Super Dragon Ball X Male Read...

By Electrivire56

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Continuation from, Dragon Ball Z (Redone) x MaleReader... Y/n Zhero's journey continues... More

Chapter 1 : So, What's new?
Chapter 2 : World Martial Arts Tournament
Chapter 3 : It's been Seven Years! Goku returns
Chapter 4 : Junior Division, time for the new gen to shine!
Chapter 5 : Trunks, Goten, and Hope, Enter; The New Generation of Saiyans
Chapter 6 : Besties
Chapter 7 : Seventeen years of trauma! Gohans Unrepentant Anger
Chapter 8 : The goal to bring forth the ultimate warrior, Majin Buu
Chapter 9 : Enter, Majin Vegeta
Chapter 10 : The proud Saiyan; Y/n Vs The King of the Demon realm; Dabura
Chapter 11 : The birth of the ultimate warrior, Enter; Majin Buu
Chapter 12 : A Once In A LifeTime Teamup! Y/n, Goku, and Vegeta Vs Majin Buu
Chapter 13 : Selfless Sacrifice... bye Vegeta...
Chapter 14 : An Unhinged Majin! Peak Majin Buu!
Chapter 16: Gathering! For the final battle! Fusion!
Chapter 17 : Enter; The Ultimate Super Saiyan!
Chapter 18 : The True Power Of The New Generation! Gotenks!
Chapter 19 : Once More, for the Earth! Goku, Vegeta, and Y/n Vs Majin Buu!
Chapter 20 : The True Ultimate Warrior! Enter; Son Gohan
Chapter 21 : The day is saved... Thanks again, Son Gohan...

Chapter 15 : More than ever, we need you, Son Gohan!

274 17 0
By Electrivire56

They all entered the hyperbolic time chamber, taking a moment to catch their breath before the door behind them vanished into thin air.

Trunks: What the hell?!

Hope: The door disappeared! Something must have gone wrong. The king is in danger.

Trunks: Dad... Why would you... Ugh, damn it!

Goten: What do we do now?

Hope: I don't know...

Suddenly, Gohan snapped awake, his eyes wide open as he scanned their surroundings.

Gohan: Dad... What happened? Where is everyone? And where's Buu?

Gohan noticed the pained expression on Goten's face; it was clear that his brother wanted to cry. Trunks looked away, struggling to hold back his emotions.

Hope: Your dad disappeared... My dad is gone... And King Vegeta, I think he sacrificed himself.

Trunks: We can't say that for sure! Maybe... Maybe he's still alive...

Hope: Trunks...

Gohan collapsed to his knees, staring at his bruised and bloodied hands.

Hope: We're in the hyperbolic time chamber, at least we made it in.

Goten: Wait, really?!

Trunks: I thought it would be more spacious in here.

Gohan: If we stay inside for more than two years... we'll be trapped.

Hope: That was the point. I thought I wouldn't be able to enter again, since I've already spent my two years here.

Goten: This is actually kind of cool. We can train and get stronger, so when they find a way to get us out, we'll be ready.

Gohan paid no attention to his brother's words, instead, his mind fixated on the emptiness that lied ahead. Without a word, he started walking towards it aimlessly.

Hope: Doesn't he know there's nothing out there?

Trunks: He should.

Goten: Hey! Gohan! Where are you going?!

Gohan: ... It's sad that you haven't realized it yet, Hope... There is no way to escape from here, and with the four of us, I doubt the food will even last a single year... But if it's just the three of you, there's a chance the food will last well over a year before it finally runs out...

The kids were shocked by Gohan's words.

Meanwhile back on Earth

Syxteen, and Marron were at the tournament playing with a beach ball when a pink beam came flying down towards them, Maron quickly jumped in to protect them, and as a result she was turned into a chocolate bar.

Syxteen: Momma!

Majin Buu landed in the middle of the tournament grounds shocking everybody. They heard of Majin Buu from the news, but they believe Hercule defeated him off, camera.

Majin Buu: I've defeated your champion, Hercule ... I am now the champion of earth, now as your champion, I ask for your help in supporting my cause to become the ultimate warrior!

The place was silent, the destruction from Vegeta already placed people on edge. Eighteen quickly leaped off from the bleachers landing in the arena in front of Majin Buu. Yamcha grit his teeth and joined her.

Android 18: You're gonna die for what you did, you bastard!

Majin Buu looked at Eighteen quizzically before finally realising.

Majin Buu: Oh... you are Android 18, the wife of Krillin... i hope you're are here to join your husband as he as well is supporting my course to become ultimate warrior.

Android 18: D-don't you dare say, his name!

