DragonBall Variant

Від XrimsonCroc

11.5K 330 186

Dragonball, we're familiar with the story. The tale of Goku and company fighting to save their world and at t... Більше

Yerlec's Bio
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Yerlec's Bio V2
Interlude #1: Broly
Interlude #2: The Days in Between
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Interlude #4 Pt 1: Aftermath of The Cell Games
Interlude #4 Pt 2: Homecoming
Yerlec's Bio V3
Episode 13

Interlude #3: Countdown To The Cell Games!

313 14 9
Від XrimsonCroc

From one tragedy to another, Cell, the bio-android made by Dr. Gero, is hosting a tournament called the Cell Games. In 10 days time, the battle for the fate of Earth will commence. On a brighter note, thanks to Goku, the Dragon Balls were brought back, thanks to him bring Dende from New Namek to become the new Guardian of Earth. Meanwhile the Z-Team were making preparations for the upcoming fight, even more so than they have with the threat of the androids. Yerlec in particular was making extra sure to train whenever he could, only slowing down at the behest of Bulma and Vomi. Calming down a bit, he finally decided to take a break, lest he run himself ragged. As he does, he spots Vegessa and decides to strike up a conversation.

Yerlec: Vegessa, how goes things?

Vegessa: I've been better. Getting defeated by that overgrown roach was nothing short of humiliating. No thanks to that bald fool.

Yerlec(Annoyed): A sentiment both you and I share. Back to Cell though, I'm surprised you didn't take the bait in regards to his Perfect Form. That would've also been quite the fumble.

Vegessa:: Believe me, I considered it. But I recalled what you told me about my arrogance before I left to fight him. I'll admit, while I cherish my pride as a full-blooded saiyan, I suppose my pride can be a bit ... much.

Yerlec(Amused): As I live and breathe. Did you actually take my words into consideration? I had no idea they held such value in your eyes. Perhaps you're getting soft on me.

Vegessa(Flustered): D-don't get the wrong idea! I just didn't feel like dying to that bug, that's all! It had nothing to do with you or your words!

Yerlec: *Chuckles* As you say. You know, I've noticed that you've gotten pretty comfortable with your gender change.

Vegessa: Not like I've got any choice, since I'll be stuck like this forever.

Yerlec: Not quite, when you die we can change you back.

Vegessa: Implying I'll be killed again before age gets to me. Not a chance. That said, yes, I suppose getting used to this new body has been ... a journey, but one that I've done with relative ease. While I could do without the extra baggage, this body isn't too bad.

Yerlec: Heh, getting in touch with your feminine side, I see.

Vegessa: If you're here solely to mock me-

Yerlec: Settle down. If I really wanted to mock you, I'd loop back to your height again. Or lack thereof. I just thought I'd talk with you is all. I've been training all day today, and after training in the Time Chamber, Bulma and Vomi suggested that I slow down for the rest of the day.

Vegessa: And that lead you to me?

Yerlec: Indeed. Odd as it is to admit out loud, you and I have gotten more comfortable around each other as of late. What with us seeing eye to eye in terms of how we handle threats. Granted, we still have our squabbles, but at least we're not trying to kill each other any more.

Vegessa: I suppose you have a point. I hate to admit it, but you've made an excellent training partner, what with Kakarot training with his little runt.

Yerlec: Speaking of which, tomorrow I plan on heading back into the chamber. Would you like to accompany me?

Vegessa: Very well, I suppose I can give you the honor of sparring with me again.

Yerlec(Deadpan): There goes that ego of yours again... You know, there's more to life than stroking your own ego. The longer you stay here on Earth, I feel as though maybe, just maybe, you'll find something worth fighting for.

The saiyan princess paused for a moment. She used to be a ruthless warrior before coming to this miserable rock. Why should she think of fighting for anyone but herself now? She had only one goal, to be the strongest in the universe. At the same time, she'd be lying if she said that her time here was a total disaster. There were more efficient ways to train, the food was superb, and there was even some semblance of beauty to be found here. She even found herself ... enjoying some of her time here. Not to mention Yerlec himself. Kakarot was an overly optimistic buffoon with a tendency to spare his enemies. Yerlec on the other hand wasn't afraid to wipe his enemies out. In fact, it was only at Kakarot's insistence that she was even still alive. He wouldn't hesitated otherwise. That combined with his strides in strength was ... admirable. 

Yerlec: At any rate, I suppose I've rambled on long enough. I'll leave you to your devices.

Vegessa: Wait a moment.

Yerlec: Something nagging you?

Vegessa: ... 

