Fifty Darker Shades of Eraser...

By CrypticBeans

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A new saga of fifty chapters of straight smut! Enjoy! ❤️(Sequel to Fifty Shades of EraserMic) More

Record It?
Keep Me Warm
Let's Take A Bath!
The Teacher's Pet
Keep Your Hands Off
Ride The Thigh
Under Foot
Sext Me?
On My Chest!
In the Night
Dress Up and Down
Garter Boldly!
Sway With Me?
Drink Every Drop
Rise With The Sun
Turn It On!
Sit Like A Queen!
Leave Your Mark!
Wrap Me Up!
Make A Mess!
Empty Me
On The Line!
At Your Service
Leather Bound
A Sneaky Touch
Blind Me!
Take A Nip!
Double It
Clutch My Beads!
A Featherlight Touch
Pump It Up
A New Look
Keep Quiet
Cup It!
Suck It Up!
Just A Toy
Get Off Of My Chest!
Show A Lil Love!
Love Me Sweetly, Sweetheart
Tucked Away

Who's A Good Boy?

452 4 1
By CrypticBeans

With a rewrite comes a rewrite of the timeline! And that means chapters are going to be changing to follow the new timeline I'm putting together! This one took me quite a bit to get done as my keyboard officially died on me 😩 It sucked but I was able to get an old one from my older brother thank God! And then I had an appointment to finish my root canal but I'm back! Anyhow, I hope that you all enjoy the new rewritten/revised chapter! I'll be putting warnings here for changed chapters contents! But the next chapter will either be the phone sex or a different subject all together! But for now, have some praise kink content!

I hope you enjoy this chapter and the previous ones! The hope goes for the other chapters as always! I hope you all have amazing holidays! No matter what you celebrate I hope you have a good day! Until we meet again! ❤️


Hizashi could read Shouta like a book. He could see his husband's tells from a mile away. Could read that stoic face better than anyone when they were in public together. When those heavy, irritated sighs left his husband as they crossed paths at work. The knit to his dark brows when they were in the student accessible staff room. When he was breezing past Shouta's open classroom door at the end of the day. It was easy to see the emotion in those dark eyes that often went unnoticed by their coworkers.

His husband had a poker face to put others to shame. He had a stoicism that would awe anyone. But what was seen as a closed book to others was a wide open one to him. He could reach the emotions through the apathetic and exasperated tone. Could see the emotions pinch at his face before they were flickering away. Saving face while in that public setting. After sixteen years with someone it was only natural that he could read his husband so well. Shouta was very easy to read if one knew what to look for.

To understand his tells by the smaller reactions rather the bigger ones. Years had given him hours, days, weeks, months to memorize his husband. To understand his personality, the swings of his mood and the reactions within them. It was easy to understand what was coming and when. To see it. There were times when he was happy that he could know someone on such a level. It was a disgusting romance trope his husband often scoffed at, but he adored it. Loved it. He found an overwhelming joy about it.

That he was living a disgustingly cliché lifestyle with his husband who secretly seemed to enjoy it as well. And to bring that joy was all he hoped to bring. Even if it earned him those eyerolls and cheeky smirks from Shouta. He could read that unspoken joy in the sparkle in his gaze. The way his lips seemed effortless in their wider smiles. It was an unspoken joy that was shared between them in a cycle he was happy to keep going. To keep feeding. Happiness was a commodity that could be sparing. Fleeting.

And if this cliché way of life made the both of them happy then he'd continue onwards. He'd keep feeding into it. And he did. Oh, he was more than happy to make his husband smile at him in that manic manner. The grins and smirks others deemed disturbing were his favorite. Always had his heart skipping when he caught sight of them whenever he managed to work one out of his husband. Shouta wasn't naturally an overly affectionate person. Didn't enjoy PDA often unless it was on his terms. In safe zones.

But Shouta was never hesitant in giving himself or Eri the abundance of affection they wanted but he knew it was easy. That his husband merely "stock piled" it until he could use it for good. The black-haired man was more subtle in his love languages. In his affection. Sometimes it was leaving the ingredients for dinner ready when he was on a mission. Sometimes leaving a meal ready to eat on the stove or in the oven. The dishes being done. Household chores done well in advance or even folding their laundry.

Sweet little notes that, while they may seem stiff to an outside perspective, made him warm. It even put a smile on Hitoshi's face and Eri absolutely enjoyed finding her own little notes from her other father. Shouta was subtle in his affection, but he knew his love languages. Knew that while his was physical touch and affection that his husband's leaned more towards those words of affirmation. In the soft praises and sweeter words, he could croon to him. Assurances of his love even if his husband would scoff.

Roll his eyes as he called them cheesy despite the delight he'd see there. For he knew they made his husband happy. Saw it in the warmth that would glow in those dark eyes. The pink spots that would bloom on his cheeks wit ha smile twitching at his lips before turned his face away. More often than not the black-haired man would need them after a particularly hard day. And his own love languages were always used. Always came into play when they were twisting together on the couch. When they drove in the car.

When they curled up under the blankets with soft murmured words in the darkness of the room. When arms would circle his waist as he was making breakfast for them. When Shouta would nuzzle his cheek to his own or burrow his face into his shoulder. Under his hair. It was easier for his husband to give that physical affection when he and Eri often came to him for it. Shouta's love language may be words of affirmation but physical touch was a strong second. That his husband wanted it just as much.

Needed it just as much but he never seemed to know how to say it properly. Often silently shuffling up to him only to bury himself in his arms. And he never questioned it. Had never questioned it over the years. He loved it when Shouta took that initiative to establish a hug or a cuddle. Loved nothing more than when Shouta would often spend an early morning tugging him into a hug that had him pinned to the counter. His face nuzzled into his throat as his head rested on his shoulder was always the best.

They were the mornings he looked forward to the most as he got to smell the musky vanilla of his soaps. If anything, he truly appreciated it. He never knew how wound up or stressed out he would be until Shouta was sidling up to him. Tugging him to his chest as fingers combed through his hair. When he was being given the honor of hearing that deep voice humming softly to him. Crooning a soft song if he was lucky as he melted into his husband's chest. It was always wanted. Always something he needed from Shouta.

And the black-haired man knew how to provided it. Knew how to give it to him without so much as a word. Shouta, for all his faults and reservations, truly was attentive. In tune with him the best he could be. For no one could truly be in tune. On exactly the same page in a perfect harmony and they both agreed on that. However, it didn't mean he couldn't read Shouta like the open book he was. That they didn't know all they needed to when someone was in distress. Upset. Stressed. When something needed to be met.

They had their routines that melted seamlessly with one another allowing them to work together in tandem. To exist together. And in the few days after their bathtub sex, he was never happier than to see that joy in his husband. It had Eri gravitating towards the black-haired man when they were shoveling. Rushed over the snow as she shouted over her shoulder for him to come with her to the backyard. To play a game with her. It always made him smile to hear Eri dragging a few of those hearty laughs out of his husband.

To have her running towards him to sweep up into his arms with a squeal after having rubbed snow into Shouta's hat. Into the black locks making them chaotic as he gave a smirk before she wriggled out of his arms to run back to the backyard. Always with Shouta hot on her heels until she was squealing and shrieking out of view. It was a routine they had until the sun dipped and Eri was being carted up the stairs by Shouta for the night. He even got the pleasure of hearing the man humming in the shower at night.

When he was scrubbing at the dishes following lunch or dinner only to begin preparing lunch boxes for the four of them. He'd even been lucky enough to catch his husband singing softly in the living room while typing out reports. There was something special in hearing that somewhat flat, deep voice singing like that. It was made better when he got to sing along with the black-haired man. Humming with him as cheeks turned pink with that soft smile twitching at full lips. His husband had always been shy about singing.

Self conscious about it but it was never hard to coax him to join in when they were on their own. He loved Shouta's voice which truly made it no surprise as to why he loved that singing voice of his. Flat or not, quiet or loud, it was the sweetest thing he'd ever heard. The affection was shared effortlessly with his husband tucking himself against his side when they sat on the couch. More often than not did his husband find his way into his lap. It was only made better when Shouta would drag him into his lap.

To feel the strength in those arms squeezing his waist as he curled his own arms around Shouta's shoulders? It was the best. It was the best part of their Friday afternoon when they'd returned from work. Inching closer, closer, closer over the cushions until he was tucked into Shouta's lap with hands traveling over his back. When he'd twisted those soft black locks around his fingers. To see his husband so joyful in that quiet manner in their day to day life. Seeing him content merely fed into the idea h had brewing.

The next choice he wanted to strike off of their list together. Praise. Anyone could be built up with praise and the pride that could come attached to it. Praise was sought out no matter the task or the difficulty that came with it. It was only natural for human beings to seek praise whenever they could get it no matter the situation. And there was no one he knew of that loved praise more than Shouta. His husband lived for it. Was an absolute glutton for praise. It's what made such a simplistic thing so exciting.

That praise kink had been made abundantly clear the very first time he had called Shouta a "good boy". A moment that had happened when they first moved in together. When his husband had dragged then put together a coffee table for their little living room. It had been blatantly obvious from day one how much his husband wanted that praise. Melted under the crooned words during sex that had him whimpering and squirming beneath him. Begging and whining for him to keep talking. To keep saying them.

It was perhaps the one thing he knew that Shouta loved to hear from him. And he had to admit, it had been quite a while since they tapped into praise. Into the soft affirmations that came with it. It was easy to forget that praise could get his husband just as hot as a few degrading words. It felt easier to tear his husband apart bit by bit with those crooned words. There was nothing he loved more than to see his husband melt with those soft praises. To see the sparkle of excitement when he affirmed his belief in them.

How could he ever forget about it? They had been so wrapped up in the degradation for his husband always seemed to love it. Seemed to thrive off of being called a slut. A whore. And it truly seemed to be the driving force in getting his husband to orgasm. Into merely feeding the situation or scenario they had going. But it was simply a glance over that word on their list that brought it back to him. Gave him a beautiful idea to give his husband an amazing Saturday afternoon. One that was better than shoveling snow.

Better than fussing over their house with nit picking chores they gave to each other. Better than rubbing at those tense muscles until they trembled under his fingers as they shuddered under the hot water of a shower. He was going to pamper this man with praise. Remind his husband just how much he loved it. And it had that knot of excitement twisting into him since he'd felt that determination to go through with it. To give his husband something he hadn't thought of nor humored in God knows how long.

A soft hum close to his ear had him blinking himself out of his thoughts as he moved his fingers. Twirling soft, wild black locks of hair around his fingers absent mindedly. Humming back as he gave a soft tug that had lips crawling along his jaw. Tightening around his waist as he hummed softly back at Shouta when a tingle raced down his back. Goosebumps raised over his skin beneath his long sleeves when lips fluttered along his jaw. Shivering when they moved back to press a kiss behind his ear.

It had him tightening his arms around Shouta's shoulders to hold onto him tightly. Clutching him close as he pressed his knees into the back of the couch. Curling towards his husband as he kissed at the wild black locks softly. God, he loved the scratch of Shouta's stubble against his jaw. His throat. It sent shivers down his back when fingers plucked idly at his sweater. Twisting into it gently with knuckles pressing into his stomach as lips fluttered along the shell of his ear. It had his feet squirming over the space next to them.

Restless. Shifting slightly, he tugged at the black locks wrapped around his fingers. Slithering over the back of his hand, over his wrist, and he loved the shudder it earned him. He squirmed in the tight hold of his husband's arms when the hand resting innocently on his lower back moved. Restarting that light caressing circuit again. It had tingles racing in a thrum under his skin when Shouta's teeth nipped lightly at his earlobe. The TV was a murmur with the weather murmuring about the incoming systems.

The temperature drops. It was insignificant in the moment. He bit his lip at another soft hum close to his ear from Shouta. It sent shivers down his back as lips fluttered lightly along the shell of his ear. He knew just from the quiet sounds that his husband hardly moved his lips to do so. That he was trying to keep from overloading his hearing aid. It had him twisting his fingers down to scratch gently at his scalp. Tugging at the locks of hair as a quiet breath rushed out of his husband with a shudder.

Something he knew he'd have missed if they were farther apart. Something insubstantial. Lips pressed against the side of his head softly with a rustle of his hair when he cupped the back of his head as he kept up that light scratch. Tugging at the black locks until his husband was moving to bite at the tip of his ear. A light dig of teeth that nudged at his hearing aid. Shivers. Tingles. It all worked into that restless thrum under his skin leaving him breathless. Shivering when teeth dared to bite down harder before letting go.

