Kung Fu Panda: Crane x Snow L...

By catharina_2005

14.5K 340 20

It all started in the Valley of Void, close to the border of Mongolia, but still on Chinese grounds. And at t... More

Abandoned at the Door
The Onyx Palace
Unwanted and Banished
A New Home
S1: The Princess and the Po
S1: Bad Po
S1: The Kung Fu Kid
S1: Has-Been Hero
KFP2: Musician's Village
KFP2: To Gongmen City
KFP2: Captured
KFP2: Lord Shen
KFP2: The Truth
KFP2: China's Downfall
KFP2: China's Victory
S2: The Po Who Cried Ghost
S2: Master and the Panda
S2: Present Tense
S2: The Secret Museum of Kung Fu
S2: Momma Told Me Not to Kung Fu
S3: Spiritual Captivity
S3: Leopard on the Loose
KFP3: Jombies
KFP3: Kai the Chi Collecter
KFP3: The Plan
KFP3: Battle in the Spirit Realm
KFP3: The Power of Chi

KFP3: Teacher Po

283 6 0
By catharina_2005

"Are you ready?" Daiyu smirked as she and Crane prepared themselves

"More than ever" Crane grinned as he put on his hat

They all got ready and that was when Po got outside and kicked the door open, being all excited and thrilling as he yelled

"Justice is about to be served!"

He launched himself in the air, followed by the Six, leaving the palace and running down the mountain towards the village. Po doing all sorts of cool moves in the air as the Six parkour over the houses and buildings

All what went through their veins was adrenaline and excitement

They watched as Po shot himself into the air from a tree and kick a cloud in half, before speeding back down while yelling happily

The seven of them then stroke a pose when they landed, at Ping's Noodle Shop. Po spoke

"We'll have two Justice Platters, please"

"Um, three" Monkey said, Po nodding and correcting himself


"And a few tofu buns" Crane added as Daiyu nodded and Po ordered some more

"Oh, the spicy noodle soup for Tigress. Did you want extra sauce with that?" Po asked as he glanced at Tigress

"She wants it on the side" Monkey added as Tigress nodded

"On the side"

"On the side" Po nodded

As they ate, Po ran past the crowd of villagers and gave them all a high five while running, hearing them chant and cheer for him

"Go, Dragon Warrior! You can do it!"

"Go, Dragon Warrior!"

"Defend the valley!"

And then after their meal, they had back to the Jade Palace and found themselves jumping straight into the training yard, leaving only Po striking a pose. All while everyone was just standing

"You guys aren't doing the Dramatic Pose, are you?" Po smirked while posing and panting

"Do we have to strike a pose every time we land?" Mantis asked

"You guys, never underestimate the power of a dramatic entrance. I've heard about some masters who can win a fight just by throwing open a door" Po said as he attempted to kick open the door of the training hall, but stopped right on time as he nearly kicked Shifu in the face

"Dramatic entrance?" Shifu asked with a grin as Po gulped

"Master Shifu"

Shifu stepped out as he closed the door behind him

"The Dragon Warrior is correct" Shifu spoke

"Really? I was just making, uh... Yeah. I mean, yeah. I am" Po chuckled

"Before the battle of the fist come the battle of the mind. Hence, the dramatic entrance" Shifu kicked the door open, pointing at the hall with his staff as servant geese shot flaming arrows at the cauldrons, lighting them up as Shifu then turned to the group

"Whoa! Nice dramatic entrance. What's the occasion?" Po asked as he and the others entered and closed the door behind them

"Today will be my final class" Shifu confessed, shocking everyone, especially Po. As he immediately started inspecting Shifu

"Your final? Wait. I didn't even know you were sick! Although you have been looking a little-"

"I'm not sick" Shifu replied as he smacked Po with his staff

"Healthy. A little healthy. A lot, actually" Po answered as he took a step back, Shifu sighed, before speaking

"My final class, because from now on your training will be in the hands of the Dragon Warrior" Shifu explained as he pointed at Po with his staff

Everyone gasped, Po started nodding, before letting it sink in. He now realized what Shifu just said

"WHAT?!" Po screamed, nearly blowing Shifu away with the amount of air that came from his mouth

Po then lowered himself as he tiptoed towards Shifu, lowering his voice into a whisper

"Me, teach? I mean, why not Tigress? She's always telling everyone what to do. Or Daiyu. she's blind, but still kicks butt surprisingly good" Po suggested as he was now met with an unpleasant Tigress and Daiyu

