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Od whenronnifallsinlove

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Author's Note โ˜…
Prologue โ˜…
Chapter 1: Never Grow Up โ˜…
Chapter 2: Fifteen โ˜…
Chapter 3: Mr. Perfectly Fine โ˜…
Chapter 4: You Belong With Me โ˜…
Chapter 5: Fearless โ˜…
Chapter 6: Jump Then Fall โ˜…
Chapter 7: Tell Me Why โ˜…
Chapter 8: The Best Day โ˜…
Chapter 9: White Horse โ˜…
Chapter 10: Forever & Always โ˜…
Chapter 11: You're Not Sorry โ˜…
Chapter 12: Change โ˜…
Chapter 13: Love Story โ˜…
Chapter 14: Sparks Fly โ˜…
Chapter 15: I Can See You โ˜…
Chapter 16: Speak Now โ˜…
Chapter 17: Electric Touch โ˜…
Chapter 18: Mine โ˜…
Chapter 19: Enchanted โ˜…
Chapter 21: Mean โ˜…
Chapter 22: Haunted โ˜…
Chapter 23: The Story of Us โ˜…
Chapter 24: Back to December โ˜…
Chapter 25: Ours โ˜…

Chapter 20: Dear John โ˜…

32 6 51
Od whenronnifallsinlove

Ronnie's POV:

As I sat across from Tanner in the cozy little café, I couldn't help but feel a knot of guilt tightening in my stomach. The memory of kissing John the day before lingered in my mind, and it weighed heavily on my conscience. Ronnie, what have you done?

Tanner smiled at me, his eyes filled with warmth and affection. He was such a wonderful guy, always there for me, always making me feel special. But deep down, I knew I was keeping a secret from him. I still had feelings for John, despite all the pain he had caused me in the past. I was in denial, refusing to acknowledge that part of me that longed for him.

I tried to push those thoughts aside as I reached across the table to hold Tanner's hand. I wanted to show him how much I appreciated him, and how grateful I was for his presence in my life. I hoped that my gestures of kindness would somehow make up for the turmoil brewing inside me.

Tanner's smile widened, and he squeezed my hand gently. "You're amazing, Ronnie," he whispered, his voice filled with love. "I'm so lucky to have you."

My heart ached at his words, knowing that I was betraying his trust. I wished I could tell him the truth, to confess my lingering feelings for John. But the fear of losing Tanner, the fear of hurting him, held me back. So instead, I played it off nervously, laughing at his jokes and diverting his attention whenever the conversation veered close to the subject of my ex.

As we finished our coffees, Tanner leaned in close, his breath warm against my cheek. "Ronnie, I have something special planned for us tonight," he said, excitement dancing in his eyes.

I couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt. How could I let myself be swayed by the thought of spending time with John, knowing that Tanner had put so much effort into planning this date? I knew I had to make it right somehow, to show Tanner that he meant the world to me.

"Really? What is it?" I asked, my voice tinged with a mixture of excitement and apprehension.

Tanner's eyes sparkled as he leaned back, a mischievous smile playing on his lips. "It's a surprise," he teased. "But I promise you'll love it."

As we left the café, I tried to push away the thoughts of John that threatened to consume me. I wanted to focus on Tanner, to give him my undivided attention. But every step we took, every laugh we shared, was overshadowed by the guilt that clung to me like a shadow.

Throughout the evening, Tanner continued to shower me with love and affection. He held my hand, opened doors for me, and whispered sweet compliments in my ear. But with each kind gesture, my guilt grew stronger, gnawing at my conscience. It was as if I was betraying Tanner with every smile I gave him, with every laugh that escaped my lips.

As the night wore on, I realized that I couldn't keep living in denial. I couldn't continue to let my feelings for John cloud my judgment and hurt the person who truly cared for me. I needed to confront my emotions, to face the truth head-on.

But for now, I would do my best to be present, to appreciate Tanner and the love he had shown me. And perhaps, in time, I would find the strength to let go of the past and embrace the future that awaited me.


