By Noreminhyuck

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Intro 2


653 16 13
By Noreminhyuck

AT 2:30 am —

Jaemin was sleeping peacefully but suddenly his sleep got disturbed when he didn’t feel his favorite warmth and cuddles , he slowly open his eyes and sit on the bed , wiping his eyes from his cute little fist look other side of the bed but no one is their , he look around the room but and find only him , he got up from the bed , he is wearing white loos shirt and baby blue color boxers , only.

He take his puppy plushie is his arms and walk towards the bathroom , and open the door,

Jm ( cutely ) : Nono? ..... Nono? .....

When he didn’t got any answer he eyes became teary , he walk towards the door and walk out from the room , he walk downstairs while taking small little steps on the stairs its is easy for him because mansion’s lights are still on , only because Jaemin hate darkness , He walk down slowly and stand in middle on the living room. His innocent eyes are moving in whole living room ,

Jm: Nono?

He again take jeno’s name but no response , but then Jaemin heard some sound , he look at that direction and walk towards it , with his little steps and puppy plushie still in his hand,

Jaemin stand in front of the door and open it easily because door was not locked , listening to those sound he walk further.He walk and saw the stairs , coming down, the sound became more clear and now with that someone's breathing sound is also coming , Jaemin walk towards the room and opened the door slowly.

Jeno’s pvo ..

After coming from the mall I  was feeling little horny towards jaemin well it is not first time but today it is being hard for me , and I know he will going to ask me so many question about that sense we saw in the washroom , so to avoid his questions I  make him sleep early , I tried to sleep but it is not working today , I was feeling hot and horny so I came to my gym to divert my mind,

I was continuously punching the boxing bag wearing only my gray trouser , but then I fee someone’s presence , I frown and stop my work looking towards the direction of the door, and my whole body freeze, my angel is standing on the door , wearing only a white loose shirt and boxers , having his puppy toy in his arms which he never kept away from him, My baby is looking at me with doe eyes and then I  observe some pearls in his ocean eyes.

Author's pvo

Jeno remove his bandages from his hands and clean his hands from the towel , he walk towards jaemin , pick him up from his underarms and take him in his own arms like a baby, He then walk to the side chair in the sit while taking Jaemin in his lap.

Jn( wipe Jaemin tears ) : what happen baby , why my baby have tears in his eyes today hmm?

Jm( little sob } : you wear not in the room , when I  wake up , I thought you leave me, I was so scared ( looking down and still sobbing )

Jn( smile and kiss Jaemin’s lips } : hey petal , look at me ( Jaemin look up slowly ) I am hear , and why you thought I can leave you ( kiss Jaemin’s eyes )can heart leave its beat ( Jaemin nodded  to no .he  kiss i’s nose ) Can rose leave its fragrance ( Jaemin again nodded as no . He  kiss Jaemin’s cheek ) can moon leave its moonlight ( Jaemin nodded as no , he  kiss Jaemin’s lips ) can my Jaeminie leave his peach ice-cream ( Jaemin giggle and said no ) then how can Nono leave his nana.

Jm ( hug jeni ): but I was scared,

Jn( creeses Jaemin’s hair ) : ok am sorry , I nwill not leave you alone on bed from now

Jm : hmm

Jn: love lets go to room, its still mid night want to sleep more

Jm( snuggle in jeno’s neck ) : hmm

Jeno smile and take him again in their bedroom , he place Jaemin down and went to bathroom to clean his sweat , after 10 minutes he come back and lay down beside Jaemin who immediately snuggle in his chest .

After 10 minutes

Jm( cutely ) : Nono ?

Jn( still eyes close ) : yes my love ?

Jm: why that uncle was eating that aunt's lips in the washroom tonight,

Jn ( bite his lips ) : baby they........ amm.. he is not eating her lips bubee..

Jm (look up) : then?

Jn ( get little panic ) : baby actually.... They...ammm.. They ....

Jm : I know they were doing no no things .

Jn (chuckle ) : what , no no things ( laugh a little ) who told you they were doing no no things

Jm: Renjunie..told me , once I was watching tv and one uncle was eating aunt’s lips like today we saw in washroom , so moomin hyung cover nana eyes and said that these are no no thing and bad people do that , they were bad people

Jeno sigh, he sit on the bed and take Jaemin in his lap.

