Their Boy Beloved [MxMxM] (Ta...

By SageKincaidBooks

84.9K 4.9K 1.4K

Their Boy Beloved is the first book in the Taming His Blaze series. NOLAN • POV Trouble. That was my first... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14 - Epilogue
Author's Note

Chapter 9

5K 319 75
By SageKincaidBooks


"Reuben, come here, please."

I looked up, smiling at Nolan where he stood in the doorway of the Reubix cube, watching me prepare Mister Hopper for bed, my finger diligently rearranging his furniture of leaves and twigs into a comfortable bed so that he didn't wake up with back pain in the morning.

Having already showered, brushed my teeth and changed into my pyjamas, I was ready to collapse into Daddy's arms and sleep away the exhaustion of a long day causing chaos and mayhem. This was probably the most fun I'd ever had in my entire life!

Which was saying something because throwing that glass at Prescott had been a pretty fun highlight. Oh, and the time I bought a dildo at the mall, placed it in a see-through bag and walked by the local church on my way home, much to the horror of its scandalised patrons, had also been a fantastically fun day. But this day was even better!

Being naughty was a professional sport. It took a lot of effort - I needed to rest my troublemaking brain - but holy shit it was so fun! Even better when there were two, hot as fuck dominants, running around after you, giving you their undivided attention, negative or not. And when Nolan gave up on disciplining me half way through the day, I knew I'd won and that just made misbehaving so much sweeter.

I was almost disappointed in the man. I'd really expected more from him. He was, after all, supposed to be the best of the best, but I realised now that it was all talk, no action. It felt great to know I'd knocked him off his high horse. Imagine being a pretentious asshole, but having to give up disciplining a brat after only one morning.

Embarrassing, truly.

Pride I probably should've felt ashamed about, rushed through me, making my cheeks feel hot and my grin spread even wider. I doubted Nolan had ever lost a training battle with a boy before. I bet I was the only one to defeat him. I was a motherfucking champion and I had one-upped Master Nolan the great.

Smug didn't even begin to describe the way I was feeling.

Did this suck for Daddy? Yes. Was it the end of the world or our relationship? Hopefully not.

I eagerly wished Nolan stuck around, even as a failure, just because I was actually beginning to like the brute. But Daddy and I... we'd work something out together, even if it meant he gave in and decided to train me himself for the sixteenth time. Besides, I liked Daddy's discipline better. He never took anything away from me.

My smugness evaporated promptly. I had to rescue Kinnard from Nolan tonight. Not only was he my most favourite toy in the whole entire world, he was the most freaking awesome toy in the entire universe! He was a custom made, male doll, with Ironclad Beetle themed armour over his muscular body and he was basically a bug superhero!

Nolan had kidnapped a superhero. A national treasure.

Kinnard was probably having a heart attack. But I'd save him when my doms were dead asleep. The only problem was finding where Nolan had hidden him.

"Are you listening to me, boy?"

I blinked, nodding slowly up at Nolan. "I'm putting Mister Hopper to sleep. He needs his furniture rearranged at night. It's important for his Feng Shui."

"Now, Reuben." Nolan snapped and I startled, sitting up straighter. He hadn't done that all day and the sharp tone to his voice was like a whip, making my spine snap straight against my own will.

Nolan's eyes were dark. I didn't know how such startling blue eyes could suddenly take on such a stormy hue, or how such a handsome face could twist into a stern, sinister expression, but it had. This was Master Nolan I'd met at the club, not nerdy Nolan with his chewed up cat.

I thought about saying no, about rebelling, but I was tired and after all the admittedly really bad things I'd done today, I didn't want to push any further. At least not tonight. So, hesitantly, I climbed to my feet and tiptoed after Nolan, intrigued as to why he wanted me to follow him.

If I was Honest Reuben, I'd say that I was pissing myself with anxiety watching Nolan's broad back sway and his huge shoulders tense. But I'm not Honest Reuben. Delusional Reuben wasn't scared at all. Nope. Okay maybe just a teeny-tiny bit.

Nolan led me into Daddy's room, and I was surprised to see Daddy already in there. He was standing beside the bed, large arms folded over his massive chest, green eyes guarded. I began bounding for him, wanting a hug or a kiss of reassurance, but Nolan stopped me.