Moving down instead to give a firmer bite to his earlobe with a click off the jewelry there. Moving down, down, down over his jaw towards his throat. The slope of his neck as arms tightened around his waist. Keeping him tucked tightly against him as a shallow breath flew out of him. A tremble to it when Shouta's head ducked under his chin those soft kisses being pressed along his throat. God, did he love it. Loves when Shouta took that initiative to tug him closer with those soft kisses placed over his face.

His throat. It was undeniably good. Amazing. Sweet. It had him squirming as he kissed the top of his head before tipping his backwards when he tugged at the hair wrapped around his fingers. Allowing the soft press of those full lips to flutter down his throat. It had his heart skipping as his stomach dropped. Twisted up into knots that left him breathless when Shouta's left hand continued to slide along his back. Fingers clutching tightly at the fabric covering his stomach. The warmth that radiated off his husband.

All of it had him melting. The soft touches. Kisses. Their own murmured conversations throughout the day. It all gave him an atmosphere that allowed for that tension to roll off of him. Pressing at the back of his husband's head earned him a whine. Quiet. Airy. A quiet sound of his own clawed at the back of his throat. He swallowed it down when the hand on his back swept down. He could let Shouta touch him all day. Let hands slide and caress over his skin until he was a squirming, flushed mess in his lap.

To move his own hands eagerly to copy the motions. with hands moving eagerly to copy the motions. But he had his plans. His goal for the afternoon before Eri and Hitoshi returned home. It had his stomach dropping again when a sharp breath left him when teeth scraped over him. Along the side of his neck with arms flexing against his waist in their subtle tightening grip. He was warm. So warm. Whether it was from the heat of the house, the heat radiating off of Shouta, or the warmth swelling gradually under his skin.

Any option could be it, but he didn't mind it. Didn't care to know it's source when Shouta scraped his teeth over the side of his neck again. Teasingly. His legs twitched with that urge to stretch out. To move. It had him squirming with a whine breaking out of him at the playful scrape of blunt teeth. Tightening his grip on the wild black hair he had wrapped around his fingers with a sharp pull. It had Shouta squirming beneath him with a huffing breath fanning over his skin. Felt that hand on his back sweep down.

Plucking at the fabric of his shirt in small pulls that resulted in his shirt lifting up. Inch by inch away from his lower back until that hand was moving down to brush fingertips over it. A caress that led to fingers fanning out over his lower back. Teeth bit down in time with a blunt pain spreading over his neck to his shoulder. One that had him groaning at his husband as he dragged his nails over his scalp with a harsh pull at the locks. It earned him a whimper when he pressed against the back of his head again.

Shuddering at the blunt pain spreading over his shoulder as Shouta sucked at the skin. A firm suction that had him squirming restlessly. How many hickey's did that make it? Two? Three? How many in the past hour? It was something he wished he could keep track of, but God knows he fucking loves it. It had him flushed. Warm beneath his clothing as his breath rushed out of him on a trembling, sharp exhale that was mirrored by his husband. He used his left hand to pull at his sweater. Tugging it up inch by inch.

A teasingly slow lift of the fabric that had a shudder moving over Shouta as he sucked at him. Teeth digging in for a harder bite that had him twisting against the black-haired man. A groan ripping out of him as he stretched his arm down to fan his fingers over the warmth of his skin. Brushing his palm along Shouta's back had goosebumps raising on his skin. A whine left his husband as he felt arms shifting as the hand on his stomach moved back. Sliding in time with the one on his back in a caress along his side.

It had him whining at the tingles that fed into that restless current under his skin. Had that heat flickering under his skin when nails pressed against his skin with the movements of his hands. Along his back. His side. A light graze that had his breath catching in his throat as Shouta's sucks came harder. Pulling at the skin as if insistent on leaving another mark to add to the others. It had his heart sprinting against his chest as he happily copied the black-haired man. Grazing his nails along the center of his back.

Following the curve of his spine until Shouta arching forward against him. Using hold around his husband's shoulders, he pulled at the black-haired man delightedly. Tightening his grip to clutch his husband close, close, close. Felt him squirming against him as if it wasn't enough. As if their close simply wasn't close enough and it had heat flashing in a sizzling burst. Warming his blood as he whined when nails pressed harder to his skin. God, he loves sitting in Shouta's lap. Loves when Shouta got handsy with him like this.

Restless like he would had he pulled the black-haired man into his own lap. Fidgeting restlessly himself, he found himself shifting forward. Pushing at Shouta backwards as both teeth and that suction lifted away with a grunt leaving the both of them as he shifted. Moving his legs awkwardly as he pressed tightly to Shouta's chest forcing him back against the couch. He knew any other time Shouta would find it irritating. Annoying. But this time he knew it wasn't minded. In fact, he'd dare say that his husband was excited.

Was delighted by that tight press to the plush backing. It had him shivering when hands slid up his back with the new position. He worked his left leg across his lap before digging them into the cushion as he kept that tight press. Crawling his along Shouta's jaw with hands dragging over his shoulder blades fed into that maddening circuit under his skin. Pressing those kisses up to that flushed cheek allowed trembling breaths to fan over his cheek. Giving an additional warmth to the flushed heat there.

He felt lips parting when he kissed the corner of Shouta's mouth. Shifting, he slid his left arm free with a grunt before fanning his hand out on Shouta's fluttering chest. Sliding it down over the fabric had a breath hitching when he fluttered his lips over the warmth of his cheek bone. Targeting the scar beneath his eye as he slid his hand along his chest. Down towards his stomach where the muscles trembled beneath his hand through the fabric. Insatiable, the both of them. To think he'd grow tired of this was laughable.

There was no one, absolutely no one, he could have wanted more. Shouta, however, liked to deny that he would have wanted someone more. That had he never transferred that Oboro would be here instead. Or Nemuri. That someone else could easily be in his place if they had never met. If those feelings had never bloomed the way they had. It was never venomous. Never callous. It was a blatant observation that he knew held a trace of truth. A shuddering breath pulled him out of his thoughts as he blinked.

Found himself nuzzling the warmth of that cheek beneath his lips. Arms tightening around his sides as he moved his hand. Sliding it down to trace his fingers over the waistband of his sweatpants only to pull lightly at them. Letting it flip back into place against his waist as hips squirmed beneath him. Felt those shuddering breaths coming shorter as he slid his hand down between them to cup him. Palming in a kneading movement that had hips twitching up with a whimper leaving Shouta. Encouraging him onwards.

That ache settled into him with a fervent desire behind it making his fingers tighten their hold. On the shirt along his back where he balled the fabric up to his palm. It had his breath hitching when his dick gave a twitch of interest when nails were dragging down his back. Tearing an airy groan that was echoed by Shouta when he continued his kneading at his groin. Feeling hips twitching up against his hand when nails dragged across his lower back. It had his own hips bucking forward before he could stop it.

Before he could think of making himself still. However, it earned him another groan from his husband. Lower to send tingles down his back. Ringing with that encouragement as palms pressed to his skin again to slid forward towards his waist. He moved his lips down that flushed cheek. His heart skipped when he felt a twitch beneath his palm. And he happily gave a squeeze to his husband before changing his kneading for a firm rub. Slow. He pressed down to provide that pressure that he knew Shouta loved.

Drove him crazy. And he knew he was right when he felt hips jiggle up against him with a squirm. A whimper left his husband once he made his way down his stubbled cheek to kiss the corner of his mouth again. He swore he could feel that impatience emanating off of his husband. For him to cover those full lips with his again like they had been minutes ago. But not yet. He pulled back to open his eyes, glasses slipping down his nose slightly making the view blurry. But he still had his sight. And he admired that flushed face.

Gawking at how that blush smothered itself over his cheeks. The parted lips that widened when Shouta's mouth dropped open slightly along with the tight squeeze of those dark brows. The flutter as black lashes raised up to reveal those foggy dark eyes that locked onto his effortlessly. Meeting them without so much as a flinch as he admired the smolder to that gaze. The desire. Lust. Even that loving expression that never failed to make him breathless. As if Shouta were struck just as wordless. Just as breathless.

"You're so pretty, you know that? So fucking pretty, baby." He caught sight of that Adam's Apple bobbing in a swallow only for a sharp breath to leave his husband as he pressed his fingers down firmly against him in response to the twitch he felt. It had his thighs squirming to press together to soothe that ache. Give it something to satisfy it as his dick twitched with that excitement when Shouta's hands slid up his sides. "Fu-Fuck, baby, you're so good. Such a sweet thing, aren't you? My good boy, right?"

"Yes." A shudder raced down his back at that breathless pitch to his husband's deep voice. An eagerness to it when he felt hips arching up with another hesitant jiggle to them against his palm. It had his heart jumping when Shouta whined at him when he gave a squeeze. "Yo-You're pretty too, Zashi. So goddamn beautiful that I just ca-can't take my eyes off of you sometimes, you know that? You always did like flaunting yourself, didn't you? Yo-You always made it so hard to miss."

"That I do! But one of us has to bear the brunt, now, don't we? To be in the public eye like that?" He loved the whimper that left his husband when he sped up his rubbing pace ever so slightly when he smiled softly before leaning in. Kissing his chin lightly before moving his lips along his jaw in fluttering kisses. Soft before he pulled back. "But I believe I asked you a question, baby, didn't I? Are you my good boy, Shouta? Tell me, do you like to be my sweet boy? Like to be Daddy's pretty kitten?"

"Yes! Yes, yes, I do! But- Mmm! Do-Don't just bring it up out of nowhe- Ah! Hizashi!" Oh, it was shiver worthy to hear that breathless voice yelping when he squeezed at his husband in response to the twitch he got. Swallowing a whine down when his dick twitched excitedly prompting his thighs to twitch. His knees to dig into the couch when Shouta squirmed up against him with a breathless whine leaving him. "Wh-Why are you doing that? Bri-Bringing it up all of a sudden? Nnn! Fuck!"

"Bringing it up out of nowhere? Oh, darling boy, you really thought I forgot? You've always been my good boy, haven't you? I thought you liked hearing what a good boy you are!" The hands on his waist were trembling lightly when he felt that right hand sliding down. Oh. Oh, oh, he couldn't help but whine himself when that hand slid down between his twitching thighs. Knuckles grazing over him before that hand was flipping around to cup him with a squeeze. "Mmm! I thi-think you need that reminder, don't you?"

"And yet you're bri-bringing it up out of nowhere, Zashi!" It was a breathless tone that carried with it a whine from his husband when he paused his rubbing to give a firm squeeze as he dipped his head down to nip at his Adam's Apple. Pressing a kiss to that fluttering pulse point. God, he loved picking this man apart. "Wh-Why are you bringing it up now? I haven't- Nnn! Ah! I don't ge-get why you're saying shit like this! Wh-Why? I thought you liked the deg-"

"Degradation is fun, baby, don't get me wrong! I love how riled up it gets you while we're fucking! And it's a good way to tap into that side of those wants and feelings, you know?" He nipped at that Adam's Apple lightly again as he kneaded at his husband. "But I think you need to hear good things too! Did you think I forgot how much you love praise? How much you love being a good boy for me? How much you love hearing it? How much I love you? Baby boy, don't you deserve that acknowledgement?"

It had his heart sprinting to see those dark eyes widening at him when he pulled back. The way that blush seemed to deepen as lips trembled silently when he smiled softly at his husband. He could feel his stomach fluttering nauseatingly with the excitement twisting into him when Shouta scraped his words together. "I-I don't think you forgot but I just- I never think about it! We've been- I don't know, I didn't-!"

"It's okay! It's okay, baby, I promise! I know I've been influencing our dirty talk a bit lately, but you need to speak up too, okay? I think we need a break from those dirtier words, don't you? For even an hour? A night?" It was nauseating how his sprinting heart and fluttering stomach worked against him when he swallowed. "Why don't I show you, huh? Why don't I show how much Daddy loves you? How much I love my good boy? Show you how much I appreciate you? Would you want that, sweet thing?"

It was a hit on the head of a nail. Everything he could of hoped for when Shouta's eyes flicked over his face. As if he were trying to tell if he was as serious as he was coming across. He moved his hand from cupping Shouta to lifting his hands up. Brushing his fingertips over red cheeks as he watched those full lips moving silently for a moment. Pressing together, he swore he could catch the quiet sound of him swallowing. "Yo-You're really laying it on thick, you know that? How long have you been sitting on this?"

"Actively? Since this morning. Subconsciously? A while. But it doesn't change the fact that not everyone wants to be degraded during sex all the time, baby. You're no different." He squeezed that flushed face lightly when he let his smile widen a bit. "You deserve all the praise in the world, baby, you know that? You deserve to know how happy you make me! How proud you make me, and you deserve to hear it, Shouta! You deserve to be treated the way a good boy like you deserves to be treated, don't you?"

