HERMIE!!!!!! - Canada

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 "Alright, Hermie... are you ready?" Draco asked as he covered his little's eyes

"Daddy... I can't see!" Hermie giggled as Draco led them forward into the gift shop... as much as he hated to admit it, there WERE some perks to the kid not knowing how to read.

Passerby's smiled and chuckled at the display of the obviously loving father leading his child to a wonderful surprise

"Okay Hermie, are you ready?" Draco asked

"YES!!!" Hermie giggled

"Okay, on the count of three... one... two..."

"THREE!!!!" Hermie shouted as Draco lifted his hands. Hermie gasped in awe shock "A MOOSE! A MOOSE!!!" the child quickly grabbed the fluffy stuffed toy before looking around the giftshop "DADDY! DADDY! A LEAF! A LEAF!!!" then the little's jaw dropped at noticing the red and white flag hanging on the wall. Hermie quickly turned to face Draco "Daddy... are we in Canada?"

"Eh" Draco smirked. Hermie SQUEALED before jumping onto Draco's legs for a hug in excitement. Draco laughed at his little's expression... so much like Hermione... Draco cleared his throat before crouching down to be at eye level with his child "Now Hermie, this here is a very special trip... this stop is just for you and me, okay? There won't be anyone else we know here like at all the other places, so we have to be careful how we talk and how we act... we don't know who is muggle and who is wizard, so we have to pretend we don't know anything about magic, alright?"

Hermie's head nodded as their smile grew wide "Can We Go To The Park?!"

Draco blinked in surprise... the park? He would have thought Herms would prefer the zoo, or to see a hockey game, or go ice skating, heck, even a nature hike, but... the park? "Maybe later" Draco ruffled his little's hair "For right now though, I want you to pick out any toy or souvenir you'd like, okay?"


"Really really"

Hermie SQUEALED in delight as Draco quickly grabbed a cart to hold the stuffed moose, the stuffed goose, the stuffed bear, the ranger hat, the hockey jersey, the stuffed beaver, and the MANY keychains Herms picked out... 'I swear, Herms picked one of each' Draco thought with a smile. By the time they had to pay, the cart was LOADED

"Oh, You Are A-DORABLE!!! What's Your Name, Cutie?" the saleslady asked as she smiled as Herms

"I'M HERMIE! I'M FOUR!!! I'M IN CANADA!!!!" Hermie squealed, unable to contain the excitement

"Indeed You Are" the woman cooed "And you Know what? I have a SPECIAL Treat for you- as long as that's okay with Daddy?" she asked, glancing at Draco for permission. Draco nodded his approval and the lady reached under the counter before handing Hermie a small, handheld Canadian flag.

Hermie looked at it in complete awe before beginning to wave it around excitedly "A FLAG! A FLAG! LOOK, DADDY! I'VE GOT A FLAG!!!!"

I see that Hermie" Draco smiled down at the toddler as he finished paying for all their purchases

"Here's your change. Thank You for Shopping With Us" the woman greeted

"Thank you. Common Hermie, say goodbye, we have to get to our hotel reservations" Draco stated as he picked the little up with one hand, and carried the bags and luggage with the other

"BYE PRETTY LADY!!!" Hermie shouted, grasping the flag in a wave

"Bye Hermie! Enjoy Your Stay In Canada!" the lady greeted cheerfully

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