Yerlec: ...is there something you wanted to say, or-

Vegessa: I'm getting to that! *Clears throat* Since you seem so adamant on getting me to change my views, show me around this world you seem to be so fond of, and we'll go from there.

Yerlec(Surprised): Oh! That's a surprise, but I'd be more than happy to show you.

The two saiyans get dressed in more casual wear for the day ahead.

Yerlec: Ready to go?

Vegessa: Yeah, let's get this over with.

Yerlec: Don't act all grumpy now. This was your idea.

Vegessa: Yeah, yeah. Let's get going already.

Yerlec: *Chuckles* Yes, of course, your majesty.

Slightly irritated by the quip, Vegessa followed Yerlec into the air as they journeyed around the globe. They took in the sights and ate various kinds of food. It took up most of the day, yet it left Vegessa with more questions than anything. As they gaze upon the night sky, Vegessa speaks up.

Vegessa: I don't get you, Yerlec.

Yerlec: Hmm?

Vegessa: You are a proud saiyan warrior. Someone who's not afraid to get their hands dirty with another person's blood. Someone who'd kill their enemy with little to no remorse. Yet you find pleasure in something so ... mundane.

Yerlec: *Sighs* I don't expect you understand so easily. How could you, you've always been moving from planet to planet at Frieza's behest. I bet you've never even had a chance to stop and smell the roses. To take in the beauty you could be surrounded by.

Vegessa: ...

Yerlec: Tell me something. When you look out there, what do you see?

Vegessa: ...I don't see anything.

Yerlec: Precisely my point. I see the moon, the stars, the clouds. I see fragments of what makes this world so beautiful. Don't look upon the horizon as just another place to walk or fly through. Loot at it for what it is inherently. 

With a sigh, but willing to see things from Yerlec's perspective, she looks again.

It doesn't click right away, it's just the sky. Slowly but surely, she gets drawn in by the sight of it. The way the moon and stars light up the otherwise dark night sky. It was ... a great sight, if she was being honest. It was a simple thing, something you could easily see just by looking up. Yet the serenity of it just ... clicked with her. 

Vegessa: ...is something like this really fighting for?

Yerlec: Without question. After all, it's not just us who enjoy this view. Millions of others enjoy it all the same, if not more so.

Vegessa: Tch, you're ridiculous. ...but I suppose I can see where you're coming from. Don't think I'll change my views overnight.

Yerlec: Ahh, so you're considering it.

Vegessa(Flustered): I didn't say that either!

Yerlec(Amused): *Laughs* Of course, of course. Let's just head back home.

Vegessa: Yeah ... home.

The two warriors fly back to Capsule Corp, where they see Bulma waiting for them.

Bulma(Smug): Where did you two go off to, all alone?

Vegessa(Annoyed): What nonsense are you spouting now, woman!?

Bulma: That "woman" insult doesn't really work anymore, you know?

Yerlec: I was just showing Vegessa around the Earth, Bulma. Tried to show her the beauty of it.

Bulma: Is that right? Anyway Vegessa, your armor is all clean. I'm surprised you asked instead of just demanding it like you usually do. Getting soft on me?

Vegessa: Why do you people keep saying that!? Whatever, I'm going to my chambers!

Bulma: Dinner is 10 minutes!

With that Vegessa walks off, as Bulma and Yerlec watch her go. Perhaps seeing more than they were supposed to.

Bulma(Amused): Heh.

Yerlec: ...Bulma, is that your doing?

Bulma: Hey, it's true isn't it? I just wasn't aware that she was packing an entire bakery back there!

Yerlec: Bulma, please.

Bulma: It's true! I hate to say it, but she doesn't look half bad as a woman. Too bad she's as rude as they come. Maybe she just needs a man in her life to calm her down.

Yerlec(Deadpan): ...

Bulma: What, I'm right aren't I? I'm sure she'd settle down if a big, strong man swept her  off her feet! Hint, hint.

Yerlec: You can't be serious.

 Bulma: Don't play coy with me, Yerlec. I saw you looking at her while she was walking off!

Yerlec: ...that can neither be confirmed nor denied.

After a hearty dinner, everyone in the building heads to sleep. When the morning comes to greet them, Yerlec and Vegessa meet up at Kami's Lookout to enter the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. The training was fast, fierce and productive. Yerlec even managed to master the Galick Gun, much to Vegessa satisfaction. During one particular day of grueling training...

Yerlec: Let's rest for now.

Vegessa: Fine by me, we smell atrocious.

Yerlec: Indeed, you take the first shower. After I shower, we can continue.

Vegessa: Very well. Don't try anything funny, Yerlec.