Jn( kiss Jaemin lips ) : love ...they are no bad people ,

Jm( frown ) : but they do bad things

Jn : yes but when people love each other then its not bad things,

Jm( cutely ) : I can do it with anyone whom I  love

Jn( panic ) : ahhhhh...., not like this ( take a deep breath ) ok listen carefully ok

Jm : okie

Jn: firstly these are not bad things its called ammm....m.. making love , when a person love someone and that someone is his boyfriend , girlfriend or husband then they show their love to each other by giving them kisses , hugs , cuddles , buy them gifts , feed them food and so many other things , so making love is also the way to express each other how much they love each other,

Jm: 00000000, so they are not bad people ?

Jn: yes petal they are not bad people ,

Jm : Nono also love nana,

Jn : ofcourse my love , I love so much,

Jm( teary eyes ) : them why you not making love with me , it means you don’t love nana

Jn ( wide his eyes ) : no bub its not like that , your Nono love his petal so much, that I myself can’t describe it , my heart is only beating because you are inside it

Jm( sob and touch jeno’s n@ked chest ) : nana is here ?

Jn (smile and wipe Jaemin’s nose ): yes ~

Jm( smile ) : Nono ..lets make love , ( clap his hand )

Jn( wide his eyes and feel shy ) : baby, not now,

Jm : why ? I  want it now

Jn : baby please , listen to Nono ..I  .....,

Jm ( cut him off): no, please , I want it now,

Jn ( sigh } : love listen to me , we have to get up in the morning , so sleep now please come

Jm ( hit jeno’s chest and pull his hairs ): NO... | WANT IT NOW ....MAKE LOVING WITH ME

Jn ( try to remove Jaemin’s grip from his hairs ) : baby its not make loving , its love making , baby please lets sleep.. baby stop , it hurts now , my hairs , baby sorry , baby don’t kick , aww my abs , I  am sorry love....., no don’t .... I will cut you nails tomorrow they are so long ......petal don’t dig your fingers in my eyes , If a got blind how will I see you Aaahhhbbh..... Nooo....... Ahha..... Baaaaabyyyyyyy......pleaseeee

Jaemin always torture Jeno  whenever he don’t give him anything he want , scratching his face , Poking his eyes , pulling his hairs , slapping anywhere his hand goes , kicking while siting on his lap , and jeno always acts like its hurting him , he fake cries and plead Jaemin who Giggles in return and finally after full half an hour , jeno able to make Jaemin’s sleep , in his arms , who snuggle in His chest like a koala, he take a deep breath and close his eyes with the smile.

Time skip next morning -

4Everyone is sitting on the dinning table waiting for the breakfast , except mark and Renjun.They are preparing breakfast in the kitchen , and mr jung  and mr. Lee , they are still didn’t Came down,

Lc( smile } : Jaemin baby what happen,

Jaemin is sitting on the chair today and not in jeno’s lap , which is surprising for them , and more than that, he is pouting from then morning and jeno is sitting beside him with aPleading eyes , and try to making Jaemin sit on his lap again and again

Jn : baby come hear , I  will feed you

Jm ( pout } : don’t talk to me , you are meanie ( cross his arms on his chest )

Yt ( frown ) : what you did again,

Jn( sigh and mumbles ) : I didn’t do anything that’s why he is sulking

Lc: Jaemin are you mad at him ( laugh ) really , but why and you look so cute while pouting ‘

And then mark  and Renjun enters in the room with breakfast ,

Mk: where is appa and dada ?

Cl : they are in their room markie

Rj: ok ..I call them

Lc : no Renjun wait , I went to call them they said they will come little late today , both are doing some paperwork I think

Rj : oh...ok

Mark and Renjun serve breakfast and sit beside their husband.

Jm ( angry pout ): markie , why you didn’t give me food ,

Mk: baby , I though Jeno will feed you like always , I ..

Jm:no nana is big boy, I  will eat my self

Mark  and Renjun wide their eyes ,and same goes with others .