"No. Right now, you are not allowed the luxury of his affection, not until you've taken your punishment and earned your forgiveness," Nolan denied me firmly, shaking his head. His words had my heart kicking up a fast, thumping rhythm in my chest and I looked back and forth between the two of them, confused.

"My punishment? I thought..." That they'd given up? That I would face no further consequences for my actions? That we'd all go to bed, Daddy would fuck me, Nolan would jerk off in his room, they'd be orgasm happy, forget this whole day ever happened, only to restart in the morning?

"You thought wrong, boy," Nolan glared at me and I began to cower. Was that... was that a twinge of regret beginning to slither uncomfortably down my spine?

"Today, you not only took it upon yourself to break the rules clearly defined between us, but you were disrespectful, you deliberately went out of your way to disrupt our day and the running of this home and you broke the promise you made to your Daddy that you would try your best. Not only have you disappointed us both, you seem to think that this kind of behaviour is funny and I'm telling you right now Reuben. It's not."

I peered at Daddy out of the corner of my eye, where he was standing, stoic, and that twinge of regret turned into a waterfall. Daddy looked so hurt and it was different from anger, it was as though he was just exhausted, with me. In pain. I liked his anger better. This was confronting. This was uncomfortable.

"Daddy I'm-" I began to apologise, but Nolan cut me off.

"No. You're not sorry. I should ban that word from leaving your lips until you truly understand its definition and the impact it has on another being when you utter it with the intention of lying. Without meaning it. No longer will it be acceptable to utter that word as your only means of retribution, but you will not be forgiven until you are punished and you earn it."

My head was spinning, my face was hot with shame and I didn't know where to look or what to say. Nolan was stipping me bare, emotionally, hanging me out to dry for all to see and I felt ugly and vulnerable standing before the two of them.

Nolan stepped forward and I barely resisted the urge I had to flinch back. I wasn't scared of him per say, this was all just... new and I felt unsure.

"Kneel and present, Reuben."

Once again I peered at Daddy, waiting for him to intervene or say something, but when he didn't, I slowly lowered to my knees, spreading them, resting back on my heels with my head bowed, my hands palm up on my thighs. Daddy hadn't made me do this in so long that I felt clumsy, ungraceful and embarrassed.

"Good boy. We're going to complete a scene now. You earned yourself a session of spanking," Nolan declared and I swallowed thickly, the burn in my cheeks, slowly travelling lower until I felt the thump of my heart in my stomach and groyne.

Holy shit.

I could barely pay attention as Nolan somehow recalled every single offence I'd committed throughout the day, which rule it had broken and then tallied the number up until he had a whopping thirty-four. I hadn't even realised he'd remembered or been counting throughout the day. But that didn't matter because finally, I was going to be spanked for the first time in so long.

I relaxed, eagerly accepting my fate, longing for the sting of his palm or whichever tool he decided to use on me. The promise of pain was like a tease and I desperately wanted to get this moving onto the good parts.

"Although you very much deserve to be punished equally for every single time you broke the rules today, you haven't been spanked in a long time, and you haven't experienced one of my spankings in particular. I have reduced the number to ten this one time," Nolan said and I broke my presenting position to look up at him.

"N-No, I want all of them. I can take it, I promise!" I protested, almost panicked that he would be taking those precious spankings away from me. They were mine!

"Don't argue with me. I know what you can take, and what you can't. This isn't a fun spanking, this is a punishment and I don't plan on going easy on you. That does not mean I will push your body past its limit. Ten. That is final," Nolan once again denied me and I thought I would cry.

Ten is better than... nothing.

I looked up at Daddy wandering through the fog of arousal and shame and guilt and apprehension, how he felt about all of this. Why was he giving in? Why was he allowing Nolan to do this to me when only days before, he refused to raise a hand to me. What was he thinking?

Suddenly, more than the spanking, I now desperately needed his approval. I needed him to tell me that this was okay and that he wouldn't be angry with me or think I was insane for wanting this as badly as I did. I needed to know that he was okay with this, that he would stay with me, support me.

I crawled forward on my hands and knees until I was on the floor in front of him, gently clutching at his calves. He peered down the length of his gorgeous body, before lifting his hand and setting it on my head, sifting his fingers through my hair. "Please Daddy," I whispered up at him. "Can I have this? Will you let me have this?"

