Alpha's Second Chance (Edited...

By RozaStray

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After a brutal rejection and the terms of a curse that had plagued her family for generations. Alpha Ezra Kil... More



77 5 1
By RozaStray

It had been two weeks since my mating talk with Ezra and I had to admit things have changed slightly. I'm not avoided anymore and I'll gladly take this little win for now. Returning home from being at school wanting to relax in the living room. Only to find Liz and Zen literally eating each other's faces. Sighing I moved to the kitchen instead thinking it might be safer. How wrong I was when I spotted Luka sitting on the island with Zack between his legs. Making out just as heavily as the other two.

'Great no comfy plush couch to lay on and no kitchen table to use. Snacks are out of the question.' I growled to Faith in annoyance.

'Let them be we can hide away.' By the end I could hear her strong voice falter. I knew she wanted to be in Ezra's arms just as much as I did. It took everything in me not to run up to her office and demand attention on some days. But I promised to give her time to adjust and I was going to hold on to that promise. So I turned around heading for the stairs. Pausing when I heard Ez's voice.

"Liz!" Ezra stormed down the stairs looking annoyed.

"What's the matter?" Liz asked showing concern as Ez usually didn't show her irritation unless it was needed.

"My sweaters and shirts are missing I know you have a tendency to do my laundry when I am more than capable of doing it myself. Do you by chance know where they have disappeared to?" This was my cue to get out of sight. Trying my best to tiptoe past Ez without alerting her. "Kamille what are you doing?" Pausing mid-step to look at Ez with a smile.

"Who me? Um just passing through and heading for my room?" I could slap myself right now for how ridiculous I sounded right now. Who questioned their own actions? I just hoped she didn't realize that I had been the one to take her clothes. And that I was wearing one of said sweaters.

"And you do that by sneaking around slowly." The minute she took a step towards me I was caught. Laughing nervously I chanced a glance to the stairs before I bolted up them screaming. The adrenaline pumping through my system as I feared being captured by her. The sounds of stomping behind me only made me scramble up faster screaming my head off. Ignoring her demanding calls. Slipping into my room and slamming the door shut then locking it. For extra measure I pressed my entire body against the door. I wasn't expecting to hear the banging making me jump.

"Kamille open this door!"

"No!" I yelled back. 'This is why I kept telling you to put some back Faith!' I scolded my wolf.

'We are fine, our mate will understand if we tell them.' I wasn't sure if I could believe her. Now wasn't the time to find that out. I had bigger problems and possibly a pissed off mate who happens to be the Alpha.

"Why not?!" Came Ezra's muffled voice.


"That isn't an answer now open up!" My anxiety skyrocketing when more banging happened again. "Fine have it your way!" Hearing her stomp away to her room before slamming her door. I waited for a bit to see if the coast really was clear. Believing she had left I slowly pulled the door open to double check. Catching a flash of movement to the left but I was too slow to close the door. A foot wedged itself in the small crack I created allowing me to catch on to Ez's scent. Freaking out I screamed and bolted into the closet and closed that door.

"Enough with your hiding. You were caught now deal with the consequences." A low and commanding growl left her as she had cornered me in my room.

'Goddess that's sexy.' Faith chirped with a matching whine and was she right. I hadn't thought such a sound could make me weak. I also don't believe Ezra knew the effect of her growl or how it sounded. My thoughts were interrupted as I heard her move about my room followed by papers.

"If you fail science I will rip you out of your medical class by the collar." She still sounded annoyed but thoughtful at the same time. There was no doubt in my mind that this jerk yet sexy mate of mine would do just that. Maybe even enjoy it at the same time, I know I would if she did. My mouth is moving on its own and for once I had no clue as to what I said. My mind is too preoccupied with the thought of Ezra man-handling me. Hearing her speak again but this time I had to really focus to grasp what she was saying.

