Adult Diaper Discipline Stori...

By SophiaSoliloquy

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These are short accounts of diaper discipline, told by the people that experienced it, witnessed it, or insti... More

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Blackmailed Into Diapers

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By SophiaSoliloquy

I've always been into diapers. Ever since I was about six, I can remember wanting to wear them again. I played with friends, with diaper themed plots. I imagined a wicked witch casting a spell on me to make me wear diapers. I imagined a mean girl threatening to tell on me to everyone if I didn't wear diapers. When I came for the first time, it was in a diaper.

I always kept my diapers as a dirty little secret. When I grew up past elementary school, I learned that other kids would make fun of anyone who wasn't considered normal. I tested the waters, so to speak. I made comments over the years to see what people's reactions would be. Needless to say, it wasn't very reassuring the reactions I got. I pretty much understood if that if anyone ever knew about me wearing diapers, I would suffer great humiliation.

That's why I was always careful with who I would tell and how I would tell them. I would first test the waters like before in school and in the neighborhood. Then, if I thought they were going to be alright with it, I might propose some kind of scenario other than just outright telling them I like to wear diapers.

It's hard to give examples of this kind of wording or hinting of what I would do. I'm not a writer, mind you. It has taken me several editing attempts to get this out into something even remotely coherent. All I can say is I would be as discreet as possible.

Molly was a girl I was interested in at one point. I had just got my license, and my parents gave me their car like a hand me down. Molly didn't have a car yet, I thought I would start offering her a ride to school in the mornings. I didn't really have any friends that didn't have their own car. Molly kind of lived close to me as well, so it wasn't out of the way. I figured she wouldn't want to take the bus, plus we had a bunch of classes together over the years.

One day, Molly asked if we could drop her little brother off at school. It was not that far out of the way, and I was happy to do a favor. When I picked her up, her little brother seemed a bit off. Turns out he had Down Syndrome or something. I didn't notice it at first, but when he got in, it smelled a little like a peed in diaper.

I said, "Morning! How's it going?"

As they got in, Molly returned the greeting with a beautiful smile as always. Her brother got in, and that's when the smell hit me.

Without even thinking about it, I said, "Oop, smells like a pee pee diaper."

I looked back, and Tomas giggled a little as he waved and said, "Hello!"

I looked at Molly. She seemed confused and possibly a little upset. I was about to say sorry, but she spoke first.

"That's Tomas, my little brother. Tomas, this is Benson. He may have peed a little." She started saying.

I waved a hand as if to say it was no big deal. That's when Molly asked me a couple of questions I didn't really think about before.

She asked me, "Do you have baby brothers or sisters?"

I said, "No. I'm an only child."

She looked confused, "Oh, how did you recognize the pee pee diaper smell? Do you live with someone who wears diapers or something?"

I choked up, "Um, uh no... I just um."

She tilted her head to the side like she figured out it was me, "Oh, my bad... is that a little too personal?"

I shook my head no, "Oh, no. I mean, it's not anything like that or anything."

Molly asked, "Like what?"

"Like, personal." I replied, practically stuttering at that point.

I started to drive, and Molly just looked at me, smirking for a second. I was turning red from embarrassment, and when we dropped off her brother, I saw her looking at me again. The moments of silence, the blush or nervousness showed enough for her to come forward with her final inquiry on the subject.

She asked me, "Do you wear diapers, Benson?"

I giggled, "Haha, no..." Turning beat red this time.

Molly said, "It's ok if you do. I have to change my brother's diapers all the time. Do you wet the bed or something?"

I shook my head, no. She smiled big and then looked back at the road. I thought to myself for a second, what to say. I figured if there was an opportune time to mention it, this would be it.

I said, "I uh, I might wear them for fun sometimes."

Molly seemed to change her attitude after I said that. It was more of a serious expression that came over her face. Mind you, I was driving at the time, so I couldn't really analyze it. She looked over at me once and then back forward.

She asked, "For fun, huh? What's that like, a fetish or something?"

I shrugged and said, "No... uh, I'm just kidding."

She looked over at me blankly, saying, "Uh huh, sure you are."

