You Look Like Me - A Dramione...

By Anniartist39

124 7 1

Raising a child alone isn't easy, especially when that child looks more and more like their mother every day... More

Four Years Later
First Stops - Australia & Rome
Pelmenis and pancakes - Russia
Cosette - Paris
HERMIE!!!!!! - Canada


14 2 1
By Anniartist39



"Hermie?" Draco looked down to his son petting a... is that a dog?

"Um... hello" The surprised woman stated "are you his father?"

"What?" Draco asked in surprise

"The boy... Hermie, was it? I saw him walking all alone on the path, looking around before he suddenly ran up and hugged my legs, calling me mommy... don't you realize how dangerous it is to have a child roam about the park alone like that? What is he, two?" the woman suddenly lectured

"Four years, one month, two weeks, and five days, actually" Draco stated as he slowly made his way up to the frustrated woman

"Oh... that's oddly specific"

"I mean, it's been that long since- where have you been?"

"I-I beg your pardon?" she asked in shock

"Hermione, Do you Realize How Long We've Been Searching For You?"

"I-I'm sure I don't know what you mean"

"Your name is Hermione Jean Granger, is it not?"

"... yyyes... how do you know that?"

"Thirty-three years old? Natural fuzzy hair? Eyes as golden and warm as honey?"

"Seriously, how do you know all of that? Were- w-were You Stalking Me?"

"The scar on your arm... it spells Mudblood... doesn't it?"

Hermione suddenly became very serious as she subconsciously placed her hand over her covered arm "Who the hell are you?" she whispered through gritted teeth

"It's me... Draco Malfoy" with that, he pulled the chain out from under his sweater and shirt, holding up the female ring on the chain, next to the male ring still on his hand "... your husband"

Hermione's jaw dropped... husband? She wasn't married, or at least, not that she remembered.... But- no. no, there MUST be some mistake "I-I'm sorry, but- y-you MUST be mistaken, I-I mean... I-I'm not married, I-"

"Mione... I'd recognize you in a crowd of millions. Heck, the entire Ministry could Polyjuice themselves into you, and I'd STILL recognize you... you could change your hair, eyes, skin color, or even your SEX, but I'd STILL be able to recognize you... Mione..."

"N-no... no you MUST be mistaken!" she said again "I-I mean, I-"

"*EEEK* *GIGGLE* DADDY!!! DADDY HELP!!!" Hermie squealed and giggled as the small white dog was suddenly on top of the toddler and licking all over his face

"Hermione" she turned to look at the blond man before her "is there somewhere more private... and preferably warmer, that we can go to continue this conversation?"

Hermione's jaw dropped as she began trying to come up with an answer "I-I, uh... s-sure, um... I mean... would you like to come home with me?"

"Home?" he asked in confusion

"Of course... I live here, after all"


"To answer your question from earlier..." Draco began as Hermione unlocked and opened the door for the three (and the dog) to enter "I didn't let him run free... he saw the park, let go of my hand, and ran away... I immediately ran after him, nearly getting hit by multiple cars as I crossed the street, and began searching for him the second I entered the park"

"Well that doesn't make much sense" Hermione said in confusion as she took the leash of the small dog to let him run free in the apartment "I mean... you said he's four, right? That park is a Nature Reserve... mainly used for joggers, dog walkers, and 4H groups... there're no big toys, or sandpits, or petting zoos, or anything like that for littles... does your little boy have a fascination with nature?" she asked as the two adults sat on the couch

"No, actually... not really... although he has been asking to go to the park nearly every day since we've been here"

"Huh... that IS weird" Hermione pondered "Um... little boy-"

"His name is Hermie" Draco said softly with a smile "I named him after you... his mother"

"R-right, um... Hermie?"