"Being tied down Raul was not something I could have imagined nor fathom. His gentle gaze not matching the cold dark one I was now staring up into. Shivering at the thought that tonight might be the night that he made me his. Made me the Luna of his pack." I can die of embarrassment right now after she read a passage from one of my books. So how was it that my mind still was on a whole other thought process. Wanting Ez to tie me down and have her fun with me. I now understood what she and the textbooks were talking about. The dire need to complete a bond and the longing you experience only doubles the longer it goes without being completed. My mind did eventually catch up with me as I found that I had literally climbed her at some point. Our faces coming close to one another. Enough that if I leaned in I could kiss her. Fighting with my desires and it telling me what was expected of me to do in this situation. Logic though told me now wasn't the time. I may be ready but Ez wasn't.

"Kamille if you may please get down. I'm not a tree."

"But I'm your koala, so naturally you're my tree." I pouted. A pained look crossed her features as she gently pried me off her. Her soft dismissal nearly missed as she hurried out of my room. Believing that I had pushed her a little too far I left her alone for the rest of the night. The next day I returned her clothes only for her to strike a deal with me. I was allowed to take one to two items at a time as long as I brought them back before if I wanted a different one. A tad bit happy that the incident didn't make her push me away again. Though it did eventually lead to me sneaking a few more items than promised again. Causing Ez to kick my door open demanding that I return most of what I had taken. I was glad that she wasn't forbidding me from borrowing her clothes. Because I enjoyed wearing what had her scent. It calmed me down and felt protected at school. I'd rather take her clothes than ask to sit in her office just to be close to her.

Sleeping was easier too when I slept in her shirt or sweater. I would get sweet dreams of her when I did. And sometimes it wandered to ones a little more lewd. Where I let the fantasy play out with one hand covering my mouth and the other under my underwear touching myself. I never had been with anyone sexually or wanted to be with anyone in that way. But when it came to Ezra I was utilizing everything I knew from the books I read to satisfy my craving. And it was no different like tonight. My imagination having created a scenario for me to dive into.

My door was kicked open to reveal a very devilishly half clothed Ezra. The soft light of the moon fluttering in from the window across the room to illuminate her. Water droplets falling from her long wet hair sparkled in the light. Her scent of fresh mint was raw and over powering the earthy smell of her body soap. Mouth watering from how good it smelt and how addicting it was to inhale. I slowly sat up in my bed watching her trying to hide how I found her attractive.

"Ezra? What's wrong?" My breathing coming out more like small pants. She didn't say a word but did enter my room silently making her way towards me. Crawling onto my bed at the foot of it before pining me in place. Still no word spoken as she gently pulled me into a kiss. Her other hand exploring my body and exposing it to the chill air. The heat from her hand felt like fire against me even if it wasn't touching my bare skin. Pulling up my silk and lace nightgown up to my hips. A moan was escaping from me when the kiss was deepened. Head becoming light from the lack of oxygen.

Sensing my need Ezra trailed her hot mouth down my neck in feather light kisses. Nipping lightly every so often drawing out gasps and sighs from me. Until she came to the spot where my neck and shoulder met. Biting down hard but it wasn't enough to break skin. I never felt her canines sink any further as if she was unsure if she wanted to go through with completing the bond. I was dying to bond with her, dying to make her mine and to become hers.

"Please Ezra... I need you." Though my pleas were taken differently as she slid her hand between my thighs. Feeling the growing arousal that pooled in my panties. A growl of approval had her ripping the only piece of clothing that put distance between my wet pussy and her. Fingers teasing my entrance had me rolling not only my eyes back but my head as well. Chest pushing up to hers as my back arched.

It was when she was about to slip a finger in me when an offending noise interrupted. Eyes springing open to see that I was alone. Groaning in annoyance I shut my alarm off and sat up in bed. Head in my hands as I felt frustrated from the wet dream. Sighing I got out of bed and jumped in a cold shower to wash away the sweat and smell of arousal from my body. Dressing in work-out clothing I headed downstairs silently as it was still early in the morning and most were asleep. Lately I had gone out on a run using the trails until it was time to head back for breakfast. Honestly I should be saying sneaked out but the little details don't really matter.