Then she faced back forward again and didn't really say anything until we got to school. We got out and went inside. I was feeling nervous all day about the interaction and stupid about the comment I made. I also figured she would not be interested in diapers for kink at that point.

The day went on like usual, we went to classes. I talked to her a couple more times that day, and she just seemed off. I saw her hanging out with her friends in the hall, and I swear she was talking about me. She and her friends looked away when I got closer. Then, the final rang, and we got out.

She asked me, "You giving me a ride?"

I said, "Of course."

She asked, "Hey, did you want to study for algebra together tonight?"

I told her, "Uh, yeah, sure. My parents aren't going to be home, though. I don't want you to think I'm trying to set you up or anything."

"You can't be setting me up, I'd be the one setting you up if anything. I asked you first. So..." She replied.

"Alright. Well, we'll have to figure out something for dinner. My mom won't be there to cook." I said, smiling.

I had sex before this, I was kind of expecting a make-out session.  I was really nervous about the whole thing all the way over there. On the way, Molly wanted to stop by her house to let her mom know about the study session and possibly grab some things. When we got back to my house, things were normal enough. We studied at the kitchen table.

Then she asked, "So... are you going to show me around your house?"

I said, "Uh, sure."

There wasn't much to see, honestly, just the TV room and bedrooms. When we came to my room, she walked in, looking around, and then repeated my line from earlier in the day.

"Smells like a pee pee diaper." She giggled, smiling at me.

I chuckled, "Huh, no it doesn't. Does it?"

She nodded, "Yeah. You said you wear them for fun, huh? Are you sure you don't wet the bed?"

I blushed hard, "Nooo... I'm not, I mean, I don't wet the bed. I don't wear diapers."

"So if I look in your closet, there won't be a package of diapers in there?" She asked.

There was. She would see a package of diapers in there. I didn't wet the bed, though. I wore them to bed at night sometimes. I was cold busted.

"Well." Is all I managed to say.

Molly pulled out her cellphone and opened up the camera, "Let's look."

I said, "Wait, what are you doing?"

She said, "Let's see if there's diapers in Benson's closet. I'm betting there is, and he's not even a bed-wetter."

She opened the door, and right there, I had a package was open on the floor. My jaw dropped, and I was stuck in shock. Molly was attractive, and poplar. I became desperate and started to plead.

"Molly... please don't. Don't... share that." I begged.

She said, "Oh, I won't. It's for insurance. For my safety. I know you're a little pervert that want girls to change your diapers. Oh, these are ok. They aren't that absorbent, though. They're about a medium rated diaper."

She pulled them out and held them up in front of the camera, and me. Then she put the camera down and looked at me seriously, dropping the diapers on the floor between us. I was speechless.

"Do your parents know about this?" She asked.

I shook my head slowly, no.

She said, "Ok, well that might change... I actually brought you some real diapers that you can wear all day at school. Like my brother, I'm betting you two are the same size as well. He's a little heavy set, due his age, but they'll fit you just fine, I'm sure."

I shrugged my shoulders, confused at first, not knowing what to say except, "I don't wear them to school..."

She cocked her head to the side, putting on a confused look, "No?"

I shook my head, no, again.

I said, "No, it's too risky."

"Well I think you should. At least for the rest of the year, there's only a couple of months left. Maybe then you'll appreciate the reality of the situation for many who have to wear them." She said sternly.

"I'll pass. Honestly that's too much." I said, shyly.

She shook her head no, saying, "No, I really think you should. I even brought you half a pack to start you off with. What do you think?"

I said, "I think that's too much. Like I said."

She said, "I don't. Which is worse? Everyone at school seeing my little video of your diapers? Or just wearing a diaper until the end of the school year?"

It was hard to say at that point. I just shrugged my shoulders, looking like a child who got caught doing something bad. She was serious though. I felt like I had to make a decision.

"Please don't show anyone that video. I'll do anything you want, just not that. That's too much. People could find out." I continued to beg.

She said, "Yeah, better dress to cover them up. That's all I gotta say. It's like either way, at least you can try to hide it for a while. Right? You may not even be found out."

She was right. I was panicking in my head, and I couldn't think straight. I didn't want to just tell her to share the video. I was getting very desperate in the moment.