Yerlec: Please, you won't have to worry about that. I'm not Roshi, you know. I know how to keep my hands to myself when needed. Even if the way your jumpsuit clings to your body gives me pause.

Vegessa(Flustered): E-excuse me!?

Yerlec: Ah, that slipped out, didn't it?

Vegessa: ...

Yerlec: ...

Vegessa: I'm gonna go now.

Yerlec: Yes, that would be best.

Vegessa made her way to the shower, leaving a sense of awkwardness behind. As she did, her mind began to wander. The longer she stayed in this body, the more comfortable she got in it. She almost forgot the feeling of being a man! Granted, it also brought unnecessary attention from idiotic males on the street, trying and failing to make a pass on her. Some fool even tried to grope her earlier today, in broad daylight no less! She would've broken his arms had Yerlec not stepped in and sent him off. He put his arm around her waist and declared, "Apologies, this one is already taken".

Yerlec... She's been in this chamber with him for a few months now, and she's been seeing him in a very different light. Maybe its because she's been in a female body for a few years, but lately she's noticed that Yerlec is rather ... handsome. It was infuriating to think about, she was saiyan royalty for crying out loud, not some love-struck damsel! Yet as days turned to weeks in the chamber, she began to really notice more of Yerlec's features. His steely, onyx gaze when sparring, the deepness of his voice as he speaks, and his muscles. Kami, his muscles... 

Vegessa(Flustered): Tch, I think I've been in this damn place too long.

Yerlec: What makes you say that?

Vegessa(Surprised): Gah! Why are you here!?

Yerlec: I remembered that I left something in this room and came to retrieve it. I'll be out of your hair shortly.

Vegessa: ...hold on.

Yerlec: Hmm?

Vegessa: Why don't we just shower ... at the same time?

Yerlec(Surprise): C-come again?

Vegessa(Flustered): It'll save time so we can get back to training sooner.

Yerlec: I ... I guess that would be more efficient.

Agreeing to the out of left field suggestion, Yerlec and Vegessa strip down and enter the shower together. The awkward atmosphere returned in spades, as the two cleaned themselves, albeit facing away from one another. They wouldn't be caught doing this under normal circumstances, but this? This was far more odd for both parties. Coupled with the thoughts both saiyans harbor, the heat of the shower, and one slightly slippery floor one thing inevitably led to another. That however, is a story for another time... 

After spending an artificial year inside, the two of them split up, Vegessa opting to return to Capsule Corp, while Yerlec heads further in West City. As he does, he notices some commotion going on in a nearby bank. Curious, he goes to investigate. Upon entering, he seems to have stumbled upon a robbery in progress. The robbers in question also have a child as a hostage to negate any and all people from trying anything heroic. One of the robbers noticed Yerlec and confronted him. 

Robber #1(Stern): Hey, when did you get here!?

Yerlec: I'd wager around ... 10 seconds ago. Give or take.

Robber #1: Oh, wise guy, huh!? I think we should make an example outta you!

Much to everyone's horror, the robber pointed his gun at Yerlec's face, ready to open fire. Faster than most could even register, Yerlec disarmed the robber and then chopped him in the neck, knocking him out. Using the stolen gun to his advantage, he shot the pistol out the other robbers hands, disarming them. Afterwards, he proceeded to incapacitate the remaining robbers. A loud round of applause rang out throughout the bank, as he apprehended the robbers. As he's doing so, he gets approached by a man and the little girl that was held hostage earlier.

???: Hey, I wanna thank you for saving my daughter. 

Yerlec: Think nothing of it. As an officer of the law, it's my duty to keep the citizens of this city safe. Say, you look familiar.

???(Proud): As I should. I'm the world champion, Hercule Satan!

Yerlec: Yerlec. The pleasure's all mine.

Hercule: This here is Videl. What do we say, sweetie?

Videl: Thanks mister. When I grow up, I'm gonna fight crime too!

Yerlec(Amused): *Chuckles* As an officer of the law, I look forward to seeing you in the force when you come of age. I should be on my way, all of you take care of yourselves.

Calling for backup to take away all the robbers, Yerlec continues on his trek. After getting his fill of West City for the moment, Yerlec heads to the neighboring wastelands to meditate. Doing so lands him back in is mindscape, where he sees his other self, whom he refers to as "Prime".

Prime: Welcome back. 

Yerlec: Hello, Prime.

Prime: You've been making good strides in your training, huh? A far cry from Namek, that's for sure.

Yerlec: Indeed. Somehow, I doubt it'll be enough for Cell. Especially now that he's in his "Perfect Form", as he calls. Speaking of which, there's something I wanted to speak to you about.

Prime(Curious): Oh? Go on.