"Be quiet, Po" Tigress warned as Daiyu nodded

"You really should be"

"You see what I mean?" Po asked as he gestured to them while glancing at Shifu

"Tigress and Daiyu are not the Dragon Warrior. You are" Shifu replied as he tapped Po on the chest with his staff

"Come on, they're the Five. Or actually Six now. What could I teach them?" Po asked as he gestured to the six warriors

"There is always something more to learn, even for a master. For instance, let me show you another move... the Dramatic Exit" Shifu answered as he then began

"What's that?" He shouted as he pointed with his staff to another direction, distracting Po as he waddled away and only the Six had seen him leave and opened and close the door

Po then looked back in awe

"Wow! Are you kidding me? That's... where'd he go?" Po asked as he looked around, confusing the Six, before bowing to Po

"Master" They all said, Po scoffed

"He's gone, guys. It's cool"

"We await your instruction, Master" Monkey replied, followed by Tigress

"All you have to lose is our respect"

Mantis than walked over to Po and climbed up to sit on his shoulder

"There's no way this could go wrong" Daiyu said as Mantis nodded

"I mean, seriously, how bad can it be?" Mantis asked, thinking nothing can possibly go wrong

"Very bad! Very, very bad!" Mantis screamed as he got squished between two chunks of swinging blocks with spikes on it

The whole training hall has become a flaming hot mess and everything was out of order, with the Six swarming around and some of the training equipment was even on fire

Po was standing on top holding a spear that was supposed to represent a master's staff

"Ok, ok. Let's switch up. Monkey, Immovable Mountain Stance!" Po commanded as Monkey was running on the large spinning ropes

"Yes, Master!" Monkey answered as he did, only to get crushed by the spinning ropes

"I mean- ah! Tigress, Daiyu, Tornado Back Flip!" Po shouted at the two feline warriors

"Yes, Master" They nodded as they jumped, only to get hit by one of the equipment and fall back on the ground, Tigress' tip of her tail on fire

"Oh, no! Fire!" Po shouted in panic

"Fire! Stop!" One of the geese screamed as he accidentally shot two arrows at the two warriors, the two of them hissing and yelling in pain. One near the butt and one on the exact same spot of Daiyu's arrow scar, the left side of her stomach

"Ow! Not again!" Daiyu shouted

"Sorry! My fault" Po quickly apologized

As it all went on, no process was made and it only resulted in the Six getting more injured and worked up and Po getting more stressed and embarrassed. It was only stopped by one of the equipments falling down and stopping it all

The Six then walked over to Po after their disastrous training sessions, all bruised, burned and covered in ash. And tangled up

"Good job, Po" Viper complimented Po, still trying to think positive while being rolled and tangled up to a piece of training equipment

"I'm never always right, just remind yourselves of that" Daiyu groaned as she leaned against the wall for support

Po reached out to put out the flame on Tigress' ear, but Tigress immediately smacked his hand away as Po flinched

"Did you at least learn a little something?" Po asked with an embarrassed grin as Tigress pinched her ear, making the fire go down

"Yes. That you can't teach" Tigress sneered as she held her injured arm

"And Tigress is flammable, it turns out" Crane nodded

Suddenly. A larger piece of training equipment came crashing down the ground with a loud thud, followed by awkward silence and dust flying everywhere

"W-Well, uh. You're free to take a day off" Po chuckled awkwardly

"Already looking out for that" Daiyu spoke as she and the others exited the training hall

With one pull, Daiyu pulled out the arrow and yelled out in pain and discomfort

"This'll never not hurt"

"We need to treat you first" Crane stated as he walked next to Daiyu holding her, so that she wouldn't fall

"I think we all need to be treated" Mantis spoke up

In the kitchen, they first aided Tigress and Daiyu, as they took the most damage. Wrapping up their arrow wounds and then cleaned up themselves, freeing them from the smell of ash and fire

"How is it possible for one goose to shoot me in the right exact area of my last incident with a flaming arrow?" Daiyu wondered as Viper was sitting on her shoulder

"Your scar being reopened must hurt badly" Viper said

"Meh, I nearly got used to it. Despite that being a long time ago" Daiyu shrugged as Crane chuckled and rolled his eyes

"Doesn't matter. One thing is clear, Po is an unfit teacher" Tigress said as she dried her head with a towel

They couldn't argue on that one, because they didn't exactly improve their training, just burn marks, wounds and bruises. They just had tea and gossiped about many things in the kitchen

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