"But, why? Why can't you just erase the video and keep it private? I don't want people to know about this at all." I tried to plead.

"Because I think it's gross that you get off on wearing a diaper. Some people have to wear diapers, and you do it for the thrill of getting caught or something. Humiliation maybe? Well, now you're caught. Now people are either going to find out for sure, or you can wear them in public as discretely as possible, like so many other people have to do on a regular. It's your choice. I'm not playing with you Benson." She explained.

"Ok... ok, I'll wear them." I said, caving in under the pressure.

"Them?" She asked me, looking for more clarification.

"The diapers. I'll wear the diapers." I confirmed.

"Yeah, I figured as much. Take your pants off, and your underwear." Molly told me casually.

I looked around the room, nervous again. This was crazy. She just stood there waiting, like an authority figure. I froze for a second apprehensive.

"Right now?" I asked.

"Yes. Take them off. We're going to start right now. I want you to wear them all the time and use them for their intended purpose. If I think you have taken them off at any point, I'll just share this video. We're going to make another video as well, for a little more insurance." She told me.

I slowly took off my pants and underwear as she watched. When I was done, she told me to stay where I was. She left the room and came back with a package of thick diapers. She opened them up and pulled one out. It was loud with the crinkle compared to the ones I bought for myself.

She said, coldly, "Lay on the bed."

I did as instructed, shriveled up, and feeling exposed. My shirt was long enough to cover my private parts. I knew she was about to see them anyways, this was not a turn-on. I lifted my butt as she made light work of diapering me. I could tell she'd done this before.

"There, nice and snug. Take off your shirt and stand up." She orders me.

I did as she said, crinkling as I did so. I felt the tears welling up in my eyes as they watered. She pulled out her phone and aimed it at me, smiling.

"Put your thumb in your mouth. Turn around and stick that diapered bottom out... there you go." She said as she recorded me doing what she said.

She put her phone away. She looked at me, admiring her handy work. I stood there stupefied in this thick white diaper. I couldn't believe that within fifteen minutes, all of this had happened. I could barely fathom that I was supposed to stay this way for more than a month and a half.

Molly then told me, "There you go, diaper boy. All set. If I think for a second that you aren't wearing your pamps, it's going to be share time. Understood?"

I nodded, "Yes."

"Good. I'll be expecting pictures from you on a regular basis. I'm not shy about poopy diapers either. You pee in them, you poop in them, you can jerk off in them if you want. I don't want to know about that one, though. I do want you to text me when you poop though. Got it?" She asked finally.

I nodded. She looked at me, confused and slightly irritated.

"Use your words, diaper boy! You got it?" She asked again.

"Yes." I replied, getting scared.

"Yes, what? Tell me what you are going to do, so I know you understand." She said sternly.

My voice cracked as I started to cry, "I'm going to tell you when I poop."

"No! You're going to tell me when you make poopies in your diapey! Benson! Now say it just like that!" She yells.

"I'm going to tell you when I make poopies in my diapey..." I cried.

"This is your diaper punishment! Diapers till the end of the year! Or I'll share these videos with everyone... I'll post them on the internet for years, you understand?" She asked again.

"Yes, I understand." I whimpered.

"If your mom and dad find out, you tell them you like to wear them. Don't lie! You tell them the truth about your little fetish. Are we clear?" She instructed me.

"Yes." I said.

"Tell me what you're going to say." She insisted.

"I like to wear them because it's a fetish." I repeated.

"No! Tell me what you're going to say! Here, I'll play your mom... Benson, are you wearing a diaper?" She started.

"Yes, mom." I replied, unable to think of any way to say it without sounding like I was just repeating her again.

"Why, Benson?" She asked me, continuing the role play.

"I just like wearing them." I said.

"Are you using them too? What's going on?" She asked me, staying in character.

"Yes, I just want to wear diapers. That's all. They're comfortable." I told her.

She seemed convinced at that point, saying, "Good boy. That's a good little diaper, baby. You just might save some of your dignity by the end of all of this. Who knows. Now, put some clothes on and drive me home. It's getting late."

