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By whenronnifallsinlove

1K 184 761

๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ'๐ซ๐ž ๐ฆ๐ฒ ๐ฎ๐ง๐ฌ๐ฎ๐ง๐  ๐ก๐ž๐ซ๐จ, ๐š๐ง๐ ๐ˆ ๐ฌ๐ข๐ง๐  ๐ญ๐ก๐ข๐ฌ ๐ฌ๐จ๐ง๐  ๐Ÿ๐จ๐ซ ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ Ronnie Smallbone h... More

Author's Note โ˜…
Prologue โ˜…
Chapter 1: Never Grow Up โ˜…
Chapter 2: Fifteen โ˜…
Chapter 3: Mr. Perfectly Fine โ˜…
Chapter 4: You Belong With Me โ˜…
Chapter 5: Fearless โ˜…
Chapter 6: Jump Then Fall โ˜…
Chapter 7: Tell Me Why โ˜…
Chapter 8: The Best Day โ˜…
Chapter 9: White Horse โ˜…
Chapter 10: Forever & Always โ˜…
Chapter 11: You're Not Sorry โ˜…
Chapter 12: Change โ˜…
Chapter 13: Love Story โ˜…
Chapter 14: Sparks Fly โ˜…
Chapter 15: I Can See You โ˜…
Chapter 16: Speak Now โ˜…
Chapter 17: Electric Touch โ˜…
Chapter 18: Mine โ˜…
Chapter 19: Enchanted โ˜…
Chapter 20: Dear John โ˜…
Chapter 21: Mean โ˜…
Chapter 23: The Story of Us โ˜…
Chapter 24: Back to December โ˜…
Chapter 25: Ours โ˜…

Chapter 22: Haunted โ˜…

34 6 50
By whenronnifallsinlove

Ronnie's POV:

After many months of writing lyrics all night, trying different chords, and finalizing my songs, my second album, Speak Now, was close to being finished. Despite writing many songs for the album, I knew I had to cut some of the songs that felt too personal to me, ones I knew I wouldn't be able to perform live.

I lay on my bed and glanced at my digital alarm clock, which read 12:07 A.M. I laughed at myself, as I had successfully stayed up again till midnight for music, a habit that Joel and Luke had told me to stop doing. But I couldn't help myself at times. When I wrote music, time flew, and before I knew it, hours passed.

Glancing up from my laptop, I looked at my desk, which still contained pictures of me and Tanner together. I placed my laptop aside, stood up, and walked towards my desk. I breathed in the fresh air from my open window, as I picked up one particular picture frame, containing the photo of me and Tanner when Fearless won Album of the Year. My mind instantly brought back a memory from the past, one I had forgotten about.

"And the Grammy for Album of the Year goes to..." The room was full of silence, awaiting the answer. I felt the glance of both my brothers, as they wished me good luck. All the work and passion I had put into this album had me hoping it would hold a place in history.

"Fearless!" the host announced, as my hands covered my face. My brothers stood up, ready to congratulate me on the award. I remained in shock, I never imagined my music making it this far.

I stood up, hugging both my brothers, and Luke kissed my forehead before sitting back down. The room was filled with applause as the chorus of my song, "You Belong With Me," began to play. I walked over to Tanner, who had also attended in my support. He came closer to hug me and congratulate me, and told me, "You did it," as he fixed his suit before placing both arms by his side.

I looked at him before correcting him, "No, we did it." He nodded with a slight smile, before gesturing for me to head up to the stage to accept my award.

I smiled sadly as I remembered how far I'd gotten, but who I'd lost along the way. I knew I made a mistake with Tanner, but he was better off without me. He was right. This whole time, I've been treating him like the second option, whether or not John was in the picture. I began to lose control of my breathing, with the mention of John. I began shaking, dropping the frame I held onto my floor. I prayed that neither Joel nor Luke heard it, as I didn't want them to know what happened.

