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By BooD0IScaredY0u

1.9K 44 14

A Helluva Boss and A Hazbin Hotel fanfic about an Exterminator Angel who gets stuck in hell on accident, rate... More

Information ๏ฟผ
Extermination day
Just as I Imagined
๐˜•๐˜ฆ๐˜ธ ๐˜—๐˜ณ๐˜ฐ๐˜ฃ๐˜ญ๐˜ฆ๐˜ฎ...
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+2 Friend
ษขส€แด‡แด‡แด… ษช๊œฑ, แดœสœสœสœ...
Friend or Foe?
๐•‹๐•™๐•š๐•ค ๐•š๐•ค ๐•’ ๐•ฅ๐• ๐•ž๐• ๐•ฃ๐•ฃ๐• ๐•จ ๐•ก๐•ฃ๐• ๐•“๐•๐•–๐•ž
ยกA start of a beautiful friendship!
"๐˜›๐˜ณ๐˜ถ๐˜ด๐˜ต ๐˜ถ๐˜ด" They said
Let me go, Valentino
How to escape from the fucking devil 101

Lost and Found

62 2 0
By BooD0IScaredY0u

"Oh my god, Casey what are you doing inside of their?!" Angele said while she smacked herself against the glass window, Cassie wasted no time and ran towards the window and opened it from the inside

Angela helped Cassie to get out of Mammon's house and into a nearby tree "Angela!!" Cassie said as he hugged Angela


"I can see the whole town from here!" Cassie said in amusement as he looked down from the rooftop of the tallest building in greed, standing about 524 meters above the ground

"Yep I came up here to you know chill and stuff," Angela replied with a cigarette in between her index finger and middle finger

Then Cassie took out his bubblegum favor lollipop from his mouth before he spoke again "What were you doing trying to break inside Mammon's house?"

"Someone back at Lust dared me to break into Mammon's house and steal some money for poof but then I found you soo..." Angela replied right before exhaling the smoke from her cigarette

"Anyway, what were you doing inside of Mammon's house?" Cassie froze at the answer,
'What do I tell Angela "Oh yeah I'm the exterminator Angel who's been running around hell and I got a crystal from Asmodeusu to transform into an imp." No way.'

Angela stared at Cassie as he unconsciously zoned out, Angela did become a little worried from the long silence but she decided to ignore it and let Cassie just zone out

Angela put out her cigarette and dropped it off of the tall building that, they were sitting down at. Cassie was completely zoned out and now was thinking about himself driving a car

"You really out of it?" Angela whispered to herself, before snapping her fingers in Cassie's face "What?" Cassie said, finally returning to hell

"Nothing, Hey you hungry?" Angela asked as she stood up and stretched, Cassie was about to say no until his stomach rumbled causing Angela to giggle a little "In that case we better get going!"

Angela grabbed Cassie's hand and rushed down all of the building stairs until they reached the bottom floor of the building, Angela then started to walk down the street with Cassie following right behind her

"Wait where are we going?" Cassie questioned as Angela picked up the pace, Cassie barely heard Angela respond but only the words

"World... Restaurant... In... Ring..."

Then Angela turned a sharp left turn around a corner but when Cassie turned to chase her, she was nowhere to be found. "Angela!" Cassie yelled, earning a few weird looks from some demon walking down the street

Cassie walked down the street, hoping Angela would notice that Cassie was not right behind her anymore. He continued to walk down the street until he bumped into someone

The person that Cassie bumped into had a confused look in their eyes, Cassie watched as the demon looked at Cassie then at a piece of paper then at Cassie then at the paper

Cassie started to walk back until someone behind him tightly grabbed Cassie's arm and pulled him into a nearby alleyway 'What the fuck?' Cassie thought

"It's her!" One of the demons said, Cassie was still trying to figure out what these demons wanted from him, then the demon dropped the price of paper Cassie looked down and felt his heart drop when she saw a wanted picture with her on it.

