StarClan's Choice

By smellyflowersxx

214 50 20

Her paws skim the ground of the starry forest. The StarClan cat is hard on her paws. "It's your fault," she s... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 13

8 2 1
By smellyflowersxx

I had the most insane writers block today so um sorry in advance!


Bluepaw curled tighter in her nest, grumbling.  

"Bluepaw!" the sound was much louder now. " Bluepaw Bluepaw Bluepaw BLUEPAW!"

Bluepaw sat up straight. Ashdawn had poked her nose into the Apprentice's den. 

"Gosh, Ashdawn, some people are sleeping," Mothpaw mumbled from the nest beside Bluepaw.

"Sorry," Ashdawn said. "Bluepaw,  I want to speak to you. Oh and Mothpaw, you're on dawn patrol."

"WHAAAAT," Mothpaw groaned. She dragged herself out of her nest. "SERIOUSLY?????"  Ashdawn chuckled as Mothpaw stormed out of the den. Ashdawn looked at Bluepaw, all trace of laughter gone. "Come with me," she said, leading Bluepaw out of the den.

As  they entered the medicine den, Ashdawn stopped short and looked at Bluepaw seriously. "You know," Bluepaw whispered.  Ashdawn nodded. "When I saw you, it triggered the prophecy."

"So," she continued, "What can you do?" Bluepaw took a deep breath, than slowly drew out a sprig of catmint from a crack in the stone den floor. Ashdawn's eyes widened and she gasped. Bluepaw could sense the nature's disapproval. It's fine, she gave the prophecy, she needs to know, she thought. The nature sense she had seemed to relent a little.  

"Wow," Ashdawn said, impressed. She picked the catmint and put it in her stores. "Unlimited herbs."  Seeing the look on Bluepaw's face, she said, "It'll help the Clan!" "But I don't wanna be milked for service," Bluepaw hissed. She felt the nature become more hostile.

"It's a service to the Clan!" Ashdawn growled. "You're meant to help the Clan!" "Well I'm meant to help all the Clans! Should I grow herbs for them too!?" "This is just what I need, a uncooperative apprentice who doesn't know anything about whats happening when StarClan's being crushed!" She stopped when she realised what she had just said. Bluepaw gasped


A voice from behind them stopped them both in their tracks. Mothpaw stood their, horrified. "StarClan's being ...crushed? And Bluepaw has... powers?" "I-i ... umm," Ashdawn stammered. "Why didn't you tell me!? I'm your best friend... more than best friends!! I can't believe you!" Mothpaw cried. "And while there it a threat to StarClan, you're just here being selfish!!" 

"Selfish?!" Bluepaw gasped in outrage. "You're the selfish one!!" She grew some more herbs, plucked them, and tossed them at Ashdawn. "Take your stupid herbs," she growled. She ran out of the den and out of the camp.

"Bluepaw!!" Ashdawn called. 

Let her call, Bluepaw thought, speeding up.


She ran as far as she could go, huffing and puffing. She stopped, and found that she was out of the Clan's territory. 

"Hi!" A voice said from behind her. Bluepaw shrieked and whirled around. Behind her was a honey coloured she-cat about the same age as Bluepaw looking at her calmly. "You're a Clan cat, right?" she said. 

"Yeah..." Bluepaw said. "I'm sorry I went on to your territory or something..." "No, it's okay," the she-cat said. "I'm Acacia. Nice to meet you," she said. "I'm Bluepaw of SkyClan," Bluepaw said. Suddenly, a fox walked put of the bushes, holding a dead rabbit. "Ahh!" Bluepaw squeaked, unsheathing her claws. "Oh, this is Russet," Acacia laughed. "I live with her." Russet growled something at Acacia, and she growled something back. "Whoa!" Bluepaw gasped. You speak her language?" "She taught me some Fox, and I taught her some Cat. She found me as a kit and raised me," Acacia said. "But...," Bluepaw said, "She's a fox!" Russet sniffed. "Annoying cat," she said in Cat. Bluepaw squeaked, then mumbled, "Sorry."

"Anyway," Acacia said, "Clan cats don't really go out of their territory. Why are you out here?" "I... ummmm kinda ran away," Bluepaw muttered. "Oh?" Acacia intoned. "Why?" "I.. um they were ind of telling me something I didn't want to do and then a huge secret of mine was revealed and my best friends now mad at me and... well, it escalated quickly," Bluepaw said in a rush. 

"You should work things out," Acacia said. "I guess..." Bluepaw said. "But how can I fix it?" "You have to try, if the friendship is special," Acacia mewed. "Okay," Bluepaw said, determined. "I will." "You make a great therapist," Bluepaw said. "I like being  a therapist," Acacia said seriously. "Bye! See you again sometime!" She called as Bluepaw strode away, "And don't be snooty," Russet grumbled. 


Bluepaw strode into camp. Ashdawn looked up. "There you are!" She said, her voice sharp. Bluepaw ignored her. "Excuse me?" Ashdawn called. "We'll talk later..." Bluepaw called. She skittered to a stop in front of the apprentices den. Mothpaw poked her head out and hissed. "Go away!" "I need to show you something..." Bluepaw muttered, a little shy. Mothpaw grumbled but followed her out of the camp.

They stopped in front of the giant acacia. The massive tree brought so many memories. It was hard to beilive she discovered her powers so recently. "This is where I discovered my powers..." she whispered. Unlike the last time, she felt the nature encourage her. "You climbed that!?" Mothpaw gasped. "I did. And the nature helped me," Bluepaw said. She jumped on the lowest branch and gestured to Mothpaw. She hesitated, then followed her. They slowly climbed to the top, Bluepaw helping Mothpaw. As they reached the top, Bluepaw turned to Mothpaw and said, "Jump." "What?" Mothpaw said. "I'll die!" "Trust me," Bluepaw said. Mothpaw hesitated then squeezed her eyes shut and leaped.

A vine caught her and lowered her to the ground, he yowls turning into squeals of excitement. Bluepaw jumped down next and the vine dropped her next to Mothpaw. mothpaw looke dup, gasping with excitement. "That was... wow!" Bluepaw grew a orchid in the ground i  front of Mothpaw. "Do you forgive me?"

"Of course! I was never going to stay mad at you, silly~"

"So we climbed that oak for nothing??"

Bluepaw ran at Mothpaw and they played, the sun warm on their backs and in their hearts.

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