Reaching the trail as the cool morning breeze blew past me. Catching the scents of the pack members that had just taken the trail moments before I showed up. The sounds of birds singing their little hearts out. The trees rustling created a sense of calmness helping me to focus on my morning training. Shifting into my wolf just like how Ez taught me. After my first turn it was pretty hard for me to shift on demand. Ezra claims that due to Faith's and my bond being strained, that it might take a bit for me to shift whenever I wish. She had been working with me to mend the bridge to my wolf. I have made significant progress though I still had a long way to go. I can at least shift for about two hours before I am forced back into human form exhausted. Except on full moon nights, where our bond was the strongest allowing me to run around in wolf form as long as I pleased.

Taking a deep breath before exhaling slowly with my eyes closed. Thinking about what it felt like to have paws seeping into the earth below me. What it felt like to have a tail and ears flicking around at every tiny sound. Re-opening my eyes to notice the cold wet dirt smashing between my paw pads. Taking a step forward slowly as I tried to wrap my mind over how to walk again. No matter how often I managed to shift I couldn't get over the strange sensation. Following old forgotten paths this time around to test my reflexes. Jumping over fallen trees, dodging bushes as I picked up my pace into a full run. Trying to recreate the same fluid motion I watched Ezra had when she ran. Coming close to the pack border before deciding it was time to head back. What I wasn't expecting was to come across anyone this far out. The stench of fresh blood mixed with gun powder stilling me where I stood. Sounds of laughter and rough housing closing in to my location.

"Once we catch this beast then everyone has no choice but to believe us! Imagine the headlines, 'Hunters captured the last remaining dire wolf!'" A burly man exclaimed excitedly.

"I rather skin the creature and wear its pelt. We almost had it the last time, if only it wasn't so damn fast. I will take down that behemoth, I have never seen fur that was black as night but looked red in the sunlight. And did you see the eye color of the beast?" The second man that was tall and muscular with a clean cut beard scoffed out. He was dragging a deer by the antlers behind him.

"I know a few cats and dogs with two eye colors but not a wolf with a gold and red one." The first one agreed shouldering his rifle. Their presence was intimidating to say the least not including how they talked about Ezra in her wolf form. Backing away trying to keep out of sight only to misstep and break a twig with my back paw. Flinching away at having alerted the hunters.

"What was that?"

"It has to be the wolf!"

"Shut it moron you just let it know about our location!" Not wanting to be anywhere near them I bolted out of there as fast as I could. I didn't get far before being tackled down making me yelp in surprise. Two hands clamping down around my muzzle as a harsh familiar voice spoke in a whisper.

"Keep quiet. Another fucking sound would be the end for us both." Staring blankly at Alec who was peeking over the rock he hid us underneath. The hunter's stopping right above us.

"Shit we lost him again." The burly man kicked the ground hard enough to kick the dirt that sat on top blew off down past us. But he wasn't the problem, it was the second man that was quietly surveying his surroundings. Almost as if he knew we hadn't just disappeared. Thankfully Zack came to our rescue.

"You both are trespassing on private land. I suggest you turn around and return to your part of the woods. You don't belong here and hunting is prohibited on these lands. Take your kill before things get messy." Zack spoke calmly and clearly.

"Come on Mark, we don't need to get the dog's owner riled up again." After the hunter's finally left Alec let out a sigh and finally released me.

"You really do have a death wish to go against Alpha's orders." Alec leaned back on the rock and ran a hand through his hair. Scrambling to get back on all four of my paws to put some distance between me and Alec. I really didn't like being man-handled by him.