If it wasn't impossible, he'd swear he caught a glimmer of emotion to those dark eyes. Something that could very well follow tears yet those eyes remained dry as Shouta blinked rapidly. Blinking once more before those dark eyes flicked over his face. The hand cupping his dick tightened in response to a squeeze that had his breath catching in the back of his throat. "You deserve praise too by your logic, Zashi. But does this mean right now? Or are we waiting until-?"

"Now." A shudder ran over his husband when he cut him off quietly. Shifting in his lap, he squeezed his palms to those flushed cheeks again when he found that flash of heat. Eagerness. Fingers twisted into his shirt as they gripped at a fistful of fabric while that other hand cupping him squeezed. It had him breathless as he tensed to hold himself still. A few minutes more as he slid his thumbs over Shouta's cheeks gently. "It means right this second. Right now, Shouta."

There was a fast blink that had black lashes fluttering at him when the hand cupping him moved. Allowing him to shuffle backwards on his lap when that arm uncurled from his waist. He moved back until he was able to stand up before his husband. Reaching out, he caught the hesitating hands to yank Shouta up onto his feet. The exhilarated grin curled over his husband's twitching lips then with a manic energy that had his stomach flipping. Fluttering with the choking wave of excitement at the sparkle in that gaze.

At that Totoro-esque grin curled over his husband's lips. He tugged at the hands in his as he made his way between the couch and coffee table to that open area of the living room. Walking backwards as he pulled at Shouta's hands with a giggle bursting out of him when Shouta rushed after him. Wild locks fluttering against flushed cheeks. Around his shoulders only to flutter over them with the breeze created from their quick pace as he backed into the hallway. Pulling at the hands that were clutching at his.

God, he absolutely loves that excited sparkle to those wide dark eyes. It was so easy to make Shouta happy. All it had taken him was a few of those sweet words to get him to melt. To create that excitement. That eagerness. Turning to look behind him, he navigated them through the kitchen entry way. Making their way through it when hands pulled at him causing his feet to slip over the floor. It had him yelping as he cursed his socks when he stumbled to catch his footing only to let his gaze flick back to his husband.

Surprised when hands pulled at him again forcing him to stumble towards the black-haired man. Hands left his after giving a squeeze once he came in closer proximity as hands raising up to brush over his shoulders. It had him lost. Confused for the briefest moment before he was reaching down to rest his own on Shouta's waist. Pushing the hem of his shirt up to press his fingers against the warmth of his skin. Fanning them out to slid his palms over it earning him a quiet whisper as he tugged Shouta close, close, close.

Lips then pressed against his chin. Along his jaw. He tugged at the man before spinning on their feet with arms tightening around his shoulders as he walked Shouta backwards. Feet thudding deafeningly along the floor of the hallway, of the kitchen, as they made their way forward. Stumbling steps being taken as sock covered feet slid over the tiles. The wooden floor of their hallway. He loved it. Loved the sound as breaths hitched with that excitement. The soft sound of lips pecking over his skin in the silence of the kitchen.

A soft fluttering of lips with a quiet, hitching whine leaving him when arms tightened around his shoulders. Clinging to him with those stumbling steps as he angled them through the kitchen. Around the fridge while avoiding the edge of the doorway into their small hallway. Fingers twisted into his hair as he slid his palms along the curve of Shouta's waist. Sliding up until the fabric of his shirt bunching at his wrists when he felt a playful tug on his hair. It had him shuddering at the spark of heat it sent streaking down his back.

For hours now, he had let himself be trapped on Shouta's lap. Let himself be touched, prodded, teased and bit at. Kissed until he was utterly breathless. To kiss Shouta until those dark eyes held the fog, they had to them now as nails scratched at his scalp softly. Gently. It sent tingles racing down his back when he felt full lips targeting beneath his jaw. Along his throat in clumsy kisses that had him clutching at that waist tighter before lifting a hand up. Feeling blindly until he was touching the wood of the doors.

Pushing at the left side to open it up wider for them to squeeze into the room as hands tugged at him. He stumbled over his feet as he came to a stop to shut the doors behind him. Thudding lightly together, he found himself pressed against them with the hinges rattling at the sudden weight. It had his blood burning through his veins. Had it boiling as he shuddered when he reached behind him for the lock. Trying to find it as lips fluttered down his throat. God, where was the stupid lock? Where was it? Did it matter?

It's not as if Eri or Hitoshi would come running in without knocking, would they? No, no, he couldn't allow himself to be negligent now about the locked doors. For they would do exactly that. And he knew Shouta would never forgive him if he allowed even a chance of that happening. He swallowed when teeth nipped at his Adam's Apple when he found that small cold lock. Flipping it into place, he pushed off from the doors making the hinges buckle loudly from the force. Pushing Shouta backwards towards the bed.

It hands squeezing his hair in a harsh pull that had pain flaring over his scalp. Sending those sparks of heat down his back as his breath caught in his throat. It was thrilling. Unfairly exciting to finally, finally, finally take that control he'd happily given his husband over the past few hours. Sliding his hands backwards along his waist, he looked down when the black-haired man stumbled when the back of his legs hit the bed. Wobbling between standing straight or letting himself fall back, Shouta glanced over his shoulder.

Sliding his hands along his lower back, he reached down to grab at his ass in a hard grip that had a startled moan leaving his husband as he yanked him forward. Pressing his hips tightly to Shouta's, as he leaned forward to flutter his lips along his jaw. Up to that flushed cheek as a breath shuddered over his own. Hitching with that excitement as fingers tightened in his hair sending another burst of that heat down it. A jolt that had him grinding his hips forward against Shouta's only to get a buck in response.

It had him groaning when another buck was given before they joined in clumsily with that grinding. A whimper left his husband when he ruined that grinding for a sharp thrust against his husband. One that had him groaning out as he dug his fingers into his ass. Squeezing at him hard as he possibly could without sparking pain. Make it uncomfortable somehow. He tightened his grip when Shouta whined at him as he got fingers clutching at his hair tightly. Tugging just enough to make it hurt good. Something he tried to return.

And the throaty moan it got him sent a shiver down his back as he ground forward. Felt muscles tensing to remain upright when arms tightened around his shoulders with nails dragging over his scalp. Fingers pulling at his hair creating that burn of pain over his scalp as he whined at the black-haired man. Nails dragged over his tingling scalp to which he couldn't help another whine at. It had tingles racing down his back as he fluttered his lips along his jaw. Up towards the corner of his mouth softly.

Shivering when a fast exhale rushing over his cheek. And then those tight muscles were working to pull at him as Shouta threw himself backwards forcing him to release his hold on him. Startled by the sudden movement. Hitting the bed making it bounce beneath the sudden impact when pain ripped over his scalp as fingers pulled at his hair again. Yanking him on top of his husband when their knees slammed together sending a tingling wave of pain up his thighs. Aching when he felt Shouta's legs spread open.

A quick movement when he grunted at the black-haired man as he shuffled forward between spread legs. Leaning down to press himself down against Shouta with a tightness that he knew his husband loved the most. Knew it when heat flared at him in that gaze as he pinned Shouta from chest to hip. It had the black-haired man squirming beneath him with a whimper as hands pulled at him. Yanking him down to which he happily flew down to crush his lips to Shouta's. Shuddering at how sensitive they were.

How they buzzed with that sensitivity from the kisses traded earlier. How utterly soft and plush Shouta's were against his. How they melted to mold and shape with his in that comfortable fit. A touch swollen from their fiercer kisses earlier. It had his hips squirming before he happily threw himself back into that grind. Rolling his hips in tight circles against his husband who happily tried to arch his hip to join him. Hours they'd spent on the couch. Hours he'd let Shouta touch and twist him closer to his chest.

He would happily, giddily, joyfully live through it again if he had the chance to take it. He loved when Shouta was bolder in the way he touched him. When he wasn't afraid to work those hickey's into his throat and neck intermittently throughout the hours to break up the kisses. He loved it when Shouta got handsy with him the way he had been today. God knows he could live with Shouta being affectionate like this. Touching him like this. The whispering slide of lips was lost beneath that smack ringing out intermittently.

Rustling hair around tugging fingers. The shortening breaths that hitched with excitement as the rustling of fabric rang out from his husband's squirms. The fabric of their pants rubbing together with the grinding. A whine broke free when fingers pulled sharply sending another burst of pain over his tingling scalp. Sent sparks of heat that shot down his back to feed into that aching desire. That pooling of pleasure in his stomach as his dick twitched excitedly. Shuddering at the low, throaty groan his husband gave.

Cracking when he adjusted his stance before he pressed his hips tightly to Shouta's with a renewed strength. Grinding against him with that unmistakable excitement as he felt his husband's dick twitching beneath him. Whimpering when hips bucked to thrust up against him. Sending that familiar tingle of pleasure through him. God. Today was going to be about Shouta but Lord knows his husband was giving him everything he could want. Feeding into that heat under his skin that twisted. Jumping up with each spark given.

It had him twisting against Shouta with an eagerness to his grinding as his husband's hips squirmed. Raising to press up against him to give him the space to rise up. It had the black-haired man moaning out when he pinned his hips back down with a sharp thrust. How was he going to get through the next month or two without this? They had their solutions, but God knows how it could build in the meantime. How insatiable both would be when they finally got that green light. How desperate he'd get to do this.

It had a low, guttural groan leaving him as he ground himself against that twitching, forming bulge beneath him. Earning himself one of those ecstatic moans from his husband as thighs pressed against his in a twitch. And then fingers yanked at his hair sharply. Creating a pain that had his hips bucking instinctively against Shouta. A frenzied thrust paved way for a second thrust. A third. Moaning out ecstatically when fingers tightened in his hair with a strength that had him grinding against him in those tight circles.

Hard. Pinning him down as lips moved against his in a frenzy of slides. Crushing him down with hands pressing against the back of his head to keep him down close. It was frantic. Frenzied. As if he had been teasing Shouta for hours on end with no sign of reprieve. As if his husband was starving for it. Flutters of excitement had his stomach knotting as he kissed Shouta with that hard press he loved. Fast. Shivering at the smacks of their moving lips as fast, shortening breaths fanned over his hot cheek.

His own trembled with a huff as that stubble scratched at his face. Fuck, he loves it. Loves, loves, loves it. Loves this man squirming in twitching movements beneath him. The scent of his soaps clinging in vain to his hair and skin from their shower earlier in the morning. It had him melting as he ground his hips against Shouta's with hands clutching at his hair in a consistent, tight pull on his scalp. Sending sparks down his back as he whimpered when nails clawed at him. Felt that lust in the movement of his lips.

The hunger behind it that had him lit aflame. He didn't think of the scenario surrounding exploiting his husband's praise kink to go like this, but he didn't care. It had him shuddering when a harsh pull on his hair gave way for that sizzling rush downwards. His hips jerked with a sharp gasp hissing through his nose as his twitching dick began to harden. It had Shouta squirming with a whimper back at him when forced himself to push away to break the kiss. The sharp smack sent a shiver down his back.

He ground himself against Shouta as black lashes fluttered up. Revealing that smolder to those dark eyes. The heat that had him shuddering. He could feel the tremble to his husband's legs as thighs pressed tightly against his own. Flexing with the rolling grinds he gave as hands clutched at his hair. Tugging at him when he forced his hands to move. Releasing their grips on the blanket he held to shift his weight onto his right forearm. Moving his left hand up, the light glinting off of his wedding ring in a playful wink.

Then he slipped his hand under his husband's shirt. Touching the warm skin earned him a vicious quiver of those muscles beneath his palm as he swept his hand up. Pushing at that pale shirt causing it to bunch against his forearm as he fanned his fingers out against his chest. Scratching lightly at the skin as wiry curls of hair tickled his fingers. He felt hips bucking up against him to which he pinned them back down with a growl. Loving that whimper, it got him when hands squeezed at his hair in response.

To yank at it. And then he felt those fingers pulling sharply as they worked their way out. Shaking lightly as they dropped down to his shoulders where they slid to his chest. Grabbing at the fabric with longer pulls that had his shirt flying up over his stomach. Towards those trembling hands that had him shifting when the cooler air touched his skin. Goosebumps rose over his skin when he slid his fingers through the wiry black curls. Brushing over his chest until he felt the skin throbbing faintly under his fingertips.