What hurt the most about my situation with Tanner was that it was my fault. I had been fooled by John, thinking I truly loved him. He manipulated me into becoming confused with my feelings, enough to break up with Tanner. And he got what he wanted right after.

And I hated him for it. I wish I could forget that night. Pretend it never happened. But I couldn't. The horrible memory still was fresh in my mind, and I hoped it would go away. But the more I wished it away, the more it longed to stay.

I finally bent down to pick up the frame and placed it face-down on my desk. I returned to my bed and grabbed my laptop. I opened my email, sent Maddie the final version of what was to become my second album, and asked her for her feedback and opinions.

Satisfied with my productivity for that night, I hit send, closed my laptop, and placed it on my desk. I returned to my bed, lay down, and covered myself with my blankets. And staring up at my ceiling, I slowly fell asleep to the sounds of the peaceful silence of that midnight.


I woke up the next morning, feeling surprisingly refreshed. I got up out of bed and reached for my phone which was charging on my nightstand. I tapped the screen to reveal a notification from my inbox, revealing an email from Maddie. She was requesting a meeting, at our favorite coffee shop. Excitement and nerves filled my heart as I prepared. I knew that Maddie's guidance and expertise were crucial to my success, so I eagerly anticipated our discussion. I hoped she would find the song well-written, especially since the final tracklist featured songs entirely written by me since Tanner had left ever since our break-up.

I arrived at the coffee shop and walking in, I spotted Maddie sitting at a corner table, her face beaming with enthusiasm. I couldn't help but smile back, feeling a sense of comfort in Maddie's presence. We exchanged warm greetings, and Maddue wasted no time diving into the purpose of our meeting.

"Ronnie," Maddie began, her eyes sparkling with excitement, "I've listened to the tracks from Speak Now, and I must say, they are absolutely phenomenal. Your talent shines through every note."

My heart swelled with pride. I had poured my heart and soul into this album, and hearing Maddie's praise made all my hard work and heartbreak feel worthwhile.

"But," Maddie continued, her tone turning serious, "we need to discuss the next steps. Releasing an album is a big endeavor, and we have to make sure we do it right."

I nodded, remembering the pain from releasing Fearless. It was a huge hassle, especially since it was my debut album. Now, that I had already released a successful album, Speak Now had to satisfy my audience.

Maddie pulled out a notepad and pen, scribbling down a list of tasks. "First, we'll need to plan a release strategy. We want to create a buzz around your album, build anticipation among your fans, and attract new listeners. I have a few ideas in mind, but I'd love to hear your thoughts as well."

I leaned in, feeling nothing but enthusiasm. Together, we brainstormed various promotional strategies, from live performances to social media campaigns, ensuring that my music would reach as many ears as possible.


I stepped through the front door, a mix of anticipation and excitement bubbling inside me after my meeting with my manager. The meeting had gone better than I had ever imagined, and I couldn't wait to share the news with my brothers. I knew they would be thrilled to hear about the progress I had made on my second album.

As I entered the living room, I found Luke engrossed in a book, while Joel was strumming his guitar, lost in his own world of melodies. I couldn't help but smile at the sight of them, the familiar comfort of home enveloping me.

"Hey guys, guess what?" I said, unable to contain my excitement.

Luke looked up from his book, curiosity evident in his eyes. "What's up, Ronnie? You look like you've got some exciting news."

I took a deep breath, savoring the moment before sharing my success. "I just had a meeting with Maddie, and we finalized the tracklist for my second album!"

Joel's fingers froze on the guitar strings, his eyes widening with surprise. "No way, Ronnie! That's incredible!"

Luke closed his book, a wide grin spreading across his face. "Congratulations, sis! We knew you had it in you. Can we listen to the tracklist?"

I nodded eagerly, reaching into my bag to retrieve the flash drive containing the final tracks. "Of course! I want you both to listen and give me your honest feedback."