"Kamille." Zack began with a scolding tone causing me to flinch away at what was to come. "What the hell were you thinking? What if Alpha had found you instead or worse, what if we didn't get to you in time? You broke one of Alpha's important rules of running in these woods." Zack began pacing back and forth as he continued to mutter to himself.

"Calm down Zack, nothing drastic happened. Kamille sweetie can you change back for us please? It would be easier to get your side of the story without using the pack link. Alpha might overhear the conversation and we don't want her to flip out just yet." Liz appeared from behind a tree. Not wanting to push my luck I did as was asked. Sitting on the cold dirt with my head hung low. "Now tell us, what were you doing out here by yourself and as a wolf no less."

"I like to go on early morning runs. I always get back safely before Alpha wakes up, I'm sorry for breaking the rules. Please don't tell her, I'll do anything." I pleaded. Zack stopped his pacing to stand beside Liz staring at me in disbelief.

"You mean to tell us this wasn't your first time?! How long?" I sucked my bottom lip into my mouth, chewing on it. "Answer Kamille!" He growled.

"Two months!" Blurting out before closing my eyes from the shame. It was quiet for the longest time before Zack softly spoke again.

"I need to report this to Ez..." My head snapped up in fear of him telling her. If he did that who knows how pissed off Ez would be. Mate or not, I did the one thing she didn't want us to do. What if she actually rejected us this time. Faith whimpered in mirrored fear of losing our mate.

"No! Please Zack, I beg of you don't tell her!"

"Kamille this is serious, you could have died today. Ez must know if her mate was in danger. You are the Luna of this pack now. If something were to happen to you..." Zack trailed off as his face contorted with concern.

"We will figure this out but until then, Kamille you must not enter these woods without another with you." Liz sighed out. Alec was the only one to scoff from his spot on the floor.

"Listen if you tell Ez what happened here today you might as well plan for a funeral. She would stop to no end hunting those men down and kill them. You saw how she came home the last time she encountered those hunters. If we don't lose an Alpha we sure as hell will lose a Luna. The small amount of trust that has been built between them will be gone. Like everything we have done, out the window. Be a good Beta and stay quiet about this." It was weird hearing Alec side with me but it was more likely for the benefit of Ezra than for me.

"You make it sound as if Ez-"

"Would you put it past her? After her first rejection what was she trying to do for the first half of the year? You can't believe that half of those scars are from tangling with rogues. I know my sister, more importantly I know how twisted her mind has become after that rejection." Zack looked between me and Alec before sighing himself.

"Fine. But this must never happen again am I understood?" I quickly nodded. Relieved that Ez wouldn't know about this and that I would still have a mate. Walking back to the pack house in silence. There wasn't much to say nor did I want to really talk anyways. Alec started on breakfast while I helped set the table with Zack and Liz. Alec was nearly done cooking when Ezra made an appearance.

"Good to see you down here this early for breakfast." He commented as he set a plate of hash browns on the table. Ez grunted as she sat down and filled her plate with small helpings of food. Liz placed a mug in front of her as Zack set a stack of papers down as well. Ez seemed to only take notice of Zack asking him a question, reaching for the papers. I was mainly concerned on if Zack would keep his word. Tuning out their conversation until Ez pushed out of her chair.

"Only way to find out is to finish your meal. I leave in twenty." Everyone else seemed to scarf down their food in record time before cleaning their mess then running to their rooms. Confused I finished eating as well and cleaned up. Heading to my room to change. When I went downstairs I noticed everyone grouping up then piling into different cars leaving me to group up with Ezra. I wasn't going to complain but I could see why those for my group were a bit hesitant. Apparently the speed limit was just a suggestion for her as she was going nearly neck breaking speed. Following behind a state trooper who had to be going even faster so as to maintain a good distance from her. She only slowed down once we were coming to our exit. Taking in the city that was around us and the many people that walked the streets.