All from the hard beats of his heart. Frantic as it pounded under his hand when Shouta squirmed with an impatient pull at his shirt. Whining at him wordlessly. Pushing off the bed, he swung back onto his feet as he allowed Shouta to gasp at the change. Jerking upwards to follow after him as hands pulled at his shirt. Clumsy tugs that he quickly took hold of by brushing those hands away gently to grab at his shirt to tug up. Pulling it over his head with his hair snaking through the neck of his shirt only to fall in a heap.

Swaying against his back when fingers pressed to his stomach lightly. Fanning out with palms sweeping up it causes muscles to quiver beneath the rough feel of his husband's hands. He whined softly when he reached down to his shoulders. Grabbing at Shouta's pale shirt to tug at to which his husband jerked his hands away to tug at his own shirt. Clumsy movements that betrayed the eagerness and the excitement that had to be tearing their way through him. Soon enough it was yanked up with hair falling around his shoulders.

Shouta's sweater was balled up then tossed off to the side. A glint of eagerness to those wide dark eyes had him reaching down to stop hands from reaching towards him. From touching. A whimper left his husband when hands tried to tug free from his. Rolling wrists to find a break in his hold that he merely tightened as his lips twitched before bursting into a grin. He lunged forward forcing down onto his back again. Pinning him down to the bed as hair spread over the blanket in a wild, chaotic array.

Fell over that flushed face as lashes fluttered in another blink only to feel his husband squirm beneath him with a whine. He tightened his grip on Shouta's wriggling hands with a firm squeeze that had him stilling beneath him with lips parting slightly as if to speak. To make a demand yet they merely trembled silently with eyes flicking over him as he leaned over him. There was an eager glint to those dark eyes as Shouta squirmed beneath him. It was thrilling. Exciting to pin his husband down to the mattress so effortlessly.

"Patience, baby! You're being so good for me so won't you wait a few more minutes while I get you ready? You're so cute squirming like that, baby, but give me some patience, yeah?" A whimper left his husband when he leaned down to flutter a few kisses over that flushed cheek. "You've done such a good job waiting that I promise, you'll get something good for being so patient with me! You want to be a good boy for Daddy, don't you, baby boy? Wanna get your reward for being so good?"

"Yes! Please! Please, Zashi? I-I'll be good! So good for you!" It had him burning at the twisting squirms his husband gave when hands wriggled before stilling in his. Clutching at him when hips jumped up eagerly to grind against him sending a spark of heat down his back. God, how long had it been since he had given praise to Shouta? Long enough he'd fall apart so effortlessly? "Zashi, please? Please? I wa-want you to touch me, please? Please? Wanna feel you, please? Please, Daddy?"

"I think if you beg a little more sweetly, I might just be convinced." God, he loves it. Loves, loves, loves seeing his husband fall apart with little prompting as that chest fluttered with a stuttered breath. Catching in the back of his throat when he squeezed the hands in his before brushing his fingertips down his forearms. "Though I do have to get you ready, baby boy, so why don't you strip and get up on the bed for me, hmm? Show me how good you can be for Daddy, sweet thing?"

Oh, the whimper that left his husband had his heart jumping to his throat. That eager expression pinching at that red face had his stomach fluttering with excitement. It was absolutely everything he could have hoped for. To see Shouta melting into the bed so effortlessly was amazing. It was what he'd wanted when he had set his sights on that praise kink. What he'd imagined. He dug his knees into the edge of the bed to push himself upright with a wobble as Shouta sat up after him again. Reaching out when he stumbled.

A clumsy backwards step that he fixed as he stepped back from between squirming legs. He let out a breath before smiling at his husband to erase the faint look of worry to that flushed face as he then turned. Walking towards the bedside table as he brushed his fingers over the blanket lightly. And he felt the bed shift beneath his fingers as Shouta no doubt stood up to strip. It had his blood running hot. Had him utterly thrumming with that exhilaration as he opened the drawer of that table carefully.

To avoid rattling the items in the drawer a he reached inside to grab the lube. Nudging away the silicone based one right next to it. He placed down to grab the condom box along with the wipes that he set on the table's surface with a crinkle. His heart was sprinting nauseatingly fast against his chest as he opened the condom box. He caught the sound of clothing being thrown to the floor in a heap. The bed dipping with a grunt leaving his husband when he tore off a condom from the chain with a quiet hum.

It certainly looked like they'd have an overabundance of condoms after his appointment next week, now, wouldn't they? It's not as if he'd be able to do anything after it which would keep them from flying through them. He dragged his teeth over his bottom lip before tossing the box back into the drawer. Grabbing the lube, the wipes were hit with a crinkle from his quick movements. Turning on his feet to face the bed had him breathless. One would think that the sight before him would lose its effect on him.

That seeing the same man naked day after day, week after week and countless years would desensitize him. That he wouldn't gawk. Drool. Admire him like it was the first time. But God knows it didn't matter. Not when Shouta was someone worth gawking over like it was their very first time all over again. As if it was that awkward night together in their apartment. When he'd gotten to see Shouta fully naked for the first time on their old bed with the shitty bedframe creaking. Only now? Now it was so much better.

He got to admire the muscular build of his body that had filled out over the years. No longer awkward in that strength but confident in moving to make them flex. To make him hot. Flushed. It would be so easy for Shouta to take what he wanted. To put those muscles to good use yet there he was sprawled out on their bed. Dark eyes locked onto him with an intensity that had his erection twitching. Straining against the fabric of his boxers that held a spot of dampness to them. Had him burning to see that familiar sight.

To see those hips arching up slightly from the bed. As if to show off the elegant scrawl of his name across that left hip. Show off the flushed, twitching erection resting against his stomach with a droplet of pre-come welling from the slit. The flutter to his chest as those eyes remained on him. Confident. Bold. Giving him a show without him having to ask to see all of him. Thighs twitched as they pressed together as he found himself moving to place the condom and lube down. To work the leggings he wore down.

All too aware of that fact Shouta watched his movements. Gawking with such shamelessness that it had him swallowing that urge to whine. To whimper under his breath. It was as if he were being eaten alive by his husband's gaze alone. It was fucking hot. Pulling his feet free from the clothing, he tossed it off without a second thought when he straightened up. Grabbing the lube and condom before climbing up onto the bed to which his husband squirmed. Hips shifting up then back down to the bed.

Feet sliding over the blanket with that eagerness making itself abundantly clear to him as hands reached out to him. A heat to that gaze despite the choked whine that left him. He crawled over to his husband where legs fell open with a slide of those feet over the blanket. Planting firmly to the mattress as he reached out to grab at an ankle. Pulling at his leg coaxing him to roll as that realization had eyes widening at him. It sent a shiver down his back when kiss swollen lips parted as if to speak. To question.

Or was it merely for a sharp breath? He couldn't know as a whimper took the place of whatever it could be when he handed Shouta the condom. Trembling fingers pinched it tightly when his husband finally moved with his gentle pulling at his leg. Rolling over onto his hands and knees with the black locks slithering over his upper back. It had him breathless when his husband slid down onto his forearms. What did he ever do to get a man like this? What did he ever do to get his attention? Does it count as a miracle?

Pure dumb luck? It had his heart jumping up to his throat when hips arched backwards as he shuffled forward closer to him. Sliding a hand along his lower back before sliding it up the center of it had his husband squirming. His back arching under his touch as his chest pressed down to the mattress. A breathless whine left the black-haired man when his hand came back down with a light graze of his nails. He hummed softly at his squirming husband when he worked to pop open the cap to the lube with a crack.

Squirting a dollop onto his fingers, he placed the tube down in easy reaching distance. Working to spread it over his fingers, he found his lips twitching into a smile when feet squirmed restlessly over the blanket. The slick sound of lube being spread had his own legs twitching with the urge to fidget. He swallowed it down, forcing himself to stay still, as he reached out to grab at a cheek. Pulling him apart with one hand was always awkward. Always a bit of a struggle until he got his fingers between with one hand spreading him.

But this time Shouta was fidgeting. There was a moment of hesitation when the black-haired man grunted quietly before a hand was reaching back. It was aweing watching that other hand pulling at his other cheek to spread him open when he let his gaze flick up. Finding an eye peering at him from over a shoulder. A flash of that red cheek before his husband was letting his head drop down when he moved. Bringing his slick fingers forward to rub over him sending a shudder over the man. This was aweing.

A difference he never imagined before as he saw fingers shaking as they dug into his right cheek. Oh, it had him hot, hot, hot as he swirled his fingers against his hole. Shivering himself when he got a twitch against the pads of his fingers as he rolled them over the skin. Slipping slickly in a swirl that had hips arching back with a whine. It was a small action from his husband had him believing that he wanted more of that praise. Wanted more of what he had ready to shower over him. And he was going to give him it.

For there was something exciting to the thought of giving Shouta exactly what he wanted. Of showering him with something he should hear every damn day. Sexual or not. Rubbing his fingers slickly against that twitching hole had his husband whining when he swirled them. Pressing firmly against him when he got another twitch that had him adjusting the position of his hand as he squeezed the cheek he held in his other. A hard squeeze that had his husband squirming with a low moan that had tingles racing down his back.

Lifting his fingers up, he pressed the tip of his index against him. Rubbing circles over that hole until his husband's hips were twitching backwards with a spark of that irritation in that groan. He rubbed the tip against him once, twice more until he was pushing at his husband. Wiggling it slightly with that firm press until he was sinking into him. It had him groaning at the tight clamp of muscles around the digit. So overly eager it threatened to burn him up. Inner walls trembled before clenching around him tightly.

As if to pull his finger into him deeper. He moved to rub at that trembling inner wall that merely had muscles clutching tightly at him with a whimper leaving his husband. An eagerness ringing in the sound as he rolled his finger to rub those soothing, firm circles into him. It was a cliché thought but God knows he'd never tire of this. No matter how mundane or tedious, he fucking loves it. Loves the buildup and their foreplay. Even if this was seen as the "boring" task of stretching him out. It never failed to excite him.

To burn him to his core. Rolling those circles into the trembling muscles that clamped around his fingers. It had him whining when he pulled his finger back then forward. A shallow thrust that had his husband whining back at him. The hand holding the other cheek digging in with a tremble to his fingers. He could be with a million different people and he knew they'd never hold one tenth of the heat he had for Shouta. A shudder raced down his back when he repeated that shallow thrust with another reedy whine ringing out.

Flying out of his husband as he carefully picked up a shallow thrusting. It was shallow but he loved the way those muscles squeezed tightly around his finger with each shallow thrust he gave. Rubbing the pad of his finger against that quivering inner wall when hips squirmed. And any other time, any other scene, he'd give in to that quiet urge. The temptation of releasing his tight grip to swat at that cheek and leave those glowing red finger prints behind. To make that pale skin glow from the hits. But not now.

This wasn't the mood nor the time for something like it. Not the way he wanted to do this. Instead, he merely squeezed that cheek with as much strength as he dared. Listening to the slick squelches that rang out intermittently with his thrusting finger as breathless whines left his husband. It was impossible not to know where Shouta's intentions had been all day. Where his mind had been. It had been unmistakable when those hands had begun tugging him closer until he was curled on his husband's lap.

When those hands had begun sliding over his thighs. His sides and waist. Lips fluttering over his neck and nipping at his ear the way they had been. It wasn't the oddest thing for his husband to make it abundantly clear what he wanted. But fuck him if he wasn't happy that it was today. While he liked nothing more than to have Shouta say what he wanted, he had to admit there was thrill to this. In merely acting on what he wanted without breathing a word of it. God, if he could he'd give this man the world on a platter.

To give him everything he deserved. There was a rustle that tore him out of his thoughts when his legs fidgeted. Adjusting their positioning as he leaned forward slightly. Hesitating before coming down to flutter his lips along his lower back. A sharp, hissing breath was taken by his husband. Muscles spasmed before tightening around his finger tightly. Quivering when he felt hips squirming in that cagey twitch that had his breath catching in his throat. He moved down to press a few kisses to the cheek he held in his grasp.

Moving over to kiss at the other his husband held for him. Giving it a light, playful nip at the skin that had Shouta whining at him. Had hips arching backwards in a subtle twitch. Thighs spreading as knees slid over the blanket sending sparks down his back. Another silent want. Another request going unspoken as he thrusted his finger quickly into Shouta. Rubbing firmly at the trembling inner walls that clamped tightly around his finger. He wanted nothing more than to eat Shouta out. God, how long had it been?

How long had it been since he let Shouta eat him out? When it had been done period? Far too long if he couldn't recall it clearly. He'd gladly eat this man out until he was sobbing, whimpering mess. Until he was wailing, pleading, begging him for more. Until he couldn't stand it anymore. It was always an amazing way to lose himself in a moment. In a night. But he could do it after. Who said they had to stop just once? They had all of tonight. All night tomorrow if they wanted to take that risk. Take that chance.