"Oh shit..." Cassie said to himself as he held one of his spears behind his back, The demon slowly approached Cassie but before they knew what was happening, Cassie 'Dealt' with them

Afterward, Cassie walked up to the wanted poster on the ground and picked it up to further examine it, 'Shit!' Cassie thought as he clean off the blood from his skin and clothes then put away his spear

As Cassie walked out of the alleyway, Angela rush up to Cassie in a panic "Where the fuck were you?" Angela asked in a panic, then pushed Cassie back into the alleyway that he just walked out from

"I just saw a wanted poster for you what did you do?!" Angela yelled at Cassie completely ignoring the fact there 4 dead demons right over her "M-Maybe we should w-walk and talk.." Cassie said, trying to get Angela out of the alleyway

Then in the corner of Angela's eye, she saw the dead body, making her stop breathing "Angela, I can explain you see..."



"Your... I... What?!"

"Yeah, it's a lot to take in..."

Angela was trying to process all of the new information from what Cassie just said to her, Then Angela let out a heavy sigh then started to laugh

"What are you laughing at?" Cassie asked, trying his hardest not to laugh along with Angel "I don't know... I just laughed in bad times!" Angela said, continuing to laugh

Then Cassie started to laugh at Angela laugh, And Angela did the same, After a while of laughing they stopped "I kinda don't believe you when you say 'I'm the exterminator angel' or whatever you said"

"I can show you?" Cassie replied then slowly took out his necklace, and faded out of his imp form and back into his original form, Angela watched in amazement as Cassie glowed a light blue glow for a moment before turning into a literal angel

Angela examined Cassie's body very carefully and closely then her eyes landed on Cassie's wings which were still wrapped in bandages "What happened to your... wing?"

"Oh yeah I didn't tell you that part.. umm" Cassie replied with an awkward chuckle before sighing and then explaining what happened at Mammon's house when he was there

"Holy shit!" Angela responded, Before standing up "I think we should get going before someone else finds you!" 'Oh yeah the wanted posters' Cassie thought to himself

Then Cassie put back on the necklace, to only earn the same blinding light "AHH!" After the light was gone, Cassie was back in his imp form "What the fuck was that?!" Angela questioned as she rubbed her eyes

"I don't know why it does that, to be honest..." Cassie answered then standing up with Angela, "Never the matter, We just need to get you out of Greed for the time being!" Angela said while grabbing Cassie's hand

And walking out of the alleyway with Cassie, Some demon stared at the two imps but Angela just continued holding Cassie's hand and walked down the street

"Why are you so calm about this?!" Cassie whispered-yelled at Angela, Angela just shrugged her shoulders and said "I heard crazier." This made Cassie question what Angela had heard in her lifetime

Before long the two imps arrived at the hellevator that Cassie had seen so many times, when Cassie first saw the building he was in amazement but now Cassie knew what to expect, He had seen it maybe 5 or 8 times

Angela walked Cassie inside of the building and walked up to the hellhound at the front desk "Can we get two tickets to the Gluttony ring." Angela spoke as she handed the desk receptionist 20 dollars

The hellhound took the money as well as typed something into the computer then two yellow tickets printed out, The hellhound gave the two imps the tickets, which had the words 'Gluttony Ring' on them with the princess of Gluttony as well

Cassie got an uneasy feeling about this but before she could think about the feelings more, Angela grabbed Cassie's hand and pulled her into their elevator to Gluttony

"Do you have a plan for where we're going in Gluttony?" Cassie stated while Angela found a seat to sit "Yep, All you have to do is follow me."

Angela sat on the seat with one leg on top of the other and leaned on one arm, looking at Cassie with a cheeky expression while didn't know why she was thinking so hard about this

Then Angela giggled a little catching the attention of Cassie "What is it?" She asked, Angela just pointed at Cassie's back, Cassie looked behind her shoulder to see that her imp tail was swinging left to right at a fast pace

Cassie noticed that some other demons also noticed Cassie's tail, making her blush with embarrassment as she grabbed her tail to make it stop moving

"This is going to be so fun, trust me!" Angela said in a tone that tried to comfort Cassie, Cassie only smiled at Angela and then thought 'I hope your right..'