It was strange to see as I was only used to being cooped up in a house. Venturing out only to attend school then back home. We pulled into a large parking garage and managed to snag spots next to each other. My anxiety settled out the minute we parked and were able to get out. Alec made a few jabs at Ez who shot them back with ease and a smile. She pulled Zack in close to whisper something into his ear before she took off in a jog. A bit curious as to what was said but not enough to risk asking and have Zack blow me off.

"Kamille let's go! I don't want to miss out on cute clothing!" Annabell whined tugging on my arm. Smiling at her in matching excitement.

"Okay, okay!" Taking Annabell's hand and pulling her along. We entered the massive building to see the main entrance lined with flowing channels of water. Every so often there was a waterfall that flowed from a tall stone that gave a nice relaxing ambiance. Murals were painted on the walls of beautiful landscapes. Skylights strategically placed to bring in plenty of natural light. White tiled flooring that had dark grey speckles that sparkled in the sun. I couldn't believe my eyes at how breath taking this place was. To the point that I didn't even pay attention to how busy the place was. Or how close both Alec and Zack had stuck to me.

The further into the building the more it opened up to the point one of the members called out about checking a shop close by. Turning to see a girl that I had no idea what her name was, she was a year older than me and very cute that I knew of. With her shoulder length purple hair, freckles that dotted across her nose. Very outgoing and one of Ezra's rising top warriors. Unlike most of the members that aged out she chose to stay in the pack house. But that wasn't what stood out to me. It was the fact that Ez was close to her. Becoming jealous when Ez would shuffle her hair in praise or laugh at her jokes. Ez reassured me there wasn't anything going on between them. I however thought otherwise. They had to have some sort of history be it recent or in the past. Not with the way Ezra treated some of her members. Especially those of the same gender.

Tuning back into reality as we neared the shop. Not finding the shop of any interest since it was more of a trinket shop, I decided to wait outside. Standing off to the side of the entrance while I waited. I was caught off guard when Alec leaned against the wall beside me. I wasn't expecting him to be my guard while I waited. At times it was a bit weird when he would take the role of guardian. Only because I couldn't tell if he actually liked me or not. In honesty, to me it felt as if it was his years of training kicking in to watch over those weaker. We stood there in silence. Me with my head down trying to look smaller and uninteresting. Alec was busy surveying the area around us for any threats.

After what felt like forever the others came out in search of their next store. Liz did make a suggestion that we check out the biggest clothing store across the mall. So that everyone could grab a few new items. In their excitement they all maneuvered around the growing crowd. Easily leaving me behind with Zack and Alec. Which was fine, it allowed me to try to improve my senses. Sniffing out the many choices of food from the food court. As delicious as it smelled it was still overwhelming. Rubbing at my nose to clear it out and retry again.

Catching onto a new smell. It was strange at first with its spicy scent. Like a cooked red pepper before fusing into an ashy one. Searching around for the source to find a group of men. All leering at passing women. The hair at the back of my neck stood on end as I watched them. Collectively they smelt like fire and smoke. They definitely weren't from our pack as those who came from ours smelt more like fruits and the earth. Logging that thought for later to ask Ezra about. The closer we got the further I blended myself against Alec and Zack. Knowing they would keep us all safe even if most of our group were a few steps ahead of us.

"Why not come play with us kitten. I bet you will have a better time than shopping." One of the guys reached out and grabbed Annabell by her arm.

"Let go of me." She snapped back and tried to pull away from the guy. There was no success as the guy wasn't going to take that answer from her. Feeling my wolf grow angry from it all that I unknowingly stepped in.

"Get your filthy hands off her mutt." Growling as I reached out for Annabell only to be pulled back.

"Well look it here boys, it seems it's our lucky day. Two pretty girls want to entertain us." Glaring at my captor with disgust. How dare he put his hands on me.

"Let them go James. Killick will not be pleased you are touching his pack." Zack barked as he prepared for a fight. Hands balling at his side while he stood tall.