I nodded, wiping the tears from my eyes as I looked around for my clothes. The outfit I had on actually concealed the diaper pretty well. However, the crinkle was still loud under the clothes. I could hear myself rustling with every step. I was practically waddling as I walked. The urge to pee was already coming on pretty strong. Molly seemed upset at me, even though I did exactly what she wanted. I still hadn't comprehended the situation to its fullest yet.

We got in the car, and she smiled as I got in my seat. The crinkle was loud and clear. I imagined having to sit down in class with a diaper on like that. I would have to figure something out to reduce the noise.

Molly said, "Crinkle crinkle, that's just like my little brother. Crinkle crinkle, everywhere he goes. Just be thankful that not everyone is going to be able to identify a 'pee pee diaper' smell like you and I can. It's kind of a mystery to a lot of people. They might be like, 'What's the smell?' But, rarely does anyone say they smell a pee pee diaper."

I didn't really have anything to say to her at that point. I stayed kind of quite the whole way over to her house. She pulled out her phone and started texting people, I don't know who. I just remembered worrying that it would be about me. I just had to take her word that she wouldn't tell anyone.

When we got to her house, she looked at me one last time and asked, "Before I go, tell me what's happening to you again, Benson."

I swallowed my pride and said, "I'm on diaper punishment until the end of the school year. I have to use my diapers for their intended purpose. I can't take them off, and I need to text you if I go poop in them. If my parents find out, I have to tell them I'm wearing them because I like to wear diapers."

She looked at me with a look of disgust and pleasure, mixed all up into one. There was a hint of satisfaction in there somewhere, but mostly she looked disgusted. It seemed like I said what needed to be said, how it needed to be said. Molly seemed satisfied as she nodded and opened the door.

"Good boy. I'll be waiting for your text. You need to reply to me when I text you take a picture of your diaper. Otherwise, you're going viral. I'll see you in the morning, Crinkles Britches." She said as she got out.

I left to go home, thinking about what just happened. In my mind, there was no way out of this. I was stuck in diapers. I thought about what it was going to be like to go to school like this. I cried in the car as drove home. I cried at night when I went to sleep. I hid in my room when my parents came home. I picked out the most baggy clothes I owned and tried them on. I used the diaper several times before going to sleep, then again at night.

First thing in the morning Molly text me, "Take a picture of your diaper. Right now. You have thirty seconds."

I read the message barely awake, I woke up right away. I took the picture and sent it. The crotch was yellow stained and swelled up between my legs. It was embarrassing to think this girl was giving me a diaper check.

She text back, "Good boy. Now, change your diaper and take a shower. Go poop first, and take another picture of the poopies in your diaper if you think might need to go. Don't use the toilet Benson! I'm telling you right now. I'll be expecting a picture of your poopy diaper at some point. Don't think you can get away with using the toilet."

I text back, "Ok, I won't use the toilet. I swear."

I didn't either. I was way too scared that she would share the videos. I was already nervous as all hell about going to class in this huge diaper. I made myself go just to make sure I didn't go at school. Often, I would go number two at the school. I decided that wouldn't happen for the rest of the year.

I text her after I was done, "I went poop."

She text back, "That's not how you say it. You text me, 'I made a poopies in my diapey'."

I text her back, "Ok, I made a poopies in my diapey."

She replied, "Take a picture."

I did as instructed in the bathroom. I had to cross the hall with my parents up. I tried to hide the smell with air freshener. Then I took a shower. I had to conceal the diaper in a towel and hide it in my closet in a trash bag. After that I put on a fresh diaper and got dressed. The anxiety of having to go to school like that was massive.

I picked up Molly at her house, and she seemed in high spirits. She really didn't even mention my diapers or the previous day until we got to campus.

Then she turned to me and said, "Ready Crinkle Britches? Big day for you, huh? You nervous?"

I nodded, "Yes, I'm nervous. I think people are going to notice."

She put on a pouty face saying, "Aww, poor baby... worried about his diaper butt showing. It should be fine as long as nobody smacks your ass. You'll figure it out, I'm sure. There's a few people who wear diapers to this school already, I know because I've spotted them in the halls. But then again, I know it when I see it. My little brother doesn't even have to hide his, that's why they're so thick. He's a heavy wetter too, so one of those will last him all day. By the end of the day they're all saggy and swollen."

