His Father's Son

Av gentlemanC

499 13 1

A father tampers with the Supernatural to save his son to dire consequences Mer



80 2 0
Av gentlemanC

The alarm blares, it's that time of day again. I try to ignore the sound but it's insufferable, full of rage I slap the clock hard, so hard that my hand nearly bleeds. I'm pretty sure I speak for everyone when I say it consoles me to do so. I open my eyes and stare at the old, barely existing ceiling. The giant whole at the corner always gives me a kick in the ass to get up every time I see it.

I once had it all, a great career and a beautiful family. Sadly tragedy struck. Thanks to my deteriorating eye sight, on one unfortunate Sunday night the road got blury, I panicked, I lost control of the car and crashed. My wife died on the spot. Though short, I take consolation in knowing that her life was lived to the fullest. She left behind a son. Our son Star.

He was in the car with us. He was injured badly . He once spent months relying on machines just to breath. The doctors had given up all hope. I had spent my last dime on him when I finally decided to let him go. But a prayer I had said one night turned into a miracle. Just before I turned off the machine. He opened his eyes.

With a sigh full of gratitude that I have been granted yet another day with my precious boy, my routine begins. I get out of bed and the first thing I do every morning is go check up on my son...he's all I got, I'm all his got... My bed is big enough for the two of us but for some reason I guess he wasn't down on waking up to my face every morning so he sleeps on the sofa in the family room. No matter how he rolls himself up he has outgrown the old velvet thing. Seeing him every morning coiled up in an awkward position always breaks my heart. He's a sixteen year old God knows he has a lot to stress about without having to figure out how to sleep without hurting his neck or cramping his toe. It's been ten years since the accident but I'm still trying to earn back my fortune... I don't hold it against my son. I love him to bits.

"Hey Star...Star... hey boy, get up, time for school"

With an enthusiasm I never understand he stretches himself awake.

"Morning Pa... how was your sleep ?"

For the last sixteen years I have known Star, those words are the first thing to come out of his mouth every morning without fail. They always have the power to get me all warm and fuzzy on the inside.

"It was long enough to qualify only as a nap trust me, get up now we ain't got all day."

" Well then that means sleeping beauty ain't got nothing on you."

He's got a smart mouth and that makes him more than just a son, it makes him my best friend.

" Damn it boy, who you calling beauty?"

"You know what... you right dad with a face like that you'd make a scarier beast any day."

Jokes are always part of our mornings. That's how we keep sane. This time around my attacks send him running to the shower. I can't help but wonder what kind of man he'd turn out to be.

The second thing on my never changing to do list is breakfast, it's never anything fancy. A few slices of bread served with a sparkling glass of water but on certain days with fresh orange juice. He doesn't spend much time in the shower and he always finishes getting ready just in time for his meal. He always eats it all up in a matter of seconds without poking at it or complaining. After breakfast he collects his school stuff and heads out the door. Over the last couple of months I've grown to notice that maybe school is what makes his life worth living. If that's the case I'm greatful for whatever happens at his school. He's a very intelligent boy. Though he hit his head pretty hard when the car crashed he's a genious. He attends one of the most estimed institutions on a scholarship.

The usual train ride headed back home is a little different today. I've finally cleared my debts. I can start saving up for a better place. It's good news I cannot wait to share with my boy. I get off and hurry home. Star is already at home and started on dinner. Boy is he gonna be thrilled when I tell him we are eating out tonight, a first after almost a lifetime ago. I swing the door open, rush to the kitchen where I usually find Star fixing a broken gadget for a classmate.

"Hey Star..."

My timing couldn't be horrible. I've ruined a moment. A moment I'm actually shocked to witness. Star kissing a girl. I'm actually shocked at the fact that he even talks to girls, let alone having a girlfriend and inviting her over or the fact that they are on kissing terms. I'm not dissing him or anything but he's a nerd and everyone knows that girls and nerds don't really go hand in hand. I wonder where this moment could've progressed to. Who knows maybe I've saved him from a hot slap and heart piercing insults.

"Dad... You home"

I can hear the shame in his voice. The girl's eyes are downcast to the floor. She's more embarrassed.

" Yes I am. Did I interrupt something"

" Oh come on Pa... We all know what you saw"

What's a father supposed to do in such instances.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean... I should've... Is that your girlfriend ?"

The youngsters exchange looks. I guess they are planing to lie to my face. Who cares what their relationship is anyway, what's important is that my son is one lucky man, he has both the brains and the charm.

" Yes... yes she is. Dad this is Miriam. Miriam my Dad"

The young lady stretches her hand to greet me. She finally faces me for the first time. I can't still wrap my head around the fact that she's seeing my son but the fact that she's no ugly duckling makes it even more baffling.

"Nice to meet your sir."

A smile forms at the corner of her mouth. Man she really is pretty.

" Likewise Miriam"

There's an awkward silence.

"I think it's getting late, shouldn't you be getting home Miriam "

"Oh yes you right Star. I should get going. Nice to meet you sir"

" Same here Miriam."

"Dad I'll walk Miriam to the bus station ... I'll be back soon to start with the dinner."

I watch as they follow each other out the door. They don't seem like they like each other. They are in love with each other. Questions are churning and burning inside of me. Only trust fundbabies attend Learner's Choice Academy so how is it possible that that type of kid fell for my Star... How is it possible that she saw the dump he calls home but still doesn't mind tasting his love, I guess that's one of life's many wonders

I look at the time, it's now 7:15 an hour and a handful of minutes have flown by. Star is yet to come back. I know it's a wired, but I'm starting to get a little worried. It's not long before he walks in. He has a smile on his face.

" I'm sorry dad, I know I said I'll be back soon but it's... Let me get started right away, you can go lie down I'll call you when dinner is ready."

He's trying to avoid me. He doesn't wanna have the awkward conversation with dad. It's understandable but I've got to ask.

"How long have you guys been seeing each other ?

" Do we really have to talk about this."

" I just want to know... How did you guys meet, stuff like that."

" We met at school, we were chosen for a research together. We talked and we connected ?"

" Connected ? "

" Yes dad, she gets me... I get her, we love each other."

" I'm ... Well I'm happy for you"

He smiles. I can see he's relived I'm happy for him. He thought I was going to give him the third degree about dating someone way out of his league. That's what I should've done but after what Star has been through, he deserves all the happiness.

" Oh and you can forget about dinner, we eating out tonight."

"Dad, I just had my first kiss, sure but that doesn't mean you have to waste money you don't have over that"

Without the smile on his face, you are forgiven for taking offence.

"Well if you think that's not worth celebrating I'll have to go without you then or maybe I'll go with Miriam I'm sure she'd love sushi"

"Sushi ? You really are serious"

I finally tell him the big news. The joy that lights up his face after I deliver the good news about us moving out is priceless makes me really proud of myself

"But dad, I don't wanna leave, I got fond memories in this place"

"Boy am I glad to hear you say that, I thought I was the only one."

We laugh and we head out. I must confess this is going to go down as the happiest night of my life

It's now 3:23 but I can't sleep. You're probably thinking that is because I'm weighing the options of the apartments I went to look at but boy you couldn't be more wrong. The only thing keeping me awake is knowing that for the first time since forever, I can finally afford buying a cake for my son's birthday. Yeah it's my Star's sixteenth birthday. I know a cake might sound like a stupid idea but I know he's gonna appreciate it. He doesn't take anything for granted. I'm planning to put together a little dinner party for him, his girlfriend and I on Friday.

I get up and head to the bathroom, maybe when I come back, I'll be able to get some shut eyes. I check up on Star, his sleeping peacefully though some ants are crawling up his arm lying on the floor. I wake him up, he positions himself in a way that keeps him safe from the stinging little critters.