I walked through the front door of my house, the weight of the evening pressing down on me like a heavy burden. The conflicting emotions swirling inside me had reached their breaking point, leaving me exhausted and emotionally drained. I made my way to my bedroom and collapsed on my bed, staring up at the ceiling, lost in a sea of thoughts.

Who do I truly love? I asked myself, my heart aching with uncertainty. Tanner, who has been nothing but kind and loving towards me, or John, the one who had hurt me so deeply in the past but still managed to stir up a whirlwind of emotions within me?

Just as I was lost in my thoughts, my phone buzzed on the nightstand, jolting me from my reverie. I picked it up to see John's name flashing on the screen, and my heart skipped a beat. It was as if the universe was conspiring to make my decision even more difficult.

Taking a deep breath, I answered the call, my voice trembling with a mix of anticipation and anxiety. "Hello, John," I said, trying to sound composed.

"Hey, Ronnie," he replied, his voice filled with a hint of longing. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything."

I hesitated for a moment, unsure of how to respond. "No, not at all," I finally managed to say, my voice betraying my inner turmoil.

There was a brief silence on the other end, and I could almost hear John searching for the right words. "Listen, Ronnie," he began, his voice filled with a mix of urgency and sincerity. "I know things between us have been complicated, but I need to tell you something."

I held my breath, my heart pounding in my chest. What could he possibly have to say that would make everything even more complicated?

"I'm moving to a small town," John continued, his voice tinged with excitement. "It's far away from here, from all the chaos and mistakes I've made. Ronnie, I want you to come with me."

My mind spun with disbelief. Run away with him? Leave everything behind and start anew? It was a tempting offer, one that stirred up a mix of emotions within me. But deep down, I knew that running away wouldn't solve anything. The problems and unresolved feelings would still linger, haunting me wherever I went.

"John, I..." I stammered, struggling to find the right words. "I can't just run away with you. There's so much to consider, so many feelings that I need to sort through."

He sighed on the other end of the line, his disappointment palpable. "It's Tanner, isn't it." He chuckled to himself then spoke again. "Look, this is going to give us a chance to be together, and have a fresh start."

"John, you can't be serious right now!" I softly screamed into the phone.

He waited for a few seconds until he spoke again. "Let me ask you something. Do you love me?" There was a moment of silence as John awaited my answer.

"I- I-" I stuttered, unable to decide what would be the right decision. "I don't know," I finally spit out, while releasing a sigh of frustration.

John remained quiet for a moment, but finally said, "I understand, Ronnie. But think about it. We could start fresh, away from all the pain and mistakes. We could have a chance at happiness together."

Tears welled up in my eyes as I grappled with my emotions. Part of me yearned for the simplicity and familiarity of what John was offering. But another part of me knew that I couldn't ignore the love and stability that Tanner had brought into my life.

"I need time, John," I finally whispered, my voice choking with emotion. "I need time to figure things out, to understand what my heart truly wants."

There was a long pause on the other end, and I could almost feel the weight of John's disappointment. "Alright, Ronnie," he said, his voice filled with resignation. "Take all the time you need. But remember, I'll always be here for you."

As I hung up the phone, tears streamed down my face, mingling with the confusion and heartache that consumed me. I knew that the road ahead would be difficult, filled with tough decisions and painful realizations. But I also knew that I couldn't ignore the love that Tanner had shown me, nor the chance for a future that was waiting to be embraced.

With a heavy heart, I wiped away my tears and made a silent promise to myself. I would face my feelings head-on, confront the truth, and find the strength to make the right choice for my own happiness.

Luke's POV:

It was a quiet afternoon at my house when the doorbell rang. I was caught off guard, not expecting anyone to visit. I made my way downstairs, wondering who it could be. When I opened the door, I was surprised to see Tanner standing there, a worried expression etched on his face.