"Great. Thanks for the reassurance." I said, sadly.

"Don't give me attitude, diaper boy. Take your medicine, and just be thankful I didn't just expose you right away. There's at least some dignity in what you're doing. If people knew the real reason why you're wearing diapers, they'd think you were a freak. Trust me, I already do." She told me.

We got out and went to class. I was looking around at people behind me all day. I avoided my friends in the halls, and even took alternative routes to get to class. I caught a couple people looking at me. I swear they were staring at my ass, but I couldn't be sure.

When I say down at my desk it seat, the crinkle was obvious. I had to sit next to this girl named Amber at one point. The chairs were really close, and she looked right at my crotch when I did. My crotch was bulky looking, like I was either blessed with a massive cock, or wearing a huge diaper. She looked away as soon as I looked at her, but I think she noticed. Little things like this happened everywhere I went.

Then lunchtime came and I felt forced to intact with people I know. I felt like there was no hiding it at that point. I felt exposed at first, but then realized I my have just been paranoid.

Maggie Fellenger made a comment like, "Benson got that diaper booty."

I nearly froze. A couple of girls giggled. I could of swore that I heard one of them saying, "That's the real deal right there."

Little comments like that were the norm for the first week. The girl I had to sit next to all close in class, had moved by the next day. My friends seemed to alienate me after the first week. They got quite, and short with me at lunch. They stopped talking to each other when I got closer.

When the first Friday came, Molly asked me, "How's the diapered life treating you at school, Benny baby?"

I said, "I think people know."

She nodded, "Yeah, they do. Everyone's been talking about it. But, at least they don't know why. A lot of people defend you when I hear them talk about you. They call you Diaper Booty, Diaper Butt, Diaper Boy, all that. It's pretty funny. You're just waddling around like a giant toddler by fourth period. Saggy bottom and all."

I started to cry as she told me, "That's just great. That's perfect."

"People have asked me, 'Does Benson really wear diapers?', 'Does he stink up the car on the way home?', 'Why does he wear such big diapers?', 'Doesn't he know everyone can tell?' I tell them you're probably having some urinary issues, and it's because you are most likely a heavy wetter. I defend you a lot." She said, as I teared up.

"Well thanks. I wouldn't be in this situation if you didn't blackmail me into doing it." I said, whimpering.

"No, you would be known as a freaky pervert who likes wearing humongous diapers for fun. That's way worse. We can always add that to the list. I've even got more videos of you waddling around school now too. There's one of you with your shirt tucked up under your backpack, while you're walking down the hall. It's great! Your diapers were peeking out. Diaper butt on blast." She responded coldly.

"No, please no. I'm doing what you want. I've been wearing these things for three days now." I whined.

"Only a month and a half to go. You're doing great, diaper baby! Haha, just be a good boy. Make sure you keep responding to my text messages, let me know when you go poopies. You should be alright." She told me.

After that I just became more withdrawn in school. I kept to myself, and everyone let me, except a few of my really close friends. Nobody ever asked me about the diapers directly, until the incident happened.

I got a smack on the ass from a couple bullies from time to time. People laughed at it like it was a big joke, and the punchline finally came. Then one day a group of jocks pantsed me in the hallway. As soon as I reached down to pick them up, someone else yanked my shirt over my head. When I feel from that, I knew my diapers were on full display. As I tried to save my shirt, someone pulled my pants off completely. Then, they ripped my shirt off completely.

The pranksters ran in every direction with my clothes, leaving me in just a diaper in the hallway. People laughed and recorded the incident. My parents were called, and had to bring me home. I cried the entire time, like a baby. I didn't give chase to anyone with my clothes. I just cried there, standing in the hallway. Teachers came to my aid, they cleared out a classroom for me to wait in. The boys got expelled for that.

Molly text me, "Remember what I told you to tell your parents about your diapers. Be a good diaper boy, or else."

It was at that point I told them everything. I turned Molly in, and the video of me never got released. It got put into evidence, and her phone was taken away. The videos of me in school were all over the internet, and still are to this day. Molly got expelled as well, but never charged with blackmail.

There's no moral to this story, it's all over with now. I changed my legal name and everything, and I still like to wear diapers for fun.

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