Yerlec: Ever since Krillin's flub up, I've had this lingering sense of ... anger. From what the Gohan from the future told me, it turned patches of my ki a jet black. The angrier I got, the denser the ki became, albeit unstable.

Prime's eyes widened ever so slightly at this news. As quick as the look came however, it vanished before Yerlec could pick up on it.

Prime: Is that right? Well, your guess is as good as mine. It does give you a pretty big buff to your power. Might be worth harnessing.

Yerlec: Perhaps... Although, I haven't been able to freely bring out that power, for whatever reason.

Prime: Hmmm, that's a head-scratcher. Oh well, I'm sure it'll come to ya. On a separate note ... Vegessa? Really?

Yerlec: ...no comment.

Prime(Amused): Oh no you don't!

After getting sucked into a conversation with his inner-self, Yerlec finished his meditation and returned to Capsule Corp. Upon seeing Vegessa again, the two of them stood in silence, averting each other's gaze before going their separate ways. Something that Bulma most certainly noticed.

Bulma(Smug): So, care to explain what's going on between you and her royal pain in the rear?

Yerlec: ...not really.

Bulma: I mean, trapped for a year in one spot with her? Must have a lot of built up tension.

Yerlec: ...

Bulma: So, did you give her that "excitement" she needed?

Yerlec: Bulma...

Bulma: I'm just saying, when she came back from training with you, she was awfully compliant. Not to mention that look you two just gave each other.

Yerlec: I ... yes.

Bulma: I knew it! So, was she any good?

Yerlec: ...I think I'll keep that to myself.

Bulma: *Pouting* Boo. Anyway, I'm glad I caught you when I did. I need to show you something, come with me.

Curious on the sudden topic shift, Yerlec follows Bulma to the lab. There, he sees Android 22 napping, and a deactivated Android 13.

Bulma: It took me and Vomi a bit to work out all the kinks, but all that "kill Goku" nonsense is out of his system. Plus, since you were the one who found him, we figured we'd reprogram him to follow your directives.

Yerlec(Surprise): Really?

Bulma: Yup. We could give him a test drive in tomorrow morning, Vomi and I are pretty beat. In fact she's already fast asleep.

Yerlec: Fair enough.

Deciding to follow suit, Yerlec retires for the remainder of the day. In the early hours of the following morning, Yerlec, Bulma, Vomi and 22 meet up back in the lab.

Vomi: Ok, I assume Bulma told you what's happening here, Yerlec?

Yerlec: Indeed she did.

Bulma: Well then, give the command!

Yerlec: Very well. *Clears throat* System, activate Android 13!

Authorization acknowledged. Activating.

With a loud hiss, the pod opened up, and out came the android in question.

Yerlec: A bright, good morning to you, 13.

13: Howdy! Gotta say, might kind of ya to reactivate me.

Yerlec: Of course. I read your schematics, and I'll be damned if your skills were to go to waste.

13: Shucks, yer makin' me all flustered and junk. 

Yerlec: I expect great things from you, 13. On the field, you will refer to me as "captain". Is that ok with you?

13: *Salutes* Fine by me, captain.

22: Wow, gathering yourself a little army, huh?

Yerlec: For what we're about to face, as well as future conflicts, yes. Besides, I've always wanted to lead a small group in a similar ilk to my father.

22: Well, when am I getting an invite, huh?

Yerlec(Surprise): Come again?

22: You heard me, I want in.

Yerlec: W-why?

22: Simple, I stick by you and I get more chances to fight ya. Better than workin' for that old fart, Gero.

Yerlec: Alright then, welcome aboard. Now then, what's the status on the Cell Larvae?

Vomi(Upset): Not as good I'm afraid. With so much DNA inside of it, it's a bit of a hassle to sift through it all.

Bulma(Upset): Yeah, credit where credit is due, Gero knew his stuff. 

Yerlec: I see. A tad bit disappointing to hear, but we'll make due. 13, 22, for now you may do as you please.

13: *Salutes* 10-4, captain.

22(Glad): In that case, I wanna another go at you, brawling buddy! I heard you've been training your ass off, and I wanna see the results!

Yerlec: Very well, I'll happily acquiesce. 

The two combatants head to a deserted area and begin their battle. Though as strong as ever, 22 began to falter in the face of Yerlec's power. Her surprise made way for glee as they continued. Yerlec even managed to find inspiration in 22's fighting style, namely her used of ki manipulation. This in conjunction with all the training he's done already and does in the future days gives him more offensive options for the fight ahead. Good thing too, because before they knew it, 10 days had passed.







The Cell Games were about to commence...

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