Yamcha: Um... Eighteen, I don't we should, really-

Android 18: -Shut up!

Android 18 exploded forward and delivered a kick that sent Buu shooting into the crowd, she continue forward after Buu not leaving him be. Majin Buu quickly recovered and then retaliated with a roundhouse kick then axe handle slam that sent Eighteen crashing into the ring.

Majin Buu: I have defeated you... therefore I believe I am eligible to absorb you, am I correct? Unless you're choosing to fight on, which is stupid, you're nothing compared to me, I'm soon to be the ultimate warrior.

Marron: Momma!

Syxteen who was beyond enraged at what he witnesses exploded from his spot, and tackled Buu in the stomach effortlessly. Buu stuttered back by an inch, before grinning and then gutting the boy in the stomach.

Majin Buu: Oh- oh! That outburst, that power... obviously nothing compared to mine, but with the knowledge I have, that is similar to the potential of Son Gohan, when angered an untameable power is revealed, I need that, I need that, and since I've defeated you, I get that!

Majin Buu shot forward a candy beam toward Syxteen who was knocked out, just before the beam could hit, Yamcha's spirit ball attack knocked the attack away.

Yamcha: I don't think so, If you want to absorb someone, then absorb-

A pink beam shot at Yamcha, and he was turned into candy.

Majin Buu: So nice of you too offer, I really don't like absorbing before I've defeated you, but you offered. Now, my prize.

Android 18 launched towards Majin Buu and quickly he snatched her with a part of his body.

Majin Buu: Doing this should be more useful than shooting beams at you...

Majin Buu snatched Syxteen and absorbed him. Afterwards he absorbed Eighteen, a surge of power released within him.

Majin Buu: Not much of a change, but with Saiyan cells now in my body, I should be capable of outputing extraordinary amount of power... time to absorb the rest of this messily planet!

Inside the hyperbolic Time Chamber

Tears welled up in Goten's eyes as he ran after his brother, stumbling and tripping in the high gravity of the chamber. Despite his struggle, Goten pushed forward and grabbed onto Gohan's leg.

Goten: G-Gohan...

Feeling his brother's touch, Gohan quickly transformed into a Super Saiyan, blowing Goten off him with a powerful force. Goten went flying back, leaving Hope and Trunks unable to do anything but watch.

Gohan: Stop it, Goten...

As Gohan continued walking into the void, a sudden surge of lightning enveloped Goten. A stream of light shot through the chamber, and when Gohan turned around, he found Goten standing tall, his hair lifted up and blond. However, this transformation only lasted for a second before Goten calmed down, similar to Trunks.

Goten: -Stop!... P-please-

Gohan: Does anyone even know we're here?

Goten: M-Mr. Vegeta does...

Sighing at the vision of attacking Vegeta, Gohan reluctantly continued walking forward.

Goten: W-wait... Dad might... You said he was amazing, and that he could do anything!

Gohan continues to walk, ignoring his brother's words. Goten falls to his knees, unable to bring his brother back.

Goten:... C-come back...

As Goten's tears hit the void, Gohan suddenly stops.

The words from Goten sound all too familiar to him, and his mind races back to the memory of his father leaving him. He remembers how he felt in that moment, and his heart sinks. Gohan turns around and races towards his brother, embracing him in a tight hug.

Gohan:... I-i was about to... I'm so sorry...

Goten: Gohan... It's... It's okay... I believe in you... And I've got an idea!

Hope and Trunks notice that everything has settled and fly towards the two, curious to see what Goten is about to demonstrate to Gohan.

Gohan: A dance? A dance that can join two people together?

Goten: Y-yeah! I remember some details about the joining.

Goten demonstrates the dance to Gohan, but he doesn't remember all the moves, so he makes some mistakes.

Hope: T-that was a bit ridiculous.

Trunks: Tell me about it.

Goten: That's only because I didn't remember all the specific details of the dance. I just recall dad mentioning something about angles.

Suddenly something hits Gohan.

Gohan: Angles?!

A familiar memory rings to Gohans mind.

Goku: Come, Y/n, .... not so bad, easy.

Y/n: I literally forgot ....

Goku: Don't worry, you just have to remember, stance, mirror of one another, index and then boom! minutes before it wears off.

Y/n: 30 minutes?

Goku: stance, image of one another, fingers converged and fused.

Vegeta: 45 degrees, mirrors image of one another, fingers converged and fused.

Y/n: I'm gonna be honest with you guys, my brain isn't getting any of that.

Gohan snaps back into reality and looks towards the boys.

Gohan: Hold on a sec! I think I got it!

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