"Hey, Tanner," I greeted him, my voice filled with surprise. "What brings you here?"

Tanner glanced behind me, his eyes searching for something. "Is Ronnie home?" he asked, his voice tinged with concern.

I shook my head, realizing that Joel was standing just a few steps away. "No, she's not here right now," I replied, wondering why Tanner seemed so anxious.

Joel and I exchanged glances, a silent understanding passing between them. "But, can we help you with anything Tanner?" Joel offered, his voice gentle and reassuring.

Tanner hesitated for a moment, then nodded. "Actually, maybe you can," he said, stepping inside the house. "I need to talk to someone, and I trust you guys."

We made our way to the living room, settling down on the couches. Tanner's eyes darted around the room, his fingers fidgeting with unease. "Ronnie has been distant lately," he began, his voice filled with worry. "I'm afraid she might be hurting herself again."

Joel and I exchanged concerned glances, their eyes reflecting the weight of Tanner's words. "We understand your concern, Tanner," Joel spoke up, his voice filled with empathy. "But we think there might be something else going on."

Tanner's brow furrowed in confusion. "What do you mean?"

Luke leaned forward, his voice gentle yet firm. "Ronnie has been under a lot of stress lately. Our family is going through some financial problems, and it's been tough on all of us. Maybe that's why she's been distant."

Tanner's expression softened as he absorbed their words. "I didn't think about that," he admitted, guilt creeping into his voice. "She had told me about it, but after the Met Gala, she didn't really talk about the money anymore. I just thought maybe she didn't love me anymore."

I placed a reassuring hand on Tanner's shoulder. "It's not that, Tanner," I said. "Ronnie loves you, but sometimes life gets in the way. She's just trying to navigate through a difficult period."

Eventually, Tanner became satisfied with the comfort we provided and decided to head home. "Luke," Joel called my name, putting his hand on my shoulder as I closed the door. "Do you really think Ronnie might be hurting herself?"

It shocked me that Joel believed Ronnie was self-harming again. But I also had to understand that Joel had been the one to help her through it, not me. "I really don't think so, brother," I tried to reassure him, but there is always that small part of you wondering if it is true.

"But there's still a chance," Joel said as if he was reading my mind. "I'm worried Luke."

"Look, Joel, we haven't even noticed anything off with Ronnie until Tanner told us. How about we just keep an eye out, see if we notice anything suspicious."

"Yeah," Joel took a deep breath, attempting to calm himself down. "Yeah, that could work."

"Just spend some time with her for now, see if she acts any differently. Like tonight." Joel froze as I suggested tonight, making me ask, "Are you okay, Joel?"

"Uh, yeah. How about you try tonight? I was going to the store now, to pick up some things we don't have. Maybe even find some job opportunities."

"Okay..." I said, suspicious of his behavior. Joel gathered his things, then said goodbye, heading off to the store. I glanced up at the clock, which read 7:00 p.m. Who goes to the store this late after having a whole day of free time?

But I dismissed Joel's weird actions, as I had a different sibling's problems to worry about. I waited for Ronnie to come back home, and gave her some time to settle in her room. Then, after preparing what I had to say, I headed up and knocked on her bedroom door.

Ronnie opened it, seeming surprised to see me standing there. "Hey, Luke," she greeted me, opening the door further to let me in.

"Hey, Ronnie," I greeted her softly, taking a seat on the edge of her bed. "Mind if we talk?"

She looked up, her eyes reflecting surprise and a hint of apprehension. "Sure, Luke. What's up?"

I studied her face, searching for any signs of the turmoil I sensed beneath the surface. "You've been acting a little off lately. Is everything okay?"

Ronnie forced a smile, her eyes avoiding mine. "Yeah, everything's fine. Just going through some stuff, you know how it is."

I could tell she was deflecting, trying to protect herself from opening up. But I couldn't let her hide her pain any longer. "Ronnie, I'm your brother. You can talk to me. Whatever it is, I'm here for you."