Rj : my jaem... , what happen baby , did anyone say anything to you ( looking at jeno with suspicious eyes , who look at him in disbelief )

Mk: ok come I'll feed you

Jm: no, I will eat my self, give me my food too

Jw( whisper ) : I think jeno has done something big this time

Lc : I hope not

Hc( softly ) : bunny come hear ~

Jaemin look at haechan and slowly get up from his seat and go to Haechan , haechan make him sit beside him and pull his chair towards him,

Hc ( while make bite form his piate ) : let hyung feed you today ok

Jaemin nodded little with same pout , haechan take bite and feed Jaemin in his small little mouth, when other see Jaemin start eating they smile and also start eating finally .but Jeno is look at him baby with a sad pout and eating lazily like a snail , obviously its  his favorite thing to feed Jaemin , but today he can’t do that , but he is happy that at least Jaemin Is eating he smile and pray god Jaemin forgot about yesterday conversation , but thing he is little late to pray from god.

Hc ( while feeding Jaemin) : now tell me what happen , is this dog did anything , tell to  hyung

Jaemin stop munching , and look at jeno angry eyes and mouth filled food , look so cute while glaring at him.

Jm( complaining to suga ) : bear... puppy is meanie ,

Hc( glaring at jn ) : what this dog do ?

Jm( glaring at jeno same like haechan): NANA ASK HIM TO MAKE LOVE WITH ME BUT HE SAY NO , STUPIED PUPPY HUMP! ( pout and cross arms again )

Silence whole dinning table is filled with silence , everybody freeze at their placing, the & only thing which is moving is Jaemin’s mouth filled with food ,mark  and Renjun face turn red in embarrassment because by their own brother , jungwoo and Lucas look at each other and again look front tried hard to munch their food , chenle is proudly looking at his cute fluffy and now bold brother in law , yuta shake his head as he know Jaemin obviously don’t know what he said , and haechan... haechan who is glaring at jeno before , turn his head towards him and look at him with apologetic eyes and return jeno give him sarcastically look like “oh now you got that, thank you”.

Jm: Bear..scold him ( make angry face on jeno who look at him with pleading eyes )

Hc ( clear his throat ) : ammm....ammm.... Yeah ....i mean no ... Jaemin...mean just leave him Its ok , he is stupid , ( look at jeno with sorry look )

Jm( whine ) : noooo ( look at yuta ) hyungie you scold him


Jm ( clap his hands ) : yeahhhhhbh ..... ice cream

Yuta look at jeno with sorry look at jeno give him black disbelief expression , but when he saw his baby laugh automatically his eyes close like puppy.

Mark and Renjun shake their head and glare at their husband with side of their eyes who are continuously spoiling their little devil everyday , they sigh and start eating their food And then mr. Lee and mr. Jung  come down with serious expression but Their expression change to smile one , when they see their children laughing and smiling together , mr Lee for some seconds forgot that he children are mafias after looking at them with mark Jaemin and Renjun , such a peace full scene , they both walk toward them and sit with them, mark look at them and immediately get up from his seat to serve them breakfast , all look at him with loving eyes , that how caring mark  is for everyone every time.

Mr. Jung: mark..i want you to come with me to little flower ( their orphanage )kids need you

Mk : what happen appa ?

Mr. Jung: some kids are sufferingfrom mild fever from last week and I want you too check them as they are most friendly with you , I know I can held another doctor but ...

Mk( softly ) : no appa, its my work , don’t worry , I  will come with you , when ?

Mr. Jung: TODAY.

Time skip -

Mark open the door of his bed room just to watch the big muscular build man is showing his tantrums while standing on the window and hand in the pocket , don’t even look back when mark  enters in the room, mark sigh and walk towards him , he hug him from behind that his hands wrapped on yuta’s waist and his left cheek pressed on his broad back
Yuta frown and sigh in annoyance , he remove mark’s hand from his waist slowly and sit on the bed , turning his face away from him with frown on his forehead.

Mk(in mind ): hear I am the bottom and l am the one who face his tantrums every time , Hump! ( pout ), but I should make his mood light before he take off his frustration somewhere else.