"You can stop here!"

"If you say so miss."

Angela and Cassie stepped out of their Uber driver's car, Cassie immediately noticed the huge yellow ball around 3 white rings with a lot of plants surrounding it

Before Cassie could ask any more questions about this place, Angela grabbed her arm and dragged her up the stairs and inside

Cassie noticed the loud music playing, the smell of alcohol, and the hellhound everywhere. "Let's go over to the bar!" Angela invited, Cassie wasn't that into alcohol but she nodded for Angela

The two went over to a light yellow couch, where Cassie sat down and waited as Angela went over to the nearest bar and ordered their drinks

Cassie waited for 1 minute, 3 minutes, 5 minutes, and 10 minutes before looking over at the bar, where Angela was supposed to be but noticed that Angela was gone again "You bitch, Angela!!" Cassie whispered-shouted as she stood up

Cassie looked around to try to spot Angela but she only saw hellhounds and a few imps, Cassie decided to find Angela on her own, so she started to squeeze herself around the crowd

She looked at every bar, every room, every table, and even the second floor but there was no luck, Cassie decided to go to the front door and text Angela to tell her to get out and meet her there

As Cassie was walking, she bumped into someone Cassie thought that she found Angela "Angela?" Cassie called out but even when she got a look at the person it was clear as headlights it wasn't Angela

"I'm no Angela!" Cassie saw that she bumped into a violet hellhound wearing pink heart-shaped glasses "O-Oh I'm sorry I t-thought-"
"You thought wrong!" The violet hellhound cut off Cassie

"I-" "Maybe you should get your eyeballs checked!" Cassie turned to face the imp next to the violet hellhound "And we'll you at it, fix your dress grey is so not your color!" A bight green hellhound followed up

"Where did you get your haircut from, behind a Claire's?" The violet hellhound laughed with the imp and the bright green hellhound, Cassie could feel her face get hot and she froze

Cassie backed up while playing with her fingers until she stumbled and fell backward, making the 3 demons in front of her laugh harder, Cassie avoided eye contact as they continued to make fun of her

"Perhaps if you didn't have fucked up feet, then may have not fal~len!" The imp spoke as she stood with both of her arms behind their back while moving her upper body forward to become closer to Cassie

"Not only is your feet fucked up, but your skin also looks like you have been in the 15th war in a row, like seriously who gets their skin that fucked up!" The violet hellhound said while giggling at Cassie's embarrassed face "Like skincare who?"

Cassie felt something warm start to approach her eyes "Oh is the baby going to cry, Go ahead cry, baby!" The imp said while pretending to rub her eye

Cassie looked around to see many imps and hellhounds staring, whispering, and giggling at her, Cassie couldn't take it anymore and got up and ran toward a random door

She opened it and slammed it behind her, locking it as well. Cassie fell to her knees with her knees to her chest and arms around her legs with her chin laying on top of her knees

She finally let the tears that were collecting in her eyes fall down her face and to the floor, Cassie felt her throat tingling and burn as she continued to cry, her breathing becoming difficult as well as her eyes becoming soft and swollen from her tears




Cassie back away from the door and looked at it for a moment before hearing a voice "Hey, How are you?" The voice was definitely the voice of a female but Cassie never heard it before

"Y-Yeah..." Cassie said with a sniffer "You don't sound okay, you want to talk about it?" The voice sounded so calm when it spoke, making Cassie feel a little better

"It stupid, really..."

"Well it doesn't sound stupid... sounds important."

Cassie thought about what happened earlier today and started to cry once more before ranting about how the people here were being bitches as she continuing to sniff and cry while the person outside of the door pressed their back against the door and continued to talk

"Someone called me whore once..."


"It was true!"