She sighed, her shoulders slumping. Finally, she gave in. "Okay, fine. You're right, Luke. I've been feeling conflicted lately."

My heart sank as I listened to her words. I knew what she was about to say, but it still hurt to hear it. "Conflicted about what, Ronnie?"

Just as she was about to answer, her phone rang, interrupting our conversation. She glanced at the screen and a mix of emotions flickered across her face. It was John, her toxic ex. She hesitated for a moment before answering the call.

"Hey, John," she said, her voice tinged with uncertainty. "What's up?"

I watched as Ronnie's expression shifted as if a floodgate of emotions had been opened. She began pouring her heart out to John, sharing her conflicted feelings about him and her current boyfriend, Tanner. It was as if she couldn't hold back any longer, her words flowing freely.

"I don't know, John," Ronnie admitted, her voice filled with vulnerability. "There's something about you that I can't seem to let go of. But Tanner... he's been so good to me, and I don't want to hurt him."

My heart ached for Ronnie as I listened to her struggle with her emotions. I wanted to protect her, to shield her from the pain that I knew this situation would bring. But all I could do was be there for her, offering support and understanding.

"Ronnie," I said gently, reaching out to hold her hand. "I know this is difficult for you. But remember what John put you through before. You deserve someone who treats you with respect and love, someone who doesn't bring you down."

She nodded, tears welling up in her eyes. "I know, Luke. I do. But my heart... it's torn between what I know is right and what I feel." Ronnie broke down in my arms, her secret from Tanner being too heavy to bear.

I squeezed her hand, trying to convey my love and support. "Shhh, it'll be okay Ronnie. I'm here now."

But I truly didn't know if it all would be okay.


I found Joel sitting on the porch the next morning, staring into the distance. His eyes were filled with worry, lines etched on his forehead. I took a deep breath and walked over, knowing that I had to tell him the truth about Ronnie.

"Hey, Joel," I said, taking a seat next to him. "I need to talk to you about Ronnie."

Joel turned to me, his expression a mix of relief and concern. He quickly jumped to conclusions. "Luke, is she hurting herself again? Please tell me she's okay."

I shook my head, wanting to alleviate his worries. "No, no, it's not that, Joel. Ronnie's not hurting herself like we thought. She's been doing better, finding healthier ways to cope."

A flicker of relief washed over Joel's face, his tense shoulders relaxing. "Thank goodness. I was so worried about her, Luke. I just want her to be safe and happy."

"I know, Joel," I replied, placing a hand on his shoulder. "We all want that for her. But there's something else I need to tell you. It's about John."

Joel's brows furrowed, a hint of concern returning to his eyes. "What about him? Is he bothering Ronnie again?"

I sighed, bracing myself for his reaction. "It's more complicated than that, Joel. Ronnie is..."

"Ronnie is what?"

"She's starting to fall for him again."

Joel's face paled, his grip on the porch railing tightening. "No, Luke, she can't go back to him. He's toxic for her. We've been through this before, and it nearly destroyed her."

"I know, Joel," I said softly. "But love can be a powerful force, and Ronnie's heart is vulnerable right now. We need to be there for her, remind her of the pain he caused, and help her see the truth."

Joel's gaze turned distant, lost in his thoughts. "I just don't understand why she keeps going back to him. We've done everything we can to support her, to protect her."

"I think it's because she's still healing, Joel," I replied, my voice filled with empathy. "Sometimes, the scars run deep, and it takes time to fully recover. We have to be patient and understanding, even when it's hard."

Joel sighed heavily, his shoulders slumping. "You're right, Luke. And she's with Tanner! No wonder she's been distant..."

I nodded, " We have to be her support system, her rock. Let's keep an eye on her, but also give her the space she needs."

Joel turned to me, "We won't let her go down that dark path again, Luke. We'll be there for her every step of the way, no matter what."