Mark  walk slowly towards yuata  and sit on on his I lap, het take yuta ‘s hand and put them on his own waist almost on his @ss , he cup yuta‘s face in his small hand and gently turns his face towards him.

Mk (low voice ) : YUTA-YA...

That’s it first time ever mark take his name , not name but nickname , and this feeling is so astonishing that he don’t want to come out form this pleasure , he feel so blessed today , that he get to listen such a angelic voice in his life , and specially his own name

Yt ( open his eyes ) : say that again

Mk( kiss his cheek and giggle shyly } : I love you YUTA-YA..

Yuta take out and deep breath and lay down on the back immediately with arms wide open he give his famous boxy smile with close eyes , which mark always crave for , rm feel that pleasurable feeling again and he grab mark from his wrist pull him on his body. Mark  gasp and in the blink of eyes yuta  flip the position , now mark  is under him , yuta snuggle into his neck biting it little roughly , mark  hissed but smile and start creasing yuta’s hair lovingly , as he is habitual of his husband rough and bold romance.

Yt { still inside mark’s neck ) : don’t go ~

Mk( slowly ) : don’t be selfish yuta-ya.. , you know its important

Yt ( took into mark’s eyes ) : no other option ?

Mk( sign ) : Renjun also can’t go because of his exam, which he have in evening time , and apart from this , I don’t want to choose any other option , I really want to go to kids , I am missing little flowers,

Yt ( travel his hand inside mark’s shirt ) : and what about me ? ~

Mk ( clench his shirt ) : its just for one week,

Yt( look into mark’s eyes intensely ) : its not easy love ~ , its not easy , only I know how it feel when you are not in front of my eyes , only  I know how my heart beat in fear when I call you and didn’t answer it at once , only I know how it feels when I know how innocent you are for this cruel world , only I know how it feel th....

But before yuta ‘s complete his words mark capture his lips , tears start forming in mark’s eyes immediately , the kiss is full love , no tongue involve only sharing of love , affection , care towards each other , after few minutes they move back .

Mk (touch yuta‘s cheek ) : why you love me so much ?

Yt( smile ) : can I ask you same thing ?

Mk (look in yuta ’s eyes deeply ) : I don’t know ....... I never feel you are stranger yuta-ya , I always feel like that day when I saw you first time in my kitchen that is not the first time I met you , I feel like i meet you before , from starting there is a feeling in my heart which allowed me to love you , to trust your every words , your arms feel like safest place,

Yuta smile at mark he kiss his forehead and remove some hairs form his forehead.

Yt (smile ): really ?

Mj( nodded) : hmm

Yt ( touch mark’s finger and kiss them ) : and you know why I love you so much ?

Mk ( shyly smile ) : why ?

Yt( deep voice ) : because ....

Mk( close his eyes ) : why~?

Yt( try not to laugh ) : because you make very delicious food

Mk (open his eyes immediately ) : what ?

Yt ( bite him lips and act ) : yes , you have magic in your hands you know , I love it

Mk( push him and sit properly on bed ) : only ?

Yt( act like thinking ): yes only , or what else , did i say something wrong ?

Mk ( take a deep breath ): no ofcource not , I  mean everybody say , I make delicious food ,and I know this

He get up form the bed harshly and take his suitcase , he open the closet and start taking of his cloths to put it inside the suitcase , with red face which is first time because of anger And on other hand yuta is trying not to burst while looking at his angry and pouty markie . He lay again on the bed , hand folded under his head and leg cross , looking at mark witha naughty smirk.

Yt ( face sad face ) : I am going to miss your delicious food so much markie

Mk ( close his eyes and breath deeply in anger but said in fake pity voice ) : oh ...don’t  Worry its just for a week ,( take out his shirt harshly from almirah )

Yt (smirk } : I am also going to miss your care....... and”

Mk( sign and said in annoyance ): AND ?

Yt: and your voice

Mk( fold in jeans harshly and put it inside the bad ) : AND ?

Yt : and your beautiful eyes which always look at me with innocence

Mk (suddenly stop but still act tough ) : AND ?

Yt ( looking at mark lovingly ) : and your hands which cresses my hairs every morning while I am in sleep.