After all, he had Shouta until Monday morning, didn't it? Surely it wouldn't be the worst thing if he decided to eat him out afterwards? A hum left him as he nipped at that cheek lightly again earning him a sharp whine. Reedy. Begging him. He instead placed another kiss up on his lower back as he sped up the thrusts of his finger. Shallow but quick. A speed that amplified that slickness of the lube as his husband squirmed. Knees sliding over the blanket as thighs twitched apart. Muscles squeezed tightly around him.

Clamping down as he fluttered kisses over the flushed skin delightedly. Leaning forward in a precarious manner with only his knees digging into the mattress to keep him upright. He groaned when Shouta's hips moved again gave another of those cagey twitches. A subtle shake. Or was it a roll? It was hard to identify it, but it did the job of letting him understand that silent predicament. The impatience that had to be rearing its head up. It had his lips curling up into a smile as he pressed them over Shouta's lower back.

Moving up as far as he dared along the center of his back until he was wobbling. His thighs and back trembling with the stiff set to keep him upright. He pulled back to sit backwards on his heels as he paused his thrusting finger to rub the soothing circles into his inner wall. Curling his finger experimentally got him a wild, keening whimper from his husband as he moved his middle finger closer. Rubbed at the skin as he tugged lightly at his cheek. Groaning when the muscles spasmed in a twitch around his fingers.

Something that he got the absolute delight of watching. Of seeing those muscles twitching around his finger when Shouta hissing in a sharp breath that quickly flew out on a huff. He rubbed the tip of his finger against the skin again earning himself another twitch as he pressed his middle finger closer. Pressing the tip of it against that twitching hole with that twist of excitement flooding his chest. Making him breathless. Dizzy. His breaths hitched as he pressed at his husband with a wriggle to his finger.

Then there was a give. Allowing his middle to sink in alongside his first earning him a low, throaty moan from husband. Trembling fingers tightened in their grip on that cheek as they dug in. It had heat flickering under his skin when he tightened his own grip on Shouta. It had hips twitching backwards as thighs spread apart with knees sliding over the blanket again. It was as if he were melting under his grip with the circles he gave to the quivering inner walls. Pressing firmly against it, he kept up those soothing circles.

Sparks of heat flickering down his back when Shouta clenched around them with a whimper. He pulled his fingers from that rub to give a gentle wriggle that had his husband squirming when he pulled them back cautiously then forward. A slick noise accompanying that shallow thrust had shudders racing down his back when he repeated the action. Careful to watch for any sign of discomfort. A shudder ran over his husband when he settled into a slow, cautious speed. Rubbing at the quivering inner walls hesitantly.

It earned him a whimper from his husband as he thrusted his fingers again. Shuddering at the slick sound ringing out. It had him burning up to watch the small twitches that stopped bigger squirms. To watch the muscles flex in his thighs and back intermittently before relaxing. It was hot. Everything about it was when he gave a few more thrusts before giving a careful spread of his fingers. Pushing outwards at the trembling muscles earned him a low moan from his husband. Silently encouraging him to grow bold with it.

Let his confidence dictate the depth and speed but he wouldn't. He'd lose himself in it and they both know that. Pushing at the muscles had his fingers trembling before he pressed them together to thrust again. Shallowly with that slow speed to get hips squirming. Twitching to meet the thrusts of his fingers he gave as shallow, racing breaths filled that silence between them. It was strange to have the sunlight reflecting off the snow filling the room with that white light. To do it in broad daylight was always a thrill.

Always exhilarating. It allowed him to see his husband in perfect clarity. Better than the low lighting of their overhead light or the yellow light of the lamps on the side of their beds. The bright white light off the snow allowed him to gawk at the subtle rolls of those hips. How pale Shouta really got in the winter. How pale he got. It would even allow him to see that thin sheen of sweat glisten over his skin with that lighting. Something so easy to miss. It had his stomach dropping as he sped up the thrusts.

Whining when muscles clenched tightly around him with a moan leaving his husband. Eager. It had that determined pace to give three sharp thrusts before spreading his fingers out. A rhythm he knew Shouta loved. One that satisfied that urge for thrusting fingers while also spreading out the trembling muscles. Getting him ready was the goal of that pace. The slick noise of his thrusting fingers was painfully loud. Exciting. It mixed in with the quieter sounds of the rustling blanket with the fidgeting squirms.

The short, rasping breaths that seemed to be growing faster with each inhale. It had him hot, hot, hot to watch Shouta's hips moving back. Meeting his thrusts effortlessly as muscles contracted around his fingers. It had shudders racing down his back when he gave in to the quiet temptation to thrust them deeper. Rubbing his fingers along his inner walls with a firm press. It had those low, throatier moans dripping effortlessly out of his husband. One right after the other with breathless whines breaking them up.

Shouta was a work of beauty. Something he could admire for hours and still not have his fill. Heat sizzled under his skin making him restless. A trace of that impatience reared its head up that he quickly smothered down with a swallow. Dedicating himself instead to the task on hand of thrusting. Spreading his fingers out to push at the trembling inner walls that seemed intent on squeezing them together. God, he loves this man. Knew that Shouta loves him just as fervently. To want him without fail for sixteen years?

It was amazing. Thrusting his fingers into Shouta carried with it that slickness. A small squelch that had his stomach tightening with excitement as his erection twitched. Aching as it dripped shamelessly onto his stomach. God knows the wet patch that had to be on the blanket or at least beginning to form. Had to be soaking in from the pre-come he caught intermittently dripping onto it. Burning. He spread out his fingers to push at Shouta earning him a snapping, throaty moan from him. Oh, it had his stomach knotting up.

The stretch had hips twitching backwards into his hands as he pushed, pushed, pushed at him. It had him breathless. Boiling under his skin to watch his fingers spread Shouta open. It was an absolutely drool worthy sight to watch himself spread open that twitching hole. To see the slick shine of lube spread over his skin. His jaw slackened slightly with a rush of a breath leaving him as he pushed out. Bringing them together only when muscles quivered in a twitch around his spread fingers. Shit, it was fucking hot.

It had him thrusting his fingers with a trace of that eagerness shining in the action. Rubbing at the inner walls that squeezed around him tightly. He whimpered when Shouta's hips arched backwards again before moving to meet the thrusts he gave. The muscles quivered and twitched when he spread them out again. Shuddering when his husband whimpered back at him. Keening. It rang with that eager impatience. Unmistakable. Abandoning his thrusts, he spread his fingers out. Again, again, again. Admiring the stretch.

Fuck, he could sit here all day. Finger this man until he was a mewling mess as he got to gawk at the stretch of his fingers spreading him open. But he couldn't yet. Not now. He swallowed when inner walls twitched around his fingers. Left him with the confidence there wasn't going to be much more spreading to get those stretched out muscles fully relaxed. Not when Shouta was so blatantly excited. Eager for him. It had the breaths huffing out of him cresting into rasping pants that scraped his throat raw.

He then pressed his fingers out a fourth time. Fifth. He brought his fingers together then pulled his fingers out with a gasp being taken by his husband. A raspy sound that had him tapping his side lightly as he leaned forward. Shouta released that cheek to slam it down onto the bed in order to lift the other. Cramming the condom into his hand with shaking fingers to which he lifted it up. Tearing it open with that infectious eagerness that damn near had the slippery ring flying out of the wrapper. Nearly dropping it.

He grabbed at the slippery ring before that chance could happen. Careful to keep him from dropping it to the blankets was something they were always careful about. It was a turn off when they were right there only to have to break away in order to get a new condom. It had him shifting as he abandoned the gold wrapper behind him before bringing his hands down. Rolling the condom on quickly as he could only to fuss with it. Making sure it was on properly. It was then he noticed the shaking to his fingers as he did so.

Reaching back up to grab at that cheek in time with his husband's hand flying back to grab at the other again. Helping hold himself open as he fidgeted in place before shuffling into position. Settling in behind his husband as he swallowed. Arching his hips forward to give a grinding rub against Shouta. It earned him another of those keening whimpers. A twitch of that hole against his erection as he ground himself in slick slides against him before pulling back. Holding himself with his left hand as he took a breath.

Arched his hips forward to press the head of his erection against him. Pressing against him with an increasing strength. Pressing, pressing, pressing until there was a give. It had his breath flying out of him on a groan out ecstatically. Breathlessly. The sound mingled, trembled, in time with his husband's when he felt hips arching back to meet his slick slide forward. Slowly. Moving so as to avoid any sparks of pain, yet he couldn't find a single sign. A single note that this was too much as those tight muscles clenched.

Squeezed around him tightly. Choking his erection already as it tore an ear ringing whine out of himself. Sliding forward until he was forced to move hand away as he pressed tightly against a squirming Shouta. Releasing his hold on his ass cheek after giving a hard squeeze, he brought his hands up to grab at Shouta's waist. Rocking his hips forward against him had hips jumping to follow his movement. Moving against him with an eagerness shining through. A rush of heat had his face burning anew with a fresh blush.

An uncomfortable heat burning in his cheeks. Even the pounding speed of his heart felt sickening. Too much. It had his breaths shaking as he squeezed at Shouta's waist with thumbs moving to roll circles into the skin. Shouta shuddered as shallow, ragged pants left him with hips moving against him in that rocking that held an eagerness. A delight to it when he whimpered at the spasm of those inner walls that then clamped down around him. A tight, hard squeeze that had his hips twitching instinctively.

God, everything so was so hot. Burning him up. Eating him from the inside out as he found a dark eye aimed up at him. Smoldering at him with that desire. That lust. It sent a thrill through him when Shouta's legs fidgeted with knees digging into the bed until it dipped gently. The hand he'd used to help keep himself open clutched at the blanket with a shake. Knuckles whitening as if it were taking everything in him not to move harshly as he no doubt wanted too. Clinging to something solid to keep himself anchored.

It sent chills of excitement down his back at the thought as he forced his mouth to shut. So easy to forget how it had been hanging open as his brows twitched from their tight squeeze. Forcing himself to swallow, he licked his lips when Shouta's breath stuttered. Trembled when his erection twitched at a hard clench of those muscles that tore a moan out of him. He gave a squeeze to his husband's waist when hips squirmed hesitantly. A little praise could go a long way and God knows his husband needed it now.

Now, when he was seconds from melting into the damn bed. Feverish under his hands. How lost was he in his own head? Would Shouta hear him if he spoke now? Or would he lap up every word he had planned to say from here on out? It was worth it to try, wasn't it? It had him breathless as he struggled to scrape together the words he'd planned. He wanted to say when hips rocked back against him with an impatience. An eagerness to them as he rocked his hips forward against Shouta as he swallowed.

"Wh-What a pretty boy you are, Shouta, you know that? Look at how hard you are over a few touches!" Another shudder ripped over his husband when he felt a squirm to those rocking hips. "You always take my cock so good! So perfect for me, aren't you, baby? Taking my cock like it ain't nothin' like you always do, you pretty little thing! You always know how to ma-make Daddy feel good, don't you? Know how to squeeze m-mmmme like that? Fuck, baby! Ah! Are you my good boy? You Daddy's good boy?"

"Yes! Yes, yes! 'm good! S-So good! I- Mmm! Ah! I-I always wanna ma-make you feel good! Yo-You deserve it! Workin' so hard lately, you de-deserve it! Just like I-I do!" Shivers. Oh, it was hot to hear that whimpering tone deepen into a moan as hips squirmed to break up that rocking press against him. He whined when Shouta then rocked himself forward on his knees then back with a slick sound accompanying that shallow thrust. "Yo-You always know how to get m-mmme fuckin' worked up, don't you? Nnnn!"

It was so easy to forget his words. To humor forsaking them as Shouta rocked forward again then came back with a light impact that had him wobbling. Had him moaning out when inner walls clamped down around him in a quiver, but he knew he was doing something right. Knew it. "Do I? I-Is that why you made a mess dripping all over your belly? Made a me-mess on the bed? Dripping before I even touched you? You wa-want me that bad, baby boy? Want to be Daddy's good boy that bad? Thi-Think I deserve it that much?"

A keening moan ripped itself out of his husband as he continued that easy rock on his knees. Shallow thrusts that had his hips twitching impatiently to meet those backwards thrusts when he tightened his grip on his waist. Clinging onto him. "Ye-Yeah, I do! You always take on so mm–much work that you never stop! Mm! Ca-Can't keep my hands off you half the time! You're so pretty! Sexy, hot, I just want you al-all the time! It's- Fuck! You fe-feel the same, right? Want me so bad? Love how good I-I've been lately?"