The person outside the door chuckled a bit before taking

"Buuuut their just insecure about themselves so they pretend that your their mirror and say what upset them to you, so they get it out of their negative feelings and gave them to you, if you resist the negative feelings they will just bounce back and go to the assholes."

Their was silence for a while until their was a Clicking sound, Cassie then swing open the door and hugged the random person outside of the door

The person hugged back and telling Cassie it was okay to cry and she was going to be okay, Cassie slowly opened her eyes and looked at the person who comforted her

"OH FUCK!" Cassie immediately stepped back and covered her mouth, "What?" The person said while giggling that Cassie reaction

"Y-Your, Y-Your..." Cassie couldn't even form an words from how shock and embarrassment she felt


Cassie nodded as she uncovered her mouth and stared at Beelzebub in awe, "I already knew you were beautiful but never this beautiful..."

Beelzebub giggled at this statement and gently grabbed Cassie, pulling her to her feet and started to walk with her to the bar

Beelzebub sat Cassie down and got her some water "Did you come here with someone?" Beelzebub asked and on cue Angela appeared right behind the two

"Cassie I am so sorry I saw my friend and I forgot so I-" "It's okay!" Angela stared at Cassie suddenly forgiveness but took it "Thanks Casey!"

"Holy shit it's fucking Beelzebub!" Angela spoke in shock as Beelzebub just waved "Angela can we go?" Cassie asked as Beelzebub was suddenly called over "Yeah!" "Well you two have fun and have an awesome day, bye~!!!"

Cassie got up from her seat and walked with Angela outside, After a while they were walking down a light gray sidewalk in total silence until Angela finally said something "How did you met the queen bee herself?!"

"I'II tell you later..."


"No way!"


"Girl don't listen to them your gorgeous~"

Cassie giggled at Angela sweet comment as she continued to eat her steak

"Where did you found this place by the way?" Cassie asked while Angela swallowed a piece of her food

"Oh me and my ex-boyfriend used to come here almost everyday..." Cassie immediately felt bad for reminding Angela of her ex-boyfriend

"Oh I'm sorry..." Cassie said softly, Angela accepted Cassie apology and continued to eat until Angela slammed her fist on the table and asked

"Okay it's killing me, how in hells name did you end up in hell?" Angela had a million questions for Cassie aka the fucking angel

"Well shit, it's a long story..." Cassie felt like she were take 1 hour to go though and tell Angela how she ended up here

After a bit of convincing Cassie finally told Angela how and what happened a few days ago

After she told Angela the whole story, Angela was left with even more questions than before and Cassie could see that

"First question, who is Addy?"

"My best friend!"

"How did you guys met?"

"We met in a kids training camp to become a fighter for the extermination when we were 10"

"What if you followed your friend addy the whole time?"

"Then I'II probably be back in heaven."

"How did the clock move forward?"

"Wait what-"



It was like it happened in slow motion as 2 bullets went falling past her and into the wall next to her

She turned to face the bullet holes then at the person who shot them, the person was a imp and a rattlesnake mixed with a cowboy hat and with cowboy clothes on

Then he went to reload his pistol, giving Cassie time to climb over the table and jump toward the back door




Cassie heard the gun shots ring throughout the restaurant and demons yelling and screaming at it

Cassie ran over to the front counter and ducked behind it, Cassie grabbed hold of the crystal she was wearing around her neck and squeezed it tightly then a bight blue light flashed Cassie eyes, making her close them

Then when she opened them again she was back in her angel form, with this Cassie dash towards the back exit as the rattlesnake imp shot the spot that she was in second ago

Cassie slammed into the back door, making the door come off it hinges. She ran down an empty street and tried to fly away but when she started to flap her wings she immediately felt pain in her back

"Fuck!!!" Cassie screams in pain, she looked back to see no one, making Cassie think that she made the rattlesnake imp loss her

Cassie ran into a nearby alleyway and leaned over and held on the wall with both hands of Cassie hands. The last thing that Cassie remembered was a sharp pain in the back of her head and her vision going black...


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