Hermie looked up from the dog, got to his feet, and ran over to the woman

"Um... your daddy tells me that you ran away from him to come to the park"

"I'm sorry" Hermie pouts

"Can you tell me why you would do such a thing? That was very dangerous... you could have been hit by a car... or snatched away"

"I just... I wanted to see you, Mommy"

Both adults looked at the child in shock

"What did you just say?" Draco asked

"I wanted to see Mommy" he quickly jumped up and wrapped his arms around the woman "I missed you"

"U-uh, um... Mr. Draco?" Hermione asked perplexed

"Hermie" Draco started, pulling the boy onto his lap "why don't you go play with the puppy, alright? Me and... mommy, have to talk"

"Okay. I love you Mommy" and with that, the little ran off

"U-um... I don't recall ever being a mother"

Draco looked at her in shock before narrowing his eyes at her "What, DO you remember?"

"U-uh... how far back are we talking?"

"Four years, one month, two weeks, and five days ago"

"U-uh... *sigh* look, I'm just going to be honest with you... My earliest memory is waking up in the hospital, covered in cuts, scrapes, burns, and blood... three and a half years ago"

"WHAT?!" Draco jumped to his feet

"There was a car accident, or at least, that's what they tell me... I was in the car with my parents, on the way to an ultrasound appointment when my father suddenly swerved to miss hitting a baby moose crossing the road... the car rolled down the hill until it hit a tree, causing the car to catch on fire... I was the only one to survive... I lost my parents... I lost my baby... and after that, Toni barely touches me anymore, and started sleeping in his own room... I think he blames me for losing the baby"

Draco was furious "Who the hell is Toni?"

"My boyfriend" she answered, looking confused "I told you, I'd lost my baby... you can't really make a child on your own, now, can you?"

"Your What?!?" he asked in anger, confusion, and hurt

"Draco, I told you... I don't have any of my earlier memories... Toni was the one who came and identified me in the hospital... I didn't even know my own NAME at the time... Toni came and got me, and told me who I was and what happened... when we got home, he TRIED to have things go back to normal, but... I guess it eventually became too much for him because he suddenly began pulling away... sleeping in a different room... he won't even kiss me anymore..." she tried to fight the tears before Draco gently lifted and turned her face to him

"Hermione, now you listen, and you listen good... you are Hermione Jean Malfoy... maiden name, Granger... you are my wife. Your parents ARE alive and doing quite well as dentists in Australia. And your baby... he is perfect, healthy, and just turned four years old" the two adults looked to the little playing on the floor "I don't know WHO this Toni guy is, but he's lying to you. I mean, has he ever even told you he loves you? Because I will... because I do... I love you, Hermione Jean Granger... you and only you. You are my wife. The love of my life... you are the mother of my child... of our son."

"But, Toni-"

"Ugh! ENOUGH With This TONI ALREADY!!! HE Is Not Your Husband... I AM! Do You Realize How LONG I've Been Searching For You?! FOUR YEARS, HERMIONE! IT'S BEEN FOUR YEARS SINCE NEARLY EVERYONE GAVE UP ON YOU BEING ALIVE!!! IT'S BEEN FOUR YEARS SINCE THEY ACTUALLY HELD YOUR FUNERAL!!! IT'S BEEN FOUR YEARS SINCE YOU WERE TAKEN FROM US!!!" Draco shouted desperately, not even bothering to stop the tears flowing from his eyes "... it's been four years since I last held you... since I last kissed you... since I last even touched you... Hermione... please, don't push me away"

"Draco, I-"


"Who was that?" Draco asked, standing defensively in front of his love... he knew that voice




"Hermie, come here" Draco called out, quickly grabbing his son and turning to his wife "Hermione, I need you to tell me the truth... what is Toni's real name?"


"Antonin... Dolohov"



"where's a bathroom?"

"wha-, uh, right here"


"Hermie, I want you to stay in the bathtub, and cover your ears, okay?" Draco asked as he placed the little in the tub. Once the child had his ears covered, Draco pulled the shower curtain to block his full view

"Draco, what's going on?"