God, how was he not losing it over Shouta's voice? How it deepened only to crest up to an embarrassed whine? It had his blood boiling as he tightened his grip on that waist while Shouta rocked himself back and forth. Increasing his speed from that hesitant, slow speed when he yanked. Heaving his husband up with a grunt when his back hit his chest with an identical grunt. "You think you can spin this around on me? Don't go getting bratty on me when you've been so good! Don't you wanna keep being Daddy's good boy?"

"Yes! I-I can't- Don't wanna be bratty but I can't help it! Mmm! Please? Please? He-Help me be good?" A whimper. A whine. It all set his blood aflame as an arm curled back over his shoulder with fingers finding his hair. Twisting into it with a sharp pull as he nipped at the shell of Shouta's ear earning him a shudder. That easy movement of his hips was clumsy with the new position. Finding its rhythm in the tight press as a whine left his husband. "Please? I-I wanna be a good boy for you! B-Be good for you, Daddy!"

It tore a moan out of him to hear that deep voice whining at him like that. Begging him like that so sweetly it set him aflame. Had his blood boiling through his veins as he slid his hands up over Shouta's chest. Resting his right over that pounding heart when he felt hips moving against him. Coming back and forth carefully to keep up those shallow thrusts. God, he loved Shouta. It was mesmerizing to hear this man be torn down ever so slightly to this state. A beautiful change that he could admire for hours.

Something he'd happily coax Shouta into as many times as he could. He shuddered when inner walls quivered before clamping down in a hard squeeze around him. Heat snapped up his back when he bucked his hips to grind forward once his husband came back. Fingers yanked at his hair sending pain blistering over his scalp with that sensitivity. It had him shuddering with a twitch forward to meet a backwards hit from his husband that had him wobbling lightly. Digging his knees into the mattress to stay upright.

He slid his hand along Shouta's chest blindly. Fanning his fingers through the wiry black curls as fingers clutched at his hair. Holding it in a consistent pull that sent sparks down his back. Breathless. It was making his head spin as Shouta squirmed with those light impacts against his pelvis as the squelch of lube and the condom rang out. Deafening. He moved his hand over Shouta's chest where he brushed his fingers carelessly over a hardened nipple. It had his husband's chest arching forward with an eager whimper.

It sent a burst of heat through him when Shouta threw his head back to his shoulder. Pressing against it with another whimper as he flicked his fingers over his nipple again. He shifted his hand to rub his thumb over Shouta's nipple. A slow back and forth that allowed him to rub the pad of it against his areola. Drag his thumbnail around the rim of it before coming back to slide it over his nipple. Whining out himself as he twitched hips forward when Shouta clamped down around him tightly again. God, it was fucking good.

Those twitching inner walls clutched at him as if the muscles could strangle his erection. Break him off and keep him inside of him. God, it was a strangely thrilling thought. He ducked his head down to flutter kisses over the side of Shouta's neck through the black locks that tickled his face. He could feel Shouta's thighs flexing with each forward and backwards swing that had him tensing his own thighs. Digging his knees into the mattress to stabilize himself. Nails scratched over his tingling scalp insistently.

Sparks. They raced down his back as he jumped to move his hips forward in a few shallow, clumsy thrusts. He couldn't help a whimper as he held himself still before feeling confident as he met his husband's backwards thrusts. Careful, shallow thrusts that he met had Shouta moaning as that arm wrapped around him tightened. It was an easy back and forth as he slid his left hand down to Shouta's waist. Gripping onto it as light, intermittent squelches rang out with each thrust he gave. Meeting Shouta half way each time.

It had him breathless. Ignited that familiar fire when he felt his husband suddenly come back sharply against him as hips began to move quicker. Faster. Shallow but it had him jumping to thrust forward to meet that thrust of his husband's. Falling into that quick, shallow speed that had his husband's breaths trembling. Had his own coming faster as he clung onto the black-haired man. It was hot, hot, hot. He was melting as he thrusted into that heat eagerly. Groaning as he clung to Shouta's waist with a firm squeeze.

A hand flew down to grip at his forearm with nails digging in with a blunt pain that radiated over his skin. Fuck, he loves it. He wobbled lightly when another sharp, backwards thrust was given tearing a moan ripping out of him. Loving the throaty groan that left his husband. A sound that crested up when he snapped his hips forward in a sharp, shallow thrust. Hot. Feverish. Shouta was blistering against him with that feverish heat identical to his own. Smoldering. It was a heat that was going to eat him alive.

A heat that would leave him combusting into a pile of ash. And he couldn't help but love it. He only wished he'd thought to yank his hair out of the way. It wasn't as thrilling as having them twisted into his hair like this but he loved having his hair up. To feel his ponytail being wrapped around Shouta's fingers? To feel the man yank, pull and hold it taut? All while he did the same to Shouta's? It was his favorite damn thing. To know he shared a common kink with his husband. Or was it merely a preference?

He didn't know but fuck nothing turned him on than a sharp yank to his hair. It had always been the case for himself, for his husband, yet it was amazing to use it now. His glasses slipped down his nose when he dipped his head down to nip at his shoulders. Scraping his teeth over the smooth, pale skin him a whine from his husband. It'd be risky to leave a hickey here but a bruise on the back of his shoulder? It could be easily explained away. Oh, it was a temptation like none other. A gamble he wanted to take.

He swallowed it down the best he could as he fell into rhythm with Shouta. Following the speed, he set with that easy back and forth with a few of those harder backwards thrusts breaking it up. Snapping thrusts backwards that he was helpless against responding in kind too. Remaining at a shallow depth but God knows he didn't care. Shallow or deeper, he could happily watch his husband rock on his knees all day. Watch himself be used as nothing more than a sex toy for his husband to use. To chase orgasm after orgasm with.

There was an awe in watching those hips come back against his pelvis. Rolling in thrusts that had him eagerly thrusting to meet halfway. It was breathtaking the way it burned him up. He was melting already with that tight heat wrapped around him. A heat that felt fucking good as it left him eager to snap his hips forward to bury himself in again. To remain in that drool worthy heat. He twitched at the moan leaving his lips at the sudden quivering clamp of those inner walls around him. A strangling hold that had him shuddering.

Eager to dive back forward the second he pulled back. To bury himself into the inner walls that always clenched and spasmed around him in that drool worthy manner. Loved the twitches he got when he slid his thumb over his nipple like he was now. It had him whining only to hear it echoed back to him from his husband as he flicked his thumb over his hardened nipple. Lifting his hand up to ghost his palm over the hardened thing when nails dug into his forearm. It was so, so good. God, he could spend forever like this.

Spend all afternoon long losing hours with his husband. To go again, again, again until his legs were shaking under him. Until hips and thighs ached. Until he felt blistered to the core. Until his dick was aching with sparks of oversensitivity. Until their voices were husky and hoarse the next morning from the howling and wails torn out of the both of them. Hell, to merely tuck himself into Shouta would be a delight like none other. God knows he fucking loved their slow sink into cockwarming. The joy it brought them both.

He shuddered when Shouta moaned at him when he met another of those sharper thrusts. Fuck, he loved the light spilling in with its blinding brightness. It allowed him to gawk at his husband with such clarity that it burnt him up. To look over the healed scars he'd memorized long ago. Marvel over the blush to that pale skin as he watched hips rocking backwards towards him repeatedly. It was a sight that seared him to his bones to see those small twists and rocks in real time. To feel him move against him.

It was mesmerizing. He brushed his palm over Shouta's hardened nipple causing that chest to arch forward into his hand with a whine leaving the man. Shivering against him as he let himself fall into the task of meeting those shallow thrusts. Listening to the intermittent squelches ringing out that mixed effortlessly with the huffing pants. The quieter sounds made in the back of throats when the air rushed out much too fast. Fanning his hand out on his chest, he flicked his thumb over Shouta's nipple again.

Using that slow back and forth that had the man squirming. Twisting against him as he whined in unison with his husband when muscles clamped tight. Hips moving in a frenzy of shallow thrusts that had his whine deepening into an encouraging moan. Jerking his hips forward to meet those frenzied thrusts eagerly got him a moan back. One that rang with such delight it set his blood aflame with a renewed heat. And he moved instinctively. Didn't give it a thought when he pulled his hips back further.

Coming forward with that same quick speed had his husband shuddering against him. Moaning as hips jumped to match the length of his pull back only to fly backwards to meet his thrust beautifully. It tore a moan out of his husband as hips moved to copy the length of his pull back only to fly back to meet his thrust. Sparks raced up his back at the beautiful timing of his husband's movements as he happily pulled himself back at that same length. Flying forward quickly with that shallow depth being abandoned happily.

Delightedly. Shouta moved further, further, further forward. Much like his own longer pull backs. Careful to keep from slipping out of the black-haired man accidentally was always a worry. Silly but it was a very real possibility. One that had happened before. But would he slip out when the black-haired man squeezed around him like that? Gripped him so tight he had to use that extra effort to thrust? And if he did slip out could he truly slip back in effortlessly like he thought? Oh, that thought did something fucking good.

Had his hips snapping forward eagerly as Shouta moved follow his eager thrusts with snaps backwards. He was burning up as a panting huff rasped out of him as he snapped his hips forward into that tight heat. His erection twitched with that familiar ache that howled at him to bury himself in that heat. To remain where that tight squeeze felt good. Amazing around his erection as he felt Shouta's hips working to come back with that same speed. Snapping back making him wobble lightly as nails dug into his forearm.

Feeding into that burning, blunt pain as it spread over his forearm again. Holding onto him desperately as he came forward faster. Faster, faster, faster. Following along with the increasing speed Shouta was gradually creeping up in. Eagerly jerking his hips back and forth with breathless whines spilling out of him. Shameless moans ripping free when he had the breath for them. And fuck him, he was no different. He could hear himself whining and whimpering. Squirming against Shouta as he flew forward again, again, again.

Slipping happily into the heat that was melting him to his core. Into that tight grip that threatened to make his eyes roll back behind his eyelids. The way a few praises could get Shouta so worked up would never fail to set him ablaze as he flew forward. Huffing pants rasped out of him as he moved with an eagerness of his own. Diving forward fast, fast, fast coaxed Shouta to move quickly in time with him to keep up. Squiring against him in between those thrusts. And it sent a jolt through him at the light slap that rang out.

The meeting of their of skin hitting lightly with the increased speed. A consistent sound as Shouta's hips came back to meet his snapping thrusts forward. He nipped at his husband's shoulder to which he got a groan as he crawled his lips up it. Towards the side of his neck where he coaxed his hair out of the way with his chin. A gentle, awkward move that was worth it when he pressed kisses to the skin. Felt his husband shuddering against him as he gave a few playful nips to the black-haired man's neck giddily.

It was always a delight to use the smaller places on his husband to get him riled up. For he knew that Shouta's erogenous zones like the back of his hands. His inner thighs. His hips and along the center of his back. But his throat? Oh, his throat and neck could be the most sensitive spots on him after a long day. After being hidden away for hours at a time making the skin far more sensitive. It was nowhere near as explosive as his own erogenous zones and the reactions he had to them but it got him what he wanted.

It had those moans leaving his husband cresting upwards. Coming far more frequently but always louder than the last one that left him. Fingers flexed out then only to grab at his hair again with a new grip on it. One that had fire ripping over his sensitive scalp. Shrieking with that pain as he released a keening, shrill moan into Shouta's neck earning him a groan back. Oh, it hurt but it sent sparks down his back. Had his erection twitching as he snapped his hips forward in another frenzy of thrusts.

Frantic. Snapping into that tight heat as that fierce, consistent pull on his hair had a fierce pain radiating over his scalp. Fed into sparks of arousal as he felt Shouta's hips snapping backwards with that same frantic speed. Felt the back of his head pressing firmly to his shoulder. He tightened his grip on Shouta's waist when fingers squeezed at his forearm tightly. Dragging his nails over the smooth skin of his waist had his husband moans jumping up in volume again. Ecstatic. Encouraging him to keep going.

It had him working to snap his hips forward with that renewed eagerness. His thighs tensed with knees dug into the mattress to keep from toppling forward. From pinning Shouta down onto his stomach the way he wanted too. It was only when a harsh thrust backwards had him wobbling that he growled. It had Shouta whimpering when another hard hit against his pelvis had him threatening to fall forward. Or was it backwards? What was his husband hoping to achieve? He wished he had the breath to ask.