We gathered around the stereo system, and I plugged in the flash drive. The first track filled the room with a fusion of beats and melodies that I had poured my heart into. As each song played, I watched Luke and Joel intently, waiting for their reactions.

Luke's head bobbed along with the rhythm, a smile forming on his face. "Ronnie, this is amazing! The diversity in the tracks is fantastic. It's going to be a hit!"

Joel's eyes sparkled with excitement. "I agree! Your voice sounds incredible, and the lyrics are so relatable. This album is going to be a game-changer!"

Their words filled me with a sense of pride and accomplishment. I had poured my soul into these songs, and to receive such positive feedback from my brothers meant the world to me. But as we finished listening to the last track, an idea sparked in my mind.

"Guys, I have an incredible idea," I said, a surge of excitement coursing through me. "What if Joel provided the backup vocals for my songs? Both in the studio version and live during my world tour?"

Luke and Joel exchanged surprised glances before Joel spoke up, a glimmer of hope in his eyes. "Are you serious, Ronnie? You think I could do that?"

I nodded enthusiastically. "Absolutely! Your voice is incredible, Joel. This would be the perfect opportunity for you to showcase your talent, and this way you wouldn't have to find a different job!"

A mix of emotions played across Joel's face before he finally smiled and nodded. "You really think so, Ronnie? I'd love to be a part of it!"

A surge of joy and relief washed over me as I hugged Joel tightly. "I know so, Joel. Your voice will bring a whole new dimension to my songs, and I can't wait to see what we can create together."

With excitement coursing through our veins, we wasted no time. We quickly made our way to the recording studio, where Joel's smooth vocals would intertwine with my melodies. As we entered the studio, the air crackled with anticipation, and I couldn't help but feel grateful for the incredible journey we were about to embark on together.

As the music filled the studio, Joel stepped up to the microphone, his voice blending seamlessly with mine. Our harmonies intertwined, creating a magical fusion that breathed new life into my songs. I watched Joel's face light up with passion and confidence, and couldn't help but smile, as now I would be performing music with my brother.


I was sitting at my kitchen table, sipping on a cup of coffee and scrolling through my phone when it started to ring. I glanced at the screen and saw it was my manager, Maddie. I quickly answered, my heart pounding with anticipation.

"Hey, Maddie! What's up?" I greeted her, trying to sound calm despite the excitement bubbling inside me.

"Ronnie, I have amazing news!" Maddie exclaimed, her voice filled with enthusiasm. "Remember that audition tape we sent to NBC last week?"

My heart skipped a beat. I had been dreaming of performing on a big platform like NBC for years. "Yeah, of course, I remember. What's the news?"

"They loved your audition, Ronnie! They want you to perform on 'The Tonight Show' next month!" Maddie announced, her voice practically dancing with joy.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. My hands started trembling, and I could feel tears welling up in my eyes. "Oh my God, Maddie! Are you serious? 'The Tonight Show'? This is a dream come true!"

Maddie chuckled, her excitement contagious. "Yes, Ronnie, I'm dead serious! They were blown away by your talent. You've worked so hard for this, and now it's finally happening!"

I let out a squeal of joy, unable to contain my excitement any longer. "Thank you, Maddie! Thank you for believing in me and making this happen!"

Maddie's voice turned serious, her tone filled with pride. "Ronnie, you deserve this opportunity. Your talent is undeniable, and I've always believed in you. Now, it's time to shine on that national stage!"

I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself down. "Okay, okay. I need to gather myself. When do we start preparing for the performance?"

Maddie paused for a moment as if checking her notes. "The show is scheduled for the third week of next month. That gives us about four weeks to work on your performance. We need to make sure it's unforgettable!"

I nodded, even though she couldn't see me. "Absolutely, Maddie. I'll give it my all. I want to make everyone proud."

"I know you will, Ronnie. We'll have a team of choreographers, vocal coaches, and stylists working with you. We'll make sure everything is perfect," Maddie assured me.

