. Mika thought that as she raises her head again to meet the younger woman's eyes.

" Chase after redemption, even though you'll never truly be redeemed. Do everything you can to apologize, though nobody will lend you an ear." Yuki looks off to the path they previously walked. " Do everything you can to live......to make up for everything, in his name. Though he'll never be here to see that."

" That is the appropriate punishment, no?" Yuki turns back to her. The silent Mika stared back. She was stunned, everything Yuki said sounded horrible and sadistic but......

It also sounded like the hardest life she'll have to live from now on.

" I appreciate your gesture with handing me back the money." Yuki adds. " I'll be sure to provide Kiyotaka and everyone else, their well-deserved ceremonies. As well as using the extra bit for the rest of children we retrieved from the facility."

"....I see." Mika nods. " Thank you, Sagami."

Yuki doesn't acknowledge her gratitude but instead goes into the car, placing the bag at the back. Mika takes another moment to regain her composure a bit before entering too.


"  Do you plan to return the kids to their families?" Mika asked, though the answer was obvious. That was the point of small talk.

" That's the plan. Though, I'm won't be in charge of the process." Yuki answered, " There are still things I have to help rectify before I can make any moves with their recovery phases."

" Well, if it's you. Then I believe you can handle it without pressure." Mika hums. " You managed to win the war, after all."

In response to that, Yuki furrowed her brows. To which Mika picked up on, but before she could say anything, Yuki spoke.

" Yeah....I won." Her tone was calm, though the grip on the steering wheel seemingly looked as thought it would be crushed.

Something seems off with her, Mika thought. But she didn't voice it out. She could be wrong.

However, if she were to be blatantly honest.

It almost looks as if...

Even after she's won the war,

Yuki doesn't seem content at all.

[ Chapter End ]

After 2 or 3 months, this chapter has finally arrived.......unfortunately, it is a shame for me to tell you this; But this chapter is actually incomplete. 

I didn't want to publish this, trust me. I wanted to reach my goal of bringing you a very delicious chapter after a VERY long wait, but I just cant do it. I'm sorry.....

I do think that this chapter IS still delicious, but due to it having to be cut half way, as the writer of this fanfiction I am very unsatisfied. Stopping at 17k word count, this marks only 50% of the original chapter.

yes. ONLY 50%. This was supposed to be A LOT longer. Maybe even surpassing 30k word count if I was feeling very wordy. Unfortunately, i could do neither as I have already decided to publish this.

The reason I did so is because i have a lot of things to do at the moment. So I don't have much time to myself to write. And I know christmas break is coming ( god i need it ) but i cant promise I'll be able to write ANYTHING during christmas break, as I have a lot of work to do anyway. And I'd rather spend my free time on anywhere else besides wattpad. So it's really a shame.

The ending of this chapter was supposed to be the first among MANY of the high points of this original arc, as I had planned what I think is a really good scene that will truly set the tone of the fic from this point on. But you guys will just have to look forward to that next chapter, im super sorry.

I know I tell you guys to bear with me a lot, and I wanna state here that I APPRECIATE all of ur support and patience. But pls do expect me to ask this of you every single chapter from now on, cuz yeah....i'll need u to bear with me <3

I'll do my best to finish this fic, and fight off against my demotivation in writing. Your support really helps me, so thank you again.

But um...yeah! I hope you enjoyed this chapter tho! I know it may seem Yuki centric this time around ( I did warn u abt this in 7.5 ) and I hope you enjoyed my way of characterizing her. I dont know when I can promise next chapter will come around, but it will be more Beryl/Kiyo centric again, and a LOT more suprising ( hopefully...)

Look forward to it! I'll be sure to continue writing whenever I have the freedom and the mindset to get into it.

Random Question of the chapter: What do you think are the reasons for Beryl's ' unknown feeling ', and Yuki's supposed ' discontent ' even after winning? ( You dont have to answer, but for those who have thoughts they wanna share, feel free! It's nice to hear your thoughts )

Stay safe, wherever your guys are at! And see you in the next chapter :D

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