Iysa happened

By rarethewriter

2.7K 264 18

"Everything was just fine but then Iysa happened" A fable of love, of marriage not between two individuals bu... More

1.I am Iysa
2. I am a mess
3. I am a chaos
4. I am embarrased
5. I am shocked
6. I am alone
7. I am married
8.I am Mrs
9. I am stubborn
10. I am antisocial
11. I am trying
12. I am adjusting
13. I am okay
14. I am sad
15. I am weak
16. I am on bed arrest
18. I am a food critique
19. I am lost
20. I am problamatic
21. I am sorry
22.I am stupid
23. I am uncomfortable
24. I am puzzled

17. I am better

92 12 0
By rarethewriter

It's been a few days since I fainted, I am doing a lot better now, Ahan left for London three days ago and I have been living alone in this massive apartment except for the time when Anagha is here, I have befriended her this short span, I have no idea when Ahan will return. I have his number but I feel like I should not call and ask him, I mean we are on cordial terms but not that close, god knows what makes him mad and I can't afford to make any more people mad at me.

Weirdly I have not left the house but I used to see through my bedroom window the Towering skyscrapers surrounded me, a stark contrast to the Mumbai I was accustomed to. People hurried by with purpose, their faces etched with determination. Each passerby seemed to exude an air of confidence and busyness that both fascinated and intimidated me. This part of Mumbai was a world apart from what I knew, and I couldn't help but feel like an outsider in my own city I dream of being one of the someday, confident, free, busy and happy.

I cut my thoughts off and clean the study table, I am back to routine now, I study all day because I have nothing better to do, I have learnt a little cooking from Anagham, I accompany her when she's cooking and help her out, I am not a pro chef yet but I am trusting the process for now.

Ahan had returned from London at midnight. He quietly entered the apartment, trying not to make much noise. The soft glow of the TV illuminated the living room, revealing a surprising sight. There, on the sofa, was Iysa, fast asleep with the TV blaring an episode of "Modern Family."

Ahan couldn't help but chuckle at the sight. Iysa was sprawled across the sofa, her limbs in an awkward tangle, and her head resting on a cushion. The TV remote had slipped from her hand and lay on the floor. Ahan found it endearing how she had fallen asleep while watching her favourite show, he knew that it was her favourite show as she used to watch it all the time when she was on bedrest, and even he got some of the characters from the show by now.

For a moment, he contemplated whether he should wake her up. She looked uncomfortable, and the blaring TV couldn't be doing her peaceful slumber any favours. But then, he thought better of it. Disturbing her sleep might only lead to grogginess and grumpiness, and he didn't want to risk it.

Instead, Ahan quietly approached the sofa and gently adjusted her position, making sure she was more comfortable. He tucked a throw blanket around her, and with a soft smile, he tiptoed away to his room.

However, as Ahan settled into his room, he realized that he was feeling quite hungry after the journey. His stomach grumbled loudly, and he couldn't ignore it any longer. With a resigned sigh, he decided to head to the kitchen and fix himself a quick meal.

Meanwhile, Iysa's sleep was deep but restless. She stirred on the sofa, slowly waking up to the unfamiliar surroundings. As her eyes adjusted to the dimly lit room, she was hit by a wave of confusion TV was off, there was no remote around and she had a blanket around her. Her first thought, in her half-asleep state, was that an intruder had somehow made their way inside the apartment. Her mind raced with a series of comically paranoid thoughts. She envisioned herself as the protagonist in a thriller movie, armed with a frying pan and ready to take on the intruder. She had watched too many crime dramas on TV lately, and it seemed they were now infiltrating her dreams.

With newfound determination, Iysa decided to confront the intruder. Clutching a pan from the kitchen, she tiptoed her way to the living room, all the while trying to suppress giggles at the absurdity of the situation.

Hiding behind the curtain, she held the pan like a weapon, ready to strike at any moment. Her heart raced, and her imagination ran wild. She was convinced that any minute now, she would unmask the intruder and become a hero and an inspiration.

Just then, she heard footsteps descending the staircase. Panic washed over her, and she readied her pan for action. As Ahan descended the stairs, his silhouette appeared in the darkness, and Iysa mistook him for the intruder. Without thinking, she lunged forward, ready to strike.

But the universe had other plans. In her haste, she lost her balance and slipped on the staircase. It was a moment of pure slapstick comedy as she tumbled forward, pan and all, only to be caught mid-air by Ahan.

He had been heading to the kitchen to grab a snack when he heard the commotion. In the dimly lit corridor, he saw Iysa's silhouette flying towards him, pan and all. Acting on instinct, he reached out and caught her in his arms, narrowly avoiding a potential disaster.

For a moment, they stood there, frozen in an awkward embrace. Ahan's initial surprise had turned into a grumpy expression as he realized what had just transpired. Iysa, on the other hand, couldn't help but burst into laughter at the sheer absurdity of the situation.

"Did you just try to attack me with a frying pan?" Ahan asked, his voice a mix of annoyance and amusement.

Iysa nodded, still laughing. "I thought you were an intruder! Blame it on those crime shows I've been watching."

Ahan rolled his eyes, the sarcasm evident in his tone. "Well, you certainly take home security to a whole new level."

Iysa grinned at him. "Always vigilant, you know."

The two of them stood there, in the middle of the darkened living room, sharing a rare moment of light-heartedness. It was a bizarre and comical introduction to Ahan's return, but it was also the first time they were having a laugh together.

"Umm I need to cook something, I am hungry, "Ahan says gaining back is composure.

"Ohh you ruined my sleep, I will accompany you" Iysa remarks as she signals him to walk behind her to the kitchen.

"So, Ahan," she began, still grinning, "how was your trip to London? Did you have a good time?"

Ahan's grumpy expression softened into a more thoughtful one. "It was... productive, I suppose. Lots of meetings, tight schedules, and the usual business stuff."

Iysa raised an eyebrow playfully. "Productive, huh? That doesn't sound very exciting. Did you at least get to do some sightseeing or try out some local food?"

Ahan shrugged, a faint smile on his lips. "Not really. It was mostly work and business lunch."

Iysa couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy for Ahan. "Sounds like a tough trip. Well, I'm glad you're back. Hopefully, you can relax a bit now."

Ahan nodded, his expression appreciative. "Yeah, it's good to be back. And thanks for the warm welcome, even if it involved a flying frying pan."

Iysa laughed, her earlier paranoia now replaced with amusement. "You're welcome, Ahan. You count on me for some unexpected entertainment."

Iysa couldn't help but be curious about Ahan's culinary skills, or the lack thereof. As they stood in the kitchen, she glanced at Ahan and raised an eyebrow, a mischievous smile playing on her lips.

"So, Ahan," she began, "do you even know how to cook?"

Ahan looked at her with a deadpan expression. "Not really. Cooking isn't exactly my forte."

Iysa chuckled. "Well, you're in luck because I happen to be an excellent cook. I can whip up all sorts of dishes."

Ahan's scepticism was evident. "Is that so? Can you make something right now?"

Iysa hopped onto the kitchen counter, swinging her legs as she grinned at Ahan. "Of course! But today, I'm feeling generous, so I'll let you take the lead. What would you like to cook?"

Ahan contemplated for a moment before a resigned expression crossed his face. "Well, I can make Maggi. It's pretty much the only thing I can manage."

Iysa burst into laughter. "Maggi? That's your culinary masterpiece? Alright, Maggi, it is then. I'll be your trusty assistant."

As Ahan began to boil water and prepare the Maggi, Iysa couldn't resist making conversation. She had a habit of talking without thinking, and today was no different.



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