A mixture of excitement and nervousness washed over me. This was a major opportunity, and I wanted to make the most of it. "Maddie, I can't thank you enough for everything you've done. I wouldn't be here without you."

Maddie's voice softened. "Ronnie, you're incredibly talented, and it's been an honor to be your manager. But remember, it's your talent that got you here. I'm just here to guide you along the way."

I smiled, feeling a wave of gratitude for the incredible team I had behind me. "Well, I'm grateful for all of you. Let's make this performance one for the books!"

Maddie laughed, her excitement still palpable. "That's the spirit, Ronnie! Get ready for the ride of your life!"

As I hung up the phone, I couldn't help but feel a mix of nerves and exhilaration. This was the moment I had been waiting for. It was time to show the world what I was made of, and I was determined to make it count.


The backstage buzzed with energy as the time for my performance on the NBC special drew near. This was a huge opportunity for me and my band, and I couldn't help but feel a mix of nerves and excitement. But there was something else weighing on my mind – my twin brother, Joel. This would be his first time singing as my backup vocals, and I could sense his self-doubt creeping in.

I found Joel sitting alone in a corner, his face etched with a mixture of anticipation and anxiety. I walked over to him, determined to offer the support and encouragement he needed.

"Hey, Joel," I said, sitting down next to him. "You okay?"

He sighed, his gaze fixed on the floor. "Yeah, Ronnie. I'm just feeling a bit nervous, you know? This is a big moment for both of us, and I don't want to let you down."

I placed a hand on his shoulder, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "Joel, you're incredibly talented. I chose you to be my backup vocals for a reason. I have complete faith in you, and I know you're going to shine on that stage."

He looked up at me, a flicker of hope in his eyes. "But what if I mess up? What if I forget the lyrics or hit the wrong notes?"

I smiled, trying to ease his worries. "Joel, we've rehearsed countless times. You know these songs inside out. And even if you make a mistake, it's not the end of the world. We're a team, and we'll support each other no matter what."

He nodded, a hint of determination replacing his earlier doubt. "You're right, Ronnie. We've got this."

I stood up, holding out my hand to him. "Come on, Joel. Let's do a quick vocal warm-up together. It always helps calm the nerves."

He took my hand, and we moved to a quieter corner backstage. We closed our eyes, took deep breaths, and began to hum in unison. The familiar melodies filled the air, intertwining and harmonizing, creating a sense of unity and confidence.

As we finished our warm-up, I looked at Joel, a renewed sense of belief shining in my eyes. "You see, Joel? Your voice is amazing, and together, we're unstoppable. Let's go out there and give it our all."

He smiled a newfound determination radiating from him. "Absolutely, Ronnie. Let's show them what we're made of."

With our spirits lifted, we made our way to the stage. The lights dimmed, and the crowd erupted into applause as we took our positions. The music started, and I began to sing, feeling Joel's harmonies seamlessly blend with mine.

At that moment, all doubt and worry vanished. We were a dynamic duo, feeding off each other's energy and pouring our hearts into the performance. Joel's confidence grew with each note, and I could see him truly coming into his own.