He tightened his arm around Shouta's chest forcing him back to his own chest tightly. Held him in place as he traded his idle flicking over that nipple for something better. He brought his fingers together in a tight, hard pinch that had Shouta pressing his head back with a cry as he tugged at it. Slamming his hips forward once, twice, with a strength that had black locks trembling against his cheek. Threatening to fly into his face if he wasn't careful. But God, if that trembling cry wasn't worth it as he shuddered.

He snapped his hips forward as nails clawed at his forearm leaving burning lines behind. This was the fucking best idea. The best choice he could have ever made. To shower Shouta in those crooned words only to get him worked up like this. Getting him hot like this. All because he merely pointed out the obvious to his husband. And to receive those weak praises back? Oh, it had sent shivers down his back. He knew for a fact that he fucking liked that. Liked it a lot. He had never thought of praise being turned on him.

To be used on him like that during sex. It had his stomach knotting with the arousal twisting through him under that pooling pleasure. That odd eagerness to show Shouta he deserved it just as much. It was amazing the effect a little praise could have on him in return. For he knew Shouta would sing his praises from morning to night much like he would with his husband. Had heard Shouta bragging about him once to his half sister but he'd never given it much stock before. Never considered the praise as more than surface level.

Something to placate him. But to hear that deep voice whimpering out those praises? Calling him sexy in that tone? Telling him he deserved it? God, it created a new fire in his stomach he hadn't known had been waiting to be stoked. It had him huffing as he slammed his hips forward against his husband. Coming forward harder with that quiet under current of worry it might be too much. To come forward too harshly might be too much. But it was washed away rather quickly when he felt Shouta's hips slamming back.

Flying back against his pelvis with a strength that had him groaning as he fought that urge to bite down. To suck at the skin until he was leaving identical bruises along that pale skin the way he wanted to. He instead pulled sharply at that nipple again with a light twist that had his husband writhing. Shouting as hips jerked in a frenzy back against him with a strength that he moved instinctively to match. Creating that sharp crack of skin on skin. Deafening each time, he slammed forward as he tugged sharply again.

Pinching tight, tight, tight until another strained shout leaving his husband as he squirmed. Slamming back against him only to grind his hips with an urgency that had him shivering. Pinching tightly with a renewed strength that had his husband twisting against him when he released it. Flicking at it with that wicked impulse of his. A careless flick that had his husband whimpering at him with nails clawing at his forearm. Had him arching forward before jerking back to press tightly to his chest with a huffing whine.

It had him slamming forward against Shouta with that voice in the back of his head howling. Shrieking to go harder, harder, harder even if his husband didn't say a damn word. Had yet to wail it the way he always did. It was a silent howl that clawed at the edges of his mind. Something he felt in the way those hips came back against him harder. Faster. Allowing for that sharp crack to ring out consistently with the medley of other noises. A medley that burned him up as hands clutched at him. Fuck, how did it turn out like this?

How did he always let Shouta get him so worked up? It was always so easy to have a set plan but once they were actively having sex it was thrown out the window. He was giving in to the eagerness he tried not to control his actions. So easy to melt against Shouta as hips slammed back to coax him faster, faster, faster. Harder, harder, harder as rasping pants left him. Left Shouta. Loud in the silence of their bedroom but goddamn it that wasn't fucking electric. If it didn't turn him on like nothing else ever could.

To fill the silence of a room with those moans and groans that came shamelessly with increasing volume. The harsh, rasping pants being taken mixed with the squelching that came with each slamming thrust given. The cracking skin meeting as it became crisp with the sheen of sweat that would form. It was exciting to fill a silent room with those sounds. To fill it up until he couldn't look at these walls without hearing them long after they were done. Something to replay in his mind again and again when he was alone.

It had him moaning out shrilly when Shouta's fingers ripped at his hair forcing his head back then in a burst of strength that had him slamming forward. Feeling Shouta wobble in his arms as he pounded himself into the man as muscles tightened. Clamped around him with a chokehold that had him burning up. It was better than the bathtub. Then the additional round they'd had that night on the bed. It had him breathless as he gave in to that silent urge. That demand he'd wanted to give into desperately.

The very one that howled at him that Thursday afternoon. He slammed forward harshly once, twice, before he felt the hand on his forearm released its hard squeeze. Moving away from it making his brows twitch with that spark of curiosity. Where was it going? What was Shouta going to do with it now? His husband always seemed to delight in pulling tricks out on him. Pull them out from up his sleeve when he least expected it. However, Shouta didn't let that curiosity linger for long. For that hand came back to claw at his waist.

Trying to reach for his ass which seemed to be a common occurrence lately but fuck he didn't care. He'd let Shouta grab, slap, pinch, and claw at his ass from morning to night. He loves that hard, tight grip Shouta always had on his ass during sex lately and he couldn't get enough. Could an ass be an erogenous zone? Or was it merely the pleasure of having his husband grab it? Use it as a leverage to force him to move faster? It had him shuddering with his moan ripping out of him with a blatant encouragement.

One that he couldn't mistake. It had nails clawing over the skin as an awkward grab was made at him only for fingers to dig in. Forcing his hips forward hard as he could once, twice before it was lost. And he happily let Shouta pull at him until the man was whimpering. Pleading with him silently with him to move in accordance to that yanking hand. It was ridiculously, horribly tempting to play naïve. To keep that same slamming speed with the weaker pounds breaking through with that shaking hand clinging to him.

It would be so easy. To ease his husband just a bit in between the praise he was giving and would continue to give him, but he couldn't. If he was honest with himself, he wanted it just as much as his whimpering husband did. It was raking at him. Howling at the edges of his mind to do it and give them both what they wanted. He didn't always approve of that pounding speed but it was so easy to give in. To do what his husband and himself wanted. To give in when Shouta wanted it rough from him.

When that greed overtook his husband from a few crooned praises. When his own desires became too much to ignore like they were now. Buzzing and stinging him repeatedly. And he didn't want to ignore it a second longer. Huffing in rasping pants against Shouta's neck, he giddily pulled back then flew forward. Giving a hard thrust that had his husband shouting with that unmistakable, enthusiastic delight. Had fingers digging into his skin with nails biting lightly into it from the curl but God it was amazing.

He felt that hand jerk at him again to which he happily slammed forward in accordance. Falling into that rhythm of pounding forward into Shouta as muscles contracted before gripping at him. Pulling at him hard tearing a howl out of him as fingers yanked at his hair in time with that clench. It was a howl that tore effortlessly through the octaves. Trembling as it grew louder until Shouta was whining at him with a flinch. Until his own hearing aids were shrieking at the feedback forcing him to snap his mouth shut.

That howl was choked down into a cracking growl as he felt hips moving backwards. Copying that pounding strength making him wobble lightly when he failed to tense himself. And fuck if he didn't feel lucky. If he didn't feel blessed to have this. What he ever did to get this man to look in his direction was a mystery. For Shouta to even humor dating him and staying with him was something he'd never know. He'd never know how lucky he was or what he did to get those feelings returned to him. He might never know.

How they never diminished during his downwards spiral into alcoholism but fuck if he wasn't so, so lucky to have it. To have this. To have him. It had him huffing with a crack to his pants as they caught in the back of his throat on hitches that carried whimpers. Whines that he found himself making higher, higher, higher until Shouta was whimpering back at him. He strangled them down with a groan that rang with that frustration. It was so hard to control himself when he wasn't mindful of the bathroom walls.

How they rang back. It was too easy to lose himself in an open space like their bedroom. When he knew no one would hear them. He tightened his arms around Shouta when he felt that arm around his shoulder tighten. As if to soothe him, his pounding thrusts stuttered before regaining their rhythm. Feeding into that medley of sounds around him. Slick squelches rang out from the rubber of the condom and the lube. The cracking slap of skin meeting skin that sound far crisper with that building sweat.

With the thin sheen forming over that pale skin along with that blush spreading itself over the skin he could see. A faint redness from the heat that he couldn't stop himself from whining at. It was so, so hot. Why didn't he think to open the window? It was suffocating feeling the heat under his skin. Feeling it under Shouta's. The humidity it created with that heat rolling off of the both of them that merely added to the heat from the heaters. It always had him breaking a sweat faster than he would had it been cooler in the house.

A shudder raced up his back as he moaned when fingers clawed at his ass with a hard pull before it moved away. Coming forward again to slip down his forearm to grab his wrist. Forcing his hand from the clawing line he left behind on Shouta's waist that had the man's moans reaching those mewling pitches. It had him moaning with that keening pitch himself when Shouta moved his hand down over a hip. Coaxing his fingers to wrap around his erection as fingers laced with his as gasping pants flew out of his husband.

Harsh. Uneven like his own. And his stomach was soaked. He was making an utter mess and it had tingles racing under his skin. Had him hot when that slick erection twitched in his grip. No, would it be their grip if Shouta's fingers weaved with his like that? It had him groaning when muscles gripped at him tightly yet again. Squirming when Shouta moved their hands in an urgent, fast stroking pace. One that matched his pounding thrusts. Ohhh, it was fucking good! How did it always feel so damn good?

He loved how that head pressed hard against his shoulder again. How Shouta squirmed desperately against him as those moans flying out of him clawed up to that ecstatic pitch with each hard slam of his hips. An unmistakable delight to them that had his stomach fluttering with excitement to hear. Had pleasure pooling into his stomach with the pride that he was doing this beautifully. It fed that fire burning under his skin. Sizzling his very veins with the heat in his blood as he gasped in his pants urgently.

Felt a bead of sweat slide down the side of his face towards his jaw. Fuck, he loves it! Loves Shouta! He would always, always, always want this. As long as he was physically able to give it, he'd give it. He'd done it for sixteen years so far and God knows old age wouldn't stop him from fucking his husband. No matter how old they were. Turning thirty-two or sixty-two, if he was able, he'd do it. If Shouta could be so young and have a bad back but still do it, then there was no excuse. There would be none for him then.

He'd touch this man with the same excitement and arousal as he did the very first night they had sex. It sent shivers down his back when Shouta's fingers squeezed at his. In time with a tightening of fingers in his hair that kept that sharp, tight pull on his scalp that had him whining. So many slick noises that he could easily forget what came from where. He knew he had hit the nail on the head when he'd commented on the slick mess of his husband's stomach before diving in. God, he could thrive off of Shouta's reactions.

The knowledge he'd done something very right if his husband was so damn hard in his grasp. Twitching against his palm as he smeared drops of pre-come over his shaft with each downwards stroke. Drops that rolled down when their fingers didn't get up to the head fast enough. If anything, it made it far more thrilling. More of a damn turn on to hear the slick, wet sound with each stroke given thanks to the pre-come. He squeezed at that twitching erection earning him a wild moan. Clawing its way out of his husband.

There was a tremble that had him wheezing out a pant. Cracking on its way out when he felt something wet smear beneath his fingers along Shouta's chest. There was another fast streak that he smeared away. Sweat? Or was it something else? Drool? No, it was too fast for it. However, it burnt him up to think Shouta could be drooling. Anyone would with their mouth hanging open long enough with those ragged, eager pants being taken. Hitching in their gasps as hips slammed back against him eagerly.

Shouta normally didn't drool very often during sex. If he was in his subspace, it was a much more common occurrence. If he lost in his own arousal, however, and lost in his own head it was possible. It had happened plenty of times in the past and it never failed to make him proud. Smug. That he could fuck someone so goddamn good they were drooling? That Shouta drooled? It was an achievement. A compliment he fucking loved. It wasn't often Shouta let down every single guard during sex all at once.

But to break them down one at a time? Take it inch by inch? It was far more thrilling. Exciting. Hell, he didn't know how he didn't drool during sex from that tight squeeze around him. The heat of it all. He panted raggedly as Shouta's head pressed against his shoulder as he squirmed. Writhing against him when he moaned fervently at the squirming man. So enthusiastically he swore he felt the vocal cords in his throat pulling taut with the sound. It had him shuddering when he felt Shouta's thighs twitching.

Felt his knees spread slightly over the blanket with a rustle. Digging into the mattress as hips met the pounding speed he gave. A desperation clawing through when he felt the erection in his grip throbbing lightly. Twitching as Shouta's breaths came faster. Racing with a new speed he found his own trembling at. Hitching to speed up with that realization. The burst of excitement that Shouta was possibly getting close on him. God, it was too much. This heat. This burning, boiling arousal that had him breathless.

To know Shouta was so close had him boiling. Burning. Excited at the thought of shoving his husband over the edge that he was dancing on. Hell, he felt that similar knot forming in his lower stomach with each spasming clench of those inner walls around his erection. Each pounding hit against his pelvis that had him moaning in that keening pitch. It was like a spark. A coal that was burning into him hotter, hotter, hotter as he felt the faint twists of that orgasm. It had him eager, desperate to hunt it down.