His dark green eyes were troubled, glinting, but he nodded slowly anyway, granting me his permission. "Yes Reu. You can have this. I just... I wanted to protect you, from your past, from your Mama and I thought... I thought spanking you would break you. I'm still scared that it will. But Nolan's here and I guess I'm not so terrified anymore. I just want you to promise that if it gets too much, if you want to stop, you'll say something. You don't have anything to prove, not with us. You're safe here. Be honest with us."

I nodded, smiling through my tears, rubbing my cheek against his leg. "Thank you Daddy. I promise." I told him truthfully, this time. I wouldn't lie to him, not over something like this.

"Okay sweetheart."

"Eyes here, Reuben," Nolan demanded, his tone wasn't so sharp anymore and his eyes weren't so stormy. I gave him my attention, still clinging to Daddy's legs tightly.

"We're going to use our traffic light colours. Red means stop. Amber means you need a break or to slow down. When you use it, we'll stop and have a conversation. Green means go. I expect you to lie still while you are punished. I also expect you to count each spank, apologise and thank me after each one. You are otherwise allowed to be vocal. No swearing. Do you understand?"

"Yes Master Nolan."

"Check in for me."


He sat on the bed and spread his massive thighs. "Over here please."

I scrambled across the floor on my knees until I was between his legs. He scooped me up as though I weighed nothing and I was tiltering on my feet before him. I gasped, grabbing at his shoulders for balance.

"I will be taking off your pyjama pants. You can decide whether you want to keep your underwear on or off."

On or off. Preferably off. But I glanced at Daddy and decided. "On."

Nolan dragged my pyjama pants down my legs, revealing my not so subtle hard-on tenting the front of my red and black, ladybug themed briefs. Neither dom commented, for which I was grateful. Instead, Nolan manoeuvred me so that I was lying horizontally across the bed, my back arched, my bottom in the air, my crotch nestled between his warm thighs.

I resisted the urge I had to whimper or gasp my pleasure, closing my eyes and burying my face against the pillow Daddy tucked under my head. He sat just a little ways off to the side on the bed, watching.

Nolan's large hand suddenly settled on my lower back and I sucked in a breath. So heavy and hot. He had such massive hands.

"We're starting now. Ready, boy?"

"Ready Master Nolan."

I was trembling.

Then the first spank landed on my bottom and well... let's just say, I hadn't been prepared. At all.

My eyes flew open wide and I screamed. I lurched so hard I would've thrown myself out of his lap if his other hand hadn't been anchoring my lower back. My right ass cheek was on fire. That wasn't a spank, that was a blow, with a flamethrower!

"Ow ow ow!" I cried, wriggling desperately, reaching back to try and cup my abused cheek, but my hand was shoved away.

"Check in."

"Green?!" I squeaked, though it was more of a question than a statement. "How big are your freaking hands?! That really hurt!"

"It's meant to hurt. Count, apologise and thank me."

So cold.

"O-One! Sorry Master Nolan! Thank you Master Nolan!"

I bit my cheek, clenching my eyes shut as I anticipated the next spank. It landed after a second's pause, cracking across the other cheek and I wailed, tears instantly springing to my eyes and tumbling down my face.

My hard-on promptly left the building, leaving me limp-dicked and writhing in pain.

"T-Two! Sorry Master Nolan! Thank you Master Nolan!"

By spank three, I was sobbing and calling amber. Past Reuben who begged for thirty-four spanks was a silent-ass motherfucker now. I didn't think I could even make it to ten!

Master Nolan sat me up in his lap so I straddled him. He held my hips, blue eyes searching my face. "Talk to me."

I hiccuped pathetically. "It hurts. I didn't think it would hurt like that. I thought it would be a sexy spanking," I blubbered. "I don't feel very sexy. My butt is on fire."

He was trying to hold it back, I could tell, but a smile broke through the mask. "These are not meant to be for fun, little one. These are punishing spanks. The point is that you behave yourself because you don't want these kinds of spanks again. Sexy spanking is for you and your Daddy to share when you're having fun, hmm?"

I nodded, it made sense and it was damned effective. I hated that it was working, but he was right, these weren't for fun. I didn't want Punishing Nolan Spanks for another year if I could help it. Nolan rubbed my back intimately, before settling his hands on my burning bottom, rubbing softly. "Do you want to continue?"

I sucked in a deep, quivering breath, before nodding and wiping my runny nose. "I earned them, Master. I'll be good and I'll take them." Nolan's smile blossomed into a grin.