Mk ( stop and look down ) : and ~?

Yt: your beautiful innocent face which make me so week and strong at the same time

Mk( blushed and fold his shirt slowly ) : and?

Yt : you smile which heal my every would in seconds

Mk ( close his eyes and breath ) : and ?

Yt : your hugs which release my stress every time e

Mk(smile ) : and ?

Yt : you kisses which melt my heart and makes this mafia king your slave

Mm: and~

Yt ( smirk } : and you s@xy @ss which I always want to squeezed whenever I saw it

Mark  wide his eyes and gasp , he throw his shirts and forcefully which directly land on yuta’s smirking face.

Yt ( sniffs the shirt ) : and your this smell which always make me turn on and make my pant tight.......

But before he complete his sentence another shirt landed on his face.

Mk ( pout ) : shame on you

Yt ( laugh ) : ok wait .... Don’t throw them like this.....ok sorry wait , you will put them _ again now see..... Oh baby wait I am sorry

But mark  continuously throwing his stuffs which directly and landing on yuta ‘s face every time , mark strom his feet and walk out from the room .

Yt ( shake his head and laugh loudly ) : wait , don’t go I am sorry

Mk{ while going out ) : I don’t want your sorry

Yuta  smile he start picking mark’s cloths and start folding them , he put them securely inside the suitcase and sigh while sitting on bed .

Yt (smile ) : I FEEL THE SAME MARKIE ~

Time skip at evening

Renjun just finished his exam and walk out from the college gate he was about to step out  but then his phone rang and a bright smile appear on his face after seeing the caller.


Rj ( smile ) : hello hyung , how are you , did you reach , are you alright

Mk ( chuckle ) ; relax baby , calm down

Rj : how can I calm myself down , when I know I am going to miss you for whole one For week . you know I am already missing you .

Mk: its just for few days jun, I’ll be back in some days ,

Rj( sad pout ): yeah t know , well did you reach little flower,

Mk( smile ) : yes we reach one hour ago , appa was with me few minutes ago but I think he got some paper work , he is in office.

Rj: oh ...ok

Mk: how is your exam, ?

Rj ( smile ) : its goes well hyung , I was nervous before but it goes well

Mk ( tease ) : ofcource it had to go well , After all your dear husband have prepared you for you exam.

Rj ( blush ) : hyung its not like that

Mk( chuckle ) : then how its like

Rj ( whine ) : hyung ~....well jokes apart i  must say that  Hyuck is very intelligent , and same goes to yuta  hyung also, they are too intelligent to be a mafia hehehe

Mk : Hyuck..nice Nick name.. they are intelligent that’s why they are mafia,

Rj : hmmm, hyung~ I am missing you please come back soon,

Mk : I will jun , kids also need me baby right ?

Rj ( sigh ) : yes hyung , I know ( tease ) well I was not asking for me, yuta  hyung, we all know its so hard for him to breath when you are not around him , poor  hyungie how will he sustain for whole one week

Mk ( blush gasp and fake angry ) : you brat , I am observing that , you and Jaemin are being so bratty now a days your husbands are spoiling you so much that now you going to tease your own hyung hmm? Wait let me come back I will teach you how to talk to hyung ,

Rj( gulp ) : my sweety sweety sexshi cutie lovely hyungie , your Junie is joking, Hehe ..

Mk( shake his head and smile ) : hmm...i know everything , buttering now

Rj( dramatically ) : nope I am serious ,

Mk: ok baby.. appa is calling me , I will call you at night ok , take care of yourselves and bunny  too , don’t let him eat ice cream so much especially tell this to Jeno , and don’t you  dare to skip your any meal I will ask buji everything , and very very important , don’t fight with haechan and curse him front of everyone I  will beat you with my slipper I  swear , and hyungie love my babies so much ok take care bye ...coming appa ~

Rj ( cut the call and smile ) : he himself is a baby , we love you too hyung...

Renjun smite and look at gate and cross his arms waiting for haechan to pick him up .