As I walk back to my room. Chills run downy spine. The hairs on my neck stand, goosebumps crawl all over my skin but It's a hot summer night and no windows are open. I feel a presence. I can tell someone is watching me. My mind tells me it's the lack of sleep. I believe it. Just before I open the door, the lights down the hallway flicker. The place is practically a dump... It's understandable for the lights to act up every now and again. I sleep with the lights out. I depend on the glow of the moon trickling in through the window to see my way to the bed. But just as I walk in, I can tell something is different, the room is unusually dark. There's a figure standing in front of the window. It's blocking the moonlight. My heart races. The figure approaches me. It's the man.

My body is now frozen stiff. I can barely move. I open my mouth but I can't make a sound. He stands before me. He looks at me I look at him though I can't make out the features on his face, everything about him is menacing.

"Hello Eli, it's been a while since we last spoke. How's our boy... Star right? I'm sure he's maturing just fine."

His voice is deep, he's breaths stink, a foul stanch of rotting flesh. He's otherworldly

"Just like any man feeds to stay strong, we too need to feed."

He chuckles, a chuckle that you'd expect to hear from an eight year old girl.

" There is a female of pure blood, we want her... We want to drink form her. "

He chuckles again. More sinister this time around.

A female of pure blood, he can't be talking about her. There is no way

"Yes the one you are think of... That's the one. In three days we expect a feast. If you love your son you know what to do... And remember there are things far more worse than death"

Just like a dream, the figure vanishes. I wake up to the clock alarm blaring. I get out of bed. The man's words are stuck to my head.

"There is a female of pure blood, we want to drink from her"

Your demons always catch up with you they say. My Star died with his momma on the day of the car crash. I've always known that... I did say a prayer to save him but it's a different kind of prayer to that you are thinking of. It saved my son but it also meant I had to do things. Terrible, unthinkable deeds. Ten years down the line I've taken the lives of two innocent girls to keep my own child alive. I know it sounds selfish but my son is everything to me. I'd do anything for him... No matter how grimm. It's hard enough living with the guilt of knowing that I killed my wife I'm not asking you to side with me or anything but imagine how unbearable my life would've been if I failed to save my son.

It's the day of the dinner party, and coincidentally three days since I got a visit from the man. I'm not as happy as I thought I would be. I had no idea I would be doing what I am about to do tonight. I set the table and await the guests. They finally arrive and we take our seats at the table. We eat and while away the evening. I've never seen my son this happy. Miriam really does get her, she would've been a great addition to the boys club. Boy It's really going to be hard for him to carry on with life after Miriam. I consider going back on my word every now and then but I don't wanna learn what's worse than death. Right after Star blows out the candles on his cake, blood streams down his nose and in a matter of seconds, he passes out. Miriam begins panicking, she doesn't know that her night is about to take a turn for the worst. I'm not alarmed by Stars's condition, I've seen it two times already. Pretending to be worried I send Miriam to fetch some napkins from the kitchen to clean him up. I never buy napkins but today something told me I should. She frets about calling the doctor and all but I manage to convince her that I got it under Control. She hurries to the kitchen. I gather up the courage and follow her. I grab the knife and take it with me. I bump into her as she hurries back. Without saying much, I wild the weapon. It glides across her throat. Blood spatters everywhere as she falls to the floor.

Before long, Star crawls into the room. His eyes are rolled all the way to the back of his head. He twitches, his breathing is shallow and eerie. It's a scary scene that I can't look at twice. I always leave the room, leaving him with his meal. I come back a few minutes later, Star has passed out once more. Filled with regret I start to clean up. It's a messy ordeal... I'm sloppy at best but I know Miriam will add on to the two murders I've already gotten away with. The ones I mentioned earlier. Yes I always get away with it because if I get caught, it means that the man won't get his fix. I'm sure he has something to do with my luck.

I'm heading out to burn the body. When I come back I know I'll find my
son probably doing dishes. He never has the memory of his feeding but this time around the feeding was a bit different. The meal was not just any random girl but he's girlfriend. He's gonna ask questions... I pray I have the answers for them.

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