"Spoken like a true boy. Come on then. Seven more to go. You can do it. I'm so proud of you, my little one."

His little one.

My erection sprinted back into the building. I think it even leaked a little. I 'eeped',  nose-diving back into position over his lap before he could see it, which was stupid because now it was poking at his thigh.

'Hello sir, you make me horny. Call me little one again and I will erupt'.

Don't think about it. Don't think about-



Not thinking about it.

"Four! Sorry Master Nolan! Thank you Master Nolan!"

There were four distinct stages to the spanking that stood out to me. The first was the initial strike and unbearable pain. It was intense, it made me scream, it was like being burned. The second was acceptance, which made it easier to bear through gritted teeth and howling cries. The third was... complicated.

For just a second, I was so absorbed in the pain that I forgot where I was. 

I was cold, there was filth covering me and roaches in my clothes. My cheek was pressed into the cold tiled floor of our one-room apartment and my feet were trapped under the couch. Nolan's hand on my lower back was replaced with my Mama's stiletto piercing through my flesh where she held me down and his hand had turned into the television cable she'd used to whip my buttocks.

I'd accidentally flushed her drugs. See, she wasn't pooping in the bathroom, as I naively thought when I was a lost little kid. She was doing lines on the toilet seat. She'd left a baggie on the sink and I'd knocked it over into the loo when I'd gone to pee. I hadn't known that, not what it was, not that she would kill for it - even me, her own son.

It had been a mistake and I'd paid for it. Wire split through skin, the filth caking over the wounds, stinging, burning. Screaming.

And then I felt it. I felt Daddy mover closer until he was right there, replacing the pillow under my head with his own lap, his fingers carting through my hair. My Mama disappeared. The cold was replaced with comforting warmth and I remembered where I was. With my two dominants. Safe and sound in their embrace.

"Check in for me," Nolan demanded. "Two more, Reuben. Almost at the finish line."

"Green," I sniffled, clawing at Daddy's shirt, whimpering against him, wanting him as close as possible to me.

"I'm here," he murmured, cradling my head.

I wept softly through my last two spanks, my backside numb, my mind blank. I felt like I was floating. Both delirious, oddly enlightened and a little melancholy too. That was the fourth stage. It felt almost like peace.

Then they started.

Crooning and praising, running their hands all over me, telling me that I was a good boy, that I'd made them proud, that I'd done so well that they were ecstatic with me and the almost peace turned into absolute peace.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry for being naughty," I whispered through my tears. I wanted this. I wanted to be their good boy. I never wanted them to stop cooing at me and praising me and touching me like this.

I never wanted this peace to leave.

"We know, Reuben. You're forgiven," Nolan hummed, helping Daddy sit me up so that I straddled one of each man's thighs, balanced across the middle of them.

"We put it behind us now. Tomorrow is a new day, okay sweetheart?" Daddy asked, gently tipping my chin up so that he could kiss my lips.

"Okay Daddy."

Nolan smiled, before gently removing himself from beneath me. I watched him, panic making my chest feel tight as he stood to walk away. "I'll leave you guys to your aftercare and your beds-"

"N-No! I don't want you to go!" I grabbed his hand, holding tight, terrified that he would disappear. This unreasonable fear struck me, making me cry. "You can't!"

I didn't want the warmth to leave or the safety or just the feeling of him close. Maybe the spanking had fucked with my head, maybe I was just being needy but letting him go just felt so, so wrong.

Nolan's eyes flickered above my head, holding a silent conversation with Daddy no doubt. I held my breath, waiting. Eventually, Nolan moved back into my reach. "Okay, okay, I'll stay."

Sighing, I released the death grip I had on his wrist, exhaustion making me slump where I sat.

Daddy scooped me up into his arms, carrying me off to the bathroom. I was present in body, yet high in mind, which was disappointing considering I wasn't emotionally available to fully witness both men wiping me down with a washcloth, rubbing aloe across my bottom and stripping me naked and dressing me in fresh pyjamas again.

We all climbed into bed and I became a meat sandwich, cocooned deliciously between Nolan's chest and Daddy's side. So hot and warm and swaddled between tough muscle and beating flesh.

Mmmmm. It was no surprise that I had the best sleep of my entire fucking life!


A/N: Nolan's spanks hit different 😌 Dynamics are shifting! Exciting business ☺️

(Word count: 35,170) words cannot describe the stress 👁👄👁


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