A guttural, cracked groan left him in time with Shouta's moan that rang unmistakably with that pleasure. Desperation. Hips slammed to meet his pounding thrusts when he slid their hands up to roll his thumb over that slick head in tight circles. Ones that had hips thrusting forward as muscles contracted. Tightening on him in response to a twitch of his erection. It had him breathlessly howling out as he gave in. It was useless to stay in the position he'd chosen. One they hadn't been in for what feels like forever.

He felt a stab of reluctant but he could fuck Shouta on his knees any time of the year. Any time he wanted. He moved forward as he slid his hand from his husband's chest. Away from that teasing treatment he'd been giving that left nipple after moving on from the right. He grabbed at a hip as he flew forward pushing Shouta down to the bed. His chest hit it with a bounce as he used his grip on his hip to arch his lower half up against him. He used the new position to shift his hips before pounding himself forward.

And it had his husband wailing. An octave off from a scream. A cry. It had him blistering when he felt muscles jerking when he resumed that pounding rhythm. It had his husband writhing against the blanket as fingers ripped free from his hair to claw at the blanket. Gathering a fistful to cling onto as fingers weaved into his own squeezed. Gripping at his fingers while gripping at that dripping erection was a thrill. He felt hips moving back to meet him with an eagerness identical to his own. Desperate to get there.

Pounding into that heat again, again, again was a compulsion. Need. Want. Desire. Whatever it could be labeled. It was an urgent, pounding speed that he found himself using eagerly. So mind numbingly good that he could understand why sex could be addiction. How it could be a horrible one. And God knows he could fuck Shouta day and night. Every day. Like a routine. Until he was drunk off of the familiar sight of his husband twisting and squirming beneath him. Wailing in that choked manner each time he pounded in.

Hit at his prostate causing him to jerk and writhe under him. Jerk his hips back desperately. Chasing after that orgasm desperately with him. Both trying to get the other there first. A silent challenge that had always been prevalent but God if it didn't sent shudders down his back. Fed into that clawing, twisting orgasm in is stomach that was going nowhere but up, up, up with each second those muscles tightened around him tighter. Tight, tight, tight until he had to force himself to swallow in order to soothe his throat.

It didn't do much before his mouth dropped open as he scraped his words together. To tip Shouta over as he felt hips slamming back only to jerk forward into their hands shameless moans and whines leaving him. Whimpers and groans that came breathlessly. The knot twisted tighter, tighter, tighter in his stomach. Left him grunting when is husband's hips struck at him viciously. Furiously to his pounding speed as that orgasm teetered. Was hunted after. Just a little more, more, more is all it would take.

"Fu-Fuck, baby! Mmm! Lo-Look at you takin' it so well! God, you're f-ffucking perfect! Daddy's good, pe-perfect boy? Fuck, I-I love hearing your voice! Nnnghn! Mmm! Ke-Keep taking it like that! Ah! Ju-Just like that! You close, baby? Wanna cu-cum for me? Make Daddy cum? Come on, ba-baby boy, you're right there! I can fe-feel it! Do it, Shouta! Cum for me! Da-Daddy wants to hear you cu- Mnnn! Yes, yes, yes! Fuck yes, baby! Nnn, fu-ffuckin' take it! Yo-You're gonna fucking take it like a good boy! You're mine, Shouta! Mine!"

"Yes! Ah! Yes, yes, yess! Yo-You're driving me crazy, Zashi! Ah! Ah, I can't- Nnn! Ah! Ohh, fuck! F-Ffffuck! I- Zashi, Zashi! P-Please! Fuck me all night! Want it, want it! Please, Zashi, please! Mi-Mine! Yo-You're mine, mine, mine, Zashi! Mmm! Nghnnn, God! 'm yo-yours! O-Only yours! All yours! Da-Daddy's good boy! Mmmm! Ah, ah! Shit! I can't-! Nnghnn! Please, please! Cu-Cum with me! Please! Za-Zashi, Daddy, please! 'm gonna-! Ah! Ah, ah, ah-!"

Tight. Hot. He was drowning under the heat boiling under his skin. Drowning in that lust, that hunger, for more, more, more. Greedy to see his husband twist and writhe in compliance with his questions. His words and gentle demands. To hear that gasped cry as he squirmed desperately beneath him. Eager to accept it or run away from it? It had him grunting as he pounded his hips at the black-haired man. Shouta's inner walls strangled him tightly in a grip that had him howling out as he slammed forward.

Pounding into him with that orgasm razing itself into him with the threat of breaking, breaking, breaking. He stroked Shouta quickly as he could in time with that hand weaved in his. Squeezing tightly at that throbbing erection with that blinding speed being used as his husband shouted breathlessly. Squirming, twisting, writhing under him with gasping pants being taken when he slammed forward. Hitting at that prostate had muscles clamping down on him in a true strangling grip. It was burning him alive.

Contracting in a way that mimicked a throbbing that had his own shaking hand clawing at the blanket. Balling it up as Shouta stiffening beneath him with a wail of his name leaving him. Repeated again, again, again. A praise. It was as if he had hung the stars himself as Shouta wailed his name. Chanted it over and over breathless until his voice was cutting off on a croak of a noise. Strained. He was close, close, close as his husband trembled beneath him with the grip of his orgasm. Shaking beneath him from the stiffness.

Jerking as he pounded once, twice, before the hard clamp around him was too much. That milking, throbbing pull at him had him snapping his mouth shut as he threw his head back. Squeezing his eyes shut as they rolled back when he clenched his jaw. Gnashing his teeth as he heard a growl snapping itself out through his clenched teeth. Wordless? Or did it carry his husband's name? Some insubstantial word? Couldn't decipher it. Couldn't focus on it when he was drowning under that crushing wave of eagerness.

Of an oncoming-orgasm. Lashes fluttering against hot cheeks as he slammed forward only to grind against Shouta. Chasing that orgasm as it snapped through him with a rush that had him hissing breaths through his teeth. His thighs trembling as they tensed much like the muscles in his stomach flexed. Stiff. His brows ached from that tight squeeze, but he couldn't think. Couldn't breathe under the tight grip of that orgasm. It tore right through him. Eating him up as he felt himself grinding weakly against Shouta.

It was an eternity in that rushing heat. Swallowed in it. Drowning. It had his chest tight with the breath he hadn't realized he'd hissed down. Held down. It was suffocating as a croaking noise left him. Guttural. It was similar to the one he'd heard leave his husband seconds ago. It was too much. The heat. The tight clench that had him aching. It was driving him insane. It was far too much. He was dying, thriving, choking under that wave. He could feel his lips moving but was he speaking? Or was his mouth hanging open?

He wanted to breathe yet each gasp merely fed into a wheezing gasp of his husband's name. He could hear it when he heard a whimpering call back from his husband. He couldn't take this much longer. And then it was gone, gone, gone. An eternity spent in that white space had him crashing. Coming down from that high with that breath rushing out on a huff. Dragging in a gasp of air as he trembled in the absence of that white-hot heat. Of that tight clench. Shouta whimpered beneath him again with a silent plea.

It was only then that he realized he was still gripping onto the poor man. Giving weak strokes to the twitching shaft in his hand. He pulled his hand away from that softening erection when he felt the twitches of those inner walls around his own twitching, softening erection. It was like aftershocks. Clenching around him as if to keep him inside a second longer. It had him shuddering again at the keening whimper from his husband that had him opening his eyes. Found that glazed dark eye on him.

Swallowing, his brows twitched from their tight squeeze as sweat dripped down his forehead. Slithered along the side of his nose annoyingly before it dripped off his jaw. Fast. He watched a drop hit his husband's back. Slick with a sheen of sweat that caught easily in the bright light pouring through the window. It was a daze. A beautiful, murky cloud of euphoria as he pulled his hips back slowly with a slick sound as he slipped out. It had Shouta whining up at him as if protesting the pull out, but he knew better.

Knew Shouta would get that chaffed feeling that he hated. It was why they never used a condom with cockwarming. He released his grip on his husband's hip then as he shuffled backwards. Shaking legs gave out on his husband's lower half fell to the bed. Seeming to ignore that mess on his stomach that would no doubt be soaking into the blanket. He'd have to watch it anyhow. Shouta always insisted they wash the blanket after sex for fear Eri would smell it somehow. That Hitoshi would notice any wet patches on it.

And he knew it was also for the sake of being clean. Not sitting in their mess like a disgusting degenerate in his husband's words. He forced shaking fingers down to pull the condom off of him. Slick in his grip as he struggled to tie it off as it snapped at his fingers. He growled under his bed when Shouta squirmed before rolling onto his side slightly. Grunting as he flipped onto his back with a light bounce to the bed. The bounce had him wobbling on his knees to which his shaking fingers dropped the slick condom.

He groaned in time with Shouta when it hit the blanket as he wobbled. It didn't leak nor spill over the blanket, but he didn't want to mess around with tying it off. Not when his gaze was flicking to that post-orgasmic face again and again. Admiring the smear of come on his husband's stomach. The slickness to his skin from the sheen of sweat. The way black locks were clinging to red cheeks with beads of sweat dripping down them. Down his forehead to his temples. The glaze to those dark eyes that begged him to come closer.

Wanted him to come closer. No doubt for his post-sex cuddle that he wanted just as badly. Itched to give as they went about their needed aftercare. It was what he was most excited about when he'd decided on touching upon his husband's praise kink. He glanced down at the condom before scooping it up carefully as he shuffled towards Shouta to lean over him. Dropping the filled thing into the trash that he made a faint mental note to toss out later. He shuffled back to hover over that blissful face.

The euphoria that he saw reflected back at him. An emotion twisting through him as he braced himself on his left arm before raising his right hand up. Brushing locks of hair away from that sweaty face. Hands came up to cling onto him weakly with arms curling around his sides. Cuddling him close, close, close which he happily gave. He leaned down allowing lips to flutter over his face in a flurry that he returned. Soft pecks that came with small smacks ringing out in the silence. Huffing breaths fanning over hot cheeks.

Happily he twisted together with his husband arms curled around him tightly. He couldn't help a shudder at the wet smear rubbing against his stomach yet Shouta didn't breathe a word. If anything, it sent a spark up his back. A flicker of interest through him. He shivered at the slick slide of Shouta's skin against his as he targeted feverish cheeks. Loving the scratch of the stubble scratch at his lips and his own face. Soft pecking kisses that he placed over that sweaty face. Pouring that adoration over his husband.

Giving him what he needed. Wanted from him even if he didn't breathe the words out loud. He moved to press kisses along his cheek bone where he followed the shape of that scar beneath Shouta's eye softly. And he couldn't help but giggle when full lips targeted the freckles on his cheeks. The bridge of his nose. Coming back to peck the tip of his nose before a flurry of kisses were placed on his cheeks. His jaw and what he could reach of his forehead. He kissed Shouta's forehead as lips pressed to his jaw.

He slid his hand along his husband's side softly with hands coming up to tug playfully at his hair. Sliding down his back as he nuzzled a feverish cheek. Pulling back, he nuzzled his nose to his husband's when he felt his heart jump at the sound that left his husband. A giggle. It was a rare occurrence for his husband to giggle while sober but the sound of it had a chain reaction bursting through him. It had him giggling back when he felt Shouta moving to nuzzle him back with that silent affection being returned.

The adoration being given silently but unmistakably as his husband's arms tightened around him. Cuddling into him with a squirm as he tightened his arms around Shouta in return. A tight hug that crushed him to his chest as he smiled at his husband when he pulled back again. Letting his gaze flick over that flushed face. There was a look of that adoration to that gaze. However, beneath it, there was another look to those dark eyes that told him Shouta was absolutely soaking it up. Everything he had given to him.

There was something he was looking for. Something in that gaze that had him smiling widely at his husband who smiled softly when he dipped his head down. Pressing his smiling lips to that sweaty forehead again. His husband nuzzled his lips and nose to his hot cheek when he stroked a flushed cheek with his thumb gently. And then he moved down. Nipping lightly at the shell of his ear earning a hitching breath from the black-haired man when hands tightened on him. Waiting for it. Wanting it from him.

And he'd happily give it to him as he moved down to bite at his earlobe with a click of the studs off his teeth. There was a small whine from his husband when he felt fast breaths hitched over his cheek. Eager. Needing it. And he tightened his arms around Shouta in a tight hug that was returned to him when he took a breath to soothe those uneven breaths leaving him. If Shouta needed something, he'd give it. If he wanted it, he'd give it. And with a squirm against him, he lifted himself up to kiss his temple.

"Good boy."

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