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"Hermie?" Draco looked down to his son petting a... is that a dog?

"Um... hello" The surprised woman stated "are you his father?"

"What?" Draco asked in surprise

"The boy... Hermie, was it? I saw him walking all alone on the path, looking around before he suddenly ran up and hugged my legs, calling me mommy... don't you realize how dangerous it is to have a child roam about the park alone like that? What is he, two?" the woman suddenly lectured

"Four years, one month, two weeks, and five days, actually" Draco stated as he slowly made his way up to the frustrated woman

"Oh... that's oddly specific"

"I mean, it's been that long since- where have you been?"

"I-I beg your pardon?" she asked in shock

"Hermione, Do you Realize How Long We've Been Searching For You?"

"I-I'm sure I don't know what you mean"

"Your name is Hermione Jean Granger, is it not?"

"... yyyes... how do you know that?"

"Thirty-three years old? Natural fuzzy hair? Eyes as golden and warm as honey?"

"Seriously, how do you know all of that? Were- w-were You Stalking Me?"

"The scar on your arm... it spells Mudblood... doesn't it?"

Hermione suddenly became very serious as she subconsciously placed her hand over her covered arm "Who the hell are you?" she whispered through gritted teeth

"It's me... Draco Malfoy" with that, he pulled the chain out from under his sweater and shirt, holding up the female ring on the chain, next to the male ring still on his hand "... your husband"

Hermione's jaw dropped... husband? She wasn't married, or at least, not that she remembered.... But- no. no, there MUST be some mistake "I-I'm sorry, but- y-you MUST be mistaken, I-I mean... I-I'm not married, I-"

"Mione... I'd recognize you in a crowd of millions. Heck, the entire Ministry could Polyjuice themselves into you, and I'd STILL recognize you... you could change your hair, eyes, skin color, or even your SEX, but I'd STILL be able to recognize you... Mione..."

"N-no... no you MUST be mistaken!" she said again "I-I mean, I-"

"*EEEK* *GIGGLE* DADDY!!! DADDY HELP!!!" Hermie squealed and giggled as the small white dog was suddenly on top of the toddler and licking all over his face

"Hermione" she turned to look at the blond man before her "is there somewhere more private... and preferably warmer, that we can go to continue this conversation?"

Hermione's jaw dropped as she began trying to come up with an answer "I-I, uh... s-sure, um... I mean... would you like to come home with me?"

"Home?" he asked in confusion

"Of course... I live here, after all"


"To answer your question from earlier..." Draco began as Hermione unlocked and opened the door for the three (and the dog) to enter "I didn't let him run free... he saw the park, let go of my hand, and ran away... I immediately ran after him, nearly getting hit by multiple cars as I crossed the street, and began searching for him the second I entered the park"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2023 ⏰

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