Renjun being so frustrated , waiting for haechan for almost one an half hour, its dark and  creepy , weather is also not good , rain can start anytime , wind is blowing dangerously , no ” one is their , Near him, except the watchman, who also went somewhere now, renjun is very angry now , he is recalling that horrible night which make him afraid to go atone , he is waiting for haechan but he is no where

Renjun try to call him but he is not picking up the calls , he can call someone, but don’t want to because haechan told him he will pick him up and Lee haechan never lie , Renjun is now sitting on the stairs looking at the gate , then a black color care enter in the campus, he smile but then roll him eyes after realizing how late his husband is , he become angry and walk towards the car.

Haechan come out from the car and waik towards Renjun . he take his bag and open door of  passenger seat for him, Renjun sit on passenger seat with annoying face and haechan place the  bag on back seat and sit on driving , seat both tug their seatbelt and haechan drive off from the campus , and that’s it Renjun burst on him like a volcano.

Rj: why you come now also, huh! You know I am waiting for you for almost 2 hour,its , to dark and creepy hear , but you , why you told me that you will pick me, if you want to do this , its better that I  should come with Yukhei hyung , he was also asking me but I  told him not to bother , why you were so late huh !, ok fine you are late but at least one message , is it that hard to send me one message that you will be late,but no you are Lee haechan the savage king , why you care that your husband is alone in dark, , will never going to ask you to drop me and even not ask you to pick me , you are so  minnie , and don’t think that I will leave you , | will tell this to dada , he will kick your lazy @ss and kick you out of the mansion , you wait , let me reach home .... I will...........

Renjun was continuously scolding haechan who is listening everything without uttering a word but Renjun got stop when his eyes fell on haechan’s hand , he gasp internally and his palms Covered with sweat , he got shocked and finally his attention got into haechy’s condition, his aknckleare bleeding , hairs are messy , he his sweating even when ac is on, he cloths have some blood stains , and his favorite knife is also peeking through his pocket , Renjun shut his mouth and sit straight with head hung down, he understand that his husband , just come form his mission and he is so sure that he have killed someone just now.

Renjun  became little scared and shut his mouth , he is feeling guilty to say those words to him now , and he understands that Haechan’s clenching jaws are proof he is controlling his anger, and his silence his proof that he is feeling guilty to not come to pick him up on time, renjun gulp internally and starts fighting with his fingers look on his lap and sometime side eyeing haechan , but suddenly rain starts and car stop in the middle on the empty road.

Rj ( frown ) : wha.....what happen ?

Hc ( straight voice ) : I ’ll check

Rj: but its raining don’t g......

But before Renjun complete him words haechan remove his coat and went out , he open the car’s bonnet and start checking it , Renjun is starring at haechan that how handsome and hot he look while he became angry.

Haechan  completely became wet in rains , his veins in hand and muscles are clearly visible through his shirt , water dripping from his hairs is making Renjun crazy , his concentrated face towards the bonnet make him h@rny , but Renjun come out from his thoughts when Haechan comes in and sit again to driving seat , he wipe water from his hairs and forehead.

Rj ( nervous ): what happen ?

Hc( without looking } : its not working , we have wait till day light because of rain

Renjun nodded and look down again but his eyes land on haechan bleeding aknckles , he take his hand and start wiping his hand from his handkerchief , after cleaning the blood , he take some tissue from his bag and wipe Haechan wet face

Rj : I told you not to go out , what if you will catch cold, 

Haechan didn't reply but looking at renjun’s face intensely , who know it but still don’t have guts now to meet his vision with the dark orbs , Renjun lovingly cleaning haechan water from his cute little hands so he wont get cold , and haechan , this something which always make him calm , renjun’s touch, .

Renjun is cleaning haechan hair with the towel which he found in the car’s back seat not known that his face is just inch apart from Haechan, haechan suddenly grab his waist and pull him on his lap , Renjun became shocked and shy at the same time , his hands are on haechan’s chest , which is clearly visible because of wet shirt , Renjun breath got stuck and he look down, haechan pull Renjun more towards him and connect his lips on his.