Ronnie's POV:

As I walked into the conference room for my staff meeting, I could feel the excitement bubbling inside me. This was the place where all the magic happened, where my team and I would brainstorm ideas, share melodies, and craft lyrics that would touch the hearts of millions. Maddie, my manager, sat at the head of the table, a mischievous smile playing on her lips.

"Ronnie, I have some exciting news for you," Maddie announced, her eyes gleaming with anticipation.

I took my seat, my heart pounding with curiosity. "What is it, Maddie?"

She leaned forward, her voice filled with excitement. "You've been invited to perform on The Jimmy Fallon Show!"

My eyes widened in disbelief. The Jimmy Fallon Show? It was a dream come true! The thought of sharing my music with millions of viewers sent shivers down my spine.

Maddie continued, "And I have an idea. Why don't we debut a brand-new song on the show? It'll be the perfect opportunity to showcase your talent and captivate the audience."

Her words hung in the air, and I could sense the anticipation building in the room. My mind started racing, considering the possibilities. But before I could respond, Tanner, my songwriter and boyfriend, spoke up.

"I could help you write a great song for the performance," Tanner offered, his voice filled with enthusiasm.

I smiled at him, appreciating his support and willingness to contribute. But deep down, I knew there was something else I had to do.

"Thank you, Tanner. I appreciate your offer," I replied, my voice filled with gratitude. "But I already have the perfect song for the performance."

Confusion flickered across Tanner's face, but he nodded, respecting my decision. Maddie, on the other hand, seemed intrigued.

"That's perfect, Ronnie," Maddie said, leaning back in her chair. "Tell us more about this perfect song."

"Well, it's more of a personal song," I glanced at Tanner, who smiled at me. "But I guess you'll just have to wait and see."

"I trust your instincts, Ronnie," Maddie said, her voice filled with confidence. "If you believe this is the perfect song, then I have no doubt it will be."

The room erupted into applause, and I felt a surge of excitement and determination. And so, with every fiber of my being, I dedicated myself to perfecting that song. I poured my heart and soul into the lyrics, ensuring every word resonated with authenticity and vulnerability. Tanner, understanding the importance of this moment, became my rock, my sounding board, and my biggest cheerleader.

Days turned into nights as I fine-tuned every note, every chord, and every emotion. The song became a reflection of a certain time in my life, and I was proud of it.

Finally, the day of the performance arrived. I stood backstage, my heart pounding, as I waited for my cue. Once again, that familiar voice spoke up.

"Hey beautiful," I turned around to find John. "You haven't been answering my calls."

"Maybe you should take the hint then," I told him.

"Are we going back to this Ronnie?" he asked, as he walked closer to me and put my hands in his. "I meant what I said. I do love you, Ronnie, I do. And in my heart, I know you love me too." I thought about telling him off, telling him that I never wanted to see him ever again, but I decided to remain calm.

"You know what, John? How about we talk after my performance, alright?" A grin appeared on his face.

"Fine, by me."

"Ronnie!"I heard Tanner's voice call out in the distance.

"Oh, there's your boy toy," John said. "I'll see you after your song," he said, as winked at me. I shuddered in disgust as he walked away.

"Hey, Ronnie," Tanner said, walking up to me, just after John had left. "I can't wait to hear your song."

"I'm really excited. I'm really proud of it," I told him, as he smiled at how excited I was about the song.

"You sure you don't want to tell me what it's about?" he asked, hoping for some clues.

I laughed at his desperation. "All I will tell you is that it's a song that's very personal." He smiled back, excited to hear it. Just then, I was told I was on for my performance in a minute. "I got to go," I said, kissing him on the cheek.

"Of course, I'll see you right after," Tanner told me.

The lights dimmed, and I stepped onto the stage, feeling a surge of adrenaline rush through my veins.

As the first notes of the song filled the air, I closed my eyes, letting the music guide me. The audience fell silent, captivated by the raw emotion pouring from my soul. 