"Hermione, listen to me... your so-called boyfriend is bad news... dangerous even"



"I'm not going anywhere without you, but he can't know we are here... go open the door like you were just in the bathroom, I'll flush the toilet to make it believable... I will protect you, Hermione"

"Okay" with that, Draco flushed the toilet


Hermione quickly ran out of the bathroom


And quickly ran to the door


"Toni! Um, sorry love, I-I was in the bathroom... didn't even have time to wash my hands" she folded her arms in annoyance

Toni rolled his eyes before putting the grocery bags on the table "Hurry and put these away, woman... I'm starved"

"Y-yes Toni"

"You're lucky you answered when you did... I wouldn't want to give you, yet another reason to be wearing that precious turtleneck you love so much" he mocked as Hermione quickly began putting the groceries away. He rolled his eyes as he turned to grab the remote- when he stopped "Hermione... who's here?"

"What?" Hermione asked in shock

Antonin stood up furious, walked over to the table, and SLAMMED the child-sized shoes down, causing Hermione to jump in a startle "you would DARE bring a child into MY HOUSE after YOU went and KILLED MY CHILD?!?!?!?!"

"N-NO! No, You Misunderstand!!!"

"Misunderstand? Then Have My FEET Suddenly SHRUNK?! Or Have YOURS?!?!?!"

"I-it's not like that, see, there was this little boy at the park, and-"

"A boy?" he began looking around "where is he?" he asked as he began walking towards the hallway


He turned to her in anger

"N-No, Th-the Little Boy... He Left His Shoes, And... W-well, H-his Mother Is A Frequent Customer, So... I-I-I brought them back to give to her... tomorrow"

"And that's why they were on the floor? UNDER THE COFFEE TABLE?!?!?!" he growled before rushing toward the hall again

"NO!!! ANTONIN! PLEASE!!!" Hermione shouted with tear in her eyes as she grasped onto his arm to try and pull him away

"GET OFF ME B*TCH..." he threw her off, causing her to fall to the floor before he began stalking towards her and pulled out his wand "before I kill you myself"

"T-Toni?" Hermione whimpered in shock



"AAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!" Hermione screamed as Antonin was suddenly thrown against the opposite wall, completely knocking him out

Draco sighed in relief before bending down, grabbing the dropped wand, snapping it in half, and shoving it in his pocket "Hermione, common, we have to go"


"Look, Mione, there's no time. We have to get somewhere safe before the rest of the deatheaters come as backup"


"I'LL EXPLAIN LATER!!!" Draco shouted as he picked up the little dog and shoved him in Hermione's arms in a rush "BECAREFUL OF HIS BACK!"

"Trust me, Mione, that's no ordinary dog... get to the bathroom with Hermie... I'll be right there"

Hermione side-eyed him before rushing to the bathroom. Draco waited until she was safe before pointing his wand to the blacked-out man "Petrify" there was NO WAY he was going to let this monster wake up to hurt the love of his life again "obliviate" or even remember she was there in the first place. Having done that, he quickly ran to the bathroom, grabbed his son and his wife (and by connection, the dog), and quickly apparated away to safety



Hi Guys!!!! Artiste here...

Okay, so first off I want to take the time to THANK YOU for reading this story up to this point AND for all the comments... as an Author, it makes me feel REALLY good to read your feedback.

Second... the actual reason for this note... Summer of 2023 is over guys... and that means, in TWO DAYS (8/28/2023), I'll be starting my first day back at University for my Senior year (FINALLY!!!!). However, this means I WON'T be able to update as often as before, so please be understanding... I'll TRY to update when I can, but, this being my Senior year, ALL of my classes and assignments are going to be very important and time-consuming... not to mention I'm STILL going to be working, as well as have some after school activities... so I guess you could say that, basically... this and all of my other stories will be on a sort of Hiatus.

Thank you all for your understanding, and I PROMISE I'll try to update whenever I can... even if it's just once or twice until graduation.

Anyway, WISH ME LUCK! And I'll wish the same for you <3

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