The Onyx Palace

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14 years have passed since Daiyu had been reluctantly taken in by Komodo and trained when he saw that she had raw talent for kung fu, even when he thought it would have been hopeless and pointless to train her, he decided to give it a try and surprisingly Daiyu has started to become really good

Daiyu even made it to the boy's level, although they were much older than her and had more experience. It made them despise her even more than before, getting beat by a blind girl felt humiliating and embarrassing to them. It was damaging their egos really bad

And even the townspeople were never grateful for her and never referred her as "master", which she clearly is and Komodo just allowed it to happen, not bothering to help Daiyu at all

However, Bo was always there for her, keeping her promise after reading Qiaolian's note, she loved Daiyu and cared for her like her mother would've had. Although she kept referring herself as the nanny, so did Komodo, very coldly

One day, the students were in the training hall as Komodo was training them. Very intense as usual, the 14 year old Daiyu was practicing on the wooden crocodiles while the others, who were already in their 20s, were practicing with blades in combat and dodging flames coming from the flame-throwers

It all went excellent in Komodo's eyes, until he spotted Daiyu destroying one of the wooden crocodiles with just one kick

Daiyu smiled as she heard the sound of wood breaking, meaning she broke the wooden crocodile. She turned to Komodo to see and get his approval, but he just brushed it off and got back at observing the boys. Daiyu just sighed sadly and continued training

Yak and Lemur glanced at Daiyu and then back at each other, smirking and grinning while chuckling lowly

Daiyu destroyed another one of the wooden crocodiles and smiled proudly to herself, until she heard Yak and Lemur let out a battle cry and charged at her, but pretty much regretted it when Daiyu swiftly took a hold of Lemur's tail and whacked him across Yak's face and kicked him into the wall

The two of them grunted upon the impact of Daiyu's strong kick as Stork flew towards her with much speed and tried to lift her up in the sky and drop her, but Daiyu just had to pluck one of his feathers to create a distraction, Stork yelped in pain as Daiyu grabbed his long thin legs and pulled him to her

She ended it with her kicking Stork into the wooden crocodiles and could hear him getting thrown and spun around by those things, until he fell down and stayed there

She turned back to the last one who wanted to fight her, Beetle. He was small, but fast and dangerous. They both got into their fighting positions as the other boys watched, wanting to see if Beetle would win against Daiyu, hoping he would

Beetle leaped forward as Daiyu caught him and held him captured in her paws, nearly squashing him. As she could feel Beetle trying to pry his way out with his abnormal strength, Daiyu threw Beetle at the boys, causing him to accidentally kick Yak in the face and giving him a bloody nose

They laid there on a pile, fuming and pissed off and they weren't happy at all. Defeated by a blind girl who's half their age

"Whoo! This girl has kicked your butts, again!" Daiyu cheered as she grinned and turned to Komodo, who looked super sour. Daiyu bowed to him to get his approval, she could hear him breathing and opening his mouth to say something, expecting some kind of praise, didn't matter if it were one word or not

"Sloppy, very sloppy. I expect better from you boys!" Komodo scolded

"Ok, maybe he's just scolding them and then he'll tell me how good I did... maybe" Daiyu hoped as she kept her head low

Kung Fu Panda: Crane x Snow Leopard OCWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu