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By loonyroothy

63.2K 2.2K 2.9K

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1.5K 55 97
By loonyroothy



TITLED 'the mall playlist <3'



Honey Honey🍯
so uh
this is going to be an awkward conversation
my mom has like access to my public profiles and stuff
and she likes to browse through what i post sometimes
and uh
oh god

Mr. Extra Lettuce🥬
Are you okay?
Are you safe

Honey Honey🍯
oh yeah
nothing like that
but she watched the love or host
and the 'date' stream after
and she wants to meet you

Mr. Extra Lettuce🥬
Isnt that something reserved for like
Boyfriends usually

Honey Honey🍯
i tried to convince her that we werent dating
and that i hadnt actually met you in real life
but i accidentally told her that we live close
and she wont let it go

Mr. Extra Lettuce🥬

Honey Honey🍯

Mr. Extra Lettuce🥬
So do you want me to meet your parents?

Honey Honey🍯
if that would be alright ??
theyre extremely stubborn
like its actually a problem

Mr. Extra Lettuce🥬
At least now I know where you get it from

Honey Honey🍯
fuck off
yeah i said it

Mr. Extra Lettuce🥬
That doesnt prove my point at allllllllll
I will meet ur parents if it gets them off your back

Honey Honey🍯
thank you so much
we do family dinners every saturday night
with me my parents and my little sister
and sometimes my father's brothers
but they wont be there next week

Mr. Extra Lettuce🥬
So next saturday?

Honey Honey🍯
if thats alright

Mr. Extra Lettuce🥬
Its alright
Dont worry
Do I like dress nice?

Honey Honey🍯
like yes??
but not like tux nice
like nice but not formallll

Mr. Extra Lettuce🥬
Not in the slightest

Honey Honey🍯
god damn
why i gotta do everything

Mr. Extra Lettuce🥬
Youre being a little dramatic
I can figure it out

Honey Honey🍯
but what if you figure it out wrong
ive seen ur streams
ive seen ur wardrobe

Mr. Extra Lettuce🥬
Its not even bad though

Honey Honey🍯
okay buster
i dont trust you now

Mr. Extra Lettuce🥬
Well youre going to have to

Honey Honey🍯

Mr. Extra Lettuce🥬

Honey Honey🍯
its tuesday right?

Mr. Extra Lettuce🥬
Imagine not knowing the date

Honey Honey🍯
well you can fuck right off
you stupid bitch

Mr. Extra Lettuce🥬
Woah woah

Honey Honey🍯
im sorry too
that was a little much

Mr. Extra Lettuce🥬
Its alright
Ik your just jking

Honey Honey🍯
never say jking again
meet me at the mall in an hour and a half

Mr. Extra Lettuce🥬

Honey Honey🍯
we are going to find acceptable clothes for my parents
and you cannot do it on your own

Mr. Extra Lettuce🥬
Yes I can !!

Honey Honey🍯
good sir
didnt you want to meet me

Mr. Extra Lettuce🥬
Well yes
But the circumstances of this situation is just

Honey Honey🍯
youll get over it <3

Mr. Extra Lettuce🥬
Do I have to like wear specific clothes for this event

Honey Honey🍯
dont come in your pjs

Mr. Extra Lettuce🥬
Where are we meeting in the mall

Honey Honey🍯
so many question
god damn
just like in the mall

Mr. Extra Lettuce🥬
Be specific???

Honey Honey🍯
the food court
i want kfc

Mr. Extra Lettuce🥬
No Mcdonalds?

Honey Honey🍯
not today
kfc is literally the bomb
ive got to get ready now
i look like a rat

Mr. Extra Lettuce🥬
You probably dont
You usually look nice

Honey Honey🍯
wow im flattered
i do have to get ready

Mr. Extra Lettuce🥬
See you soon

Honey Honey🍯


Connie sat at at table near the KFC in the mall, preparing herself for the worst. She was about to meet another influencer, one that wasn't Dev or Nick. On top of that, she had just figured out a few day ago that she had.. rather romantic feelings for the guy. Why does Dev always have to be right?

Charlie was an odd guy, he wasn't like some other online influencers on the internet, in the good way of course. He was funny and caring and every time they talked Connie always ended up grinning like an idiot.

She sighed, scrolling through her Spotify for a playlist to listen to while she was at the mall. In store music was always terrible, and she didn't want to deal with it.

Her thumb hovered over the playlist she usually listens to, and frequently updated. Connie couldn't stand listening to the same song for long periods of time, after learning the words she tended to get bored and find different music. So a lot of songs filtered in and out of the playlist.

Hitting play, Connie placed an airpod in her ear and changed the app to Twitter, scrolling through her friend's tweets, replying to some.

After about five minutes her phone went off.

Mr. Extra Lettuce🥬
Spotted target
Brown hair brown eyes
Frantically scanning the room
Might be clinically insane
Whats she looking for ???
Boss I think we have a code chartreuse

Connie glanced at her messages, rolling her eyes as she looked for Charlie. Of course he would pull something like this, that's just what he does.

She looked eyes with him, he was at the other end of the foodcourt, grinning widely. Almost instantly after she spotted him, he began walking quickly towards her table.  She stood up, walking towards him aswell, until they were right infront of each other.

They looked at each other for a few moments, just taking the other in. Charlie was wearing a grey shirt and a pair of knee length jean shorts, which was pretty expected. She was glad she made the decision to help him find suitable clothing, because the jorts were just bad.

Connie smiled, albeit awkwardly, "Hi, Charlie," she said.

"Hi, Cory," Charlie said back, looking uncertain, "Can I- uh. Can I hug you?"

Instead of replying, Connie tackled him into a bear hug, laughing as he stumbled a little. He wrapped his arms around her, and she placed her head on his shoulder.

"Chartreuse is a shit colour," Connie mumbled into his shoulder, not noticing him shudder a little, "why would you call it code chartreuse?" But she was smiling, that was extremely evident in her voice.

He grinned, "I knew you would hate it," was all he replied with.

They pulled back, keeping each other at an arms length, "You're real. Like actually real," She breathed, laughing a little.

"As far as I'm aware that sentence is true," He said, "you know this probably isn't the first time we've met. Statistically we could've been at a grocery store at the same time or something."

She punched him playfully in the arm, "I need you to shut up, please."

"Never," He shot back, "so are we eating first? Or shopping?"

Connie hummed, "As much as I would love to eat first, I don't want to get a cramp while walking. So can we shop first?"

Charlie nodded, stepping a bit back from Connie to scout the shops near by. Connie took the time to find her airpod case, grabbing the one she wasn't wearing and holding it out in front of Charlie.

"Isn't this a little unsanitary?" He asked, subtly inspecting the device for earwax.

Connie scoffed, "No. I cleaned it before I left so you could wear it."

He smiled, happy with the answer. He took the airpod and put it in his ear, trying to pinpoint the song, "Justin Timberlake?"

"The one and only. You got a problem?"

"Not at all."

"Good," Connie said, suddenly grabbing Charlie's wrist, "Come on, I'm taking you to find something other than jorts."

"I'll have you know my jorts are really cool!" He defends, though he doesn't resist Connie pulling him in the direction of the stores.

She doesn't even bother arguing back, instead letting the lyrics of Rock Your Body by Justin Timberlake fills the silence.

(a/n: AHHHH AHHH AHHH AH HHAHAHAHS THEY MET UP. And from the playlist i put at the top i guess you guys got a hair reveal kind of? Lmao.)

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