You and I walk a fragile line

I have known it all this time

But I never thought I'd live to see it break

It's getting dark and it's all too quiet

And I can't trust anything now

And it's coming over you like it's all a big mistake

Oh, I'm holding my breath

Won't lose you again

Something's made your eyes go cold

Come on, come on, don't leave me like this

I thought I had you figured out

Something's gone terribly wrong

You're all I wanted

Come on, come on, don't leave me like this

I thought I had you figured out

Can't breathe whenever you're gone

Can't turn back now, I'm haunted

Stood there and watched you walk away

From everything we had

But I still mean every word I said to you

He will try to take away my pain

And he just might make me smile

But the whole time I'm wishing he was you instead

Oh, holding my breath

Won't see you again

Something keeps me holding on to nothing

Come on, come on, don't leave me like this

I thought I had you figured out

Something's gone terribly wrong

You're all I wanted

Come on, come on, don't leave me like this

I thought I had you figured out

Can't breathe whenever you're gone

Can't turn back now, I'm haunted

I know

I know

I just know

You're not gone, you can't be gone, no

Come on, come on, don't leave me like this

I thought I had you figured out

Something's gone terribly wrong

Won't finish what you started

Come on, come on, don't leave me like this

I thought I had you figured out

Can't breathe whenever you're gone

Can't go back, I'm haunted

Oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh-oh

You and I walk a fragile line

I have known it all this time

Never ever thought I'd see it break

Never thought I'd see it

As the final chords rang out, the crowd erupted into thunderous applause. I turned to Joel, a wide grin on my face. "See, Joel? You were amazing! I knew you had it in you."

He beamed back at me, a newfound sense of pride shining in his eyes. "Thank you, Ronnie. I couldn't have done it without you."

I wrapped my arm around his shoulder, feeling an overwhelming sense of pride and love for my twin brother. "Joel, you're not just my backup vocals. You're an integral part of this journey, and I'm so grateful to have you by my side. Together, we'll conquer the world."

And as we basked in the applause and the shared triumph, I knew that this was just the beginning of many more incredible performances and unforgettable moments to come.

Joel's POV:

My heart raced as I stepped into the cozy café, searching for Emily, my secret girlfriend. I hadn't told my siblings about her yet, unsure of how they would react. But keeping our relationship hidden was starting to weigh heavily on both of us.

When I spotted Emily at a corner table, her eyes lighting up as she saw me, I couldn't help but smile. I made my way over, feeling a mix of nervousness and excitement, and took a seat across from her. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air, adding to the warmth of our meeting place.

"Hey," I said softly, reaching across the table to hold Emily's hands. "I'm sorry I couldn't tell you earlier, but I have something important to discuss."

Emily's brow furrowed, concern etching her features. "What is it, Joel? You're scaring me."

Taking a deep breath, I looked into her eyes, hoping she would understand. "I'm going to be away for a while. Ronnie, my sister, asked me to join her on tour."

Emily's eyes widened, surprise mingling with a hint of disappointment. "But, Joel, we already keep our relationship a secret. How am I supposed to handle this?"

I squeezed her hands gently, trying to convey my love and understanding. "I know it's tough, Emily. But Ronnie is going through a lot right now, and she needs me by her side. She's my sister, and I can't let her face it alone."

Emily's eyes softened, the initial frustration fading away. "I understand that, Joel. But what about us? Are we always going to have to hide?"

Leaning closer, I spoke from the depths of my heart. "No, Emily. I promise you, I will tell Ronnie about us when the time is right. I want to be with you openly, but right now, my sister needs my support. Can you give me some time?"

Tears welled up in Emily's eyes, and it broke my heart to see her hurt. "Joel, I love you, and I want to be with you. I just... I don't want to feel like a secret forever."

I wiped away a tear that escaped her eye, my love for her overwhelming. "You won't be a secret forever, Emily. I promise. Once Ronnie is in a better place, I'll tell her about us. I want to share our love with the world."

A small smile tugged at Emily's lips, and my heart swelled with gratitude and relief. "Okay, Joel. I trust you. I'll wait for you, and I'll be here when you get back."

I felt a rush of emotions as I leaned forward, capturing Emily's lips in a tender kiss. In that moment, we sealed our promise to each other, knowing that our love was worth waiting for, even if it meant keeping it hidden for a little while longer.

As we pulled away, I whispered, "Thank you, Emily. You mean everything to me, and I promise to make it up to you."

Emily smiled, her love shining through. "I believe you, Joel. Just remember, when the time is right, we'll face the world together."

With our hearts entwined and our love stronger than ever, Emily and I savored the remaining moments of our meeting. We laughed, we shared dreams, and we made plans for the future. And in that café, amidst the whispers of our secret love, we found solace in the promise of a love that would one day shine brightly for all to see.

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