Renjun’s eyes become wide but then after few sec he melt in the kiss and start kissing haechan
with same passion and love , Renjun circled his arms on haechan’s neck and pull him more close to himself , haechan garb Renjun’s waist harshly making Renjun m@an , he open his mouth and haechan enter his tongue inside Renjun’s mouth , exploring every area of his mouth , when he become satisfied he travel his kisses towards renjun’s jaw li@king and s@cking hard his skin ated leaving marks behind , Renjun us breathing heavenly and haechan is painting everywhere his lips goes  suddenly very strong lightening strike which Couse Renjun to hug haechan tightly and his Pink plumy lips touches haechan‘s neck make haechan eyes roll in pleasure by feeling touch of his love on his skin , Renjun snuggle in Haechan's neck and clench his shirt in his small fist , haechan creeses Renjun’s soft silky hairs and kiss his forehead .

Hc ( husky voice ) : don’t worry , I am hear ..hmm..

Haechan’s voice is deep and husky but still make shivering Renjun calm and relax , he back from hug and look at haechan from his little teary eyes.

Rj : I am sorry ~

Hc: why ?

Rj : I scold you,

Hc : its fine , you own me you have full rights on me, 

Renjun look at haechan’s eyes and what he see is clear love for him , every time he look at haechan’s eyes he just feel loved , he feel like he is the luckiest here, Renjun touch haechan’s cheek and again lean for kiss , he capture haechan’s lips and start s@cking them like a baby , he then back off and look down.

Rj : Hyuck.....

Hc: hey love , what you just command me and I'll give you everything you want.

Rj: love me always...

Suga ( smile ) : sure love ? I always love you my baby..

Haechan look at renjun deeply in his eyes ,he attack on Renjun’s lips again and start kissing him more harshly , listening to renjun’s m@ns Seems like he finally got his got his favorite music , haechan’s lips travel to Renjun’s neck  and then collar bones , he found his sweet spot and start s@cking , biting and giving wet  kisses make Renjun’s m@an so loudly.

cold weather , thunder , lightening , empty road and
them makes the environment so h@mmy for both of them , Renjun is feeling his husband's touch at every part of his  upper body. Haechan stop his moment. He look at breathing Renjun and smile .

Hc: I will stop now.. because after I can't control me...

Rj: but...

Hc: I don't want it. You're so young and can I do it with my

Renjun hug him and buried his face on Haechan's naked chest.

Rj: I love you so much hyuckie... you're best best best husband.. your my sunshine... your sunshine smile always made me shiver and blush.. always be with me Hyuck..I want you..

He kissed Haechan's shoulder.

Hc: I love you too my sunflower..

Rj: sunflower...??

Hc: I'm your sunshine then you're my


Haechan gave peck on his lips and hugged him tightly.renjun also hug him like koala.



Today is nice day for me.. how about you guys...


I will come again tomorrow.... We slowly slowly getting end to story . This not have more than 10 chapters. I guess...what are you think about it.

Ok..I will be back...



  🌠        Sunny        🌠

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"..I like you, No I love you". started: 03 31, 2020 ended: 07 16, 2020 ♡best scores♡ °#8/192 in johnmark
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Mark Lee ✕ Lee Donghyuck ⌞ mafia au ⌝ ↬ ❝What's his name?❞ Mark said as he watched the beautiful boy dancing on the pole. ❝Haechan❞ ❝He's mine from n...
89.7K 5K 18
ᴍᴀʀᴋs ᴇɴᴛᴇʀs ɪɴ ᴏɴ ʏᴜᴛᴀ ᴀɴᴅ sɪᴄʜᴇɴɢ ᴅᴏɪɴɢ sᴏᴍᴇ ǫᴜᴇsᴛɪᴏɴᴀʙʟᴇ ᴛʜɪɴɢs ᴀɴᴅ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ɢᴇᴛs ʜɪᴍ ᴛʜɪɴᴋɪɴɢ ↳sᴛᴀʀᴛᴇᴅ: 12. 05. 19 ↳ᴇɴᴅᴇᴅ: 03. 07. 19
951K 33.5K 87
━ 𝐦𝐚𝐟𝐢𝐚 / 𝐠𝐚𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐮 # 間違った ━ 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐬 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐮𝐚𝐠𝐞 • 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐝 " 𝐢'𝐦 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐨𝐫 𝐢𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐥�...