"Ah they belong to the wannabe Alpha. That changes everything, thank you for pointing it out Beta." The man named James laughed out. Alec was the first to move. Pulling Annabell away from the guy that grabbed her. Catching the guy off guard enough to shove him away. Zack moved to do the same but was stopped with a snap of fingers. Hooded men came out of nowhere and pinned both Zack and Alec down to the ground. With small silver pocket blades pressed to their necks.

"It is a great shame that you'll be returning to your so-called Alpha in pieces."

"You're making a mistake James." Zack warned causing those passing by to stop and stare. Starting to form a circle around us slowly. I had to control my breathing as I realized how big the crowd was getting. I didn't need to hyperventilate in front of all these people. Especially in front of this guy who was holding me as if I was his prize to claim. I was no one's prize and most importantly the only one who can hold me like this was my mate.

"Keep an eye on them, I don't want any interruptions." In no way was I going to let this creep do anything to me. I began to struggle against him the best I could. If I could break free I can get help. Maybe even run into Ezra along the way.

"Hey asshole! You lay another finger on her and I'll rip your throat out with my teeth!" Zack yelled out as he got the upper hand on his captor. James turned his full attention on Zack by letting me go. An arm snaked around my shoulders having me look up to see Ezra. She pressed a finger to her lips with a smile as she looked me over, making sure I was unharmed. She then moved to intertwine our hands when she glanced to the others.

I was too lost in awe of her that I ignored everything that was being said. Just relishing in her strong presence and how well our hands fit together. The warmth from her hand leading my thoughts to more lewd ones. I was then dragged away from our spot through a door that lead to an empty hallway. Seeing it was a hallway that lead to shops outside. Assuming this was the back entrance to the for employees along with emergency routes. Curious as to why she brought me here I spoke up.

"Is the coast clear Alpha?" Seeing her visibly jump at my voice. She glanced at me briefly before turning back to the door that had a little window.

"Where did you come from?" Obviously confused on why I was with her.

"What do you mean? You were the one to drag me with you." There was a scream followed by a stampede of girls rushing at us.

"Shit." Ez quickly threw me over her shoulder before running to the nearest staircase. Heading all the way to the roof before I was put down. Watching as she frantically looked around before pulling me again behind the little building that we came out of and pressed me against the wall. Carefully she peaked over the wall quietly mumbling to herself. Annoyance very prominent on her features. Our situation slowly sunk in. The first time I met her she was hiding away from the other girls that fought for her attention. And now she was running from the group that funneled onto the roof. Without thinking I grabbed her face and turned it towards me.

"Sorry Ez but this might get them to back off." Pulling her hair out of its tie so it flowed completely down over her shoulders. Messing with the buttons on her collared shirt to show a bit of skin. I then stripped her of her jacket before slipping into it myself. "There, now kiss me."

"I'm sorry what?" She squeaked too loudly most likely alerting the others of our hiding spot. Rolling my eyes before yanking her down by the front of her shirt into a kiss. Ez tensed at the simple action. As if her brain suddenly came to a halt and decided to stop working.

"To make it believable you need to put a bit more effort than just being an uncooked noodle." That seemed to jump start her brain as she wrapped an arm around my waist. Though my attention was focused on the girls that peeked past the wall. Their disgusted noises and comments falling on deaf ears as they left. A hand burying into my hair holding me in place while the other pulled at my waist. Just as I was going to pull away Ez pulled me closer to her by my waist. But had my upper back pressed against the wall still. It felt as if she was having a hard time deciding whether she wanted me close or not.

She tilted her head a little more before snaking her tongue into my mouth. My brain fried from the overstimulation that I didn't try fighting her. Not that I wanted to as this was the most contact she had given me willingly. What was that saying? Don't give a mouse a biscuit or something like that. Well at this moment I am that said mouse. And I sure as hell am going to take the biscuit. To prove that I belong at her side. That just because I can't fight that doesn't make me weak. I will gladly take what Ez had to give and then some. Ezra was going to be mine one way or another.

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