Long were the nights when my

Days once revolved around you

Counting my footsteps

Praying the floor won't fall through, again

My mother accused me of losing my mind, but I swore

I was fine

You paint me blue sky

Then go back and turn it to rain

And I lived in your chess game

But you changed the rules every day

Wondering which version of you I might get on the phone


Well, I stopped picking up, and this song is to let you know why

Dear John

I see it all now that you're gone

Don't you think I was too young to be messed with?

The girl in the dress cried the whole way home

I should've known

Well, maybe it's me

And my blind optimism to blame

Or maybe it's you and your sick need

To give love then take it away

And you'll add my name to your long list of traitors

Who don't understand

And I'll look back and regret

I ignored when they said, "Run as fast as you can"

Dear John

I see it all now that you're gone

Don't you think I was too young to be messed with?

The girl in the dress cried the whole way home

Dear John

I see it all now, it was wrong

Don't you think nineteen's

Too young to be played by your dark, twisted games?

When I loved you so

I should've known

You are an expert at sorry

And keeping lines blurry

Never impressed by me acing your tests

All the girls that you've run dry

Have tired, lifeless eyes 'cause you burned them out

But I took your matches before fire could catch me

So don't look now

I'm shining like fireworks

Over your sad empty town

Oh-oh, oh, oh, oh, oh

Dear John

I see it all now that you're gone

Don't you think I was too young to be messed with?

The girl in the dress cried the whole way home

I see it all now that you're gone

Don't you think I was too young to be messed with?

The girl in the dress wrote you a song

You should've known

You should've known

Don't you think I was too young?

You should've known

When the final chord rang out, the crowd erupted into thunderous applause. Tears welled up in my eyes as I took a bow, overwhelmed by the love and support that surrounded me.

John's POV:

"I got to go," I heard Ronnie say, kissing Tanner on the cheek.

"Of course, I'll see you right after," Tanner told her. As Ronnie walked on stage, I decided to have a nice chat with Tanner. Get to know him. See what Ronnie sees in him.

I approached Tanner, who was standing backstage and watching Ronnie get prepped for her performance. "You got yourself a good girlfriend, man," I told him.

"I know right? She means everything to me." Tanner looked at me, then frowned, as if he had trouble figuring out who I was.

"Are you sure she truly loves you, Tanner? As much as you love her?" Tanner's expression changed to an offended look.

"I'm sorry, who are you? And who are you to question my relationship?"

"My name is John. A pleasure to meet you." Tanner's eyes widened as he heard my name.

"John? As in Ronnie's ex? What are you doing here?"

"Well," I started. "I'm here to ask Ronnie if she's made her decision."

"Her decision? About what? Tanner became confused and began to try and split his focus between Ronnie, who had just begun singing, and me.

"Oh, she didn't tell you?" I chuckled at his innocence. "Ronnie is trying to choose between us."

"What do you mean? She's my girlfriend!" Tanner began to feel furious.

"Well, we shared a pretty good kiss last time at the Met Gala," I finally shared, causing Tanner to freeze."Maybe it brought up some feelings she was hiding before."

"You're lying! Ronnie hasn't told me a single thing except that you provided her money!"

"I provided her with way more than money, boy," I told him, looking back at Ronnie, singing her heart out on stage.

"I don't believe you!"

"How about we let Ronnie finish singing, then we can ask her what she thinks?" I took his silence as a yes, and we began listening to the song Ronnie had been singing. Little did we know, it would provide Tanner with enough proof to believe me.

Wondering which version of you I might get on the phone


Well, I stopped picking up, and this song is to let you know why

Dear John

I see it all now that you're gone

Don't you think I was too young to be messed with?

The girl in the dress cried the whole way home

I should've known

Despite how much it hurt, hearing Ronnie sing hurtful things about me when I turned to Tanner, I knew he was the one who would suffer the most out of this. He looked as if his heart had been shattered a thousand times. So when Ronnie would finish her song, and turn to look at Tanner.

He wouldn't be standing there. 

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